Thunder & Fire Cup - Grand Final: [N] Moon vs. TH000 [H]

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Really great games. Gj casting dude

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/balaballern πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 31 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Was so good I stayed up until 6 am my time to watch the whole thing.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Abaddon2488 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 31 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Amazing performance by both! Highest level of War3 play!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mage3 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 31 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hi Tod

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 02 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

These new balances are bringing new Era’s to WC3 . As imba as it seems, the new patches are bringing out new playstyles and revitalizing the game! Essentially you have to dig deep and learn new strats which will emerge as the new β€˜ go to β€˜ . If you ask me, constant changes here and there ( not so drastic ofcourse) will be nothing but a refreshment to the game!

With human winning this last tournament, it goes to show how exciting the times are !

Great tournament !

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/A-W91 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 31 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

So aggressive by TH0000. A joy to watch :)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fifa_player_dude πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 31 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

this was absolutely fucking insane. most of the other matches of the tournament had me bored rather quickly. but this was one hell of a ride. i have no words for this.. absolutely brilliant.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/knods πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 31 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

was this on old patch? if so, what does NE do on new patch?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ricenaros πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 01 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Well done covering this amazing matchup. One of the best in the recent years.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cgrsodt πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 02 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
this is the past two world champions on one map we started to rock by the way th is not going the way of in fee is not playing the Night Elves he wears the crest of the Alliance playing the human race that got him so much money so many world championships moon of course the night elf God sticking to his race as well and th found solutions against night off he defeated foggy three to one both players here actually only losing a single map in this entire tournament th only yesterday in the semis against foggy moon only in the group stages against wfz the fifth race is without a map loss in the playoffs the fifth race is without a best-of-three o best of five loss since October 2018 that is surreal three-month a quarter of a year without dropping the series and he won Schenk wake up he won WGL and he won what what else was it was another tournament bre c bre see exactly his performance at the moment is 2007 moon he's back yeah absolutely he's reaching always closing in on that Bhangra status once again if we want to take out of a page out of StarCraft book it took so long to be honest for moon to get back to this shame hey do you guys remember when he came back to the game it was a long time ago we were in China back then in Jin Chuang at WCA 2015 and moon looked okay by loading didn't look deadly and he continued not to look deadly for a long time he had some highs he had some high points and need some decent online performances and then offline usually he disappoint again look very unstable looked very up-and-down but exactly as you say since October this last couple of months he really is in tip-top shape back again we have seen this fights only once since patch 1.30 that was W leak earlier this January it was a 2o win for moon over th but th is a different monster than he was in early January he found a way to deal with the Night Elves in fee as well but th seems a little stronger at the moment with Tier three with more two teams with rifleman mass damage is the answer to what the Night Elves have to offer so I wonder if he can avenge his loss th man this patch wasn't good for him really as it was for the humans in general of course he won the GCSE summer in the final against fly four to one we all remember that but since then only one Grand Final for him that was WGL of the super WGL with a loss against in fee inhuman Mira that was a three oh so that could be the first big title for the three acts in this patch but he's up against Moomin what did he prepare in the past 24 hours a lot of strategic stuff was exposed yesterday already against foggy but that goes vice-versa as moon was battling in fiesta day so same matchup for both players lots to learn from the replays exactly and I wonder how they're gonna adapt how much is mindgames gonna become a factor now how much are they gonna try to counteract what they believe that opponent is gonna try to counteract are we gonna see some blind counters as we call them when you try to go for the perfect counter when you don't know what's actually happening I'm just going for a bit of a gamble actually or is it gonna be more about scouting and more about reacting to your opponent it's time boys our grand final is finally starting best-of-seven that means there is nothing to Vito we have to play all maps that are in the pool starting on rock we've seen plenty of closed positions on that very map not this time cross position on Turtle Rock and that position on this map oh man could be gorgeous mortar teams in the middle Kim Maris maybe we've seen plenty of good stuff unfolding OCR we usually never see this map in this matchup always gets vetoed normally we actually did see it yesterday for some very surprising reason but in best of threes especially we don't see it but as you say no vetoes here this is gonna be all maps plate if we do make it to all seven maps close positions would have been really really scary for th as infi fell there yesterday - really heavy Huntress pressure play but yeah we're cross positions indeed you said correctly so that th found a new way to play against night off to have a potent answer to the mountain Giants come late game and that turned out to be a super high-level MK but he is map dependent this is not gonna be possible here th we'll have to find another solution absolutely keeper of the Grove is the choice of mood of course arch match it is for th what's this plan what are the creep routes who's gonna take a risk who's gonna harass when will th harass it's a it's a very important thing to keep the keeper low on this map level three not super easy in general how much did they prepare for this map as it isn't in the pool that's the question like I'm not even aware what the creep routes here usually look like because again we just never see this map but of course these players play a lot of ladder and on ladder I'm pretty sure they are playing this water yeah you can't have Vito maps on Nettie's so you have they must have a decent idea at least ladder of course always only ladder but still you have some practice you do have some plays laid out ancient of war creep starts at the turtles not really any other possibility here unless you're Laurel ayat and you're going for the red camp right away which is impossible by the way hard to execute but doable is it somehow possible to play a Mountain King on this map as we've seen him with clap being so effective against night off it is if your opponent does not harass you but it's a keeper this caliber moon being so strong you really don't want to rely on something like that slippers as the first item here not good for the keeper arch mate with a circle that is very nice and now both players will hit level two I can only imagine fast text and here we have the first one no expansion possible on rock maybe at tier 2 at the starting position next to you but very easily possible for the night oh yeah so this is gonna be a one base game yes it is sorry I was getting distracted there I'm gonna have to do something later we're gonna focus on this game here yeah one base play it is we're gonna have rifles coming in in fee was focusing and here I was walking a lot more on expansions yesterday but of course yeah here really isn't doable what is the tech speed between these two th quite a bit faster yeah he tacked on to farms that's not even a big mass of footmen it's like three and that's it usually in fee n th play a lot of tier one melee but not the case here man he's just rushing to you two as fast as possible and of course once the keepers level two you have to expect footmen to fall what you would like to do is not feed him too much and at the same time not let him creep too much to not allow him level three so that on tier two with the alchemists he cannot snipe you're better units those will be rifles and casters too easily this is the normal game plan early on for human in this matchup if we play on one base we have one kill for moon already let's first blood drawn right here th is right in his face though Oh gets the wisp before going into the mine and so at the moment moon only mining with four but just a little bit of time forcing the keeper back and I guess it's Oh hey thus far there's a huntress all coming lines are perfectly for the lures I like this play here by th he's up obviously not accomplishing too much he has skilled a single wish so far so certainly not the most effective way oh no but he couldn't get blocked in but he did get blocked and he'd relied he was relying on the staff to get out but now he's gonna have to TP yeah of course if you try to staff their sent angle he's doing it now no no no my god for it that saved him a bunch of gold alright a lucky break there for th whoa very very very slight mistake by moon not managing his mana perfectly but that keeps the TP for him and that can be a very big deal later on and now more creeping moon is far away as the four bright clicks water elemental helps him get this ogre Magi big item and of course they will have to watch a pillar of energy how nice is that but here comes moon is it gonna sacrifice his level one hero a TP might be more valuable he's got more mana this hero's dead looking forward to now perhaps and he gets the deny well done no experience of The Alchemist and no entangle anymore the remainder of this creep spot go to moon of course but it's that his level 3 if he keeps the alchemists away he doesn't so that shouldn't be enough tone of experience though would be good enough actually picks it up on an alchemist seen by th by the way who I'm pretty sure as me will think why the hell is this tome still in the game but orangey sort of factor obviously Alchemist comes back rifleman casters no workshop so far both teams were the key unit for damage in the games yesterday especially against expansions but we don't see that here another kill thanks to entangle in the middle of the map sacrificed this footman for scouting information he sends the rifle away expecting the Nile to be coming in and he doesn't want to lose it too easily that's very very unusual indeed in a nice position now unlikely to get seen up here a more teams can be good but playing more chars on one base is really really hard if you can keep all your army alive consistently and build up slowly increments bit by bit maybe you can get to that potent mortal army but keeping everything alive against keeper alchemist is pretty close to impossible I would say so here we go riflemen is being seen now and might be getting taken out but actually it's gonna be tht looking for a bit of aggression but so far he is not finding much of anything can you deny this rifleman no oh actually did wait did he what was the alchemist was out of range think he was out of range dryads are coming he's not rushing to your three though so Mountain Giants are far away th on the other side only rifle casters no sign of an expansion no sign from waters just straight up his levels are not that great not even level 3 not even level 2 at Moon greedy-ass here's expansion and the north Expo and dryads this is some vintage moon stuff if this lasts long enough this should hit win him the game even if dryads are not necessarily the greatest super late-game units a big dried army will almost always lose against the big rifle caster army but the expansion here is supposed to provide him with the numbers to even win with the theoretically inferior army if it's just much much bigger the thing the th has to do here is survive hold on build up his army bit by bit and creep and creep and avoid and avoid but that at the same time should give time to this expansion to come up yeah the expansion and rad spots like this is gonna be a big item you can easily go for the starting position next to him to his neighbor position Jade's checking up the turtle and what does he do afterwards of course red spot possible as well going for the head back of the turtle for the consumables also doable but he needs to do something against his exploits going upgrades for his unit something that we have seen skipped yesterday in favor of Tex and mass units but he's back with attack upgrades strengthening the rifle Kiera's found some pretty nice items so far what's the total gonna grant him the wand all righty I guess Alchemist kind of like the MK always gonna appreciate mana he's probably gonna have to rely heavily on he'll spray later on keep his rivals alive but yeah what is the play now be aggressive can't the expansion probably too late for that candy counter expand now is that even doable I get to keep around an alchemist which are so strong right now for moon 50 supply against 50 bunch of rifles here he gets the turtle and that's level three of course doesn't apply to the dryads as their magic immune but hero focus is that a thing I'm not too sure who's gonna get the big one both are playing around it no new key but he's going for the alchemist trying to get him away dispel immediately but lots of HP lost is there something Oh town portal swapped he wants this turtle so bad Tech's on a few rifles and a few dry it in the back so that's decent the healed spray keeping him alive for so long dude this is really well done so far bites here she killed three dry it's already forcing killing another one and he may have forced the huge troll as well if I saw that right and he gets the big turtle of great engagement here 48 a potion of greater healing he can stay in this a little longer most mercenaries militia of course getting killed but that's what they are there for soaking up damage 51 supply of course not ideal but 50/50 this is pretty sick play fight eh thus for expansion is at 50% though this huge very holy just here to know about it does he know about the expansion he could just counter expand right now himself that's what he's doing I love that play in a weird spot but he's gonna have the x-bow up here himself are the battles between the expansions this and the shop there in one line this gonna be impressive so acid pump again into the backline casters have to heal themselves damage is not that great on the dryads he kills a bunch of them though or he kills actually three in a row ultimate level four still has the big healing healed spray works against the acid bomb but for how much longer nice asset profit to all the riflemen but the keeper is kind of surrounded there might be forced to a child born but with how many losses at the heels great again out healing the level three Alchemist but so many drives are falling dude the walking ex Pete Holmes as we like to call him in the past moonlight awakes work so well even against his rifle strategy but this time th is just playing - well he's destroying these dryers absolutely the rifle and focus is soo real Expo is up moon is mining as well so both on two bases how far mountain giant sea still tier two of course you can build mountain giants at tier two but you don't want to play them without the upgrade since they are way too expensive and not strong enough on the other side also no Tier three by th they're playing this straight up to your to moon now catching reinforcements alright it's gonna be in one nice freebie to grab up looking for the harass of the expansion but guess what here just staying in the main yep if he kills all of these moon wells that's probably worth trading it for the expo and then again maybe they killed a peasant in the tower but they're not gonna kill this Town Hall I agree I also almost dry it falling moon juice is empty here's the counter-attack by alchemists and riots but dry its take forever to kill buildings thanks to piercing damage engine of war will help though but th so straight up going for the tree now the neither of these armies are really doing a lot of DPS year thanks to fortified and also nitrous blessing for the night of the treants are gonna help maybe mood can kill this Expo and keep your home in time to save his own base and then perhaps this game is still looking good for him it's gonna be close 700 HP left thank God for the nature's blessing th is losing this there was a bunch of resources wasted but okay he's switching focus now to get rid of the moon Wells was that the wrong call to go for the tree and I'm really not sure if he knows about this expose still if he knew about the expansion wasn't the better play to just defend your own expansion and so too moon is not supply stuck he needs to kill this tree and Moon is finding more and more free pickoffs another rifleman dies and a third one as well with the one from earlier and one is ignoring the main fight the real fight no now he's coming home now he's feeling strong enough yeah with all the pickups he has a 10th supply lead as the pump should be great if he has mana still but no he doesn't treants coming in the dryads all at once pot acid pump against the archers yield spray on both sides riflemen micro so far so good moon blocking this alchemist even more triggers the end will push now is moon but mass losses from the straight up fights th is just taking him even in moon space mah movers are coming up more healing will be coming in but yeah he still has the way words units as far as armor and attack type goes he needs the numbers but he's only at 50 he needs a little bit more time if we can get to 60 supply 65 maybe then he can overwhelm mass detonate against the treants no consumables anymore except the big healing on the Archmage so he can't tank on his heroes a little bit mood is going away from the spike he doesn't want to face these 2-1 rifles alchemist dropping low but as a bomb wouldn't be enough here to take him down mod rides are falling they're trying to go for the ride but it's just not working everything here is too hard to kill - one upgrade on these rifles already th holding on on only one base moon-world replenished at the expansion main goldmine is at 4600 still no Tier three no backup expansion more rifleman but they will once again be intercepted by moon as it seems a tier is trading so well he is trading so so well have the income but double the kills pretty much another move of falls with full moon juice almost in we go once again so quick always with these rifles once they get focused immediately taken out taken to the back line to keep him alive a little bit longer he loses one rifleman got it gets it gets too dry it's for it and now the dry it's super far forward so easy to focus them now heels for coming in that's expensive as well another dry it falls or a moon is taking so many losses level-5 Archmage you know what that means five five five mana as well the dryers can't a spell against the water Joran water fight fight th again rifle is falling here no actually not personal checkup technique care taker all these priests and the three acts are pushing forward once again here we have them water torrent no no every aura level-3 aura actually not level three water elementals for more healing on the priests and more acid palms kind of makes sense going up against mass riots those water element is probably going to die anyways now he has more mana regen he's going for the two of Ages and this is so much damage now so many rifles I don't think he can repair against this anymore moon against the ropes he is losing his main building there is a backup expansion at the left hand side th still at one base and now the flood gate is open with the tower being gone there is a sorceress killed immediately one rifleman at home as well dusty H of a town portal yes he does but he wants to do more damage with stall taken out this main base is just wiped out and just a counter TP by taa bye bye moon losing one ward riot pass inclined still up 800 gold almost 900 gold for the three eggs and Moon is down to one base again and we was trying to once again force the TP home to keep his mane alive but it didn't work th wasn't able to take out the production that would have probably been the knockout blow if you're taking out the lowers with moon being an only tier one still but moon as long as he has basis spread across the map anything is possible absolutely going into a macro game this is where moon shines even if he has the best dry at macro micro in the world what really made him win so many tournaments is to always one up your opponent in income no the I am in a bad position right now it's the staff all right I was looking a little bit scary right there rejoining his main army towers are starting to come up in the main but they are not ready yet perhaps these dryads could die for the kill but that's of course also dangerous the edges to armies by the way okay now uniting them there were five rifles and one pries separated from the main arm he's scouting for possible expansions I guess so if he finds the tree in production he could gun that down which is once again a nice play by th he had come in with the creep Jack but no catch in this army and it's magic immune anyway so can't find kills but he can force it away the maid right dead yes he is outrageous harassing in the north seeing this expansion now he knew that at some goldmine there must be a tree keeping moon in this game and now he knows about it and of course he knows he needs more damage so he goes for the workshop as well for mortals noise-canceling the tree in the main is the damage enough second water elemental it certainly is now there's red spot for moon this time with a lion war not too bad against the acid bomb as we said all these riflemen three kills basically only one of them dies though they are not so easy to take out actually the AMG joining the army here and this is such a death ball army he cannot fight against it it's 20 supply difference moon has a thousand old on the bank with only one base but this second base again I think he shuts it down with maths trees for some reason army is against MIT there's no dispel no healing on ths main army now wouldn't it be time for moon to turn around hard to say I guess he's looking for the main there's two guard towers here though makes it really difficult to dive and a scout tower arcane tower coming up as well he's trying to find some kill now tp'ing to his Tree of Life there was that a mistake for th looks like it lots of damage on these trees here comes the army the water time for the golden shower priests all enjoying that no moat more two teams right now can he fight this I like that one that was a good one and now he's chasing brother can you finally find some dry cuz of course they're also speedy you really can't catch up with him but now he's in perfect position to take out this tree in fact okay it's still there it's trying to walk away it's trying to find a safe space but these rifles will take it out okay damage is enough even without water to use he did built the workshop but okay now going for the water's so great at killing buildings still so mobile compared to other siege units moon once again down to one base he's trying to get the second base up but this is very obvious and should be shut down by th in no time while losing more units I love this one gyrocopter by the way for scouting so fast and of course can ignore trees so he scout these expansions very very well I am once again with the perfect timing into the main it's getting pretty close though I'm not sure that he's gonna be able to get it this time and the towers held on fairly well but the peasants are still falling gold mines by the way this is the last gold sack he's gonna get main expired th has to work with what he has right now it still attends supply advantage he got the tower support but that's not too much actually all the priests what's he doing he's lost and again TP out by the level 5 keeper we're getting closer and closer to tranquility and this tree stays alive moon is the only one with income now ta do with a difficult decision does he expand now if he expands here at the gold mine he kind of has to stay here with something at least he this is way too easily her a stable by the heroes if he doesn't defend this and hold on here somewhere again the dryads taking a bit of damage the ward here is gonna help him he's always gonna have vision from the left side knows when the night off will be coming in and he's splitting his forces I think that's the right call right now okay defending at home with the alchemist attacking with the Summoner the arch mates of course - you can't fight this I yes too many riflemen alchemists defending at home also level 5 alright knowing he is the master of these maneuvers out moving his opponent getting the favorable engagement wherever he can the a.m. is up here pretty much on his lonesome he has a couple of units here and moon is looking perhaps for a few easy kills up here it's not enough damage to gun this tree down I think as the keeper and Alchemist are there wow this was a mental almost killing to dry it's but keeping this Expo up is mooned riots are coming in from the right flank outrage is an tangled has no TP but once again the alchemist to the rescue just barely in time dude these movements by both these players are so impeccable in this game it's impressive dude we are getting super mega close to a level 6 Archmage with mass teleport it's not the biggest damage on the water mental but the mobility that this ultimate provides on a big map like rock could be a potential game winner we do have entangle against it yes but that's about it and look at those two low HP dryads wouldn't those be a few nice kills moon has to move these away this was so important him sending these to dry it's away immediately on the other side of course we're getting close to level 6 keeper of the Grove as well but he's still more than half a level away expansions shut down moon is still on two bases though for how much longer 2600 remaining in the north we have another fight here double heroes for moon only The Alchemist but now the Archmage turns this fight and even the treants are good experience getting three of them he invests an acid bomb for experienced players forces are that's how much she wants mass teleport this would be such a big big help but moon is still mining from two bases he's pretty damn rich now buy away 1 point 4 K gold alchemist slow down taking the love damage no consumables can he apply another slow no not yet moon does not find an answer to this expansion and he's not taking to tier threes only on the way to tier 2 Mountain Giants are so far away and as long as there's no mountain Giants ths army is still superior yeah absolutely like by a longshot even with like 90 supply dryads moon probably couldn't take a fight and obviously miles away from that he lost his tier 3 earlier he style you Tech again in the upper right I would love to see more mobility by the way here from th get the boots and the staff on the alchemist because all about attacking and defending quickly enough slow on the alchemist again applied once more of course can always be dispelled but that costs quite some mana staffs out now more damage to expansion will be cancelled once more there's the Tree of Life at the bottom right as well Koreans harassing in the main gonna take out that workshop potentially and now the keeper can go for the expansion as well this is gonna have to force a response from th yeah but it still has priests with so much mana have been easy to spell this is more experience it's the Archmage in range though yes yes yes ultimate unlocked mass teleport this human is gonna be all over the map save that more team as well keeps the workshop on a pin away what a crazy game dude it is and they like the opener of this best-of-seven dude it's a cannon tower at the expo oh yeah oh yeah it's coming here it is really good against dryads benefits from fragmentation shots nowadays by the way but tier 3 really isn't already alright now that's the new patch I think you're right you're right it's ultimate by the way the re mantle 660 mana close to the number of the beast th sees the Dryad army down here but it's just ignoring it not going in yet the Scout tower I mean the master mask teleport yeah of course forgot about that one this is so nice for him now you can always move out on the map look for damage anyway if you has to you can just mass TP back for free exactly if he trades TP now's TPS now that is in them favoring him a lot he doesn't have to pay the 350 gold for it but Moon has one like to finish tree of lives this one is also done in the upper left he's trying it again vintage moon dude yeah oh yeah this is gesturing nice dance exactly now it's time for mass teleport attacking this he just arrived on cheer to this didn't give him anything can he knock down this tree once again 440 gold it's not that much in the gold department but he throws him back to the Stone Age tech wise and how difficult it is to take out this cannon tower it's fortified arm or the drives don't do anything to it yes at the moment the human is away from his expansion but mass teleport has a short cooldown and here it is again coming back in time to defend and surrounding him he has a staff though once again no cooldown there oh boy level 6 alchemist as well he got transmute it does work against dry it's even though their magic immune all right by the boots dude come on it's boots time it's boots he has so much gold moons 1400 but only one gold mine remaining th 1300 as well moon trying desperately here to distract to force him back to buy time for other minds and Macedonian comfort th just taking care of the treants can he throw a transmute it's gold and insta kill versus mana we has once again a second squad this time a mortar team is in as well let's the tree finish so he can't cancel anymore but they are caught now Oh mass teleport on top of it army are united separate forces right there a little bit at the expansion a little bit in the top left and the main force with the am especially keeping priest at the expansion so valuable to have to spell against the treants absolutely also The Alchemist for the transmute and the acid bomb this is so smart dude this is so smart but now he's getting found he's getting focused but it takes out that Dryad give me that money and here's the mass teleport again never super aggressive always back and not jumping for this fight tier 3 is coming he can't afford it now it took him a long time to gather the lumba mass teleports is kind of like a staff you have to use it on to something like right onto it you can't like with the TP go out and further away from the base by the way some somewhere th found the lumber and Moon is out of gold he has 120 he can't rebuilt the trees last chance right now and as a big deaf ball rolling into the Night Elf base tree ins taken out Alchemist can transmute a lot Automation safe as well with a big healing hero focus not really as the pub has to do the deal and rise up and level somehow but how against this nice heel spray he's trying it with a 360-degree encirclement of this army but the dryads yes they kill the more teams but how are they gonna take out these rifles I don't think it's gonna work anything for the priest now maybe they can get those skills and if quite a few droids are actually still left standing can moon really win this battle I'm not so sure though he's dropping so hard and supply down to less than 50 now and more and more of those dryads are falling the rifle still standing their ground but mood is finding kills here even level 7 now though for the a.m. he's found so many truck head kills in this game can he get the alchemist as well his ghost level 6 himself here on moon side he's getting slowed he's getting focused he has his full of healing still which he will not have to use yet another tree of life will die more the teams are gone though this gives moon some time to breathe and maybe finally establish this next goldmine and then save it level close to 7 alchemist level 7 Archmage and castle tech is done does he have frag shots already I'm not so sure it's not tier 3 yet now it's done now he's going for fraction arts there we go and the Expo in the upper right is once again established but only 300 gold in there and guess what this could be the death blow this could be the nail in the coffin on cha Rock as he has to cancel this gold mine once again there it is yes it just fell apart already before the last EP right on time one second before he shuts down this mining this could be level 6 for The Alchemist we could have double transmute moon got a lot of experience in that last fight and getting closer and closer to tranquility I think he's gonna get it he's only one more kill one more peasant and he's got it double transmute oh not yet though yes to get this kill he has to get this girl he will get this kill okay transmute immediately takes out a rifleman wait but he slowed he slowed he's getting surrounded the staff is on cooldown not quite surrounded yet he transferred something it's the TP oh my god this game is so nuts we've seen an epic game between moon and in Fiesta day on Northern Isles this tops it by a long shot Mountain King 3rd and upgrades for the casters as well for inves and later inner fire and he's gonna have the stumble to cancel the staffs it looks like th has this game in the bag now 67 supply against the moon who's not mining but never giving up as well the scouting of this water elemental superb once again just started the production and shut down immediately thanks to the level 3 water elementals now also a very good thing by th not summoning too many water elementals not even in the fight to not give him these super strong Ultimates early moon by the way has another gold mine up on the back of the turtle now what a weird position hopefully that doesn't get found he's hoping that flying machine by the way still alive yep so valuable so much scouting this is so nice to go for the storm bolt to shut down the staffs but of course you only have one in a few seconds again mining relentless but for how much noose is tightening dude more and more buildings are falling he once had 2,000 gold moon he's down to 219 now 219 that is inves on the mountain King to have that disabled whenever he needs it treants coming and trying to defend it's only a 60 supply army that is not too big stumbled on the keeper a little early I think staff is on cooldown this could be the chance for the Euro killer few yes well most of all yes he does with that aura and the keeper Wow tranquility last-second saves them there here's the star bolt though canceled said the damage is not enough against the potion the keepers still alive but for how much longer there we go acid bump thrown onto a corpse and GG by moon 104 th who still only lost a single map de sternum n't well that was so amazing that game that was masterclass absolutely besides 34 minutes again same amount of time as yesterday against in fee but this time it's the Night Elf tapping out because th rushing to level six Archmage and playing it out so well with three different squads he was everywhere on this map that was so amazing if there was a mistake somewhere in that game then it was the strategy choice it was going dryads yeah at the end of the day dry it still get obliterated by rifleman that's just the way it is moon almost outmaneuvered him able to win that game despite not supposed to be able to do so but th was just too smart dude th that may have been the perfect game pretty much like this was almost Starcraft asked from him how he played this super impressive and moon yeah you said the tactical choice was wrong of course he was hard on dryads and team really like of course going onto mountain giants would be would have been nice but his tech tree got killed quite early on so at the end there was no chance anymore to go for mountain giants yeah and he has won games like this in this tournament before get the expansion advantage go mass riots and spread him so thin don't allow him to attack you with that death pole go for the counter attack force him back that did work against inferior or lesser human players but not against th dude not today that was that was insane my goodness we saw a 34 minute game we saw four Ultimates and that was only game 1 buckle up guys this is gonna be a roller coaster hopefully motus already in the game th is taking some time but he's gonna join us in a bit of course this takes at all on your body and mind to play these epic long worn-out games and the next lab is twisted Meadows oh dude moon's favorite map Moon Meadows math Expos but th a master of long macro games as we just saw maybe not necessarily a macro game from his side he was only ever on well he wasn't too basis for a short amount of time but it was defense for him always defend but at the same time canceling expansions dude how many Expos did this am solo kill with that staff and if just one more comes up this might just spiral out of control yeah that was a game par excellence I think it was 34 minutes in the end and it took every bit of effort from th and we're heading into map number 2 another one that we very rarely see but this is the best-of-seven Nomad Vito's you have to be prepared for every single map this reminds me of the finale of the fanatic beated tournament in 2010 I guess one of the best games I have ever seen with tanks and Griffin's and Dragon hogs and everything the human race had to offer against bears and riots from moon with Ultimates all over the place as well I hope we're gonna see something similar to this moon is down a map a very very rare thing to see in nowadays Warcraft will th break the streak of the fifth race twisted medicines Wow no way another entirely a traditional thing th seems to be wait what is this if this was a tavern hero build shouldn't there be an early barracks yep there should be an early barracks in general right I mean moon this answer of what position is already unusual this is something very special what's th - isn't this barracks just late yeah farm early barracks late with an old builder you always have the footmen old earlier than the a.m. but ok he's scouting and I guess you valued the Scout more you really want to know about the positions will he see this instant of war though that's the question of course he's scouting counterclockwise so if moon is creeping somewhere near he could see this immediately and harass this immediately I would imagine th is gonna go for the Merc camp not too hard to creep here you should be able to pull off the trick here as human as well luring out the creeps and all gonna give you the trader priests it's gonna give you a lot of space and freedom in the early or does he fear a very aggressive play out of the night off but then again if he harasses immediately another one what does it keep her solo really do he scouts this oh he does intentionally moving to this position expecting moon to do something fancy this is not a novel legend of what position at all and there's the new mention of war guys quite a bit weaker than the old one ancient of war creeping has become more difficult for the night of and the am summoning a water elemental into the main heading over for the harass he's gonna have another water elementals ready very soon if this peasant gets the last hits would have been disastrous but it goes to moon weakening the archers a little is this Passons not much else done what the mental should be off cooldown yes it is there are two whisks how much damage can he do in the main Oh foot minutes there as well starting down this moon well and again playing this perfectly in on two fronts being so disruptive Maz mana invested zero experience on the Archmage gets the lasted oh no week damage role there was a little unfortunate still with zero experience ancient of war deny this keepers still only level one moons laughs it's Anton eyes on in fee level right today but you're right that looks like a low damage role right usually that should have been enough from the a.m. gets another kill that's level needs to deny it the fire is faster than the bird Jesus Christ both these guys are playing out of their minds already again yeah two footmen harassing in the base moon teching ta checking once again quite a bit faster for the blacksmith and lumber mill coming up as well for the rifle these forties so annoying now really good against the wisp and obviously no entangle if he had it these would be easy kills but the deny is so important well on the other side if there would be entangle I guess the footman would not be in the base so it's kind of a double-edged sword right there but yeah the lack of level two hurts moon right now wisp Sears spread out far across the map especially in the north they don't want to be harassed by these foot is too much put the speed on the a I'm along with a dust now we can really chase for those archers would have been too surprised to see some detonates coming out against the water elemental will take like two wisps but that would be level two yes is expensive using two wisps for it but might be worth it but more and more archers are coming this is gonna short up the defense I think here's three now so doing anything with footmen now it's pretty difficult but this is all just distraction distraction of the Archmage is running but it comes at a hefty price of course looking at the experience he has absolutely nothing the ages once again scouting for an expansion or something I am not really sure if he saw this one he saw the archer movement but that's about it alchemists out now again the hero of choice for th and now we have an tangle yeah finish off the last trapper there at that expansion and yeah I don't think he saw it yet but he may expect it tier two is done sanctum coming up super power build in the main oh yeah that costs a lot of resources but what can you really do with a level one a.m. especially with the alchemists for moon being right around the corner yeah good question can't really avoid your opponent as he's building this expansion as well so you have to do something it's really tough for th right now as moon is only stalling time Huntress Hall is coming here to is done so yeah The Alchemist is really right around the corner literally so you had a wisp at the marketplace at the tavern but send it away again deciding not to go for it just yet you see like instead rushing tier 3 or something we're gonna have to see what he spends his resources on it's fully certainly gonna die too much damage against it deny this time not quite coming in quickly enough ridiculous 20 experience he's rushing this spell it is opening looked really cool but there was no follow-up and now he has priests without brilliance or dad doesn't feel good nope enter the floor from one of the base no tier 3 still 700 gold trying to get some mercenaries didn't really work actually the other was there was react rowing the creeps so they returned quickly a bit of a snafu even moon can allow for this because I would say he's still in a great position this game the Lord's are coming up these Kansas would be massive but there's not too much damage in this human army water elemental is also late to the party same as the rifleman alchemist comes in with the acid Foreman Tanglin to that priest takes out the healing and this fell very early on as a pump into these arches to diminish the damage but he prevents the damage from the buildings and that's all moon walls right now yeah priest actually might survive no getting run down by The Alchemist it seems like but th as magnificent as his first game was I mean he's still playing well here but in the grand scheme of things where does it really lead to yeah at some point he has to counter expand or kill the Tree of Life but he's in no position to do this doesn't have the levels doesn't have the supply doesn't have the upgrades if you power creep then moon has too much time for everything and honestly it seems to me like tiara is already in a very very difficult position strategically moving his way out of this I don't know how he's supposed to do it he's a mastermind of Warcraft so if someone is capable of doing it then it's him and if moon only goes for mass riots again there certainly is a point in the game where ths army is still stronger and he can take this fight but the x-bow came up so much earlier this game the power spike of the humans gonna be so much later especially the levels how many times did that he'll spray save the rifle and of course the backup of the brilliant Sora made that all possible but these human heroes are still level one only it's finally gonna change here with level two but that is so incredibly delayed as much is powering up and powering up and powering up already at fifty supply gathering more resources you can explode into 70 here pretty shortly or go to your three both are completely viable routes to go not going Tier three yet starting this group spot this is level three for him he'll scroll as well trying to catch some reinforcements in the middle here level two for both of the human heroes as it's only rifle casters he can't finish the rock column as he's a little afraid of th creep jacking him there second attack upgrade is almost done this will be a big last hit actually it goes towards th and that was much required item going to moon scroll of the beast but riots actually of course useless as they are magic immune good push the interception play here by moon also really cool just staying in the middle with the alchemist in the dried not allowing for the big mass of rifles to gather ya ta just sending the rifle back that's something like a big mistake he did against foggy wgl in the group stage and also in w-league I think I'm not too sure but yeah sending rifleman and reinforcements in general into the night of army where there can be easily picked up but he fixed that issue and is pushing the expo now right th feeling he has to finish off this game right now can't allow him the time for the expansion but this is only for rifles with only one attack upgrade this is looking very different from the last game ride micro coming in well right there but the keepers dropping super low has to be careful here himself that will make it safely to wash the back another rifle falls another rifle falls suddenly it's only two left and how are you supposed to come up with the damage now against these dryads as everything is starting to fall here for th the gg comes out and the one one in this best of seven yeah first map choice moon Meadows goes to moon with yeah quite quite easy I guess expansion t2 done the aggression of th was nice but couldn't prevent level 3 for a long time and then with the expansion paying in the timings just didn't add up at all yeah and the opening looks so cool forcing that keeper to stay on level 1 forever but imagine if he goes a more passive approach imagine if he runs to the MER camp he could do that he was close to it you can creep that as your first camp that's not impossible yeah well of course tonight is tech for a long time though he decided to go for that scout with a peasant and that cuts heavily into your resources by the way so even that aggressive approach the at the very beginning with the scout perhaps a little too ambitious yeah so we're down to a best-of-five with moon taking a map and th taking a map the next map is once again ths choice and it's equals equals the map where we basically always see a mountain king yeah this worlds is where he was looking so so strong yesterday in a semifinal this seemed to be the answer against Mountain Giants duty this is always what the humans are fearing oh my god when the MGS come out how can I win then do I have to finish the game before that's something we saw in feet doing often times looking for the timings before the MGS reached the critical mass but as you say the MK here that is the new answer if you get him to level 5 and have the level 3 clap in combination with a blizzard suddenly mgs are not unkillable anymore thank you very much by the way King Luke 92 St ship tot Man SC for the prime subs and normal subs thank you very much guys for the support we're getting closer to like 675 which would be a nice number as sub counter yeah thank you all so much today as this tournament is nearing its conclusion of course moon must know about this new MK style which looked so so strong so the brilliance of moon how is he gonna adjust to this now MK has weaknesses early on which you can try to exploit but moon really isn't that aggressive of a player I also think you will look like for the sub yeah that's true moon always going for this expansion is basically his wind condition right did we ever not that we ever but how often did we see him like tower rush with ApS or just mass huntress rush into your base that's very very rare for him to do absolutely true realize his mercenary reinforcements by the way in the last fight the mauler was gigantic against the rifleman and he could do that here again so we'll see thank you cotton hat for the prime sup and now we go into map number 3 who's gonna take the lead will it be moon with back-to-back wins or his th striking back in the do--you thunder and fire grand final these games have been pretty amazing so far what are we gonna see on that car is historically one of the most epic maps in this matchup even long before this patch even thank you very much by the way also Lion King 1 or 2 with the donation of 2 euros it looks so easy but is so hard to deal with that great with th aggro as moon did perfect macro as of th on map 1 such a high quality gameplay from these two players today absolutely I think both are continuing to show that they were the two strongest players in this tournament so far just immaculate play and I can only see it continuing this way by the way signed up for the rock warriors alongside in fee life and fly what a monstrous Chinese team this is that will certainly be able to compete with new be in the team League we're gonna have later this year moon still not signed up of course winning four tournaments in a row would increase his value yep even more definitely the hottest reagent out there absolutely alongside I guess foggy days yeah absolutely focus is also not signed but yeah those three moon for sure his name alone is worth an extra zero at the end of the paycheck that's true all right we do have the mountain king by the way no deviation here I was thinking could this perhaps be a demon hunter now coming in from moon trying to hard counter that hero but it's not it is the keeper of the growth once again looking for a passive play a slow approach with the greedy creep first as moon typically does getting a nice head start for this keeper football is coming over for a little bit of harass can he steal something the Shadow Priests is ready people not untangling of course he only has treants and th running straight for that mercenary cab gets the Shadow Priests he denied with the ancient of war the big boy oh oh that is a massive mistake and the next set of tree NC summons is only one tree and not even a full set moon what's happening big mistakes on air quartz this arch is super low as well thanks to the footman and he's going straight for his own expansion has to use moon juice now for this Archer there's no level to no entangle can't get this footman at the moment will take some time and now he got it now he gets the kill but this Expo easy to do Mountain King is Oh as actually coming in for the rescue not really but for revenge Oh deny with another footman so sweet stumble no surround not even th can surround with three units that is not as possible in the engine but decent damage here coming towards the keeper out of mana now and there's more stone balls to use can he cancel this expansion with only two footmen keeper running to the main he needs more mana so he can't untangle so maybe this is enough moon has to get the Berserker here it's ready right now they're spamming for the clicks and th gets it he gets the second mercenary as well with the piercing damage can he kill this tree already to tree ins of course doing good damage to this one and tangle as well takes him out but with that the Mountain King and the footman are quite safe has to send one away no Berserker damage anymore a kingdom for a water elemental here it's so close he's letting it go couldn't you've gotten it no he wants both we want some both Oh greedy but son of stepping and it's enough he's paying the price of a berserker and he's paying a price of two footmen but that's about it expose shut down his 1 is a marvelous early for th despite the losses was an unconventional MK plane not only does he neglect the Merc camp for the Shadow Priests but even neglecting further leveling for level 3 realizing he can cancel this but it was fairly expensive cost him the Berserker cost him the two footmen cost him mana cost him experience experience in the way that he couldn't creep in the meantime and now he has no standing army left really but at least he did get the expansion of he's super mobile now staff and boots there was a big investment though of course moon by the way no hunters Hall backup can't afford that but the tech is coming attack will of course be a lot faster than tea ages who's struggling to get the lumber in at the moment and moon here seems like for once a little dumbfounded dearest walking back and forth not accomplishing too much right now but he's getting more experienced he's taking out the green camp he's gathering his army and th has to creep now with militia something you don't really want to do when you're on the verge of teching but he's got decent lumber already so he is oh my god there's a second barracks coming before the tech is see it's just gonna be all in pushing this here on tier one why with an expansion that makes no sense really if you can't afford it mass rifles on to barracks we've seen it from todd for example it's very very good but he doesn't have a blacksmith and it's none of the works either so this is just mass footmen at this point but he can produce so so so much right now and the night of Expo isn't done yet so he might just be able to overwhelm with footmen footmen and mercs of course as he has the second set here available now - I like that early shop as well as he's going into mass units having this region scroll up is so good the players forces are under attack he is kind of supply stuck though he forgot about the farm dad this mistake this is so dangerous about th as a player in general you never know when was he's gonna play who plays double racks to your one all-in nobody know he's gonna do it double racks rifles yes at tier two yes but at tier one no forcing the TP while the expansion is moving over but it's finished now it's fortified damaged all of the staff was that was teepees I'm just here dropping low m'kay - more stumbles to use oh he stopped is it with this staff that was sweet treants being dispelled but still on the battlefield Mountain King is finding more kills on these arches out of range for the moon juice and another kill here Alchemist is in now though alright Mack miss once again change the tides of this possibly and the macro is looking a little bit weird there by th going for double barracks and blacksmith and then the tech when it could have been just a tech way sooner but okay it is a tech in the end reinforcing here with mercs who still has plenty of resources to use the mud golem actually went to moon but will be taken out very quickly and the mauler is up even more normal damage great against buildings great against archers moon how far is his transition he is at t2 yes the Huntress all but no laws anywhere but he's forcing th into a town portal more mercs entangle starts now but it's healing up and go straight for the bush again th is checking now is that 60% so it's not all inning the entire time at tier 1s the alchemist is just destroying mass footmen but okay rifle should be coming as well and here they are a th stuck in a bit of an uncomfortable supply position 53 really not where you want to be again the farm is late okay there's coming trying to cancel the untangled but he's too late for that and he did it right too much or the clarity is running without the pendant this is a lot of mana for the marking now takes off the Berserker easily with the storm bolt staff was ready but he may want to save that for the alchemist oh no there it was it's by the way very nice how th goes for storm bolt and fast year to get rid of staffs or anything to just have more disabled before the clap is really strong II can still go forward some of retraining with the expansion you can easily afford that when it's moon finally gonna have the numbers here to force this back he needs some dry ads or something no so doesn't have the time forces are under it no loss it's just tension of wars coming ok Hunstanton I guess wall blades coming in glaives as opposed to be the answer apparently the end to everything in the mind of the light elves it's real feeling here picked up from the Mountain King that's important for his masses of Units keep him as healthy as possible but once it available in the shop and moon is aiming for it so lots of mana on mood even investing into an early potion of mana now that he has the export 38:12 experience on the ground Mk getting closer to level 5 we stopped picking it up though may wonder for the a.m. perhaps am coming am out already no upgrades on the rifleman just mass long rifle upgrade coming dispel as well big supply deed and Tora training on this mountain King we do have the thunderclap now and so many to use as well that pendant it will have to be with some wisp detonates I think if moon wants to hold on here as an AP ready in defensive position as well that's pretty nice and he's got nature's blessing already also rollerblades just finishing but no glaives out just yet and the massive clap coming in these archers can do nothing but run at the moment at the alchemist is surrounded staff out though clapping - this keeper who has only one healed scroll to save himself no potion no involve Mountain King is going ham thus far takes out the moon well first this will take some time with five siege are more and moon is officially supply stuck he's just struggling to get a potent army here up and ready the MK still has more claps to use but no really good targets at the moment so he's holding on to the mana getting rid of that shop also would be a big idea big deal I mean of course and he has the clap again kills another Archer the other one has to run where is the army from Moody just have a guess why now The Alchemist once again almost false staff barely on cooldown he can't get a second staff as the shop is gone and he will just continue this rampage here going for the alchemist again staff is off cooldown now there's a healed scroll and he uses that one is there another no no that no spell anymore on this mountain king da I'm here with the aura first is providing the manor 12 healing coming in one clap or one storm bolt is going to be ready again soon this alchemist has to be super careful and afraid priests are coming in from the main of course triple production quad production building as early more two teams are arriving as well second engine of or third engine of lore coming but moon will he have the time to use that takes out another Archer as th and here we're getting really really close to this level 5 MK let's add once again coming in big time and now we have level 2 a.m. now we're gonna have water elementals even or blizzard blizzard I think it's lizards yeah it is soon tomorrow teams will come then this pressure on the expo is gonna rise engine of wars coming up defensively around the tree of life trying to encircle and save it keep it safe somehow for the claves running into the human army and this ancient can be killed i guess but moon level for keeper of the Grove he's holding on for a long time already with like 25 supply less when are the mortars coming the first one arrives now everything is white hurt for th does he have to get back for the heel straw or a region scroll I think so I think so too this would be too many losses coming in with the acid bomb and the glaives from long range with this beautiful defensive position at the expansion moon has made for himself a nice little cozy spot so here we go is it scroll of healing time must be um there we go didn't have the resources for a moment there's a second Scroll in here if moon could still isn't be massive but he can't dare to move out that far I don't think here three techbyte eh no Tier three again bye moon stays ad glaives with triple engine of war and rebuilding the shop now as well he needs levels not even level three Alchemist this level up for the acid bomb might save him but he needs to hurry up and he had even got a back-up plan here the tier 3 as you mentioned but these motor teams may just kill him off already is this the knockout blow a con moon hold on one more time as he has done so marvelously already in this game under so much pressure and now with the Mk level 5 this is the big big clap which I imagine it must be now on level 3 we'll go for it soon I yes it was the store bolt connecting with the Blizzard you once this alchemist come but there is a big in wall that he just found but moon he can't do anything against these mortars and janitors killing buildings one after the other AP down ancient of war down the Tree of Life next on the line it's getting really close here for mood he's gonna have to engage this finally he has 67 to fly and now the answer the question is what stronger more tires or glaives both dealing massive damage here lizard trying to do the quest but so close he looks 12 saves him mounting a little more aggressive but he can't stumble the Leafs of course the key burst or bold focus clamp and he dies first hero down he couldn't transfer the in bull he was trying but the alchemist was too far away and now without the keeper can he still do it he gets the counter kill on the am level 2 hero falls well that of course is a trade you'll take here in ths use as the MK is just marching forward any closer to level six now actually five claves though putting in a lot of damage for moon he still has to run away all this acid bump could be three kills for the alchemists right there but the priests are healing are the gleams are coming in for more damage getting the final blows and if he takes out all of the priests all of a sudden it could still be moons game but you are right man so close to avatar to Cosmo Dan going for the second hero now but there is a big in Wolf Moon juice is empty another acid Bob so he prevents the definite forces the end although keeper is back there is another storm bolt long range no staff but also no follow-up here this is so tense once again so no ths a thousand gold didn't start production again is not going for the shop he has to go for the shop and he does getting all three items huh - did it's so impressive how long moon is holding on every other night of would have died long ago absolutely and yes he's holding on but he's never with the advantage he's still at such a disadvantage and play by the way experience bar yeah it was so good that he had this second engine of war at the bottom right of his expansion so the glaive throws were spawning in the south as well hiding them behind the tree and still doing damage to the mortars and heroes there yes I think without these graves in that position he would have been dead it's Griffin Avery snow th at tier 3 going for Griffin's moon for the first time I think in this game at the shop getting a TP and an invoice I think it is but he pregs it with the envelope his own MK looking for more kills he comes in with a clap against the heroes if he kills one wisp that is his level 6 here and death the double level of level 6 and level 3 but he doesn't have the man I actually for its ultimate of Cosmo Don for the avatar but the glaives man they're just getting taken out one by one once not in the perfect position and they're all gone for the most part we have two still remaining The Alchemist be saved with that staff but the kills it's so many kill to get level 2 blizzard by the way not going for the early hora and tangled still gets a kill here paladin coming Thurid even and Griffon production has started did he parried so many lethal blows in this game can he somehow hold on against the Griffins as well that would be truly marvelous can he hold on against the storm bolt he has a TP and a potion what's he going to use Oh the is dangerous but no man anymore he realized that but now the siege continues with blizzard - yeah and only about a minute or so left until we have the Griffins and at the moment the only thing that is on the field for moon is glaze which is very very rough for him he needs he doesn't know about this by the way he hasn't scoured this he doesn't see this coming there's no answer anywhere in sight for him at the moment it's nighttime but he still should be able to see it storm hammer upgrades as well mortar teams with the siege damage they're coming in and ok not supply stuck after this one stumbled on the alchemist who has a heal potion and an anvil should be safe but what is moon's reaction he is not reacting at all still going glaives not archers stumbled again on this keeper and is this enough no TP out now problems if he goes for archers which is the only thing that's really good right now against Griffins there's clap against them the cloud was completely annihilate absolutely so he has to go for hippos but that's not worth in it as well really and he says he's just not in the position he's under too much pressure he just can't do whatever he wants th is obliterating him at the moment here we see them the Griffins are putting in the Hammers taking out the glaives and the hero fights no not gonna be decided here JJ moon sees the Griffins taps out and th takes the second map off of Moon in this playoffs he was 6 oh no before today not anymore sick game it's a game by th playing so well but noone holding on there that was insane for how long as he did and was it all because of the early mistake is this what allowed this great early game for th yes certainly that delayed his entangle and the late entangle is costing you quite a bit of harassment potential and with that the early unfolded very well for for tas there there was no Shadow Priests full moon there was not the first berserk or full moon with that berserker the expansion was killed on moon side the early was just so good for th yeah absolutely and moon normally his renown the player to make those mistakes but you know every once in a while it happens even to the best of them he didn't go for the Shadow Priests if he had kick kept the Shadow Priests away from the footmen this would have been way easier to deal with Remo you got ad didn't have the resources I'm not sure who got numb you got the blue color they say I I'm sorry thought I'd switched this is still a best-of-seven so not match point for th yet so little leaves less of huge is next can I leave you for a second yeah sure all right so I'm going to be right back need a little break all right th here with a late this series so far at least in my opinion is certainly shaping up to what we were hoping it would be both these guys playing on the very highest level and don't want to harp on moons early-game mistake too much you know that was the one thing he denies the creep he perhaps giving up the Shadow Priests is a mistake as well I'm not certain about that but other than that seriously how he held on there against all that pressure coming in but I like the choice that of Tears as well not going all in yes it was a pressure play but it wasn't tier 1 all in pressure you know it wasn't on tiered he didn't even remain on tier 2 he just kept pressure on him and kept the upper hand but always had a backup and with enough you know with enough threats coming in in the ends the Griffins were just you know the kick-out flow and the knockout blow but just marvelously played by both these guys last refuge yes this will be our map number for the Mountain King seemed to be the end-all answer so far I think with MK th is undefeated isn't that so yesterday against foggy won both games now he won with the mountain king again but as we said earlier already it's a map reliant hero can't played anywhere on every single map on LR I don't think you can play it unless you want to go for a really risky creep camp of the mercenaries which again would be quite the dangerous proposition would have to rely on noon not scouting for it which probably would not be a good idea then again he's up a map and in long best-of-seven series in real-time strategy competitions sometimes you're gonna throw in a cheese sometimes you're gonna try to keep your point of balance like this when you can't afford to drop a map that's of course more of a Starcraft thing to be honest in Warcraft 3 don't see that as much also feels like in Warcraft 3 when you go for a cheese play like that it feels ultra all-in if you go for that Stratton doesn't work the games just immediately over but I guess it's the same in stock red as well right double racks if that doesn't work it's usually over to be honest I don't know so much about stock Reds so maybe that's not quite correct so both players are in I'm back as well and ready to go they were just waiting for me right that's nice of them sure sure I don't know if you this already but thank you people frag 430 month of Riesling two and a half years man thanks a lot alright count starting map number four guys the undefeated Mountain King should not be having a reappearance here and that was just too bad for it so is this now moons chance to strike back okay here we go number four for it is moon versus th-th in the bottom left of left of huge moon starts in the upper right could this be a curveball play by th and going for a mountain king that was a kind of alluding to that possibility as well when you were gone for a moment okay you know this is a long series is the best of seven you can go for a curveball you can call it if you want to be a little more rash you can call it a cheese why not go for a cheese play we've seen this in real time strategy games plenty of times not so much in Warcraft 3 perhaps it's a Starcraft 2 but it's not of get maps you can give up a map potentially especially when you're up in such a position as ths right now indeed its moons map choice so moon is under a lot of pressure if you lose this map then it's match points for the Chinese usually in big competition th was the best he has nerves of steel he won so many offline tournaments but it was about the big money he was there in prime shapes speaking of GCSE winter GCSE summer MGL but with the new moon rising I wonder how this unfolds moon with the keeper again and an Archmage again on the human side so standard again thank you very much here to our two newest supporters Nebo HSV with a 13 months as well I regret nothing keep up the great work I love you more than you love each other and Korac with a 1000 bits all these days of warcraft in a roll thanks for what you do our pleasure dude yes yes tournament has been going on eight days this is our last final day between the very best that we saw over those eight things that is absolutely true it was nice to have this warmup of infi and foggy but it seems like moon and th are even a level above them at the moment keeper with cloths th with aggression we've been seeing this opening more and more from the humans just spawn the water elemental in the South that's good enough to finish this camp and then level one AM aggro keep that keeper of the Grove away from level two and level three for as long as you can on Turtle Rock that served him very very well gave him a decent position heading towards the mid game and again the keeper is not adjusting to the sarasu play not going for entangle still relying on the treants first I really don't understand why the knives are still doing this you don't need the treants for this first camp not at all and now exactly you left without entangle and this is gonna be so annoying to you with keepers becoming aggressive himself instead okay that killed in fee yesterday when moon was going into his base and there was no defense at all th realized what the keeper wanted to do he sent out two militia to destroy the item that was laying there killed it just two seconds before the keeper was able to pick it up okay so I didn't catch that but of course Remo is there to give you that information as well alright wisp juggling now from moon want to keep all those alive I don't think a single one has died yet certainly the IEM didn't get experience from any forties are starting to drop low and once the footman health have disappeared so we'll th have to disappear from this main base but he's still being annoying still forcing more moon juice for these archers but shadow meld very effective no dust here on this am the shadow melts and the micro in general no footman lost arches are still saved he is there with a huntress all isn't enough damage to cancel it he wants these arches for burst treants summit in the back can't get out they're stuck in the forest didn't go for the correct treants so they can't help oh and another reboot reveal is coming in two archers will be the level up moon juice isn't empty boots would be insane now but again keeping all these alive so well until now you can kind of afford one loss I am still only level 1 alright very aggressive opening here but both players spending it off / doing it well both at the same time with the tech as well no one can go for the alchemist yet Archmage's not level 2 keeper is not level 2 and that is pretty damn great for the human yeah I'd say so - and this time unlike it was on twisted Meadows he's not miles and miles away from rebel - he's really really close in fact needs to heal up these footage though needs to do it quick there's an opening into the main and there he'll be able to heal keep her out of mana can not harass with the treants now and level 2 is done as well off he saves militia though could provide level 2 it's still far away for 3 kills while this micro is insane they're playing so well it's unbelievable but now the arguments coming in yeah you can't defend anymore with these militia they have to retreat yeah it sacrificing them yeah quite a bit is that intentional it looks like it's intentional case four pulls him back now that was perhaps not ideal but it for acid bombs that are not landing on the footmen well but they were way in the back anyways he could have just kept them safe back in the main and now that was level two for the keeper that is gonna be another for a kill he's gonna have another entangle here in just a couple of seconds that could be the next four they kill well The Alchemist is getting quite some kills here as well two arches down big acid Bob there all right archers traded for footmen kind of fine for both I suppose yeah first they save everything now they kill everything and they go head to head into the mid game what's really painful about this though for th is those militia dying that's a big deal if they were alive you could be creeping this now more quickly he could be creeping the laboratory and could be creeping the Merkin but they're all pretty much gone big man a potion for th a great great great find and for once moon is not able to go for the sharpest you said creeping limited we do have double entrance of lore is it again mass riots or will he finally follow it up with mountain giants starting off with the dryin certainly dryads one base this is very unlike moon I have to say absolutely true and I think it's on a timer I think you really have to be aggressive the way you want to have this early game and mid game pan out as the night off is you want to be level 3 keeper and then with the first couple of drives you can really look for those kills because they're level to entangle is so powerful this is why this was so important 48 what's the Automator I doing there I don't know but the entrant of war just fell moon is losing both of the consumables in the middle usually you can hand these items to the night off immediately once the alchemist is out because they always get these spots but it's the flute it's a nice pick as well good experience as well but it's a very unusual early mid game and he ate it again so smarter he gets these consumables which is so important and now it's going for really weird creep camps like he's going on the other side of the map for the green camp like what how strange is this of course is not the most effective but it's very unlikely that he gets scouted and that's the most important thing he has to hold on he has to play passively now he has to wait until 50 supply rifles some upgrades decent hero levels and then again he's gonna be looking pretty good against Ryan to be fair these item drops are pretty good for our mood as well with the mana stone on the keeper and of course the flute that we talked about before still waiting for the tier 3 tech which is not coming to footman in the main riflemen are coming and priests upgrade is ready so maybe with the AoE dispel decent fighting shape rifle here the rally point revealing where the human is th probably doesn't want to be forced into an engagement just yet he still has the TP should he want to be steeping already into the main to deal with his tree and harass that didn't quite look so necessary but he perhaps was expecting The Alchemist and the drys to swing by and attack him where he was all right that looked like an expensive TP but he can't continue creeping very quickly with that now as well that's the night benefit of this and really good here levels already right the alchemist level three for him so early on yeah three to four moon 3 3 4 th losing one footman here but that's fine gets more experience even and he sends the arch mates away to the shop to give solo XP to the alchemist as all his spells are so good useful now what's the job health zone I'm also really good and isn't moon playing this a little bit too passively I was I was about to say that I like how he steals stuff from thsi but he's not getting the big major I camp here as the keeper is not with him so is that really effective he got the Mara locks he got the expansion but it's too tiny items that are not really making a difference he got the little three alchemist okay but he couldn't prevent level 3 3 nor the items yeah and usually the longer this game goes the better it is for the human there's no tier 3 transition anywhere inside 4 moon with mountain giants of course this would all be turning the other way again but no he's stuck on dryads th scouting for unusual expansions he's gonna find one at the 12 o clock moon is distracting for this another engine of war in the base as he lost the first one and here comes as Apple and dropping into the gold line mass repair here trying to save this guard tower is it good enough this is really expensive already but it is just barely in time this tower just barely in time and the peasants ready to save it as well the other tower won't come up once again moon here going for his attempts of outmaneuvering his opponent with the expansion in the north but guess what it's already scouted elemental got this and moon can't fight of course the dryads are not with this army can't slow good position for th to chase as as he said there is a tower there is a shredder so he can hold this even goes to the shop for the tele staff buddhist tp'ing back to save his expansion and the Archmage is coming in for the arrest drop again oh no it's actually in the base it's not back he's about to lose this shredder one tower is not enough and this is a very nice attack by moon finally he's getting something done here with his two-pronged attack and the shredder falls the tower falls the TP is forced and he can just okay TP out doesn't want to risk losing the Zeppelin but the expo is gone oh no its up actually I thought I missed the quarter here on the map but no he just did a little bit of damage tower is still up though attack upgrade coming for the rifleman only the first one but moon is getting back in this game feels stronger and stronger by the minute with the distraction attacks from two sides and the expo up so does th play this from here counter expand or all-in push that is kind of the options that he has available to himself still only one guard tower in the main two guard towers are not gonna be good enough to hold on by themselves it's finishing soon but he finds the expo as well it's very risky to leave the base exposed like this but with only piercing how much damage can he do against the two towers now he's trying not to let the true the reach the tree root excuse me and he's gonna get it as well he's taking it out and now we can TP home if he has to and the economy advantage is not gonna be on moon side that's the most important thing here towers are holding on trying to hold on by themselves th deliberating whether he wants to be aggressive no it's gonna come home and defense and trap him in the main but of course my toes have staffs yeah so it's fine the treants are still killing some workers here so actually there is a little echo advantage full moon right now the priests are taking care what the dispel both around 50 supply tree is coming again in the bottom right but this will take some time really scrappy game here and I like the approach that moon is taking turning this into a bare-knuckle box 5 here making this a bloody affair because if you go up to 65 set money supply with straight-up armies we saw in game 1 how that turns out the dryads won't win this against rivals so now it's going for I guess you could call it guria warfare poking in here and they're trying to get some damage in a little bit here a little bit there but he can't face the massive army you can't fight against the Blackhawks boy on battle drums on the ground picked up now 10% damage boost on everything that th has is +3 on every rifleman choppers gone though keepers still in the main no are called zappers he's blowing up the tower that's level 4 for him he can't consume the stone if he wants to he is getting rid of both of the towers or is he mass repair yes he is but counter attack by th little cuts and little stings here bit by bit he's tearing th apart or is he th has had enough of this he's going into the main he has a strong army he has big damage here and now he wants to force an engagement in the Night Elves main base called I don't think so a call to arms used everything more th is losing his entire economy and how much damage can he do really with only those few riflemen that's not much you can't kill the tree it's on the way to tier 3 at 1700 HP the echo is completely wiped out he's not doing enough damage riots are coming in it's a massacre in the Chinese bases and again forcing the TP and just again walking away moon is playing this so smart second or the expose up the second expansion attempt is up Alchemist a little opposition there but it should be fast enough to just run away yeah I think the issue there for tier 2 us the towers were just a little bit too late just a little and in that first attack only one was ready when ideally you want to have two maybe even three perhaps then it's easy to hold on alchemist continues creeping scourge bone shines it's gonna be some extra gold for him at least a little bit of region of course on him right now let's compare the gold mines 3950 Wow 3100 it's an 850 gold difference in the Mane's acid bump from the back but the alchemist is separate from the rest of the army th would love to have a real fight a straight-up real fight right now but obviously moon is not giving it to him shredder again he went for two shredders this game that is so so expensive buddy needs the number three number three with an engine of war red spot Karif to make this expansion pay off finally he invested more than a thousand gold into trees of life and got not a single gold I'm back as of now he knows about this what element was there just scouted the rivals are here already but not accompanied by the entire army and the high ground now is moon koepcke spite of inside he's taking a few hits from the bomb to even to be able to use more acid bombs more entangle to see it right here he'll spray of course ready but no way th bows down to the master of the macro game and the series is tied once again really really well played and this is what moon tried in the first game but didn't work these dry had run byes trying to spread him thin trying to look for the little openings here and there he was so successful with that already heading up to this grand final and now again lr of course a way better map to do that with much easier to assault the main base than it is on turtle rock and th just I think he missed the timing on the towers there I think he should have had those up a little bit sooner go to guard towers maybe even three maybe even masonry and then perhaps he could have been able to resist this pressure in the main but all praise to moon that was excellently played by him once again I agree this masterful and yet eh didn't find the answers this time maybe he's getting a little tired I mean with two hours into the series I guess or one hour and 58 40 minutes those were exhausting games man [Music] and we're down to a best-of-three River hopefully going the whole distance here but obviously exactly what we want to see terrorists and that's a pretty good human map that is I would say the best human map probably so unsurprising that th is choosing this year for himself now this is gonna be Mountain again I was about to say the same I guess it's a 50/50 choice right if it would be in fee I would say it's a like 75 25 chance for a Mountain King yeah but apparently not my choice yeah but the Chinese go into a little break here five minutes so we want to take a break as well to just breathe a little get new beverages and then we can do that we can do that okay we go for a little break here just three minutes then we talked a little more and then we go into map five good that the players get a little break here I think and we get a time to play some commercials of course call your friends call your family put on the laptop for your dog because this series is awesome and we're going into the final stages of this Tootoo between th and moon a grand final of the thunder and fire cup for $7,700 stay tuned terrorist and it is we have like two more minutes until the game starts this is everything we could have hoped for thus far absolutely only thing missing here is for this to go the full distance maps we would have left after this our Northern Isles and AZ right absolutely a sea of caught the trump card for moon yeah absolutely that one would be very very hard to win indeed very interesting that he's not going for its second like as the first pig saving it for later could have been in a bad position after twisted but he got twisted both players got their map choices but th one the first map that was left yeah and I wonder if this already puts pressure on him now here on turnes th obviously aware that AZ is still in the pool so it almost feels like he has to win this because of a AI AC still being a thing yeah and then he would have the final game on Northern Isles to it that would be epic especially after seeing more verses into yesterday this 34 minute game that went like this fight in the north of Northern Isles with the inner fire armor upgraded rifleman was the sickest thing I've seen this year yeah absolutely amazing and yeah it's been going back and forth one map here one map here they're trading blows at the moment and hopefully it continues that way I don't care who takes the last map I don't I don't mind but I want to see all of them I want to see all seven to make this final what it truly deserves to be and yet th under a bit of pressure here he kind of has to win right now if everything goes according to plan yeah but it could be a mountain king map again as we said here on terra's for the nice creepin so I'm very curious about both people's creep routes because we've seen some deviation usually it was Merc camper camp set in stone all the time both races are doing something different these days from time to time Expo creep first sharp creep first even for the human side a lot of questions for the British was gonna be Expo creep first for moon yeah just not opening up that expansion way too much to not do it I think all right we won't have to wonder much longer guys as our game is loading up map number five I haven't been this happy casting a series since wgl this is just this is so great greatness unfolds in front of our eyes between the best night off and the best human in the world the two world champions of 2018 summer season was th season but winter was full moon in the bottom right we have th with the alter closer to the work camp may be indicating a merc cam creep moon is it keeper it's a demon hunter it should be keeper but it's certainly an engine of war at the natural yeah I think that's the better crib route to go for nowadays it just feels a lot safer in the past on old terran us with old militia this was a little bit scary the human could decide to be aggressive against this but nowadays we already see level 1 aggression and that much anymore i say that of course and we saw it twice in this series being not so successful in the end on TM but pretty damn good on lr so not resulting with a victory MK has swung hard percent wind rates so far for th i think he's gonna pick him again i'll see just seconds away from the hero picks mountain king it is keeper it is we do have a new sup as well as we have a little time here thank you smoke psychedelic ax 23 month research here close in the two years cool final you guys are doing a great job at casting as always love it when you cast together hoping for full distance now thanks thank you mate yeah full best-of-seven here there would be a treat for all Warcraft fans regardless of race partisanship or whatever this is just this is just the best two players in the world playing right now and it's showing for the most part if we don't see some denies anymore which hopefully we will not this should turn out to be a two base versus two base play here again and I hope moon isn't gonna be going for dryads again this just seems to or then again we have an MK this time around no I am this this might just be looking totally different it's unpredictable like both players are so unpredictable in what they do but yeah we haven't seen a single mountain giant this entire series and that's quite surprising as a that they were the game winners for moon yesterday against MP we have another sup here former three supplies Serbians arcs are those the cute German Warcraft guys my girlfriend as I tuned in this morning's final seem to have a nice girlfriend mate she's a keeper for sure but the good way of keeper enough this guy here thank you very much so level 2 jump start for both these guys boots of speed on the keeper of the Grove very nice gonna make him quite a bit more mobile and can find those pick offs even more easily this is gonna be the first one but certainly not the last one Anshu The Footy here who was scouting fairly expensive scout but at least now he knows what's going on m'kay he's gonna be expanding right this is not some weird footies and merc are moving out he's aiming for the staff i think but the militia is creeping here with the clap has the scroll the beast which is nice what's he doing with this little korea true he's gonna get the staff and then gonna TP up or staff up and cancel this and that's probably gonna work but he's not expanding himself in the meantime is that not a little risky almost losing a militia here not taking care of this one but yeah it's level three he does not hate staff now how much damage can he do yes dawn to storm bolt at the ready three footies one Shadow Priests is that good enough he has to get this cancel he doesn't have his own expansion guys moon is scouting for it but sees nothing just will to keep it first laughs - it is really there comes the detonate kind of surprised we didn't see that before so now normal manner on this MK in this okay now he's got four forties though for forties to mercenaries and more militia are coming he's actually playing this super agro yeah yeah there's a war becoming he's gonna be touring this my god with a mountain king mana regen used already there is another storm bolt bunch of stuff to surround with region potion now canceled lots of options for mood as well aiming for the next detonate can he throw this yeah the nice clap again diminishing the HP to basically 50% of every Archer getting the tree and killed as well but here's the entangle this felt immediately second shadow trees coming up as well have the top towers like in the middle of everything yeah the archers can shoot from like 300 degrees can you keep him up it's a big these towers come up this should be game sec there's a shop as well but mood is far away with this everything is pretty healthy for moon again 35 supply for th no mana the towers have to carry this is so stressful archers and shadow mode everywhere units attacking from everywhere he doesn't have dust he has to keep so many corners covered master pair that's repair everywhere this arcane tower is gonna be key because it focuses a very defensive position for the keepers to not get burned first tower down or is it we cancels the arcane that's big the guard in the middle though is almost done and he doesn't seem to have the damage right now to take it out or does he peasant repair has to be coming in quick and the it's quick with a reaction this guard will it be canceled it's closed no she has to cancel it you got to move by Moody's losing an option for it but that's about it there's another storm bolt very very soon expansion starts to mind th needs some more reinforcement that it seems towers are coming back out 50% for the next guard tower the mercenaries are holding this position and the footmen are chasing down these options shadow melt everywhere but he keeps going to the shop now this has to be dust and he gets it gonna be a bloodbath can you finally get it tore up finally yes the dust there we go reveals one of them but really quickly reacted the archer is safe for now one more Archer might be falling to the Mk with a few more right clicks that one's gone but the first car tower is up it's only piercing damage versus archers but against the treants it's so nice to have them shop is coming up as well I love that for the clarity massive storm here we go first kill second kill all no staff off by moon for this has to be the second one no the micro is just too good but he's killing stuff right here and the tower is attacking the engine of war does he have stumbled by the way or clap or bash stumbled and bash and and clap okay second tower up third tower up shop Ares there's the alchemist now really good against the Furies but what does he do against the towers moon is luteal I stuck the small well kill was big does he have a second engine of war he's rebuilding it only now plus a huntress hold for the glaive floors but man he's attacking this expansion and healing up at the same time crazy aggressive play something that other humans would never go for and of course it's an all in but he seems to be making it work three-car tours housing supposed to kill these goddamn guard towers clay throwers are the answer but they take forever there needs to be more healing acid bomb could be lethal for two of these footmen Mountain King has 200 mana to work with th not forgetting about the farms getting reinforcements there's only one risk to repair in the fight that are in the main he's trying to get all the gold out of that mine but the Expo is toast and he's losing more supply like he is so stuck he said 30 out of 20 now all right th come on expand that yourself let's go let's go he's doing it right oh my god it's pretty well protected it absolutely is beautiful a ballsy move by th the big middle finger into the keeper matter a mountain king tower uh she's going for the keeper he's attacking there is a potion but he flops with the mountain king no step on the alchemist rates it now that could have been the game aiming for the next around here possibly there's another clamp ready right flicks coming in level one hero Falls and he m'kay raising up higher in experience more than four and a half now can cancel these ages of words but he wants the next hero kale one more hit and the keeper is gonna be dead serious big hammer is too much internal force up but that's about it that's the only thing that's up no hero remaining for moon sth is humiliating him with a Mountain King tower rush into Expo at his natural alchemist is back but no mana is he gonna gets around here again there will be level 5 or the waste boom there we go and that's the surround I think it's time to call it GG th with the deadly push strat oh my god coming out of a break like this it's match points for th here's one map away from breaking moons 3-month win streak and in watch fashion th is unbelievable today and this is always a danger about th right he can play anything not just any race but any strat when you see Mk first you you think okay this is definitely gonna be a longer to base game but th just shifts the paradigm dude you don't know what's gonna come and yes it's a risk it may not work and you may be down a map and heading into AZ next but no it's Northern Isles Northern Isles yes its Northern Isles okay match points for th on a seemingly well-balanced map what the hell is going on in this best of seven does does moon want to rid us of the seven maps he was kind of supposed to really really really win a Z yeah but we're going on to NI next of course th watched the Infogrames yesterday how frustrating this was for every human or every non-native player in the world but if there's one person on this planet who has a solution against what moon played yesterday it must be ETH who is with map choice there with with the match points sorry and we're going on - map 6 3 2 - for the Chinese and other night starts can't hide my smile about the series landed alright moon has to strike back here otherwise it's over and we all want to see seven maps of this I wonder if perhaps even these two players want to play all seven maps because this is one hell of a series must have tremendous respect for each other here we go Northern Isles in the bottom left we have moon in the blue and the top right it is th in the red who is looking I don't know what's the adjective to choose here perfect fits the most but he's also tenacious he's furious at times he's patient at times he is just playing amazingly today it's unbelievable he's this ts curveball was goddamn impressive at the time for MU now to switch gears is a time for moon now to surprise the human God th so far it was keeper all the way so far it was option 2 dryads all the way or with a glacier was a little but that's about it thank you very much - Matti kuchen 19-month research says let's go moon I think so - I think so - I want to see a map number 7 I don't know about the rest of you guys but uh I got a feeling you feel similarly I'm to start with am to start with kind of the only choice you really have on this map yeah why can't you play Mountain King here on this map Mountain King always heavily reliant on level 3 even the last game with a push strategy is and not really doable here on this map you can create blur level 3 fairly quickly if you have water elementals if you don't that's really really rough also usually with MK you want Merc camp support and we don't have a merc camp on this entire map which can sometimes be problematic going up against the keeper with the treants and a tangle it's funny how in all the patches it was always Night Elves hoping for those Merc camps stealing priests and berserkers everywhere especially foggy at moon I know it's the other way around now we saw four mercs tower pushing an idol in 2019 so standard creep routes on northern IELTS standard stuff for moon and luring out the creeps and normal natural expansion creep for th the wisp actually didn't get to kill off on the water elemental so he's gonna be with a little bit less experience but should be fine level two keeper should be still attainable fairly easily here the treants are doing a good job aren't they both manipulating the IRA I very well so that they don't cast their spells is this gonna be a two based versus two based game the human here doesn't have to expand but he certainly can with the militia here already the peasants now that is and certainly looks like that is the case pending of energy phenomenal drop for him and the expansion is coming The Footy by the way in the south continues to Scout continues to delay its gonna know about this expansion for suppose coming up what if in a massive last hit but of course moon won't allow this pendant for him as well oh boy even better for the night off I agree to at tangulls and one additional water elemental expansion on both sides we get a to base play again and how great how marvelous was the first to base game we saw on to rock can only hope for this to repeat th could cancel this tree here if he wanted to but he's aiming for the archer kills for now instead keep a really low mana only one entangle to use and now he is going for it this tree is certainly gonna fall once we have like four arches here this pressure should disappear but he's gonna get take what he can get and as long as he can and there we go that's the castle keeper has an entangle wasn't it a lie I didn't check the keeper I don't think it was I think he got the experience very close to level 3 now already the few of life will be coming up but it was a decent delay I don't know how much was that maybe 40 seconds or something that's a lot of gold in the long run and tech by moon now no check by th yet I also know tower in the base everything quite exposed that's why I wants to keep the keeper far away from his bases from his Passons and starts to be aggressive again Wow just ignoring keeper and Archer and only aiming for the trees but there's no matter for the water elemental you don't have to damage to cancer at the moment nice reaction by moon to instantly go for the wisps and threatening a detonate all right misjudging there a little bit thought he could cancel it again it wasn't quite able to in the end though it only costs up wait can he do it though can he do it with a water elemental with a fully damage coming in this would be a massive cancel this will be absolutely massive wisps are here for the detonate but they need a few more shots okay it's enough moon keeps it alive th all right that's been three thirty losses now or maybe even four and he didn't get it the second time around but at the end of the day it's still only footman taking lumbermill coming as well as he's a little low on lumber tower at the expo no double rax we've seen this on that coils that was quite an unusual play with an expansion back up by th not doing that again keep a level 3 now with 340 mana okay no k4 moon I guess Huntress Hall is coming in time as well all right and now that keeper is really strong can look for so many kills the archer already scouting out in the main that's pretty cool no arcane in the main by the way that's a little bit greedy but a very fast tech instead of that for the human here tree and summon this could actually has an opening the keeper can go in as well second kill and the footman will most likely die as well nice micro here again but can't prevent the kill also Mining denied ostrich coming in only now damage is done with another footman kill and now suddenly this footage skill 40 kills do matter because you don't you can't defend with as many as you were able to usually had you not lost those reveal coming in oh nice it's gonna get an ultra at least oh and that's level 3 that was actually a big kill but still expensive for the economy he's close to level 4 Oh even got that one before the alchemist is out yeah Lord's coming now he's low on lumber so he can't go for the elk at the moment what a smart play by mu-2 realizing and to scout again scouting that the base exposed and the expansion is not and not blindly going for the expansion trying to break it but no it's realizing that ok the base is pretty close the base has nothing to defend itself and the base is to herd footman in the back that I can kill and just going for that really well so both players now have suffered in the economy Department moon had his expansion delayed but now was able to kill some peasants and also kill out of footies as well who took the better end of the early game I don't think that it's very clear I certainly couldn't choose a winner and that's what I like to see don't want to see one of them rushing away with an advantage just yet once you see this go all the way moon dragging up the creeps at the laboratory to be able to get the shredder big investment th might be punishing this as he gets one lor later dryads later dispel more impactful time for the level to what limits and this fast tech here that was fairly greedy skipping on towers even is coming in so handy right now for his alchemist and where's the alchemist removed by the way he doesn't have the lumber right now yeah that's why I went for the shredder super low on the lumber both of my crew though saving both archers here nice deny by th can I get the second one as well nope experience for the keeper one kill away from level 4 if you could get a mood well here that it would also be a nice bit of a delay with detonate that's level 4 that is really really fast and now still doesn't have the number for the alchemist dude these whiskers are such a big deal yes yes the shredder but he can't really harvest anywhere also can't really repair this is the moon will falling this is moon supply stock and now there's no way for a keeper for an alchemist at all such a grass of play here early in the mid-game th with rabies here where is the alchemist Jesus Christ bring the alchemist finally the shredder is bringing in some lumber and the alchemist should be coming but th is just finding the openings everywhere misjudging very slightly with that Expo cancel attempt earlier but other than that dude so so well done slowing down his opponent and he himself is racing up to 1,000 gold already indeed 46 supply ready to break up keep arcane sanctum workshop rifleman or everything is coming your three tier three coming infra moon he has a lumber obviously he's delaying second hero in favor of mountain giants this will have to be the answer are they gonna be quick enough when is th gonna pop up to 70 supply we have a new donation by the way thank you 89 RMF for the 10 euros what a series what a tournament Walker 3 is on the rise again I am so looking forward to the rest of 2019 thank you guys for providing such amazing content thank you very much for the support man this makes us create this content keeper here running distraction once again still a little bit greedy here isn't it by th still no arcane then again one hour cane wouldn't really be enough to deal with this and more treants and this is all to post by time by time for the mgs they have to save the game again for him you can't deal with this mounting pressure of tier 2 because 60 supplies already here mu needs to buy more time losing the first rifleman which is crucial to have but not the first but one of the riflemen here and which are crucial against the dryads more damaged in the main everything is lower th is microing decently I don't see a corpse ah that's one that's okay I guess as he has the backup expansion sixty supply for th but kind of stuck there as these farms are not finishing moon here you see being a little greedy he's staying in no upkeep he's getting upgrades first lots of upgrades by the way lots of stuff cute in the hunters all not going for the mgs already you can make him onto your - it's just the upgrades that required Tier three triads again going for the run buys being annoying buying time also distracting a little of attention or they are getting attention from th and this will you could expose the main again it's nice ah you see the bell he's still playing this solo hero he's still in no upkeep he's feeling so safe apparently that there's gonna be no push coming in riot still trying for to find all the pressure and damage that they can it's time for the second hero now at the time to break up keep now yes everything in position he's so greedy he's still not going into upkeep and it's seventy supply for th he's pushing forward now I guess God the dryads again getting rid of the workers all right after the upgrades though yeah okay Mountain Giants are cute after the upgrades they're gonna be coming in he's heading into upkeep in just a moment but was it too late man wasn't too scary too greedy because th is already at the expo and ths map points th is pushing for the tournament wind with two more two teams damage will be done in no time there's distraction by treants but there's also an arcane tower this is not full 78 supplier stuff is stuck in production but this is okay resistance again if that would be hardened skin it would be an insane loss for moon steel Alchemist oh this is so crazy there's healed scrolls this involves there's massive damage in ths army man this just looks like it's a little too greedy is this it already this could be the tournament for th right now alchemist is coming from the back attacking the waters forcing a little bit of movement getting little DPS out the repair is being attacked he needs to take off the mortars without the mortar smooth could be safe one false but the other ones are all safe here comes the you spray now only another one but doing good enough of a job to come safe when are the MGS coming the first one is still out here I think more ancient of lore have to be made one is not good enough moon is desperate running away nutrients coming in but acid pump on this alchemists only level one only one arm or arch made shots but staff lets him out the keeper goes to level 5 but will that help them potion to keep him alive but no TP no involve at moon is under so much pressure three more two teams shooting firing away at this expansion not in the fight but he doesn't need them as he has the damage and rifleman when mgmg is camping there next to the shop waiting in the wings one one upgrades can he hold on if he's hold on to his expansion he's stopping with the repair is it giving up on this it looks let's go tree has gone level three of The Alchemist more dryads four moons down to 58 supply shop still up mountain giants coming but not the crucial number the whisks with the acid bumpy resulting in more kills shop has gone as well no more potions for the fifth race his 3-month win streak is on the line the tournament is on the line and it looks dire he needs more MJ's he needs more time more are somewhat coming but he's also making dry yet is that the right call right now I'm not so sure he's losing more males more and more almost supply stuck now yet so many resources still he's been floating so much gold this entire game the greed seems to be costing him this tournaments big acid bombs though this Mountain Giants are soaking in quite some damage dry it's out of this fight though can't afford to lose the many moon is supply stuck he invested a lot of gold into the production though before the mother moon well got killed so they're all coming through third Mountain giant is that a tree of life coming engine of Wonders coming but is that what was that worth the investment should he not focus on unit production and his mgs they are just not strong enough yet they just aren't a threat at all I don't know they need higher numbers or more upgrades and eat something else I think most importantly they need a high-level alchemists or a decent devil alchemist but this is level one elk for moon tier three by th again he always finds the time to get the super level for the human with fractions with the third tier of with inner fire he's moving in through the arch of the main is this where we're gonna see the last engagement of this game of this series and $7,700 are maybe a minute or two away tree ants are coming and he is spending so much mana detonate at this bail against it getting a whole bunch of experience for that potion being used on the alchemists finally level to ask tompa get into the cast of but the heal spray is always there and dry it's just keep on falling in the mountains they're running around they're like barely putting any damage in and damage isn't their strong suit anyways we're gonna have four mountain giants though and th decides damage has been done let's recuperate yeah let's heal up let's get some mana let's creep up to level five and then come back again it's time for the upgrades now anyway master training fragmentation starts pal a mountain King third again I love this Mountain King third we haven't seen this in a long time it won't be the strongest mountain king of all time we're not going to see the level three claps that made in fee so strong yesterday but the disabled of the storm bolt is worth two thousand gold I have no idea this to stop tranquility to stop staffs yeah especially tranquility he doesn't know it precisely about the keepers experience bar we know it's far away but he wants to be on the safe side and why not he traded so amazingly well down in the South he lost like barely anything he had so many resources he could go into a hundred supply if he wants to th is on a great way to win this game moon gets an expansion back up though Tree of Life is ready rats paw crystal ball math but it's more gold well he has two thousand doesn't really need that passes were moving over for a second expansion is this the final fight now for Mountain Giants what is severely hurt though and in turf I coming in that's gonna be such a big help suddenly everything so tanky and a little bit more damage as well he's going for the hero folks now with a strong ball the alchemist in trouble but the staff will save a cool-down now exactly resistance skin should be done by now so slow is not really an option but the seventy-five supply the two o upgrades the 2400 gold everything speaks in favor of th absolutely we're moving to this super deathball army once again the kind of perfect human army you don't want to have footies again in this one you wanna have Knights instead but with his inner fire and all this damage and sustain so hard to deal with this even for mountain giants the multi teams in the back again munis can't dance anymore oh no the music stops playing the dryads are getting hurt he'll stop being used early the mountain giants are about to fall a little bit of focus on the alchemist but he's safe mgs will I finally fall this damage is so sick everything is red and orange for a moon staff action now but everything is healthy look at this look at this mountain giant look at these dry its th has fought long and hard to win this tournament despite the patch despite how easy it seems to have been for Knight of he is just playing a perfect series today he's killing the production again he's taking out the mgs now look at the experience of the Mountain King by the way not too much was killed at all but this will rise to new levels in a little bit tension of lore gone he'll sprays of course super nice mass dispel in the back now missed it for quite some time the AoE man burns so potent against human in the late game but the edge with such a big advantage three thousand gold for him by the way he's just not losing anything he's not losing anything he doesn't have to use that at the moment why should he shop is gone again and shut no shop means no mountain giants well it hurts or I'll kill miss this is staff ready yes it is but where to staff nowhere I guess alchemists fault and moon this must be it the mountain Giants are finally ending the dryads gone GG the streak is over three months of not losing a series for tournaments of not losing a single game th the breaker of streaks the winner of the do u TV thunder and fire cup the winner of $7,700 and the killer of the Night Elf oppression 3x greater keeper yeah unbelievably impressive th with such a variety of strategies as well different heroes different aggressive or passive stances just unbelievable you have to be the best human in the world and you have to play kind of perfectly but if you do you can make Night Elf look I don't want to say easy but very beatable if you pass was absolutely amazing this guy he's just a guardian he is and he always finds the solutions it doesn't matter if it is a law lion or a foggy in older patches that seemed unbeatable with the warden th was there cancelling it world champion it doesn't matter if it's a keeper that everybody is frustrated about its THC you find the solution and he's the dough you champ now that's the way to end the year 48 as the Chinese year is ending in five days and there's no real tournament between for him to play that big big big big big exclamation mark from the newly signed Rogue Warrior player had to fight tooth and nail their holy crap did he have to play well and like the games he made one or two mistakes those were lost it didn't take it didn't take much dude on twisted Meadows which is in the first place a very bad map for human probably the opening is not the right one boom game over on LR the towers were a little bit too late that's it game over it took so much for him to win this but he does it because he's just so good just the level of mastery but he has achieved is breathtaking truly yeah in for yesterday put on one great map and then it was over this guy put on six great maps in a row on a level of play that we haven't seen on this patch for a human player just fantastic great tournament by moon again not taking away anything from him deserved second place defeating one two zero three Oh making him look like a mediocre player that was phenomenal 300 against infi those are insane results but that just shows how good th was yep absolutely and moon played amazingly well today as well but there were a few errors here and there you know you have to warden eyes and stuff the last game unbelievably greedy I mean it's it's a little hard for us to be so vocal about with it with this criticism because we have the perfect vision we see okay he's got a thousand gold he's gonna be exploding in 270 in just a second whereas moon he might be thinking oh I killed so many of his footmen i harassed him so much in the main he must be slowed down I can allow for that greed but is that really necessary he went for four dryers that's fine but then he went for six and eight and stayed in knop cube he could have gone for mountain drains right away he could have had three or four Mountain Giants when he reaches tier three then go for the upgrades could have had an earlier alchemist could have started creeping with him but all right it's over now th just yeah well a demigod today absolutely yeah we're not very sure when the next broadcast is of course we're gonna keep you up on our social media but first we go and before we go into the plugs thank you very much grunts varmint for the SAP perfection for the seven one three sub and martial spirit shout out to South America with a five euro donation awesome coverage as always I hope you guys liked it as well I certainly am there was a great tournament with a reserve winner in the end if you want to keep yourself up to date about what we do then follow us on Facebook Twitter or Instagram the links are in the stream description as well as our link to discord where you can find the replay packs of everything we cast an especially those final replace you kind of want to study them maybe as a human so if you subscribe here at back to Warcraft you get access to a secret channel on this discord and get the replay packs as soon as we're ready with the cast you can also donate via PayPal we are credit card and cryptocurrency with the stream labs link in the description if you feel like ordering something from Amazon then feel free to do us the pleasure to use our referral links not only for Germany anymore but also for the UK and the u.s. links are Amazon done back to Warcraft or come for Germany Amazon UK got back to our crafter come for the UK and guess what Amazon u.s. for the American shop thank you very much muscle spirit again for the two-month resub anniversary gift was seeing th bus the night Elfman okay we have YouTube as well if you missed some games catch up they were awesome and with that being said we more did I forget about anything no I think that's a big thank you as well from me today I think we got close to 3,000 or maybe even 3,000 yeah in the middle of the week yeah really for an online tournament amazing guys yeah I hope we're gonna see you soon in the future follow this channel if you like Warcraft 3 we're certainly gonna be continuing as soon as there's anything pretty much we're there so yeah thank you from me and I hope I see you again soon that being said have a great week here the do nuts goodbye routine adios
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 167,531
Rating: 4.8611827 out of 5
Keywords: moon vs th000, th000 vs moon, moon th000, th000 moon, moon, th000, moon vs, th000 vs, grand final, grand finals, grand, final, finals, thunder & fire cup, human, hu, night elf, nightelf, ne, 2019, thunder & fire cup 2019, 1on1, 1v1, neo, remo, remodemo, thunder fire cup, thunder, fire, cup, warcraft, warcraft 3, wc3, war3, wc 3, Back 2 Warcraft, B2W, Back2Warcraft, back to warcraft, warcraft III, esports, esl, gamesports, esl-radio, esl tv, rts, real time strategy, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft
Id: qHc3dxe7Dqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 1sec (8521 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 30 2019
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