WC3 - Huya Super League - Grand Final: [UD] Happy vs. Infi [HU]

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grant final everyone it is happy as an undead for lucky future versus the rope warrior in fee who is playing human as we said before it B has always wanted the encounters against happy when he played human with the work he was defeated at WGL and happy has never defeated in fee online only offline so will this change first time best of 5 between them who we are Super League final on the way all right looking forward to this I was hoping if he was not gonna go for work because yes those government games are entertaining but it's mostly down to run buys and lame and then it's kind of only up to happy to defend properly and then he normally wins this is gonna be much more of a dynamic back-and-forth game now I think in fee in the past was quite frustrated with this matchup but it seems to have gotten better as we pointed out earlier one map and each in fee vetoing LR why is LR suddenly so horrible for human I don't get it there's concealed in the pool there's twisted in the pool and instead he vetoes LR I would love to know there must be a good reason that I just simply am not aware of yet I have to ask tourism I am a weather we got a donation here drugs are bad inkay donates 5 bucks do you get less donation so you don't have the daily go to the top right abso lutely these clean feeds when we don't have our overlay are not the greatest for donations and subs well thank you very much for the contribution point being brought up by chat as well only romantic and win with tanks in fee in the past used to play a lot of tags that was quite some time ago back when we called him infinite towers since that a style that he's still fond of nowadays or is it the Knights gyro style which is the most meta build nowadays fast expo in tonight's gyros or is it something different friends happy has to react to it then footman gets away was surrounded for a bit that disrupts Happy's creeping already yeah I like this footman poke I think it's intentional to get and snared it takes it off time off the DK and if he wants to kill him he has to invest two coils into the footy or a ton of time so I think this is a smart little play here the sacrificial footman happy usually one of the best when it comes to creeping at you - stealing creeps but he's in no position to do that with the acolyte in he takes care of it easy acolyte kill Thank You anklet for the four one three sub and that's a fairly easy early game for entry level two already creeping is natural now happy is not around yeah and there's another thing about the sacrificial footman again taking time off of happy to delay everything and now the am quickly fairly quickly for concealed going for that natural not gonna be getting punished where the photic ill however happy that experience along with the first camp is level two right away but expansion is about to come up a Em's level three and has an insanely nice I it's really perfect and the level three so helpful poison is of course not the greatest but what can happen scout for you yeah was it a new property and bobster mage for the continuous Serbs love you guys so Happy's coming in coil aggressively against the peasants gonna get one at least but like to break even here in this early I think he needs at least three it was the second one against sock he made that massively killed one person after the next but now thanks to the average inventory decay HP is already low not sure if he has another role of necromancy think you might lie deep or the twelve or three so did we mention bobster mate yes thank you guys all very much so dick he comes back in does have more rods he did purchase a second set and that should be at least a third peasant kill all right so happy is finding some decent damage here three peasant kills is ogre alright the expo got delayed because of it gonna get another one nice struggling and that should be the kill on the skeleton and the save on the football in fee making sure that there's no spa time for happy at the fountain okay there's three more outs of necromancy and tier two is done which is coming status are coming in fact slaughterhouse is really far forward slaughterhouse cancels though we don't really see too much nowadays anymore so not gonna be in danger tier two tech comes in before the under tier three starts so pretty good time for envy yeah football though if the second question yes five it should be alright but that's still the case when we have no barbed a level I like the heavy creeping here in fear if he gets to level four quickly he's gonna have so much mana sustain so many elementals and he's very close to that now he must know the literature is about to be out so he needs defend that is the time you want to get defend for when the Lich's coming nothing is coming from the barracks so I think he has it already if not that's a pretty powerful push again the Scout with like water elemental sent to what's the self yeah always really good buy-in fee it's kind of an undead play right like we've seen so much scouting with skeletons and illusions at all and if you turning this like on its head alone yeah and if he hadn't scouted there he would have blindly go gone to the green would have been in a bad position slow would have been on his footman everything would have been lined up Nova coming in right clicks one two three kills only now the defend wow that is pretty greedy that is asking for the perfect Nova Nova comes in hits for footmen kills one off instantly happy in trouble up getting surrounded there needs to move a lot sweet side stab but this one he can't get he's trying to fight out with the car little over there was 200 malla used and infi throws him back without too many losses was around oh oh four skeletons around nicely done keeps it closed with the coil happy with the sick play how does he always realize that this is the moment to do such a big play that was that was pretty cool man that was pretty cool the replenishment for the a I am now coming in very very handy water elemental kill is finally level three for the DK the simcity at the expansion honestly not too good it's really easy to especially attack the arcane the ins are diving hard want to cancel the replenishment which is nice that was the last bit of mana not too sure if happy can accomplish too much if he towers and tactics e3 what's next for the Russian that should stay here now for fiends plus two statues five fiends plus two statues plus orb that is the big power spike for the undead it's up to infi to well they can delay delay that but at least hold stabili for one that comes and the MK is gonna swing them things around possibly looking for the surround again but that didn't quite happen footies eat the Nova once more and now we're at this point I think this is for fiends maybe even five with a double statue it's really hard to push the on that back here infi has to wait for his MK now thank you drill Taemin for the 100 bits good morning smiley face a little bit late to the party but man you've missed quite a bit but glad we have you by our side here now if he trying to run away he never got this level 4 we just needs a skeleton he just wants the skeleton we just need this skeleton actually yeah kill him easily get it it's not killing bro please my OCD do you think it is time for the lord of the pit as a third hero again that is what happy has been favoring quite heavily wouldn't surprise me he is at the tavern right now tier 3 should be done T 3 by the way also coming in for anything at a fairly quick pace and it is pictur time rain of fire will be the choice here again the water elemental scout I love this again infi has a head start on this push but also destroyer already in position for the run behind both are playing this very intelligently in feely and go for blizzard that would be kind of a classic in few play unfortunately don't think so arcane in a really good position by the way very hard for the pitlor to find a spot to cast without being mana burned restrain a fire and follow up with the Nova the synergy of the two AoE spells is pretty great but he needs to get the kills here's the first one is the one destroyer enough to hold off in the main as the question next way no fire coming in but repair after repair a few peasants died yes but there's backup peasants there's no model anymore needs to die for the costume the next coil of course multitasking here being heavily required from both it is Blizzard by the way the typical infi play makes a lot of sense here this echo so far it is wiped out of the expansion many many kills now a little too for the Lich how is Happy's economy holding on is the question so far so good ghouls are hurt though all that except one in the north love the heel part of the am to stay in here for a little bit longer if he kills the ziggurats that's a really big deal happy doesn't want to have to keep you back for this like he has to two towers to ziggurats 20 pop would be blocked in repulsion now as well a never-ending winter in the undead phase TP out now cigarettes still there and now am at the expansion a nicely protected position now we can use the blizzard over at is natural happy breaks the blacksmith that means no Knights that's a big deal join Mike Harrison thank you for the sub so this is a classic infi play as we said he hides behind his Town Hall cast a blizzard forces the fiends to move back same goes for [ __ ] and pit Lord otherwise take too much a wee but usually we see this Blizzard play on maps like a quail's on CH when there is fountains I don't know if that's too effective the next push to the base will be brutal Oh Happy's repairing the herd ziggurats this costs a lot of gold yeah but he wants to be safe I guess the one night doctor 50% know of a fire with this build for them if he has the good economy in if he has the good tech at this point but he has really weak heroes am therefore that wasn't strong of course but m'kay apparently both only level 1 that is rather underwhelming happy skirt bone charms and happy dude I swear he's been finding them so much maybe I should play more ghouls he would love that won't you friends go first tank second tank in fee he's going back to the 2010 meta just like fortitude showed us it's possible to break happy with tanks and if that means you need 20 tanks then so be it all for the W but at the moment he's staying in no upkeep in fears so only two tanks so far looks like for the time being these tanks are supposed to be distraction and infi wants to creep up elsewhere on the map Happy's creeping really heavily by the way takes out the lab over here gets a big consumable there as well but the red cam goes to in FIFA some experience going to watch this mountain king and pally but only the three heroes and one night it's not that easy to creep lizard of course tons of damage but no sustain aside from the pally yeah all cloak of flames Knights on this mountain king but he's getting caught in the middle of the map nice reaction my happy immediately sending the ghouls outwards getting ready for more Blizzard to support this push and happy has to react and that means in if you can reestablish his echo and start the two base play again that's a lot of time bought for envy that's what these tanks are supposed to do and they do it again and again and again still sitting at 50 it's happy and tension reading these tags on low HP get away so they saw some supply they don't next much experience so I can definitely see that happy scraping up more and more about to get level for DK here which is always a nice level for the level 2 aura [ __ ] level 3 pit Lord pretty close to 3 as well scroll the Beast when there's no breakers involved is really good also no priests no in a fire no dispel so that will help a lot the in fees getting the second rat spot nothing happy can do about it level 3 i'm keiko level 2 MK so but soon happy s tooth think about whether he wants to all-in or counter expand like normally he can't do this for much longer on one base can he I mean he's racing to soak up the map trying to force these MK and paladin heroes to remain low level it's only two workshops right I think one of the main one of the expansion that's not too easy to overwhelm with double workshop only flat cannon transition now so we go for gyros and I'm upgrades for the tanks lights coming in okay so no mass tank Chuchu into the main it is army so far really underwhelming shield Scrolls in war is it an acolyte moving over this is the question now see you're on the left hand side yes so counter expansion of this the second point of attack for the tanks they hit easier to make them work but it really let us know we're happy really good levels now 4 3 3 4 2 2 4 in fee as well but that's a big difference double 3 versus level 2 tank drop into the main in fee so dirty yet so effective with Blizzard needs to repair this haunted goldmine cost quite a bit triggers the town portal there is web so if we will lose these tanks Anthes apple and most likely and he can't deal with it right now fire the fiend can't reach but the destroyers can so they will most likely die but as I said second point of attack is the bottom right and that's exactly where in fears crashing burn but really yet oh yeah it's too easy or is it so far happy hold both and all that repair drained more lumber so happy still doesn't have the haunted coming up Zeppelin also survived that one can be repaired now in fees attempting the strategy of death by a thousand cuts really good place already in the first game here not the flashiest yet acceptor four units around by happy early and did they do a lot of things right in fee not blocking some units in this race but worse in fees math so far doesn't feel so threatening but he can decide to go up to 80 supply tanks and that would be scary scary to go up against pit Lord can be a decent answer to that actually with rain of fire and perhaps even cleave 75 for in feet 66 for happy but there's a lot of supply for it if he's stuck in tanks we have to remember maybe also in the base nights still great at killing buildings as well happy response is simply sending something to the bottom right now I was totally expecting a Zeppelin dress yes I think he missed time did a little it's flying over now something is coming at the right hand side you see the blue dots moving finally this night history or is it soon there we go happy needs an Arab towers at the expansion to slow down the tank tax beat all expensive of course and here comes the classic into play main army attacking into the main and now tanks dropping towards the expansion and that is so hard to deal with there's one way I get in position but against three tanks happy he found a good way of dealing with in fees or claim but tanks fields like it's bleeding him dry such a nice two-pronged attack how is happy supposed to defend at both sides called Nova versus Archmage is a way of doing this town port allowed of course he won't get a gift like stock gave him cool surrounds here but the Necropolis false so we can't TP here anymore in fee with big plays and big damage getting three expensive buildings right here which is very painful for happy on only one mining base killed off the three tanks but those can easily be replenished or perhaps now that he that in phenols the opponent only on one mining base perhaps now it's really time to switch into fighting gear and go full out nice gyros doesn't need breakers even because hat he knows Happy's too broke for a banshee transition and fee blame is pretty damn well so far yeah pretty much no mistakes I think it goes to the shop get an involution so serious or save as well and out sirens probably have land mines I imagined can take out the expansion by themselves smart place by in fear smart smart place am staff or rather drop Zeppelin drop into the main more damage more repair more resources required so annoying so annoying no anti-air here no fiend part no WEP to be used wait wait 7075 supply that's for in fee right not for happy yeah capi has been losing buildings a lot but he hasn't really been losing units so that's something going for happy I guess takes out the Zeppelin it's one threat less they don't have to be a too careful have a number of fiends enough can you take a straight-on fight it's a lot of nights happy only at 66 supply and the Expo doesn't work Nova until night so it's kind of easy to move the fiends against the gyros not willing to commit at the moment all that blizzard was so good dad that was so good not as good doing good DPS but also forcing the fiends to run and without having no damage output again he cast the blizzard far in the back so the fiends kind of walked through it and then try to stutter step again and as always the undead no disabled against this seem to say for now we see a very important Frost are more Suites around level up for the Mountain King and that is huge for level three destroyers getting saved but overwhelming massive in feet decay a little far forward maybe could be caught with a storm Lord and then die and there's no TP stepping on to the blight and in blacks Adela rights that's dangerous it's gonna cost a few gyros at the very least perhaps even the night unless the staff is ready but the staff is ready but this going back and forth is all buying time for the towers getting ready for the third base and this is the important pace gyros are falling rather quickly but so other feeds now Knights are connecting nice Microban fee Carl execute one that's the level at level four for the pit Lord right yeah pretty good as well and another light Falls traits it for a fee in TP out have T me out I guess those are the towers man Knights fell like flies with a capital P and no Expo up oh wow I thought this is way more safe a happy pushes back this force I also thought this battle was gonna keep on raging for a while and buy time for those towers but no crucial moment in this game that happy forces in fear way and keeps him on two bases and what are the tanks posts dunno main is dry for in fee is one base one base at the moment not for my god yeah oh damn yes 23 minutes already yeah time flies with the - yeah you know in fee yes he killed the expansion but he invested heavily heavily heavily into that Zeppelin after Zeppelin tank after tank did you catch how much gold is remaining in the upper left I didn't see it oh this is an amazing game already acolytes around to make it even more amazing it's only game number one ladies and gentlemen this DK must be getting close to level 5 as well by the way yeah yeah if the pit lot is for the DK must be very close to 5 2k in the main thank you 2k doesn't last forever 69 supply for happy he's got a big army he has no TP right main is expired from as well self alcohol classic happy play for 90 gold risks the game I mean if you lose a year or the game is over anyway most likely sometimes there's the scenarios where there's only like two units left and then you need to revive a hero but ok we'll see how it goes yeah again slowly it right 69 versus 69 supply it is that's pretty cool Blizzard retrying he's going back to elementals why he must be so sure that he kills all the destroyers and he has good gyro numbers I did if if he fails with his attack it's looking rough yeah then he's out mind in the upper left as well the fight to the sitemap number one is about to happen one tank again doesn't do anything free mana for the Destroyers three of them getting rid of water mental immediately I think three Destro's is too much for this number of gyros I think it's only like nine gyros or something I mean it lasts like seven that's not enough you mean the destroyers will kill them easy or it's too many okay like maybe not by themselves necessarily but with fiend help and rain of fire and it's random it's level two rain of fire now which is actually pretty damn good against gyros so good in the mid game damp what a game dude what a game in fees I guess starting to mine out and then decayed this DK level five with the water elemental I think if he do you wait until your gold mine is empty no level 3 of the Paladin no devotion aura so he's safe at the end will freed out at the moment the gyros won't really read here comes the flak cannon attack but good micro be happy obviously oh that's a big attack though here comes the coil back to 100% pretty much feed a little bit out of position you just a holy light offensively to get rid of it but here you can see the effect of rain of fire as long as the pit lock acid this is very good a OE against the gyros but isn't enough fiends anymore yeah numbers are dwindling for fiends left only for happy here I think in the gyros surviving for a surprisingly long time destroy is also still somewhat alive one of them died too still remaining tinnitus I think all still alive that fiend save was pretty sick but also very very necessary Mountain King caught off guard but he's super tanky kills the fiend happy throws everything into this defense he's mining again ok but it feels like the ground army is just overwhelming buy-in fee strong bold on the pit Lord but that one is a hard guy to kill coil comes towards the fiend pit Lord in serious trouble right now trouble indeed in Ville potion the wagon is about to die as well Nova on to these Knights how long will this pit Lord survive you need a car but half has no mana anymore for the healing Knights about to drop staff out Archmage level 6 now mass teleport that should be the wind the ultimate is so powerful big Nova happy down to 42 supply but with his base now that turned the game around once and if he can't quite close it out the tank though he killed the hole to go right with the tank no one's mining long distance mining for in feet and now what hero combo will prevail happy DK lynchpin Lord and statues in the back on the other side Mountain King with the brilliance aura that hero tank for envy though I think by the way how in fee one that fight is he stacked up all the gyros force the rain of fire to come in and then immediately micro out of the rain of fire always with the gyros they survived really well what sort of live I am by the way not level 600 K 70 supply for him though yeah and the staff to sanctuary so good to save these Knights look at this conga line like a street of ants in fee is having some income happy is trying to reestablish a base any by the time will clash again if he wants to go with the tank once more mana is looking ok for happy but so is it for the market exactly what you said rate of fire gets cast he sends them all out of range so good threatening an ops rates attack here though Oh both are surrounded no ouch mate isn't DK is has no TP and nothing to save himself coil Nova is not enough DK falls at the holy light of the Archmage happy taps out in fee takes map number one damn what a map yep damn what a map yeah in fee with a 1o lead but boy did he have to fight hard for that one my goodness sick place by both small lizard staffs tanks Zeppelin's everything he could get his hands on what now like how do we top this now after ch first yeah this should have been the last map dude like that one is hard to improve on but yeah this is exactly what I was hoping for this is two masters of their craft two of the kings of their race absolutely in front of more than 4,000 viewers high noon in the Huia super league still a long journey for both of them it's the best of five first two three takes the gold medal and $4,500 smart build here buy-in fee I think that footmen seriously gets intentionally sacrificed nowadays you ride through the ensnare you try to force the DK to chase the footy for the kill for the level two and get that expansion up safely I'd like to think back to the early game it was actually really good for him he got level three for free he didn't give up any experience from the creeps DK was level two for a long time he got insanely good inventory expansion came up pretty fast tech was pretty fast as well the blizzard the first run by into the main did quite a bit forcing tons of repair yeah but happy with his outstanding micro as always barely lost any units ever he lost building he lost expansions but it took forever until he started losing fiends yeah and how this all started with this one footmen buy-in fee that decided pretty much the entire game like how the game goes from that moment on and this how effective this one footman movement was to slow down happy to make sure he's not harassing you at your Expo Mastercraft next map I would imagine to be twisted meadows should be right it has been a human nightmare for a long time but in the last couple of weeks we have seen some ha hemos it's happy it's not a house he loves this lab so much he's pretty flawless on this map yeah and here we see an overview again once more in fear we toad el are over twisted and concealed and if or concealed now I can see a really good reason just kind of because of that footman in the opening but how is it gonna handle twist it it's gonna be cool and great final so far already and how does he handle Northern Isles that is Happy's home turf on no map is T better and feels more invincible starting at the bottom left for lucky future happy upper right in the blue rope warrior entry with the one Oh lead no match points yet we have to specify dude in fee first tournament of the year always crazy grand final last year was up he was up against Lin in the thunder and Fire Cup if i remember that correctly that was insane or was if you woke up something this best-of-five final between them with nothing but epic and i can definitely see a game of epic proportions on the horizon here Thank You Derek for the two months free sub this dream got me back in the game with reforged out soon keep doing you we will we will I wonder if infi has as nifty of an opening here once again so what are the weaknesses for happy everyone knows he has one build and that one he pretty much plays all the time sometimes there's adjustments like against one to zero he played Nagas second which totally I was stunned by but here already earlier again suck we saw happy going from green to green to then her ass that's a Late Late Late her ass so I wonder if infi can squeeze in a fast expansion like green into like one green into expansion right away or something like that dad would be really hard for happy to harass if infi is aware of that possibility because I'm pretty sure happy is gonna go for the same opening here once again same build and same creep route that is agree against saw he didn't look too crazy good on this map on Amazonia for sure on this map I think it was just sock donating the Archmage too happy that really turned the game on its head but before I don't feel happy spilled and creeper out was like too impactful yes I would agree with that of course to be fair after that game one it's hard to impress at the same level again yeah I wanna thank you very much for the sub and Julian thank you for the five heroes I'm drinking rum seems like a fine I am fine for now noise OH exactly The Footy her ass is coming in again and it is Groundhog Day from map one one green into Expo footman keeps track footman delays and there's no way happy conceal any of these creep blasted so there's no skeletons nearby DK is far away he's going to green green it's gonna be level two we can of course necromancy to the spot and tried to kill some workers good progress for this Archmage good start for infi again and the downside of this build for in fee is after you finish the natural you're not level three ideally went you're human in a perfect world uniform when I finish the natural creep then your level three you have the level two elementals and then if you have to defend all the time you have the water element that you need for that and he's going towards the next screen and here we can see this will still not be enough for level 3 a.m. so this could be a game where am still in level 2 for a long time which can be problematic happy now coming in for the harass at the expansion full man on the DK this could be quite a few peasant kills in feels reacting nicely to this but first one dead second one oh it's gonna go for the triple kill here number two number three yet there we go slows down this expansion progress white a bit blasting through his mana to great effect so far for peasants lost that hurts on the hint oh and and here not having level two water elemental is becoming painful fiend is dead nice block by infi right there and another kill two workers remaining I think that was five peasant kills if I saw that right now he has to move back he got level three eventually or the acolyte gives him level three acolyte + fiend Wow that fiend kill was actually really important 19 supply is nothing to work with at the moment expos up tech will be very late and he's just mass is still mass-producing footman of course for these farms peasants for this farms peasants that's the early game for human with a level two elementals this a.m. is pretty strong right now distilling one more green camp away happy slips by th he was trying to scout for it with the footy but didn't quite see it oh oh and there's no tower up at the expansion yet or it cost in fee the teepee if there's still a corpse yep there is easy kill on the other side the slaughterhouse is quite an invitation to get punished as well with a little too what elementals in fee brings in more damage that should be the cancer but also okay no tier 3 them happiest little crippled day as well with this move very interesting now completely different mid game from what we saw on map one with kind of both armies ignoring each other happy upgrading a spirit or if there's no defend on the footage that's gonna be very strong lives gonna come out in a second but is he enough with a handful of ghouls and skeletons to hold off against this pressure from Italy if the slaughter continues in the Northmen I would love to see a how much experience he got there in DK ghouls are falling tech even further delayed almost us around in the second fee and can't really afford to lose them no bonus arch may try to threaten them back TP home now and this is really hard to tell like who did this favor now yeah and I have the perfect observer overview but judging in-game as the player was that bad for me was that good for me how am I gonna adjust my build now how am I gonna adjust my timings this is super hard to tell in fee start the tech and I guess that's the most important thing for now lots of footmen and Happy's tier 3 is far away we don't even have a statute we don't even have to have a slaughterhouse I think in fee as the leader you know yeah I would say so too the humans here to take is quite a bit ahead of the under tier three that is normally kind of a good indicator lumber could be an issue for n feet can go for shredder can go for lumber mill kills another one close to level three now in the middle of the foot is without the DK there the Lich with the fiends certainly can't fight that number of footmen should certainly have defend at this point as well number of foot is by the well Remo approves that's like eight or nine king mask Elton's constantly it's of course a lot of gold to restock a lot of decrement sees but so effective steady its cost a ton of lumber yeah and then Tier three will be late as well he's down to sixty six lumber oh yeah oh I thought it is super late he needs m'kay he needs maybe not necessarily sanctum but ideally you want to go sanctum on tier two and Tier three it's little number required happy should I be on his way to tier three now as well though however Orban destroyers are still far away so here we see tier two finished MK coming more peasants on the way from both bases and we have a fight in the middle first footman down immediately let's just to Nova if he wants to Mountain King is not out yet dad's level three finally makes the nuke more threatening hatch much close to level four he got the items especially the single post he sold the item he found right away so apparently not that good what did happy steal it he didn't see the did he I don't know but it's happy yes again I can't our really exposed that's like one weakness that if he keeps showing his SimCity really not that good and here's the statute it cannot afford to lose it almost getting surrounded but that's some free damage for the Russian MK comes in and with the store board now everything changes finally in fee has decent kill opportunity himself and it's so much mana for happy dick during the attack was blasting through it using Carl after colorful coil and now for the majority of the fight he accused one coil right there second one all the saves yeah statue positioning and uptime and switching between heels and reach mana regen by the way also outstanding something that is rather subtle but very important on the high level to maintain and in fee has not killed anything here yet and the footy numbers are starting to drop there's more stumble can he out he'll the bold all the time he's trying to get another Nova than this Archmage living the dangerous life this fiend throws surrounded willing to coil it trying to fight out these numbers are rising so the damage and he breaks out of that surround did have his micro here so good like his positioning an individual unit movement everywhere is so good but that shouldn't come as much of a surprise I guess he does that pretty much all the time Tier three is now finally coming it was delayed for in fee but now is on the way statues weren't killed but they were forced very low HP so forced back to the main Tom of retraining again so it's gonna be Blizzard time soon boys playing the tanks came again and I this was the map where romantic played twenty tanks first destroyer morphed being sent back to the main right away happy is expecting the run buys and orb now for the Lich okay this is the serious power spike for the undead we're happy claims absolute map control and in fee has to decide whether he wants to hunker down and turtle really hard or go for the split push the run by and looks like run by is the choice here for him happy as no attention of expanding so far so more creeping for in fee have you found the heal award for a pit lord siege that's really good yes did he go for the pillow nope and again this arcane is really far forward all six fiends can super easily attack this one plus the Lich I don't know he can prepare against this there was the only Nova happy has the gold I know that's if you happy should have the gold alright for the third hero and here we go again Blizzard onto main and towers will force a repair but it's one fully dead for sure and decay defenses alone Lipson fiends still able to attack destroy and decay another staff this time by happy makes a lot of sense would love to see him give the healer ward over to the litter as well but there's so much going on hard to make everything do everything perfectly even a click with the fiends to lose tower aggro to save that one in the north DK gets more experience he gets level 4 that's a nice level up and happy is playing a pretty damn good game here looking close to perfect this day only triple hero remaining for in fee one footman okay but will die soon Holy Light is now the x-factor yeah with only one coil remaining but yeah he is doing a tremendous amount of damage in the north if you can't really follow it up lizard again ghouls so well controlled and the arcane is gone stat you can heal it entirely the entire time but mining is still fully established that one isn't being really slowed down happy is trying to force the a.m. away by attacking him but there's so much Holy Light thanks to that level to aura it's hard to break through this happy in the meantime though I'm not losing too much himself only ghouls which are pretty cheap to replace blacksmiths down again prevents rifles tanks maybe even gyros I don't know if our tanks are coming all right if you have to call him on already know there's a man a person right yeah there is it just wants to touch me it's gone if that means more gold okay but there is Holy Light against this and use the coil defensively high-pressure unhappy which keeps pressuring the peasants but towers are returning damaged fiends are starting to fall in fees coming back into this game after happy plates seemingly so extremely well tanks doing plenty of damage but only two tanks they are still somewhat easily dealt with within slow towers and ghouls you would love to have the orb ready of course but in Fiesta Retreat Nights now coming into this mix but again he won't have to my Knights needs to rebuild the blacksmith the total three big mistakes by into by the way on these peasants they all have like two HP two more tanks on the way Oh ghouls are healthy okay there was a lot of repair and now if you can stand in tower range cast a blizzard damage to fiends said he was almost dry happy is still in trouble in this game yeah no counter expansion coming up this time it's not even crap yet even if you wanted to recon it's only 50 supply for envy the most threatening thing is of course tanks to pooled weights for more the time from Pitt lot now to tanks the ghouls can still deal with four tags happy we'll have to come back to the main Lotus Raina fire into the peasants all can tell were not in range for once mining tonight again Blizzard versus right on fire interesting dynamic here Song of Ice and Fire for sure rain of fire Nova and Blizzard but if he's waiting for those tanks to arrive and now they're coming at least one more tank has arrived I think it's only three lone I think so too but can he break this expansion needs mass repair there's still mana on Lich and pit Lord staff in from the am to the tanks happiest of TP he can't fight against Blizzard I wonder what the upgrades are on the tanks but he needs mass repair he's right-clicking a lot it's only the DK immediately coiling he holds the back Citadel doesn't he oh the envelope or turneth automation so good I said I was gonna fall yeah can't hold it anymore is it really that important though not sure for potions it is but the rest not too much and now he clears the ziggurats happy is falling apart he supply stuck he's losing more the tanks are doing it again seems to be the best answer against happy and it's more time for creeping ultimate is coming into the South again smiling at two bases only 41 supply and he doesn't need much supply he needs three tanks an Archmage and that is enough [Music] doing tons of damage with this blizzard if he gets one Karl Nova is it all enough already I don't think so right if you should be wise enough to keep his Archmage healthy enough to survive this they're both thanks so good with the unit movement with their pressure and defensive plays but now it's infi coming in full force towards the main it's only a DK defending the main army is in the north can the DK really but do it by himself it doesn't look too likely coils ready [Music] Knights are approaching the acolytes Knights nice addition attention I can't be remainder remade remember yeah that's true and he loses one that's only two or three remaining nice juggling he kills that light Archmage's in trouble super low oh my that could have maybe decided the game here seven seconds needs to get out then ASAP he's trying to kill every single acolyte here TP out it is gonna get the Paladin would be big know everything saved in fees so strong and they're so soft now and he can't break that base too much repair not enough damage happy is desperate now I think happy need a second of the staff quite a while ago the lack of mobility in fee is punishing pretty heavily right now because there was rain of fire once again [Music] No Oh long rage car here we go DK arrives when he needs to or tanks coming yeah happy can't even mind now the cigarette is ready now I can go for a Clyde's again but guess what arch night Blizzard over and over again the most typical infi play it's dirty it looks disgusting but it's so effective so infi is he finally killing these cigarettes this would be a big blow yeah one of them's really gonna die have you wanted the alive fire rid of fire into the main but for how much longer or will it last with another rate of fire this could be the expo cure but then they are still domain and at this point in fee is going for the haunted goldmine even and he can't break it happy has one single acolyte yeah and that one is about to die as well needed to use the coil is happy supply stock can you not make more acolytes don't think so maybe by now he can and I'm off in fees finding more and more kills with the Knights and the other heroes really good splits of heroes and armies and everything between these two this is really masterclass but it's looking really good now for in fee there's no question about that sick trades constantly Oh Fein survives actually DK finds the Archmage has not enough mana to call him second last rain of fire I guess that shot between the basis by the way for envy has been so valuable who happy it's not okay yes enough lumber should be fine this is so demanding this entire series so much multitasking necessary and she's finding more marketable to now for the Paladin one more fiend is up for grabs right there happy saves it Bailey to the back in fee saving his own units as well with the staff feels like happy needs a hero killer - yeah or commit everything to this Town Hall I guess it's not worth it you will lose so much ok nova level up is that level three knows little to only and tanks are coming again however think there's narrow towers in the main i think so either and once again a.m. can just staff onto the tanks if he wants to I guess it's exactly what's happening here Gigi happy know that his gold mine would be falling no way around that in feet two and overs happy Wow match points three match points in a row happy is kind of a comeback machine but this is so tough that was Happy's best map he lost against it already like against his tank style against romantic on this map in fee realizing happy might have an answer to every single challenge you create him when it comes to micro but he can be overwhelmed that was a beautiful game that was like barely any mistakes in that game you have to start looking really really hard to find some that was just it was also very close it could have swung either way pretty easily a couple of times happy loses to maps in a row that happens very rarely only against Lin the last time I guess when was the last time he lost the best of three to zero that didn't happen since his comeback right that cannot be being tested today to his absolute limit it's of course not over yet but a 200 lead for infi here is looking pretty damn good next map coming up will be twisted meadows remaining maps other than that are AZ and didn't happy veto echo Terra nos Arnold Tapie mr. V Joe Turner's of course yeah yeah okay so should be a coils then all right all the humans in the world rejoicing right now happy and undead is not unbeatable in fee is looking really really really strong so is happy and it's been two very close games this might be a - oh right now but it was really on the edge especially Game one but also Game two could have easily swung one way or the other so they do take that time here maybe a little break in between I would leave you for a second if that's okay you have to entertain the millions and millions of Warcraft fans yes twisted Meadows has undergone a pretty interesting shift in this matchup used to be considered completely unplayable for human and pretty much any matchup but most recently has been getting incorporated into the map pool against Undead more and more because yet the danger for human on twisted is that the camps are hard to creep early on and it's unsafe oftentimes but I'm that early game pressure potential is very low it's only a decaying skeletons which can certainly be somewhat difficult to deal with but it's a lot easier than Blademaster plus grants or especially Farseer plus grants and demon hunter plus archers plus perhaps shadow priests and stuff like that and if you drag out the game if you go tier 3 if you're on two bases there's plenty of creeps always to go around for the humans oftentimes we see these games turning into tag games and that certainly seems to be in feast play style tanks apparently a staple in his matchup against undead once again and well shouldn't surprise us has been looking really effective cheap units less than 200 gold forcing so much response from the opponent and that's investment you normally use always can afford to make on two bases just need to get a tier 3 need to get to tier 3 and not die and that is hard enough already against happy but in fear has been able to do that really well but maybe happy can pull off an early game like he did against stock again still steal 3 creeps get level 3 DK right away kill more peasants everywhere punish the human early on really heavily and get so far ahead that if he doesn't even get to tier 3 which is what happened against suck all right here we go match points for in fee 3 in a row the first major event of 2020 is about to be decided happy fighting uphill needs to win three games in a row on twisted needs to start the comeback against in fee The Iceman it was questionable at the end of December and what shape he is after losing to soin at the Colt league but I think this is quite an exclamation mark yeah it's I would absolutely not say that Happy's playing bad by no means he's playing this really well in fee is just playing super well as well did infuse a single map by the way did he not know - oh fast - oh she she - oh you Mako - OH focus - well happy Jesus Christ this man is on fire and eight and all you might be getting the happy award so builds here looking very standard Ted fiend versus normal am ultra I don't think it was a power build that used to be played in the past but love today did we think guan's on four is eight month research you found yes pad suckin at a late fee shout out to goody right yep [Music] good old goody so cross positions by the way for in feet which is nice you certainly don't want to be spawn and close to the undead that makes all things a little bit complicated happy oftentimes nowadays or most of the time goes for creeping first but I'm twisted it's actually kind of awkward for undead because you're realistically only can creep the green camp which oftentimes isn't even worth it so this probably is gonna force happy to play aggressively right away I would imagine and looks like that's the plan yeah DK running across the map right away but Shadow Priests gonna be taken out right away and the rock golem another mud column and then the row column after and humans oftentimes nowadays don't even bother with the trappers anymore so was he how that goes it's time for an acolyte lasted here Oh didn't get it leveled sue for in fee enter flute how great for Archmage water elemental and maybe later tanks unhappy at most conceal one creep over here he can certainly kill quite a few peasants that is the weakness you always expose yourself to with a bill like that tool coils down to peasants down another one will be getting killed by the skeletons all but nice footy block in feet blocks the footman the peasant still dies but it's more damage on the DK and fourth peasant gets denied so only seventy five experience for death night alright this was not the expansion creep though which is what infi obviously needs tier two tech is on the way so there's another opportunity for happy to get some kills done quite a few corpses left over here happy summons them from the creep camp and goes for the trapper actually okay if it kills the trapper and kills the auger may die with a coil that's gonna be his level two Fein is coming in from the main fiend before ziggurat if you want to get really detailed into the build is the play style nowadays you can net so you can have all your range damage to steal things such as ogre Magi easier quite fascinating that we didn't see a single priest and smashed up despite in a fire being so good but also no rifles again skeleton skeleton skeleton so many of them the Chinese getting ready for a second base happy are you in a position to fight this yet he is buying time yep the expansion will of course be coming up there's no stopping that but it's gonna be quite delayed question is how many lasses can happy steel that's the pressure of this aggressive early DK build you really need to get level 2 just with kills and well creep Steel's and unit kills and in fee he's not pressuring the DK as much as he should here honestly is one coil maybe not too sure if he is dealing with the skeletons quite nicely preventing every right-click but this ogre Magi is packing quite a punch here but now he's threatening the DK yeah and normal rods of necromancy from happy or the skeleton not happening this time no not against in fee Thank You mayor Spanish 95 10 year donation great games today nice Sunday at all thank you very much oh my god pendant of energy of course in feed the nuts quite a few of the units of who you're hurt though especially the footman when the Lich comes in and Nova plus a few right clicks could easily lead to a number of kills infinite the shop yeah if he needs a lot technical be eighty percent at least I think Happy's done already with the tech and that's pretty good timing for the undead Tech finished before the human Expo finishes which is about to come out once again good scouting buy-in fee am in one position foot is in another trying to minimize damage as much as you can with the average is a little bit out of position right I mean he's going into the base now okay which is not with the attack then I take everything back no Nova against mass footman but also know am here to pressure the fiends and by the looks of it no defend yet either quite a few footman the way it's supposed to be or if the arcane falls though that's a problem and happy aims for the arcane that's too much damage yeah and that was so close to finished as well that was like two seconds away okay level up for the DK Archmage is still about here footman more and more bruised than the Lich is coming ok as much is in the base he's dealing with the footman nicely lids will turn everything but again the a.m. cancel the tech yeah he did okay did yeah in fee again this preventing Tier three crucial but now it's time for lips look at their 40 HP duty are all super damaged this shop is desperately desperately needed big Nova to these three militia more and more killed TK is very low he needs the statue so bad I guess this seems to be over this is her ass yes yes to treat and in fee saved so many footmen but there's no towers up if happy heals up with the statue if he keeps on pressuring if the footman front blind Falls this is still dangerous for Envy here comes a statue define now and the statue is there seriously my god 25 lumber no tech for in fee okay yeah absolutely needed to cancel that tier 3 good she did and happy is retreating here since all the footmen healthy again another Nova one new Nova in a bit happy not even started stepping at all just running back to the main interesting with the aura should be able to do some Sutter stepping how delayed is this tech that's not a footman though a PE kind of has to sit back now he can't move out otherwise footmen are just gonna dive him in the back happy splits his forces as well expecting this Archmage play by in feed water elementals just free experience the statue changes everything in the mid-game the region it provides but he can't do damage anymore it's not reducing the number of footmen they're just waiting for the run by so far happy is ready to defend it good scouting again a tech timing here for happy is very important Tier three should be like I don't know sixty seventy percent now KC's come here to balance the creep spot oh very close to done in fact more like 85% so we're gonna have to store a form upgrading soon and the orb coming in and then it's gonna be much more difficult for the footman to do anything plus with a tech finish the run by is also no longer so good so in fee must know an attack is imminent question is how does he deal with it defensively holding on at the expo or the run buys more towers by n feet but did you buy enough towers yep that's gonna be a very late tier 3 it's most likely all about tanks again so the longer you can prevent tier 3 the better for happy and I kind of like that infuse going so heavy on towers here because when you go super heavy towers it's obviously a big investment and then your opponents if you see all those towers says well I guess I just count or expand you're just invested so much in two towers but if happy counter expands in fee could actually go to three bases because this is twisted Meadows this is the map for three base play war Zeppelin and happy for one says no idea but he's finished on tier 3 would love to see your tele staff again from him yeah whoever flute on happy side as well some more damage from these fiends there we go tell you staff noise did you cut the orb is not home Tower he's expecting this that's exactly what he did when he played walk against him and happy was able to defend that Happy's playing perfectly against this statue back into the main ready to morph into destroyer tower already staff purchased as well happy it's going for the main not the expo all footmen in the Zappala is in fee going to blizzard again I would expect that he's at the shop yeah yeah so there we go two towers up but here comes the Archmage no one to the workers Blizzard it is again with this amount of footmen can you just kill the whole default might've had me some TP one destroyer there TP instantly kills two towers kind of with couple of workers but the halted is in trouble needs more more repair in fees keeping out as the damage enough doesn't seem like it repair is in time Lich levels up couple of footmen killed haunted coal mine survives close in fee was also really close to being broken in the main there this game once again razor-thin on a knife's edge for sure no TP no more but level four more towers Tier three forty percent how much time can he buy with the first couple of Tanks three destroyers not much man on them though only four four five footmen are left but some of my half dead so that won't be too effective dropping into the main anymore but good tower positioning now being placed pretty far behind the wall so the fiends can't attack it too easily happy goes for it now without the orb of annihilation is this still working first one little damage the aura here certainly also helping out the flute for happy only two guard towers ready at the moment this is a lot of pressure into in fees main happy loses a destroy to the tower rear sight but if he gets the mountain king in return he stops his progress well done how about about the heart of gold mine now the ghouls deal with this pretty much single-handedly DK is home what did the Lich do double staff this our staff okay just Minh that is the adjustment in the third game I like that the fiends could just stay in the main I think the fiends should stay in the main and pressure there there's a coil ready nova not really Zeppelin for the rescue cool game again cool game again but in fee struggling this time much more than before 35 supply only for the human could get quite a few kills in that with the next blizzard but happy of course knows that destroyers here now he has a vision above the trees this is this pressure is about to end I think am stamps out not even tanks are not going immediately for gyros this is a cool game both players now have learned from this best-of-five and are starting to adjust and are learning from each other they're bringing each other to the edge it's super cool yeah Mountain King no progress happy stealing more camps second shop maybe even preventing the next involution on this Archmage which makes the Blizzard play a lot harder third masonry upgrade is coming in by the way what are my personal favorites is it very hard to kill towers but infi has held man this was super scary but infi holds on happy falls back on his way to creep the goldmine seemingly ready to counter expand he knows that there's no Zeppelin drop coming instead an acolyte moving him already could be a good timing so far as scouting was really good this entire series here comes the first tank but one tank is not enough to force much of a response not even to necessarily agree that's where the number begins I wonder if the Lich staff is enough to deal with it the zero zero upgrades at the moment because the orb was lacking in the defense for happy in the first two games so no -4 are more the tank survived a lot longer do more damage with the Lich orb and staff happy should be able to hold off against three tanks without having to come in with the army I think of mana and dependent of energy and ruin bracers these items really oh my happy sitting at 50 same for envy but in feast I'm to creep up heavily and guess what we're moving towards three bases here's the first tank arriving red spot for the Chinese gives him a spell shield honestly against happy mostly useless happy almost never hero focuses that tank though can the tank at the cancel yeah how the goldmine gone Andy's expect it's expanding for the second time can the Necropolis even survived I kind of question that if he if things don't change its losing the best of five three and oh that has mostly it never happened since he came back to the scene in feet 1.5 K and yeah this necropolis is dead and therefore our happy supply stock happy smelling the third base that's important for cannon sour drat Lord for the carrion swarm another adjustment happy is changing a lot sleep also valuable against the pally and against the staff Archmage oh yeah levels now on in fee is second and third hero our level two I think for both pally and MK DK is very close to five this might be the game for hero killed by the way sleep the pally coil Nova if this DK gets to five there is the Abydos spell shield against asleep though and therefore it's pretty good ah true true has a long cooldown though oh if he creeping the lab of happy without watch elements is actually super hard to do yeah magic EMU rock : this does take some time happy shoulder creeping as dreadlord is gonna jump to level 2 really quickly Oh interesting game interesting game it feels like happy needs to do some things constantly two ways one base but he's got the stronger heroes and at the moment in fee doesn't really have an army but he has tons of cash more than 2000 gold for anything double wagon isn't that a little overkill against this amount of Tanks probably here we go again blizzard on to the haunted goldmine is there the necessary amount of defense we have two heroes here this time but no feed with Webb so quite easy and the other heroes are off the map now man this is a cool game have you pretty broke yeah that's true happiest insane heroes 443 I think it now needs to get something done with the heroes sooner or later double Zeppelin buy-in fee by the way here we go to wagons and outs mates again this dev and cooldown maybe which is still here Nova on this Malkin car launches it with an anvil what a save and there is not enough repair he finally kills the hard to go up mine at the fifth sixth seventh attempt what a destructive force and thanks for doing it again happy not expecting the four tanks to come in that along with Blizzard just way too much damage and happy is broke he can't even afford a new haunted at the moment needs to sell some items soon and they trying to kill more buildings the emk almost died right there wanted caught mine resummoned now 3,000 gold for in fee by the way he needs some kind of income somehow this is stopped in fees multitasking is insane how many times we see this game - the rest is all done by hero's and his epilim but more tanks are coming quite a few more with more upgrades and with more upgrades over time they do become quite a bit scarier so we mask in big mana for the dreadlord he's getting all the items but it's not enough so far [Music] but there is an that crow in the bottom right if happy can establish a base there as well and defend them you have WEP now arch makes Kenny Lucas that's the teepee another hero maybe krylova bye bye Mountain King that's a lot of damage yep and don't forget the dreadlord isn't even in this once he joins the party there's gonna be carrion swarm on top of all this yeah got the claws which is nice for the lips more damage always appreciated the more and more tanks are being pooled more more upgrades are coming in if you just spend a lot of his resources he's just invested 1 1/2 K into units and upgrades in fee could never establish the third day's tank draw is on the way again with weapon wagons this should be an easy details I think this dreadlord really needs a tele staff though yeah triple step and must be happy scouting everywhere for a third-base Zeppelin number two with another pair of tanks should be seeing the blight at the bottom right and that should be an easy kill for those tanks there is a TP in will use very early on this paladin so how much can I help you do with this and will he still be able to react to the tank drop just the TP good new that's the level up for the Lich crystal ball very helpful would have been for happy especially in features value wise is going getting further and further ahead yeah keeping happy on one base staffs coming in everywhere and he's trying to equalize the hero deficit he's trying to creep up and find some more levels I think a guard for happy wouldn't have been too bad against the Zeppelin also very facets of scouting staff out here and here's the power of the dreadlord with sleep he has tons and tons and tons and tons of mana double tank top again yeah double tank top he gets nowhere the web so he can't unload oh happy should not kill the Zeppelin he doesn't ignore sit arch matches in again Blizzard once the Haunted colt my for the second time now there's a feeling cannot hold but TP in huge damage Happy's not reacting to this in time there is an Archmage kill but okay but the whole talk line dies as well Archmage level five dead a lot of resources lost tanks plus a.m. 1300 gold you can easily get it back but maybe this is the time for the necessary second gold line no telling some more coming up and for once no tanks on the field yeah if he has some time to breathe oh boy but new towers are coming in feet getting ready for the third base again this game this series second base up but totally not protected at all good job by happy here splitting up this forces once again if the main is the main is drive for any fee oh yeah only one base income one base tanks is not good there is another one coming up in the upper right right yes that's what if he's trying to establish don't know if happy I scouted it yet another attack he killed all the towers in the bottom right dude the fiend squad to just deal with towers come out is actually so smart yet there's no necropolis he can't step on the haunted it's trying to save the acolytes but that is another mind gone here and summons get some resources back and at the same time attacks the newly build got my upper right man happy in fee and twist it what a match made in heaven for their playstyle this game is so good man I would have despaired a long time ago with all this multitasking all the dreadlord in a dangerous position here it could be a storm bolts around Knights a little slow to react and to sleep to prevent the next one will start dealing with the tanks as well DK is here towers cancel two gyros for free but for the dreadlord again in trouble trusts are more help so much five tanks no yeah five tanks and a black citadel that is lonely limitless repair possible due to blizzard he holds for now but two tanks are not attacking if they join yeah it's dead again and the dreadlord dies happy not ready there with the coil or this might be the end right here no haunted goldmine for happy at the moment no necropolis at all the tanks are cleaning house GG the rare instant of happy losing but not only that three-and-oh if he found the solution fortitude found the solution actually and infi picks it up three times in a row tanked and influenced the first major of 2020 in a high stack tournament in fee gets first place not dropping a map how insane is that yeah flashy you me focus happy all no means bad yeah he started his run with the two organs she she warden didn't work two organs Yumiko that wasn't even remotely closed today focus had no chance and happy had no chance as well eleven and OH in fee against every race he just played flawless tempted to say King fee is back when he plays like this yeah and we always knew he had this potential in the group stage at WGL he didn't even make it out there was such a surprise of course super hot group for him there but he's always one of the top six and today looking actually even quite a bit better than happy which is something we get to say very very rarely $4,300 to his back account that makes him maybe the most successful player yeah he broke 10,000 as well kind of tied with focus now for the most successful player in 2020 which doesn't say too much but then we'll see how the first one on one major quite an exclamation mark by infi still massive props to happy slaughtering sock like this playing on a 160 ping and still making through the finals it's pretty impressive and yeah we have another tournament coming up next week the second major of 2020 the Chinese New Year's Cup starts Tuesday we will start the broadcast on Wednesday with the group of sock moon wfz and focus why are you entertaining Thursday is infamy go fly-in calliphoridae we get another edition of happy verses 1 to 0 Tomiko and remind in that group as well and during the weekend there's going to be the playoffs single elimination round of 8 we will cast that and rising star cup and 2 and 2 tournament by the hive workshop that's quite a packed week coming up absolutely this year starting off well first week was a little bit slow but now we're really getting into gear champion of the first big tournament is in fee and the next pick tournament only one week away we're quite blessed Neil so many awesome tournaments coming our way who's gonna be the champion there could it be in fee again two-time tourney champion in January honestly if he keeps on playing like this I wouldn't be very surprised see what happens when he plays against Lynn what happens when he plays against won 2-0 but I guess it's gonna be a different game isn't Lynn missing yes Chinese New Year yes that's right but everyone else is there pretty much that's it for today 4,800 people watching I wonder if we correct the 5k that would be pretty insane for Sunday 1:00 p.m. thank you all for tuning in we're back next week our schedule is up it back to warcraft comm have fun with the other guys streaming today I guess there's gonna be quite some content later have a wonderful Sunday see you Wednesday thanks for the support and yes Brett the word Warcraft is back 2020 is our here see you in a couple of days
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 124,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2019
Id: LUjhhNa-qJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 8sec (5348 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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