WC3 - WGL Summer'19 - GRAND FINAL: [UD] Happy vs. Moon [NE]

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[Music] a world champion will be crowned here in Shanghai this is the trophy who will claim the frozen throne of WGL summer 2019 and who will claim $30,000 it's Russia vs. Korea again no China for the second consecutive time and also for the second consecutive time Europe is represented in the grand final won best of five to decide it all he is the champion he has been here before he has killed 40 last time it would be his second biggest prize purse of all time and that is for someone like moon this is how much money is on the line here only the game axe tournament brought more money to his bank account he has won basically everything so many tournaments over the years by far the most successful walker player of all time alleging a Hall of Famer a true eSports icon happy his opponent perhaps the scariest looking player at this wgl but it would be his first time ever world championship caliber title if this already his best accomplishment of all time fifteen thousand dollars guaranteed talked to this has never happened before outside of qualifiers top three WCT okay alright you got that as well but now biggest stage top two oh boy we have to say thank you thank you thank you thank you good game are you community that you donated the money to bring this man into this venue absolutely he wasn't really even planning on this he says he's a streamer not so much a pro player but boy is he looking professional here one hell of a performance from him so far outstanding plays by him he lost one series so far against focus but that was close as well he I think now is safe to say the most consistent player at this tournament agreed with th falling to him that was basically the the decision who was the best player in this tournament from start to finish th had a decent start but no follow-up no follow-up moon how ready is he for happy they met each other six times guess what it's three to three they played 14 maps guess what it's seven to seven and the last encounter was won by happy in The Ting Warcraft Invitational sorrow to talk for that moon the round of 16 yeah he made it through the winner's bracket when he was struggling they're closing a close to a defeat against Jimmy ku and then in the round of eight close to defeat against Laurel ayat this is not the unstoppable force that we saw in winter he is dropping maps he is doing mistakes but happened that happened against focus that wasn't the best she was trying to throw curve balls with expansions but apparently not today this micro of this man is something we have maybe never seen before I'm just in awe what this man brings to the table but moon is a different caliber because moon could be the counter to Happy's play style absolutely agree don't get me wrong moon is also very good at my crowing the banns moon not getting rid of twisted by the way this is interesting for the very first time here twisted is in the pool and moon picks it as his second one moon also picking Amazonia happy CH at northern starting on Echo and this is picture-perfect - what I want to say with this you don't want to fight head to head with happy it's just impossible th showed it he's out my crew you if you don't have an advantage going into that fighting people if you have an advantage then there's this coral Nova and TP colliders disadvantage on maps like twisted you can play around that you can expand more three four times we've seen this from moon in the past and just out mark row him if that's the game plan from moon I think it's a very good one then happy needs to find new solutions - a new task may be the toughest task I don't know on paper th was the biggest obstacle already but moon showed against war to zero that he is not to be underestimated in this matchup the best light out versus on that player is stepping in the ring with the most dominant player of this tournament best of five first two three moon a two-time champion the third back-to-back champion next two th and 1 to 0 or the first winner from the West the first Russian winner since 2005 moon is on point happy as well bring glory to the West it starts on Exile happy versus Lewin fifth race versus Emperor I am so excited for this match this is our grand final of wgl summer kind of this whole year has been building up to this moment yes there's other tournaments yes there's other big titles but this is the biggest one this is the World Championship and this best-of-five by the way this is a best-of-five we'll be crowning a new champion moons year so far his qualifier was amazing finishing first with 20 points difference to the second he was dominating this man unbelievable winning two and earning points left right and center also the win in agent W masters the second biggest prize money of the year and of course wgl winter the wind against foggy there his nemesis was th that hurdle is gone th was eliminated by happy happy we have to say this again played a lot of show matches online tournaments and one offline tournament the MTW legendary camp where he won in the grand final against hawk 401 apart from that he only lost the show match to la lion but he stepped up his game against Night Elf moon is creeping the first is that a warden question mark yeah I think the same this is indicating a warden indeed and we've seen practice games between them on Nettie's on Terra nas where it was the warden where she got to level six and happy was still able to take this man walking away with the ancient is he faking this what's he doing I don't know did he change his mind and now he's going for the natural it seems like it just because of the acolyte Scout happy is running over and sure happy fashion whoa keeper with this move well there as well not even an expansion unusual start for moon but he's not dodging happy sir ass getting the acolyte here wouldn't be too bad gonna be some scouting prevented perhaps later a counter expansion made more difficult but of course no entangle here happy can he get the last hit he was able to do that previously amazingly so against Lynn doesn't get it goes towards moon that was close though if moon gets the entire camp that is his level two and he gets it as well happy missing two coils to begin with a rare sight for the Russian on that player the wisp will go down no instant expansion here but the decays out of mana and the capers level too and happy I guess once again starting off with a bit of shakiness into the first game this has been a theme for happy games against Lynn he built the wrong building that was the biggest sign of nervousness maybe the nerves are coming to him or he just starting slow and then explodes again because what we've seen as well yes these sub-optimal Early's happen but happy is not like shaking because of this he just continues to play and then he keeps on improving another coil of pump faking trying to get the detonate here skeleton on the hunt but is not gonna get it wisp too fast this harass moon is defending it nicely yeah I'm happy getting very little experience here Oh actually survives it's got me spires but the expansion is tremendously delayed Archer might be a kill here the moon well again like on Terra nest and the moon while positioning for moon is always almost always flawless these skeletons can't do too much she's got a little bit of experience unwilling to detonate yeah a single one so far yeah really greedy with the wisps but it's okay he's saved a lot of them so here we go now tree of life coming up four minutes it's medium timing not very fast not very late he doesn't have to walk the tree over that's a good point for happy he's not creeping without the DK not starting this to be a little faster maybe taking a little step back he went for this unusual opening happy did which I guess at this point we can call the happy opening kind of looks like a Ted fiend opening to begin with but then no fiends with the early graveyard but just more ghouls decay I don't think he's a little too from this once this was desperately but moon against one to zero or pump fake pump fake against one to zero he was losing these ways from fake again oh that was a definite yes those level two battle to prevent it bit of applause there from the audience the second we got a claw for him and more skeletons no dust also no laboratory here level two and a half for the keep Sun up the oppressive level three when the tech should be like halfway through hunter scooters halt getting scouted that's so important here the skeleton saw him and it's so important that happy steps up his scouting game against th that was lackluster especially the longer the game went but here he sees it and can react to it fast so six archers though into Huntress hold that's interesting so that certainly shouldn't mean no wins although unless he wants to go for early upgrades but that would be very weird that must be there must be dryers then must be lures here on tier two as it is finishing up for moon relies on his joy at play again panda once more it worked against one to zero but there was not because of the Panda he's killed he's scouting he's an excellent this time around knows exactly what's going on happy creepin without his units not willing to sacrifice them to the entangle of course not too easy to do with DK and Lich only may have to invest some Co Innovas here for these last hits crews coming in do some damage and get some last hits and the Panda is creeping on happy site moon really doesn't want to face the high-level undead heroes and he's trying to steal as much as possible coil Nova almost flawless gets it in the end and it is the scroll of the Beast can be nice for big fiend armies if there's no wisps in time for the detonate double slaughterhouse okay this is what happy likes to play against his mass riot style was talking about a little bit earlier in what two zeros game what it almost seemed like the transition he was trying to get to the mass a bomb mass wagon style something that is very rare almost only happy plays it it's moon ready for it the Panda is starting to get their claws for him not the biggest of deals but it's of course a little hell of second claw happy bought this one from the market plays a little gold invested but we have tossed 12 on the lids gonna be plus 17 only one Lord to start things so mass triads it's not gonna be out that quick moon with a staff and disease Cup this time early 1 to 0 was making the mistake of not going for this upgrade happy corrects that instantly as fast as possible basically happy still has 5 ghouls I believe so he's got all the lumber in the world now he's got the orb as well but the Parana is leveling up quickly I was gonna get level 3 in no time please do against abominations against a bombs true he's not very good but if he goes to the backline doesn't get focused against demolishers rather mid wagons he's really really good third claw of attack + 23 moon's harass moons distraction continues with an entangle against the ghoul but the big upgrade is already out of the way and he gets the coil and the staff out so this school will not die Lynch is creeping up level 2 for him DK though with this retreat not getting the experience and it's not level three so has to go pretty much for either the six o'clock which is risky or early for the mercenary camp to get maybe another item o'clock first night also the keeper with bonus damage but of course not as good on him as it is on the Lich with a higher attack speed in the orb destroyer upgrade as well against the entangle of course two big upgrades from the slaughterhouses therefore light of the fields mundo is not sticking on dryads he's going Tier three he's going towards bears how good are a bombs and wagons against bears is the question it's going wagons at the moment no Scout running across the map if it goes a bombs fiends and a couple of destroyers I think that's fine with this lives acolyte was moving south is he aiming for the counter expansion here last night the cool oh my god someone call Rotterdam a +32 Lich that's a nine minutes in Oh baby keeper what does he get nine as well what a game of claws yeah but he doesn't have the attack speed really he doesn't have the arm of corruption which has a nice synergy happy apparently stops a bomb production quite fast and it's at four or five is it the expansion play it is okay going for the distraction attack key three is not done it's a good timing and this time moon is not eating up the forest it's very close to level three would like to get one or two kills for that level three for the level two Nova the Breath of Fire is insane against the ghoul that is the level three to shotting these wisps yes alright alright the tangle on him Breath of Fire connects to the ghouls was a decent start he's going into Hippos as well bears and hippos hippos should be really strong here there's no fiend at all not a single web yeah I mean the lid says decent anti-air with this inventory turnover takes the archers out and you stop this entangled goldmine he was not a fan of just clicking through expansions hope that Breath of Fire heard a lot for the records from the archers all lined up triple Nova one right click to right click she's dead there's more coils could be more kills this is supposed to be only distraction by happy but he's fighting so many kills here ghouls are about to die this time we have a staff can you click through this another Nova more kills and the entangled is gone and the pan I can't go back in he's too low I guess let's just slow mana what is going on this is only a couple of ghouls in an a bomb and a super crazy legend absolutely it's a plus 32 lives and he is putting in so much damage these archers don't stand a chance these dryads don't stand a chance and there's plenty of corals in the absence of a demon hunter this spell immediately happy is on the button once again and the expo is done there is a scout by moon here seen this on the other side of the map with a wisp but what can you do about it nothing and well maybe but he doesn't have the resources really a bomb stuck in the main forgetting about that for now sixty supply he's killing the wisps happy can perhaps considered going for The Tree of Life actually with three normal damaged units okay he's preventing this mining so for such a long time Gould sent back ziggurat coming up just fortify this and buy more time happy very low lumber here bringing all those ghouls out aggressively now he's sending the reinforcements zip but has to be careful of being intercepted to hippos happy can gladly fall back this was a great attack for him he bought so much time finally bringing the a bomb from the main as well which was forgotten for a little while heal scrolls are a big deal happy would love to claim them Nova towards the Hippogriff a Bowman said she was coming in little little bit out of position as to reposition where's the coil he has an info potion on that slip so he can do the core enzyme on the destroyer sacrifices this involve or it's seven seconds the disease cloud is spread nothing against the bears for now reach you on that dryer where's the coil the latch here we go third abomination the air fights at the moment one by moon is not doing too much against that still absence of feet and tangle against the AVO I'm happy what's another item I guess but still plenty of calls to work and their heels are up to 1/3 again one destroy is still up but that's the last dispel and he's running out of range the hippo kills it and now the keeper basically free terrain kind of low mana however but the Bears on the ground he can't deal with them too easily anymore happy suddenly with a supply deficit take the third coming in for happy with the pocket factory interestingly no swarm rockets another abomination safe once more the lynches out of mana just right clicks in quotes also no coils anymore on this DK no potion on him in wall at least metal coil breath no fire burns the ice cold hands of the Lich and happy over estimating his army and maybe too confident in this lives he has a lot of gold though can he buy him back he wants to buy him back he certainly cheaping out Lynch bought and safe but moon all of a sudden with the five supply lead and the strength of a keeper of the Grove split attack with treants happy is he throwing away this lead he's still mining at the expansion by the way moon forgetting about it no towers up at the expansion just yet it's a lot about mana though guys not only about supply also mana pandan super low mana keeper super low mana and tangle there is a destroyer though how can he bring damage to these bears they're trying to wreck the final slide but exactly wants to TP out afterwards no repair okay now coming in but the breath should be good against it once it's ready it is now mass repair TP out boon calculating this nicely and this Expo Falls and the bear is saved as well moon on point happy overextending heavily as it turns out oh boy if he had just fallen back he could have just tp'ed after you when he was retreating but happy a player who rarely backs away from a fight that was a fights in hindsight of course easy to say he should have backed out of lich almost level for trading teepees now and upgrades for moon not going up to 80 at the moment has to realize that there's no wisps in the mind but of course a player of the caliber of moon will realize this quickly item not a claw +9 but I guess it's okay otherwise he's too much of a glass cannon dying there in the middle of the map this is not allowed to happen again happy again out of lumber basically has to hold this with what he has because moon is pushing again with a massive supply lead 15 supply and no consumables except this envelope the legend which has two altars you scroll as well so many bears and so much mana as well for moon the hippos are pretty much useless there destroy I'm not one percent sure there must be okay there's one how to deal with the hippos in the air how to deal with the bears on the ground extremely tough hold pocket factory to seal this and of course treants coming in this limited to spell hippos coming in mass right-click they are so fast he needs a thousand coils on this destroyer lift a little bit of disable there with the entangle - how many can he kill always only going for the hero kill there's a TP of moon and he wants to fall it immediately was too late and this happened too long I it before where the hero with the GP was killed and now the Panda no mechanic oh my god the potion has to be used and Lynch following not following boy this pandas keeps them alive in proposal last second a gargoyle laid the tin cap almost dead if only the bear turns around the dryness not in the expo was not canceled by the way the Bears are still here but they bite them settle for the Lich now extremely hurt as well eating the gaga for more man a massive Nova towards these bears right flicks coming in the keeper has been bought back I think from the tavern I hope to get the man asked the question silly he'll scroll he brings that in that massive lids might be coiled once more but standing at the Bears just right-click spy moon right-click right-click right-click and happy runs away from this where is the coil is it ready it must be ready oh there we go saving the carry tinker about to die on level 2 Blue has no box or two big kills most likely decay running in for no entangled and I back with full mana this a bomb is definitely dead perhaps even the second one the dry it's low coming in big time once again no drunken haze only drunken brawler and Breath of Fire a bomb sacrifice yes happy tonight eps and moon teepees out happy holds this despite seventeen supply difference the magic of a stacked Lich and now happy can mass-produce for once he's not completely out of lumber he should run to the shop right now and get the involved with the DK that should be doable there so everything is so hurt moon cannot have enough moon juice to heal this army backup right I mean he didn't use them for a while but on the Panda he did wagons coming in a bombs coming in he's completely moving away from destroyers what a game to start things with seventeen minutes in moon with a clear supply lead but happy has the better gyros 25 supply though did he pilot build towers expansion by now there's only a single narrowed nothing else be 500 goals he's not spending it 600 gold what's he waiting for now it's that too late units take time to produce still didn't go for a single fee in this game more statues seems like it's going back and destroyers but I don't know if these hippogriffs are just gonna snipe the statues if you ask me we'll see more guards coming that's the right idea they will distract but will they kill no one's sitting between the rally and the army going for the air of moon but the destroyers in the middle of everything but the fire running through this time with drunken haze okay so there is this mischance destroyer almost killed immediately guard coming in but not finding the target see and we'll just be annihilated in the air eaten though but there was super fast the eliminations are falling too this time it's not opting for the hero kill though now here is be a little too far away going for the panel but there's a staff and the keeper of the world wants to get him away Nova can't read read you notice fell against that panda has a super tag with that maybe switch the focus to the keeper of the Grove was no TP tinker's following this one the hypocrites completely useless at the moment is the keeper exposed in the back or opening up this way with treants nice idea by mood see maybe honda gold mine is falling here happy trying to find some hero kill somewhere but the haunted not that yet but it's so many bears he doesn't have a damage output a deal with these bears anymore we have another pocket factory coming in baby finds it but no follow-up is there a little bit of more right clicks he needs it does not get it cheaper survives haunted don't mind us not happy finds himself in a 20-7 supply deficit and moon is getting close to five five the current always knowing when to push and always knowing which is more important I think when to retreat then was happy to a mistake right he got a oh alright position perhaps a bit of a lead but then didn't use the TP and time lost the lich lost so much of his army so what now and was nine out the main no he's establishing the expansion once again this is the specialty of echo isles the second coke mine is not endless as it is on Amazonia so if you hold on and let your opponent mine it out and babysit your expansion you could be the one with income later in the game but that will take some time as moons expansion was all so disrupted and he had no wisdom there for a long time happy has the upper hand of the blight happy has the upper hand of the narrow Brower and the faster reinforcements if moon is positioning a little differently than before but all the other advantages are in the hands of the fifth race it's gonna get no.5 here perhaps even EE level fives and yet the upgrades you can easily afford it he's been on two bases for so long it's punt gonna be to to on bears dry yet and hippogriffs this is a big advantage for Nile in the late game kind of all the units you want share the same upgrade type the hippogriffs don't do too much but they kind of stop any destroyer play you saw it in the last fight how fast they were jumping on this destro and then it's not really worth to coil it right double inward potion for more he is so ready for this happy is not more a bombs and a guard once again these guard haven't done too much just yet but gave some mass to the lips that ruinous yield scrolling in will an Amara postman opposing the most important think maybe and seeing the hero focus before on the Lynch this in will as well it's not about positioning moon of course knows that happy is not mining from two mines and he has to catch up this is a lot of time for him plays it patiently claiming shop control once again but he's actually slot starved how many bears as you have I wonder five six it's not that many if the Bears all died it doesn't matter if there's hippos in the air with the dryads left only you can't do much two destroyers one stat you only he has to watch this awesome positioning again on the pocket factory 73 supply suddenly for happy where did this come from I wonder how much is still in production moon is pushing again once this one all right now drunken haze breath of fires they're dispelled not so much and there's misses from the Lich now who's taking quite some damage in the middle of all the Bears again retreats and catches the coil waiting for the Nova once more using it on the keeper of the Grove actually heal potion used very quickly hippos find the damage towards all of these destroyers in the year the destroyers are all gone no more despair now for happy can he do it even without against the keeper of the growth that would be massive tan on the back Technol of damage her gaze well a fire also returning a lot of damage on beyond that side the a bombs also close to dying Ultimates kind of far away actually depend are not too far away honestly going for the hero again this narrow tower is putting in a lot of work it's gonna be the involve forced here pretty soon with heroes so close of dying and Earth's torment fires pretty close as well coil dogs with an anvil moon so strong level 3 on the tinkin about that exposed to panda does he have to damage nobody's ready but another in will use seven seconds where's the car on the ledge doesn't have that don't suppress a fire with a nimble not falling for this now seven seconds needs to healing and the region but it's only one statue there the Bears are moving forward it's a thirty supply League ready people it is the only Savior here TP out fine moon once more didn't kill the expo this time and gets the bear on the way out but happy again losing 25 supply and moon has a thousand gold and shims are coming oh boy and if the a bones didn't have tough enough of a time earlier with gyms on the way it looks like it's the end happy amazingly has been holding on for so long most other undead's would have crumbled a long time ago with this wave after wave of my love attack I'm not giving this game up if there's the slightest chance of taking the win happy seems to be like not getting any experience at all the progress on the Lich since the tinkerer arrived is basically non-existent yeah sure Earth storm and fire will be a nice disable with cyclone and Todd will be great as well and of course the damage from the fire Panda it's not little as well defense upgrades on the abomination yeah again going into a bombs but these gyms usually I am not a big fan of gyms at all they got Hart countered by fans very very easily if you're not going for being no fiends without this piercing damage it's really hard to take it down main goal mines dry I would love to know how much gold is left in moon's expansion that is the key can happy hold on until that mine runs out that's his win condition yeah hold one more time two more times maybe three more times and then happy could still win this but this is the hardest attack you had to face yet Koreans in the main they won't do much I think well with illusions will happy realize or it's only one gym right it's honestly not that much damage but you need to prioritize this otherwise the a bombs will just melt and that takes damage away from everything else pushing again for the victory no destroyers at all hippos are kind of useless at the moment big breath of fire drunken haze coming in towards the a-bombs but yeah only one ship is real the damage here is still good but not too crazy but roar coming in as well also now and no dispel against any of this hard you see what's going on asleep where is the coil is it ready we are not close that we're still close at level six but happy taps out moon continues his rampage to get the undead's in this tournament three maps in a row against one to zero and now the jump start on air coils for him here as well cool but what a banger of a start yeah honestly pretty lucky by moon he got his expansion delayed by so much or rather the entangled destroyed and the mining disrupted place so much happy could have just he peed out he could have just double-click tp'ed go to his expansion and hunker down turtle make mass army but he had such a bad engagement in the middle of the map losing the Lich falling so far behind and then unable to be close in supply but this once again as it was the story of the tournament one step too far by happy a little bit too greedy when he has the lead and the opponent slaps back and then stops the snowball that is pretty easy to fix by playing a little more conservatively if the big game of horses won't stop being aggressive at the start it would be a happy making the clothes still almost able to weather the storm they're almost able to hold on that lit almost single-handedly kept him in that game he's not going together looks like that again very unlikely but gonna be able to rely more on his army later I think he had a hard read on mass riots yes and that was a lot of investment into the abominations for the double slaughterhouse that's so rare to see in this matter against mass drives the mass a bomb stuff perhaps a couple of meat wagons behind along with one two destroyers is really good but against hippogriffs if he's not going mass drives if he's going hippogriffs the destroyers will die so quickly and winning a bomb versus bear fight without dispel it's basically a bombs aren't bad but bears are better they have roar they have rejuvenation and of course to make matters worse to keep it also has plenty of spells but you need to dispel I feel moon was really really really fast and on point with this transition I feel he wanted to play master because he always wants to play mass try it realizing happy girls to men Ava switches quickly to bears sees ok these destroyers are pretty good that still some nipples happy wasn't ready for the hippos a damn where's game really went downhill when he had noticed spell anymore when he lacked the magic damage against the Bears and a disability on everything else and he never recovered from the six simple play by mood he played some guards but come on you can't let you can't start playing guards fifteen minutes into the game the numbers on one cryptic sec something also to point out by moon his hippo control was actually outstanding it didn't just a click them in where they all clump up when the Yi under kites back then one Nova comes in hits everyone he was actually spreading out their book of selling them in in waves so the Lich doesn't get this insane value from the Nova also lots of entangle targets were on the Lich he knew he couldn't get the kill but he was preventing right-clicks for good reason with how crazy the right-click was from that Lich no one grabs the lead like th did earlier in this best-of-five map in this entire tournament Korea vs. Russia continues food took the lead against foggy last year as well and it worked like a charm will happy be able to counter quicker than the Ukraine laugh time Caulfield Hill to think of the emperor of his race and a good start but now it's happy that choice back up the two will it be match points right away for moon after this one ch Happy's first pick what will we see moon had a very specific build earlier against one to zero seemed to be kind of designed for an important game we don't see that normally too often with the fast tech to tier two a couple of huntresses with a hunter's hall and then an expansion very passively very safely on his next to his main basically which was later but was safe and then a transition into triads that cat is out of the bag though happy saw that game happy is aware of this possibility but that has always been moon one of moons big strengths he has such a big playbook so many strats to draw from so many different variations to go for it is gonna be an expansion there's no question about that but when's it gonna be what's the backup of the unit's gonna be what's the endgame composition gonna be that is all unclear the one thing you do know is that moon will be going to two bases it's pretty much a Styles Clash because happy oftentimes very one-dimensional bills this was not the case on EKKO though with those double slaughterhouses and mass abominations and then of course he wants to win the games with micro players forces are under it well moon more of a macro paid player dodging fights go to the very late stages and then accumulate enough forces to finally beat you somehow and it's really what happened she got the superior numbers that's how he won he also controlled well don't get me wrong but moon had a big lead in that game for a very long time happy had a had a lead for a short time in that game and gave it away can't afford to do that again not against absolutely he was the one giving his quite an upper hand in early games with a couple of mistakes I'm characteristically for him but he did and was punished for it but oftentimes didn't use the map because I'm happy needs to punish him harder than anyone has before because loonette's still not lost a single series compared to happy has looked a little shaky at times but in the end the world champion always prevails West Scout here confirming where the opponent is keeper not being greedy I'm not moving across the map with level 2 for this camp to be done by the archer and the treants only know doing it with the heroes gonna be faster as well for him second item for him is the cloak pretty unfortunate items early on for moon so far happy starts with the claw again this rings the bell doesn't it happy not going to trial a sit here as he did early creeps this already with one Archer happy no two archers I guess but the decays not in position to do anything about this is it the first time that Happy's ha not harassing by the way against night off sometimes he will do this creep one or two camps first and I think why especially did it so deliberately wait a minute last hit from no way okay people gets it on the craziest then with an acolyte I can I block here as well a little bit against the keeper yeah why I did it against on the first map one echo this is a bit of was a bit of a greedy camp with the Merc camp first so there was certainly an opening to be aggressive but moon realizing okay you're on the other side of the map I have scoured this with a wisp so I can go at least for the big item carrying guy more tankyness for him isn't the greatest really for a keeper for a second hero though it could be nice yeah especially if you want tankiness for a panda oh whoa this tree very far in the back close to the main there's a skeleton with that little froggy yes but not enough because it's only the DK RS so it's looking kind of similar like the game against won 2-0 earlier with the expansion over there on the other side of the river very safe but no huntresses we have archers this time around DK with the tele staff looking to be more disruptive more annoying keeper not at level 3 that's the big level up for him the big power spike DK already with the anti entangle staff to get out of there I don't think you wanted to jump on anything because there's nothing roaming around here with the absence of skeletons but he knows what's up doesn't know the timings exactly not too sure little second tier 3 slaughterhouse only what this time DK again attacking the tree a little bit it looks like Happy's kind of wasting a lot of time very inefficient late early game here by him not much being accomplished hunter saw again and did he see at this time it's late this is really late keep a level-3 though there we go that is the big level up and the pan a second again okay worked out fine on map one didn't do anything in the match against one to zero and it is the double slaughterhouse again now the quest I'm okay move scouted immediately this expansion should would it be even later than before that's pretty cool staffing over to the ghouls which were already starting the camp when I get him close to level three but this is the nice thing now about moon having crept part of this natural earlier if it was still there in its entirety a creep check once again could be very scary like it was earlier agains one to zero but now the rest of it is easy to take Google's very close to dying really nice to have dried production starts late giving happy a jump start on abomination go into TF we against water we've not seen this once we saw the five Archer plus Panda solo creeping on echo be very effective should be harder to make work here creep cams here are harder in general could perhaps go for the merchant but net not even that one is easy going for the lab can't do that without an ancient of war going anywhere else also kind of impossible so the Panna should have a tougher time getting to level three here happy of course knows that the tree is on the way with four skeletons two of them are about to expire but new ones have been summoned panda is able to defend this alone hi oh my god can you get the kill there's quite a bit of damage where the west coming in breath is nice whisper again not coming in but he's switching the focus to the option to reduce the number nice shadow meld perfect shadow mouth indeed big one of my nice feeling right there no second Nova statue coming in now though that is more mana and more HP Kingdom kill destroy us to get the dispel dryads coming no tr3 this time alright happy is it gonna go only guess this now or is he gonna again try to counter expand I think he kept all goals alive maybe health but they recovering of course on blight mmm-hmm is it third hero time for happy think another Nova another kill on to an archer I think his heroes are just too low at the moment to be able to afford a third hero notice spell just yet oh the Panna walking very far forward step destroy upgrade should be ready in a second and then he can dispel finally mmediately damage of the lips is lacking now and the first Destroyer is up dispel immediately against the treants so here we have additional damage for the Russian DK almost level 3 they're still enough creeps remaining here to get him that level 3 expansion about to start mining but not quite ready yet and abominations are coming this time the destroyer transition was a little earlier not the 34 supply disease cloud a bomb built by happy in wolf we're happy as well that's important panel now it's gonna have a tougher time going towards the lab and I feels forced to a huge portion already scared oh the damage this is level 3 this is a question this is important solo creep the middle for this Expo it starts to pay off now Happy's but creeping the same one the consumable here can make a massive difference greater mana the dream and who gets it happy seventh time in the round of 8 and now today that the opponent of happy gets a big mana potion going for the red camp but he may not necessarily have the time for this at least the big boy should be doable though with the entangle focus that's not enough for level 3 pan although I think early upgrade for the dryads but okay it's not going into mass happy is pushing moon sees this with this with the first abomination is there and tangled or immediately for the tree what's the play plus twelve that's not gonna be so good in the pan up but the greater manner certainly is but still the ghouls again the ghouls again Lynch's level to Nova doesn't hit that hard cheap he comes in you see what for once just right-clicking taya tele staff happy realizes this Nova comes in not much repair he is is he right taking this now he commits he didn't do that for a long time he wants to get rid of the repair first here comes the a-bomb damage and he gets rid of the tree fight or get out staying in this for now and why not hit another Nova there onto the arches even calling a ghoul actually and the a bombs he doesn't have the damage to deal with him the ghouls I started to blow even with a devour coming in getting rid of that experience gain at least good drive control as always but he comes the next a bomb how is he supposed to deal with all this HP are the Lich's cleaning a house here was just turning around getting a double killing now happy is chasing with that unholy aura moons trying to react with the tier three bringing in these bears as was so successful on echo isles but maybe that is too late because there's no double income anymore moon actually on low upkeep so only seven gold per round and now time to kill the shop that would prevent the staff and potions and orb of venom and least the staff would be grateful moon doesn't have the gold his clothes shelter before the mana for happy he's also still looking circuit he has so many more Nova's so many more coils can't use against the drives but certainly against the heroes pan are now in the front line has to be careful one more kill is a level up for the lid for the next level in the Nova the second point twenty can fight he can't fight even with Moon Wells exactly happy was positioning himself nicely at mode losing so many HP so much HP that is level three for him the Lynch is a Gatling gun and kills dry it after dry and the abominations are just not falling and the positioning of happy was so great meat wagon is coming in that moon was not able to get to a majority of these moon wells Oh it's its moon ladies and gentlemen its Morse but the dryads are walking through the disease it's almost kind of worth it need to heal scroll soon have nighttime thousand gold as he continuously staying on 50 and now modest tier 3 but supply stuck he can't go for bears he's healing up at the fountain he needs this everything is so hurt from thanks to the disease but in the main everything is getting slaughtered second moon well is dead already or killed already third one that is 480 gold for you and he needs more time more a bombs a bombs and even ghouls for the lumber as he has problem with that that wagon didn't do too much but it's level three ok I can a bombs though not that impressive damage happy staying in this in the middle of everything trying to nuke the Panda but I guess it's not enough to do these cut once again spreading everything is hurt Lynch is almost untouched this is just them slaughter heels crow being used super only destroy a safe once more by the coil this is all the manner in the world for happy to you safe above the trees not really working but lasted against the Dryad level up for the DK now he's nuking the Panda this looking really good oh boy a demonstration of force by happy as the equalizes the series and it's now a 1-1 all right getting the equalizer there look a little sketchy therefore happy the early game seems to be pretty solid for moon got the expansion up fairly quickly not that quickly went for the TSP attack again once again moon raped transition in this game he didn't have enough to hold on then but I don't know let's say he doesn't spend that 350 or so gold for the tech that would be two more dryads is that enough to hold probably not like I don't really think so this double slaughter into two to three a bomb timing is looking really strong you just don't have the numbers yet you don't have the focus fire damage yet to take out these high HP targets of course a bombs not the most right-click damage really but against these low HP unit the dry yet the disease cloud is too a tremendous job and yes this is what you get if happy goes for this double slaughter and you don't solution fast enough that was the problem here no damage really I don't think it could finance damaged in any way look what she's supposed to do go archers against frenzied Gulen Lich I don't know faster they asked let's try it he was going tier 3 couldn't do it yeah but he wasn't like ten dryer the tech was definitely later than Alexa but they're also happy went for the counter expansion right he didn't put everything into the attack too he was also creeping up more to level three on the Lich I don't think you can play this much more readily earlier to Tier three and also if you text tier 3 maybe it's gonna have two bears but it also means fewer dryads yeah that was happy smack though I don't wanna jinx anything but we have had two one one so far th took the lead lost one to zero took the lead lost the lead the big determining factor unconcealed was the difficulty of creeping that is always the case on concealed early level 3 panda did a lot of heavy lifting in the last game you just can't do that are concealed own solo panda plus five marchers can't easily creep to level three it's just not doable on that map so yeah I guess reasonable counter picked by happy that looked good and concealed despite the greatest early game for him it was okay and all but not like he stormed away with everything with anything alright once again down to a best of three maps remaining for us so happy that even in the World Championship final you're still going for that sitsit back to walk-up classic we're easy northern and twisted remaining I would say it was close against one to zero I think is the really good map man happy what attorney alright three has lost the map time to take a toilet break here maybe in for five minute wait it's not looking relaxed at all last time here at Shanghai we have to sustain base raise investment before Ramudu had to lead already it was state to be the last building with foggy made it a series there there was a best-of-seven sit down a bit there wasn't absolutely insane game or northern I hope you already saw an utterly insane game earlier on a Z against one to zero that was the base race for the ages trophy will it be the second road the moon household or will it go to Russia [Music] Lich King resides yeah happy the case you're tuning in late surpassing the legendary dead man as the most successful Russian player of all time the last time a Western player won a major championship was of course mr. grubby back in 2009 almost 10 years ago nine and a half now the last time a Russian won a championship Amanda's yesterday code 5 2005 seems like it's time it's long overdue moon was the curse lifter here in Shanghai the gold leak was owned by Chinese players eh in p120 fly no one was able to break them not foggy not live but mood last time all righty Matt number 3 Amazonia is the big for the fifth race who's gonna get match points in the Potemkin whether the Challenger from Russia this is keeper Valley but went 2-0 challenged him to the very very very limits it can't get much closer than the movers won 2-0 game was absolutely with that mass fiend to duel hero high level kiting gameplay which happy is also certainly capable of doing is that what's gonna be happening here or will be a different Stratus tea that should be the play it's very strong with the keeper you move instantly to level to easily get to level three expansion behind which is safely protected looks like a very strong opening by the Night Elf which usually leads into a good position to with a mid and late game it's up to the undead here to come up with something special with a bit of a specific build a good idea to deal with this very powerful strategy of the night off one-zero was trying to interrupt this creep moon again not going for the greedy engine of war positions it a little more careful knowing that this is a possibility to drag out the creeps with the cool to make damage against the ancient of war happy it's not doing that happy is focusing most likely on himself will go for the trolls in to harass I think this means he cannot prevent level two on this map or will he start focusing on his own levels for once I mean he did it on CH a little mmm-hmm yeah the thing is here if you harass another one with the DK you really can't prevent level two so already this would be a much weaker level one harass than many other maps then basically on any other map so I would not be surprised to see happy creeping to the level two right away especially since lightning shield can also be made use of by the undead as we've been seeing more and more this year the acolyte here for harass the last hit steel of course would be tremendous hard to make work though and honestly moon has to make a mistake and give him the opening for that to be allowed DK keeper no demon hunter no but those were not Oh echo was but didn't decide to go for it and happy starts with the Lightning shield creep works if you want to find out how that works we have a tutorial video but mister on our YouTube look close perfect spot keeper will happy find the claw for the third time in a row also intelligence tome here for the keeper of the Grove that's his level two right away happy not denying any last hits the ring of protection only for him which is absolutely not what he wanted but how more is also somewhat valuable he's able to already so he killed a wisp somewhere I guess otherwise he wouldn't be there already one wisp ill of course not the end of the world but it is one with less last night before this keep up +10 actually with the tone oh yeah so that's the noise against the walls yeah that's basically the best you can get and the last hit I'm not going to the creeps but to moon good opening for the Korean once more happy making his way over with the skeletons can he prevent level 3 and if yes for how long tech coming in could still be an expansion behind I would certainly expect it to be not making use of his mana here for a long while here comes the second ziggurat this is the happy special build early graveyard couple of ghouls late second ziggurat so hard for happy to take out any goos onto the map he's scouting for an expansion he is perhaps considering the possibility of trying to cancel it the wizard was already moving there so what does he what kind of information does it get from that did she see it as a the first question yeah but he must think it's coming up it's this is so standard and this is so strong not much reason for the night off honestly not to go for this and again he's continuing to creep towards level 3 and with his creep positioning he's at the same time keeping the expansion safe this is why this is so strong that be very close to scouting it but that's the thing if you Scout it it may not be the best call to try to come into canceling you're gonna lose a lot of ghouls if you commit to this tree of life okay now with the keeper a little but there's also nothing to grab for him so he's creeping the merlocks the safe spots are basically all gone you can drag out the goblins that's alright with entangle and surround that's how moon we've made the keeper so strong on a Z in the first place nice to die and most likely the second one as well this plus damage is really good for the keeper yeah really really good in the early game good creeping at the same time in the bottom right now moon is moving out of his comfort zone happy perhaps reading it though if it gets entangled here it's very obvious the arches are around the corner what is saving lot of mana I like that happy a7 that was a gold he's stayed on his 4 or 5 ghouls hasn't made anything else just yet it seems that will three keeper boom here we go that's the big level up just became a lot stronger okay it's time to produce for happy as well lift tier 3 slaughterhouse pretty much all at the same time but it's gotta be careful there's no staff this time on the DK it's not that needed to get out and for the first time in this series we have mass air with the double winds and demon hunter ii again like it was earlier on l are against one to zero lightning shield here being used by the creep not what had to be happy wanted to see kind of difficult to creep now but he's only sniping the item the rope is very good for the second hero lich had more attack speed with the slippers as well so already you're welcoming inventory food is creeping up as expansion without tree support but treant so that's fine saving so much mana is pretty cool bird costume some h-beam skeleton scouts but the litter is too late to really go for the big creep deck which would have been the opening the case only harassed there against entangle doesn't do much so is it time for a second hero for more we see the alchemist for the first time demon hunter again exactly one roof happy saw the games against one to zero to know that this is a possibility or did he focus on his own game and grind at the Nerys matter maybe to get it through to count to the top three I imagine he saw those games though like if half moon is playing against an undead and you know it obviously would be kind of foolish not to watch those games if you didn't see the semi-final between moon and one to zero this demon hunter second play caught 1 to 0 by surprise and he had no answer to that always running into the mana burn had nothing to work with demon hunter afford good right-clicks as well not easy to nuke and the second hero Pigface we got him the game so sends out the Lich yep well how many times did you were you angry at pro players for not doing that happy now in the most important game of his year oh this creep drag could be promising level 3 DK plenty of damage from that level - Carl gets the first kill right away keeper also pretty hurt and tango to slow things down nova codes ready as well oh what a play by moon mounting on hippo riders of course the mounting - but the creep spot did not get to moon still up for grabs both seconds heroes with great damage pulling the fiends in the main going for frenzy I'm pretty sure before web the two fiend frenzy cool timing attack we've seen this plenty of times now but it's gonna be hitting after the expansion and started mining I think that has already been gathering up some gold coins happy loves going darker into third with this I would like to see maybe Naga actually but she's also has a tendency of dying now he doesn't even have the gold for third hero right now can he get the Steel's with coils again he's finding moon the second side that he knows exactly what's up moon with a mistake this option this rallied coil again I would love to have a coil kill counter unhappy close for the Lich to basically with the rope being +6 as well here comes Webb it's a fast upgrade say can't you let in 51 supply already for moon finds himself an up keep early on diva hunters gonna be the spearhead of this army it's gonna be taking possibly damaged that's why as the heal pot already we have the first destroyer now web just finished lots of damage towards this tree detonates coming out if he burns the DK dry this should be a good fight for moon starting off with that right away Nova into the back to spell against the entangle coming in pretty quickly last caller coming in no more Ealing now from the DK already out of mana nice detonates man ho that was fast but happy get some kills without losing too much now ghouls but they're disposable anyway he gets rid of the air that's the most important thing at least a hippo riders to get rid of the DPS since the ghouls away distracts the demon hunter with this no mana potion of course but this micro is just out in the late game tier three nobody pays attention to friends Eagles they just died like so happy for these units against organs night off so much value instead you might be gone here again mana burn 438 which is also nothing to work with it's only right-clicks by happy is he over estimating under estimating his strength again or his sustain no he's just killing stuff not too many fiends left though there's one more entangle ready aiming for that fiend to spell will be there but it's too late for the safe fiend will be falling happiness over for for the level two or I think he's close he gets it okay can he chase now or at least run away looks like moon is getting double kill here if he's get somehow in range for two more kills for happy if he follows through with this he seems to be happy to trade fairly equally but man he like God rulefive supply Lee eat or something Happy's very close to another big level of level 3 Lich almost and for now moon going back to the main he used a lot of wisps I think earlier there in the goldmine but he still seems to be mining decently well no statue at the moment for happy big problem he needs those statues at all times to provide the region from the back lot of fairies coming in happy has to retreat again he's a little greedy doesn't want to use the town portal and willing to fight apparently without mana mana burn should be coming in against the Lich very soon to prevent that Nova no ends up on the DK th no no two are very very helpful right now the destroyer a little too far forward quickly enough with the move away but still not remember the Amanda though also dropping lower HP the damage from the lips is starting to add up now he's level three in this level to aura dude is saving him so many units crazy but this one will fall the demon hunter again out of the fight maybe chance for more kill if the keeper isn't here yet the Destroyers say if you saw it at the bottom left of the screen so crazy how much he is able to save Oh in a second here to judge the coil but he got burned a little too slow by happy for once the story's gonna fall yeah buddy can morph more let's just bring it under attack a little damage is ending up on those fairies still three webs happy is not cutting though losing this one sacrificed it for more mana which will be doing the demon is out of the fight soon with the staff but more killed so I had moon supply plummeting down to 44 only had 40 for himself he had pretty much the tenth supply lead starting this fight in the first first engagement with the mana potion now wow mr. Stein looked a lot like that game earlier against won 2-0 of course the second hero differs with a demon compared to the alchemist from earlier but other than that pretty similar one evolution can be really nice put it on the DK and suddenly you don't know which target to burn anymore DK is 475 yep is close to the level 3 and moon only 50 supply with this mass air army you want to be at least at 60 you don't want to have to fight before that straight-up battles with mass air are not working we've seen one two zero fighting this with 2025 supply deficits so now is it time to kill the expansion or will moon react TP in or will he let it die TP he wants to hold it is level 3 big level up I'm on the diamond double potions true and here we go the big fight will happy be able to kite there's no mana post on the DK but a coil no mana burn here against the DK at least now the illusions all taken out pretty quickly but let your fiends still left alive the legend the frontline getting a little and so is the DK no 5 already must be aura at this point actually dashing out the Nova immediately as soon as he has the mana that might be the last one in this fight she said he's far away from the hero but the webs are coming in and he prevents this damage the feeds are out of range of the statues though that's a little problematic but they used their web that's nice and he finds the way to safety no they don't level 3 or I'm pretty sure it is making them so quick the keeper dropping lower there as well somewhat the fairy dragons they're all disappearing and you can see there's a severe lack of damage not even acid bomb in this the team hundred can never connect with his damage he's always just chasing he's always so got it no TP no potion what's he doing let's just stop chasing but he is definitely out of this fight more kills he wants more experience he wants that level 5 flips and he's nice apply more to stopping Laura any webs no kills no lumber can't use wisps really six fairies that's ridiculous that's nothing and more and more fiend production coming in over and over double stroller feeling now on the DK well if I can't heal with coils I guess I'm here with jaws that's what it says wait level two aura I think it's number three I'm not sure I'd love to see it though should be no three okay more right clicks is it enough to break it mood is ready seemingly no staff on the keeper come on the demon hunts it again opens this fight with a new cut the keeper again this time he has a post but will burn through this fast illusions here confusing doesn't know which one the real demon hunter is perhaps but he has now to aim for him now he knows the real one though can't just take out the fairies it's so easy to micro against this now it's always a sign when the undead stops to kite and stays in the straight-up battle this is your game apparently moon is almost knew they would even have to stash them out no mana burn barriers web DF there's no damage the keeper is the only source of damage that will fight for the lady GG happy has a point on one of the strongest maps for moon happy still makes it work this micro I don't know I need like a calendar off my feathers of this tournament how many units did he save in deep deep deep breath HD range this is so crazy this is so crazy that level four on the decayed all came barely in time the level two aura saving him so many units moon was close to spiraling out of control there he was close to getting up to that sixty finding kill after kill and then if he gets the burns rolling as well there's gonna be no mana to be used though spells to be used on the underside yeah moon making a duck face right now what happened that name it's felt like that game was going well the keeper started off with +10 damage after the first two creep camps he got levels three pretty quickly he got the x-bow up easily he didn't lose many arches at all the demon hunter once again did good job burning got level three probably too late though why didn't lose Heroes either but it couldn't find the kills the responses the reaction to fast happy is a kiting monster that's that tell moon should not play air anymore one two zero was already pretty strong against that when he is playing his a-game happy I think I have to say this the piece of level above what to do with a micro I agree happy whenever wait one map away from the Western world sanity first western gold league chapter ever the first time easier the first time he is actually even here unbelievable folks when he tries the first time he's here the first time playoff the first time Finals the first time Metroid's the second update only in a gold league grand final after one to zero of course has been there four times next map twisted Meadows broadly I think his map choice was twisted if I remember right yes hormone twisted will be coming if he eliminates food if he wins the championship on moon meadows what a story I wonder Eppie is not really the guy to chat before a game starts spread the word we're at 9,000 viewers we wallet map away 9000 Jesus from a Western nice of you to tune in this is pretty high doggie was here twice he didn't accomplish this he didn't make it all the way through - Merce place he had mad funds as well in the final against th not against smooth though there he was absolutely without a chance being defeated four and one seems like we get a little break here thank you so much for tuning in thank you so much for supporting this dream on actually make its time starts once again we're basically here all whole coughs we got the hotel at the flight but apart from that no casting feet or anything so if you want to support us a little feel free to use the stream laughs link for a little tip yeah PayPal credit card for cryptocurrency also we have an Amazon referral link you can suck you're on Twitch or buy our merchandise all the four things in description also if you want to follow up on social media for the latest news about Warcraft 3 competitive and whatever we do Facebook Twitter Instagram or join the lonely piss fortunately everyone's to make sure everything's right yeah up with his setup yep gotta get that in at this point massive shout out to our mods to try to keep the chat clean which is their hardest task today as well and everyone who is stickering for liquid pedia the best source for competitive Warcraft 3 tournaments Nikita back to Warcraft calm if you want to find some results of today well not results but given what what's coming up another great source for Walker three information is Walker three dog info the name suggests that lots of news lots of article up lots of statistics and a calendar to see what's coming up in the upcoming day is david has done a phenomenal job getting that home page shout out to all the people at the back to support the walk fantasy pretty cool how this game has been growing over the last couple of years since 2014 when WCA rolled around for all its many flaws it at least seemed to bring a dawn back to Warcraft and now with report on the horizon of course all of our hopes are very high reports it's supposed to come out this year happy seems to be getting into fighting shape at just the right time let's compete on most of the tournaments but the ridiculous thing is whenever he competes he wins and seriously whoever wins here is without a doubt strongest player in the world there was no one there dodged the strong grid this was very fair everyone played super strong opponents the deserving player advanced in 99% of the cases yes especially happy it really is like he defeated Flynn and focused oh yeah he defeated the best ball player yeah he the feel is way here th yeah the best human player if he defeats moon it's the best night of and he defeated flaw light the second best kind of player in the world as well yeah so that is without a doubt the strongest layer there is evens see webs moon has insane comeback potential you saw that it games against escaped before there's best a five-year quite a bit of historic relevance Warcraft history being written right here the prestige the honor the fame the glory all up for grabs and also a whole bunch of prize money 30 K for first place 15 K for second place and we're about to head into number 4 still on the quest to break the magical 550 thousand dollar prize money bark he needs to win this or he's out the Western scene has been here before jaws in 2015 40 Wiesenthal think they ain't met poisonous vomit they failed will happy do better on twisted meadows big map lots of expansions possibility to win this game through economy that all sounds like exactly what moon at once it starts all it starts off very hard there's no safe creep camped on this map he is ancient of war creeping yes at the nine o'clock position yes this is closed pod he's taking a risk and what a risk this is he doesn't know we're happy is yeah we saw night ops doing this more and more going for the gold mine creep with the ancient of war first because in the middle at the Noles it's too easy to scout and the merchant is too hard to do especially against happy it could be working out though happy has his own special build he only has one acolyte for scouting he can send out a ghoul for scout him because his crypt is liked well the acolyte normally you don't look there normally you just check the spawning position oh but if he does if he does he kind of can eliminate a lot of options for the rest of the map yeah he's not she's the wisp he knows he knows whether with the starting positions anyways yeah so she won't punish the tension of Waterloo it's going towards it though this is such a great read moon did this before on other positions he finds it and there's a sheep here as well hello not anymore gonna listen to grubby Creek kill all the critters there's no way not in a million years what a start for happy this keeper is going to be stuck on level one for ever yep and this is the difficulty can be fun I love on this map you oftentimes seen idols of each others map as well against 1 to 0 moon vetoed this map not here though because there is no safe camp to start with in theory there's the green camp but that's not even worth trying to go for because it's so tiny and in the match of 1 to 0 versus Lorelai at the night off was stopped in 5 minutes so there is definitely a reason why this is vetoed a lot ok wants to get a decently strong force out early with the hunts oh my god with an action of 4 double Rex hunts proxy witness moving out already special moon dread what again so much pressure on him he's about to lose his championship and he's playing double extra for proxy bullies happy see that this date time for the stellar skeleton is hunting the archer good move by a moon to move it to the left to not reveal the wisps happy sees no tech though Hennessey this must mean either expansion or push he sees the wizard oh my god does he really see are you serious if he was watching what his acolyte is doing that he absolutely knows what's coming that was pretty lucky honestly how the timing worked out there but sometimes you need a little bit of luck it's not 100 percent guarantee that he see the truth still at the six o clock true or was he actually not looking at the mini-map he used to be a Starcraft pro he sees the he sees the engine of war this is a massive Chell so what now how to defend this now he knows what's our executive drip mass feints right town is under guard around be guard so keep the a piece from coming up as long as they don't come up the gark should have map patrol yeah boy old school undead gargoyles on twisted staff for the DK now so he can scout and harass and then get back when things get dicey moon has no lumber yeah absolutely and a supply stock how does he want to a people's without like yesterday he's breaking oh boy the game plan I guess for the second time in the series disrupted very early on remember echo isles he built the engine of war next to the mercenary camp happy scouted this and let go of it moon is on foot lands see right now yeah he wanted to go for the creep first that didn't work plan be a put AP push that didn't work Plan C expansion after all at least the DK wasn't down here to harass otherwise it would have been really really beautiful there experience okay darks alright second time we see this in this tournament won 2-0 played agar tear to bake kind of against all night transition intervenes a Western and that player defeating Koreans with guards but they're still level two but the very low man are now you can hunting down these archers Archer kills matter a lot archers are the anti-air against the guards early on but there's no dust okay she's fine okay this could be a lengthy match - first - garça routers forces are under or will he pressure loan so much that he has to tap out early - guards into Lich as it seems this choice here by happy saving still some resources see the tech in the main has been going on for a while cancel the expansion would be massive I'm not sure that he has the damage though but with with two guards two skeletons DK might be in numb this could become a very very typical moon game though with a hundred expansions yes everywhere on the map this macro was what won him 30 4001 championships finally a wispier dad hey-ohh gets both of them mistake by happy not splitting them you have to get out early this one skeleton would it have given him the kill I think entangle cooldown is done so he has to run away and he was considering for a long time to go for more guards or for the Lich in the end it was the guards but they're late these also could have been much earlier these two gods earlier plus the skeleton this would have been a can see still trying to get this one guard no of course micro away I think he's gonna get it only laws with the two additional once this has to be it yeah I've heard for the new ones are coming in and now he has two critical mass and kills the expo nothing is working for moon cogs hurt though lady's marchers he has double agent of ward they should be coming in pretty quickly nice he's going for lures like triads yes he's basically both but he has no income to support that alchemists second very good against the gods early on super late-game pandas better early alchemists what you want go away if you use stone for the lore of layers forces are under attack cancel this as well old-school undead play this is what we used to see back in 2010 all the time so annoying for the Night Elves to deal with but moon of course has played against this plenty of time that the lore comes through yes for production buildings now he's harassing of the main but it's this additional experience for the cake or no staff kill that decay is level too badly it's also pretty old-school for undead to wait until a very high decay to build that second hero cogs of course very fast movement speed increase in the latest patch and they are cheaper so absolutely a solution here against night of happy is supply stuck for now built a cigarette only now players forces are under attack happy mundo is not expanding I'm really surprised that no Tree of Life is coming up yet he was he still is low lumber really low it's coming dry its are pretty lumber heavy ghouls moving out it looks like happy is expecting another expense on you knowing for friends e.push without the aura that sounds crazy maybe you can creep a little first it is straight-up fight it's not much anti-air depends on how well connected happy creeping up the merchant as well is going to give him a he'll stroll that's a big deal perhaps a protection scroll as well boots you want to keep it for the rich maybe but also a lot of gold keep some the statue is such a big deal it's just coming fast but DK all of a sudden close to three it's getting bonus experience here still going for the drives right away but the dry it movements so good for as we always know it is sig micro three HP we have stone form coming in it's hard to take them out with treants may be a little easier or surround on the alchemist thanks barely makes it out no matter anymore for execute of coil oh my god moon is hiding everywhere in 360 degrees this is so well done DK just needs one kill for the level up which is probably gonna be all big big ears from oh yeah big oh my god these saves might the third one so close but the alchemist can he connect by he seriously in every single direction he's saving units happy can't follow another three finally for the DK but that was a tremendous beginning of this fall does he have like 800 8 p.m. or something he's doing everything right finally is dry at kill but how long did this fight last until he finally lost something out Stan ding performance Wow is it the level to aura by the way I don't think it is he's not playing against the demon hunters so he's not getting burned yeah you should go for coil two then but there's still no expansion you're supposed to play Expo at one point with his Dryad star last happy is facing like a Mona's going upkeep nonetheless he saved so many units that was dude yeah dad fight hey moon no question that he has the best dryer control in the world the level of play in this grand final in this top 4 and if you include day two of top eight also that the best this year big item from the Merc camp was the greater healing good but sin no greater mana those are reserved for Happy's opponents all of a sudden has a pretty big supply lead there's another building coming up oh transition into double slaughter mass a bombs once again and happy trying predict what's happenin expansion he's miss reading this perhaps again yes he's gonna get back step the chest before but no level three needs some healing there's no scroll but okay moon is pushing into the base sees the doubled slaughter that's to tell ya and also an attack like this totally looks like an expansion when the night off attacks into your main usually only done its faking to distract from an expansion also the army kind of looks like an expansion at this point happy will not have a good position but yeah there's an expansion by happy he's the first one to go for a second gold mine no disease cloud and tango immediately Lich's in trouble halfway down coil arrives but he's blocked by the alchemist how much damage can these guards do acid bob connects this is completely cut off and there's no coil anymore this looks might be dead the decay though taking quite a bit of fire here getting a lot of the damage over there the emotions triggered must be triggered soon miss playing with fire again there's no nuke though both heroes you're dropping low on the other side once again this dry micro is out of this world one volley comes in and instantly sending them away see this he's saving to again are now a little mistake actually the tree is there for healing a bomb is super low though there is should be another coil right happy state on 45 this guard micro is also pretty sick but having is no more damage nope can't go in with the guards again it's da bomb everything is hurt DK has the potion already knows and he thinks of the shadow shadow Mouse instant shadow melts and the statue started wow my god moon level up level 4 okay but can you still run away there is a coral has to use it on the ledge he's just seeing the matrix now saves the rest of the garbage at least and the Dryad scouts the expansion of course oh my holy jesus ever expansion my moon can happy recover yes three production buildings but is that enough notes are up and everything hurt what's the man of the neck for moon alchemist is dry keeper one spell undersea not good is the answer this try it's dead yep getting not level three what closer oh you hold this tearing down stuff with dryads an alchemist not easy but tearing down units is one coil has to be saved from the ledge who is almost surrounded alchemist kind of cross attack air stone for Muse but the guards are just falling out of the sky it's raining bones now he's aiming for the DK there's no death pact on him this might just be the hero kill this might be the equalizer DK is pretty fast with a level two or can he make it away trying to get the keeper with a bit of healing and now can he save this old boy mighty lose the DK still due to the asset bubble moving that can't is there some things you say the Destroyers can't reach happy you mad mad he transferred the carrot of vitality in the midst of all of this craziness by the way but there's still so many dryads 57 supplies that the Lynch is a Gatling gun all comers are still chasing the DK did you get it oh there's diesel out now there's east cloud now as well which is working overtime the Lich is super crazy he's killing so much now he's getting focused though there's gonna be another acid bomb right now how come mr. stack leads the coil DK is playing with fire but gets the coil in the second play with it the snacks that she was coming dryads are still falling this acid this disease cloud again yeah diseases perhaps turning this around but how close was this on both sides this keeper almost got the untangled which would have been the kill but he died before couldn't use the TP the thing is just a little bit too slow but a happy hold so Jesus have you happy held with 34 supply and I guess what was 125 HP DK there was a lot less he got the double slaughter house up he gets the meat wagons he survived this Jesus Christ levels ziggurats coming up if those two Zagat's turn into two spirit towers you can forget about running in there with giants moon has to has to has to has to expand again right like it can't break this anymore yeah but to base versus two so it's like okay wagons coming in now lots of wagons too already at least one more on the way happy playing it safe going for TP I like that not risking too much ocean and in bullets well I would love for Fiat upgraded spirit hours as well just you know hunker down you're a nun it on two bases this is looking a good this is looking good he's spending all his resources as fast as it comes in the for Lynch bus for intelligence baby oh can he snipe the meat wagons oh oh can you snap the alchemist what a fight now he has siege damage against this but the dryads are jumping on them no damage to yet he wants to get the perfect position but happy is putting so much damage on the heroes can you kill the other keeper again TP must come in is it again either oh my god mode five supply is their old nuyk nuyk nuyk nuyk alchemist ooh oh my god it was a heal scroll oh Jesus Mary and Joseph um I'm so close to a heart attack yeah guys better take your medication this is a tough one to watch can we just stop this and calm down for a second twisted meadows and finals what is it with this map mood can't allow these wagons to reach his base there's one spirit tower here which is already tough for the drives but at least not to the hunters hall proxy seizes attack coming in how are you supposed to hold this tree against his mass seat damages brides with a piercing they're tickling the buildings not even sure if he's just blessing to be honest the moon has to TP and then what does he have a TP yes he does he'll scroll as well but everything is heard already TP is that's the last stand for moon already oh so much damage repair came in late happy kills the expo losing one meat wagon is he even willing to get out they're always going for the alchemists again is that the heroes come on a thing order Alchemist stand out Oh acid Bob the meat wagons the damage to those are out to what to keep up ill info potion safes in but was that the last time yes we have a Western world new happy he's not considering himself a competitive player you know what cuz there's no competition for the rested $30,000 best in the world amazing performance play happy getting the title the first place took the trophy the throne to the Emperor he claims it in China as well there's no doubt there's absolutely no doubt Lin dad th the West well I certainly expect to win the tournament I am sincerely happy about that well I simply don't know what else to say completely unexpected feels great haha face Hong hiding at home emotion called azúcar English and eloquent a happy City eager Auto central for the Johnny Cash Rwanda's home potential Soviet higher country has enough faith heritage John and now you have 200,000 prize money all together how I'd like to spend have you ever think about it no probably gonna save up for future like always Owen Tosh in - I'll show and that you can tell me how to visible ha ha ha I'm a always sound cool now always on what you tell miss you're on the quantonium into the happy tribute to that y'all there you go Wally quality Johnny Cash aha I'm just a surface here and that you deserve the title of the decade but please promise us don't help you to nerve and anymore please watch in physical isolation on hajikko supership we also show on English French and Italian though the wall initially saw dramatized ago she's a heavy but also get her he actually did it so harshly happy that we are Shia and Tino Tino Tino contour even so I'll show you how to identify that's it that the eight gold League and the West finally finally finally had its champion for me as he said Hanukkah when I see human basanti thousand billion that you can which is roughly $30,000 for happy coming in here kind were forced by his bag ending up the champ hopefully this only is a taste for him a taste of competition and taste of getting a championship and not his dream realized we hope to see him here again at wgl but that's gonna be a story for the future here we have the second and third and fourth place finishers second place to moon third and fourth to China with th n120 these four players all with outstanding performances in this tournament it was happy who was the best it was only defeated once when for once he wasn't playing his absolute the Chinese during the preparation for this dream they have this graphic up usually like since we've been here in this studio this was always a curse because the winner was never used as an example happy breaking this curse we're gonna try to get him here by the way after he's done with the stage and a celebration hopefully he's gonna be inclined to come here to our studio which is just around the corner for him and get a chance here to yeah talk about that final oh boy the top for happy moon one to zero and th those were the top four also shout-out to the up-and-coming players here Tomiko and sock breaking out the highlight video as it seems we are gonna be back with happy with if I see and see how the pure car seat so Gigi [Music] how do you research I would like to thank everyone that helped me and watched me throughout this tournament it finally feels to win something so important because I come from Russia a faraway country in my region I win most of the local tournaments but it's the biggest tournament with the best players in the world so it feels great to finally win something that big thank you a lot of words man nine and a half year drought for the West is over it seemed utterly impossible the first time we came to China for WCA that he westerner a European could do it it took until 2019 until happy for this to quietly come true with one hell of a performance my god gosh golly and again the momentum swings in warcraft 1o lead for th happy three wins in a row one elite four one two zero three wins in a row one elite four moon happy three wins in a row unbelievable but also how he stayed in that game dad was possibly the best Dryad micro all year that we saw there in the last game by a moon happy was down fifteen supply happy was supposed to lose that game but it takes a lot to take out happy kind of takes himself it seems like to beat himself yeah yeah sure like he has to have a very bad day also he was so unpredictable I guess for most of the players here moon tried a lot not super uh unusual stuff maybe untwisted he did on Ecco tried as well but happy was just ready for basically everything one misstep we didn't expect the Bears but apart from that happy just had the solutions everywhere and the micro to like do it unbelievable yes okay so we just got told that the production is trying to get happy to us of course the Western scene wants to see the champion speaking of production these guys here at VSP n freaking amazing doing an awesome job I see [Music] [Music] are back here he is happy oh my god guys he's here happy the champion the first time he makes it to WGL unbelievable first of all congratulations and I have to repeat myself again I have told happy a lot of times over the time she was playing here at the end of the day oh my god happy that was impressive and I have to say so again you said plenty of time do you were not expecting this but did it come true you know miracles can happen and every now and then you get a good run well you mostly get a good run normally every tournament you enter you win but that's mostly in Europe mostly like I don't know good game tournament stuff like that also the legendary Cup but this was the World Championship all of the best players in the world came together it's and it's it's unbelievable here you win as well okay so something that was really awesome to see when you want to said meadows it seemed like for the first time not the first time but fairly rarely that seems to happen to you it's emotions seem to burst out of you you did like this motion when the gee-gees came out from moon was it just a feeling or did you have actually a thought in mind was there something specific you were thinking like in that moment when he types GG and when you win well you said thinking something in specific or as I said I didn't expect it to in the first place so I thought like the game wasn't really going to good for me the last one until he messed up with keeper so I thought that I'm gonna lose the game and then there's gonna be a side game it's always like you know nervous moment obviously obviously yeah I can only imagine how relieved you must feel as well such a big price purse to go to you you've faced a lot of opponents here in this tournament basically defeated the best Knight up in the world the best humor in the world the two best orcs in the world who did you feel like what's your hardest opponent in the game can you single one out or I think focus was but only in the first series mm-hmm it's not one that much about the player steel is rather about the matchups like I was quite confident against Nidal from the beginning against human well you know like here they're on this tournament among all humans only two humans made me really worried other than that I was quite confident that I could play well so only only one matchup that was left that I wasn't sure about was against orc like none that can be sure against orc so it was like the hardest at least mentally it like even if I won against focus to zero in the second in the second match it still was probably like the hardest one for me okay before this tournament you say it multiple times that obviously you're a streamer and the streamer streaming is the most important thing for you you're not mainly a competitive player now you've been here now you have played at the World Championship has this experience changed something for you or is it still are we go are you gonna prioritize competitive play more or it's still mostly about streaming for you yeah yes all right for not yes for now it's still the same I don't know I need to come back they'll probably take some rest who knows but for now it's same as before so yeah I just need to think about it like there aren't really really any upcoming tournaments so far that big if they will appear then I might think but for now it's the same all right well thank you for coming in here and thank you for showing sharing some of your thoughts what message do you have for the fans is there something you want to say like thank you for watching thank you for sharing for me and hope you enjoyed the tournament alright amazingly done happy still in awe this is it guys this was it the wgo summer 2019 here and back to Warcraft happy hour new world champion the first time in so many years a westerner from with one hell of a performance thank you all for tuning in here over these days it's been a blast for us I hope you enjoy that as well this is the last day this is the last moment but this is far from all back to Warcraft here on Twitch and on YouTube kneel by my side I hope you stay tuned here to our beautiful channel to all that Warcraft has to offer in this year with 3/4 with all the new tournaments coming up we're really excited hopefully you'll be here by our side to enjoy it alongside us I hope I see you again soon this is it production queue it we're out see you next time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 789,194
Rating: 4.8474531 out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2019, Gold, League, WGL, Warcraft Gold, World, Championship, World Championship, Playoffs, Final, happy, moon, happy vs, moon vs, happy vs moon, moon vs happy, world, champion, championship, epic, micro, sick, undead, ud, nightelf, ne, grand, grand final
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 50sec (6590 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2019
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