WGL:W Grand Finals 2018 - Quarterfinal: [O] Lyn vs. FoCuS [O]

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John ready to work it is time WGAL playoffs are starting top eight here in Shanghai we will crown a new world champion the first and most likely only champion in 1.30 today we have two quarter-finals to master 5s for you it's Len versus focus and boom fly yeah we've been looking for each match not for quite a few days we had three days off but now it's finally time to enjoy some good old war craft again exemption we are down from 24 now to only eight and livers focus to start with a lock Mira we have two big favorites you today to be fair and we have heard a couple of rumors or a couple of voice already in the hallway oh man I hope they start gonna be so much of one sided affair because on paper it's looking rough for focus and we're gonna have some statistics on that later but man we're gonna have three Koreans here today and Korea is tearing it up China was the dominant force of the gold League tournaments as the home grown players but we have for Koreans here only three Chinese and of course our one Ukrainian player foggy will join the battlefield tomorrow exactly foggy one of the only the actually the only one to always make it out of the group stages right he still has that single title or the only one who can call himself as successful not even literally wanted or even in fee or th have been able to do that th our current world champion a straight guys of course Nome is out an NVIDIA only represented is our first player the tauren chieftain the leader of the Horde it's the newest addition to the wave on newbie line up next to 1 to 0 next to Lal ayats we have and this was a match against foggy in the group stage what Mike speaking of self - we are this is moon who will play later this is match against cash where he surprised the Russians with mass and fast Mehra this guy is unpredictable and scary players here so far mr. moon is here we have folks as well playing really strongly he thought he would make other groups but then with such small performances taken out 1 to 0 here as well getting the victory that company were expecting and law Alliance he as well back in shape another spark in the best experience that this tournament has seen so far he seems to have you will play tomorrow against Bobby that is team South Korea as we said the strongest force here at wgo would absolutely half of them or half the bracket rather consisting of the South Korean so dominant in so many eSports titles but yes you said recently or the previous years in the gold he's always been China is it finally begin you for us ladies and gentlemen Lyn Lally and focus and of course moon they want to break the curse they want to be the first to break the Chinese reign in gold leagues but back again the old reliable with your kind of has almost joking about it in the good thing we always underestimate him kind of he always got a scary group so we're like math play well but this time I'm gonna make it up but no makes it out every single time over th wasn't the case here in the group a group of death with for one score line really good result only Lin he wasn't able to take out but you said he was saving tactics saving the good place for the playoffs of course with a little smile he's the boxing champion he's in tip-top shape as you can see he is the hope of the Western seed absolutely once again we must save and but this time a few people came close right Hawk almost got through cash almost got through this is promising for the future as well but yeah this top eight from now we have the Chinese players come to never underestimate this guy and this is the breakout player of WGI winter so far color photos of the steady rise in the Warcraft and of course in P one of the most legendary humans that this game has ever seen if he will surpass grubby in all-time earnings or yes what spice and it's quite some time until they saw the success but they weren't finals they were close and they want to represent China here it is about honor as well China has lost the next clan war against Korea they have won the second last clan war against Korea as well so here they are standing strong showing a little showing off a little and they will play Walker three were forged in between the best-of-five see later in feom colorful wears fly maybe practicing a little oh no he's not at home of course we'll play later sorry we keep practicing now at home and arriving a little later is he getting ready for a grand entrance here no apparently not I hope well he'll be showing up later but there's only gonna be our second game today we have two best of fives for you today and we're starting off with North Korean rock Mira and normally Lynne doesn't give those away there's absolutely true he has the most dominant win rate in any matchup in any of all the players with 80 percent win rate that is absolutely insane it's completely unbelievable this is yeah out of all players of all matchups just let that sink in we have a lot of players not of Metro's dominant players as well think back on the golden days of won 2-0 vs. Nidal maybe not so much anymore it was very high but I wasn't that high Lin he's not gonna be plagued by balance this is augment all the way through you know every time perfectly balanced but somehow he always wins issues and it doesn't matter if he loses his Blademaster if you lose his Shadowhunter if his opponent has a mana stone and too big he'll put a mana potions or a vamp or he finds a way to get back in those games despite item advantages or position advantages it really does not matter but to put this in perspective how good this is or how good this autumn era especially is because don't underestimate focus Lin is 10 and 1 against fly so that's pretty cool but focus is also 5 and 1 against flies so if it's against someone else some other orc in the world focus is there and focus is also very very dominant in orc mirror but linin is just on the next level it's gonna be super hard for focus but there are church ants especially in this matchup when it comes to items and focus as the Hansard happiness of the warcraft world he needs a little luck but he is not without chances against the newest addition of newbie no absolutely not now Lin almost always wins his optimism especially the important ones it seems now to be to give a fair chance of the statistics of recent matches in one of the monthly races against so in Lin actually lost an augment with 2-0 maybe we have to see that in perspective though he was already qualified he didn't need to advance so badly maybe he didn't try to win so badly but the point being he is beatable but focus gonna have to work for it absolutely here we see our maps the good maps for light up seem to be it wasn't no uh I call this is the most picked Aaron s is the most banned alright and standard CH of course the map for the orcs that we will see first the map with the fountain it's no big surprise that the orcs love it twisted metal has been the map that we've seen the fewest by far I think in this tournament so far humans and it's especially not favoring them but we only have one of those to rate one player for those two races remaining being in fee it's gonna be a big question mark for tomorrow what's his race is gonna be he's of course a player capable of playing all races interesting statistics here every race is basically 50/50 except the Scourge but of course we have to see that a lot of weaker players were orcs for example dangers or Night Elves also see me hunter they drag their races down a little I guess in those top eight we have a lot of nice we have a lot of Orcs only one human race so or get night off they are dominating here okay so we have the mass specific scoreline focus seems like doesn't favor Amazonia at all and then taking out echo and him all his games that's very surprising yes as an org that is absolutely surprising four-and-oh on northern IELTS he seems to be very prepared on the new maps two and one on CH that's okay last refuge focus three and one and ch also three and O so they do prepare for the new maps as they should all right to the left we have Lin the big favorite here absolutely the ultimate weapon as you like to call him he doesn't really have weaknesses he's got a lot of strengths but despite those you can see his phenomenal record of the group stage as well despite those immense strengths here at the Gold League for whatever reason it's not been going that well no championship only one grand final how is it possible force play of his skill that is true and also only one top four so when he made it to the finals that was the only time he made it into the semi-finals even focus also one semi-final that he played but not too successful yes well he's gonna feed it hunts I want to zero heart and see me only defeated by law lion that was a very close series man one one-sided match on each side but the third map was really really great it could be his breakout performance he still wants this one big major title here we see the maps focus bands echo Al's Lin gets rid of terrorists and okay interesting so both great blake master maps being taken out I've seen quite a bit of Farseer from Lynne coming into the meta in the new patch was completely considered unplayable before the most recent patches with Farseer dropping off in late messages being so super strong but Lynne is Lin man I think Lin can even play shadow on her first in this matchup if you really wants to well we have seen that a little with the shadow hunter first and then followed up by a blade master it's very very rare but certainly an option if you want to go for the big heal way first because he wave is this skill yes in this matchup we will go into that a little once the game starts Northern Isles one of the bigger maps we have seen it a lot here same goes for come sealed hills so good choice but the organizers to pick those two maps and then it's time for the first quarterfinal in the Walker 3 World Championships it's two times Korea it's two times orcs it's Lin versus focus for the Frozen Throne and perhaps also for the throne of the Horde who is the best board player who's the best or camera player in the world this is where focus can you know make a statement for himself when the question is asked who's the best player in the world normally the answer is always Lim and maybe somebody's gonna say fly but anybody ever really gonna mention focus no but now if he wins this he's really gonna make a splash absolutely this goes for Korea as well when we talk about Korean Warcraft everyone's mentioning moon everyone is mentioned England with his cool place and with his cool personally a lot of people mention law light as well focus is always flying a little under the radar he's not too oppressive not making a big scene and of everything he's always there yeah and he's like neither flash he in game really I guess if you discount the special creep routes with item sniping perhaps and especially a lot of game he's a very calm player he doesn't make big waves he's not controversial or you know super memorable I feel like it almost sounds mean to say I don't want it to be he's such a nice guy I actually had a chance to talk with him in an interview you can check out on our YouTube focus is sounding confident here as confident as one can be against Lynn he tells me he thinks is gonna be a 50/50 chance between these two yeah Lynn said the same I caught him outside they said focusing a good or he said focus on the good shape it comes down to item seriously the recent results Lynn versus focus it was a 400 and in the awl grand final that was a big statement same result in the WGAL July qualifier grand final the stats are insane in favor of Lynn as we said before 80% win rate 15 to 4 in seriousness in favor of Lynn there was a 12200 win streak file in and among those 12 games it was 7 times without dropping a single map in best of fives and best of sevens as well but now the last match in W League focus took it it was a big statement to to y'all it was closed but he made it and that was the last time they met before these grand finals yeah and any ladder player out there of course not the same as tournament experience or tournament games but if you've been having a losing streak against this one player and you meet him again Eli goddamn it it's him again I was lose to him it feels so oppressive having to play against him but then one time you get that victory under your belt like okay you know what I can do this it's not impossible so I think this most recent victory as you described here that's so important for focus without that maybe the psychologic psychological warfare would already been in his demise absolutely if you go into this match with the 0 third team and what does it say focus not signed by a team yet so being in this top eight could increase his market value a lot I think the victory over won 2-0 already did that but it's semifinal of the biggest tournament in the scene would be even better ch it is they start with creeping gloves of haste for little closer attack for focus pretty good both of these items replenishment portion for Lynn means you can harass little longer but we talked about it before in this matchup it's not too much about the blade master it's all about tier two it's all about the Shadowhunter what items will he get and who gets level three four years exactly when we have Sperling an ensnared is usually where this game really starts ramping up with ensnare and hex we may see a very aggressive mid game but by then played massive level three at most and you know with the changes the crit is gonna be is so crazy anymore anyways especially on level one and everything is mitigated with spindling anyway so normally you cannot rely on this man right here to carry you through the game it has to be the entire army control with ensnare and hex and cola beasts devour and Sperling and dissing chance you have to manage more than just your first year focus with Lightning shield creeping here Lin is around the corner though there is a dust of appearance that he can use to reveal the plate master uses it now and doesn't go for the grease he's getting it was it focused so close and now he said +9 agility that means +9 damage increased attack speed in combination with the gloves of haste DPS wise forces are under it Lin is a hat by far yeah and of course the black master was nerfed you know critical strike and all that you guys know about it it only goes for flat damage though for claws like this if you get agility that still accounts into the crypt multiplier so this are phenomenal drops for little absolutely I said before focus is kind of the Gusev goos of the Warcraft scene finding a lot of good items but today slim seems to be a little ahead over that at least on map number one teacher has been reached I don't us are coming and we see nothing else but be story and char and totem for the Raider walk a codel combo and since the days of violet back in 2009 by the way violets birthday today Congrats if you're still watching it's about the codels in the fight man oh nice timing by learn going for the B story there's no way to repair this for orcs so it's not going to commit for this yeah it seemed like he was gonna be able to get it but maybe wants to go away before the SH comes out of course he knows this timing by heart yeah if it gets on it hex here it's very very dangerous but to complete my point of before it's in the later stages all about the code of these focusing if there's no code abuse for one of the players the 10% damage boost is gone and then you constantly have to fight uphill which is SuperDuper hard and you might get a unit back if there was one devourer before there's so many things that can swing a fight in this matchup like one big devour one Cotto snipe or a big mana potion yes that one is Wow Lynn's items are let's focus oh wait he buy it I know he got from from his tusks our camp I'm sorry Lynn is splitting the experience here from his blade master enter sat on the wood late masters harassing constantly so zero experience for him at the moment but full or full experience on the shadow hunt but he is caught off guard first hex here there's only a big heal potion no TP speech bro being used by Lyn to escape the situation and it works focus a little gift here but can't capitalize it's a strength of the speed scroll though gives you so much freedom around the map once there is ensnare once there is the perma lockdown of course no longer the case but Lynn knows okay you can't have a writer present snare yet so even if I walk into your army by accident I have that skill of speed probably the best item in the game when you consider its cost focus with a little mistake here six workers in the mine the woman is coming to unlock the koto bees that we talked before Lynn wants to engage a little though Blake master around level three wants to prevent that and that works so far all he never one shadow for focus right yep I think so too that usually should mean that he cannot hope to win this engagement maybe the scroll of healing that kind of battle for them he's gonna get it focus ends up with the expensive item which is so powerful though last hit towards focus as well and he applies the first and snare hex to prevent the counter ends they're really nice play but the script and the lightning shield you're doing lots of damages while he's pleading the grunts away from the Blake manner minimizing the damage from it and finding the Raider is gonna go down it took forever but he gets that kill thanks to the Hecht and now the Shadowhunter has to be careful himself he's focusing him I think there was a healing potion it was the scroll to heal him back up again he has to keep a second here alive otherwise this could already be game but he will make it to safety for now everything's dropping low here for Lindy would love her a third swirl of healing now he has to pass the big mana potions the blade mass of the entire time he can't use it for he'll Scrolls Lin with the three supply advantage losing one more grunt is focused the magic damage of the spirit walkers comes then he makes sure to get this kill with another and snare first engagement of the game Lin should have one I don't know if he used the mana potion no he did not safe that for later and there can be so much value from this item it was dangerous to not use it it was super dangerous to keep it on the blade master but it might have been the wiser choice the early-mid game decision from focus to creep with his blade masters all in the fact that his shadow was so underleveled still only level 1 it's not supposed to be like this you're supposed to be you easily level 2 rather moving towards level 3 right now and I think this is the big story of this early game in mid game so far Lin running away with experience Hogan's would love to steal the big one but this is really dangerous there's three Raiders here with firma and snare lockdown he could just die but I guess there's no dust last hit goes to Lin and the item as well it was the ring ring 3 yes exactly there were two grunts hurt as well but focus doesn't have to damage output unless you set free and snares and the hex can't afford but he got a lot of vision knowing where Lin is knowing that Lin is retreating into his face so this opens up the map for focus a little he has to creep like crazy spends more money on items now with his level 3 blade master of course level 2 windwalk enabled so longer-duration Lin shadow hunter close to level 3 with a lower with a normal man a pollution little investment by Lin here in two items as well focus is not at 50 supply at the moment so one unit is missing in his army mix so levels now looking okay for focus the items on the blade especially though are worse but he's got that other he'll stroll again this is a specialty on this map right here and on Echo eyes we only have one merchant and then shop controls always always so so crucial involves perhaps not the most important nice steal right here but certain scroll of healing Lake master in a bit of danger to be surrounded right there but his army was close by so not too dangerous in the end it's this level three full 8sh this would be a massive game changer it's not quite but he's extremely close now going for the coda beast immediately and snares flying the focus off Flynn is a little better because he has his blade master right nearby that's also no spirit link a little late focus doing one or two mistakes here in this beginning of the fight and that is the game changes that is no koto aura for focus there was never free for the s8 as well now we can heal that up even more and hex after hex coming out as well to prevent the damage in the end it is gonna die at this koto breeze but it took forever and snares everywhere on to the Raiders it looks like Libby's gonna lose quite a few of a big scroll of healing coming in for focus everything for him green again and he might be turning this fight around looks like it Linda's dropping a little in supply now breaking up keep us well losing a little bit of gold shadow hunter a bit out of position nice you wait for learn to heal everything back up but everything is orange late Massa fallen out of the hex and I think for focus shadow shouldn't have too much more mana but as you can see a lot of blue units remaining it's looking good for focus here the underdog it's gonna lose one more Walker but taking some more kills as well Lin stole some with a supply lethal but everything so hurt he needs a straw of healing one more kill for focus here on the Walker the Raider will fall as well and is rien gauging into this with another spirit link the grunt falls in the front and the walk my god this looks like a slaughter one more way to down speed scroll to disengage now and snares are flying though she said I want to went to the shop does he ever score a feeling yes he does save some for a little but the blade master seems to be out of control colo comes back into this wow what a year wave by Lin but does it save him I don't know the chakrams long range gets the kill here and he's just cleaning house with this plate master another hacks critical strike gets the kill focus at 41 supply Lin at 44 but focus on 600 gold she's gonna lose one more here it's gonna get it back to his base that core oh really seems to be swinging the fight back in Lin's favor along with that massive stroller feeling and the heal way following up after that the walkers man who just limping home Linda with better macro as it seems during the fight focus at 700 gold not reproducing his units Lin constantly doing that so that's why he's back at 50 supplied close to level form the blade master that will give him critical strike level 2 and therefore a lot more damaged in the upcoming to answer regen in the manner with the clarity now and focus has to creep up finally level three men that took forever pretty impressive honestly that he was able to stay in that fight for so long sitting down that level and actually taking the lead in that fight as well really really well done but overall the engagement still the favorite Lin of course you can still see in the supplies and especially the plate masters inventory we said in the beginning of the game you can't really rely on your blade master to carry the game for you but if he's number four with these good items I'm not saying he's gonna single-handedly win you the game but he's certainly gonna help you out a lot that's true but in the last engagement focus at the weaker Shadowhunter as you said focus also for a short period of time had no koto beast in this fight so we're gonna have two big pro arguments for him and still it was almost a 50/50 fight now we go to the black dragons bring her to the Blue Dragons I'm sorry for focus but limits pushing into the base is that the big item that he needs cloth spas-12 oh it is alright it's gonna help with the right-clicks again doesn't add into the multiplier but still of course good right-click damage no TP on focus right yeah as so often of course so he's gonna lose some buildings here as it seems no reinforced defenses seemed like you should have that at this stage in the game it's nice nice nice timing by Lunas well having the Burrow for the 60 suppliers here already and keeping focused stock also losing the front here he can't reproduce them at the moment his time forming home with an advantage that he has he will save some more money and then go into 60 and then push again he has a lot of trump cards in his hand right now yeah a good trade there for him gets the shop gets the borough gets the grant and only loses the one TP for it but he may be giving up the bottom right side of the map and there's where them that's where the most creeps are remaining so it wouldn't be too surprising if Lin went down there right away again in upkeep considering that he supply but his opponent but he's not going a job he's still sitting at 49 is Lin he needs a scroll of healing there we go so important to grab this item just 24 yeah but the agility is certainly lacking agility and also gloves of haste which would make a difference oh yeah especially in the later games the more often you hit the better it is your chance for a critical strike and she's more than four and a half the Shadowhunter as well always carrying a mana potion or focus afraid he's pits rolling out of there just seeing the blade master only this is the blue drake for the another mega item if you can steal this man there should be revealed oh right I think we just saw the shadow inventory I don't think he has a dust this is gonna be a big last hit hax crystal ball he's still there but it's only the crystal ball don't know if he didn't get the experience right no no that went then whatever tool inside yes yeah till inside but this is 200 gold that he gets from the crystal ball could swap it into 250 250 yes a lot of gold we buy something better oh he goes for the boot sock well that's that's 400 gold well in the trade it's 150 in potions but this is the damage that he needs for the crit and he got the heal scroll as well that wasn't important and that's more attacks before him he equalizes the DPS of the blade masters and I think this is super important especially when we go up to level 5 if we have a four time multiplier on the critical strike on level 5 and then focus has no agility I think this is the right call to use a little money to catch up they're both played masters here getting scary stacked I wonder if Flynn is gonna look for some items here as well he doesn't really have too much money what do we have buying something he does have a slot open he sold the gloves are faced ok I do disagree with that me too are you almost have a 5 now if you solo creeps the remaining creeps maybe you can get level 5 blade seize him here you're gonna look for the back step this is a pretty massive flag coming in focus needs to consolidate his fortune it's gonna do that as well down for supply and anyway go towards the first Walker right away heck of the blade disenchant below speed coming in you want to prevent the devours here they are very importantso and snares have to be flying towards those Kota beasts once again they are the focus immediately disenchant to get rid of the spirit link and the first one is gonna be dropping pretty damn fast here we have to say so now the next one has to be target number one if focus takes out this as well no don't worry think man yeah exactly but Linda is the same here way of coming in this time there is pure link so the Cotto is just soaking up the damage and that goes on to the rest of the army for Lin all right all coders have fallen no more bonus damage now it's about the right units focusing the right targets repositioning other walkers here for Lin but everything seems to be much lower HP already for focus don't know if yes its toll of healing still I believe he may have already uses it but perhaps more importantly as Shadowhunters out of mana in a bad position as well if he gets in stared which he does he could die there was a school of healing man apart however was there didn't see that earlier so a shadow makes it back to safety by the way number 5 was reached on this plate masterful and he's going really crazy right now yeah but please struggling a little more and snares flying the Walker sole super hurt the big favorite has to evacuate but not if he goes for the Shadowhunter and kills him this is so close he has nothing to get out of there right also no man any more quick pieces GG right here if he kills the SH spirit link again is there an advanced NER coming for focus all the hexes and now the Raiders come from above he has to use the nads he does can he get us around because oh that was the last wind walk he sees him but is the damage my god isn't there another no oh that could be an event snare there is his focus turn this game around he was about to lose this whereas the cooldown isn't all fancy hernias all the hexes versus an entre isn't the base getting some mana back and getting safe was a little too risky the game could have been ended for both players right here but booth saved themselves whoo what a talk Moreau we have as the first game of the day absolutely a treat between these two but I think focus missed a big opportunity there the shadow should have been ready there with a hex and then he still had three writers for the Edison ere he could would have I don't know if you still had the second charge of dust but that was really scary [Laughter] time to breathe a little for both of the players but focus is getting a big creep camp on the inside of the map item 23 mm it's wfz playing or key or what effect quite a few and almost level 5 blade it may even be enough it's so close no there would have been little 5 just 31 damage oh my goodness on this blade master level 5 shadow though also that's perhaps even the bigger deal I think it is Linds pretty close to it if he solo creeps the red the remainder of the red camp that could perhaps is level 5 there will be absolutely game-changing how much should we have left here focus already at 50 supply also 600 gold a 500 gold advantage that you can spend on items mana potion involve ocean heal scrolls level 3 critical strike now for Lin focus super close this peon actually could and it is not enough as he said and it is also not enough for 4 experience can i buy 12 experience please man we don't really see the items in the marketplace unfortunately and same as you you didn't buy anything you could buy a greater mana potion but it's very expensive 400 gold gold it's a very good item though we're getting ready for the next big fight focuses breaking upkeep he won basically both engagements on well the first one not really but he was so far behind that it was almost a miracle but he held up there and now he just has to wait until the production is finished and then it is time to push in to linspace watch Awards all right he buys the centuries that is why are at fifty gold not that expensive especially for shop control really nice yes if he catches the Blademaster off-guard here just picks an instant air lock down that could be an easy way to victory here exactly Alan has no idea about this watch oh yes he didn't see it in the inventory of focus I'm pretty sure he didn't see it in the marketplace so smart picker from his thinking there is no watch Awards on the map focus man really 200 idea marketplace punches and focuses already in upkeep and Lynn has to like get there himself if he's too greedy waiting too long suddenly he has to fight against a 65 army with only 50 and I don't care if you have a shop advantage that's not gonna go well for you well normally I mean it's Lynn so you never know depends a little on the position as well I mean focuses army is a lot of melee if you find a position where everything is blocking each other and you can't get the DPS here then you might have a chance even with lower supply upgrades are coming now as well Lynn was saving a lot of money for that and that should be level 5 the what's awards helping with that so crit level 3 for him as well now just checking the entire time in proposal is enough and the yields grow yeah Lynn was very greedy with his no upkeep for such a long time but with that he got a big upgrade advant it's gonna be 2 1 versus 0 0 now if this hasn't changed yet it was zero zero for focus until like a minute ago and wow Lynn moving it I think he's still waiting for a couple of production cycles but he's not afraid down as we can see here in supply but I buy upgrades the second attack operates gonna kick in soon focus saw the entire army now at the time or has the time to check everything man on the walkers equipment on the heroes levels of the heroes he knows it all again we look towards the marketplace he has around 300 gold here lyndah's he bought something or produce something okay was he gonna not an item tense moment duty yeah this is the calm before the storm this is way closer than anyone really could imagine before this Turner before this game started well this is one big hoarder the gold mines are empty no more income for neither of the players okay what you see is what you get here guys pretty much anything that dies will not be replaced focus has the peons already in his army Lin waiting for them they're coming from the base we go the deciding fight in map number one focus were slid first couple of em snares flying big disenchant there may grab him an easy Raider kill to start with the heel wave too late and the Raiders already gone using some hexia onto the blade masters well trying to limit the damage the big deals here are gonna be the big distant chance and the Cotto devours but the Koto's really can't get in the front line they're just being blocked by everything and you can see it's a massive front line as well it's about ensnare timing speed link timing and disenchant timing late massive dropping low here a little bit easier for focused big crits coming in from both sides the two first heroes battling in the front but now repositioning because focus wise to the fact that he might be in danger Cotto's here a few will be falling if someone gets to Cotto kills here that would be the big big deal as an Lin is gonna lose one up here as it seems and one of those corners for focus was able to devour usually that shouldn't happen because the ends their disables that ability and that was the case indeed so one Colo downfall in one cola down for focus Luna's plummeting in supply man 45 only and the next walkers falling to the blade this looks like a win for focus men the peons are falling but that doesn't really matter Raider is still alive he has still so many walkers in the back line that's the marketplace have something to offer that's a big level up for focus now the your wave about the manner as well we have two more waves he'll waves for Lin and he needs them as well dude everything here is so bruised late master looking for the kill on the radar or last second literally last second he wave and he gets rid of the next coat obese and he gets a gg the underdogs cost the first win on Northern Isles focus the second place of Group D with the first surprise of the day yeah absolutely a lot of people were thinking oh man this might just be the quick and easy 3-0 but not linear this is something very rare to my eyes to see from limb he gets an advantage early and then still loses it was not a big advantage don't misunderstand me here place but he had a decent here level advantage and that is a big deal already in the earth Mira but focus man showing resolve showing strength under pressure not cracking as sometimes he may have done before coming back here and getting the first victory this is like the other way around and we've seen in the normal or morose with Lin usually he's a little bigger but she from time to time it doesn't take a church should be a tongue a cuckoos and so on aluminum could die tape comes up Connie you will be returned also to touch upon a alien won't change in this take Ron Hextall is a man I'm gonna tell you today with a bad bad if I gonna turn on the bezel top token player talk about the Terran acutally a Proterra Johnny Cash diet a person to the Buddha and that Jonathan gotta go check on a ceremony also keep their name so then focus on da you know so one day the guy you seek I became this was focused and what is start to this day a nice little character piece as well I love when they include those into these matches does he little bit more of the players as well unfortunately could quite understand them but yeah he's feeling confident as I told you earlier in the interview with me that we have appointed you to be told me it's a 50/50 thing between us anything could happen depends on the daily forum the condition as he called it Lin is he you see the killer Lin that were used to right now well I haven't seen any big mistakes in this game no Muni honest focus on the last one had the hue a little too late but apart from that really the Shadowhunter positioning was great during the fight the clarity was running the position was good he always thought the engagements right with the kudo beast it was not a big advantage for anyone here but very uncharacteristic as he said before that he gives an advantage out of hand maybe he needs the pressure maybe needs to fall behind a little because what he did in all mirrors in the past few years is just insane this of course also a long series is the best of five so yeah one map loss isn't gonna be the end of the world sometimes at least it seems that way from our perspective players almost seem to need that slap in the face to wake up every now and then you know he's gotta have a moon minute to think about this what he did wrong we did right I'm speaking of finding mistakes as well in this matchup there's so much stuff going on in each battle I always feel like no caster in the world but even if you're talking twice as fast as OD pixel can point everything out because there's so much going on the walkers are supposed to focus the grunts the grunt supposed to focus the raid is the Rays are supposed to go for the colas it's supposed to ensnare and disenchant and spear link and hex and he wave and wind walk and repositioning and peons there's so much stuff to do so if you really want to pick a fine-tooth comb to go through those mistakes I think you have to start the replay and go like half speed and pause every now absolutely I totally agree there's so many super small steps that make the difference in our camera I feel like in general with or there's so much stuff to do if you execute it super well you look like one of you know the greatest in the world but it is it's so hard to get there you have so many things to manage but not only in a battle but also with your movement across the map with the heal cells and the clarity's and the wind walks and everything the reason why we have a lot of work complainers on battlenet saying it's impossible to defeat talons it's absolutely impossible whereas the toppdogg focus Lynn and fly sometimes make it look and bounce the other way around because they know exactly what to do at exactly what time when to attack when to retreat went to creep but it's it is very hard to do I will give you all players that you have my respect it looks like after one and a quarter years of suffering in autumn arose against Lynn focused somehow find this move that he was lacking to be on that op neural level off alone as we said he defeated him in w-league in their recent encounter 104 the underdog but never count out going into last refuge next I feel like there was a facet to this matchup that seems to have all but disappeared last year or maybe half a year ago we saw every now and then Tier three being sprinkled into the game into the meta but I feel like I haven't seen it in forever is there something you cannot afford anymore wouldn't surprise me it was a tug of war back and forth in map number one it was so close so many turnarounds in those long in those long prolonged fights and yet goes to focus surprisingly to many of us now map number two we have Lynn spawning in the bottom left in the red in the top right it is focus in the blue I mentioned earlier that sometimes we do see Farseer plays but probably all of us man yeah yeah this is such a great light master map with again so many good items also good opportunities to steal stuff on this map if you have a level 2 wind walk focus his GCS performance is so far really underperforming in I mean he's always there and he's always in the top six of tournaments doesn't really matter if online or offline more online than often and of course more in western competitions than in worldwide competitions but in GCS what did he really accomplish he participated six times he made it to the playoffs three times that's okay but often times dropping in the quarter-final only in GCS winter 2017 he made the third place but apart from that he was eliminated by th a lot and by romantic both of them not here in this top eight so maybe if he doesn't faint it's pretty face a strong human focus can make his best performance here the Gold Series tournament absolutely getting into the game I was staring at the screen I'm like what what am I missing well I tell you what's missing in these bases barracks for both of them and normally it's always a standard part in the org opening obviously especially in the mirror against night off even more so perhaps against human and Anna we see them skipped a couple of times for fast tech as you can see here and I think this is a mind game between the two of course they've had a lot of ladder games against each other and I I believe how we can interpret this is that one of these guys played a very good aggressive late master opening against the normal grunt opening and so they they they feel like that is too strong off a strat and they don't want to expose themselves to this so now they end up playing both without grunts which is super unusual absolutely focus no selves awesome sniping the Makris here what do you think is the best item here reach a post because he's lacking the yield so at the moment you know I love my sentry wards everyone lost the sentry wards especially focused last game was a big difference maker one of Illusion can also be sick by the way in the big fights Lind uses one immediately to scout with this century wards here for focus up on the high ground can he go for the barracks looks like it right enough with the agility masters doesn't go for it rather creeps it you have a different item from this over and both player do exactly the same of course they know each other for so many years both around 14 years of pro experience and they've tied each other many many many many times they got the time mixed down here precisely and again I think this is a mind game if you end up actually meeting you're playing against an occupant who goes to barracks to borrow I mean run opening and then you get pressure I imagine this can go very wrong but no they know what the other guy is most likely playing like and what to expect and yeah with this we're gonna end up with a very fast here to check even a little bit faster for focus he did not even go for the shop before starting the tech so he's gonna have a second year of coming out very quickly and of course you guys know how important it is to get that shadow up to level two and three years quickly as possible not saving any of the ones of illusion here it seems for the late game yeah this can be a very cool synergy if you maybe if you save it when I believe and use that on a codel beast and then spirit link them all together that's such a boost to your HP pool of the spirit link yeah and a lot of damage goes on to that illusion then and you can't really prevent that it's except if you dispel of course TT has been reached focus a little faster by the way on last refuge this year limit is four-and-oh against focus in tournaments seems like the map likes him a little better he likes the map a little better and so it's like a no-brainer Weiland went for that map as his person should be able to cancel this year it seems the SH isn't quite out yet on up the repositioning minimizing the surface area from the grunts and that is a cancel a very late cancel at that that cost him a lot of lumber he doesn't have a bestiary coming up yet I think I haven't seen it he doesn't have the number right only in a bit a little hurt here comes to heal surf but good focus there but do you want to really expose your blade master to a hex not too sure he's going for the totem again got a lot of HP though blocking it with this blade master so focus is falling so far behind in tech I mean of course both are at you too of course both have the Shadowhunters but let's totem should be finishing and the beasts tree is a lot faster so with that his first Raider is out earlier his instant upgrade is finished earlier and then you have map control because you can't afford to run into an snare when you don't have it and Lynn feels as sorry focused feels needs to defend these buildings as well to ensure buildings of his so his creeping is really suboptimal shadows still only zero experience is gonna change now of course but this is a big cam you can really creep that solo 90 seconds 1 minute dead two minutes later he's getting it again and focused like well it's not like I can just camp here but he made exactly the wrong call or did he oh my god he's actually coming in right in time never mind focus know what he's doing heck's reveal being used from the laboratory to reveal this plate master and this could absolutely be a kill for focus Lynn overextending a little he wants to sacrifice himself into the creeps of what is this oh no the boulder tall save slim but here comes another hex here comes another backstab and that is a level two focuses back in this game if not for another bullet us no Rock olam leaves him alive okay he got the hero kill that's a big deal but I didn't come for free it was like three reveals it was a dust of appearance he lost the grunt two creeps during this in the meantime the shadow fallen was just so low creeping all the meanwhile almost level three now his blade mass is gonna be far behind but the shadows looking good so yes it's a hero kill but it's by no means over it was only level two exactly as we said before the shadow hunter is the key not the blade master really I mean the blade master can make a difference as well especially with high critical strikes and a good equipment and stuff and with the map control but the heal wave is the big moving war we got collected with a chakram didn't he did can you believe the cojones on this guy he doesn't have the blade master here but he doesn't care he just does not care it's not much a stroll off you're kidding right here wow wow the blade master focus is not really pinned to get slow level 3 here it could be a ton of experience agility though alright level 3 shadow level 2 shadow talk to whoever excuse me we told you it's a big difference maker but now he's really gonna attack into his opponent's man he's bringing in the mana potion this is a big commitment he has to better man up potion he he has to better his way if he asked the mana potion he has more supply it's got the screws we got the scroll oh and focus that is absolutely not a good timing he sees it now but there should be slow oh my and there's such a bad position now this is such a bottleneck the Raider can't come in right now the kodos hex disenchant though against it nice move away from the grunts so the Koda doesn't get the devourer off and he's just going for the bestiary does the rain and pop out in time no he didn't but the boulder the creeps are angry with folk and the blade master wanted to capitalize but there is another year wave on the other side Lin this looks Groot so great for him he's on the way to the five or no on this map going for the koto bees surrounded by AP onto the blade master is bringing in the damnit if there is a heal way if there is spirit link but it's still only the level one wait nothing goodbye Kota bees he's got Walker's only that's it GG Wow Len loses the hero into finishing the game with a very decisive push there what an unusual move without yours first hero without your damage carry going into the opponent's side of the map stealing a big big creep they're stealing the item and then push I mean psychologically focus was on the rise again after losing the beasts tree which of course threw him back a lot but then you know you get this plate master kill anything alright I'm on track again if things go normal I can win the later fights and things equalize on the way there but Lin says no man you don't get that time I know what I can do even without a plate master and he comes by [Music] yami-san tiny shoes flute kengo-san a mythology vitamin Mentos in games or chalean even depend on social audience engage a mortgage man specializing as a female gentleman tell you he is the dominating force in Walker 3 and 2018 he participated in 12 tournaments he won seven of them that is a 60% win rate of tournaments good it's pretty good and yeah this is the dollar that he sometimes shows started all the way back when he came back from the military back in the WCA try numbers Korea clamor he just came back freshly out of military service and destroyed it the whole world the elite of the whole world they were like oh my god how can anybody ever stop him but it's like not like he's dominant like that all of the time as we mentioned earlier at the gold thing he hasn't had the best track record yet he really seems to belong in one of those finals but folk is making hard for him here he may have lost the last map super one-sidedly but maybe that was one of his stronger maps and here on twisted medals next focus gonna have hopefully a better plan laid out you made a good point there that live in gold League tournament is not showing it off really this goes for premier tournaments in general his last term year turned 31 was WCA 2016 apart from that no big win no NSL no masses Colosseum as he said no bold league when it really counts he seemed to struggle against guys like ta to constantly eliminate him and one to zero of course focus with the Lin spawning here but okay this yeah we go into this map twisted Meadows on twisted this year Lin is five and two against focus we always said focus has the item lock and the item lock comes into into account here on twisted the most because there's so many spots for vamp or us for boots of Quel'Thalas for so be masks this is the map where you can really stack up yep exactly also for the shadow there is mana portion so you're not too many I guess but a pendant of energy dependence of mana robe of the Magi this type of silence yes this by the way a map where I've seen quite a bit of Farseer first from Lin I wonder if this is a consideration for him it's played massive a focus of course when expecting anything else from him but what's been going for interesting master okay they rely on the old hero so its focus going for the creep that Lin invented on the upper-left position I'm pretty sure he is and the barracks is positioned in such a way that it would suggest this for new viewers who haven't seen Warcraft in a while may you elaborate what focus is going to do of course this is gonna be a very advanced creep trick if you guys haven't played too much orc yet I wouldn't recommend this but if you can pull it off it can be absolutely amazing the way it works is you agro the creep camp towards the top right of your base a focuses base with the grunt he's gonna be doing that and he's gonna be trying to trap in the big boy the big rock golem between the forest and the building and then block his escape path with these two units and then messes with the AI a little bit the rest of the creep camp retreats and he's only having to fight one creep here it is a big guy but with the help of the Burrow of that works out pretty damn well cost comes at the cost of some lumber but you've deadly tected especially if you get at home experience that would boost you to level two right away not quite the case Tomas strength plus robe of the Magi not the greatest drops but still a nice start here to level four point six interesting start by Lin not going for the 12 experience gamble that it's at the shop right in front of his face but only getting the circlet and then stealing experience away from focus so he knows exactly where his opponent is I guess and yeah that's one level one and a half for him so experience wise day I had to had yep and he sees the inventory here sees the level is like okay at least you didn't get the total experience because that can really mess with games these drops can be pretty unfair I've seen games here before where's Tom experience Plus boots of Quel'Thalas and then it just feels like the girly games already over so focus was not as lucky and yeah as I said it comes at a lumber cost because the tech just started here for folks that I love that lends aggressive against the peons here now as well um making lumber even bigger of an issue Lin is gonna have a big Tier two timing advantage and now when you look at the game like this you have to ask is it even worth going for the rock column well the row of the major will be great for the Shadowhunter is great for the blade master at the moment it's one more wind walk but you're right Lin coming in killing a peon here it's certainly diminishing focuses lumber but it comes on the cost of a grunt it's absolutely gonna get this one it's almost level 2 for him now you want to saving the scroll of speed he was almost enraged that was so close there was like half a second and he would have saved this one yeah also a lot of time bought for linear by dragging out the blade master so far out of the map so he disables level 2 basically but that's what perience goes to focus yeah most players here invested a lot of mana into windwalk have basically nothing left this one kill was especially important because now if you just take out this little green camp that's level 2 already you don't have to go that the nulls don't have to take a big risk already now he's got level 2 and crit unlocked and Lin once again with the worst early game he's not finding focus at the moment walking to the wrong direction the grunt will help him creep this leaving the Overlord alone maybe yeah yes so many selves he can take this the item of the spot goes to focus and then he gonna two and a quarter basically should be very fast with the three grunts that he has the question is gonna be a Tier two how late are focus buildings not too bad yeah they should be quite a bit behind lens timing perhaps half a minute or so which can make a big difference I like a scouting here from Lynn wants to find out where the point is he's got the weaker standing army right now so he has to try to evade his opponent he really doesn't wanna lose another grunt double circlet fallen that's good but he gets the Healing cancer t2 is about to finish warm meal early because he can't afford it I guess Lynn is already on tier 2 gives him the Shadowhunter and the buildings are already in position focus is not going for that place interesting by the way how focus is creeping with the three grunts to speed that up a little while Lynn is creeping with only one or two grunts and since the third one over for scouting oh and here we go again we've seen this on last refuge and this timing is absolutely glorious and so it's so great from then he realizes okay you got that early rock column but that means you're gonna have tech disadvantage he keeps on poking him in the eye as far as the tech goes trying to keep those tier two buildings from coming up for such a long time now I wonder is this gonna result in Lynn trying to go for a tier two timing is he gonna go for one rate or two Walker's one Raider one is there and then try to attack he could do that he could also use that time just for map control you know to power creep with the Shadowhunter and then go for the level three timing as he didn't last refuge this would be absolutely massive yes shadow is here what the heck's coming in this shouldn't really be doable but I guess it needs to bring the blade now as well he's coming maybe dangers are nice as well Oh speed before the hex that was really close though and split seconds before it turns into animal and once again Lynn's shadow massively ahead in terms of experience and where does focus go now to create yeah the rock a'lamin at the laboratory is gone so that's not the most efficient thing to do of course you can go to the mercenary camp but exposing your back to Lynn's army and you really don't want that as your opponent has the faster and snare but you were right man he's just pushing with the Shadowhunter before the tier 2 this was very aggressive here eating a hex way too far forward to be honest here with the shadow has to run away with a swell of speed and other hacks could have killed him otherwise so there was a little bit headstrong just running in there with the shadow and a little bit weird deciding now to back off for a little bit is Lynn gonna creep the gold mine focused lost track of him despite the level three blade that shouldn't really have this part where you can get close up attack plus 9 or the pendant of energy or your most beloved item boots of speed heal scroll number one goes to focus he should have a lot of vision you should have the map control with the wind clock level two item is hurry up okay Tomoe fertility is really nice for him for the backs okay just a little annoying okay I know where you are now don't be too ballsy with this cancel the healing as well there from the blade master but there were more heal ourselves available cost another windwalk though you know a little bit pokes and prods here then this could be a big timing advantage for them he's got the two walkers she's got the Rader focus doesn't have him yet but see like Lynn is not gonna force dish also know level three either hero level two should be the case for folks afterwards but this is one of the six creep spots where you oh now it spend enough energy that is amazing in combination with the rope is focused going in no it's not flute of accuracy not the biggest deal in orc Mira miss that one seems like I hope this wasn't looking they're usually always gets those yeah but they're just a split second so Toph experience means they're both free for the Shadowhunter doesn't know he didn't get it he just jumped up a lot so there should have been internal experience he's very very close now but inaugural fights sometimes it can take a long time until something dies this Shadowhunter by the way it's gonna be insane cancelled again walks for focus remaining zero extra mana for the SH same he wave and now we should see the shadow hunter soon he would not forget this killer this would be level 3 for him he's gonna invest hard for that grunt kill and he's gonna get it as well no here wave coming in and he's full man are level 3 this is a big advantage full in right here we do have the Koda beast only on focuses side though so that 10% damage that Lin is lacking the next you'll scroll being used to save this one rate of the grunts I'm putting in some good damage the Codel is not going forward to eat we're gonna meet him the grunt would have been an easy kill 1 Raynor goes down the Cotto still doesn't get the devourer of what's going on here we go finally opens the mouth wide enough and focused is he turning this around once again with crits coming out not the biggest critic but skirts they still are so many crits 3 here almost in a row as it seems here's the Cotto finally but gets ensnared immediately to Raiders still on the battlefield for focus can use those and Slayers everything stopping low on both sides big e we're coming in one more time and he gets to devour off that's a massive deal keeps the ends near away now the Raider is gone and speed stroll has to be puff and he surrounded by yes wind walk though escapes Lin with a ate food advantage losing one unit most likely in the stomach of the Cotto yeah there's one in Lin stomach there and now he gets the merchant as well that could be a scourge bond shines it's gonna be a scroll of healing could be 12 experience lots of experience in general of course Lin here certainly taking the mid game we don't see getting home for the clarity's no Tier three by the way that is the tactic that especially cash likes or a few orcs tend to go for the tier 3 but if it's that close as it is between women focus you really don't have the resources it would be a nice upgrade full of master training of the walkers to give them more mana at more mana regen and to be able to revive them you could upgrade the coup de ouro for 20% more damage of 10 you get the operating which can insanely good to dispo spirit link and get the purge for slow but just don't have the resources and Lyn is creaking so much what consumable is this greater mana that's what he wants didn't get a chance to see it yet ladies retreating I was thinking he was gonna go from red cam to red camp maybe or like red cam from territory or so focuses going for the red cam Lilith's going from shop to shop just stealing the consumables okay so I guess he wants to go for fight once again isn't gonna go creeping now he may just go for a TP force the TP home yeah then TP back get a favorable trade and then keep on creeping from their focus is seeing this though there is a really good so he should be ready I don't know if he has a speed scroll or a TP but he must have that was right he's going for the big item the biggest item in all of competitive warcraft costs more time though spell shield would be amazing man i would be amazing oh oh it's a pendant of mana he already has the pendant of energy by the way which anther of the Magi and a mental of intelligence this guy can cast everything forever but focus is again losing the borough's all the magic damage in the world he didn't go for the reinforced defenses and that kicks him in the butt right now I'm amazed that he still didn't go for that upgrade despite what happened already in this series and now he lost four boroughs was it three or four and he's not getting anything he's losing the last mastery oh my god this disastrous Lin is ready to go for 70 food he still has 400 gold and look at the reese was the focus he can rebuy two boroughs but then he's still supply stuck until the end of day okay Wow okay he spend it all alright everything that you say if they spend it now but still again said man this said hunter yes it has to save he has to in this game by himself Lynn's gonna have a ten supply lead here in a moment oh but focus is realizing okay you're probably gonna go creep one more camp and then attack me so he's trying to creep Jack at the laboratory but that's not happening ouch the shadow hunter should have around a thousand mana points I guess we'll see about that though speed moving forward engineers have to fly towards the Koto's otherwise to get the Devourer off it has no spirit link for a long time easy damage but focuses losing a Cotto in the back that's the second one though so he asked his backup Kota for the damage Dora and I think Glen did get one devour off onto a Raider right here or is the other way around in are quite certain position now full health again Carlos surrounded but not really taking too much damage here it's mostly peons and grunts whereas then Skoda bees is taking quite a bit of damage as well he went after he wave rattling through Lin's supply lead here it's slowly going down it's melting and now the Kota beast is gone as well Lyn over-committing here a little there we see it 835 mana but now it should be over oh my god this Cotto is surviving for so long are you serious finally it goes down wait what focus calls for the gg doesn't see a reason for this anymore I mean didn't we set up two walkers and two Raiders pretty sure maybe really don't know what maybe you thought the shed on sandy was too thick but with this inventory shouldn't you try everything that seemed a little premature to me me too he had the burros up again he could produce again I don't know if he had a shot back at home maybe if he has no shop then this tap out makes a lot of sense maybe he's kind of you know keep on losing in the chase and yet if you didn't have a shop on Hope then indeed that must be the reason I mean Linda was running away with the Shadowhunter levels as well so maybe that was adding to it as well but I Mastiff in the shop otherwise because Lin can then go for the clarity's go for the mana push and push again and then he has a three year waves and focus has maybe one after that devastating boat blow to the borough's I like how focus took the initiative went across and was like you're probably creeping the laboratory and that is the most predictable play but Lin reverse psychology Inge probably thinking okay you think I might be doing this so I'm not gonna do this and I think this is what may have won him the game right there if it was over still not sure if it was exactly over but focus thought so and now linen the lead match points it's two and one for the ultimate weapon and it could be one more map to his second top four performance of a gold league event he wants that trophy he wants the Frozen Throne alright focus this has happened twice now I hope this time he researches reinforced defenses at one point not too early of course but like during or after the first battle I think this should be the goal all right now six and to focus the second pick it was concealed hilts alright the art map in this tournament with three great red spots with to heal fountains this is match points for the newest newbie team member then cracking his neck a little getting ready if he's able to perform this harassment early tear to once more if you can delay focuses to your to once more that it looks amazing for him learn about to enter the semi-final for the second time and making the dream semifinal at least half way real the Opera continues but now focus is under pressure he was ahead he lost that lead what does it do to you psychologically if you are the underdog already alright and we go against one to zero focus played a marvelous game here I think that may have been close to a perfect game there was so beautiful well-thought-out all the way through does he have a strategy so well prepared here again in another matchup in the orc Mira we've gone through a couple of different openings seems like we are going back to the barracks if I say this correctly so far decent focus society yeah Linds best gold League performance so far GCS for 2016 with the second place for focus at his GCS winter 2017 with a third place where he won the third place decider against Czech that's like apart from that both really not that successful only once made it to the playoffs Lin last time was defeated by th though 3-0 and that was a little devastating for him I guess Lin has only lost three orc mirrors this entire year which is absolutely crazy - in wgl qualifiers where you might say okay Lin was qualified already maybe he didn't take it seriously but yeah the third one by focus focus on the other hand as we said very very stable he's always there he was the best performing player in the entire qualifier finished this with Rank 1 Lin close behind though with a third ranked they faced in the July qualifier there it was a four old fall in focus on since then has stepped up his ahkmenrah lot but he needs a better performance in on map two and three he needs a better preparation for the early tier two and he needs to win otherwise he's out we've had some pretty different games across first three but I feel like what we always end up in the mid game with is that focus SH is not in a good position he's stuck on level one forever then he stuck on level two forever so I'd like to see him get to level two games level 3 more quickly it does make so much of a difference perhaps creep your level three Blademaster quickly if you can it's a good start out for him as we are in the super early game at the clasp for him and a ring of protection for Lin so lady Fortuna looking to perhaps it was suck talked to him outside and he said you know how it's gonna be focus win win win win win focus win Lin wins so far 100% prediction rate for sock who almost qualified for the playoffs as well only being defeated super close by fly for the second place in Group E fly was gonna play moon later today I'll just do it today a little side note players it was soccer and low light playing custom games best of five human mirror and low light almost one I saw the map that he won there was level 2 now hoping for the 12 experience here were the two players neither of them lucky enough however only something else didn't quite see where was home agility I guess is also something you badly pick up don't you and especially and rage twitch chat if you don't I know you guys you don't like seeing that then a little slower that's the difference of a close of attack the +6 damaged that you get from this item and so far it seems Lin is not going for the early aggression tech should have started this of course the big upside for orcs on this map the heal fountains especially at night with the creeps of sleeping then again oh there we go okay get anything here the Burrow is finished you should be able to save all the peons tier 2 should be pretty close by though so he may be hanging around the main here trying to go for those cancellations once the buildings come up it's a very small cab like four minutes into the game or however later they are yeah you don't get a item for this just in the chest atonement you're so far out of the map that your opponent will most likely not scout you not knowing where your opponent is then maybe little place it a little more careful and that carries focus into the tier 2 yeah this is I feel like across all the game so far the most passive we've seen just a little bit of creeping a little bit of clipping there Oh focus getting a very nice cam right now at least the item I know he's taking the entirety just that's a little risky isn't it yeah I wanted to point it out before and then I kind of forgot focus is usually the king of starting a creep camp going for the one creep that carries the item and then leave pimping up your heroes falling behind a little inexperienced but sometimes it actually works because as I said he is pretty lucky with his jobs usually its forces are on this time in this series we haven't seen this once I really I can't though I'm actually he didn't go for a signature item snipe instead he went for the nulls that would have medium armor and of course for that reason can get taken out by the easily didn't get an item but got experience and now he's level three early this gives him so much map control and now for once finally his shadow should be able to get up to a great start and he gets a little later that's fine yes the hex though should be a little careful but the blade master is so far away it doesn't really do anything yeah as he said very uncharacteristic to focus the experience at once there he saw his opponent but focus himself should have seen this as well and this time around it's Lin protecting his base camping here with the second hero unlike all the previous games yeah good exactly what focus is doing and think of the dust appears this is very important with that now he can continue to be annoying but he doesn't have much mana only around a hundred left so it seems like he does have to walk away seems like it's gonna be getting this camp calls against living experience yeah and especially with the blade already number three is this really necessary yeah I mean you need damage on the norm maybe he retreats them taking two spots at the same time slippers for him oh nice two small ones though only they've coming in here the timing doesn't line up for the big boy but he's double three now that's the most important thing I guess sold the item they found at the bottom left she wanted should be a little ahead yep it's gonna go for the merchants here yeah you can find ones of illusion and such as well still no engagement at all truly Oh shadow hunter super hurtful focus how is he so damaged I have no idea my walk into the creeps maybe now yeah this is not how he wanted it to be maybe focused on the late master of his own kind of have a mirrored situation here but both of them seem to go great for linner yeah absolutely of course they're gonna get a kill here this is not the way this works when the players are so good but he's slowing him down again shadow advantage this is what Lin has been able to achieve every single game so far and once again he seems to be getting it and with that look at this matte movement is so good Lin knows where's opponents now we can go for the middle for the red camp and snipe the big boy yeah that is such a big biggest experience on the map best item on the map and the blade master is here to help us please safe as well as to lure out and then ensnare surround late master comes in the walls revealed it immediately hexed my love with made you such as well Lin keeps it on the other side of the map first of all annoying to the opponent second of all solo experience for his second hero shadow hunter and then when he needs him for the damage for the big camp then he comes at the perfect time yeah and this is where we're all looks so strong and so powerful but knowing exactly what to do at what time with preparation by the way you can't just be like oh I need him right now you have to think like half a minute to a minute at this is where the beauty of these players comes in focus is trying to catch up goes for the second red spot but who knows of course Lin knows coming in for the steal there's no dust I think on focus site because Lin stole them the entire time this guy's got inner fire though it's not so easy to get the last literally the focus gets both of them but the rest of the army comes in from the north the big dragon is still up but nice control and snaring the shadow hunter limits his movement and therefore escaping safely can't really give up the dragon as he lost the middle already going for the dragon is dangerous though because you need n snares to get him really and then when you get creep tracked you not only take a fight in the worst position but also being down in snares yeah now he's down in stairs both in snares at the moment on cooldown this means Lin's Cotto could get a devourer off focus caught up with the shadow hunter those closer to level 3 than his opponent and a shed onto the lid of position focus not realizing we're not using the end snare save them for the fight here we go big disenchant coming in against the entire arm it almost seems but he gets the cola devourer of something that shouldn't happen as you can see the other Cotto is ensnared the way it's supposed to be his focus gonna lose the second unit here the grunt is very low and now Lin is going for the khottabych but that is a big tanky boy seems like he doesn't have disenchant here to get rid of the spirit link heals for coming in fallen along with the stroll of speed but the Raider of his will be falling if the end snare wears off maybe you can save this Koda beast but no koto goes down and with that a big damage drop here for the entire army for focus and focus has to follow up this kill focuses with both heroes but there comes another here where there's no ensnare left for focus as it seems the radar they're trapped himself another grunt almost falls but the you wave is there in time delaying that death a little more and snares more killed there he needs to get this kill there we go level three on the Shadowhunter that's the big advantage right now he has that heal wave to save his last Raider but only for so long the Koda B's is still up then up now as well for Lin but I think that was his last he wave also both players you're taking massive losses Koda will be dying the ground will be coming back on like two HP might be an easy kill we just got devoured before the koto fault everything here is so SuperDuper low this might be where the bait master inventory really comes in big he has to save these Walker's but how can he how can even real stroll this okay saves at least two but what is left the blade master has to leave for the left hand side and Lin now has a ten food advantage this could be the semi-final for him right here we have a dream semi-final on the left side of the bracket and that is Lin vs. moon the two most decorated players in the history of this game and Lin is pushing for this semifinal getting the second red spot creep that carries the item has a super big supply lead and experience-wise it looks great for him as well so be mask for the Shadowhunter more and more and more arguments for Lin focus really under the gun right now how can he fight his way back into this game one help would be the greater mana potion let's see if he's fortunate here as well greater healing not really what he wanted and again the attack with the TP this time there's reinforced defenses though indeed that will take a lot longer but you also have Raiders they do good damage against the buildings as you can see focus is losing his shop again the Shadowhunter would love to see his mana 240 that's okay but no potion for this fight no mana potion we go no Koto's at the moment lots of workers here in Lin's army the SH in the middle of everything but should be fine I guess thank stealing and the spear Lincoln Hall first kill of the fight goes towards that he takes out the Raider keep his own alive for now more more he where's coming in there was the last one though his shadow as we could see there totally dry now maybe this is the time to use the TP here after that kill and that he does once again fantastic trade for Lyn he will lose one front but that was all okay focus what do you do now you don't get the mana regen that Lin has they can see it plus the so be mask he will be back in fighting shape in no time focus has to go for the rats but but of course Lin knows this yeah this is the only way the only place you can really go like no other spot on the map makes sense you either go here or your camp in the base and camping in the base is not a winning play but Lin is not going for the creep Jack right away he's on his side of the map going for the laboratory hoping himself for the greater mana and here we see the creep trick again that we've been introduced to from focus here [Music] attacking but you can take it with ease and it is razors do anything in this manner stealing could be nice if you can steal a heatwave away from your opponent so what do you do now if your focus of course rebuilding the shop and stuff what Lin was at 700 gold investing 500 gold right now into stuff that doesn't break up keep so upgrades and items as well but focus got a heal scroll of his own and like a patient player from them doesn't have to push it to the base it's gonna take this camp it said the item may be gone but it's experience getting his late master close to no.5 and I think they're still the grand off man are stealing this is no windwalk anymore this is silicic potion and he has to reengage some but man what a bad position and so much free damage that is one of the occasions where the went of mana stealing can win you games hacks on the plate method to administer damage he gets one Walker off but no nice healed strobilurin to save this one again engagement on to the co Toby's that is the only one for Lin spirit link asan and you waste aims for now but only until later dude for his running away with this fight this was so much damage committed to the blade master you didn't get it now he's got the koto advantage focus might be winning the game right here after falling so far behind if he gets the koto is that his way back into this battle I'm not so sure it says Lin is more supplied by some looking like that and all in this fight must all be stuck in production because Lin on this battlefield right now has like nothing yeah but it's just a matter of time man focuses on following with his production killing more but there's gonna be reinforcements you see a two little dots coming from the north Raiders are falling less control but focus has so much more end snare in this army level up for the Shadowhunter as well no one is really close to 5 this year wave Rick saving two units Kenny clean focuses army up or will this be GG soon another radar fault he has no control of this army alright it's alright some walkers come back from the fountain actually and they're gonna take out one of their brothers you're on the other side as focused misses more and more oh man it looks so good for him there for a moment but now he's losing quite a bit you keep the way back he's hero for him save again learn with a massive block look at this beautiful focus trying to deny there's no Raider he can poke more with this plate master but man again 11 supply advantage all right but he was really close he just almost came back there or did he come back I'm not sure so much damage was sunk into that blade master jin-tae army wailing away for like 20 seconds but he's a tanky boy especially backed up by here wave again healing up a little at the fountain getting more experienced there as well close to level 5 plate master and halfway to a level 5 shadow hunter can you steal this one could actually prevent level 5 I guess I'll reveal and snare will the rest of the army will be there fast enough I don't think there's consumables on this plate master the only two Raiders though that may not be good enough with hex nobodies already halfway down focus disengaging of course I can't take this fight in two units low only two here waves on a shadow as well not the greatest we haven't seen too many impulse in this one it's only one I guess yeah usually Blake masters aren't the key target as they just tagged so damn much looks more than 50 supply maybe he's got no lumber peons our focus needs time I think it's not producing much at the moment a grunt oh actually another grunt he needs a lot of time but there should be another fight in the middle for the remainder of the experience wants to take that away but big fight ensued and that could be the final one late master almost level 5 only one more kill and Lynn is there late for focus in the front line here is he perhaps in a bit of trouble he has been in that situation before but now seems like he'll be getting away but the radar here is not gonna be that lucky and snare will secure this kill or the heal way of coming in may only be delaying the inevitable though as finally it falls and that's level 5 and the big crits coming out right away khottabych gets to eat on both sides and snares there perhaps a little bit later perhaps on cooldown we don't know pigs full of feeling coming in for Lin as well he's got the 10 supply advantage now he's moving forward he doesn't care about the creeps in the back anymore he may be losing some grunts but that's ok I guess if he gets the Cotto here that's the biggest cut he can and he will with 250 that looks like the old patch he's moving forward here finding kill after kill this seems to be him on his way to the semifinals or can focus fight his way back is looking damn desperate right now once again he's down to only 4 units no mana he needs I'll marry he needs some kind of hero kill but he's facing a level 5 shadow hunter he's going for that but no that's it Lin makes it to the top for 50% of the dream semifinal unreal as new meas Lin is the first player to make it it was tougher than expected it was way closer than the stats in the history between the two players suggested but all that experience made it and the favorite prevails especially impressive what focus was pulled to pull off a map number 1 but across all four maps it was Lin with a stronger performance not by too much but it was better a little mistake by focus to not adapt to Lin's player map 3 then he exposed the trick already with the Boro go and focus wasn't ready for that and I think broke his neck losing that game 3 when it was focuses map choice yeah that was brutal and imagine if he doesn't suffer that burrow damage and can just take the super late both players kind of creep around the map clockwise counterclockwise and then you can rely on an 800 man or share 850 that could have gone an opposite way but you know sometimes you go for those little Kenny we call it cheesy plays no it's just you know an economical play it's not only about standing army versus standing army it's about resources it's about timings it's about when you can go into upkeep and follow up and to upkeep stuff like that there's a lot of things to consider and focus not always paying our percent attention to all these different facets true that he had a great map one but then you know maybe running out of steam and little there were not these flashy plays as we saw with the watch Awards on that one there was not this big creativity that we had on map one but man it was still a great tournament by focus eliminating one to zero going heads ahead with law light in the group stage not getting destroyed by linen or Mira is kind of an accomplishment it sounds bad but it's true and there are a lot of teams that will reach out their hands to this to this guy right there and speaking of teams if he's even gonna join a team because he told me no he told me nothing nope okay caught me off guard so let's just move on to the next topic because we have another game for you guys today and it's gonna be well you already called for the dream semifinal earlier moon is gonna be facing off against fly and this already was not a one-sided affair by no means but we had a big favor on paper and I think after what we saw in the group stages this is looking even more one-sided just anticipating what's to come Luna's tena no moon has not lost a single map in this tournament he looks so strong as he was in 2017 it's gonna be interesting though last time GCS fly was against won 2-0 and we all said such ok this qualifier is gonna be pouring our 301 2-0 what guess what to was eliminated and guess who made it to top 2 in the end never underestimate fly in premier tournaments fly is like you know how criolla Foss was a WCG yes fly is that like in every tournament you can you can never count him out there's a lot of there's a few tournaments where he disappoints and we say well that's not the world champion from back when but there's other tournaments where he's just looking like the strongest player in the world you're like oh my god you are ten times th in his prime seriously when fly shows up it's gonna be our next game guys moon versus fly coming up next we give over to our Chinese friends and we back soon
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 8,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: focus vs lyn, lyn vs focus, focus lyn, lyn focus, focus, lyn, focus vs, lyn vs, grand final, grand finals, grand, final, finals, wgl, orc, oc, 2018, wgl 2018, 1on1, 1v1, quarter, quarterfinal, quarterfinals, quarter final, quarter finals, qf, neo, remo, remodemo, warcraft gold league, gold league, gold series, league, series, gcs, :w, winter, warcraft, warcraft 3, wc3, war3, wc 3, Back 2 Warcraft, B2W, Back2Warcraft, back to warcraft, warcraft III, esports, esl, gamesports, esl-radio, esl tv, rts
Id: AXjoT6M10bk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 56sec (5696 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 05 2018
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