Showmatch: [U] Happy vs. Thorzain [H]

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best-of-seven show match between the best undead in europe that is of course happy who was still undefeated in his show matches 13 and oh the 14th challenger is Thor Zane from Sweden who brought us so much joy during the 2 & 2 competition alongside star-shaped they met on the finals there already as you can see here on the right hand side of Thorazine in the augury challenge happy and cash were superior there but maybe it's time for Thor Zayn to take the throne and get him back the numbers of the win rate and stuff little misleading Thor's end up playing too much competitively anymore not playing too much competitively anymore except from the team competition with team Sweden but there he's doing really really really well and he's not to be underestimated man best of 7 $100 happy versus for Zayn here we go and we start on last refuge in the bottom left we have happy in the red and his opponent from Sweden Thor Zayn one of the best humans that we have in Europe he's starting in the upper right with what an Archmage it is and a normal barracks footmen build order how good is he and two and two how comfortable is he in the in the one-on-one sorry not that you want to both players by the way share a little history they were both playing for eg Evil Geniuses back in the day happy as a Warcraft player thorazine as a Starcraft player and I'll take a little break to get my chat back up there we go so the chat is 70% in favor of happy a little more even but as I said throughout the week and also throughout the cast today Thor Zayn is a crazy brain that comes up with solutions when they are no solutions and that's exactly what happy was struggling with against grubby and of course so if there's something unusual how will help you react some call of a robot use as like a normal stop thus far first experience for Thorazine here with a circle of nobility happy is rushing over with a red of the era of necromancy and the initial harass we call those in the mini grubby because of his play style act led wasn't able to steal anything but of course it's no level 2 for the Archmage yet but denies the water elemental to keep experience away from the DK otherwise this would have been an easy kill and easy experience so where to go from here is it expansion time on last refuge will he play one base will he be aggressive we saw the water elementals so no super early unusual blizzard but we have to keep our eyes out for unusual stuff but it's going into the base and this is something that makes th and infi very very strong against undead just harassing but usually they have level 2 or level 3 for Zane doesn't even have brilliance or yet but he's denying the second ziggurat keeping happy stuck on twenty supply that means he can only build one fiend after this Thorazine is losing one footman for it but denies it so still zero experience on the left night he can go for the first fiend cup the first not really kill but you know killed the first unit and our footman runs away there's no unholy aura of course with you with zero experience and only a little damage done to the Archmage maybe you can creep now this is something that Hawk does a lot on this map like early aggression super fast but two footmen are already heard and the what elemental doesn't do anything but we see that to you to check on the way for rifleman this is something that like Imperials played for a long time and something like that is feels pretty strong nowadays maybe even with a paladin second form or our which I heard it's becoming a little trendy on battlenet letters we will see if the Chinese are adapting to that as well DK shields this one merlocks don't get the lasted and he can easily creep discs and it's already a lot of pressure on Thorazine here as he has to get his levels who's gonna get the better lasted and it is for sane but while we got both man I didn't expect this got the skeleton first and then the merlok that's enough for level two so his brilliance aura is working Happy's on the way to tier two got the ziggurat here so he can produce more fiends the first so the second fiend in this game for him but happy feels very comfortable and Thor's inside of the map stealing experience from his expansion away as Tarzan is still busy with the Morlocks he that doesn't give him too much no item for example and this is a guaranteed basic guarantee table two for the undead rifleman are coming and tier two is done so second hero choice is gonna be super interesting Mountain King kind of classic for storm bolt he had a fast text so we can easily afford that time essentially what's on the ground DK not falling for it but yeah the footmen were all heard he had no healing in the early stages but took some damage rifleman is coming in for the block missus it a little oh that's a lot of damage potential here first call first kill and still no shop for Thorazine he's also saving a bunch of resources not investing into footman at all of course they fall off but with the new defend I thought maybe they find a place in the meta again but this limits its creeping potential now as well so level three is very hard on LR with the spots stolen it's even harder this one is still up for grabs but not the big one happy on the way to tier 3 with a slaughterhouse and the next ziggurat perfectly aligned and the Lich is out of experience range now moving in Nice inventory for the ledger already this is gonna be big damage and Thor Zane sneaky Tier two expansions while creeping up to level three priests are coming for some healing that's why he saved some resources on the shop is it going tier three after this expansion is trying he has the resource for power builds here we go with four workers so not super expensive let's just Nova though and that's gonna hurt pulling the creeps very well done by happy for the creeps will attack Thorazine in the process a little more experience towards level three and well this actually helped Thorazine as the mauler saw other Warriors are not taking part in this creep spot and that is level three greater healing for him level three level two waffle mentals and happy only getting this non warden spot which will take some time as the silve axe damaged decent damage here as well sentry ward helps a lot in the middle of the base but of course happy Oh double slaughterhouse and a crib glad third I see no doc Granger for silence but he wants to have a Yui and disciplined council like disable against the masses that will be standing on the ground expose up I'm not sure if happy knows about this happy very low on fiends really not much damage she will explode into abominations this is an unusual all that acid an unusual built that makes a lot of sense the wound ice Nova getting another kill right there two claws already this glitch is becoming really dangerous I don't want to say that I am an influence for meta but I kind of play it the same with Crypt Lord and with abomination since they are soaking up so much damage and they're so effective especially with the new disease cloud statues are there impale is not the best AoE spell ever in terms of damage very costly as well but within sub America mean we're not Mon King rises up to level 3 as well steals the consumables I like that one so much strengthen level 3 this strip route looks very elaborated for Thor Thane no tier 3 just rifle casts and they will get so hurt by this AoE let's get to the storm bolt does it stumble - I didn't see it can't see the overlay right now haven't seen a clap at all litter level 3 but so much damage already doors ain't trying to get this organ wall to deny this experience with yet another storm bowled he's doing good damage very annoying for happy don't let happy unfold but here's the first impatient it was perfectly done holy he just hit everything followed up by a nova but thorzain gets the lasted and if this mountain king is running away with experience even further then that's some kind of trouble but what does he want to do against abominations gets destroyers now as well otherwise you can counter it with slow slow is already there but Thor's a still has the expo kind of surprising that Thoren is still staying on two production buildings despite having the expo he's using his resources well though on a lot of consumables to heal scrolls against the mass a week but more creeping flute of accuracy the dream +2 damage on everything and he's gonna follow it up most likely with the second attack upgrade oh it's already in the works counter expansion by happy he found the one rifle that was asleep happy comes in he's facing good heroes and has not have a level two Nova yet but look at this Crypt Lord once again perfectly lighting up disabling the damage sort of the beasts being used but Nova executes the first drive from and immediately scrub the beast is able that is so much mana but the a bomb is down but this is happy denying it immediately right before the kill to not feed the Mountain King any more experience Skype spiked carapace still some scroll the Beast being used but after spell was there I don't think I wasn't expected this destroyer out rather more abominations and this Expo will come up most likely thousand at sixty supply have you trying to steal more creep and positioning himself perfectly to snipe reinforcements free kill with this Lich but you can't afford to lose this expansion really Thor Zane knows one direction that's the bottom right consumable goes to happy it's the wall of the window that's sweet that's really sweet when he comes to push necropolis is up but will the Haunted goldmine finish as well riflemen are partaking in this attack but he cancels the summoning so Thor Zane again up the base but happy is getting a lot of experience here from this one and there's only one tower pretty sure happy can break this this is another rifleman his coil Nova micro look at this man he's almost full mass repair throws a is he coming home not South Portland interesting decision ho Crypt Lord can move in nova impale so many kills and immediately TP out but there was a GP trade there was only a tower gone but like for workers or so Thorson might be in a position where he needs the shredder or more workers spell breaker no Tier three water elemental Oh moves back in so smart sees this immediately it's level two might be able to cancel it happy Kansans of himself and so the echo advantage for Thorazine continues but to big level ups level three crypt Lord level three Lidge everything is level three basically but Dawson gets the red spot this looks good for Thor's end thus far put off cunning mech for what is the creep Jack and might be a second TP impale could have been better about the follow-up it's just so nice he'll scroll against the door they wants to fight since he has the uphill and there fella Wow he disabled the entire army Jesus fall off damage still is enough level for one of the wind Archmage still in the position that he wants to pour cloud supply is kind of equal but how does he want to get rid of the heroes three abominations here as well doesn't hit the cast is only the rifle my next abomination falls that were the wind of the wind by the way but the impellers rocking through there must could be another Nova soon if he eats one of his own units to damage this even further he survived all the impale to survive all the Nova's but there will he survive all the abominations and all the other damage that is there the heal scrolls are used already going for the Lich we've seen this before and Thorazine doesn't do the same mistake Nova kills another rifleman taps TPS out but still equal supply and the human player is the one with the expo maybe stay a little too long the sentry ward sees it that's a big help but he drained a lot of mana of course the statues a providing mana again so is he pushing now without a TP absolutely looks like it yes to heal Scrolls no TP he might be intercepted here we see one Nova we see one impale not lining up perfectly one again hitting so many units in the bag is the damage enough though it is a lot of damage from these riflemen but they can't touch the destroy at all so there's constant diss but also against the walls of mental once again getting rid of the abomination first one is down second one is about to fall impale is coming in in a bit but good block also a bash here comes the coil to save this crypt flawed but Willy really next he'll skulls gonna be used and he Thor saying get the hero kill only the hero not the most important hero but it is a hero cure and there's no GP on this DK trying to fight out the Lich helps a lot health stone swap so should you force this yeah I guess you do ouch mate still super healthy there was the last coral mines you and no mana items anymore destroy is still untouched for then confuse its hero focus with a storm well massive Nova and now the so devious that will for the spell on the water elemental again to provide some healing it's time to destroy your faults he was standing above all the rifles do we have some more mana on this mountain King yes we do three more storm balls that should be three kills this abomination is dead and this is an open gate to this expansion level five Archmage close to level five Mountain King Thor Zane is in a very good position but all these units are about to die on summoning this expert once again echo advantage still stays and happy basically down to only as heroes right calls by a Thoreau's eight all the time happy doesn't find the solution yet Crypt Lord is benched for another minute and a bit it again the rifleman in the base main gold mines 2500 happy is getting the second rat spot town portal unhappy now in will post an unhappy now crystal ball unhappy now but the heal scrolls they are going to Thorazine he's banking up to 500 stealing both of them but again playing without a TP Archmage kind of exposed without an involve out a healing this is a small army happy teepees out immediately and that's again drained resources and happy cannot afford them he needs an army the whole thing is running away and supplies 70 for him but where to go from here he needs a lot of feeling here close to level 5 decay by the way Crypt Lord is back he's expecting a push as it seems priests are doing a lot but is it enough happy rushing into this phase getting rid of all the workers that's nice if you can't get your extra up just kill one base of your opponent might be the thinking here and that is the level 50k so smart by happy killing the Passons and there's no repair for this keep nice block on this crypt Lord but for how much longer it's only a rifleman you can curl over them storm bolt coil there is one more Rifleman's doesn't survive this of the Crypt Lord is free but thaws and can't get in sores they can't get in now the Crypt Lord opens up this path at least a little bit a little bit of repairs coming in as well but I doubt it's enough the repair is gone in a bit how much will happy loose against this level 5 from the mountain king the next storm boat has got a wreck this doesn't even need it fast and the base is still there miscalculated crypt lot gone TP gone keep still up and no backup Expo happy is close to a first loss but let's not jinx this he's attacking right away Crypt Lord has to be revived again TPS to his home base now will he get all of his units yes he will have the fighters on immediately forcing a town portal again but there's not too many gold workers anymore yes the bases are up but what about the mining it's not too much left a 1,100 gold advantage in the main base but happy has a problem afterwards his face lasts for a little longer invests Mk that's the smartness that we expected from him in this water elemental in this Mountain King lots of scouting he's checking for the expansion the entire time he wants to know we're happy is what he's doing what army composition he's facing and I guess it's time to unsummon some stuff yep indicating that this is not gonna be another expansion time for new abominations it's pure a bombs does he have another destroyer yes one a bombs are easily countered by Sorceress's but there's only one no more fiends Crypt Lord back single-target damage was the key so far no level five village and the mountain king again with double heel Scrolls he has three now but no in vol happy is not mining anymore 1000 gold here 2200 gold here and thousand is already at 75 supply steals most likely another involve or another he'll screw there would be four that's it for heels goals and now he's camping time thank you very much blue bar banned for gifting yourself to I guess the 89 Joker face has subscribed as well and our Whitney thank you for the contributions guys and thousand gets even more gold no experience anymore but the item it could be a potentially big item and it's the Perea which is nice oh happy is expanding selling the Crypt and then expanding very important here by the way to get the second upgrade on the rifleman so the flute gives you plus three and a plus 2 one stores in gets level six I think the game is over so many abominations no upgrades on them neither on the destroyer no defense upgrades on the breaker and notice retired Thorazine is down to one base in a second never count happy out though micro with abominations is not that important I guess but with his heroes he is almost unbeatable 7 abominations 8,000 HP so many items Thorson is moving over to another expansion this choke opens up a great if it all we have blizzard I forgot about that nice the Empire cancels it for once but what afterwards there's no disabled in this army blizzard raining from above and dealing so much damage okay second impale he'll sprawl after yields for the mountain king isn't a little bit of trouble wasn't using a lot of his items already he'll Scroll after yield score is still two more left is there a nuke on this mountain king possible there's no in Milan him anymore but in Vince's there could be dispelled as the spell followed up by the same pale but happy down to 55 supply throws and at 81 no bomb this MK blizzard raining down from above again this spell wants more bash on this decayed a little bit of feeling Carlinville potion swaps well done by a thousand and all the abominations are falling needs to escape this mountain king before the corner comes and rescues him with a little bit of more experience or HP I'm sorry those it is losing quite a bunch as well but happy is about to lose eight supply and only the Lich's remaining close to level 5 though if something can save him then a strong lids happy is mining behind this again Thor's a not buying the second place Nova was hard 1 kill 2 kills level 4 through almost 3 kills but the storm won't find him but confines him as well and this is happy as long as he has the heroes in his stats you never count him out one more kill for the level 5 and then what can the rifles do Mountain King can't get in range he has so much man I again there we go sacrificing the mana for the level 5 he could potentially be in danger now Thor's a long distance mining it is Thor's in his out mind happy is the only one mining and now he's in trouble in missed again doctor said a spell I think stumbled on the DK only just to do some damage can Thorazine move into this with this hurt mounting he used for healed Scrolls this is unbelievable no impale at the moment maybe disable him he's kind of surrounded storm bolt I'm not going for it there we go is it the third kill no the coil is there level 6 on the arch mate mass teleport or aura at the moment I don't see it so far all call of the bomb King he's about to die so Nova execute sim he wanted to go for that ledge but never go for heavy slits he protects him like his own eyeball and that was almost a flawless game by Thor's a man but happy and Heroes is a match made in heaven and he continues his dominance in his so matches great showing by a thorzain though Jesus Christ and that was only the first match thorazine if he goes for a second expansion as this game his to take his this game is to take someone in shed promised 100 sub gifts if happy wins this make it rain make it rain [Laughter] this was the opener to a best-of-seven Northern aisle to this again the coils how perfect they are whoa you they are hahahaha man it's off so he's 100 subs Nova quakes totally gifting 1370 subs in this channel you are such a madman oh boy Thank You Canova and thank you happy for winning this and thank you to the guy who said this this is still so surreal this is not happening for the first time but this is still so surreal map number two I forgot to update the score sorry for the lag happy with a 100 lead happy with a 100 lead bliss has donated 5 euros nice game indeed man indeed Nova is indeed a legend by now Thor Zane in the bottom-left of Northern Isles happy in the upper-right he will most likely well will he play the same all the time I don't know mass abominations I haven't seen this in four ever except from my letter games of course it's a DK Archmage opening once again with a late fiend opening Tet build sexy with a 150 bit cheer that was a happy ending good one man maybe you should become a caster or something Jesus these coils again and this lips level 5 Lich is a monster and he I wonder second expansion tier 3 going for Griffin's takes forever so I don't think that's the option paladin maybe thank you bust 89 for the sub roofing starts for the consumable and the toast cars happy is rushing right over Thorazine how is this mental position right now Knopf is constantly preaching the positive mental attitude I hope this spreads to Thorazine now because that was hard course he was ahead throughout the entire game and then lost it happy is even saving the SEC light with NHP I know here comes the sword Archmage double to DK can't do anything right now so the creep was good at fast happy is taking of course this time Thor wasn't a lot less aggressive than he was before so little skirmish this year in the middle of the map and don't underestimate the experience to get from skeletons let them get you closer to level 3 also right clicks on the DK Thorazine is playing this well so far it doesn't give happy any access to kills getting him down before starting this creep spot immediately switching the focus again once the DK is inside and t2 tag again even on an easy expansion map like Northern Isles he's not going for the tier 1 Expo but with a lot more footmen this time who are all a lot healthier than they were our last fuse one year research by fantastic wow what a game perfect for the one-year anniversary loving this stream thank you very much and I hope for many years to come so what this amount of footman it's easier to deal with the fiends it's easier to pressure the decay but of course this is not we're happy shines happy science and oh he got the kill in the end but that was a little premature or he timed it perfectly with the feed shot I don't know but everything is low for him keeps the Archmage away from level to 0.5 so are they not arriving on tier 2 yet once again going rifleman Lich second tier 3 rushed Archmage in this footman I don't think they have defend good block but happy side steps them keeping this feed life there's also plenty of coils like the fiends are low but he used only two coils one for the merlok and one for the fiend now thank you yes movie for the sub twenty-seven supply all deal it comes out slaughterhouse coming Tier three halfway done Mountain King again to be honest I expect some paladinous but maybe not against happy finally level three that took some time and we see the peasant train again of the militia train again this time it's five workers this is finally gonna be his level three Mountain King oh is it TM came near DK is super low as well both have to play a little more passive this is good for Thor's anus he can establish the expansion now and in this level three pendant of energy as well nice item in the game against foggy happy was complaining as I've heard that he didn't get any malla items well here it starts again the Expo is coming ultimate Scouts for this and again an early crypt Lord like he doesn't save time to level his Lynch to three OS DK two three he just needs this disable good attack speed by happy this time but not the damage agility boosts your attack speed statues out for region and the easy blue direct or they're not scouting for this this time he is in the north not thinking about the south Oh ancient django this is the fastest undead army possible with the unholy aura empty ancient django Thor was a level three on the Mk they both find their levels SuperDuper quick stone world village didn't the so matches all clap this time this comes out of nowhere he's chasing that list but rather goes for a statue sweet surround by Thor Zane getting rid of the first one yes one more killing him if the storm won't last longer getting up front good block mountain king shaking his ass killing the fiend man Thorazine seems to be in tip-top shape here any interfere happiest 10 food lo has no bother but Mountain King stumble gets to kill like this decisions Thorazine makes are really good here comes the impale again almost perfectly followed up by ANOVA getting one kill but the fiend tonight this time this opens up more Nova of course all these footmen they all look juicy does he need the Nova I don't think so use it anyway on the perfect target to get the best a we possible Mountain King is without mana now it's no potion on his side as well I think he has to flee from this position and happy claims the spot again doubled slaughterhouse destroy up great now a bombs tourism is going tier 3 this time with the expo back up he's going for the highest tier 4 lights for Griffins maybe for Paladin maybe accolade and position happy counter expand the creeps stole 2 kills what the whole thing is switching it up got the expo back up but does he have to fire power to kill the expansion this time 400 co2 Thorazine this takes some time but thanks to the statues everything is healthy level 3 for the Lich makes it hard to fight now flute again this is so good MPEG once more Archmage kind of naked scrub the Beast being used that was a waste I guess he'll stone actually has to TP out and he does that's scroll I don't know I mean he has to pop it before the destroy is out anyway and there we have the first one but oh yes a lot of gold as well it's a Griffin aviary Knights casters Griffin's it seems how will happy react it's only wait it's no feed he will surprise him with Griffins without a single feed hmm this is gonna be good here he comes Thor's ain't breaking up keep exposed AB lished happy investing a lot of resources when he's facing up again the creep check this timing and all is lined up perfectly for the impale I saw just saw another high level impeller coming in big creep spot experience wise item wise not so much tanki Mountain King this time both level four and claps gone wreck I feel if have happy goes as heavy on the abomination that he did for second R a spot for happy though level 3 for the Crypt Lord and again the crystal ball man something something is against him Griffon rider number 2 paladin no knight yet which would certainly be better than a spell breaker and he sees this again with the wattle mentals but he's diving the base again now he sees the Griffins it's two destroyers in the air but what about these a bombs they're just getting wrecked as it seems trying to run away they can not stumbled it's eight supply gone but in the meantime he's losing a lot of economy but this is how important for sure is he going for CLEP old combo against this it's constantly a coil so this shouldn't be yep saving the mana for later Thorazine at 70 supply lots of damage but mining is back up he didn't lose too many units like for that is normal against an impale nova combo heavies expose up though as well and he's going more stat use mass destroyer seems to be the answer now they will run into a meat grinder of riflemen and we have holy night now and the staff oh one step for now what's up items sold in propulsion no yeah no divine shield yet but to heal scrolls again who would this gonna be interesting no one to the Griffons he wants to take them out they're still the absence of fiends your massive clap of the first griffin o staff out well done what to do about the destroyers though the rifleman seems to be too far away no call you for this one what the second Griffin is about to fall as well no whole leg keeps him in the fight hey bombs getting coiled riflemen can they attack the destroyers now yes they can focus on the Lich once more clam isn't it up this time only like would kill it but there is no mana for once there's no mana for a holy light so the lift gets away but the destroyers of suffering Thorazine this looks incredibly good for him 20 supply up and this gonna be more as he blocks the path for this abomination level 2 on the Paladin divine shield and this is a wrecked Expo still griffin's this lips is still so hurt he got another Holy Light he got another storm old this implant was nice but come who last second coil we have a gargoyle out even is that the right call against rifles I don't know lots of damage from this disease cloud over time of course could take out another statue goes for the DK right away he doesn't have a town portal once again going up front steps you down no more region these blocks by Thorazine I'm seriously insane stop hold right legs Holy Light that's it healer is gone and only auras gone GG Thorazine takes map number two on his map and that was seemingly easy happy super surprised by this Griffin tech couldn't attack the axe for once and again many people said it's gonna be a 4-0 no no no no no not with Thorazine here it was a little weird already when happy was missing the coil at the merlok so what one it is we go into a tiny little break to catch a little breath and then we'll be right back for what is Amazonia stay tuned we are cutting this break Shore this Game three has started Amazonia is the map for happy and thorazine on map number two I'm at number three this is Happy's choice this time in this best-of-seven for $100 off we go no time to waste and happy is starting in red in the upper right can he strike back can he get into the lead again and there's so much against foggy he won the first map as well but then lost two in a row Thor Zayn two different strategies thus far both had an expo on tier 2 that worked out well no chance for happy really to punish this with his play style it is an arch match again and it's a DK fiend opening once more for happy no problem for that I like no no surprise happy here holding an acolyte over may be confusing the renegade wizard so he doesn't trigger the lightning shields at the moment he's not doing anything Thor Zion sees this immediately chasing him away so no disruption no acolyte last-hit craziness and the heroes pop out of the altar any second now under attack well this shy okay lightning shield here we go doesn't want to hurt its own units here but now going against the ropes happy Willie get oh he's rushing over immediately again I wasn't making sure that there's no echo light lasted close of attack for him and there's no chance for happy to steal anything maybe a worker but he's sending them back almost perfectly DK doesn't see it maybe a long-range coil can he get out of range nope but he's out of range for the corpses so if he kills him here he can summon two skeletons and then wreak havoc on the base again but this is a fairly easy level - for a Thorazine a nice lasted coal they're happy their first experience for him and tier two is on the way decent early game for the sweeter once more lasted battles everywhere going a little harder for the skeletons than before and again nice right click this claws are helping out really really nicely to counter the sarasu +25 damage here easily killable skeletons oh oh but prematurely coiling here again for the second time maybe this isn't happy specific I was about to say he got that lasted but he didn't so this is level two and a half arch matched these skeletons won't do too much he sees again okay lumber mill blacksmith normal stuff footmen are following so he can't do damage here the early Czar the Early's are really good for sources only now creeping for happy starts purging why did he purge why didn't he lightning shield this there were three ghouls right next to each other can someone explain this in chat maybe oh wow the balls of Thor's day he lightning shield only spell-casting it's ah I see I didn't know that thank you stealing the smaller cab is really good but too close to the mage oh yeah the artist yeah that's of course you need a range attack for this as well okay yeah otherwise here arms himself okay yeah that makes more sense sorry I'm falling for Chad but yeah make makes sense to not apply it on melee units actually pretty smart mechanic then lots of skeletons here but maybe you know the mechanics of Warcraft are weird so maybe shadow Mel does count as a spell or something that could have been the case but that's an easy level three four thousand as I said rushing to you three again Mountain King again this looks like like this is no expansion to your 3-play this time workshop oh okay gyros which comes out it's so impressive how he keeps them below level three yeah only coil level one loses one footman that's fine or two footmen in the process I guess the arranged attack and spelled sprocket I see Thorton is creeping so much better so much faster but Optima is super low thanks to these devil watts the mental summon but he needs that those levels on the Mountain King flak cannons on tier two double slaughter house again is happy going destroyers or is he going blindly into Everman Nations once more statues are out happy does see that it's not too many not too many rifles thus far if he steals a sasquatch that's gigantic Nova on the foot and what he leaves the Sasquatch alone for now well there's coil Nova against Istanbul it's very hard for Thornton to get this stone we'll throw them this DK who is level 3 now rifleman falls to the skeletons it's a hard fight for Thorazine with the statues now what happy does it well never becoming too greedy Oh stumbled here there's more this and some potion I guess bash this time no clap and one more stone gold one more coil that's it but also one more bolt damage it's not enough statue region still strong gyrocopter is scouting lots sees the crypt Thord will see the abomination if he hangs in there destroy upgrades coming as well double workshop and paladin is ready it's really going mask gyros this was my initial idea of this matchup once 1.30 hit like it's a super counter against destroyers Knights gyros it is happy plate this one so well gets the Sasquatch now rising in levels a little bit of damage extra on the ledge with the gloves but I mean it was a camp on half his side so he had to get this which she did I was like staying at 43 at the moment he has no X for this time so this means a lot less items happy is investing greatly in two skeletons own this time he gets the flute Thor's I had it twice for his ranged army he's still in the victim Super Bowl but happy could do the same motion of invulnerability that certainly helps so he's getting revenge for the steel force he doesn't play tanks so strong Knights upgrades coming as well temple of the Damned and Webb yes right the temple is he expecting gyros again Griffins again and he magic shell is always good against the nuke so it's not a bad call to do this and he sees the army now all this night surrounded our staff out but now there's no staff or anything else TP on the arch we just did enough damage for the coral Nova no involve not involve our town poor loud paladin so close that survives frack shards night smart-arse and gyros this double workshop opens up so many different strategies okay here we go WEP against the gyros has to get the fiends out which is seemingly easy with stomp up to impale disable but it's not the best against Knights yes it disables them but the damage against night is really sipar the flying machines of course don't do anything in this fight focus on this archway to just lost the town portal a one big animal that he can swap also a step that he could swap but he needs that one on the mountain King I feel paladin was so much damage so much full course staff out but now staff is on kula he has to run this is the big in Valon the mountain king he triggers all the items but he doesn't use it oh no Carl arrives in time and this looks like a walk in the park for happy for this side from from this side thousand at 51 but happy at 53 with casters this time that was such a strong fight he expands now on the back of it close to four he has level three got level to these gyros that and didn't do anything Mountain King was level two only and the peloton is kind of stuck forces are under attack so only level two Batman is thorzain in trouble here or what crypt level three now and even more dammit on the ledge plus 15 and additional attack speed this DPS off charts and it's at the moment one base versus one bit but it will be what the two base which is one base in this match are pretty normal but usually the other way around and to effective units it's not a single destroyer these gyros are useless Mountain King is back he needs level two on the Paladin for divine shield and I don't know if it's called to let the Mountain King in range exactly and he metrics on the DK playing with the thought of going for the rats but I think 60 on that supply I was in banking now Amazonia is quite hard to expect a player's forces are under attack please getting the red spot they share the red spots happy was super unlucky with this we have frost time oh by the way nice counter tonight's as well so happy crystal ball again nope but hood of cunning isn't that much better at least level three nights 800 gold he's banking like crazy of course thanks to the gyros he knows what's up more and more anti magic shadows coming in class plus 12 for a human not very desirable after I had the TPU but he can't afford it really tries to run away night so fast maybe he does have a chance but it's blocking himself impaled only on the Archmage but curling over wow that's all like was sick and TP comes in this is looking a little desperate he's breaking up keep now with mortals waters have not been seen yet frag shorts are in good to break expansions or something but we saw the heavy heavy pressure of Cordova in pale against heroes switched super sick plus 19 for the net sum idea that didn't work out in this game maybe he thought then happy is going hard on destroyers in order to blind counter him still kind of does but happy sub thanks single destroy in this game so with mortis now how are you fair come off course great against the Banshees frack shots are nice this impale didn't do too much happy starts kite Archmage maybe a little far upfront he only has an involuntary light of course to help him and a magic shell everywhere except on this Crypt Lord Stabat no stone ball disabled by impale so well done anti magic shell now on him Stefan the night this looks good for happy man he is all over the place trying to get rid of some badge but it's 70 undead supply and a lot of useless un supply as well with gyro so don't even have landmines level 3 for the Paladin human nuke just got better also the healing even ghouls are in this fight now no one to the middle of everything the trip was closing in on level 4 I feel like there's gonna be a nuke on a gyro soon but they do have in will potions this impact was a little underwhelming but I guess it's the first one thus far the coils are there Mountain King is in front trying to do as best as he can but his effectiveness is basically there at zero watch which again it will postman these nukes are so fast if there's anti magic shell there's no chance for this new strategy and happy claims his map and leads the series once again with two one this time that was just our plate or a blind counter the blind counted by thousand that didn't work and if you have how many was it like 7/8 gyrocopters without an expansion that so many wasted resources and happy just adapted perfectly like even if he expected griffin's which i think because he went wept that early you don't really need weapons gyros only right these banshees who are so good anti magic shell everywhere once they got to a critical mass if there's like one or two anti-magic shells it's okay you can play around it but not like this not if there's ten shells Evolet was crazy echo else it is game number four could be leading to match points for happy or it's again the equalizer happy one his map thousand one his map happy one the neutral map though 2,600 viewers that is very lovely to see once again the notice that next week we're going to cast every single day starting at 12 CT WGL qualifiers Pro and open round will be played here on this stream every single day at 12:00 tomorrow and Tuesday with Remo and hopefully a lot of duel casts afterwards so sore Zayn is then asked for a little break that break seems to be over and here we go map number four let me see something different from happy this time I kind of doubt it and why it worked sorry for the spikes I forgot something here need my check my extreme labs to work so Thursday's map choices echo else and what the hell he's not building anything is this a rifle opening yep it is we've seen this a lot in the - and - talent and rifles okay dokay this is what a lot of people expected when they saw the patch notes maybe even like how do you follow it up we'll see death knight it is for happy of course and most elite at fiends with great fear in the back there we go so no change in the early for happy he did change up his mid-game a lot Oh Harold in rifles what's the upside it's not really damaged isn't it at least not against fiends with devotion all right here we have the pattern with the new devotional they are a lot tankier we saw this in in a two and two competition all the time happy knows about this now can you expand with this I'm really not familiar with this style I gotta say three wolves so he's gonna Tek soon rushing abominations does not seem like the worst idea at all and I don't know if that works timing wise so creeping should be a lot faster with rifles as the damage is higher but of course there's no what elementals you can tank you can heal with holy light guess in a perfect world you try to not let them get to abominations and Crypt Lord but if you take that fast like how so definite comes over mister damage enough yes it is both have the same amount of XP holy light saves one of the militia a second want to save as well no I can't our in the base this far yeah this is another kill on the panel already denied he tried to but he didn't so little experience lead for the swede fiends are coming of course despite the fact that it's piercing damage versus medium both have that and fiends have great damage as well Thorson is expanding its expanding is checking but super late thanks to this build skeletons are really annoying like just II the presence of these skeletons is keeping the rifleman close to the base so I like Happy's early game here skeletons all over the place a little bit of distraction but nothing really big happens we have the devotion are up now as you can see + 2 + 2 from the ring + 2 from the aura so it's not stronger than before and rifles really fall off once the Lich's out because Nova Nova is just so good and what's the over corruption is out it should be fodder for this Lich nice so happy attacks all the creeps oh they trigger something like poison or bloodlust or making things a little harder for Thorazine we don't have a brilliance alright so he can't spam this holy light too much and everything is kind of low thanks to the poison already kind of needs a corpse for the skeletons to start snowballing again but three fiends out here that was the third last holy light he needs them for sure okay but he switches his target to the DK pressuring him a little more this is so much time bar like tier 3 is already on the way and let's as well well tier 2 has not been reached yet happy plays like he knows the strategy inside out and knows exactly what to do against LePage okay - good aspects of the zero here - mana keep the decay dry deny some coils and swap it over to the Paladin to create like an uneven coil Holy Light balance and banish don't forget banished great a mana nice item as well better nuke and disabled but he squishy as so very susceptible to call Nova hello Lich only one slaughterhouse this time extremis up for six and a half hours now by the way quite over quite a long day okay we have the first fight with 100 coil Nova boom rifleman dead still a level 3 DK at least he got that Helen has the level 2 holy lights so Black Mage's out banished also slows so this might result in some fiend kills but he's very happy to take this unique spot away from the syphon Manor starts but no buck can't be denied early on whether I can say from this one falls over the decay is pretty low I guess you can't nuke him Kenny now first the town portal though Holy Light safest riflemen were played by Thorazine also very patient by happy but what he didn't see and he gets the rest of this camp with illusions level 1.6 black mage happy on the other side still not level 3 the levels are really a problem and I don't think he can push this nope falling will distract it's a nice opening man I thought it's a little more dangerous but pays it very carefully as well sorted on the ground stills this one as well that meat is almost too and then leak in nuke he has an experience lead already by getting the 12 and 6 o'clock dock Ranger third this time no Crypt Lord but he's walking right into it siphon immediately but shuts him up with silence of course that's the normal reaction hits also both he was with the siphon with the silence Pierce is this is not like the rock-paper-scissors system intented siphon mana everywhere the flatmate in the middle of everything coils can't reach him banish was nice of course there's no matter actually neither for coil nor for Nova nice microbiota in splitting his rifleman banishing the rifleman saving a lot of the rifleman also the healing during vanish is better but he decides to go for the fiend vanishes again there's one more Holy Light or he uses more with a big mana potion but no lots of safety really cool play all on the back of an expansion that was so impressive Jesus Christ if you have like it was so smart to banish them and now use the region scroll to heal and not spam Holy Light all the time like this is top notch Warcraft once again this micro on both sides I've rarely seen a black mage in the middle of an undead army but it worked so well of the siphons were just there but we're getting into a bombs now no impale this time Thor isn't going for tier 3 once more skeleton saw this yes that no one cannot micro happy but that was pretty sick man so dark Ranger level - I think shield hurts himself a little I think she'll do as well I think he needs another region scroll it's a lot of damage perfect target for ANOVA and I think the Black Mage realizes this as well it's level 3 now no tower yet it might be a little late track range on naked decaying naked Lich has an envelope that's a great timing by happy 56th apply for Thorazine siphon man I can that's the only coil that he could use it's only rifles by the way not a single caster here and the abomination turned with disease cloud let's just try as well there's no spells to be used for happy this time and this was his greatest strength in the game against foggy 500 mana on this black match it is almost endless holy light if he swaps that but he's continuing to drain has to be careful with his paladin he can banish so much stuff now and that's a lot of our three point five but the abomination is infecting every single worker now he swaps the mana over to the Paladin nukes another fiend the rifles are in focus distracting was this elimination that worked well it's also taught off damage once again the black pitch in the middle of everything but also lots of mana for the Holy Light fifty supply for both of them death knight again a little under pressure Thorazine is using his spells very defensively now you saw a lot of holy lights on the fiends at the second one now as well guarantee in the second cure happy is counter expanding on the back of this nice kill from the skeleton making sure that mining is denied a little more Mountain King whoa Lords we are going into or we gotta get the biggest nuke possible in this game vanish holy light storm ball it doesn't get better he has the mana to support it would love a shop here because these a bomb harasses will continue a Chop control by happy with the second in Ville of this game not waiting for the MK was coming up only now so funny when he's only playing rifleman nothing else so here we go Mountain King is in going for the Lich no banish before or nice silence did hit once again both of them coiled to the rescue one rifleman Falls not too much mana on this Black Mage has to be careful but even like the damage was already high coming in with a disabled now plus the slow of vanish that's strong he saw the exponent at the illusions worth it absolutely don't know if he bought them or if he found them put to good use and here comes the Griffins the damage intensifies I told you this is the biggest nuke with banish holy light and storm bolt but add Griffins to the mix 63 supply on both sides man what a nail-biter on map for thorzain again with his best friend to heal strong no transition by happy as it seems upgrades on the fiends 100 upgrades on the rifles to one so much armor Griffin's it is against denominations of course the perfect counter but happy has to know it has to have weapons are under attack doubly good scroll now it's pushing this I don't know if that's the right call so that's the town portal has a staff mountain king is naked but that should be fine hero levels for happy are really poor three two two only against four three one we go are we not yet waiting for the Griffon here's the first one happy as a town Pole this time not super mega greedy of course if your unit is banished then the coils heal more as well so you have to be careful with that I'm happy steals the anvils that's important of course there's holy lights and of course there's banished but if you want to save something banished against undead it's not the best idea double Griffin every Mass Griffin's an animal walk train is coming as well both payers with an expansion now Maine gold mines 3700 good scouting by happy constantly to Griffin's now the creeps really eager to kill them Griffin's or append enough energy through sweet and level to is it clap yep so even more damage even more damage no casters storm hammer upgrade should be ready a town is under siege three hills calls now he's so afraid of the AoE especially from Nova and abominations and it's so many fiends as well - Oh upgrades now Lich gets a little bit more damage it'll involve heal potion great against siphon and another involved Griffin so spread from the rest of the army we shouldn't fly further this is risky now but of course fiends can't reach this is nice he's attacking in the north forcing a TP and then there should be time to expansion no instant TP back and happy was wise enough to spread three fiends apart from the army to make sure that griffin can't attack here that's like let's so smart on multiple levels from both players I expected those plays from Thor Zayn but not from happy on the other side I expected great micro from happy but not from not that crazy from Thorazine so they're both giving it their best and beyond thank you very much to the brass man for the 14 month risa top Colton on Twitch less than three b2w thank you very much sorry to tak upgrade on the fiends yes there it is oh boy 90 supply for Thorazine he is losing a bunch of gold and he has to wait for his army to fulfill more our mob great it's gonna be 2 to crystal87 also thank you for the sub so it's high noon on echo else around the shop of course shop control boys you know it he'll scroll down happy side as well steps on cool down the big manor like the dependent is helping a lot oh we have banshees again here comes to clap hole delight in the Mountain King not aggressively Nova into the backline hits so much but what can he do man these Griffins are melting these abominations does not unlimited anti magic shell thus far so he's losing his entire frontline as it seems nice clap in the back then again he can't micro against this I feel curse of course nice next heal scroll comes in the blood matches without one the Paladin as well uses the third one right away is Happy's army melting already 70 wants to play against 81 ever form the DK siphon mana on this ledge he gets him out of Nova range and the banshees are gone as well this looks decent for Thorson if you ask me happy is dropping heavily in supply the Griffon seems to be gone except this one but the fiends man it's only six of them left the statues are falling as well good for the region nice banished he can either nuke him or he stays alive everyone is without mana at the moment except this MK and if you're on the prowl a mana MK is the best thing you can get coil is ready paladin close to level 5 siphon mana against the Dark Reign who's not moving out of range this was a lot of mana for the human on the light level three on the mountain King stone balls or clap are getting a lot better now Pelin is getting back Mountain King has to be saved as well there is holy light soon boom back to full health is these close to level five man then this nuke is insane fiends are trying their best to get rid of these Griffins there was the last one of our nations are coming in can nature and the tide the Lich's close to level four also that it's a big damage upgrade thorsday and should make sure that he gets more kills in here 81 supply still still losing a bunch of gold to high upkeep and now it's happy swinging back trying to get those kills with a level 2 unholy aura of course all these are so valuable seconds that he's in high up keep mention little out of position but no mana for nuke soon for a Nova though happy holds happy holds and he got a lot more gold from this throw them back in low upkeep finally if he gets close for the Lich oh yeah baby gloves of haste claws of attack main gold mines 300 expansion comparison 6700 4800 happy has to do something thousand has to do with something but the level 5 paladin will change a lot so much more new so much more heal Thorazine at 10 supply more and 3 freaking heal scrolls now anti magic shallows in full effect main goldmine empty was this too much did he push into high up keep too early to 27.5 are more on the rifleman and Griffins that's crazy more Griffin's coming again shop control by Thorazine does have the gold for another heal scroll and an envelope eridan in the absence of divine shield 80 supply against 80 he's pushing the under expansion should he wait for his Mane to expire does he maybe want to poke a little to drain more mana 5 Griffin's I doubt that happy will go into my upkeep he's too greedy for that look at this little oversaturated and it's 4,000 gold you can't allow happy together more than like 4,000 gold more been she's on a depth suit that's also law of curse then you know no dispel not a single priest here we go he has to break through or chew through the anti-magic shell before siphon mana was good but no one was insane the banshees in the back getting healed there boy this Griffon riders safe but now dead double level up for happy everything is all over the place the clap was nice little fight for the Paladin massive heal you the a bombs are melting but happy denies the experience so well but he's dropping hard and supply Thorazine has the upper hand when is the undead swinging back the Lich doesn't seem to be too effective here at the moment the yield skulls are all gone pelleted in the middle or in the center of everything here Griffin again with the banish takes up the statues now I feel but the Griffins are falling slowly but steady siphon again the Paladin who is the mightiest weapon of the human right now Mountain King still with a lot of mana but here comes the envelopes nonetheless she's safe with the fiends are getting slaughtered happy is getting slaughtered as it seems but the Griffins are gone that's the problem where's the better new candy and all this Holy Light right on time Frost poem was already in the air for the final blow it looks like Thor's you start getting too much experience with that because it's all shared stone ball thrown and boom down he goes this damage impact from one Griffon alone is 665 against 55 games alone the knife said happy has a few workers here to sacrifice fiends are getting pulled back they have so hurt that was so well micro more rifles as it seems goldmine 2800 stars ain't still with shop control getting to heal scrolls will he finally push to victory this game is so absurd there's no or there is no anti magic shell this time there's still a lot of mana on this human army the nukes are gonna be off the charts he's nuking this obsidian statues almost no regen anymore silence in the backline but only for so long Griffin's are falling but the damage is still coming from these riflemen with the Chuo here comes the storm all of the death knight who still has a potion except from that he is out of mana when will we see the devious banished bolt hold light combo I think we haven't seen it once he wants to get the statues out first and that works well thunderclap to slow down all the fiends makes it easier for Thor's into micro and way harder for happy siphon wants more endless mana thorazine placed the siphon game to perfection mana potion being used but now Mountain King is kind of empty I think the Black Mage has to transfer something off this mana holy light comes in happy is pushed back into his own base with a twenty supply deficit and now he's teaching him he wants to get rid of the last statue so the healing is completely gone but is he over committing in the undead face next to the black Citadel he's diving deep he's driving real the Griffon being saved and he's blocked there hahahaha he's so smart he's saving so much again siphon against the DK now and now he's dry the statues on the other side of the field DK has to reposition Thorin is losing a lot but happy as well I'm willing to tap out though full damage on this Griffon holy light holy light holy light holy Lights this support blood mage might win him the game is he close to six no five and a half close to four Mountain King though he never got the so important level three coil or nova the riflemen are almost untouched next storm bolt next kill can't call them level four and five on the Black Mage this siphon the transfer rate is in saying he can storm ball until the end of days happy is basically down to only his heroes nuke against this Mountain King but of course there's gonna be he'll storm bolt siphon and he's out of Nova range again Thorin was so confident that he's diving into it on that base and he was right apparently he was right Griffin's alone needs some healing but they take up the statues once more they are the essence of life for happy to get this region but I doubt that's gonna work what happy is guiding him so goddamn well he's giving up so many misses staff out for free healing is there a nuke now there's almost a coil Knights are coming in now against the fiend switching it up stone world once the dark Ranger out first our Mountain King has no man anymore so he continues the siege banished give me that holy light only on the rifleman here so this Griffin could fall soon happiest down to three heroes and two statues reminiscent of Matt for King Crimson it is again trying to catch reinforcements but it's hard without fiends yeah his siphon again he's completely drying him out 400 gold only happy only willing to survive to out mine him but he's against 74 is this even worth it it's an unbelievable play by Thor Zane who this Nova was big can he get to five and then can he get some manner that's the question denying the fiend once again how many units have been denied by happy this battlefield is pure chaos but he see through it like through the matrix or something I don't know we're being used to get about the decays in us around anti metric shall apply to the nuke won't affect him at the Griffons won't affect him but the rifleman sure our sound portal out now won't nuke this he's repositioning next to the shop but the heroes our other prize have you seen there's only light have you seen this nuke you did and happy felted this herd GG - - between Thorazine and happy my god what a series this is again this is the highest class of Warcraft entertainment in this matchup 30 minute epic battle and we're down to the best of three ladies and gentlemen and nothing is decided yet happy takes the lead and Thor Zayn strikes back that's the story of this series they're not playing the same strategies over and over they're mixing it up constantly and it's so goddamn entertaining thank you Rick prime for the sub next map concealed hills small little break and even breath but then we're back with map 5000 versus happy what a treat to enter through this week with happy versus Thor then it's 2-2 in the best-of-seven for $100 and you hear it you're not Captain Hook this is the countdown for map number five we go into concealed Hills who's gonna take the lead is it happy for the third time in a row or is it the sweet who is playing out of his mind he was playing a few clan competitions of you two and two competitions team games etc but when did we see him on this level in one-on-one insane you can get all the replays if you sup through this channel it's gonna be in our discord check this out as a fast 21 did thank you for the 5-month resub also correct with a 500 bit to your great match indeed it is so we saw equals that was of course the pig of thor Zayn and now concealed Hills is Happy's pic Jesus Christ this tension in this in these so matches I need I mean I don't know what I need I need rest after this sets for sure sorry for the little hiccups here everytime I minimize Warcraft this happens and I have to get chat and just back on so again it's a decay fiend build order as it always is Thor Zayn going back away from the parallel rifle play he doesn't want to be the one trick pony from this moment on it's back to Archmage footman and this is equally great as the foggy show match on Thursday who is capable of playing human to this level in Europe except thorzain I don't know in this matchup in this matchup I haven't seen this I haven't seen this so DK pops out what's Thor Danes strategy ultra aggression like on map one it's creeping is it the lasted for happy that would be bonkers but no thoughts in plays around it again it's close though and so Zayn is getting the close of attack once again UK running over this time it's time for the coil not throwing it he wants the workers or the arch match right away through the coil to get the mana regen work as he has enough mana anyway scouting the main to see that this most likely another fast tech Archmage down to 50% already happy as the one switching it up he's just right clicking this Archmage nice block getting some more hits in good last it by Thursday and though you can pressure me all you want but I got my firewalls and yes he sees the tech and he sees that the ziggurat is quite late so it's basically a zerofyne tech right and that can be punished it was punished before Archmage's lo has another what elementals nut decides to not go for this it's for ghouls this time to prevent exactly this smart by happy as much has to run away is afraid of afraid of more coiled skeletons for the blog [Music] that was good down to below 200 and the ziggurat stays intact low experience on both sides but that's concealed hills for you blacksmith early again tech as well let's compare them thorn is actually faster in tech good last tips but that was the first experience he really didn't get the little crap with the sort so even more experience for Thorazine this is a big one this can drop a ton of experience and these little assets on the skeletons they are really adding up and he kept all the footmen alive you only need to shop for the region scroll and it's rifleman again we've seen a lot of Archmage mountain king play no Archmage paladin play thus far and the gamble for the 12 experience continues did you get it UK comes in but a little once again a little too late this one goes to happy still not level two so I switch can still run array riflemen are coming in dancing around the last it's okay they share this what elemental to happy still not level to creep goes to her mm who's 2.6 back to Mountain King Castle rifles why not and happy is going back to double slaughterhouse Lich Tier three so this is level three here easily we haven't seen an ultimate yet right even though the Archmage was level six mistaken so is it to your to expansion time again sure looks like it but happy will no skeleton is making this way over perfect timing for the Scout the Archmage is heard priests are there now to take care and hello level three ring off region ah so nice to have this item at this very moment and in the long run it's not gonna be the best item of course happy scraping really fast with skeletons by the way stat she's coming out he's not playing a single fiend this entire game kind of unheard and now solo experience for the Mountain King was level two as well didn't the side of clapper bash yet okay we'll see and again the first cryptic and happy is going for double upgrades here not putting a single tech unit on the map except the photostat use this on that army will be low level I mean it's close to a level three and he has to level two but he will share the future experience by three so five five is not super likely though then pulling up the creeps with a dual hero again expo is up and happy it's not punishing this it's bad yes it is fast number three for the MK big nuke and pickax big HP as well have you creepin the rest of the map Krypton is out bringing the orb and abominations are coming more rifles more casters ash Mitch how many items you got this series in group ocean on the mountain king is it important to have an invocation on the mountain king when he's equipped like this with one point 1000 HP I don't know but he's in the frontline you can move the Archmage back for the Mountain King not that likely this is a dangerous position for Thor's and if he goes for the red spot which all right if he gets this one biggest item on the map but happy is pushing into his base it's very fortified though helm of Valor is it worth it yeah push for this tower again works fine check this on the way but that will take some time Thorson is not tp'ing not taking the bait is creeping the rest of this spot to have experience so worth it so passing the Archmage and experience and now level to bash those in will be supply stuck after this rifleman upgrade number one is coming but he lacks damage certainly three two one heroes counter expansion by happy Thor wasn't is just breaking this one doesn't have mana on the object anymore losing a lot of farms and it's low lumber up because he rebuilds the farms I see who is it enough damage happy smoothing the acolytes away balance this okay still two base versus one Nova hits hard getting rid of the workers and that's not what balls ain't wants because he is low lumber very and now he's getting rid of his own farm okay that he prepared for quite some time thank you witty for the big host we're getting close to three thousand again when he comes to push by happy massive Nova shop is gone there's still two impales it's one a bomb one destroyer TP out as he sees the super strong marking and another expansion but I feel happy isn't roll as well arch makes again run into the shop 1000 gold immediately reinvested TP heal scrub this is so important 3 heal scrolls now against Nova impale thorazine sees him coming it's not fully mining here anymore workers are far away from the lumber mill only 3 lumber workers but he's getting the Paladin like there's no blood mage this time happy we'll have a lot more stuff to work with coils know us impales even and happy is distracting but Thor Zane sends the summons to defend his economy as well a player's forces are under attack this is certainly the calm before the storm happy breaking up keep now going into more a bounce but it's not as like critical mass of stuff on either side at Mitch level for way more mana to work with now and appellant for heal well ghoul attack by happy nicely done in the absence of a tower there's only one rifleman to protect and he has to send some stuff sends him to well commander but that will take some time text mining off of for sign in the meantime preparing another attack with only three two one heroes though ghouls are gone water metal protects what is lacking in this fight another shop coming or the first shop coming I guess for the staff still three Scrolls and happy is going back but he bought time for this expansion the Russian placed is so smart and distracts very very very well still no tower Thorin is getting greedy with aesthetic defense and preparing a counter-attack sixty three supply against 62 of course the ghouls don't count into that what a mental expires though and so the ghouls can do whatever they want this is a big and important attack for Thorazine and happy has to defense this impale was once again picture-perfect corals right next to this combination but the nuke is good but what about the Paladin he is in trouble in blue potion used wouldn't you go to mine shield first no it's wholly lied nuke intensifies but the coils are there in the absence of a black mage the DK rains and frozen has to multitask so hard to abominations about to fall but the cores are always there again these impaled know know what to follow this obvious it's waiting for the heal scroll hole you like as well there is no divine no devotional right here so that rifleman are not that he stumbled holy light and he say bombs are all about to fall for the coils are there but there was the last one that's all so no mana potion anymore these debts you'd have to work overtime but it's pants man it's glorious nobody follow this up the Holy Light right next to him and not a yield score being used how many are left when I'm the arch mate and that should be it he had three used to a ones are finally starting up to fall and happy has to leave this position I guess there was the second last Holy Light one more stumble to work with Archmage's completely dry gets another kill here and only 1000 HP on those two a bombs happy at 68,000 65 he wants to go for this script Lord but if there's a coil is not dying as Happy's coils are perfect would love to swap to the expansion to see how many workers are still mining these impales are so expensive in mana but he's making them look like 250 mana okay he is mining the shredder was defending nice idea by Thor Zane who's going for the DK now trying to force a town portal there is no storm board anymore though he has to work with his raw falls he old school saves to paladin for how much longer nuke is coming in from village he's right to can right cooking right-clicking and the pound has finally fault so healing anymore level qu for the crab Lord but he gets the a-bomb in return and nail-biter once more the fifth nail-biter in a row and there's another storm bolt usually that indicates another kill Vanessa oh he misses the coil he had the mana for it maybe a little bit distracted going far for what was this with his heroes now happy usually another guy who goes for static defense but the spirit tower is up automate a little far forward there's a coil Boston has to supply lead but lacks the mana brilliance aura it's of course incredibly great now but with establish this expansion it's not time for what elementals anymore I guess with two destroyers up shop at the expansion love this move by happy more a bombers are coming in and even attack upgrades for abominations that is so rare to see Thor's ain't playing with the idea of going for the rats but but no he needs more malla main gold mines 2600 Griffin's are coming again transition behind this fight and the first Griff is already in the air no banshees this time no anti magic shell this time and once again Thor Zayn loves to shop to yield Scrolls in Ville potion staff is in this time and he gets this rat spot happy is not interfering with us this level 5mk but more importantly the level two paladin happy comes in dragon is still up but can Thor's ain't like Kenny let Thor then fight with the back against no way he gets the third flute at the fifth game playing rifleman +5 from the Griffins plus 2 on the rifles and he has to queue the range attack to make it even better players are under attack the shredder and the Griffon protecting at home but of course they're lacking in the fight eighty supply for happy double mana potion hoof boy it's gonna rain coiled bossing the staff stumbles under slips me oh the coil was used is it still cool down yes forcing the in reports near but once again a lot of abominations coming in happy transitioning into gargoyles already stopped all the coin was used already the ledger is falling foggy wasn't able to do it for Thursday it is with the human nuke if he saves this paladin and saves the healing it should be as game to take the off of corruption it's gone and no more Nova into this bunch of rifleman this so important area of effect slow will be gone one abomination is falling the second elimination is Saved by the Bell but for how much longer for destroy three destroyers abomination fighting the connection here comes the US Coast though complementation is still up gargoyle debt number five for the mountain king happy t peace out with out losing this destroyer but Thor's a reigned supreme thorazine reigns supreme at this time he's not doing the mistake and relax us on the one base no no no no no this time he expands in the middle he's doing all the right calls first fight Griffin transition second fight expansion transition and now everything is healed back up eighty supply fully green close to level five Archmage as well close to level three Pelton as well on the other side big level slacking where is the level three coil where is the level three Nova he is far away and I called it when he had a level two DK and produced the Crypt Lord I said these heroes are not gonna be close to five five anytime soon and here comes the siege double spirit sour but what's it worth if you have inner fire Griffins plus five add the flute plus 10 damage getting rid of the first one getting rid of the second one this outrage will be five and he abandons this expansion three mines versus one counter push but thousand can't afford this 1000 gold for the Swede how does he want to kill the Griffins he still didn't build a single fiend in this entire game he's trying it with garg's but come on storm balled holy night bye-bye two prone attack again destroys at the expo rest at the main and now he sees the expo and now I had oh dude I'm impale Nova lots of kills but they're still still three he's so smart and he's trying his very very very best to get the eco down one gold mine expires here echo sorry Nick not eco three statues 65 supply only against ad in his own base again Thorazine are you over committing this to this getting the kill he has an insane force in a fire again nukes the garg's all this impale takes out a lot of damage from this and the first Griffin fault snow hole light and the guards are still in the air he's not focusing rightly now he does and takes up the whole void this is hell once more but that was the second to third last one rifles are raining down of the destroyers Thor Zane GG he's taking the lead for the first time what a dominant play on CH happy calls the map of Thorazine takes it the expo protected twisted is next water play and this is exactly why he's such a brain he's not making mistakes twice on LR it broke his neck that he didn't expand after this on map 1 maybe it broke his neck that he didn't go to tier 3 after this after the fights and in this game he did both and those were the right calls we are one map away from happy losing his streak of 13 victorious so matches in a row and he was racking through these so matches this is unbelievable and somewhere in the Ukraine there is the night of player seeing that Happy's Lich's are killable this stream is live for seven and a half hours but man make this a best of twenty and I will cast all night for you for Xena's match points I can't believe that I'm saying this but Thornton has match bones and once again as it was with foggy people said it's gonna be a clean four oh no no no no no no no not with this fool Sharon twisted Meadows it is thank you my alkaline for the 19 month Risa once again if you sup to this channel and discord and connect your discord you get these replays if you want to learn on that or you and this is the perfect replay for you twisted meadows off we go February 24 could turn into a Swedish national holiday if this map goes to Thor's a automates first again no paladin DK fiend opening of course can he expand here that's a big question the starting position seems okay Wow he's going for the lab I haven't seen this in for ever basically since two weeks after 1.30 this stopped existing but is going forward might call him down if you lose this one or two workers here that's fine but it's a tough experience and rude prices it's the perfect job for Thorazine this is level 2 point 6 who is leaving the trapars as he knows that happy is coming over couldn't even deny this pass and I guess happy sees the room brazen it's like oh no god damn not this item preventing so much damage with the canova and he's blocking in a way that he saves this passage even ok he gets one and now opens it up this the corpse is for the road of necromancy it's around almost he's had to block his way out this is way too much damage on the DK this is not supposed to happen early this block this around so sick but there's no arcane tower here quite dangerous position here to lose more passes but Thorazine is aware and we saw that happy was trying to pressure the Archmage a lot early on so rule braces help tremendously in the late game but also here but ok good micro it's one corpse and not more it's only lost one workers only lost right happy of course on the way to tier 2 for quite some time totally in seconds delayed due to this Happy's doing a good game realizing throws in is to really going for a sharp footmen are helping and helping out now well calculated thank you mouse mouse mouse for the twenty five one three sub Doh happy we won the seventh game that thorazine wins alright there was the echo corpse so he didn't lose a single thing no way I got one worker that was micro away Thank You Kiba are you kidding me the DK is so low he's expanding in front of his face Carl comes in for the lasted of course but Archmage chased him back with that feed shot was scooped book clubs and happy dives in get some more hits from this Archmage and he surrounds that feed happy is losing way too much again second fiend comes in but he's losing this one isn't he good loss perfect block level three happy is always fighting to the fullest and Thorazine is losing quite some stuff as well but losing a fiend and that much HP is usually neck-breaking more militia coming in how fast is happy to allege it's coming I'm not sure if it's a good idea to expand here I'm really not this is an expansion play statues we'll take okay he he thinks that healing is more important than tier 3 and so tier 3 is quite delayed expose coming this time you need to defend we haven't seen the fans throughout the entire game and now with the Lich being this dominant in those fights DK should be safe soon especially on blight if he gets level 2 for now it's too many fiends I think it's the sweet getting over confidence quite a few kills you're already on this ledge one more Nova one more coil but ruin bracers happy desperately waiting for the statue and it's arriving soon coral throne now there's a big lack of damage wasn't investing all his mana into this but he's still not checking to t3 we have seen a lot of fun dad's not going destroyers to break expansions just with statues and fiends but if they're also low let's see expose up tech starts the first time Thorton is fast expanding and he bought so much time but only one arcane tower that's not doing too much damage that's not holding on for such a long time fastball down the shop now all the resources drained he needs the scroll he doesn't get okay he has 130 again the tower will fall soon The Revenge of happy is coming in super bad start repair comes in too late for skeletons so dominant and everything is healed back up thanks to the obsidian stats you happy is coming back but with lack of mana on the Lich that's for sure but he gets level 2 and then can eat the skeletons many many many coils to work with and good micro of course do we have to mention this even GG this didn't work we go full distance a little underwhelming after the previous games but yeah there was the wrong call that was overconfidence expanding right next to an undead base if you have the cross position in your in the palm of his hands he had so much time with the DK being solo and a perfect late-game item maybe through the series away here if he's not winning the series than it is because of twisted meadows tarah nest and decides at all detention on Thursday we went full distance and happy got it and today we go full distance and there was always one game that the loser in the end could have won 3,000 people watching the decision of this so much he was far behind in tech there wasn't no Tier three tech yet maybe he could have fold on for longer but we get map 7 and isn't that all we want Thorazine had a lot of luck with a laboratory creep and then just too much the decision is moss Sweden vs. Russia goes into the last lag we're online for 7 hours 40 minutes we're gonna crack the eight hour solo cast today and I can't wait to bring you this game turn us it's not that easy it's a little bit random as well with the six terms of experience oh he's going back he is going back to the palette rightful play from equals will it work again the banished place were unbelievable and to start this match we get 10 subs gifted by clover quakes once again now at one thousand three hundred and eighty gifted subs what can I say what can I say that I haven't said to you before thank you and thanks for everyone watching you make this even greater than it already is happy adapted really well thus far a Thorazine even better what's it gonna be now happy will scout this as an acolyte roaming around once again I have no idea how to creep with this pala rifle what you do when you expand I don't have the timings down at all so the DK is out and apparently harassing of course the human build is a late build even though the fiends are late as well the DK is early but what kind of pala didn't really do okay he's not harassing right away he's creeping in the middle on a quail's he expanded on tier 2 we expanded on tier 2 a lot so that should be worth it first experience goes to the decay ring our protection was a nice one and now paladin rifle play we get solely light first this is something that we see since 1.30 for 4 it was a soup cheese strat before never really worked now with a few buffs it does especially the devotional but the middle of the map belongs to happy here he gets this level to a lot faster than before he grabs a pace for a later shop first okay when the Volusion nice I think he was hoping for the watch Awards but it doesn't really matter I think T to take by happy already at 40% rushing this once again he's a little low on lumber for the tech happy is not level 2 yet the Paladin is the devotion Ora is ready across the DK can coil gets close to 2 is it a surround thanks to the creeps of course he can fight out you should be able to fight out but that costs him again a lot of HP no way he's gonna surround again and she has to cheap you out early we're four minutes into this game and the TV is gone Sweden and the creeps join forces Sweden back steps you're okay but man sweet surrounds thank you oh boy thank you boy addict for the five month reset the coffee and the sandwich after the games are on me thank you yeah this is gonna be a big give up after this cast oh boy you see tanking with two illusions to steal the taskmaster away from happy I've seen this before from someone and it works but of giant strength little thank you now focus is not perfectly on the illusion but that's fine happy with his natural cloth for six boots of speed nice to run down units Tech is halfway done more rifleman and the attack upgrade lit just coming plus the first slaughterhouse is he going for the double slaughterhouse again this is such an unusual creeper out happy will never expect him here in stable 3 wow that's a pretty damn good creeper out if you have these illusions Happy's expanding on tier 2 Wow I didn't expect this Thor Zayn plays this one bass on tier one and happy is expanding because there's no pressure coming meant three four rifleman okay but three fiends in the level 3 DK as well plus these super mega fast and the Lich will be super mega fast with Nova who almost done is it blood match again it has to be thorazine doesn't let's see this coming at this is such a weird game so far away from everything we know and it is it's banished siphoned time again thank you Dooley for the three-month reset thanks for your marathon cast Neil it's been a great day of Warcraft 3 indeed it is thank you very much Carl over on this paladin at least out of the rifleman I think right so if it's on the Paladin it's fine players are under attack because it's not like this spy it's time for the expansion of course region is running black mage is coming but the Expo is the thing that counts a store that is in no position to expand at the moment doesn't even have the resources so it's creeping and creeping and creeping rushing not really rushing devotion aura if sound is bad for you just refresh that happens on Twitter unfortunately greater healing Dali thank you for the two three-year-old donation not for the sup I'm like losing my mind already sorry but but you know I thank you so happy it's distracting even more thoughts I needs one basing tier three and just creeping more if he goes nights this item but no he doesn't Griffin aviary TP out slaughters the echo he seriously did kill three units and Happy's expose running he's not Tier three yet an anonymous user gifted to stop to Dooley thank you very much support the supporters the Lich has a great inventory already boots for the chase gloves for the attack speed claws for the damage and level 2 DK stays away like that one as well he sold the vamp or us so no intention to go for nights and now he knows that Griffins are come a player's forces are under attack it's kind of fast Griffins though happy has a spirit tower up can disabled this with one Dragon Hawk but you really don't want to Dragon Hawk in your army it's just too weak scout for push comes in this is a damn sour that's not good siphon and banish unlocked but it's hard for Thorazine now without the Griffins against this big mass of fiends against this Lich's well look at the Nova coming oh boy ending up on the Black Mage and what a silence but he passes the poached and it saves the Black Mage this way that was great but the big potion it's called the patterns in the middle of everything he's nuking the Black Mage once again paladin nukes one so there's no holy light at the moment call Navarro rifleman to the new Kofi and then it's gone as well riflemen are putting in serious damage no Griffin coming old what's he doing if the next new gets up on this black mid she needs to save up the Holy Light there we go and maybe even tp'ing out as the peloton is severely heard once again the banished play to save those rifles even though you like TP out now but that didn't do too much that didn't buy time for anything but Griffin's cost the TP and killed a fiend or two he canceled that Griffin he did right tower expansion time but happy will explode into a tea supply temple of the Damned it is again and that's the right call anti magic shell is absolutely necessary for Zane doesn't have the gold to expand Knights are coming now how much does this old scourge bone chimes hurt now jack happy is creeping at the same time matter still worth it what's this going to be big mana potion know when of mana stealing is also good this will be a game without the flute by the way boots for the Black Mage as well host enough great some mana here of course this little beast and there's no tower the expo isn't even finished and these fiends will wreck this nice Nova nice follow-up all workers gone Expo shut down Thorin has to it interfere here there's one storm but but that's about it DK is super low Mountain King about to follow you light comes in but the focus just continues one fiend forces honking in the middle of everything this time there's no yield for him comes from the altar just ice nice silence once again by happy who's stepping up his game tremendously not banishes him sometimes to call you step but no that's our only light to save him even more Knights are doing great damage to the fiend of the fact that also the statue so follows this great to cancel the reach and happy is at 62 supply those 2000 is falling apart the silences are really really really good but here comes the paladin back and yes no healing anymore he needs to go to a shop or something one night two three rifles that's about it Holy Light saves this one he can't finish the expo it takes way too much time siphon comes in but a little too late fiends all over the place safe to the backline healed up there's no statue anymore maybe that's the chance but silences are just perfect by happy the night falls GG well played and happy is still undefeated in his show matches 14 wins in a row he was struggling hard this week he was about to lose his streak twice this week but when it counts he's there and his opponent make a few mistakes Thor's ain't too sure of himself on twisted and he paid the price on the last two maps the ending was a little underwhelming but man what a series what a series just unbelievable and this is Warcraft at its best this was a beautiful beautiful Sunday with 3,300 people watching this was an eight-hour cast I'm done once I shut down the stream I will collapse but it's so worth it happy keeps the streak intact and I can't wait for the next challenger in these happy show matches thorazine did great absolutely great for Oh was all over the chat oh happy didn't win that intent okay sorry that Kelsey hype a little but that was insane if you like this feel free to follow us on Facebook Twitter Instagram join us on discord to join our awesome community that we have here at back to Walker thank you fake plastic tea for the four month resub great job casting a great series thank you very much we're going to continue our casting tomorrow at 12 CET for the wgl qualifier the first qualifier for the world championship starts and it goes throughout the entire week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday every day twelve CET we're gonna be there and yeah if you want to support us financially you can do that here on twitch with us up and then you can get the replay packs as well or via bits as many to burrell interested to hundred bits thanks for the great cast GG well played cheer thank you or the donation the link is in this stream description donate got back to Warcraft our common is via cryptocurrencies PayPal or credit card you can buy our merchandise like this t-shirt or mugs or vector warcraft logos or muddy whatever use our Amazon referral link that we have for the US store for the UK store and for the German store and with that I'm out I'm done it was a pleasure yep didi thank you for the 100 bids it was a big pleasure once again series is over smile on my face due to skill and you people out there thanks for watching tune in tomorrow back to Warcraft never stops Remo studi tomorrow one more thing here the do nuts goodbye routine bye bye
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 73,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: happy, thorzain, happy vs thorzain, thorzain vs happy, warcraft, warcraft 3, warcraft 3 the frozen throne, gameplay, warcraft 3 gameplay, esports, wc3, frozen throne, undead, orc, nightelf, human, family friendly, epic, best, top, funny
Id: oxT71Y-xmIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 28sec (8848 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 24 2019
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