Thunder & Fire Cup - Grand Final: [N] Moon vs. TH000 [H]
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 167,531
Rating: 4.8611827 out of 5
Keywords: moon vs th000, th000 vs moon, moon th000, th000 moon, moon, th000, moon vs, th000 vs, grand final, grand finals, grand, final, finals, thunder & fire cup, human, hu, night elf, nightelf, ne, 2019, thunder & fire cup 2019, 1on1, 1v1, neo, remo, remodemo, thunder fire cup, thunder, fire, cup, warcraft, warcraft 3, wc3, war3, wc 3, Back 2 Warcraft, B2W, Back2Warcraft, back to warcraft, warcraft III, esports, esl, gamesports, esl-radio, esl tv, rts, real time strategy, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft
Id: qHc3dxe7Dqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 1sec (8521 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 30 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Really great games. Gj casting dude
Was so good I stayed up until 6 am my time to watch the whole thing.
Amazing performance by both! Highest level of War3 play!
Hi Tod
These new balances are bringing new Eraโs to WC3 . As imba as it seems, the new patches are bringing out new playstyles and revitalizing the game! Essentially you have to dig deep and learn new strats which will emerge as the new โ go to โ . If you ask me, constant changes here and there ( not so drastic ofcourse) will be nothing but a refreshment to the game!
With human winning this last tournament, it goes to show how exciting the times are !
Great tournament !
So aggressive by TH0000. A joy to watch :)
this was absolutely fucking insane. most of the other matches of the tournament had me bored rather quickly. but this was one hell of a ride. i have no words for this.. absolutely brilliant.
was this on old patch? if so, what does NE do on new patch?
Well done covering this amazing matchup. One of the best in the recent years.