WC3 - BREC 2019 - GRAND FINAL: [NE] Moon vs. Fly100% [ORC]

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we have the grand final of one belt one road and we're gonna have one champion it's either this man moon defending his championship in the one belt one road tournament she was the winner of last time not dropping a map that is over as foggy took a map muffin pill fly the biggest match for him since the WGAL final against th where he was squashed it's the best of five now a lot of money on the line will moon defend his championship I will fly rise to the occasion and become a champion one Sigma and this must be a test that we have like a fly is just moving his fianc over this will be a regain mat what happened that fly is in tip-top shape again I notice he's he's just like the offline monster sometimes I know he just shows up at a tournament and is out of nowhere insanely strong if you just watched flies online performances in qualifiers and stuff you would never think that possible but you have to keep flies history in mind this is this is just kind of what he's been doing his whole career when he was more active this happened more often but he still has this potential yeah but he's pretty insane and it feels like the new org matza suits him he was definitely behind focus and Lin during the dark times of works when the night was the strongest for sure I haven't seen him lose heroes yet in this tournament which is also quite rare so he shuts down this mistakes doesn't do them plays really smart he's 200 IQ plays against happy flies gay a flight path into this grand final was actually not easy he defeated romantic two-and-oh he defeated happy - and oh fly has not dropped a single map thus far so we got a rehoused here as we expected that shouldn't end when we saw him play against happy earlier it was kind of like non meta aggression which is really not the norm in that matchup anymore how aggressively did he play against romantic he just let romantic come to him and it wasn't too much aggression actually a very good tear one wolf attacks for a long time that okay but it wasn't like second hero comes out and he's rushing into the human basis so it was very well prepared very well elaborated builds late-game work just killed a rifle caster army so we see the trophy that's what it's all about China versus Korea the never-ending battle of Warcraft 3 well the championship stay in China for one wgl moon took it happy took it ppl lin took it will moon take that cup home I will fly finally I have one more trophy through his chest the final was supposed to be best of five we will ask that in a bit here we go game is up it's these two legends flying boat and we started our last refuge flying the top right known in the bottom left spawning positions here don't really matter too much in the past it was always always keeper Huntress expansion mass with upgrades most of the time alchemist Scrolls and then overwhelming numbers there was the meta for months and months and months pretty much without exception is that still the meta I wonder orcs have become stronger against that have become good at counter expanding the grunts and shaman army is proving to be pretty strong against the huntresses but still mostly about timings but expansion timing especially from both sides so yeah LR our first map I always like this map for orc for the early game keeper is a very strong hero can be a very strong hero if he gets the level's but here not even level 2 comes guaranteed to him as he goes for the green camp first but there will still be at level 1 only in a black master can harass right away with the circlet and with that with going for the circuit right away he doesn't even need a shop so fly aztec is gonna be extremely fast on this yeah we have a keeper of the Grove full moon still loves to play that did it against one to zero played it in the deciding game against foggy that was his way into this grand final dropping a map okay but still pretty dominant especially against 1 to 0 it felt like when he wasn't control once of the series he took it home so fly can he put enough pressure onto moon that he starts to struggle and stumble that easy got the circlet we got dust and moon with an ancient but the scouting of fly sees it right away second agent of war and no Archer not a single Archer even here for moon runt gets the Greek creeps involved that's the ancient of war cans of this early game already for moon not going according to plan but it's trying to throw some wrenches into the gears of the orc as well keeper is moving across the map wants to harass your cancer the burrows focus is the master of peon blocks can fly also keep his burrow alive it's 400 HP already this I don't know lady sin there's a safe completely filled burrow could attack speed yeah that's that doesn't do anything now level two is really not that easy to do as the blade masters keeping tabs on this keeper still low shop he's wrecking it now but moons game plan failed tier one hunters transition and fly is halfway to tier two in this ancient of war Castle absolutely was a massive massive deal and it was a bit of a risk by moon but I think it was a smart calculated one to go for actually because normally blade master will always go to the high priest and the grunt is either on the orc natural or on the night of merchants to scout for the keeper I was very unusual movement here by fly with a blade master going for the middle and the grunt going through the little side path finding that ancient of war there and it sounds a little bit like it's a lot of fuss over nothing but a second of ancient of war being canceled is a big deal this expansion now for moon which he does have to go for sooner or later should be pretty damn late get the sentinel upgrade queued in as well so that's costs that do not end up in the army but gives you a lot of vision and reveal against the plate now it's really good so unlucky and snare on drums and Huntress your plate master is engaging moon go and put this around you can pop him out going for it though now pops about again the second cooldown the width walk trying to save this ground but it's hard to hunt to block the way you shall not pass very unfortunate there by by flying to receive it and snare but a little bit risky as well he saw the creep being taken and the grunt still runs into range you never know what that merlok is gonna end snare so you always have to keep that in mind but it's still the keeper slowed down for a long time level three still far away expansion is still gonna be late so yes the grunt die and it's certainly not nice for flying but I think this early game is all right so far I'm just gonna get the mage I fourth Munoz what's happening - owls he playing this very same late is really low and he's almost out of mana if he goes in for the back side he might be dead and tango reared that was a maze clique for sure and tangle and for the first time in this tournament fly is pulling a fly and losing his blade master he should have been able to see that coming a mile away like when he gets out of windwalk he didn't have the mana for the next one plus there's cooldown on it nowadays that that was pretty sloppy to be honest maybe he's back in a second so it's not the biggest loss but still it's less distraction gives a little the time to expand we have a Shadowhunter with serpent warts first moves on the way to tier two as well with the first upgrades but the export is really late late masters back shaman coming Huntress is here looking to reach around blade master heading south right away wants to cancel the entangled or The Tree of Life is gonna force a response this is pretty cool and the keeper is still not quite level three so not that dangerous just yet and of course now the shaman are on the way the shadow also being denied creeping here level one only was parking some hunts at the expansion to defeat the slate master but continue this he's blocked the fair can you still get it it doesn't look like it old Scouts everywhere fly high no wow why what's going on this looks a little bit like a wack TV bug but apparently it's not moon saves the expo again double a kill on the blade master of tier 2 has been reached moon and full control all right this game so far not going flies away classic fly kind of late master is not gonna be strong for this game as it seems but the shadow is still good if he gets to level 3 for the level 2 serpent wards that is the best thing for or against huntresses one seems to be transitioning already though you see archers beginning to come in throw the Magi for the keeper almost level 4 now nice shot positioning it's baffling that the past 3 series is I've seen a fly were so good he didn't do these mistakes and now all of a sudden he has no time to prepare really like an hour or so and all of a sudden that's happening again you see not in the right state of mind for this grand final peons coming tower us by flood it has every enforced defenses already this can be really strong and towers will be set up behind the river or in front of the river in front of the river and the shop in the back chatter on her level three that was big can you protect these towers good for mu that he has archers already I'll commit second everyone doesn't have the supply numbers just yet this expansion is Roenick o is not running is any mining Berserker that would be a big kid gets it perch on the entangled late masters freed tower number one it's because percent done it so what again punches to have them trying to nuke this alchemist with the right clicks has a big interpose in the top pocket being a decent job so far but the blaze in wolf oh boy does he buy enough time Alchemist about to die has to get it back here out of that fight and lon lets the tower come up now the expansion timing here was still the biggest deal despite all the bait master losses he was just not mining quickly enough of the huntresses yes they're strong but they require high numbers getting more grunt kills though numbers are also the winning heavily here for fly next and know about to be finished late master in trouble Hughes called speed scroll everything to try to save the first hero he barely survives but now two towers are up there's no way you can go back into this potential it's no no absolutely not he's trying though but all words doesn't have a you scroll at all flake master's healing in protected by three towers and the snakes are slithering forward what are we our game how it turned around but it's only shaman they have not much mana anymore what can you do glaives maybe lots of moon world's coming but that's about it slowly but steady taking care of his entangled fault mine it's gone setting up a shop here now might be the time actually for fly to expand down here with it being so fortified already and normally with the keeper hunts we always say you have to be playing on two bases this never works on one base what a comeback by fly airman moon losing the engine of war on the high ground and this is a second inch of wall that this last production building not too much damage though I fly can't quite commit grunts aren't that strong by the way he did go for reinforced defenses but no upgrades for those grunts so zero zero for them attacking plenty of damage from the alchemist plus hunts it's actually expanding in the bottom right oh my god I mean why not it's so protected never mentioned yes but this will be cancelled as well moon can't go for new units anymore heroes are looking strong from Moody's got plenty of upgrades and Scrolls as well but he's still playing one base hunts at the end of the day ain't no more cancel again how is he supposed to remake his army needs to smash this fight now but fly retreating usually not his direction going back today same in the game against happy where it shows great timings for his fights I'm gonna try to cancel he could cancel this question is how much damage is he gonna take in the process yeah the odds are really good but like masters good again I'll just use three circuits by now by trying to lure him into a fighting position with towers keeper is helping late masters detective there's keeper with purge forced him to the ceiling but he can't with the expo India very important right here for moon to at least keep his toupee a one base versus one base and the hero they are strong the grunts are not so strong they're melting away grunts have to fall back fly can't fight without the towers and moves getting another tree of life next to the merchant and mm stuff was almost up this talk of war goes slightly into moods direction again really cool game we never normally see it going this way with an idol of suddenly one waste versus one base seems to have map control sly doesn't cancel [Music] it's 400 gold gone lightning steals nice but that doesn't make up for it man that was expensive that was really expensive [Music] setting up the tower now first in front of the expansion but moon is gonna be up on two bases here again yes he's gonna have it faster yeah pretty cool bye moon man most male elves would have crumbled by now losing both engines of war losing the expansion but with his strong heroes and his strong hunts he's having a strong position on the map and some Jango of endurance I think all 2600 people watching would have tapped out at least twice in that game but not as a live man not Moon what would you be level 5 it's not the strongest level up honestly keeper is not that super good against mass shaman but shows you how many things have been going to keep his way this game aside from losing the expansion more options now to affected by this orc army still only four grunts this is not good enough does he have the second ammo upgrade coming yes he does it's important to late mass is not a real factor in this game no hood up cutting helps yes come out coming in now a hunter oh but also the Lightning shield doing decent AoE damage laid in a bit of trouble it's not consumable for him anymore no potion on the Shadowhunters well close to four he gets these towers up though wisps everywhere scouting are under attack because up great as you mentioned takes care of the Hunts first with all that piercing and magic damage played so being focused again can you make it to the shop he's walking back into the hands of moon third kill on the play pastor in 15 minutes I don't know what it is man Oh if moon gets this cancel which he's certainly sure did yeah this should be his game I hope he's canceling at this time yeah but got only a tiny bit back and without the blade masters damaged The Alchemist can do whatever he wants what a game by a moon losing the expansion but not panicking playing super smart from there another tree of life is coming he's like okay if you do get to two bases I'm going to delay it by a million years and if you do I'm gonna get to three and how expensive is this expansion it's the third time he's trying this he has five towers and follow-up and you lost the blight master for it and it didn't I mean this game is pretty much dictated by fly see mistakes and what he allows moon to do and here comes a zapper bombing a little power gone Expo Khan cancel it right away fight there's no way you hold and if these level-3 treants don't get dispelled quickly by the shaman they are actually pretty good against the watchtowers only three are left so much supply now for moon 65 in the meantime fly still struggling without his first hero cheddar hunter got the pendant which is nice can he be the savior well moon accounts for the expansion this is what he came to do once again finding the crucial surgical strike lightning shield activated on the blade he's back in bad fight and there's a big healing still like hoping the heroes might not even be the best idea to to huntresses very strong arches as well don't underestimate these arch to your guys especially good against the serpent wards fly is about to draw 15 supply if this continues out with level 4 what a game what a game was really impressive we all of life is done can be walking over we have moondru still looking decent we're 17 minutes into the game 18 minutes into the game and the blade master is still level 2 he lost him three times this game all three times were really unnecessary but it's you know it's easy for us to say oh just don't lose your heroes you know he's playing on the big stage he's playing against moon is playing in the grand final there's a lot of pressure on him it's easy for us to say much harder keep your heroes alive at all times against me however it was also far from perfect thank you sure Fuuka for the hosts and I play you win for the 9-month host for the horse wait what not like this yeah that describes the game pretty well so fly Expo on the high ground now he's not giving this up even if it looks grim for him q3 bye moon when did we see here three against work the last time we go I can't a player scores good deal when he played team arrows versus cash over there was a nasty series man will just keeps on creeping 70 supplying I'll for him so you gonna TP back or is he gonna go for the counter-attack TP home it is pretty defensively played moon playing it safe here all the time already saw that against foggy or denied might be shooting the bag on the archers they're all clumped up heavily actually pretty effective plenty of lightning shields on useful against it as well and moves it with way superior numbers but this is kind of working well protection sprawl you stall the calculus distance off damn thank you unusable eight are more hunters yeah just can't kill him coming in as well damage mitigation plus healing always a great combo slice buying time for his Expo but it's three bases versus one at the moment fifty supply for fly moon seventy thousand gold everything healed up again what's he doing with Tier three now that's the question we see chimera ruse just for the lawls Simmons would of course be completely insane like insanely strong what away into a series if you dominate a match like this after having lost the expansion like I think that's to me is the craziest thing yeah expansion which is normal but then loses it and still seem to be in firm control of this game at all times like a brilliant general knowing when to take losses when to sacrifice and when to strike at the perfect time he wasn't willing to fight this really sly finds still daytime Expo for fly is up can we enforce the fences fighting in this arc pace is not easy or mirror-image again fly special in repulsion on the blade that can be big but all the ways the death may be sharpened that seems to be the wisp plank to finish this game suddenly entangle become super strong again because you don't have to spell against it blade master controls with that for a little bit mirror image coming in again but the grunts man they are just dying to quickly first control used by moon right there he has no more actually collecting this up now but without mana how's that supposed to work he goes for another he'll stroll then he's up the army nicely again and well late master in trouble in full may after before sand tiger coming in he won't lose the blade master this time he somehow make it to the shabbiest 240 gold and double income needs every healing and every mana in the world under siege moon sled 70 but lot is about to drop shop control how much of a factor is it gets the next field stroke feel the pretty hurt for most likely treants if I get them back into the poro mate while the fight ensues flies donating his army to the hugs but look in l5 alchemist looking like the beginning of the end here now for MU and pushing forward is he gonna go smoke it all the way to worse stronghold doesn't have to be still on to mining bases could be three soon and what again playing it patiently playing it safe not risking a thing never overstepping his boundaries it's kind of hard to kill this now but still so many tree ins has mana for more peons all that for this expansion doesn't do anything for him flight might be taking up this tree but that is still two against one and then again I think moon could just EP there's so little normal damage here this tree isn't under that much pressure the Great Hall would certainly be lost and the keeper he's inches away from the level up by the way few grunt or fee on kills there's two more peon kills he's basically double six now yen can easily jump on the shaman in the right image okay thanks again take the plate storm would be the only thing that might help fly in this situation lightning shield pretty much everywhere again but the heal scroll is ready wanted to kill yet though for tranquility and Yuki people's only have his army The Alchemist and some hunts were out of range but it's still looking okay promote it doesn't matter like it's still more than fly has one more kill at level six here we go give us the rain tranquility and Gigi 104 more Wow what a what a sign of strength not willing to give up anything refusing to die after getting the expo killed and then so what what a comeback he's the best night elf in the world he underlines it here again it's not really close at the moment not even low lie it is a big match to him that's another day in the office and that gay must feel a weird full flight like yes he made quite a few mistakes on the Blademaster especially but he still killed the night of expansion yeah that should be the most important thing yes but it didn't quite work out moon with pay since moon with surgical precision moon with the Expo cancels with perfect knowledge of his strength and utilization of map control I'm really impressed with movement really really impressed and we got the news that the grand final is actually a best of three so not a best of five not a long series that means championship points for more right here fly lost the first map of the tournament and Moon has one hand on the cup but it's gonna be flies map choice now echo isles should be favoring him more great for the Blademaster grateful claws and of course as you guys know shop control make an important factor all right Thank You Fareed for the 10-month Reis up less than three less than three right back there is the trophy and moon is about to take it home another defeat for China certainly P Thank You grizzy for the prime sub for the greatest off for all time take another tournaments or can fly slapback echo is great late master map if he plays it correctly if he has the timings down if he not loses the blade not only his moon so strong still is by far the best knife in the world we also have to keep in perspective like how strong of a recent past he's had like yes he didn't win the most latest wji but he was still in the final he won the WGL before that he won bre C of last year here in BRE CS in the final again he won w-league he is really on top firmly again and remember when he came back to the scene like moon had a tough time back at WCA 2015 this is how long it's been since moon came back to the game didn't even get over the groups back then and was for a long time suffering and not finding the success I remember statistic and I distinctly for myself when we were talking to the Koreans back then every tournament we went to they were like Oh moon is the big favorite moon is the big favor and they were always you know so respectful of him in such awe of him and I I'm gonna admit I didn't have that same respect I was like what what are you talking about he's been playing pretty weak these last couple of months why would he be the big favourite and most of the time he didn't go that far he didn't get those titles but the faith especially from the Korean community but also from the night of community kind of was always there I was always more skeptical it took him a long time took moon a long time to get back into tip-top shape but I am now really understanding where this respect is coming from like what we're seeing from him is just so outstanding and yeah I'm I'm on board with the moon demigod train it's pretty crazy how his rise started when he stopped streaming and disappeared for three months or so never played any tournaments during that time he was just nowhere to be seen and then he came back and he's this crazy force all of a sudden one of the very pros that doesn't stream and it saves fly teching moon mass huntress and again the keeper harass into the base and the same opening by moon as well no Archer this is important to note double ancient of war right away no Archer saves you a bit of lumber then hunters all the nation of war then expansion then tech I think you don't we saw previously and yeah the level one tree and harass which doesn't do that much oh wait a minute does he actually get the borough gets that one if he gets both this is a big deal more treants he gets it how he accomplishes this with so little last game it didn't really work but he have a new set tree and taken care of but fly this is all lumber that he can't invest into upgrades later now he has to run away except for some good sound portal maybe you're gonna TP for this everything him die okay that's good experience fly took him forever to get level 2 on map number 1 here he gets the kill and he's not the one being killed keepers gonna be back soon though and the second grunt is gonna be pretty late with these Goro cancels but blade mass is trying to get further ahead over at the marketplace gonna be eyeing up the over major item could go for a clause they are available but saving that money for now perhaps if he gets a week item he sells it and gets a clause for it involved you don't want to sell that one that's a good one think you cut dirt for the 12 month grease up happy sub over Surrey yeah fly needs the wobble for lumber tree of life didn't even start yet the keeper kill also this spot was not taken he has the owl so again double owl used early to have vision on that plate if I season of course no and tango this is not as dangerous as it was on last refuge but can of course be the same situation if he gets the lasted on the ogre and gets entangled by wakes up the creeps he is hurt already though this could be worth considering going for the in value if you drop snow if it significantly delays the expansion this could be worth it looks like he wants to force that involve or he wants to go for that anymore rather create very low there we go following the keeper again and this must be a TP now greatly in volute well the Magi is going to move but the item of course to fine this tree is very late yeah Shadowhunter more than halfway done tree only just starting really good delay by fly good way back into this game and now I believe that should be a bit of the lead for the audience or believer in fly games of course still far from over moon was facing adversity before came back very very impressively it's the same build by the way by flight we have the spare Lodge coming the warm L up already going for the Merc camp creep here right away with the shadow but the whispers of course here to scout for this and that could be a little bit dangerous apparently Thank You side for the information off stream we have happy versus foggy going on in the game for third it's 1:1 between them and Thank You bobbidi from 35 month we sub close to three years and thank you fly with the Lightning shield trip against the wizard not losing a grunt gets the Berserker ring of region level shoot [Music] hex would be very unusual to see in this matchup nowadays re not very effective against ants it's a late master get the expansion canceled this will be extremely effective not gonna be quite good enough too many hunters is here to interfere plus a keeper it should be necessary getting kind of close though but no should be safe for moon but it's forcing a response again it's getting really close with a tree over here no one tango just yet no Oh late masses you're getting really low you're getting really low and tango right-clicks oh no again again and again and again complete miscalculation there was no way to kill this tree yeah I should have seen that coming sorry I should've seen it's coming a lot of cubes twice and now the Shadowhunter getting a heel wave but man and tang a level three this is gonna be so expensive if he dies purge their purge from the shaman very important to get over that entangle and with that he stays alive were orc souls watching right now he had this game in his hands if he just backs off with a blade man of the shadows level three already like whether he wants to push with towers and shop or if he wants to counter expand it should have been looking really good for fly but the fourth Blademaster loss in two games once again shifts the momentum you got the youth grow without items still only fifty supply expo didn't pay off or he made it to tier 2 so this time we don't see a dedicated tower push this time it's a more passive counter expansion the moon guys scout for this alright did I just see a crystal ball somewhere yeah but I know that the expansion of course not investing a purge into getting this hunt pretty much 50/50 moonglade upgrades coming he wants the burrows to keep them stuck at him this is a pretty suspicious Play Doh like when you see an orc army attacking into your main base of all places this looks very heavily like distraction but of course moon has to be over here first to defend plenty of serpent Ward's here hard to fight this with just dryads well it's not damn hunters of course I mean but it touches them it's also archers and mercenaries quite a few mercenaries now for moon going up to 59 supply only 48 supply almost gonna lose that one grunt in the front where's those serpent wards plenty of serpent Ward's here archers trying to take them out lake master in the back with the lightning shoot upon him looking for the archer kills and the alchemist is gonna be falling no staff here no shop yet I think for moon and Moon while starting to fall as well so moon can get up to 60 but that's still no big issue that's all fine the alchemists have no rings and that's how quick he can die against a nicely stacked late mass who pretty much has the same damage as last game it's no flaw or anything wrong the triple sorter this time with you the drops of paint man I'm starting to run out on the Shadowhunter though once there's no here whatevs anymore once there's no circuit boards anymore this becomes a lot less powerful of a push but for the time being is still finding damage another moon we're lost I'm gonna really supply stuck where's ur curve would be a big kill to get but mood saves that one just barely Alchemist he didn't remake him he didn't start remaking him when the moon was still up and now this ACMA's gonna be bumped benched for a really long time all right we got a blade master level 3 lightning strikes again grunts are about to fall no healing anymore if she said speed scroll how many grunts can he save one down that's about it though and on the back of this of course the expo at 60% 2/3 done [Music] Oh can we get the Alchemist back AP's in the main and that's the ex Massa makes the shop gets one he'll score at least he is gonna get both that's really nice Smart Play needs it against the Huntress glaives of course but also taking this away from moon again the lightning shields so peons moving over army at 45 still but double income from York ok fly bouncing back nicely after that silly blade master loss should be in a favourite position now once again moon what's he gonna do next 60 supply for him it has to wait for the alchemist Oh Alchemist only level two keeper level 4 that is pretty good but only for huntresses and many of them really hurts it doesn't feel like moon can go for a fight anytime soon Moon Wells also super dry in the base that he has to go for the expo where every single bit of Muji wo for fly still wants to go from the in wall I believe and then the blade master should be set level 4 and the shadow here so good to have as well extremely strong level up 18 supply advantage for moon but doesn't look confident he will be forced to defend now at the Expo West coming in for the detonate the first one not hitting too well nice blitz from the shaman which detonates not effective at all Challenger also keeping pretty far away from them but moon falls back towards the moon wells towards the AAP this should be a good position for him to hold Shadowhunter might be in trouble in a bit of course - yo waves another one lightning she them both late massive he does good damage moves it up 65 personally have on the blade in there's no in Valenti more for the s Apes and there's plenty of entangled he fights fly back second all my upgrades for the grunts here's gonna be finishing in just a moment entangle staff away not stopped by the Integra like that on the shadow get those mana plots and stuff quickly clarity's beast yuri coming up now for a koto beast soon to be added in fly not going into our keepers looking really greedy right here separate now easily do this 700 called he got the heal scrolls again she barely has any hunters left right okay in the main seventy supply now berserkers for fly as well needs more he's breaking up keep now and he got the tower support lord can he break this expo you can easy the champion after work spell of protection he wants this fight some aggressive purges coming in from the shaman the mana on the shaman is really low and tango could once again become pretty effective same as the soul of protection keeper though dropping low as well he has to be careful no envelope TP to save him no stab with micro by moon saving the herd units to the back but once again the front line too sturdy for fly forced back the knight of horses you will spray for now gives fly more time for reinforcements even a witch doctor against the shadow wow that's nice and moon has to back off without heal squad has no chance to break this and fly holes again it looked a little bit sketchy a little bit greedy but was good enough kota coming in now attack upgrades even for the grunts and spend his gold some how so waiting for the next he'll scold and push a single peon lumber by the way now we're gonna have to with only shaman and grunts of course you don't really need much lumber at all but you need some why are you forcing Game three three keel Scrolls how often did we point that out shop control and echo eyes or echo isles right in the game here come the wisps again we'll pull the flag be better this time no symptom all back back in focus fire one is gone what gone wait okay to detonate but now the Codel is here for damage and the damage of the moon's side seems to be lack and it takes them forever to kill off some of these grunts we don't have many grunts at all by the way it's mostly ranged army actually for fly useful coming in the first one you have two more two more still remaining for flies but arches in the back also dealing with their innate master and trouble is he gonna lose him again no way boy this is the fourth plate master killing two games and where's the damage coming from now he wants to get this alchemist but there's an involution more hunters killed move down to 58 but he survived and now Blademaster back from the tavern that cost a lot but the office back at 61 and gets the involved oh it's not in stock nothing is in stock that Blademaster loss painful but the fight was going well enough for fly that he can recover the numbers now for moon are certainly pretty damn low who Elvis with a crit he could be dying this is dangerous Blake master with the lightning shield following one more Archer dies and Moon so Bruce has to fall back to the moon wells but there's no juice continues needs healed spray needs clarity's has 300 gold it's not too much fly at 400 Thank You Fabio Coelho for the three-month recept keep up the great work love you guys thank you man you have a Raider parked in the main could help with the hero focus the alchemists this game is not too tanky could be is like same goes for a keeper no staff only one in will fly dominates the shop again yeah once again sitting comfortably in the middle with his level 5 shadow he is so strong late master also pretty good with level 4 but it's more the shadow hunter plus the grunted shaman which are doing this year keeper is close to 5 himself but not bad game changing over level up Huntress front light from moon is really small for hunts only that's all he has ok late master level 4 can control him again we have time no region on these more wells looks a little like toward I for moon hold up hold up mirror image pretty confusing and going for the keeper now with the entangle the ensnare coming in he doesn't have one radar now actually has to TP their moon keep her under too much pressure mass lightning shields coming in oh I can't chat oh well this is good at you e damage everything was clumped up free damage shop is down he'll spray ok for the blade master we'll find him soon trying to force the interval I guess he was losing more moves will be supply stuck in the lightning shields are still zapping in the back this mirror image man is looking really good and that's GG moon gives up map-21 1 in the grand final Wow fly strikes back after being demolished on last refuge with simple mistakes kicked out of game 1 he's back without a tower push with an earlier expansion with a better early game despite losing the blade master twice again under questionable circumstances he forces game 3 he got that first hero kill of the game though and normally you know level one keeper killed doesn't matter that much he's gonna be back soon but dead gave him level 2 gave him more mana gave him more damage delayed the expansion further in this game we really saw the expansion being so late being a big problem hormone yeah that was a good early game we decide this tournament on concealed Hill game 3 about to start will this still be expansion hunts oh man I always love it when you know it all gets down to the final game here to a best of one know it all comes down to this last map one single match one single map to determine first or second place thousands of dollars of difference and the title and again this alchemist if he has no ring there is definitely a point where fly can attack its know with a decently pin plate master that's always a little weak spot you definitely should have bought a ring unlike on echo isles there's no reason not to have rings yeah like yeah movers on a lot of pressure but he definitely at the time to get to the marketplace at least once and so something you think of normally like who buys rings but it's so effective on the honest one point well let's glimpse on fly his drought is lasting for years he has this big big big chance now can he take a championship to China after a long time or will moon take it home to Korea again just as Lin did in ppl so far Blademaster has died five times but it didn't spill spell disaster complete disaster for flight just yet he was able to recover game number two and before going into this final game we have the information that happy defeated for view with two and one claiming the third place for me there for fourth place and goes home to the Ukraine empty hands but losing to moon losing to happy there's no shame in that he did get top four at least Friday unfortunately no prize money for him but that's the way it goes only to the top three here we have seen keeper hunts expansion twice in a row now is moon gonna switch it up is he gonna play something different probably not it is still seems to be the meta keeper hunts Expo and the keeper is the first hero of choice again against the blade master okay so we're not switching it up both rely on their strength they have shown in level 1 and map 2 respectively lie with the shop Thank You K rool for the prime stop and move again very predictable creep route it's going for the archer here is the first time he's going for a notch Arthur Lee Archer like that in this whole series I wonder why he couldn't very well be creeping this camp without an archer as well it's not like you're needed necessarily for this first spot with over closed toward the goldmine we saw an early engine of war here by moon earlier against foggy may want to do that again even though concealed Hill is a very big map lots of pace not the greatest tech estar that's alright we see the keeper coming no reaction just yet yes not even gold for the burrows that moon wants to cancel it's a little annoying you the treants in the gold mine they're not an in range of the burrow so they're not getting attacked at all late master has to come back oh the archer with the treant gets the level 2 that's level 2 now for the keeper of the Grove getting the entangle available this could be easy peon kills actually they go for the Burrow first you really want to follow summoning a new set of treants this is definitely a kill on the burrow and fly is massively lacking resources getting the levels really in the main by the way the grunt sees the expansion which is very early before the hunters transition but also far away the grunt could be dead here though he has vision of him he knows where he's going the keeper is coming in grunt is trying to run away oh he's getting great now he lost track okay good save cancel this only level one here isn't angle there's no owl to this type so you can go into rock and oil oh wow it's actually no it's actually not so close to an entangle needs a whip walk Oh healing cancelled sold us bought by the blade master won't be revealed but moon knows it and the tree is up if I don't do anything stupid item okay get the cloak good damage on the street can't really do anything with that though so lucky can come in with grunts now it's too dangerous against this keeper and yeah moon is switching it up it was not the double ancient of war into late expansion no it was a single engine of war hunts into expo into tech differing with the build here so Sh shaman again fly counter expansion or a heavy push both funny lira worked for him he killed the expansion before on LR and he established his expansion on the I still one wonder prevent lasted on the keeper year oh there's a staff though isn't enough damage she needs to step out if he stabbed me late though he's gonna get entangled again Oh number five it is a best of three it is it's the fifth time he's losing his leg last what six time right six read three times in the first twice three times there okay okay what's the record I would love to know fly my god good job by mundo getting the surrounded it's not something you really think of often my oh my again a gift to mood but the Expo is still late the second edition of war it's still very late even have alright yeah doesn't have one a second engine of war nope played a different opening this time more old-school yeah I mean you still need it though yeah but normally like the way it used to be played in the past like the expansion comes up and then you go for the second engine of war so I think it's gonna be set up soon yeah I mean what I want to say whether it is it's still okay for fly I guess it's not gonna face every night of supply soon that's where things get really critical 7 lucky number 7 fly what's going on chat is so SPO tilted that's a shame man like he's actually playing a good final he's been playing a really good tournament but these Blademaster moves are just a little bigger sometimes maybe you should just only play faster maybe that would seriously help him I mean since we no fly since he joined mousesports in what was it 205 he's doing these mistakes it's never stopping it's like foggy and last-hitting instant and denying creeps but of giant strength I think you miscalculated the rankings of the keeper or something at this point I can you get 10 neo can you get 10 minutes I think then twitch just breaks and look at the Blademaster inventory it's so good actually yeah but he's lacking that levels are they gonna get level 2 here medallion all right for the shadow so he's caught between a rock and a hard place now because he kind of has to push but if that push doesn't work with his weak heroes the game is pretty much gone right good counter expand but there's no resources for it yeah it's at the belt by the way it's nice I think is probably going for the right play here his biggest strength by far is the level to serpent wards yeah regardless of how bad this game has been going at least he has this so he's trying to get some value out of that expansion JP cats right away the keeper in trouble still surrounded by his own units but with the involv stays alive okay he's just waiting for the 7 seconds to be over to New Kingdom again should hunter a little out of positions Bistro youth how long has that got them in wolf fly-ass Kings Cross protecting us and move us he's saving these hunks but the arches are falling that's quite some damage or perch on the alchemist let's see one two Newcombe can't we block the wisps are in for the detonate reeling actually on them as well if the useful was used that it comes into the shaman I Drive the shadow under you want to get the big decisive victory before the shell on routes out of mana but now he is completely out of mana and the decisive victory wasn't there 43 supply left only for the orc has to fall back now to the fountain of health moon only 49 himself but he holds and he does have the two ancients of war still up mass production continues that's a big thing 70 very soon fly has barely any resources gets the heal scroll again but no then we'll on the keeper say flu the fight I guess was really explosive start into the fight good for fly that this fountain is crap by the way sets up a shop now when has the wisp ready to scout for the counter expansion by the way where a peon is going right now but seems like it's gonna be at our first but fly difficult spot he still got the level 2 serpent Awards can that save him movin by the way with the sentry ward here gave away the push for fly and he gives it away again late math says no wind walk the detonates again masterful but there's a little bit of mud on these shamans loved and more here is not giving this extreme power to the serpent Awards he's not just going flying Lane to mass hunts no he's got a healthy mix of archers and huntresses archers taking out the snakes over and over but fly that the fountain now this is the best position imaginable for an orc and he is time for what will one day be his expansion at the bottom right Thank You mighty 94 the 10-month threesome absolutely starting state NASA needs crit level to how much would profit from that spell alone it's pretty good rap numbers now we do it first armoire upgrade already but no level two year wave here comes the level one here wave but it's not that good sixty supply for moon is getting ready for the 70 only it's our with reinforced defenses alchemist level three before the blade yeah it's kind of sums up this game it's not supposed to look that way again 12 minutes level to level two thorium our model for the grounds moon has protections for neutral in wall you might meet the symbol on the alchemists soon but flies ignoring now the Wiz are always there nice perch gets one detonate off but the settlements and what's really affected by this Domino too much mana left anymore and Angus could once again become a danger Alchemist in the front taking a lot of damage but witness almost 1100 HP despite no are more he is kind of tanky grants are dying from been almost gone late matters he's gonna die again no purge saving him this time right clicks he away he's safe for now for now he saved dodging number eight but moon in this fight didn't even had to go for one item it's all still there clarity canceled nicely done just go there one little birdie bird throws fly back but he's at 50% at the expansion but there is an eight players force in that thing then all perched on the keeper now and he forced something the staff is on him no involved and now what is going in in earnest behind your level three for the blade that gonna help seriously desperation by fly least a little expense really cancer level for another big level up Firefly gets another clarity but no mana potion level fighting the keeper of the goal paled Merion the alchemist but there's a staff you can just take him out after falling grunt from as well numbers are little dwindling but fly is plate master is this number eight finally no potion scroll save sim here's an entangle no follow-up so breaks through will talk to miss playing with fire staffed out now second tier of fun moon gone from this five of the damaged tank to the absent barb what saves for now despite the fountain moon is breaking fly the frontline is gone the break the Blake masters the last hope but there's no items anymore the shaman are dropping the expansion is canceled the alchemist is back in full health good mana as well we're gonna have acid bomb coming in here again channel melting used very effectively no reveal over a year for flies finding some kills though critic these archers finding some pickoffs gonna get another one right there but the shaman they're pretty exposed right now keeper has another entangle in just a second is it time now to go for the Erica we haven't seen any acid bombs here do be the perfect opportunity just killing every unit moon is doubling him and supply almost shadow want to surround you can't get him out this okay there is wind walk he needs to pop him out sooo an acid bomb will stab is that in time shadow hunter died the Blake master surrounded as well that's it back to back one belt one road champion is moon very strong performance there it was a close final map to especially very well played by fly but yeah the title is kept away from him again kept away from China again and it was it was honestly just too many Blademaster losses that was the biggest problem not paying close enough attention losing him way to unnecessarily unfortunate but kudos to moon well-played good tournament another win for him dropping a map but a lot of money goes through his bank account once again he's now getting close to five hundred thousand fifty five $555,000 in career earnings and it is was and always has been a common picture in the Warcraft scene moon and the trophy and it happens once again those well for his next WGAL appearance where we'll be seeing him later this year yeah first place second place first place second place this kind of seems like yeah his achievements so far these last couple of tournaments he's been at really impressive moon keeps on delivering once again with this performance underlining that without a doubt he is the best night off in the world we kind of knew that before already but here is being reinforced one more time great tournament by fly as he said he might be considered a threat again to the top players to the sto players where he was for such a long time challenging th at ppl kicking out romantic and happy to and o is a very very crazy performance and second place for him I think no one expected it I think a lot of people expected him to drop in the quarters too romantic and here we see happy third place for the Russian defeating foggy in the game for third to win one so it's $1,500 for him as well and the first appearance for a lucky future nice snapshot of the community we have one player from Korea one from China and one from Europe seems like kind of an even divide of the top scene at the moment however happy does make most make up most of Europe to be honest but this is what our top scene is looking like currently yeah and foggy of course might be a challenger as well Hawk and cash are pretty yeah are in pretty good shape as well so let's hope for the best for WGL didn't and it wasn't enough this time for happy he's not the unbeatable monster anymore not even offline and gets a pat on the shoulder by fly yeah that was one bird one road three days of very early casts a lot of cool games a lot of two and oles as well but yeah we've seen great Warcraft and it's always cool to see these players offline it's always a little different always a little special and the next one then I guess wgl grand final at the end of November the starting date is November 23 for more offline warcraft action that's exactly two months from now there's absolutely correct two-month in one day really excited and tomorrow the qualifiers continue third monthly qualifier out of four it's starting to get a little bit hairy for some players you really need to start earning those points to make it to wjl to have a chance at the grand final at the world championship yeah it gonna be cool we have the open qualifiers from monday to wednesday we have the pro qualifiers from thursday to friday and then the grand finals of the open on Saturday and the grand finals of the pro on Sunday it's gonna be a pack Warcraft week with w3l next week again this is it for us today was again a very very cool early-morning stream with more than 3,000 viewers at not even 12 please same that is pretty insane it's September again and the people are watching Warcraft again so much fun the community is always best with it's the early hours thank you so much for so many kind words and so many subs and a couple of donations as well this is great I will go back to sleep rebo I think you're doing the same or is it time for church now a quick nap and then then it's time for church alright if you want to follow us for whatever we are doing we are on Facebook Twitter and Instagram spreading news there we can also join our discord where we discuss pretty much everything that is involved in competitive Warcraft and more if you want to support us financially every single bit helps you can donate via PayPal and credit card and cryptocurrency you can stop here on Twitch it's still 50% off so make use of September you can throw us some bits if you want buy our merchandise as Remo is wearing and use the Amazon ref links if you buy something at Amazon and of course as always don't use adblock if you watch our content Thank You GU T sweet with a nice example here 5 euro donation GG guys thank you hope you enjoyed it and did I miss anything schedule will be up later at back to warcraft calm yeah I think yes that's it that's it okay well done Neil thank guys thank you for tuning in see you next week
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 112,054
Rating: 4.7403846 out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2019
Id: lqz0jUD6SOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 20sec (4340 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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