GCS:S 2018 - WB Final (Group B): [O] Lyn vs. Moon [N]

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[Music] welcome back to GCSE Summer 2018 welcome to the most anticipated game in the group stage thus far Lyn moon group B winner's bracket final were hinting at earlier the two most decorated players of all time is this gonna hold up to the hype are both gonna play on their highest level it is gonna be an amazing match we need a long series four ones we need something else than two zeroes only two zeroes so far I hope we're gonna be treated to a nice three-game series here the two series we saw today do you feel both are playing on their highest level both are playing where they need to play to get far here very hard to judge especially for moon since it was up against to like troll strategies with a an attempt of garg's and necro Agins so i don't want to judge his level too much but yeah I didn't see nervousness too much except the one demon-hunter play here so I don't want to judgement performance so far lil super steady like how he defended this tower rush by my Hawk I mean yeah it was a blood mage tower push not the strongest but how he moved his blade masses there where he was with his blade mass at the entire time that was SuperDuper strong imap2 he profited a lot from the +18 platemaster that's fine but let's go to the maps lin bans amazonia moon bans echo IELTS and the random draw on first map is ancient isles AI pretty pretty fair for once I would say humans and night elves can't suffer from this map especially humans but against orc I think it's okay a Z by the way veto by Lin I'm not surprised he has suffered at the hands of foggy enough on that map and that's something that's interesting about this matchup it looks very very stale and very predictable especially from a not very initiated standpoint but there are varieties of especially aggression from the night offside that we see in the meta foggy the proponent along with you for mass aggression for being in the orcs for canceling the lodge most importantly keep the spirit Walker number and mana no Korean style has oftentimes been more creep intensive moon I feel like falls into the middle he has shown that for in strategies in the past where he actually goes harassing with a demon or only and use Beastmaster somewhere else to creep I'm gonna be interested to see how moon chooses to play especially the early and mid-game and the later game of course it's gotta be talents it's gonna be walkers it's gonna be triple hero versus two blade master TC but the way there that's the interesting exactly except if we go to twisted Meadows that everything could be a little different but we start on ai ai usually a map where things are starting off slowly lots of creeping and that could benefit a little we have seen orcs go for the two laboratories very quick to snipe the items there where it can be a Book of the Dead or other great items that you can put to good use but I mean we don't have to introduce the two players but I feel like it's which we should do that anyway in the bottom right we have moon the most decorated player of all time with 4nbc game tournament wins in a roll in came a little bit later had his success when a few players were already retired starting in 2009 actually in a grand final of ESWC versus moon back then it was a to O'Fallon but that is nine years ago that's how long they these guys have been battling it out between each other Lin statistic vs. moon is 39 to 44 in like of all time so very very close when this goes not only for the entire history of the two but also for the past three years there is 19 to 16 in maps and the past its half-year it's 8 to 7 in seriousness it's 6 to 6 so you see it doesn't get much closer than between these two guys yeah are we looking forward to this one and how is moon gonna play I always feel like the Koreans have so much respect for this guy sometimes perhaps a little too much respect I feel like moon is allowed more freedom in this matter especially to creep up then some other Night Elves might be I mentioned foggy already foggy playing very aggressively in general basically can't play this more aggressively than foggy does if you want to stick to the matter that is normally the Korean would be picking up the item and run across the map immediately pressure the org be in his face and be annoying and go for that super super fast tech yeah to get towards the later stages more quickly but the orc holy crap no shop tech whoo-hoo no shop tech exactly that's that's a two minute tech that is so fast I would love to see the base of Moon to see what kind of tech he does if you're going for the foggy route or not the faster the orc Tech's the faster the night of half Sutekh basically because if the tier two buildings are up then what can you really do with a demon hunter harass which is the strongest thing that the Night Elves can do Lyn is coming in for the steal and the stealing magpie is there demon hunter not level to Lin with the first experience also grabbed up a circlet and man what a good start for Linda it is almost catching the art so they're good damage little moon is taking as well but with two moon wells so it's not super fast nice thing you're on a is you have tons of safe spots for the wisps there's these little ya know the trees are set up in such a way that you can save all of those wisps can you actually save the archer Wow the wisp block saves the archer are you saying oh he's trying for it again he's going for it again wow this is highest level Warcraft so far and he's safe set with into one of those niches that you were mentioning before and that is exactly why those two players have won every single tournament in 2018 we had five of them nice lol tier 5 tournaments in 2018 Lin one for the other one was moon so we have a 100% win rate apart from GCSE tournaments is that by the way for Koreans and it's finally time to give that World Championship trophy back to Korea after five wins for Chinese players those two stand strong for the Korean scene mm-hmm Sikandar would get over this early game man that dad a wisp save was so sick I would have to have a tech comparison by the way this orc must be had is he far enough ahead to not you know lose any office two to two buildings in construction as you only have one grunt is this the cost of this fast I guess it should have more than one right it's pretty interesting because lit is usually pretty reliant on creeping he loves a high level TC early on and with only one grunt that's not possible and also super important to cancel the shop here no heels helps no clarity's and there's no wind walk at the moment for the blade master so this is a passive or this must be a passive or for the next two minutes now there's a second grunt okay so it does have to at least that's I feel like we're the meta is supposed to be at at the moment what that is not the meta guys I'm sorry I misspoke no walkers BB Sierra shadow entering this is wind riders moon is the inventor of not the inventor the inventor was magic yang but of course moon is so known for the talent playing with a triple hero and since then we've seen radar Walker talons in this matchup the entire time Lin now going for BB three we don't know if it's lame or wyvern could be both Lin has played this very successfully recently as well but this is so unusual we see this untwisted but on AI or other maps SuperDuper air I'm really taken aback here yeah he goes baffles not what I was expecting at all this has not yet been scaled by the knife by the way there's a red dot moving into the main must be cool beast or a wisp so moon will know about this how is he going to react Tier three still talents still only one wind at the moment you were pointing it out the experience though on the orc side is pretty them yeah of course usually you want the blade master to be in the night of his face right now to steal stuff but with only level one wind walk and no crib you can forget about that Book of the Dead usually there's walkers usually there's the spell but a BB story in this book of the Dead comes in super handy the poor fool burrows man they had not gonna have a good time boots and staff on the Beastmaster he will put that to good use a season though if he checks for it now Linda's demons coming from the main as well would love to steal his last hit here polka very tries for the surround that did have white waste if he gets us around though and kills the essays that's certainly in other ways he gets the surround on the grunt instead and that kill he should be able to get here wave however make it a little bit more difficult does he have a scroll of speed he does wants to hold on to it for the moment of good blocks from the deem hunters so the grunt will fall and he actually does get the remainder of the creature of the camp okay if moon gets this doll over see as well I take that back it wasn't the waste at all and he does second gloves of haste especially good when he has the operator on this could also be a pretty good chunk of experience for Lin if he takes out the entire book but yeah here's the later rain it's not wyvern it is Raiders it's just pure siege and we will most likely not see many open fight see without shockwave it's this Raiders speed scrolls in out pillage lots of lots of gold on the Lindh side but move was rushing Tier three for an early cyclone to stop this because as you say you can't take open fights with this once they're cyclone without walkers you have no chance and as the years out of position you can maybe and snare lock him down but unique damage on the plate master he's level two now at least I don't know that that's good enough where's the and stairs by the way I think he skipped and stair upgrade for more Raiders finally here are the and snares to keep the whist from appearing he may be able to get the one off very stuck can he get out but we can't blade master dies there I wasn't even seeing it for the longest time level two hero falls and everything is so hurtful in man there's no heal wave anymore and moon is cleaning house and it seems this is why the raider strategy usually never works what a block from the Beastmaster as well litters losing radar after raider after raider i think cyclone is ready soon he has no TP i bet on the shadow hunter trying to infrared no empty inventory no hex as well oh boy did this tactic fail and hawk seeing this game must be getting sweaty pair hands excuse me my feeling again in the lower bracket but what this raider strategy is is the idea here to hope that the knight of as far away kill the moon wells keep him supply stock keep on the split-push and just kill the buildings one by one I don't know seems like it seemed weird moon now kind of rare to move out of the base without master training without cyclone fog he does it to be a little more aggressive to get something on the map moon does it now as well with of course the big win in the first engagement Linda's not giving up he's sending in the Raiders again and I'm spreading it a little but we can't fight without a blade master at all he's disturbing a little he's distracting a little he's delaying a little but he's not getting anything done and even without master training you can be so confident in the middle of the map and once master training is done he can just psyched on for Raiders suddenly he's fighting against 12 supply less and his demander is strong he is already level three SH I'm gonna finally be able to get his level two here blade master coming back as well I feel like he needs a vamp all right here serpent or no hex at all serpent wards are of course good they got buff then patch 1.29 so the piercing damage is nice they have a little bit more HP as well and dragon is still up for grabs his helpers of course and Lyn is constantly poking in this base sees what moon is doing there's no tank authority by the way it's a keeper of the Grove so we mask for the shadow hunter very very nice as well I really like the tinkerer choice he knows it's not gonna be about straight-up fights it's gonna be about hit and run and with the keeper you can force that and you can use it untangle and force some pick offs and not make a speed scroll such an easy escape for the orc it's so fun to see how every time was in a group stage is opponent does something different from from a normal matter last time it was against th where we've seen maybe one of the highest levels of Warcraft in the entire year 2017 in the group stage because there's such a long history between the two players they know each other inside out and both were giving its best and here you see exactly why the keeper of the group is so strong you lock down the Raider even if you have to use a bit of mana it's okay what's nighttime moon-world are well filled level 3 Beastmaster as well already supplies are close to each other but don't let that fool you this orc army is not designed for fighting well we got a large now speared walkers are coming this fellas coming as well yeah but you need at least four Walker it's gonna take a long time and yeah the thing is you want them early so they they gather a pool of manna to have more dispels this is absolutely not possible here and you don't have a tea see either no aura no shock waves do have serpent wards some more single target damage less AoE so heal scrolls maybe not that important in this game the good thing is you have a whole bunch of Raiders so the demon should not be able to reach the SH if you do it perfectly so here we go again pillage attack into the main base this would have to be responded to with a TP can he get out with us scroll speed that's the question there will be the perfect trait that he's hoping for there's a TP has to be the counter TP from the orc side and he will keep everything alive but also all moon will remain alive for them I don't ya mood invested some mana into that to keep the Raiders from attacking the moon well they're in the middle to not have moon being supply stuck so I guess this was okay what are you doing here that is indeed my friend that's good two talons and the Berserker free experience for Lin is getting closer and closer to three and certainly no he was expecting back home and now moving out without a TP that can be dangerous if the Raiders reach around but also there's very fire on him there must be faerie fire on him and he still doesn't have dispel so there should be perfect information as to where the orc army is moving and now Lin doesn't have the time anymore to threaten a counter-attack because it looked like moon was attacking into the main but thanks twice about it still doesn't have a TP he doesn't want to lose this game to a silly hex and snare crit combo killing the demon hunter off to to swiftly nice entry were positioning here see is where the orc army is going and actually does have Walker's now so he did get rid of the faerie fire but he's still envisioned thanks to that word and that will finally be level three for the blade have an obvious level three already excuse me any cost of four actually these players met four times this year last time at GCSE April there was a 2-1 win for moon in the Awl semifinals it was the three old destruction from Lin over moon in color cup moon one two two one in the quarter-finals and in the March race it was Lin taking the win from moon so two two two suddenly doesn't looking so bad anymore Lin was able to like split push his way to the walkers to that tech that he needed he was able to buy enough time by asserting the pressure and does he want to fight now he is Athey required ten supply advantage that we know that the organs need to have but is that still true without the TC yeah maybe he needs more yes for walkers mana looks ok get some more Berserker for more damage so what Lin is doing great usually is to isolate some talent and attack them with four Raiders at the same time to just get the kills so I really think moon should save some gold on heal scrolls and invest into something else maybe Mahler's or so blocker like I like that idea I don't see heal schools being too useful either but he doesn't have too many I don't think on the demon he certainly doesn't have one in will however that one does need well actually there's no hex of course so used to always expecting X with an SH but no 1.29 ladies and gentlemen so I guess I don't really know the inventory of the keeper but I guess that he really plays no heal Scrolls which is nice and Linda's sending a peon to the expansion for the second time well that is plaid I don't know he's fighting into a choke which usually is not the orcs position when he was caught is there by the way on either side but only the one lots of involves however staff obviously and level for now for this team and he is so tank yeah fury fire fury dragon was helping out here a little but so far it's only talons what is the solution against the mass Raiders if moon fights on an open battlefield Lin will just storm over him quite an unfair fight with all poor casters against the melee units their moon's banking so much money though 1,000 gold already and I'm surprised that Linton still doesn't feel comfortable going for a fight and maybe once more he'll die you need to get Scrolls like mood has to bring in risk for the fight to detonate the spirit link then it will be reapplied that means we don't have that much dispel such a big Corvo army though in Jesus and this is where I can be really hard to find a good position these Raiders may just be stuck if the fight should be around joke this is usually yai is also a very slow map a map that drags out from time to time because there are so many spots where one of the two races cannot fight so you have to lure your opponent into a position where you feel comfortable and that is very high it's kind of a like who loses patience first yeah historically a pretty passive map exactly and now what's one going for is he just going even more casters even more talents there's not too much on the map right it's only the natural on the right side of the map and so afterwards there's no reason for moon to leave his base he can like that would be the best position for him to fight because he has the moon worlds and talents just pop out of the ancient of wind if this is this one finishes then he has a reason to move this to move his army out of the base and that's exactly why Lin is doing that right now exactly this is the tactical expansion it's not really about expanding it's about forcing him out because this where you're standing right now that's the perfect position this is open ground everywhere right here would love to fight next to the windmill hey moon send a wisp to scout this but Lin interferes and kills it off so moon might have a feeling that something is coming up you can send the hawk of course about the forests of the south but that's about it dude this is a sixty-four supply Talon are ya oh hell yeah Jesus with that much gold of course you can go for healed scrolls because they are never bad to heal scrolls on the orcs it must be 3 heals quotes right if he has two on the Shadowhunter and there must be one on the blade master as well a lot of time for the walkers though together their mana so it's gonna be a lot of the spells which she needs absolutely also time first for the talents for man there's so many with full mana it's good I'm glad that I don't have to micro this next battle there's gonna be so much stuff to do for both players so once all off on the keeper of the Grove of course very helpfully scouts the expansion now almost everything in Lynn's army is melee so when they attack the talons they get hit by their own weapons basically it's a reversed vamper oh man the calm before the storm and I can't wait to see this storm unfolds in its full glory I really like the ancient oh boy I would have loved to see even more ancient of war never for for the blade master serpent rewards their level too right yes pretty sure and this is this is the position where Lin who wants to fight but he gives it up now surprisingly maybe things you can't get through with his expansion they get some pickups maybe forces moon to stay that the quill beast is harassing what the expansion is about to be up he's retreating though he really doesn't want to let him get into between the two fours down there that would be a dream for mortified it feels forced back by to quill V's yes three berserkers by the way this piercing damage in this army is so sick and I think why is moon coming from this angle why is he coming from the cell now I also feel that would be way better all right here we go keeper of the Grove exposed in the front line so is a Raider disenchant quickly however against the entangle when is the fight gonna come in still Linda's hesitant I'm out starting this fight which should have really put a shot back here it would be so nice because this Sh is never gonna get burned I don't think so here we finally go the first cyclones coming out only the single cyclone here we go now more being used as a chance we'll have to come in little for now for the sh t wasn't there before actually this is so many talents Jesus Christ if only he had a shockwave here imagine the damage he could do with only one spell envelope gets infiltrated in the frontlines and everything seems to be up in the air massive disenchant there against three cyclones the Raiders don't really seem to find the damage against the tail at the dropping low that being micro dragged all of them we have lint dropping down to 62 supply only left but the beast man what's he doing he's way too far up front he will have to use the TP even without the hero damage so Lynn buys himself a little bit more time more kills will come towards moon as he gets one more of those walking oh no again he leaves the army behind and here comes mass and snares man does he have enough Nets he's trying to it only gets one Talon and it was this was once again moon is a little lucky that his opponents not capitalizing from his mistakes my beast man what was he doing there wait he was already out of position a little bit earlier when like it was at the edge of the screen couldn't really see it but that was I think a chance for for Lynn to attack and force an earlier town portal but then yeah I don't know what maybe just right-click and forgot about him whatever for serpent ward set up again this is a better position for now but where is his melee army it's basically non-existent and there's so much mana all these talents they can take it spam cyclone here I feel but also Walker still have decent manner there are the spam cyclones isn't Shann coming in late mass of course always up in the air where is the SH by the way I don't even this is so much supply that can't do anything man he's kiting with his entire range army it's 5 walkers and 4 berserkers they're just running around and not doing anything 2 moons army and so he's marching forward the man in the front lines perhaps in trouble but he has so few and snares now I don't even think he can go for hero kills anymore and like infinite cyclone these talents still with so much mana and this Expo is gonna get taken out once again Lynn with a victus advantage yeah man how does he want to come back the main goal mines are dry this is the last bit of income that he has and even like magic damage isn't the greatest against building but if you have twenty five talents then whatever tends to play advantage from the night outside this is usually not what we see a perfect position for the fairy dragons above the forest can't really be attacked cyclin on the plate masters mana is super low he can't go into wind walk here surround it doesn't happen in whoa he wants to keep the Achille army first I guess so he keeps my eye in the air disables him with that demon hunter is there a potential for a hero kill Lin tries to going for ends they're going for surround it says some kind of rescue for him this spells a blast second for each people as close as it gets could that have been the turnaround well anyways it is not the case more and more of the orc army is dwindling behind by more than 20 supply now he'll scroll coming in he needs these hero kills he needs him desperately but how can he wear this blade masts are always up in the air this looks like the hands are away from the keyboard well he's still my crowing but it is futile at this point GG and the lead for moon quite surprising to see this results here this was not to be expected moon showing off here 3 Oh in the group stage Lyn loses his clean sheet there's a stained on it now and it comes from moon and why or why did he go into mass Raiders that is the question that we have to ask him later today it wasn't a response to like being pressured too much in the early game he decided from the very GetGo to super fast tech he even was able to steal that one creep which I thought was pretty nice was a good opening the demon was away from level 2 for such a long time but then mass writers I know maybe you thought it was gonna be able to do more before Master we gotta admit that loans defense was masterful there he was there with his demon hunter was his piece master he had a few talents there already he prevented both moon wells from going down imagine both moon will to go down then he's stuck on 30 supply forever and then of course you have a huge advantage with a huge army of Raiders you can do more damage to get more gold from pillage and then you have that advantage just run away with it moon shut down instantly though now of course now very first attack he killed the blade as well maybe something that Lynn wasn't looking at for a moment they're not usually something that will happen to the king of orcs the king of works certainly capable of fashioning a comeback here but moon now yeah with his lead hopefully giving us our first three-game series we have a pretty comfortable situation for MU now I'm pretty sure Lynn will take twist it now yeah definitely see that but against moon playing twisted like if he feels very comfortable against Beastmaster first hunts and expose and all that stuff then yes but maybe he doesn't want to play against that because if you miss a scout suddenly the game can be over especially vs moon that is absolutely correct 83 kills full moon there was so much usually we see that the other way around when so many talents fall but that wasn't the case at all like without the shockwave damage this just doesn't work and it's like when you don't have the damage of a TC in these massive armies yes you can still attack a towns but it's so hard to micro you can't just like a click all of your Raiders and you know what's the other one's called the berserkers honor the talents they're just gonna block each other so you have to have like two separate groups of raiders and berserkers to attack different talents and of course you have met two-man disenchant and heal scrolls and healing wave did not think that well this is you okay that is over also not only the pro scene and I think mid level night elf is pretty strong so maybe that's why okay I guess that makes sense we saw very stacked late master earlier against Hawk that can certainly be accomplished here on turn rogue as well that's the great Matt I think about it works for this on this map you have great items for them late master potentially of course and also for the TC and so many creeps pretty sure this is the MAV we see TC level 5 most of the time and when the TC hits 5 I'd love to have a win right on this like for this we could look you something like dad dota or dota buff or whatever because once he gets there he's like the artillery from range that shockwave is just so crazy didn't see that in game number one of course that unusual as each mass Raider player but as you said yeah you expect a high level TC I don't think we're gonna see that weird cheesy strat if you want to call it that either I expect us to go back to standard here and why not Lin is one of the strongest players in the world in general but also at dealing with that kind of stuff foggy may bring him to the very brink but again semi also has good success and foggy definitely top two against orc I would say sorry we had some issues on stream here we're back now very very sorry sometimes the VPN is a little tricky here so I was a little distracted sorry about that no problem seems like we have a bit of a break here before we head in through the second map yeah this is an unusual long pause actually between the games I mean these are the old men in this tournament maybe need to rest a little get some new tea maybe they need to get some selves or something for their for their bones their aching you know using yourself for my footer player iron ear I'd forgotten sorry yeah yeah always making fun of me you will get to my age Remo and then we'll see then I will be the one laughing we'll move be the one laughing and will moon be the one going for another - oh here yesterday one to zero arrived in the playoffs with the four Oh stats it could be Jang Jae ho now map number two we don't have close position which is good for our entertainment at least Lin he has to do with something this is his map choice this is his starting position in the bottom left moon is starting not across from him on the same lane and every time we have the same lane I mentioned how important the shop creep in the middle is there's a watch award shop control in this matchup is super amazing and if you have heel Scrolls if you have any more potions you have most likely the better end of the fight so taking out this ogre Magi is a priority but if you go there too early especially with the blade master this can be crept with a blade master only and if that is punished it's like risky like what do you do isn't work now yeah there can be a very interesting dance you cannot afford to leave the over too far out in the open because the amount can challenge it but it can drag him back behind the shop where the ward however will be pretty bad because you can barely see anything but then again the night off can drag the creeps back out it's very interesting so I wonder how how how good their knowledge is of this creep specifically if Lin of course goes for that right away it doesn't have to be the case could also be the Turtles first or trying for the claws the wisp will be moving south so moon will be aware that this could be a possibility and he must be moving over there quickly to challenge question is if Lin will take the challenge pretty interesting in stats by the way Lin has positive stats against any of the Night Elf players in this tournament except life but we only have one game there so that doesn't really count moon on the other hand negative statistics against all three orc co no just to earth but but the other one is fly and fly is not really playing at the pro level anymore having a strong comeback here but against focus and Lin is oftentimes the loser of the series's starting off with slippers that's quite nice very nice start indeed late master not so lucky he takes a safe camp here doesn't want to risk anything at the ogre magi not just yet anyways should he get to level two and perhaps even with claws of attackthe and taking out that ogre is a lot quicker and a lot less risky demon hunter only level one though only level one and a half that is and he's pretty far away from level two that's one of the issues from Turtle Rock you don't get that jump start to like basically you level two as you get on many other Maps doesn't want to commit to the base either and this is more standard now from Lin he takes a creep camp first he starts healing up he goes for the shop before the tag not too fast so yeah this is gonna be standard play and why not Lin one of the strongest of this actually pretty excited to see a normal night versus talk when both players play the standard and then as you said before the series start like how will they reach the necessary tech units how will they level their heroes is the blade master able to roam around or will it be shut down before it's moon going for that tier 2 attack or is he prioritizing the levels on his heroes this is something we have to observe alone so far only level 1 and a half on his plate mass it's not too good gets the dusty of those so absolutely a potential to kill archers and he's waking up the creeps with a demon hunter right next to him and there's the little dance I was referring to you can drag the over into the back where the demon can't reach the downside here is the ward seems basically nothing because the building blocks the way but you still get the experience you still do get the ward and it'll be level 2 for him as well can he get the windwalk and move out and heal up all at the same time his healing got cancelled that's a little unfortunate and his slot starved as well handle of energy absolutely worth it to sell the gauntlets though well two for the demon though and the dream this is like the best inventory he could possibly hope for he's really strong at trading right now stronger than the demon hunter in fact the archer here is he gonna be able to save this one again like he was able to before Oh in the shop enough damn it's just so bad if moon wanted to be aggressive then he needs that shop to come up for having the prayer separate reservation to be able to staff out the demon hunter but now I think he's forced into a more passive play which is never favorable for the night oh you can of course still be aggressive but maybe the evacuation isn't gonna be so easily anymore without that staff at the shop just you want to go for boots that will be weird in this matchup we certainly don't see that anymore perhaps from the night off or a Tele staff that is what we're used to nowadays Archer in the middle here we go tier two is done here come the buildings here's the Beastmaster and this is the question I was wondering is he gonna be aggressive foggy style or more conservative Korean style on the creepin side of things Lunas ready he has a bouncer in place he has the blade master near to be able to do more damage and to get rid of the hero in this base earlier it's - grunts in the main wow he was really confident that he was able to defend that fresher easily floors I didn't even see the Huntress Hall me neither where is the hundred okay Wow on t are going dry it's okay there he is observed was showing it to us I don't think so the Huntress although it was nighttime but he saw the lure if he clicked on it I was in range when I was placed with the gods nighttime with the grunts all right so moon is going for trying to fake him out here with a build TC not the perfect hero against dryads of course but still decent now he definitely saw it yeah late master did see it though the disabled with hex also the UM for simmer you saw it you many times lil not falling for this is huge it could have saved him again can he also stealing a gadget that will be the dream click the ancient of what already is really big like how was he gonna creep now he doesn't have bears or does he actually go bears that that would be even rarer that is extremely rare nowadays last hit is gonna be a big deal and the blade gets it and the item my god this is so much mana dependent and the big mana potion the shadow hunter man what a present what a welcome gift for this Sh indeed here is a bruise though maybe moon can do something now but with the rate of being there with n snare finished as well chance or not that I even though you have the dry it's low yeah so is he gonna stay on walkers walkers often times and that is it's a interesting dance between walkers and dry it's because if you have enough walkers and you have too much spirit link for the dry to dispel it all then spilling is always really good but if there's too many drives and you don't have Sperling at the bro the walkers don't do anything so as it is with talent it's also gonna be a little bit about mana lyn is sending over a peon in the face of driest as you really want to expand on here on tier 2 that seems greedy and dangerous to me but maybe it's just I don't know for sharing spear link or for scouting or something at the red cab we see the neither player he's gonna get his level 3 demon here which is a very big deal of course and as I 20 did you find it was a what's it called the rune bracers which will be sold of course oh my god the ancient Django is so good these droids are gonna be so damn fast and the euros of course also yeah they slow down the enemies units and now the entire army is faster of course to double bonus so he's expanding over there on the mini-map I think it's a building but it's not an expansion what is this what is Lynn doing like proxy positioning some buildings above 3sh now so much healing to be done soon by this guy please don't die to the creeps though all right here we go it's gonna get the big turtle the consumable is server didn't want to show us okay blade bass was pretty weak though let alone anybody joins the army with a tele staff so speed what's he going for is trying to bait some dispelled I think with the slow speed but moon's not falling for it there we go now use the order to spell and the I Section the back can't even get reached the blade the demon permanently pinned down with the end snare so more and more healing coming from him hex on to him quickly dispelled though piece master dropping low he'll stroll from moon side and TP out before losing too many units did he actually save all of his dryads and there's one dried corpse on the ground grunts also died but grunts you kind of want to rotate out of anyways yeah that's true they died way too quickly so do you think moon is playing that too like four slid into a Shadowhunter because everybody knows how good his shockwaves are how great his TC control is I think he hoped that this was gonna catch him by surprise and that this was was going to be an SH SEC excuse me with his Dryad strat but Lyn was his scouting was too good his spidey senses were tingling and folk focuses answer to drives by the way is double bestiary just mass Raiders every else in there means a kill for that usually though you want a pretty potent blade which is also still only level two there's no TP here how does he know today I have a TP he's moving out without a teleport this demon is just gonna die he gets hexed this place in there time couldn't staff him out I think there was an opportunity there didn't take it though and now first hero dead and the end snares are gonna keep on flying free mode looks like our streak is gonna be broken first a three-game series after seven to duos if moon is not causing a miracle here Dryad starting left right and center finally Lyn is able to find the targets with the Raiders that he has more is he able to turn this around I don't think so and one more Dryad add another dry did another one caught into a net the Beastmaster yeah he's getting a TP out but man GG and learning making this a series first best of three that goes full distance after seven games he's back on his map choice even though it was an unusual game to try to catch him off-guard there tried to go for the surprised riots try to face up against the TC which is not a very favorable matchup but no Lin would not have any of it he was expecting this he was scouting for it and he responded pretty much perfectly and when dryads get responded to well they just get smashed that's why we don't see him so much that's - so I wonder what moons pick is now unfortunately once again throw it sorry about the lack should be fixed should be better now so now twisted is still on the table twisted his moons Moon Meadows twisted is a map where you're kind of forced to play dry it's as well you can go talons of course but also not that good do you do that now - do you pick twisted I think I think moon really really thinking about because I know he loves the Beastmaster he plays him all the time and you can actually play it against ork here even though I'm I'm never best master fast but I think he's thinking about but I would I would hope he placed talents here I think he has a way better chance with that Lin scouting has been impeccable for a long time auntie em he will always be using the second grant to look for a piece then he goes on the scouting mission across the map he's gonna look everywhere for the Tree of Life and if he cancels that then usually the game is over right there so moon I think he has the best chances going into talents playing it straight up against Lim haven't seen a really straight up game so far what's weird-ass Raiders into dry-ass no standard meta so far usually we would be very happy about that but for once I would love to see that so AZ is banned as well yes what else echo echo okay so last a few just saw the table that would be good for TC for sure and tell them that I would certainly be talents with the great positions you can get a tiara we will see now twisted Meadows he really doesn't want Lin to go TC now I am once again really surprised to rates that is that is all of Warcraft that is not the pro scene everybody these wind rates are absolutely misleading yes they use the vanities when rates which is exactly that misleading perhaps that could be changed in the future this is this gives you the wrong idea this is a very hard night of map to make anything work on if you go talents it's gonna be late if you go expansion it can be canceled if you go dry its you can just get internet and get killed off but if you surprise New York if he doesn't know exactly what's coming and you catch him off-guard you can end up with an advantage but being able to do that against Lin is not only hard on your part but you have to hope for a mistake from him from the king of works himself the good thing for moon is that he can dictate the game moon has so much variety in his play in general like second heroes try it or talents or even bears maybe it's moon even a Camaro rush wouldn't surprise me too much there's also the possibility of an engine protector push you can open with hunches for the very first time here I think it's very possible so Lin will always be reacting to what moon is doing and he has to so as he said good scouting is necessary moon maybe he feels more comfortable off standard because we've seen that a lot from him recently not only in GCS tournaments but in every other tournament that he's not playing according to the beat of the scene at the moment he always comes up with something yeah that's certainly true and we saw that against human with his tavern challenge but really where you play like feel five different heroes and five different games in a row but I feel this is this can be so punishing against or if you fall behind once and snare hex crit dead game's over and I feel like he's putting himself in a losing position he's he's putting himself at the mercy of limb if Lin doesn't make the mistakes required I don't think he has a chance here map number three the decision in the winner's bracket final who will follow won 2-0 and infi into the playoffs it's gonna be a Korean for sure is it gonna be the first orc or is it gonna be the first night elf that's the question here Joon Park Jeong Jaeho battle it out and it looks like a huntress opening for moon I don't see an engine of war anywhere on the map so we start with the typical Moon TM opening no neutral hero it will be the demon er first thankfully no Beastmaster that hero si cares a lot of downsides against orc I was speculating maybe he's gonna roll the dice moon maybe he's gonna go for an engine of war creep because oftentimes orcs don't scout this and if your first agent of War crib goes unpunished it's a great start into the early game but if it does get punished it's really bad but he doesn't roll the dice there he's playing it safe he's playing huntresses he's gonna grab map control with the first three hunts and then probably gonna expand behind it this is what I expect from moon you can also go three hunts in two talents it's kind of more the thing that I don't know foggy would do perhaps but moon NTM if we don't see at least one tree of life I'm gonna convert away from Christian well there is one already buddy of course to me the second one this is also like if moon goes talents and Lyn knows this is also a great map for a TC there are so many spots for robe of the major so be masks vamp or of course always a possibility doesn't matter what you play it's always great there's also like staff of silence though can't be fun so I really hope there's gonna be a last game with big heroes and big items that is what this series would deserve yeah and speaking of talents like how are you gonna find a joke here there's like two chokes on this map and it's next to the merchant other than that it's all open space main basis maybe maybe I just kind of kind of but also not the best so demon going to a black as it going for the first hold experience can the demon reach him to mana burn him I don't think so he is gonna see it though so that gives him some information I guess the tome of agility not lucky enough for the experience but that's not bad either by the way also nice here for the orc and this Knight is you can go for to borough Tech which is what the orc is doing without a shop even so it's even faster but it can do it with a shop as well and you won't be too far behind the tech because and I have does have to go for hunts first so if he goes for talents it's gonna be later anyways so he won't get punished too hard now the demon doing good damage to the peons and the black males are just does not care just keeps on creeping of course you can move the herd peons back into the Burrow then over time it might be enough damn it all not even doing that but he sends them to lumber and exchange them it's evasion first by the way huh which means in a trading game he's gonna have the orc should have the upper hand for quite a while or killing shops big that's actually really big again because late master and grunt are very hurt over there which we're gonna see in a second it's kind of funny how canceling a shop decided to get or gave a big advantage to one player twice in this series maybe now for the third time we've seen this on a high normally Lin always Scouts for this has he gotten distracted I said normally the second one is always used for scouting against this has this shop canceled distracted him too much so he doesn't notice nope I'm scouting there we go this is it and he sees it and therefore not too much distraction in the early mid game coming from moon it's so important that he shut that down I think this would have been more of a distraction ap though yes yes sure I don't think it would have been a big commitment but it's something annoying you know keeps you back keeps you away from creeping and there's a red dot on the mini-map towards the right side I think I gotta get a good idea what that is this very very glad that you can stay faithful to your one true God this must be an expansion bye moon this is what he always does and this is what you mentioned in the early game of map number one or in the the pregame chat basically you have to scout so much on twisted Mouse you have to keep an eye out on every single move that moon does if he out expands you there's basically no chance he's losing a grunt to creeps or to tonight oh that's the question looks like he doesn't want to wake up the creep up there we go so no experience for the demon answer we need to keep the shop alive though because he does need healing now zero experience still on this demon hunter is he gonna force the TP shouldn't be able to oh the Jukes yeah he has one more wind fog after this one but I don't think that's quite good enough a lot of armor of course on the Dean Andre but this Expo has not been scouted yet but it is pretty suspicious at this point that the Nile has tried to keep you back on your side of the map for so long so long now can't get the second spec step out what's the second here oh Sh again okay yeah make sense yes on twisted also for sieges and we played riots here this is what I expected not too much talent player la lie it is one of the very few players who opens with Huntress and still goes for talents not too many other people do that this should be hex first here yep and that's one hunters kill for free thank you very much this is gonna mean no serpent wards later which could have been really good against hunts and dryers actually but okay he wants to get the secured kill here and get it he does does he expect the expansion he may not have seen it but it is pretty predictable it is moon on twisted Meadows after all first though Lin goes towards the shop is gonna creep that up but this could be a pretty nice creeps Ike here from mild but he's only two hunts and to level one heroes how much can you really do here out of giant strength not the item that he was looking for does he have a speed scroll yes he does he can't escape there's no disabled no cyclone no dry it's low yet so he evacuate without getting a single unit killed was pretty cool I used to waste there too in anticipation of the scroll of speed but uh yeah I couldn't kill any grunts or anything with that but he keeps the orc from leveling there's no he a wave yet there is no level three Blake mastery and especially this level two wind walk is so important on this map and it is so big one of the biggest that we have and you want to be fast you want to have the longer duration you want to be everywhere with your eyes but very very impressive how moon is denying that and limits not even close to that position he's prioritizing that his own levels over the expansion of Moon and for once Lin scouting is failing he was getting distracted by two quill bees only imagine his creep jacking here the tree is already already almost in and there was only two hunters this year he could have killed this tree of life but now it's done now it's gonna be entangling but in the meantime I was able to creep he is gonna reach level 3 here I'd like to see him sell the belt I don't think that's gonna become too impactful I think did he Scout does he tank with the black master it also can sell that now he doesn't really need the gold at the moment right he oh he's at 39 so yeah he doesn't need it the Raider sees the army sees the item and will know that the expansion has been crept or maybe he thinks he bought the boots but I mean the knife was missing for so long he must know or what can you get the last it does moon think about the dust yeah he's definitely playing against a blade master here it's trying to bait it oh you stole the dust that's pretty cool I appreciate all the dust and there we go moon gets it but the item as well right the devotion aura uses the envelope on the ain't no war we have seen quite a few miss clicks from limb within will potions maybe it was one of them or whatever 3sh already though that's pretty fast who is the Raider this is not a good start here for Lin into the mid game both players dropped last time in the group stage big big disappointment for both Lin against romantic moon vs. th this will not happen to at least one of them and normally now you want to move across the map you have three three heroes against two two heroes that's so good imagine a creep dragged right here that will be wonderful it keeps on focusing on the SH man at the inventory I don't think it's too much about the experience but more about the inventory at the so he wants this one fight where he has the big advantage he's once again going for the rock column will he be able to get it this time nobody steals it of ocean aura which is not too big I like a double devotion aura of course and the drops not too amazing for the orc player but I guess the same can be said for the night of as well so he crept up the gold - you really want to counter expand you obviously knows that there's an expansion by now talisman of evasion so many tank in his items which isn't really not what he needs he needs damage well alright he's moving over he keeps on creeping more and yeah you were questioning it here is that really what he should do focus on creeping so heavily give him all that time for this expansion is this idea maybe I get two five five heroes and then it doesn't matter how much you have how much supply you have and again it's the one borrow next to the natural he did that on Tiaras well why does it do that it's a good question you know is it maybe when you get Bora pushed in the main so when you lose them all that you has to have one backup or he wants to prove like he wants to get an expansion but doesn't have a war mill so that's like fortifying it with a tower but just a little bit but as this game is going like the expo keeps running and running moon already at sixty-one supply with a thousand gold they've mastered stone on level 4 item he finds is pretty nice a nice Scout by moon to see this expansion and yeah is preparing the expansion with that burrow I mean it falls pretty fast but not as fast as I said if he does have a woman though so I was a little wrong and a little right right it's gonna get canceled only by the quill base oh this is so nice for moon he doesn't even have to use his army doesn't even have to waste time on the map the summons can do this by themselves Lynne would have liked to see the army down there I think to be sure that he's has all that time up north to creep to get closer to five five he still far away from that he does hit level four here though we have one scroll of healing on the night outside lots and lots of dry at 67 supply still so much gold for moon upgrades as well this is already isn't the first of the second attack a quick look at the first firstest seconds yellow it's a teepee home and he Kansas the expansion that was pretty nice so he's expecting this attack to come 73 supply for moon Lunas supply stock and only at 57 it's not looking good for the orc at all they're moving forward still feeling confident for whatever reason gets the first ride for free critical strikes may have been nerves still pretty good though demon pinned down he doesn't want to get his sh burn has already been burned a little bit though dry at micro not quite there critical strikes quite a few year to get two kills quickly once you get to level 5 as fast as possible even a koto coming in doesn't quite get the devourer of yet the demon dropping very low hex focus fire but he will get dispelled he will survive light matter towards the backline theme honor in trouble against staff will save him for now what love is taking this fight very very very well he has a lot of healing still with the shadow hunter that's untouched and with the heels core killing another Dryad despite the big supply difference he's taking this fight seemingly with these giants this doesn't Karen the Beastmaster is super low the demon haunches low the moon juice is looking okay but he said using it as up now 61 supply but moon is dropping he'll score being used everything back to green demon hunter in the backline there could be a potential surround oh my god he's taking so many heads gets to the moon will drinks him up in one sip and now next target should be the Beast nice alright there's not too many and snares though next he's slow coming in there was the last bit of healing fall in no more men are no more Scrolls of healing but so many drier kills dude even with 22 fly ahead riot still suck it seems because he only has four left now and the level 5 for the blade master as well dude he was right he didn't care about the expo all he needs is good heroes and then he's gonna kill off these dryers one by one even fighting into his opponents based the confidence from this orc lair 15 supply down fighting into the night of face killing so many dryads killing the Beast oh who the heal scroll but there was expensive critical strike cumson and answers live oh boy only the demon hunter remaining moon lost like 30 supply in that fight and now his demolition derby in moon space the Raiders have the fun of their lives he's getting he said 700 gold Lin is almost old a fan of energy there but now the demon you're kind of strong buddy but you're not strong enough to fight all of again against all of these oak forces especially with a 5/5 heroes finally the koto is gonna fall but comes at a price at the price of Dryad lives it is everything's low here you would love to have that scroll of healing now but no late master this katana has been drenched in blood and now in the blood of the demon as well first hero Falls that must be the game and heart must be breathing a sigh of relief here GG moon drops down Lin through in first place who moon was struggling Ellen was struggling quite a bit sweats man at the end it's the king of orcs the king of the scene on top of groupie moon with a head down low but not if not eliminated yet Lin won 2-0 and in fee three players in the playoffs and waterline up already yeah interesting series as well that we had here no style games at all really like and that was not what we expected there does this does this Telegraph that moon doesn't feel comfortable playing normal does he feel out of shape does he feel he has to play something cheesy he play he's the anomaly since his comeback in April I feel I haven't seen too many straight-up games from this yeah he started straight up on AI and they're for whatever reason it was I was little yes but I don't know I I always feel like he's a strong talent player but yeah there's the reason why he went there two and a half years without dropping a map on Korean television against org and triad man rides against the likes of Lin that just I agree that you can't do it I mean if two K gold advantage from who thanks to the expansion didn't work him and what a slaughter at the end sixty-eight kills in total and he was right like giving him this Expo that was running the entire time not attacked once yeah attack once he could use all that gold for his dry at army but he didn't care and it wasn't the same last time in the group stage my moon was up against th one map and then th came back no I think so I think I'm pretty pretty pretty sure it's half a year ago but seems to be it's faith mmm Hawk was sweating in that game I'm pretty sure when he was like dude why did she attack the goddamn expansion but even the ending worked out anyway his heart vs TBC will be our next game we're expecting the European represented to win this I think he's expecting it as well so how many of you I'm sure TBC had a fairly poor showing to be honest against moon maybe he's gonna have a better chance in the next game here we have the highlights again map number one started off weird and it kept up being weird no standard Talan Walker matchup throughout all three of these games that was a crazy fight dude it was difficult to observe I wonder how difficult it must have been to fight this 2 micro this thank God we have 16 by 9 and not free 4 by 3 anymore yeah serpent wards seem not to be the answer to talents for now the thing about serving words is like in theory they're great against sounds but they're always in the back and if you have to micro them if you if they just attack automatically they attack the heroes and against those that they're bad and if you have to micro the serpent wards on top of everything else I mean you have enough to do as the orc that's what by the way the situation where the Beastmaster was a little up to what's north and then that's why he went over there I had to pull the town portal there [Music] so many talents and there must be so relaxing playing tonight if you don't have to worry about shockwaves at all clump up my little friends hold hands nothing to worry about here the SH certainly in these big big big scenarios against towns big fights not the same doesn't quite carry the same weight here the first time the dryads were tried and were soundly defeated yet he still tried a second time yeah very interesting to see that on TR maybe he wasn't straight in a straight up game one could have closed the series there already and yeah this fight was just surreal look at the Dryad they they they just suffer from this sharp edge of a blade master one by one by one by one gotta executed it yeah Lynn takes it and see thank you very much for the contributions here follows the Ray has hosted us thank you SMD d ry for this up and knee boo ages we for 22 months three sub tough hunter tactics for the first time sup in fact it's room as well north sea badger as well in the one back donation by top hundred tactics to my child situation is that version 1.9 seven with 2.0 scheduled to launch on six on the 14th of june and we taking eight weeks off for the launch party so i hope to see many more weeks of back to work room officer than was content hope to say to see it hope to provide that as well and yeah we will be back with TBC versus hawk in a bit
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 21,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lyn vs moon, moon vs lyn, lyn moon, moon lyn, lyn, moon, lyn vs, moon vs, final, finals, gcs, night elf, nightelf, ne, orc, oc, 2018, gcs 2018, 1on1, 1v1, neo, remo, remodemo, golden championship series, golden, championship, series, wb, winner bracket, winner, bracket, group b, summer, gcs summer, warcraft, warcraft 3, wc3, war3, wc 3, Back 2 Warcraft, B2W, Back2Warcraft, back to warcraft, warcraft III, esports, esl, gamesports, esl-radio, esl tv, rts, real time strategy, frozen throne, tft
Id: Bnr1tfQaxno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 39sec (3939 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 05 2018
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