WC3INV - KR vs. EU: [O] Lyn vs. Happy [U]

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he's a gentleman this is it this is the last best of three of the Blizzard Warcraft 3 Invitational two days of fun two days of nostalgia two days of amazing games that we've witnessed here and now it comes all down to this one single last best of 3 since Happy's return we're waiting for his big big challenge on offline events and now we have it and his challenge is Lynn Michael casters for this epic conclusion of this event no other there was the grubby and dream oh yeah this is the game that holds the most promise for the highest level of play we've had a few team games a few fun games we've had some legends we've had amazing games all around but this is you know this is where the crux really lies this is what the hardcore fans which I believe we all three are really want to see the highest level of play I expect this guy these guys to show up in top form and if they do this is gonna be a blast tell me why the two of you are so excited about happy versus Lindh specifically so the thing with happy is that he has come back only played online tournaments and that means he basically played only European competition because he thinks I can't compete on Nettie's so I don't create Chinese tournaments because I rely heavily on my micro and if I play on Nettie's I have a ping of 200 and you will agree that this is not really possible if you think so it's really hard and I agree that Happy's micro is phenomenal yeah so he was playing against focus and jarric ups and it was really really close but in the end happy was just better and sometimes he had in ping advantage but it was never even it was never fair conditions from to any of them and now he is facing most likely the best walk in the world as the best under in the world that he is so it is one of our best matchups I guess that we have on the scene and those are the best players in that matchup so it really can't get much better so not only happy hasn't played a lot at Lund they're gonna have equal conditions no ping the two best players facing against each other in a matchup that used to be like you guys said used to be heavily tilted towards org but it's really evened out over the last times I'm excited too Lin he came back from the Army Chris and he became good so rapidly it was insane we have seen many Koreans coming back from the Army like moon-like remind focus they were all struggling in the first few months because of course you were rusty when you're at the army you don't really play Warcraft in your free time you go back to your family and have some fun with your friends but Lin came back and it was like he was never gone from moment one on he was wrecking through the scene it was unbelievable it was absurd it was like it was almost better than we remember him leaving there was this clan war competition that was going on in China at that time right when he came back was the China versus Korea clan war and they had a number of competitions over a number of weeks or at least days they had like the typical W c3l format but what was craziest and they he did really well and then show matters but the craziest was ngl format you remember that right it's it's winner stays on you know exactly it's king of the hill the winner stays on and then the other team gets to counter pick basically they get to send in the counter player choice and the counter map anyone nine in a row can you imagine that you get counter picked eight times and you win every single time and he just came back from the army and he were like how bad is it has everyone gotten that Lin is so good still and it was against Chinese elite it was th was infeed was won 2-0 his life it was the best that China had to offer so what do we learn something's a break can do the mind some good but still impressive and he came up with some new creeper outs yes twisted the Boro creeping on the rock column at the laboratory he had the watchtower or no wood of course has been done before but still you know people were not it back doing it that much anymore also he he got some pretty interesting things like Zeppelin with kodos against human so he dropped the koto and flew them back one c88 some spell breakers yes hightail it out with speed scroll of course requires a lot of APM good micro excellent precision but Lin of course it's like happy yeah renowned for his micro and you just remind me of a game that I pretty sure it was Lin tower creeping that's something that he did on a-z as well Oh totally on the left on the right it was the game I saw I was on the right at the red spot certainly has come up with a few specialties almost gimmicks you could call it every now and then despite the fact that he doesn't need him like he is so solid threw him through still something that we keep referring to Lin is like so legendary you know so much has happened with him still the only orc who has ever been able to win an orc marrow fight without a blade master to this day we don't understand how that work was a million years ago in secret Valley wc3 oh this is the coolest game probably when I have to show for you we're hyping it up a lot so I hope it's not gonna be like a quick 30-minute affair of transit oh it's fair in love and war you know if that's what it's gonna be it is fated that way either way it will be the decider of the series yeah it is - - at the moment Europe was down one Oh after la liar defeated effect then foggy came back with a very decisive victory over focus with the - oh then another night of win for Korea remind crushing over hawk and then we saw just saw the two one - happy seems to be in a good shape as his timings with foggy who were great and speaking for Europe I hope this time we said great as well he will need it the game is starting oh boy excited for this I'm so looking forward to this man it's gonna be the orc vs undead matchup as the map identifies itself as turtle rock it's gonna be the opening map to see the graveyard opening for happy so he's going to start with quick crypt fields and with a slower hero focused towards creeping yep we have seen as the meta developed in this matchup as it was getting better fun at more and more fast altar with quick scouring creeping with only rods of necromancy that is pretty much impossible here though because there's one of the few maps where we have absolutely zero critters you can do it with like a goo at the first but it's not ideal so happy will be going for creepin first as you said this will result in a later tech though nowadays orcs pretty much always go for the one borough tech and that could give Lin a big fat fast second hero advantage in the past that used to be something that orcs like to play aggressively with speed school with hex trying to look for damage but nowadays it seems to be all about creeping because it seems like when you don't get that damage in when you don't get those fiend kills suddenly you're left with a weak Shadowhunter and oh my god I have to stop myself mid-sentence here because it's no Blademaster it's a force here so the Farseer got some buffs and 1.29 feral spirits got fifty more life each they give a little bit less experience and they get more HP at the subsequent levels as well nonetheless Farseer is not just rare in general but against undead and by Lin it is it is very uncommon so this is exciting to see coming out and we'll see whether he goes for the one or the two burrow tech I feel like he has made the second bro I'm kind of not having the resources so just to sketch it for people if you go with the double burrow that means you will have a second ground either right before or after your attack and you'll have enough space and resources for grants to have up to four by the time you start considering new rats of tech when you make that much tier one you need to have one of two things happen either you need to do significant damage to the opponent to push around with your map control what that bonus firepower to job or is for defense or are you gonna creep either way you need to get something done with it if we just go afk with it that's terrible whereas the quick tech that you were talking about primo teemo that one would be more entrenched in getting value at tier 2 instead of tier 1 you're less pressured early game to make something happen but you also have less power you know and all the points you bring up here are absolutely valid strategically I wonder if it also tells us something about the mindset for Lin like does he have to blindside happy with perhaps a speed scroll harassment with chain like VP to the axe like since you have to does he feel like he has to quote unquote cheese in that way to stand a chance so it's not necessarily achieved if you as long as you make sure as a player to layer your threat levels subsequently so you start with the Chain Lightning harass for instance and then you immediately have a follow up plan for example let's say when night falls Lin gets the staff of teleportation he runs into the base of undead Chain Lightning ste acolytes with Wolves and then he starts to the expansion that we're looking at now that would be called a two layered plan where right after harassing forcing the undead to come home Lin would teleport to the expansion and and get that on lockdown instead we can see a totally different plan the expansion will be prepped at least but the skeleton scout is good by having the first-years drop low and even if you heal Souls himself DK is coming and he's out for blood this is a pretty insane creep round violent we haven't seen that before cuz we don't see Farseer that often is it's not possible the blade master really usually you save that one for the second heroic rebirth there but happy find some he was most likely wondering where's the blade master where's the harassed I'm expecting this okay then he must be busy on his side of the map coral hits him look at the micro by happy getting the rods of necromancy skeleton in perfect position he makes a mistake and he lets the body block end it's a little bit tough there due to the terrain it's not actual high ground but it warps the vision and there were also trees so there was a pretty much a nine out of ten difficulty leve level continued body block and he didn't manage to keep it up still gets a bit of good damage on the grants and Lyn makes it out with most of his units well with all of his units not dead but he also has no healing salves left in order to continue healing up some of those hurt grunts we can see now he's in position to attack the air collides he wants to get level three fires here probably will skill chain knight in level two so that he can go in and do some damage to the acolytes potentially but with the position of happy Lyn is forced to pull back he never finished that grief camp so even if he had wanted to expand that is also not an option so Lynn now at tier two is going to decide what will come next is it to your three T's Shadowhunter BB Cherie we're off the game plan here Disney normally doesn't do this there's a funny story from the Natty's letter of course they met there a few times happy and Lynn and in the recent month though happy immediately left the games when he saw that it's Lynn and yeah why is that happening and Lynn said yeah happy things I'm always playing macerator he doesn't want to play against me so we always that's something that I can actually relate to though are we gonna see that here as well it may be a little less common I guess by no means out of the question we started the beech tree in a TC but he's got enough resources to have either start at the second pitch tree a lodge tier 3 or an expansion and one has to wonder what are you saving up for has neither made the war male nor is he cueing up another grunt so I feel like happy in some way has foiled Lynn's initial plans a bit the the plan is to expand but that didn't lay that happy this by first of all good Rob of necromancy Scott then the commitment to go across the map into harass org knowing yourself will be key in order to lick his wounds and then he interrupted the creepin so Lyn needed this expansion 30 seconds ago 60 90 that's the depth of defeat that Lynn has suffered here so far that delay we did sacrifice most notably however experience on the DK he was level 1 for a very long time in fact becoming aggressive on level 1 only but the most important step towards betterment is being accomplished here because the DK will be level 3 of course no hold you look nice but not really necessary the Farseer is level 3 already and he gets a big upgrade on level 4 with a Chain Lightning which by the way has also been bumped Malphite creeping as well at the back of the turtle pretty is to do that with grunts thank to the medium armor on the giant turtles and once again Skelton sees what this is like the specialty of one-two-zero and happy the two best undead's in the world they're scouting with skeletons is so beyond everybody else they're always there when something is happening they know everything like they have so much info and they can react so quickly and that's what makes them so strong yeah very good to point that out me oh because this feels so different when I came back to Warcraft 3 a couple of years ago and I see these rods of necromancy scouting out my position with the skeletons continuing to show even my most nefarious plans I know because they know it has already in some way invalidated what I was trying to do before maybe I felt I'm getting away with that kind of stuff and these skeletons if if Lin wasn't here they would pressure the Great Hall they will take out hundreds and hundreds of points of damage off of that Great Hall HP as it were and that would make it easier to kill it later on and it also makes it harder to attack the on that base very important camp here or happy the commands are a 10% bonus damage on everything he doesn't get to have a very needed route of healing Lin will steal this and you've also pull away the farce here to make sure that the TC gains 100 percent of the remaining experience and I think that will put him at 2.9 Grammy what do you think about the hero come over here it's fast here and this is the opposite of what we usually see as normally it's the blade mass at a Shadowhunter yeah but the faster being so squished for he waive yeah it's it's true what you say the Farseer is squishy his only saving grace is that he is ranged and in that sense normally against undead you pretty much need one or two in Valle the time and that's still the case you put the invulnerability on PC and the Farseer kind of stays away using that range leveraging that to stay safer but depending on the fight he does indeed become a very valid target and we can see that starting to happen now litt know she's gonna be tp'ing out of here and he's gonna do just that and he will confirm the kill on the slaughterhouse that's big that's a really big deal its own pork experience right there seeing that that was gonna feel it's a very important skill on your resume if you want to join the org force they will make you do these estimates at nauseam if you get it wrong you don't get hired so am destroyer form operate did not finish correct I would say so yeah and you can't get more stat hues now which is pretty bad as well for happy but let's look at this if Lynn doesn't kill a skeleton TC is level two all the time we don't know his second ability it just probably wore some that it could in theory be shockwave Lind by the way his double barracks just finished yeah he's gonna go double barracks head centers because he's in the Stone Age having expanded he doesn't get to benefit from tier 3 so he has to make more basic units BB story is a bit easier counters and is low on DPS so he just decided to have a very uncommon second barracks TC gets focused heavily drinks a healing potion but he will be a valid attack target in a bit again for now Happy's focusing Raiders and doing a really solid job of it continuing to renew pressure on the TC that quarters Bailey saves the Lich by the way fighting here without a third hero is the undead I can't help but feel that this would have been a big upgrade for happy but he's fighting with only the two that he has and now the DK losses uses the last bit of his man no more calls to be using and despite the tech of the orc being not really that amazing the numbers are sufficient Oh in the legend trouble so this is very funny he actually were stomped on one of the burrowed great fiends oh yeah so Bert crib thieves do not teleport with but they can't get stunned so he could actually not unburrow it in time something ideally would have liked to do so that you can use it for creeper but because of the stomp he couldn't rescue it sometime happiest down to 31 foot 1 Corinthians is brewed on a on an island and the other one is in the belly of a koto so essentially his 20 years food with only 25 of that being usable Lin has an expansion 50 food and it looks like he has cracked the code of this of this game we just saw how important it was that Lin canceled the slaughterhouse or killed the slaughterhouse best to destroy upgrade the destroyers were heavily lacking in that fight I guess no off of annihilation no big magic damage against this army and now he has to research this again and he just lacks the supply he lacks the statues and it takes so long for happy to get back into this keep in mind he used two ghouls in that attack that makes it a little bit more all-in than it might have otherwise been look at his lumber count 63 he's not even able to add a third hero even if you would have liked to a third hero can still even in such late stage whenever one be a big upgrade to the undead army because either it's pit Lord with howl of Terra perhaps the best one point skill of wonder in big army fights 30% damage reduction is a big deal and of course silence against a TC who's running into stomp is always gonna be very effective but I worry more about the army then the hero is because the numbers are really starting to run away from happy here yeah I don't know the upgrades for the orc army but it would be meta to make maybe one armor upgrade for the grants we don't know at the moment no upgrades yet head centers don't have any attack yet but mostly he's just trying to amass as many numbers as possible to secure that which he was at the crux of his game plan which is the expansion the worst item for now find some crystal orb not gonna help at all in this fight dossie FTP on the car say yes he does so he's gonna scramble to the defense here we should see a teepee out by the decayed but very smart actually from happy he new limb is going to TP in a aggressive position so he stayed knowing he will not be surrounded immediately this is a bit of a gamble and it's not gonna pay off he will not be able to call it kill this great hole at the same time though it's using a very natural choke off this great hole to try and get a little bit of value kill a few units here and there but this seems like the death row was here for happily know if he had CP he does have one he can't evacuate but he has traded very poorly here the lid in trouble again what like use the beast scroll to secure the kill it was just barely not enough almost did it I mean a few of those beastly hats and two Spears were midair to delish who had 20 life by the time it came out it is a big investment scroll the beast but I totally dig that move if he kills the Lich there that pretty much is the nail in the coffin isn't it great one happy just there like of course he knew he was forced into a town poorer sooner or later but with the choke as you mentioned he was able to like kill three four units and then town fall out so the TP was not for nothing and he actually had a trade and little before wasn't like 61-62 supplied yeah and now it's closer again so smart and keep in mind ladies and gents leave this on upkeep anytime you're over fifty foods you lose 30% of your income so although he has two bases having double the amount of resources of happy it only counts as one hundred forty percent of the income that happens because happy is not over upkeep so he's only mining 40 percent more not double so as long as happy is that much more efficient in every engagement killing you know more units then he loses happy cap still hold his own and keep his footing in this match and it's pretty impressive here's a little fire first level five hero is the Farseer another expansion coming up by Lin it doesn't stop like ten seconds ago or something that's a good Scout it's right where he needs to be really impressive far Sears level five though and he's gonna go with the Chain Lightning as we see the wolf's are not like dark yet the dark hue that they get when they're level 3 it gives them more damage more HP and also invisibility anytime they're not attacking he's gonna go with the chain Knight being level 3 more bounces more damage that's really good TC is almost gonna be level 5 and it'll 5 TC that is a really really really good item - thank you you see that's what I'm saying all the time tell us well in that case with so many eight points and armor it is this truly is the last-ditch effort we have a destroy push coming the orcs way good choice to not go for those wolves here as we can see with all this dispel can he do this somehow behind by 17 supply I think he gets the base does he have a TP to evacuate yes he's gonna get the base he will just coil once and something high-value he's lost ghouls their cannon folder he's gonna frost armor the Lich move it back he torches the war stop no destroyers were lost he kills the base losing only our horse and nothing away not even don't tell me he's winning this game don't tell me to have hope Jimmy and I was like this Expo doesn't this expose you to a timing when you can I spent so much money you know on a new base I wonder if Flynn was considering this possibility of just the base being sniped up there and having a backup base if he did him bro its this is actually scary happy didn't get the perfect engagement every time he lost his slaughterhouse in an exposed location failing to scout for it prepare for it repair it whatever Lin did a great job they're cancelling that this one yeah a some time how much damage does it take from this girl maybe it finishes right into maximum 100 so it's still on time this is very good timing do take five minutes I think it is do you have like a metronome in his head for things like this expansion is dead town Portland now there's no bad riders against this focusing the koto beast immediate ago actually runs away with it oh he's gonna go for it go for the black Citadel there was a storm so no repair at the moment of course ends there again so insane lightning echo lights are burning and the black Sedona is gone okay so another Raider goes down another Raider goes down so okay three acolytes no main base and you can still make statues though from not having tier two yes but you can't remake the acolyte so that's gonna be extremely expensive Maine gold mines still have quite a bit of money let's still left in them but couldn't have Lin like fit in Tier three somewhere because headhunters with berserk upgrade maybe with those he wouldn't be standing a good chance I don't know yeah crazy game good point removed emo hundred health more on the head centers the ability to turn on berserk which is a double-edged sword because they will deal more damage but they also take more instead of the third base maybe Lin could have gone for Tier three but he made his decisions full well knowing what it means and this was his decision and now he will reap the reward him and he'll focus gets so scary now and remember there's no healings or damage mitigation in the orc army the TC may be tanky in the front lines but if this Farseer shows his face once in a bad position it's scary but we may not be going into real fights we may just be going for the base this is a full-blown elimination game suddenly the entire character of the game has changed that acolyte is actually in an inaccessible location so that's pretty interesting had a happy lost the acolyte it would be a hundred percent drawing dead in terms of economy but now he still has a chance first year pops the in Valon lee seven seconds though there's more than enough mana to go for the nuke again can he transfer heat new potion there we go he actually had one but no TP he Mesa died after all but actually it's the Berserker so you're taking the brunt of the damage he can't deal with these destroyers yeah happy gets another death coil off on the destroyer his Lich is not really under any pressure there are no torrents or grunts to take them out in comes another destroyer every high center has been murdered happy is pretty much equal and supply destroyers stat supreme and our uncontested DK has a talisman of evasion such a good item into green room how is this happening I don't understand Kenny maybe return the favor here and go for a he'll kill of his own which hits level five the Farseer neo mention it to start this cast if he's ever out of position get focused he can were stop the DK yes the mana is not doing it though mana potion on the Lich and the coil and bye-bye Farseer happy turns this game on its head it's unbelievable what this little Russian is capable of here comes the block against the TC and you go the next Nova and coil before the storm and that o in will pose no more no more men are now on the underside but they're fast but so is the TC he has been buffed Lich has been buffed as well there's no way around here potion last second speed stroll something buy something TP speed stroll no let's get the hell out of here okay and we see that Lynn is still mining bottom left he's got enough resources for his Farseer now the most efficient mining would be to drop the gauntlets of strength but he doesn't have that freedom he has to run away happy did get revealed and we see the production of Raiders soul in oh hello Oh for HP the matter step out one more we get zero kill the rain of course stands no chance is gonna fall needs to kill the buildings there's no way Lyn can hope to win a straight-up fight anymore I mean did you just eat the final alkalis he did so if he can kill that code on time we can still eventually expand because he has enough money to get his heroes back if only he had Invisibles now that's by our collide he followed me and you shall be safe oh my god TC is back baby Tom win totem once more unto the breach dear friends he's kind of tried to eliminate happy save the AG alliance there saves the Private Ryan dude frost armor where's the DK : save them there's no saving that guy ok so happy definitively is down on exactly what we see no acolytes no mining no bases nothing whereas Lyn is still mining a little bit by the skin of his teeth 3 peons not the greatest day for them with destroyer shooting at them happy also doesn't have a statue right no that's a big deal it could make one no no he supplies them usually in late-game undead games the stat here is the saving grace especially for mana regeneration for the core Nova oh he can just kill the hero were stopped it is available he needs to get this around wolves with this rod full body block DK will try to go through the TC but he can't Lynn turns it around once again unbelievable what our undead without that death knight usually nothing and what's this a necessary fight for happy the answer's no no he needs a suicide one of the Destroyers to get the DK back how much gold is level six hero it's enough he has enough but will he keep it alter our life the answer is no the altar is gone cannot self kill destroyer with destroyer because their magic of years is way too far away that's too but what can you really do it kill me now it doesn't really matter anymore so we see everything and we know that this DK at half-life would have had a much better day if he had gone home stand on the blight wait him heal up and wait Kendall is defenders by himself but he the funny thing is lit sold everything as if the bottleneck was gold but it isn't huge the bottleneck was food he lost the cigarettes and he sold all these juicy items that made him feel better about himself no well he can't go forward in Ville poto now it's a speed probably good item I like how he constantly cancels the healing with his destroyers so he's gonna get this radio with a nova yeah and then he what does he have against the destroyers well auto attacks from the Farseer wait yeah and destroyers will protect you to Wharf harass he could send in one destroy to kill out to take out the Burroughs and then wait a minute he can detect the Destroyers anymore you attack you kill the or base with one destroyer and you've defended with the rest yeah yeah oh no this no here's one here's one fighter has one Raider excuse yeah plus the Farseer will be to destroy your one on one alright this you could cycle in destroyers back to the black and then ignore the Farseer get three hits on Barone's in the fact the Raiders know else thinks though there's one peon there's a skirmish he will eat the speech girl away from the TC which could not sustain too much damage isn't it incredible that we've had three to four complete turnarounds in this game and we can still not call the time of death unbelievable this is everything that I was hoping for when I put these guys against each other he needs to let's agree a place that he needs to keep two destroyers at home yes against the wolf harass absolutely bringing them all all the time is not gonna work the wolf's let's just gonna kid number six by the way then we have definitely K and no Raider but this one's wrong okay let's say death and decay is available does he choose to go for it a really upgrade frost armor three he has mana potion em in whispers you can't go for a sneaky execution on the TC here perhaps or maybe get the DK backdoor if death and decay decides a game actually in this potion is a really good saving mechanic here because unlikely that there's gonna be a dust and less lin identifies this were stopped reveals in this what doesn't no no I don't think so I'd reveals shadow meld Oh Farseer bar site you know Farseer got buff to parse I just have to sacrifice the skill point so if he gets level six somehow by killing one or two destroyers you can reveal the Lich is happy going all in on this or is the destroyer in the bag okay focusing farce here is a balanced game plan as is focusing Raiders get microphallus happy will choose to use some of his buildings as sacrifice to say yeah I'll lose a few buildings here and there but I've got a game plan and he's brought one destroyer back so one destroyer is sufficient to mitigate war ferocity you eat the Wolf's a little bit they go to 60% life he gains some magic damage and you kill the rest if he's on the warpath and actually as much as his has swung he's got a really good tool set here to deal with the game state first years super low there's no more man up on Nova but I think it's pretty close actually the mana boat looks small but he is a very high man he wants that Raider he's about 5 on our way one man away and there we go or the Farseer oh he gets the kill is that two units around doesn't matter though it doesn't have the damage to kill the Lich and there's a hill scroll keep in mind even though it ought to stomp with the involv perfect I'm happy you gotta be kidding me this is insane the final series of the day and they more stomp does more damage now that's it you can't get him no way he gets away in the end holy crap the craziest game we've had so far in this Invitational in this year and some of the craziest games ever we have like three guys on this couch who have seen ten thousands hundred thousands of games and we look at each other and we are amazed and that core it isn't that the beauty of Warcraft 3 and the awesome thing is it wasn't just incredibly close it was also incredibly well played yes that one timing attack by happy seemed weird the way he was attacking without a third hero maybe that wasn't the best choice but man it depends how quickly or it takes expansion like the quickie they take it the quicker and that Ghost happy understands this like few others even the level 1 DK harass showed that undeads are no longer under of the past before they would go early crypt graveyards and their game plan was let's get some creeps I love DK level 3 I'm gonna mount a person and I'm gonna coil everything but the Earth's become so adaptive Scout reacted a situation just like an RTS demons that was sick so Lin's map choice now do you have the map top of your head at the right it says the different matchups and the maps remaining all right so we are left with Terran a standard equals the new trainers mind you which has very strong drops lots of consumables wouldn't be surprised to see Lin do some of those things that he kind of popularized using Blademaster to snipe away high-value items from contested grip gaps imagine you he goes through the goldmine of happy and takes that one gets Book of the Dead or whatever and then goes through his own does the same he always like that kind of stuff also on Terran house with the two big consumables in the middle of the map I know there's a big mage with polymorph but I can't imagine that he has ways to get past it and grab both of those consumables I don't think EKKO else is a good choice anymore because of course he would go for critical strike because for a blade mask because there's so many claws on this map but claws don't work with critical strike anymore so it's not that much of a damage boost as it was before now that's certainly something that has become worse here with a patch PTR 1.29 that map also has a lot more issues for or if we go into the new emitter we kind of saw old matter like Farseer TCT r2 this we don't see this usually anymore usually nowadays it's of course blade master sh t a three triple hero TC an echo you usually never are able to reach level three tauren chieftain but we are not going check we are going to turn our stance LV the letter version it has been overhauled it may still look the same kind of on the mini-map but pretty much everything has changed here yeah so the most notably I would say as concerning this matchup the Goblin laboratory has been moved to the left middle side of the map and the right middle side of the map before it was tucked away in the back door of the main base and what that meant was that oftentimes one of the favorite tricks for orcs would be to get a goblin sapper speed screw it into the undead base now and it has to wall off their goldmine with cigarettes otherwise Blademaster will get some free harass against acolytes and that was used against them the cigarettes are linked and they could you could blow up two cigarettes for free well not for free but easily and cost efficiently with the sapper that's no longer possible even when it was happy was pretty good against it he would put like one ghoul to chop wood there to have an early warning signal what I can say here is that Lynne is going with the quick lumber and that means he wants to do it early shop but still follow up with the barracks you sacrificed a little bit of gold I'm assuming that he's gonna drop down a barracks knob but the continued evidence shows the contrary late master rats with items into 18 food tech tech possibly no grunts again a very unusual opening build order for nowadays standards hmm perhaps he doesn't want to go on the item hunts so much here because Turner has always been a bad map for getting decent items via claws and gloves nowadays I think it's even worse as I said lots of consumables here now not so many level to permanent items yeah better for undead I would say the permanent items were better for orc if I'm not mistaken then there's a creep route possible where you can get clothes for 6 clothes plus 9 and a chance for a tomb of experience if you creep it well if he that must be like in the bottom one part of it is the expansion in the corner I don't know if they changed it but when I saw the map the first time this was something that worried me a lot Lina's gonna go for the circlets I'm not sure ask the decree Pratt you're referring to it could be valid a few things to point out happy has a hole his big red like that yeah so this is a showing his inexperience with the new map I'm actually not sure if you can wallow oh mine here if it's impossible that's not the greatest design choice for this map is possible to me move the shop to the left and then have this when the shop needs to be there but with a cigarette further south yeah yeah would work but maybe you need an extra cigarette then I'm not quite sure I see I think you messed up a problem as for lynnie made some mistakes - is that goes under it for seconds later at 2:20 lumber already and also a shop was two seconds late so you could say good night small little Beauty errors here that don't necessarily punish this the creeper that I was referring to the first one was the gloves of haste second one for lefty has the chance for it to experience this is the second version of Sir Ernest and LV so it got a little easier before there were three assassins with the poison damage it was harder for the blade master but this seems to be very very doable yeah like this creep rat you didn't make any grunts and he has more XP and better items than the DK auntie's quickly on the tech the only thing happy really has is more firepower with his units but overall I would say Linda called a fantastic opener it seems like Gabby is very unfamiliar here with the creep route go for the fast fiends which you Lee enable you to take a harder creep cap first yet still going for the little green wizards which are like the crappiest creep camp in the game but now he's going for the Merc cam you're consumable level 3 can drop that's a great a mana potion ideally the blade masters here to harass that means no will be gained by happy as of yet he has to use coils and things he'd really rather not do every time it hero levels up his maximum mana pool goes up and the current mana pool gets the same conversion in terms of the current pool so if you use coils at level one it actually hurts your mana pool at level 2 extra much I didn't explain it very well but you would like to use as little mana as possible before you love all a boob stand to make sure that you can use more afterwards using the Koala aggressively on the blade masters so another one thing to get bullied too much here forcing him back revealing him so in case he comes in with a wind walk again they'll be able to see him coming so smart to give you the skeleton on the blades you keep the vision you prevent the heating soul from being used immediately and it buys him enough time to get the level 5 cream which don't know if you coil it yep so you just really wanted to make sure to create space between him and the blades sub-optimal body block so he will not be able to get that crispy and there was a chance maybe as DK is running out of mana let's not have a speed screw with that it seems like he could commit oh yeah you could kill one or two grunts so he gets the first one is he gonna chase further no oh he tags one of the grunts with nerubian it's temporarily slowed but will not be able to get it because DK is getting so much damage from the blade with a good block here again perhaps you can even get the second Fino aura makes micro against is pretty hard again not the ideas creep route it seemed from happy still stuck on only another one so it's the blade I guess but he did get that one kill immediate tier threes fours Raiders you think this no a second here was already out all right what's going on here yeah really quick second heroes shadow on the way double heal solvent speech girl cool crit fee and action getting some cancels here and there but the shadow came out early did happy anticipate this yes to keep the ad know he's gonna lose everything actually ready are nice in will popped will not TP means on the menu and he coils the wrong one hex on the second beautiful play by Lynn takes out so much of Happy's army down to 24 he gets revenge come on one gun but what's it worth he gets level two there for the next scene in a jockey oh yeah I got with the back step dice as well slaughtering what's that tech so much faster than usual because it looked like he was absolutely not expecting the SH to be there yeah it was it was a shop single borough tech so it's it's a good 30 seconds quicker at least I think more maybe 50 seconds quicker on the second hero so completely blindsided on the lack of grunts and how quickly shadow would be coming but as new already said it just seems like there's a level of unfamiliarity for happy with what could be the correct Creek grass and it has been just bad ever since for happy and now he's gonna steal the big item here as well which is the health stone going ahead with survivability as Yuri seems to have enough damage on the blade and the army consists of only skeleton rough game for happy we saw a pretty amazing comeback this could be a start of that by happy picked up a tumbled experience nice transitioning into persuade to in the base do so we had six sample of the Damned early we need to see what that creep was ranking it actually was producing it any canceled a freeze finishing you probably wants to get to the frenzy going right away I mean yeah six booths what else is he gonna do with him there was never mean in total there was a time half a year ago when happy did play quite a bit of a frenzy ghouls in Jarek up for and they looked fairly successful and until all the orcs until focus came along and then destroyed what did he do that made it stop working TC third stomp and Volkers i think it was with scribbling really but not like women or extra grants or something i had a good number of grunts i don't think but i may certainly be wrong about that but what the ghouls are really good at is getting to the back line and in that time cat hunters were definitely the place back then the Destroyers rules of course also very cool against raiders and against heroes I feel like friends goals sometimes are overlooked in terms of damage they have really good DPS but they are of course glass cannons they pop very fast yeah that's true and that's the problem blade is pretty stacked got a class +9 you are quite right school friends is coming out and it's the army I'd Blizzard are you watching I think you are because that has actually didn't turn us and used to Heather in the past yeah yeah work anymore changed its how does he know this like this match is totally brand new he actually just told me about it he's like oh I just he actually found this out less than two hours ago he's like yeah you could do it on the left and on the right and so he just dropped that with the Zeppelin guys and let's see what it is in range Shaffer that's no destroyer there's no air at all there's no fiend to attack what can he do I wonder if she on pops out really pop out in the woods down there are falling down consisting of space or is there another little cubbyhole for him to stand there repairing let's take a look at dirty work he's over there hardly good teleported South where's the peel these further to the south I could do that the Olympics if you can jump that pillar so the tower is attacking acolytes and the Lich in the dark Ranger are coming here to defend up Hill misses and I mean time Lin is creeping to his heart's content that's the entire undead army boos at this exploit ok listen doc Ranger can take care of us cause it's fortified are more now so it will take some time it's a good place to build watchtowers on the hills don't don't give them ideas stop it you will see that all over PTR tomorrow the watchtower has been dealt with but the pion has found a new place maybe he cuts this tree it's speaking of the temple we haven't mentioned it yet of course he will produce banshees not necro that would be insane there is still no third walkers right so there will be curse on a lot like especially the blade master and what this will reduce the damage with the big mischance but by like 1/3 yep 33% mischance there sometimes it seems like 100 percent or playing against there holding those dice pretty cool army I just have to assume at least one heal scroll for happy we see niches level 3 no you scroll on any one so this is a necessary cut yes to make that's two ghouls and snared in the frontline cyclone on the illusion of the DK now he finds the right one TC is you see the miss is coming out late master at the moments not doing any damage that's way more than 33% now the Hoos have pretty much all been eliminated in fact the last one's gonna call here the years are still all super healthy the DPS from the ghouls the normal damage against the heroes didn't seem to do too much dagger into the front line has to be micro back crossed armor on her but yes Lin lost anything so far dude it's a runner maybe and he's gotta settle in to save him or he's gonna kill that illusion he's driving him back you're barely any firepole left in an arson sometimes here's are enough like in the last game but on this one in valen the TC keeps him safe that stomp could have been better but use it why not if you have the mana and banshees are falling only a single one out to our left but guys this is happy this is one of the best micros in the world he's had here stat Hughes he has heroes and he has bad cheese and he can do a lot of great stuff with those units and heroes this fight will not win itself by Lin keep in mind happy is probably where this expansion is not finished there are a good 4 to 5 creep camps left on the ladders forces are and this expanse is not finished happiest at 41 food against 54 from Lin they both of triple hero happy can TP out as he grabs account he will then go so bright most likely to get more creeps in got a statue to this Ilan Hall happy is actually in a really good place the strike not good enough here to find the killer what's that the cloner have too much HP you remade ghouls of course quick to reproduce just as quick as they are to die but now is it time for the tiny grain or does he have the money for it not really has a cell nice - just wait a little bit and then he sold the Perry after fatality rather than something like wand of mana steel choices choices so Lin buys the tiny Great Hall at over 50 food it cost six hundred gold hundred eighty-five lumber but he's been mining so little so kind of it was like exhausted like 800 gold that's how much he's mind during this time so it's an expensive expansion you will start to once again mine hundred forty percent of Happy's income instead of seventy percent still that's not enough against the cost-efficiency parent if happy ok usually gets a snipe on one of the units of orc of Lin he will be able to keep up and he has just killed the dark wizard level 8 in the middle getting another valuable creep camp we're now looking at the Mercer II camp the laboratory and the gold mine on the right side of the map they are still up for grabs heavy has an expansion running already when did he do that oh man this could totally crash Lin off-guard he may just be thinking defense defense all the time yeah yeah I would be you know in that situation you just got attacked you did pretty well kill a lot of goals you got your expansion and now they have the same happy thing come in dude yeah yes right for the Zeppelin scouting it this is sound he made when he found that base so more creepin if the TC gets level 3 yeah that's gonna be another big upgrade and there it is he has the in bowl first a Shadowhunter is a bit of weakness he has no speed Sol no potion to survive if he's caught out of position silence kono but can end him quickly and with no healing further the org usually stands no chance yeah ideally you want an interval potion on every hero and one or two healing potions to go around as well you know that's just to be kind of safe I think he's playing safe he went back to the base that must be the potion that he required gets two very important creep camps middle and top right he's got the true shot or as well as his training pass this is a long upgrade though yeah the fight may decide the game before it's finished but if we see possession and we get a code aura for the undead or maybe a Raider this is so strong but yeah Lin has a good timing he sees it now and he is attacking write it with a Weibull additional damage this is a really scary choke for both players happy with the back against the wall not much space to maneuver but live funneling in through a very narrow choke were stopped is could be godlike quite a few of the ghouls are still left alive he's not really looking for the targets they're going for the SH that is the weakness but the Zeppelin being used so quickly he did he perhaps exploded on purpose far enough but this fight seems to handily be going to the orc going for the SH again healing potion will be that it was actually a healer wave happens Epling does die he's dizzy now or he's really slow the here--we was on cooldown he's using the mana potion he can't use it yet does he have the e wife and time he doesn't the first year the hundred eyes they're clearly playing a different game here let us like I'll kill all your units and the happy so I'll kill a hero that looks like a pretty big orc army here the horde is angry and ready for vengeance Lich comes in with the invulnerability potion of a delay what seems to be the inevitable Lin's army is huge and Blademaster and TCR whacking away DK doesn't have the in one we have to pop it here right now they were hopes to survive duties nice next couple of seconds more units coming in with banshees foot he has no more healing everything's low no statue as the blade man's looking for the kill the DK will certainly be the end if he falls and that is the kill level up for the TC as well that must be it now is there one more trick up happy sleep I can't think of one he's gonna lose the dark Ranger here it seems as well and the Lich and stares after and snares coming in the next hero kill unless a million business you miss every hit you don't take but some of the ones you do plate master does not get the kill on the ledge but without the DK here Lich with potions at his disposal can he do something in ball is still ready has puppet here to survive at least a little bit longer seven seconds is how long that one last but he stood kind of surrounded trying to get to the shop he needs more healing potions buying one using one surviving for a couple more seconds but now he's truly surrounded he can't get out of this TC survives with us and will stop coming in and that has to be at GG Lyn equalizes we go full distance baby and what a game again this was back and forth back and forth good strategical decisions happy playing an expansion and doubled temple of the Deaf banshees they're giving us everything they are giving us everything we even had a new tower yes Blizzard itself so initial creeper out of Lindros really good he had a very good early game with that blade master and from then on I think he had a lot of control in the game right yeah at Sh timing that great control and the game massive follow-up kills with the shadow on the Crypt thien's I would have tapped out if I was happy but he stayed and he got back I'm just it blows my mind I mean as a pro gamer you have all these rules of thumb and generally one or two creep feelings death for me was the raw thump like under the counter when he loses three and his TP that which he was trying to save got killed anyway and he makes it back into the game with an expansion roughly equal and supply equal Hiro count better tech it's insane and really as almost perfectly as happy played and it's almost unfair to criticize but just to somehow make sense of how he could lose this and I'm not saying it was a throw Lynn had a very great timing attack like he recognized right now I've got 70 food you're going for the skies I don't want to let you get there I'm gonna attack with a few waves before you have weapon and so on and so forth I feel and I don't know if you guys agree double temple master Banshee and shade at the same time was just slightly too comfortable a little bit too geared towards the macro game he gets another minute fantastic but maybe looking back he would have liked to full produce from one temple a bunch of more ghouls bunch more items what do you guys think yeah if he gets enough time there for the tech for the massive training he can maybe get the damage it I mean he did have the ghouls if they were able to connect they can put in all of damage but the TC stones were just too good singles wouldn't have done it either he needed that heavy attack that's a valid valid point to maybe I don't know he just wasn't set up to get it like a really good army now he needed that transition to the Banshees was anyway his expert opinion right so if he gets like two or three possessions out then the supply swings by 20 and that could change around and he tried you can't really go for the master upgrade in one banshee temple I guess because it takes too much time then you can't get the reinforcements that you need for the next fight so the second temple was actually necessary I guess shade I don't know but it's not that big of an investment well let's say if you did double temple no match there got a bunch of banshees you have no possession yeah no possession just fancies damage curse some anti magic for stomp I don't know but anyway he made his choice and he had to live with it and die with it and I must say I'm still incredibly impressed by happy despite the loss what but by Lyn has no way no no way I know we see it no this is a Miss click you can't be serious a big smile on face over there who pointed it out you pointed it out in a cast like Lynne was trying to make it work right at work nine years ago in competitive format Lynne as far as I know yeah high level there will always be some guys like no I played my neighbor with Shadowhunter first it was really good sure you know yes really good to me in a break we took three but yeah Linda's the only one that did this at pro play Shadowhunter first like against the night elfin twisted but like he doesn't even have a barracks what good is the region gonna do for him it's not like you can trade so well with a Shadowhunter okay let's let's put it on our tin foil what the hell is going on our tin foil hats and hypothesize where could this lazy so he hasn't got units and shadow creeps really poorly even if he had grunts so we see he's going over I think we can agree he's not gonna heal wife a full-hp shadow and he's not gonna heal wife to death night serpent warts would give experience to happy so we must conclude he has hexley acolytes time here's the thing every time happy kills a creep he will hex the DK simultaneously to prevent experience the cool thing is you do not get the idol notification when hexed acolyte returns to acolyte nest okay so if you don't notice you don't restore his work but the most ridiculous series it's not mining and you don't have the idol stuff that feels too good realize that the income was missing anyway you can hex the DK and then he wasn't yeah no XP by the way look look both heroes no expiry xpx oh no we have to check the DK when he comes back oh you got it all right game over next oh wait there's no next okay I'll play that guys this map will decide the clan war and Lin decides to go for first ultra fast tech all right we are officially in the twilight zone what's the second hero here I think realistically it has to be the TC so you use the best support heroes for org together the far the best starting heroes are Farseer and blades but you can see Lin is kind of skipping the start and you see how that makes sense he doesn't go grunts doesn't creep he's skipping the start so he's going straight to support hero so I can only imagine he's gonna get TC second and he will have hex stomp healing wave and endurance aura all the best things in the orc army and then he gives up creeping ability from the blades and Farseer and their scouting ability no no I like how everything was is invalidated [Laughter] all right so maybe this is gonna be mirror image yeah I have told you right in the game of focus and the practice thing he went for mirror image against la la and was playing on there and he used it to dodge coils actually I did it so perfectly that it makes sense to use it but you can touch him with wind Walker except if you got the slit I guess oh that must be it right of course so no more coils so the next hex is a crypt in scale so that's the first result of this unusual starting hero he didn't even have two hex for it he could get a second but coil will be back by that time yeah believed he cares maybe a 65 mana topping low and the speed scroll is gone if the fiend had been a little bit faster for the block perhaps he could have even gotten enough damage in mmm in the North there was a fiend waiting at the expansion with the fiend waiting so he goes to the south should be save over there you go Russia's tier 3 Remo is this Turin what do you guys know that I don't if there ever was a game for it then it would be this one I guess he's got no war mill yet little plate Turin ones in a game against t8 and removes the jockey get up is the biggest fan of Turin we missed that game because I don't know we were in a plane or something and bad excuse alright here we go we have a blade Brown so now we have actually some damage in this fork army did he bring a new speed scroll always so or can never leaves the base with that speech yes that one that's too isn't it yeah happy does not follow through and Lich will be out shortly but not quite yet another field goes down this is a thirty closest again famous on Terra knows yeah and this may get not gone over first year with weaker blade master is especially we can get the SH so Limassol their way to Tier three and you guys said Torrance I mean I think it makes sense the shadow into blades into time what is going on I think you predicted it perfectly the surround it's 40 blocks on that skeleton when I bet he has Nova first maybe Dark Ritual beam in front he hasn't just frost armor yet yeah he wants the only use Nova if it is Nova maybe you're holding on to the skill point I told you if dust even if you had it would there be any point not really anyway he doesn't have it all heroes uh still everyone by the way total cost in terms of lumber like 275 okay totally does not have the lumber to do it all right third hero well he will actually in five seconds he could make it if I was the walk here I would totally mess this up later in the micro because I would always confuse F 1 and M 2 yeah I know what you mean because they're forever linked so Happy's responses slaughterhouse and an early Temple of the Damned I don't really know that's necessary to go for banshees because the Blademaster is so low doesn't have any items you smell sitar it's going around I mean the damage is low why don't make it lower you know that's that's right Benji's are always amazing against org you don't even have to have a lot just three is enough you do curse everything yeah the trend just start adding banshees as a valid high level strap probably started around I want to say 2008 it was usually fifty food without then double temple masked banshee dude like 66 food with master upgrades it was quite you know focus but like you guys were just saying on the gas one temple lot more common these days just add a few get that cursed value it's a pretty cheap spell and it's it's so great to kind of neuter the value of the blade master getting that person miss value like master ridiculously weak inventory especially considering this is echo isles this may change of course later he's gonna be creeping up more of those cloth scams he may still visit the marketplace later on the TC is now and there's quite a few creeps to go around here with the aggressive opening that we had wonderful to see already bought tiny crate off he did stay at the base for a while and he's creeping the expansion out if you can look at the tauren chieftain no reason tree so creepy so echo is a pretty small map and the distance to the other base is a little bit large what it often evolves into in this matchup is trying to get as many creeps as you can so you kind of cut the map in half right side is mine left side is yours however not everyone is a gentleman and sometimes people try to steal each other's creep games and it looks like happy in this first banshee with two ghouls and a dark Ranger through these scary push will find a very what level is the SH usually you have to be level 3 to defend this there should be 3 but played at least curse already on the blade Master Kota alright is yes the invoke given over to the TC who is silenced by the way he's waiting for the signs to wear off last a long time though look at all of this damage he's standing the middle of everything finally gets the stomp of the black Master in trouble 34 HP he will survive TC needs that involve now and we'll use a to survive for the Beast next in focus silence to disable the healing another TC in true danger he needs the coil he dies that one hero has fallen at least he'll be back soon the wit work actually disjointed some of the delayed range damage that was coming at him so blade didn't end up dying but TC was left on the front light by himself Happy's heroes are healthy his army looks scary and he's on the warpath he killed the T scenes with some great micro continuous onwards attack and more statues coming in the Banshee getting intercepted there so immediately Oh actually corn we're at purge no purges is that he was getting intercepted here that's nice one is remaining but it can't heal mana and reach it at the same time and help at the same time Lynne has not yet used one of manner steel on shadow which would be very useful to deny coils Nova etc and to have more healing but now almost everyone is out of mana great speed scroll use this here it gets the black master and the koto both out of trouble TC is back koto pathing no nice DK blocks koto represents 20% damage increase to the entire army of ork it's a great kill for happy if you can get this he will get saved still very low on mana though is the undead he has the one statue for region and happy as a choice go home get the small green camp at the bottom that drops the XP tome or the bottom right I guess he wanted to heal it but he Lantz card for expansion but somehow Lyn became aware of it and dust it I imagine happy grabbed up the in ball at such a big deal here on Echo it's only one shop and he'll focus always a danger for both of these races in this matchup yeah like lightning can remove hex but overall there is a lot of crime control on the side of Lin hex perch and worse stuff and he also has the right tool set to kill one of his heroes we hear a level up that's blade level 3 I suppose and also teeth TC maybe I don't think so he was like level 2 and he died this could potentially be a huge creep Jack happy starts it against the big turtle maybe just sniping the item and then tepees doubt because there's so much disabled with stomp and hacks like that he can't really fight there first you go for the statue as always can't get coiled and out of region he's taking the fight here though happy is not leaving not yet he's fighting against the gargantuan and the orc of both sides her statue is gonna fall and she falls to the turret oh good job turtle says Lyn in the meantime second statue is under assault shadow hunters getting focused he's got to be careful does he used the wand of mana steel to you said once so far now Lin will finish the final batches off this is an amazing creep Jack by Lin and a bit of a misjudgment possibly by happy to take this fire burn to stay in there yes so eager to fight losing two statues three banshees crypt fee and maybe what did he really kill three Raiders two Raiders and then have the money for a tiny Great Hall dude doesn't have to time though moving one hero all the way to his face then here again would not be cost efficient now he has to TP there's no way out what unit and he fears Happy's go here right I think so yeah has no mana for the nuke though a little bit of damage helps as well he just has to touch the Burrow with him snare and he did you're gonna get this one in critical strike will perhaps do it saves his money nothing left not too much remaining but Linda's smile not going for the tiny Great Hall this will take a lot of time but it's way cheaper well tiny Great Hall cost 215 gold more but the Great Hall builds during hundred twenty seconds and I think you get 600 gold per minute so it takes two minutes so tiny Great Hall in short is way more way better investment than the Great Hall to wait for it except when you speak of like gold mines going empty twenty minutes later but overall this is generally a very poor place to go when you already have access to tier 3 however he didn't know how long he was gonna be fighting he had to pee on there but like I said he would have to walk up to his base it's like 10 seconds walk down 10 seconds tiny great old builds 15 and he was still fighting so he figured maybe you just using the bill that I have here is a safer way to do it plus it's slightly less upfront investment so he's more adaptable now he can cancel that base you can go over 50 now and he doesn't spend that 600 right to begin with so this I think Lintz thought process and now he has to buy time it's going into trihard mode we don't take fights anymore we harass the base we saw pillage before and now he wants to keep the under on his side buy time for the Bastien you know what to remind you that Lin started this game with a Shadowhunter 400 and this like his initial arrest didn't really work out and now we're 60 minutes in the game and he has the lead in an expansion this is unbelievable losses Raider here as a little man I invested though two cores in ANOVA silence could ruin blades day so he has to do a pre-emptive wind walk now CODIS they're always weak in this kind of hit and run scenario because they're always left behind and it easily slides no matter how many armor upgrades you have they don't gain that bonus they are unarmored they're slow to take bonus damage from piercing damage so and there's yeah so they get sniped easily however the ring around the rosy has ended the Great Hall will finish before taking more than maximum maybe 100 damage not even though it is finished but it's not yet benefited Lin seven foot more four of that is in production sorry if that might be in peons so basically we're looking at two equal armies here with limps being a little bit less high-tech these competitors were happiest banshees if he cancels this Great Hall of course it's the perfect timing he can't cancel anymore he can't get any resources back he did mine maybe like 60 gold and there's again this little choke we've seen happy win fight them there before silence too late rare mistake he does get the stomp of only another one not gonna be lasting for too much longer the envelope to come in first statue is gonna be dying quickly get the ends no did the jaw the fake master with a perch going for the second one getting rid of the region very quickly lake master now getting focused himself has a healing potion I think it was and now there's not too much damage it seems any more from the nuke side from the undead the plate master gets away to safety gear wave coming in t0 in trouble he's eating the focus fire I think he's gonna die here and he will level to hero Falls SH next on the menu he needs to be careful with the silence this could be his end but the dark range is out of man I actually once again the heroes have to run away and the units only have to do it for Lin and they are doing well he's eliminated all the Banshees he has taken a tenth food lead Creek viens are going down dark Rangers lonely chat of mana dark Rangers vanity case out of mana and the dark Ranger skimming attack is there a town portal either way it's too late for this little dark Ranger or the blade master there's no X 2 because the booty lock in the surrounds on the shadow he does not succeed in doing sir DK has a lot of mana to work with there's a lot of curls coming and potentially a lot of kills for happy this game is certainly not over 215 supply lead curse the blade didn't get to do it in time and he has to run he can't fight this he's too low that Sh has one here wave soon seems to have no clarity's no mana potions killing that shop was such a massive deal I have should have been constructed a little bit earlier colder pieces first code or get the second code or what the swing in supply doesn't have well obviously that you all the stats you arriving there at the undead army this huge only one here wave you sent you for both normally it only does one but if you microwave you can get both health and my age there's a nobody think I guess there isn't he's close to it though they thank you gets abused by the blade here who has info window he'll scrum we've earned focus fired by the Lich healthy hero still for happy wyvern is gone with the next attack get it caught no one of the blade master doesn't have just doesn't have dust anymore oh wow the shadow hunter must be healed up by this point you went back to the base but happy stays at the expansion still have some firepower and takes out the peons here they have to evacuate this expansion look at that Lich by the way it's a freaking machine gunner he's got my gloves claws and the years are coming back beautiful gloves clothes or prepare yet there's a nova soon in fifteen mana points and then could be the end for the blade matter there's no edible on him if I'm not mistaken there is one of the lids worst arm there is a second worst on that was the new coil apparently is there a coil how much longer the decays chasing there's a coil on Reggie guilty you kill usually it would be the first year but actually the SAT is the first year he's now next on the menu has to run there's more healing for him DK doesn't have more healing but the doctor and you can have bring mana potion I don't think she did there are two war stamps available that was numero uno now banshee is gonna get focus fires head sensors deal bonus damage to it by back late master has been purchased back costs about 510 goals at this point very expensive joke but now the undead heroes are starting to get low DK is trying to run away with the aura it's like yeah that's there on the loop core comes in stomp charge oh my god he's gonna get this he gets the purge again be Kelly's dead cannot give the TP to Lich on time he greeted out a little bit trying to get auto attack damage there he has the shadow he has the gold for the lips of Goomer oh yeah that's true and now he has to TP out know which means no fights no orb he can't fight this anymore I thought he had it man Lyn holds on it proves to be so hunter first he's trying to run all his heroes away into fight taking down a few units suffering so many losses but by the skin of his teeth runs away with his heroes over and over healing him up getting back in the fray and keep in mind if Lynn lets up even for a second all his peons will die they will turn into skeletons and they will turn against the Great Hall that they used to bring tributes of gold to so Lynn was not allowed to even leave for five seconds in full he continued to present a small token defense while mustering his forces and re marshalling everything regrouping in this way he really played it great the ball seems to be in his court here the DK gets caught outside of the vase the stomp is going to be coming in but no actually he was silent but there is the info he will survive thanks to this but I think the surround no it doesn't stick he gets away and snares not ready at the moment still cooling down looking for more targets one Banshee has been even with a death pact and that no pills have been accomplished but now with approach with the engineers more kills will be happening and Happy's against the ropes one statue goes down a banshee also which is not yet back the machine gun needs that little of the - arm or the almost corruption is so mandatory for all the undead army how long until the Lich comes back the altars producing away only a couple of seconds is he over committing to but will he pop out in a bad position may get surrounded here he's trying to leave lift his back he can eat something for Nova he has like ritual as we saw before there's a sign - can he don't have any more TP on 10 HP transferred at the last second the Raiders the Raiders are not in position but what was the tower attacking is there something else was there what is it how many acolytes did he kill - at least - okay Lind it okay he killed a number of statue Banshee necessary to be so aggressive that looked like a risk he didn't need to take yeah I feel like what he's doing is making sure that he's the attacker and then when he TPS out he creates space and distance and time between him and and happy that means that he can lick his wounds he can get his solve his clarity whereas when happy is the attacker he never gets that time so I like using his money and throwing it away to kill a little bit of Happy's money because Lynn has a lot more mango lines are down this is the final fight already could unsummon something that takes time and of course that clock ticks in favor of Lin set use again and snares focus taken out of this game no region anymore he's going for the ethics again he has to go for these Hail Mary hero cares and he may be able to he has so come armored hit a wave and that is the kill village the DPS monster gets the kill now always got to do is kill Raiders because hex is the greatest long-distance chasing tool and of course don't lose your Lich you get the coin in time but that's the last one to surround sticks the let's can't get out the in vault is not there and he will lose the Enzo GG Lin takes the game Correa takes the clan war in one of the craziest series we've seen in recent memory shadow hunter first Lin was the carry at WCA China versus Korea and Lin is the savior in his behavior here today as well the light is proud to let his god but what a series this was yeah with that the Koreans stand triumphant and happy he he fought so well but Lin is the one that will take it all home and he couldn't have done so in a more RTS manner micro-macro surprise variety expansions Lin has it all yet we have seen it all really the perfect player here opening with three different heroes shadow hunter blade master and Farseer I wonder like maybe some guys at liqui PDI can can look at that when it was the last time that we saw this or if was a master for the first time ever I can't remember this at all well you know just like his country made la lai it he opens with three different heroes li tiers the warden keeper and demon hunter yet and to give us the variety here the value of the surprise and then of course you have to make sure you play it well and he did little happy joining us here at the broadcast before I have at the last interview we have guys and on believable series we've seen it all here we started on Turtle Rock right with it cell rock started on turtle yeah crazy game was really tough to call who was in the lead both of you took it back many times just first of all big congratulations to the both of you for some beautiful Warcraft 3 thank you and congrats to Lin for winning as well that first game Lin do you open up with a Farseer yep but you never went for the Acolytes harass you just used it extra firepower to defend your early expansion right it's like grow grow grow be meta a little bit smarter because you you know you didn't play and maybe quiet as expected you went for the expansion yeah I like the double barracks oh you know you can't get to tier threes and save times so you need more anti-air you got the head centers but happy you did something very amazing as well you open up with the correct fiend opening but you were fantastic during this game with scouting with skeletons you saw the creep attempt by Lin with the Farseer on the red spot and you went right away with level 1 DK yeah but I couldn't you stopped Lin from expanding for a long time because they were still two ogres there you made him run around the map yeah well and then it gets to the later stage of the game one Lich many destroyers killing all the acolytes killing him very good like plenty of times my leech the white at least twice yeah so you never got to hear your favorite deaths and of the game yeah maybe off-screen I was gonna ask you but you will not let me throw you under the bus second weapon was terrorist and LV how often did you practice that Maplin to get the creeper out at the south oh just because it's it's on you I came here and then I have a lot of time for practice and then I like to play like this is a little bit like cheat with our testing tricks yeah yeah yeah yes so the watchtower on this I have a look where I can make watchtower I find that one spot the mind of an orc a happy you saw the watchtower what did you think actually before I seen the watchtower I seen the Zeppelin in the bottom-left so I thought it will be drop or something and was and it was so I was like unsure shot I go without teleport or not and then I seen the tower in fact I actually place it my cigarettes wrong so there was an opening yes I could actually walking we were talking about that actually the first secret was a little too high right yeah you went technically a new map for me I can say that I practiced like I play it on it of course and I know the drop spots your early game was not the best yeah well yeah and then you lost three Crypt fans and the town portal basically the game should be gg now yeah but but is happy so the first set of goals died pretty easily but somehow you got enough units to go to linear expansion and have a really good fight and then surprise that's all you have a counter expansion yeah well I expected him to sit down or something or maybe just do small harassment so I will have time to go for mass benches Lin when did you find out about happy scanner expansion with chaplain I scouted on that one and then oh you made good mind because usually he liked to make code mine make expansion process org so I just expect so I scouted and then you're attacked right away yeah I think him after him at code mine he should be 50/50 population so I was sixty something just go attack yeah and when you attacked you had 70 already he was still 60 planning a master banshee transition came back happy do you feel it was the right choice going for mass banshee well considering it's normally a GG after losing someone you fiance yeah it was a good because if I could have secured a lot of benched I will probably have chances it depends it sounds like the truth you just needed a little bit more time but Linden and give it yeah then the final game Shadowhunter her ass without barracks to hex the DK when he kills the creep to remove the expiry but I got the creeps well you lost the XP from the ogre Shadowhunter first is this one of your super special secret strategies now no longer a secret or I like to play first she don't you and then before I start this match I prepared like first hero maybe one of game is faster and then one of the game is played much gonna be played monster and then maybe last game will be straight or something hmm very cool and it worked yep an unbelievable series I think you made a lot of people very very happy and yeah that's it Korea wins the clan war congrats to you guys thank you for joining us here thank you for being here we will see you guys on your streams I guess for more warcraft in the future with the new patch very very soon grabby thank you for joining us on the broadcast and of course the legends tournament as well that's it here from irvine those are the last minutes if you guys have any shoutouts you can give them now I don't know thanks for watching and enjoy Warcraft 3 for me this is so meaningful I can play with legend players and then European players can enter with flittered Geist was so good so he's I exciting yeah thank you thank you very much same for me one of the most amazing events I've been to recently feels great meeting everyone playing some games with all these fellows here it's just been a great time and meeting you guys more properly for the first time as well has been amazing neo Rima demo you get this scene you helped keep this scene alive for such a long time and here we are at this who could have known yeah it's an unbelievable feeling it's very rare that we see each other but every time we see each other it's a great vibe it feels like feels like a little family reunion doesn't matter if it's in Shanghai or in Irvine or whatever this was the start this was blizzards presentation of patch 1.29 and the new map wouldn't the new features hopefully this is the start of something big this is the start of many more events to come grubby the winner of the Legends tournament South Korea winner of the clan war you guys out there are all winners I guess we are winners because we have witnessed amazing Warcraft and yeah I hope you enjoyed it please leave us some feedback and that's it guys thanks for watching every great week [Music]
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 61,334
Rating: 4.9148073 out of 5
Keywords: happy vs lyn, lyn vs happy, happy lyn, lyn happy, happy, lyn, happy vs, lyn vs, wc3inv - kr vs. eu, wc3inv, orc, oc, undead, ud, 2018, wc3inv 2018, 1on1, 1v1, neo, remo, remodemo, warcraft 3 blizzard invitational, blizz inv, blizzard, invitational, wc3, inv, blizz, korea vs europe, korea, europe, warcraft, warcraft 3, war3, wc 3, Back 2 Warcraft, B2W, Back2Warcraft, back to warcraft, warcraft III, esports, esl, gamesports, esl-radio, esl tv, rts, real time strategy, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 55sec (5395 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 01 2018
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