WGL:W Grand Finals 2018 - Group D - Round 2: [U] 120 vs. FoCuS [O]

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oh what ready to work welcome back day three year in Shanghai Warcraft World Championships we're going into map war or match four of the day and it's the necromancer representing gym newbie and China he is the savior of the scourge or at least supposed to be the savior of the scourge one two zero two time GCS champion he's grabbing for the third title and he's got something to make up for this time around as well because last GCS was super disappointing not even getting out of the groups what was going on there he's got a lot of strength a lot of talent over getting to his weaknesses later next coming up we have his opponent gonna be the man from South Korea in the shadow of Lin for most of his life but he's still a world-class auric his name is focus and he's gonna be up against a tough challenge here when I had the chance to speak to him about this matchup didn't seem to be sounding confident a lot of the Koreans are despite all of the results convinced that Una's overpowered and now he's going up against the strongest of all okay this man revolutionized undeads focus always up they're always strong especially online tournaments always for years and years and years he was a disappointment he couldn't really get used to the land setting was oftentimes tired and not bringing his full potential to the big stage but I felt like that has changed like one year ago he picked it up a little more got used to it and we were making fun of him for being tired all the time not once here in Shanghai this weekend that's true usually it's his favorite thing to say uh feeling sleepy not so much this time around and I know exactly what you're talking about online you know he's always a threat offline ik wasn't able to convert always it was two or three GCS ago don't pin me down on which one exactly he managed to take third place that was really good in the third place inside a match against check back then it was like hey this may have broken the curse but the finals still elude him the titles still eluded him and team titles he has a lobbyist wc3 l very successful with team Korea in the clan wars against team China always the very strong player in those lineups but the big solo title is missing we have a big Korean faction here sock so in la la they all support each other and they are practicing here together moon at Lin of course as well Lucifer so maybe that helps them can Lucifer help a little against one to zero it's going to be interesting of course the young gun is the big favorite focus often times kiss by Lady Luck maybe some items can help him to make this very close let's see about that we have some results to share with you from Group C before it is mentioned the online offline thing for focus and it's kind of exactly the other way around for what to zero offline usually aside from last GCS he always steps up online he doesn't always seem to care cockiness perhaps is one weakness cache defeated Sonic by the way 2 to 1 and the other game was Yoshi she still undefeated with a 200 against PCG so looking good for moon looking good for she she did this game it absolutely has to defeat it's gonna be interesting in this group won 2-0 have the first win over cine that was pretty quick focus hunter he defeated hunter and low-light with the win as well so the three favorites in Group D all with wins hopeless Lorelei it and won 2-0 it's gonna be between them maybe hog can upset though if you can used to play it like he like we just saw him play two matches ago yes it's a possibility and yeah where are the upsets yesterday we came so close suck almost kicking fly out today everything going the way the bookies would have well Hawk doing way better than expected yes but results wise between infi and moon I think it would have given the edge to moon within fees you know I wasn't too convinced that moons gonna show up here in the way he did because he has a habit of disappointing at gold tournaments so you remember when he lost the internal wart or the rock stuff like that happens to moon so you always have to have factored that and no disrespect he's an amazing player best of all time but he somehow curves that gold leagues I don't know what it is man I have a flashback right now too you know remember Philibert with the gorillas all right yeah it is really a clash of generations here between the two it's the clash of success and where they find success as you mentioned earlier focus as far as the point system went for the September races and well all the races and he got a lot of points throughout all those once again being super successful online we had Derek ups going on in Europe and brass breakups of course I'm talking about going on in Europe where he was also very successful found his way into the final there that's the tournament we have online between Europeans and Koreans several times a year in the final against low light it didn't quite manage to win but second place you know good results always online we thought again he broke that curse a couple of GCS as ago but still not quite and yeah you were talking about it the amount of success that won 2-0 had in just a few years was pretty much insane focus has been playing this game since it came out basically also pro wise well as long as check or Lin for example but 2004 he was already there gathered around eighty five thousand dollar prize money in all those years until now won 2-0 was almost able to achieve that in just yes his meteoric rise was truly something to be yeah to marvel at start out as an art player by the way won 2-0 did it's made a switch in to have 1314 back when he was called Terra something like that we saw him for the first time at WCA 2014 many many moons ago yeah there was our Chinese friend Cody silence saying then already watch out for this guy man he's the next big thing Cody is right he was absolutely right talented that he was back then certainly didn't make other group stages right I think back then but after that it didn't take long for him to grab that a crown take it away from wfz claimed it as being the best on it in the world and hasn't given it up for years now and yes I know Chad's gonna say what about the guy from Russia well if he doesn't show up off the line we can't really talk about him exactly well then one two zero has won the biggest tournament prize money wise this year was the Masters Coliseum in the infamous 15 minute best of five grand final against in feat that is where the TNT meme is coming from already but you said it GCSE summer he was very disappointing we said the same things about him back then he wasn't a good shape going into this tournament but lost in the group stage and there was the first time where he didn't made it to the playoffs he's been at all GCSE seventh participation thus far yeah he's he got rid of that flawless playoff tracker and have that foggy as the only player in gold league history still has but that almost looked like a different player and that didn't look like they won 2-0 there we know and appreciate so much especially if you happen to be undead players that is his one weakness he does not take every game seriously at all if you've been following the qualifiers with us here at back to walk right over the last couple of months we saw quite a few interesting games from him to say the very least we saw him trying to play Lynch first gules against the keeper of the growth yep and as you may be able to CERN it didn't go well especially online it feels like he has a 50/50 chance of taking it seriously when he does it's gonna be marvelous plays indeed offline usually he does show up he just take it seriously in any places best I would not say that that's GCS he didn't care I don't think so he just wasn't in shape maybe he wasn't motivated here to show his best but he wasn't clowning around it was not dead level of 1 to 0 since then since his clowning around has been known for quite a while he was picked up by a team the biggest team in eSports investing back into Warcraft 3 first it was won 2-0 now it's not like we're talking about newbie here of course and we were thinking with that pickup with a contract with money come responsibilities maybe now he's gonna take it more seriously and I think for the most part that's true but not all the time if you a college game was after the contract if you exclude the one play day of w-league super league we played those clowny strategies against 40 then yeah that that was the one instance where I saw him fooling around but apart from that I felt since he signed up for newbie he got even stronger which is pretty sick the new beings I still I still have to I think this is where yes prove it yeah absolutely excuse me yeah usually Warcraft players especially if they're from Korea are very humble aren't gonna brag and aren't gonna show off and aren't gonna make demands hmm like the one that we saw earlier but won 2-0 is it a success or just as personality or a mix of both he does seem pretty cocky at times he does seem awfully sure of himself he's very very young though for good reason perhaps but yeah earlier I think we should illuminate this fact because it is a bit of it is kind of outrageous and we had sight matches going on on streams from hi to Chaco and Kaldor and won 2-0 demanded to not have an observer in the game he didn't want one so that mean man said his game couldn't be broadcast and apparently that was alright we had that unfortunately only one time we of course want to see all the games we want to bring all the games to you guys and that like no Korean ever would ask for something like this pretty much nobody ever would make such a demand but he did and he was allowed to do it I hope I'm allowed to say this is not gonna get carried out here or the studio but yeah that a lot of people were upset and I think very understandably so hopefully you want to represent but he's very young maybe someone has to educate him on stuff like this I mean it's kind of cool to have personalities in the scene but if it hits the community then there's really no the bridge that you should not cross but that but that's not being energy that's not being controversy yeah yeah that's just taking a no content away for no reason yeah but oh well it happened it's over I hope consequences are we following we'll see um I don't know why exactly we have this break here going on it seemed like we were ready to start into the next game here pretty soon but we had some technical difficulties yesterday with a few bugs perhaps that's the case now again for the time being yeah just made sure that the game is not running already is but it's all normal we have some time here as it seems yeah I guess we can talk a little bit more about a hospital game it's been going here at the tournament's is our third day of course we had coop a and B already yesterday in the day before as you guys know lint foggy fly and colorful qualifying today but a lot more people here right a lot more fans showing up in the audience moon always a factor for this and that was really cool to see my other highlight of course the Llyod vs hawk not only the game but after it was so cool how everybody flocked to hawk and you could see the disappointment in his eyes was hanging his head down a little but everybody was saying oh my god you played so well and of course such a great game such a great game but also you played so where they could have gone either way and you could see his you know his grin returning his smile returning he knew that he played well and it seriously both times could have gone either way with just one different item one more spell to be used as it gets in this series absolutely beautiful Warcraft you have to catch up on that if you miss that one and this is the biggest stage this is the most exposure that players can get worldwide so many viewers from China so many Chinese clans at the moment interested in Warcraft exactly and if you have a performance like this then you might end up in one or two notepads here absolutely teams are getting interested again next year's big figure the biggest year for Warcraft since I don't know you're the guy for this but since forever so many strides money already announced reforged coming whatever that's gonna bring a lot of new hires a lot of activity it's gonna be so much fun yeah there's gonna be another tournament by the way around Christmas starting 21st and 23rd until 23rd another big offline tournament will be casting that from home unfortunately not from China but a lot of money on the line more offline tournaments more excitement and super GC our super wgl has been announced re super wgl has been announced where the top 4 Chinese player will face each other in another offline tournament and that's gonna happen on January 11 to 13 I guess and I'm pretty I don't know if this is confirmed or not but we got that information already so I guess it's confirmed China vs. the world will be the first tournament of the four cities in Xi'an and if I got that correctly it's gonna be two hundred and fifteen thousand dollar price high that's something to blow your hair back that's even more than the ridiculous WCA in 2014 which correct me if i'm wrong was the record holder until them sixty was in higher fifteen or sixteen was fifteen right yeah because I think they were super close to $100,000 mark and then they wanted to break it to them keep an eye on you holder but China versus the world man we've seen so many great games that GSL versus the world and Starcraft 2 how much fun these tournaments was especially with ceral of course but we have our fault you could represent the West I hope you heard that as well we can - right now we can't see the beach I'm not sure you learning the father are hearing the contracting fun are they more so - bye what games are starting finally we had some technical difficulties but they are solved it is won 2-0 vs. focus this is the fourth match of the day the second match of Group D the big favorite won 2-0 is focus it's not really a favorite but kind of the dark horse in this group if one of the two players won 2-0 OhLaLa it slips once pretty sure he's gonna be there to capitalize he sees those two as the big favorites though am yeah we mentioned it earlier these two players need to be in contrast with each other knows only as far as online/offline goes but also personality-wise won 2-0 sometimes a little bit cocky focus never strikes one as the most confident player especially offline that is I'm had concealed Hills Northern Isles what's the next one I didn't check unfortunately gonna be surprise for us we're gonna start them in sealed Hill here one of the new maps that we've seen quite a bit already fairly big comparable in size to LR I would say here we go the first time we see him here the master of the end at the only hope for them focused in the shadow of Lim can he finally get out of his shadow can he make it to a final four once he has a tough group and an even tougher opponent perhaps one to zero must be one of the big favorites for this entire tournament focused on in the top right in the blue finally after our little hiccup here seems like the equipment issue is speared for production or players have finally been resolved and here we go newbie in Seoul thing 1-0 at the clothing of newbies what I want to say we already saw a light earlier today another player of newbies won 2-0 that was the first to set up the the roster to start the roster of the famous world renowned eSports team team they're getting interested in Warcraft 3 again with so many awesome things on the horizon for our beloved old game this degrees of aged Walker Walker 3 1 2 0 the youngest player in this tournament by far only 22 years old focused a little old but not really in the old guard he's 29 scratching on the 30 but man won 2-0 one of the most successful players that this tournament series has ever seen made it to the finals four times actually won this tournament twice the only player who did that alongside won 2-0 when he wants to go for the third title he wants to be the only record holding championed in WGL as I said before his rise to the top was quite a phenomenon no one he's playing this game only like four five years or so three years in the pro scene before using the pro scene three of them successfully he already gathered $77,000 from Warcraft 3 focus playing this game since 2003 $83,000 so if 1 to 0 wins this he surpasses focus in earnings at least focuses many - wjl 5 times to the playoffs 2 times well this is a sixth appearance so we could argue for that but no big solo win for focus in his entire career yet third place at wtl and then a WCG that's his record of course he's aiming for starting off here where the Farseer is focus and super fast tech we've seen this quite a few times already right across different matchups as well be seen it against human also with the extremely fast like the faster that we have the meta nowadays with 2 - starting before the hero is even out of course it comes at a price we gonna delay any unit production for a long time with the barracks being so delayed grunts are gonna join the battle only or and other no.3 for around three minutes I guess so limits your keeping potential limits your offensive potential but you can still do those I use those wolves they have been buffed as well in the newer patches in the past of course it used to be only Blademaster all of the time he reserved a bit of a hit from the nerve hammer and the Farseer has enjoyed some buffs we see him more and more the variety that the new patch is brought for orc especially for us viewers have been very welcoming to you that's true we saw every single war hero as a first pick in this tournament already even tauren chieftain things just sewing her ass continues but 1 to 0 is already on the way to tier 2 he's not allowed to lose an acolyte here right now what there should be enough coils exactly to save this one but went to 0 kind of trapped in his own base first fiend is coming out now ziggurat was not denied though so he can go into more fields close to level 2 if this little green spot focus with a warm ill very early shop late I mean he's got the goal to spare anyways may as well get the warm ale to have better lumber income and perhaps early upgrades by what is assumed of course second hero first and then double production it could be double bestiary mass wind riders mask almost once a mascot has Raiders or just experienced here or just the waiter Walker combo which is still the standard we even started seeing shamans in this tournament look the greatest so far to be honest but yeah the orc tube toolkit the toolbox has been expanded with the new patch it seems like more stuff is possible now than it's been in forever that is correct but some of the later stages is that really that could we haven't seen a successful organ quite some time this is BB story and he stays on THC with the Shadowhunters second is this wyvern one to zero position to have the tavern interestingly waiting for the second hero and cheddar hunter second that is not as common as TC second is and I would say worse for the late game you can go for a lot of pickups with hex early on but if you go later on if you go a level three level perhaps even of the four with him it's not bad but I think you would rather have the stomp there especially considering if you go TC third possibly it's gonna be hard to find usefulness for having a pack all right low level three for the DK yet but I think one to zero is getting a little bit more control with the cause with the skeletons and with the incoming clean shots make a single grunt by the way he did go all the barracks on the way to tier 2 I don't see one I don't see another blue dot on the map it's vibrant okay interesting I mean he sees that there is a lot of well that there's two fiends a lot of undeads have skipped on the fields they're not going too heavy on them because they can be snatched in their spores mid-game easily by hexon and snare can he overwhelm him though or is 1 2 0 aware of what's coming he sent out skeletons but the one that was supposed to scout the main expired wait a minute seriously creeping this overlord with he messed up the AI lulled he hexed him and now he does ah he doesn't know what to do he's just stuck here I have not seen this before special tactics by focus me neither that's pretty cool oh my god if he had gotten the lasted with his skeleton unholy aura what an item for him more movement speed if he goes to u3 at some point then he has double movement speed RR with the endurance and unholy they could see the skeleton scout by the way the thing that won 2-0 is especially famous for of course he's the best in the world in many regards but especially his skeleton scouting is impeccable he always gets information you always find out where you are what you're doing and more importantly how much he can get away with now focus is running into the base it's looking like a speed stroll acolyte harassment kind of play has to respond with the TP I think he didn't pick up the item if the Lich didn't go for it no still there but it's probably gonna pick it up no reason really for focus to go on over there but it's entire army now so fast thanks to that a great item that's he didn't do more than that he found it's the second red spot as well can we go for that with rival who this is a pretty good opening for focus I mean maybe the late game is not as strong with doing it again what's the hell focus has found some kind of bug that revolutionizes creeping maybe is this a new thing of 1.30 we've never seen this before right or did we seriously just discover it well focus was always good when it comes to stuff like this yeah but no one else does it so I they're gonna start doing it though you better believe it and you only need hex to do it right you you drag out a creep you wait until a specific point I guess yeah then you hex him and you attack him from behind forcing him away from his camp okay we've been mentioning it a lot 2018 really the year of revolutionising creeping we've been seeing it a lot with lightning shield but now hex another way to go about it alright this is two of the big three items already got a 1 2 0 is going from the fountain now the item is already gone so this is a lot of wasted time for the undead is no focus like is he expanding here in the middle of the map against 1 to 0 and may set up some towers here like that it's the plan he doesn't get an item but he gets a lot of experience from this cab not like he really needed it because he was never three two already fiend for free blood the last fiends you have the less WEP there isn't the more effective the wyvern are level 3 for the Farseer pretty damn good first destroyer in the air it's gonna need that against the hex I guess 3 we're three fiends only town is under siege they could try to kill him up but no focus oh no this is fine they just gonna leave he just went for tier 3 he doesn't have a venom or is he at attack Oh tier 3 is not finished oh one weapon for free I think that makes up for the feed I wasn't paying attention there's something you always have to do on this high level when you're tipping out you look at what's coming across the map for you that is a bit of an expensive loss but it buys them time still for those towers and once those towers are set up it's really hard for another to crack fortified position like that one now level 3 runs away with experience a little bit because focus does what he oftentimes does even in the old patch is not going for the entire creep spots but for the item yeah it worked out well the spot now 1 to 0 is contesting this could be a good creep check but still he doesn't have to benefits of tier 3 or the position here for focus my 1 to 0 sees it early I don't know how he's on exactly it's a time so he's a lot of vision range of course focus he is thinking about it as you really want to engage here you can see the respect from him if this was any other on that I'm pretty sure he would be in there already but he's not sure does he want to engage or not here we go when mem Spears is ready you think he was waiting for that Chain Lightning get the big one didn't it the last another wyvern being wept here but once there is moving back hiding back as the undead's of x to grow speed here trying to chase so many fiends are heard one Chain Lightning here could find a couple of kills there's one and the 1 4 0 trade so far I think I guess I ain't got one Shadowhunter now could be getting focused next now he's fine will summoned again more damage coming in and Venice fear still ticking away in the wind riders we still have a lot of them up in the air focus taking a great engagement here to morphine's about today one gets safe for the car but the destroyers also very low the trade are still okay 42 supply though now he's dropping low but gets another feed and more and more experience on the orc side as well five wyvern stood up the venom does so much damage on the Pinta the statue of course yields against it but only for so much but once again nice saves by a 1 to 0 here destroyer at like 5 HP fiend super low but that fight bought the time for an expansion it looks ok for focus and on paper of course 1 to 0 is the big favorite in this match because he is a multiple time world champion but if you look at the stats then it's basically 50/50 or closer than you might think 96 in seriousness but only 20 to 60 in maps focus having a great showing here so far this unusual wyvern strat which is considered GZ a lot of the time usually if you know it's coming if you respond properly you should have good answers to it but he's got the fiends supposed to be the hard counter and he's got decent hair levels but focus he's just making it work to do that so far at least the expansion is fortified he doesn't really have a solution against the fortified or base here there's a ramp here you can't see up the hills and it's nighttime and it's nighttime you didn't see it it's such a weird timing it's such a weird position yes even 1 2 0 sometimes doesn't scout everything whose forces are under attack getting high here another stuff if these heroes for 1 to 0 get to 5 5 I always have to be very careful Yakko Nova can kill everything in that gets rid of this cigarette I guess and then one two zero can't go over fifty nice timing as well get school get this rod is teaming my folks and forces the third town portal that's a thousand gold and don't cost him anything it's called speed I guess but that is not too expensive really good play by focus surgical tactical not the most flashy or whatever but effective because now he's mining and now he's going into upkeep and wind riders they are very snowballing if you don't have the required numbers they can look very underwhelming but if you get up to I don't know 8 10 maybe even 12 in their volleys stuff disappears like immediately yeah I mean on paper it's piercing damage versus medium armor that's not supposed to work really but as you say if you have the critical mass then you can't coil against it anymore and the fiends are falling super quickly Osen level ups here as well are the orc heroes the biggest level training level to be pretty nice to doubtful to be too effective then again if he's just smelling the hex maybes not dispelling the wolves he always clicks as the critters erected she noted that penguin yesterday why not going for the peons now disabling the mining for a little bit interrupting it shade really nice to give the vision here wind riders above the trees usually what the others do with frost worms and so on if first destroy is almost dead immediately the poisons gonna tick him blow still wind riders starting to fall the first ones down but already all the fiends super hurt miss micro a little bit moving into the middle of everything not really finding the a click click no becoming in destroyer barely saved but only two fiends are left he is totally getting smashed in this fight one two zero getting out my crowd for once yeah totally surprising how well focus doing this next Nova but the heal wife is rattling through immediately also surprising that he's not going for the statues at all only now that all the fiends are gone he never let him go to a big feat number that he kept web everything and now it's basically the heroes alone right the microphone went to zero especially with the destroyer was good pick involution used here safe to destroy us a lot but at one point it was just overwhelming focus with the expansion are going for the lid he does have a big heal potion and another coil ready very good astray you searched until oh how did I say it he loses him and now he's only the heroes left they are strong therefore for but they're also pretty much out of mana there's an invalidity needs to get a hero kill he needs to get like both hero kills but how's he posts supposed to do this one more card coming in the DK is good manner but same cannot be said for the Lich no Nova for him soil as well another coil he has two more to go with the wolf of courses no dispel against him at the moment focus is gathering more and more and more gold at one to zero sneaky counter expansion against this and only more wider one-dimensional play by focus but it's very effective at this we've seen quite a few sneaky expose in this tournament already but it was pretty much always only the Night Elves is a double crypt now or did he just he has to go to a crypt right you just need to spam those fiends what about darks bats as always the answer to gosh just level five five though those will be big level ups and maybe the turnaround in this game if one two zero reaches those the supply speaks volumes in favor of focus he's gonna have a massive army it's gonna have massive volleys let's use the shade here as well I can take him out he's going for the fiends first instead one win will be falling he does take out that shade here way of coming in these oh my god it's so many wind riders it's so much poison everything's got like 10 HP poison is not lethal so they don't die from it but one more hit is enough to send them back to the grave where they can double kill with the Chain Lightning back into this game massive Nova level 3 Nova is a super strong spell lots of AoE damage especially against air no damage cap one of the few spells who doesn't have one wolves are scouting this now and this didn't pay off yet and there can only be one direction now focus the Korean looking to be in prime position to take the 1-0 lead anything else would be a massive surprise he's at 72 supply Bush's 39 don't jinx him though we've seen a lot of favorite struggle here in this tournament but in the end they always got back they always got the W well but we have not a game like this but it's on that heroes man never underestimate the power of Cordova that's true that is the one way out here Oak Hill into hopefully after that killing everything else I think it's 14 wind riders right now what about a pit lower third there's not a spell on fungicide yeah can be good the issue is you don't really get the 30% damage reduction because a lot of the damage is coming from the poison which is not effective but yes it could help fake know about once again coming in and this is what he has to do he has to kite move backwards and use Nova after know about hopefully with that get the kills wow that coil by one to zero again to save to destroy but now another fiend dies and that's level five okay he goes for the Wolves to attack the expansion and in the meantime is able to fight this nice move by focus heals again many yet I would love to know how many coils they're left as for Novas this was the last one no more to fear after that hex once again focus fire once again if there's a coil it's an easy save doesn t need but now a lightning doesn't find the lips Kayla but a fiend will fall and again the window is finally kill after kill level 5 now for the SH in world pop saves the ledge but not the fiend still level 3 he'll wave now available he's going for the staff who's next once you're plummeting down to 25 supply and falling and the expansions getting arrest by wolves and that's the next chain lightning a lightning bolt coming in the wolves are chasing out of the shadows boom right paw and Gigi the upset on map number one is realist focus calm and collected with innovative creeping with game breaking creeping actually at mass wyvern damage takes map number one out of the big favorites of this tournaments very impressive focus had a gang gameplan he executed super well and found little holes but he needed to find because there's a reason we don't see mass wind virus all the time there's a counter to them that's heavy fiend play with early aggression don't let him level don't let him get to critical mass 1 to 0 usually cheese proved you can never cheese him out of a game not sure if you can necessarily call that cheese a little bit perhaps but hey it's a strategy it worked well done by focus and grabbing the lead yeah against all odds in the other games by the way la Llyod won his series and hawk as well so the strong players of this group have done their homework have done their job that means 1 to 0 is a lid to under pressure it's not allowed to lose this match I've been seeing um a lot of it seems like Oryx trying too hard counter the opening at the unders go for nowadays it's almost always the for gue opening to be honest I'm not even sure was it a for cool opening it may have been only three but it was definitely fast DK late fiends if you go fast fiend opening which is not really matter anymore it used to be but it faded out of popularity in favor of a faster hero if you do go fast fiends though dealing with mass wind riders is a lot easier your tech maybe later but once you are tier two you have four themes with web and then you can just hunt the wind riders across the map and the or can't really fight there was this one fight where I thought okay there were like three webs but this one fiend he got for free would have been the fourth fiend and then he could have wept all the wyverns because he got that one fiend one wyvern was always free in the air and able to do whatever that was so big once they also decided to stay on two heroes only hoping for the five five understandable super strong against heroes and against units especially air both but a dog Ranger is a very very potent addition dark era won't help you too much against the wind riders of course but if you can just disable the SH no hex no heal wave for eight seconds then he has I think ten seconds up time to use spells then an eight second hex again that can totally turn a fight you eventually will the hexes against you were also mentioning the pit Lord can be a big help as well usually in this matchup and that always goes to triple hero there there was not the case same same goes for the orcs by the way no triple hero org we've seen a lot of offers and then in the first stages this was completely different just focus have a plan B for match number F the second plan for the second match as well or in the time for the Empire to strike back the Scourge has been embarrassed in this tournament thus far we all thought 1 to 0 would be the savior but focus found his solution another new map welcome to northern Isle and let's see if focus could continue this abnormal creeping it's gonna be interesting to see now if focused things all right this wasn't why a one pocket shred you know I caught him off guard it worked it's not gonna work again or is he gonna try for the same thing one more time answer is no he's not it's not gonna be the Farseer super fast tech rush as we do see a barracks grunts will be joining the battle a lot quicker meaning the tech is gonna be a lot faster and wind riders if they should come will be much delayed is this a Farseer or a blade master map have we established this already with this new map I haven't seen this met upon this map too much to be honest to be confident to say that either that's why I want to we've seen quite a bit of Farseer against human here looked good but yeah it's the plate master instead going into seeming to go into more of a standard game and I think 1 to 0 is gonna be confident with this because there it's all about micro it's not about like cheeky timings a collide run by speed scrolls you know that kind of stuff no it's gonna be all about micro all about kiting control perfect spell usage and so on where he shines yeah the correspond point in game guan can't argue with that I haven't seen one mist coil thus far they were all good especially on the destroyers it was really helpful but couldn't save him in the end focuses he'll waves though as well really good saved a lot of wyvern with that also the hexes were pretty much on point as long as he could provide them going up against that mass Windrider strategy by the way I'm still not sure if it is the perfect late-game response or not I'm I haven't seen enough games of that to make a statement with you but a possibility is adding banshees now on paper that doesn't sound right because unarmored should die pretty quick too piercing damage but they have curse that is something very powerful to begin with and something that everybody knows anti magic shell blocks the damage of envenom Spears as well that's a lot 300 of it anyways per anti magic show so that could have been the perfect response I don't think that's what the game went wrong I think the game really went wrong when the first two towers came up that's not supposed to happen in the middle of the map and the expansion after that game number one really was some of the worst scouting that I've seen from one to zero in a really long time - usually a strong suit with with skeletons especially not here though so creeping intensifies fast DK opening once again pretty sure it was the four ghoul opening he'll use one of the goals early on to creep that's what that should mean both players finding the wand of illusion can be very helpful in later stages or early on for scouting level two for the blade unlocked one to zero now for certain knows what here it is he's facing and I think he's gonna be happy to see the blade master actually unthinkable to say a couple just a couple of patches ago but the plate master is certainly strong but more limited than a far series can't run to the base with like speed scroll and wolves and whatever isn't it's less likely going to be going for some wind rider lane kind of play so it's it should be a more straightforward from the skeletons which is experience zero splits them so focus doesn't really know where to go also an illusion running around this a lot of eyes on the web for one to zero also the first grunt joining focus yeah this is the normal on that versus network it's a slow paced early game with a fast tech we're not gonna see many kills here we're not gonna see any hero kills or whatever it's about being efficient on the map getting experience getting items it's kind of almost always the coder early game is considered when you get level 3 early don't lose anything and if you can see some cams away from your opponent then that's sweeter even and too good and now the scale of the scouting is on top once again I went 2-0 is gonna know about this and it's going to prevent this cam from being a taken away from him ok the last tip went to the plate last we haven't seen it but the overlay in trouble right there's no school of speed but there's enough units I guess to back him up to block away want to 0 not gonna try to commit for that grass go to battling over the experience a bowler being thrown out here could be a little bit dangerous but the rock golem is pretty peaceful so far keeping the stones in his pockets putting on a little bit of damage forcing only some mana out of the DK you should still have plenty of coils to use going up to 3 fiends now we saw quite a bit of 2 fiend tech only tier 3 tech with only 2 fiends that always seemed a very greedy like you can do a very little on the map with this he's going for 3 going for the tech after going for the rich then not going for slaughterhouse sacrificial tech and legitimately the concern is there of course oh.he Cara played against the last hit oh my god it was great and he baited it as well wow that was pretty sweet you see with one must say perfect play in this case even without a dust you can outplay the blade master warmed up Shadowhunters coming though so with that hex he secures the kill and gets the item it's a nice item for the blade master now how can you forget about this it's focused it's mister I grab the items maybe you right clicked it and thought he had it and moved away oh well it wasn't the game breaking item it's pretty nice early on especially for creeping that increased health regen it's not like it was gold as well of course you want the high level heroes again game that goes a little but oh here no big actions yet no one is going out of his comfort zone too much but nice surrounds the entire time another kill for focus here this time it grabs up the item Book of the Dead there's gonna be a destroyer but if you take something strong gave it over to the blade oh okay it might be an acolyte run by pops it right here in the middle of the map trying to get it feed for it is he gonna be able to we have a hex and the leak is completely out of mana so yes for certain he's gonna get that okay now I can continue to creep with a book she gets a fiend for that gets a bit of map control as well forces 1 to 0 back is gonna get the next camp here gonna give him some much-needed experience right to 1 heroes only at the moment but if gonna change it and the red spots are still up for grabs as well but here comes the shade rest the Army is not too far away and this camp takes a while with the two overseers so stuff is bruised no you can get the Shadowhunters a lid a lot of position too far forward statues coming in from the heat as well level up for the plate master at least yes we've got level two now good inventory as well the trifecta miss click on the DK popping the in wall instead of the dust if you want to pop the dust which also wasn't really necessary with there being a shade and all one to zero it seems to have few florins play but you have the of corruption - forearm or not - five anymore but it speeds up the creeping here comes focus now with two Raiders and then snare three grubs look the most powerful army yet but he's not facing a level two lives that means no Nova on one to zero side in sector or dark Ranger can he reached with the Raiders maybe she seems oh yes he can there we go that should be quite some course now we have Nova TC is coming in for the stun may become doctor DK from foiling not yet put this around no it's open again turn into a bit of a bait almost there can he get the TCC route now to flip it the table no wasn't able to so gets away and it's a level two let's right there exactly item I'm not quite sure but focuses here levels are really not where they're supposed to be we're approaching the late game is supposed to have level three shadow he's supposed to get level two TC and this is a strong timing by 1 to 0 the late-game advantage of undead they don't need the levels as much as the orc does and is going to get at least one grunt for his trouble here the big rock golem is gone already I love 0 is not giving him the time to creep up to the level 3 shadow hunter yeah he couldn't deny the level 3 blade master after what is this 10 almost 10 minutes but at least level 2 and a half for only for the sh-t see with boots though love that item on that zero yeah to engage in two years boy the entire undead army to hit the stomp with boots of posen is a lot easier and this game you see great showcasing of why the meta game has shifted more towards passivity if you go across the map trying to find kills with the shadow hunter which he did one fiend it's most of the time still not worth it because getting one fiend splitting it two ways that's not a lot of experience you want to usually be creeping instead they just buy a serpent by the way from the marketplace I think he did today just show his spines I think so then he has the necropolis crypt and slaughter house on the floor which is so focused he needs to find some creep camps here but this one is also not being given to him for free overseers go through wards the undead side once again items here not too big it's the claws and stuff but there's two here I think there is gloves of haste on the Lich close to level 3 now expansion coming up from 1 to 0 like we saw quite a bit yesterday and the day before from Lucifer no man he's running away with experience in this game there is too much left what is ever-expanding as well focus as well who's gonna get it up on to zeros breaking up keep so sure that this Expo this pretty damn toaster 3 is gonna be a big upgrade lych tree before shadow 3 it's normally never gonna happen focus was really well prepared for concealed Hills but not too much all karlova nice silence as well usually the TC is the end ganger of this fight but it didn't get a single stomp out there we go but not too impactful look at the level one here way that's just not gonna cut it in the late game you're not gonna be able to sustain against all of this damage despite the over corruption nerve I suppose the Destroyers are gonna fall but they're not the danger they're not the xxx the heroes and the fiends and the statues in the back which also by the way I supposed to die right away these statues continue to heal finally level two at least for the TC and level 3 for the SH now they have the levels but no army anymore to back it up shop is there though can he go for another hex on the DK not yet he wants to force a town calling but that doesn't really work and like I mean the expansion is up so that might help he gets the code although 1 to 0 is diving deep for it do this a fiend against two critical strikes another fiend - another critical strike and that falls repeat the TP and focus is still alive alright he gets something done there those hero levels perhaps changing something around the shop also helping a lot DK was super annoyed to be there for a while I was worried with a wind walk and a stomp and a hex and perhaps and and snare from the main things could have changed but now expose up for one to zero deaths focus have an inkling about this he I'm pretty sure hasn't scouted it yet greater healing really nice for the DK here I doubt he's got death packed one two zero almost never skills death packed confident in his micro abilities to not need that spell I strongly recommend for every non one to zero on the player to go for death by the way at this point in time tiny great hole here it is now he's gonna be able to mine but he went for that tiny was barely an army to back it up if one to zero with the let the hammer fall again at this Expo like right now focus could very well lose but I guess he has to take a bit of what to 0 is creeping himself so he gets this one hoping for people purchase of course yes that item already the endurance aura so he will sell that or the 103 critical strike 93 does this plate master have like nothing I guess so that's the nerve voice level 3 dark Ranger oh my god 4 3 3 hero levels 443 that's where the unlit really starts feeling row at home late master hate has to run away has no items as well focus almost back to 50 supply 1 2 zeros also not breaking up keep very greedy this seems to be the theme of the tournament staying in no upkeep as long as you can it just purchased the fruit of accuracy 400 400 gold and it's cool of the beast that's another 400 right pretty sure all right usually we don't see that so he's gonna have a lot of damage I can tell you that much yeah there's no dispelling focus Asami I actually love that especially the scroll the bees does he have double scroll and he gave it over right that would be pretty absurd so ten percent damage on every range here and plus 25 damage on the entire army that is gonna be sick sick sick sick sick focus is breaking upkeep now but everything is still in production he can't a couple of slows here coming out towards the doctor and she's low HP air already and now here comes the hex perfectly time trying to transfer the info but she's dead because she was stomped before perfect execution by folk he's finding something here in a bad position and he's forcing his opponent away getting his stats you almost three HP it's been a pretty big pickup for folks and the blue tray goes to his side nice engagement from the Korean big experience as well he's getting the level three TC and what an upgrade this is especially in the absence of a dark rain he's won 2-0 throwing this game away sauce last 12 okay bad at all is he giving his advantage away he by no means is he in a bad position it's got the expo doctrines back from the tavern they didn't see she still got the in ball in the inventory master level four by the way critical strike level two exactly SH extremely naked by the way if he's out of position once he's an instantly dead yeah abominations to fight the headhunters but if there's a coat obese with a speed scroll he can go for that one two zero still with a big army not the late-game transition of banshees which has proven to be so powerful in you also know disease cloud yet on the on the abomination so it's not super powerful but the heroes are yeah four three three against four three three now how far behind he was and now equalized with one good opportunity one shot one opportunity and heap so good so far focus on the TC not getting too much but going for the dark Ranger again hex has been dispelled so this time there's the coil in blue postman the tauren chieftain also being used earlier a default Nova in the backline love that one destroyers gone and what a massive stomp this was but here's the inventory of the silence there I think the coda is gonna get taken out goes forward dies immediately kodos back and the aura is gone for the extra damage extra damage speaking of that the scroll the piece was popped but not on to everything now he's going to go for the death knight he knows there's no death pact but there's a potion and there's enough he'll here to sustained a greater dropping low once again focus going so hard for these hero kills but it's not really working late master has to retreat a lot of wasted damage and he was fighting against obscure off the beast maybe not the best point and now we have level for the Lich and this is where things get really scary because Candida skeletons now a lot more nova level up for the Shadowhunter but not as efficient as the one for the lydia wave was rattling through he doesn't have another one at the moment is on cooldown CC in trouble gets away but how is this with the headhunters I think they're getting kicked up one by one because he has that Nova now coil s well double kill for one to zero oh man an easily Oh miss rally points indeed a couple of silly mistakes in this game I want to do but it seems to be good enough I believe to still be in a winning position he is 2015 supply ahead killing another one so far ahead now indeed at the shop the bait master was able no was not able to get the in vault is had some cool done perhaps decay I don't know why he went for the DK man there was the big healing potion of course later he hacks him so he couldn't use them but did he really think he has that much damage to kill a death knight this army I mean sometimes you see that for forward positioning you think you have a chance perhaps you didn't have the time to see the healing potion there in his inventory bad riders now coming and I feel like I haven't seen those in forever against the destroyers okay but other destroyers really the problem here well if you can get rid of them fast then he can hex the DK earlier and can go for the dark Ranger again that happened in the fight in the upper left and that worked well for him but I don't I think that's gonna be a one-time thing I I feel like once he was gonna pick those attention to this now what's what's let's get the arrow was on the Lich he bought the clasp or else 500 gold there's no way that is ever worth it which is pretty much a killing machine now especially against the headhunters that pays off but 5-0 I bet he's got a smile on his face right now I bet you to destroy us this time there's no oh my god the focus silence can't go into which monkey we're safe for now oh my god what an execution this was that's what happens when you don't have an interval against these hero levels and now everything truly seems to be falling apart by bag on the blade if he dies in melee again that would be hilarious silence on to him as well as the TC can't use their spells coil use defensively to the blade master will survive a little bit longer nice no one wants to get into the back and the berserkers are just disappearing within seconds and now the tauren chieftain might be next on the list he gets another hero if it gets a healing potion as well he's running for dear life but it's not good enough gg from focus and then a chrome answer will equalize once to zero is back in deeds focused not playing the faster I'm not playing the why we're not winning the second map so we go full distance in Group D the winner of this match has a phenomenal position for the rest of the group stage with two wins and 0 losses one to zero for him it would be normal to the people but what a chance focus now okay he lost the map that one Jazeera wanted for himself but his map choice is still up and he was very well prepared for the neutral map and then I can only imagine what's in store for the map that he really wants to play yeah maybe he's got something special lined up but I think even in a straight-up game I don't want to count him out not today if the last game is an indicator there was no perfect game by one to zero no by no means there were a couple of flaws in there there was a couple of clowning around with the marketplace and some good holes by focus he seemed to be dead to rights up next to his expansion there in that attack and then that execution of the doctrine that was really perfect that was beautiful and one to zero we mentioned earlier cockiness sometimes doesn't seem to be serving him he spent at least 1300 gold at least and hospice robe is like one of the worst bang for your buck items you can buy two claws of attack instead for six I mean that's the same thing and it's I guess I guess you're right now well maybe it was a good purchase no I would never say that a closed market place I wasn't serious they almost don't have the most Walker's knowledge in the world but I do know that they are surprised me most is the complete absence of banshees yeah I talked with focus quite a bit about the state of Warcraft and several matchups you know want to expand my horizon here what the pros have to say and focus always one who oblige us with that willingly and him and I agree that banshees are freaking amazingly strong yes but one to zero either doesn't see it that way or doesn't meet him doesn't care for him doesn't want to play him you never really know with that guy he has played banshees in the past he has played different heroes in the past he's actually the guy who was at him brought pit road into the meta it may have been it's been a while but we had picked out in the meta for a while then it was wz lucifer bringing the dreadlord in but also seems to be falling out of favor again the dark Ranger she's like the the old reliable you know she's never bad she's always pretty damn good especially if you get to level her up and she doesn't fall flat on her face as these other strengths heroes third heroes sometimes tend to do in the super game which for darker in the three so beautiful ethos Kelly's is that the moment where the undead became becomes favorite I'd say so unless orc goes like some transition with super late-game Sperling kind of deal tera na stands it's the last map in this encounter last game of group D here today also importance for the moment maybe for the rest once it zero versus focus that's number three this isn't time all right this is the new Turner stand mind you in case you guys haven't seen too much warcraft recently Tennyson was an old classic which we saw a lot in all tournaments and then it was being reiterated by Blizzard we've gone through multiple iterations of that and I think we're on a pretty good one we've seen this map a ton it's pretty neutral it's pretty good for all whereas in the past it used to be pretty much favored for only light often human nowadays everybody's playing it and we see it over and over you don't agree with this map there is there is terms of experience always a controversial subject I for one think they don't believe belong in the game on any map anywhere here we have up to six which can change a lot if the player going for them is lucky enough that is of course we don't have the Farseer instant tech here as we did on map number one it's gonna be the blade master once again very understandable on this map the blade master may not be a strong with claws in the pan as he used to be in the past but still strong of course and gathering up claws here on this map along with other big items it's pretty easy to do and as you were pointing out earlier focus one of the most iconic and best item Snatchers in the game consumables which will help the shadow hunter a lot there is a three four claws on this map right yes four for small claws two big claws in the middle there's two but I feel like that's not bankrupt too much anymore like instantly the two middle spots the expansion spot is super easy and it's great for undertale you look at this guy is waking up the creeps to trigger an early frost armor that's so smart that's gonna slow down the creeping shoot the blade master go there first time I'm seeing this and I'm afraid our technical difficulties are returning there are some things wrong with focus as it seems maybe no sound and what we saw there in the opening built by the way no shop right focus I don't think there was one certainly not in the main and I don't believe one proxy either meaning late master can't he own meaning his creeping is severely limited on this map though you can still get stuff done if a blade master only taking piercing damage it doesn't hurt him so much he's got tons of armor and he's got the hero armor on top introducing that even further by the way this is not the last series of the day we have moon vs joshi she in the night of Marat coming up after this one to close the day the first day of group C and D so here's the tech for focuses the late masters rushing over but yeah the creeps are ready so first I was only on horses are under attack and the DK seems to be going for a lightning shield creep if you can pull it off well looking to be the case so far even the purge on the ghoul to the skeletons remain alive this is the 100% perfect creature so far whew that's looking spicy hopefully doesn't denied the lightning shield or with the lightning ship nope he gets it he gets a little - right away and a great start for this death knight okay the is not so much that'll slippers and big healing for focus looking good succulent claws +8 damage right away one zero once again will be stuck on 19 supply for quite some time will be very late so double bestiary wind rider perhaps a consideration but unlikely again the tech is not as fast as it was unconcealed hill blade now going to the undead shop getting the second circlet the tp'ed great inventory but only level 1 yeah he's not getting too much experience this is focuses play style hunting items not levels at least not with the blade love to get another one the COBOL level 3 right here can't drop those claws as well it first gonna put some down on the decayed acid go to the death knight but Claus again to focus and the block from the grunt oh this is looking good for the Korean good Micro let them slip though there is a big early success already yeah but why do people do that sound like a good strats looking for the tone of experience not gonna get it is gonna be a tone of knowledge that's half a circuits not too bad and level two now finally for the blade he needs something to deal with his blade master doesn't he I don't think it can entirely skip damage reduction once again in this game me neither he did it twice doesn't seem to be his thing haven't seen him in forever exactly we haven't seen him in the Sun either I mean cleave would be nice for the headhunter late-game way better than it was in patch 1.2 9 but then he would be a little bit out of position as well he doesn't work in practice dock Rangers it's always great she's so sturdy she's so reliable she's a beautiful beautiful lady he gets pretty low man alright yet completely out of mana now so it's kind of dangerous to go out on the map you know the shadow hunter will be coming you don't know where he's going normally it's always going to be defensively but game number 2 here was offensive so in that game despite that having been the wrong decision at the time maybe now in game number 3 turns out to be useful if 1 to 0 should for that reason be a little fearful now he has one coil again you just wind walk against one skeleton did you hear the wind walk as well okay maybe a mistake or something he still has three more food should be fine one two zero can't really creep with the plate master being around right he's getting the shape now that makes life a lot easier and frost armor and frost armor okay this is the time for him to stop our cricket but the shadow hunters already level two and a big animal poaching certainly happy about that again with the lightning shield one two zero oftentimes likes to reuse the shade to tag the opponent army whereas many other ahmed's will always keep it with a main army with their own army I should say to have detection against the late master but at the moment he really has to make sure this plate isn't taking too much away from him need some experience points this plate is too dangerous the shade sees it Sh check out the creeps does that make it so that they don't cast slow focus on the lion when they play get out your notepads for your next better game he got it now never mind they do slow pend enough energy hello two more coils flute and tow of experience hello there's one of those tomes and flute of course at the moment very weak but once we go into the big head hunters Army in the very late game then this one starts to hurt and this does affect the blade master if he gets an orb of lightning and attacks air units I love that the blade master first of all Stickles the interval away from his opponent shop really good and also the dust how many orcs will forget about the dust and then suddenly borrow is it guaranteed save every time not him look over the dead again unlikely to be too effective seems like one two zero still likes to throw in a couple of destroyers here and there pretty sure that's the destroyer for an upgrade spinning in the slaughterhouse right now experience-wise between the two the lead is on the orc side not buy too much but it is a little noticeable by the way I'm pretty sure the creeps cats at the store because they were back so the snow cast that's the case but I thought maybe it's like the rock golem you know but that even if he returns he doesn't throw the boulders not exactly like that item on the ground was the greater healing giving it to the rich I like that doesn't have the envelope needs to be sure not to lose village during stomp kicks combo level three for the blade scroll of the beast again not too likely to do too much thanks to the destroyers I don't know man you have to dispel hex could be good but he's got to studies on the ground maybe if he sees that he's more of a second might not be possible of course with ensnare we'll see TC out now now can he level he doesn't have to be level three but he kind of has to be level two and that should be easily enough doable SH already almost ever for it's not like he really needs experience so the sharing of experienced I feel like the blade there the TC years with the best recipient of those experience points by far and all third hero by the way yet oh yeah and he's supply stock from getting a 38 Zack you're really gonna play this duel here oh great a mana nice it's a great item but what do you do against the TC or the blade master TC with a pendant potentially by the way but of course at the moment you want on the yes I'd rather having the stronger spells now there's the third hero dreadnought it is okay we didn't see it because it was coming from the altar first time in this tournament dreadnought third was played a lot in the qualifiers leading up to this the sad man putting people to sleep he certainly needs to put the blade master sleep and then focus needs instant reactions to wake him up again some more time focus is not expanding by the way so one to zero investing a lot breaking up keep now as well well focus is still banking is he missing the timing here in we go where the sleeves not yet coming in there it is against the blade master now he's has so much damage of his own and he wants to win this fight before the plate master can really participate to Graham's dead already massive stomped out coming in there was only another one stun but now the TC also out of mana and the damage here is really lackluster as you can see sleep after sleep the Sandman indeed short of speed being dispelled here by one of the destroyers the Kota beast will make it away it seems nice purge gets to destroy kill here will secured and the blade master finally woken from a slumber can participate but is he too far behind already is this fight lost already the Blake master has to make up for his time on the sidelines he's gonna get that destroyer almost it's gonna take a while but in the end it will be his kill I think there is no dispel anymore the time for the square of the Beast does he still have it I'm not sure about the inventory here we go another feed that you wave to keep the Kolo up to intensify the damage he still has that home dodge is the engineer with the warfare there was pretty damn sweet losses another feed though our Keiko don't get the feedback but the second statue is about to fall as well thanks to the purge and now he starts creeping once again that I am and then it's time to TP out probably exactly fiend is he gonna get that killing it would regret getting it but this fight started really bad for focus as long as the sleeps were there I think he reactions to the sleep were really slow so the Blake master was not participating in that fight as you said but once he was there once the matter for the dreadlord was over and once the blade master was freed of his chains that fight turn around and you see the potential of this not even level 4 blade massive the big crits are yet to come exactly and that is the nature that this matchup starts to take shape of when the dreadlord is in the game it starts super well to fight for you with the blade mass of being asleep and then once he's woken up it's going a little bit worse that's why destroys are so great in combination with the dread dog because you have bonus damage for a limited time the limited time that you have that advantage and you really want to win that fight early before the blade master may turn it around no no no shake no sleep want to 0 with 700 goal is once again a player falling to the greed the big level up for the TC here tiny great hole coming as well master SuperDuper close to level 4 not even level to level 2 doesn't really do anything for it yeah 0 is certainly far behind in Hero levels especially on that third hero retro level 3 is also a big upper to but it's so far away from that temple of for them damage mitigation is coming here I absolutely needs that line that should trigger a reaction by a focus if he sees that to go for spirit walkers because he needs some dispel against it there's no narrow Tower yet that really should have been set up at the expansion of one narrow can make a massive difference on the volusion by the way coming in just confusing him what's the real one he doesn't really know now he knows where's his RB by the way it's pretty small as it seems maybe something has gone in the base he's attacking a lot of the illusions here losing a lot of damage TC has been slept not the blade master one rate of false but this was a nice epicenter stop against all three heroes focus is focusing the DK alone I don't know if that's the perfect choice but Blake master level for hello critical strike level two seems like you found the right one now that's might still in trouble and he's gonna be held there we go first hero down this could be the demise no coil anymore oh my the big healing has been used on the Lich but this is focus going for the win against one to zero the biggest upstage of the group stage is about to happen that's a 12-foot advantage and the biggest and most important hero for once to zero is gone the dreadlock might be next in blue potion says no for now sleep again to delay this kill a little more but man walked a great position for the Korean buyback from the tavern I think he's having something towards the middle to get the DK back he has to get him immediately he's evacuating evacuating the expansion exodus DK is back but how much damage can be done the wyverns are coming for more damage he's going for the dreadlock the DK is not even near there's nothing to save him anymore he is too strong but here is another kill no disabled against his blade master anymore yeah the frost timer but that slows down oh here comes axe here comes to kill GG and focus takes the series of a 1 to 0 the absent is real Korean focus is raining here and what is surprise this surprise an absolutely super strong play and that's what you get when you exclude casters from your game man it look like a bit of a fluke perhaps choosing his way to victory on WEP number 1 but no in the third game in a straight-up game he shows that he has what it takes and 1 to 0 with the dreadlord the rubberband flipped him back in the face they're taking too many losses looked like that game was supposed to be his but focus what his thoughtful focus though with the items on the blade master that so much pressure that all the early game delayed the level 3 DK had a great control early game bought the time for the Shadowhunter this time he got the level too early for hexam's he'll wave and then good items as well I have to say that but he never got too cocky never was overconfident he never overstayed his welcome good decision-making by focus the expansion also not too early this is something we oftentimes see from up and they expand this way too early Lin did this a lot apart from being the best walk in the world ever but he lost a lot of games against one to zero because of that focus waited a long time even later than the undead and had a lot of good stuff and his army good items as well all the time and in the fight good execution apart from the first one where the dreadlock was there was a little slow waking up but man do I have a lot of respect for focus here holy yeah absolutely I went 2-0 great player obviously person in the world but I don't think he's playing the best threat against orc I gotta say it again why not banshees why destroyers Jessica banshees early dagger in the third go fifty five sixty supply fight we've seen those battles plenty of times going beyond that swing the banshees were on the way but too late and the wyverns were already there to counter the banshees in the back also focus focus still to oh la light as well hawk and 1 to 0 1 1 that could be a pretty impactful match tomorrow and of course focus versus more light as well I can't wait for more games from Group D they look absolutely fantastic focus in great shape low light in great shape hawk in great shape yeah and of course one to zero in that group as well oh this groups gonna be fire yeah but now for now we say goodbye to that group if you're not mistaken we have one more game for this evening and it is the fifth race coming moon versus Tsuyoshi she shades of WCA 2015 Steve 15 you're right the returning game of Moon was against GC moon at the moment undefeated she she at the moment undefeated Laura but those two have played night out of mirrors that make my pants a lot tighter in the past I'm pretty sure it's not gonna be Mountain giant mirrors so yeah and more also saw an interesting such an interesting player to look for because he finds the ways he finds the answers Mountain Giants as you guys have seen are looking pretty damn good at the moment looking almost unstoppable one should say in the mirror and maybe against orc but I'm pretty sure moon has some ideas of what to do about him and in the end he's maybe I'm just gonna play myself but I think moon hat this is he's gonna tickle his fancies like huh you think this is overpowered do you will give it up to the stage for the winners interview and we'll see each other for the next game will go to CC coming up is a focused attention yard in Japan ha ha together sincere dominates you in the kitchen better Condor shallow silicon shooter choose showmecables at EEG papa's only in today's Luciana hope interrelations toshiaki contracted the trumpet of interesting that some day I take me focusing on dinosaur part ok I see the shot frontier parsonage and enriching Gong on Oct 2011 to a multi in the yard in the show Jupiter 2 Impella touch on the table chin che people/ansel I saw warden SFA town huh no one's our focus is in that idea - sensing the Sahara EEP and Kahana how addicted how gates easy to kill a movie our super jerko king nasone gonna go today as an opponent even component icons in the open data t ----darwin save me also to the title name Kathy Kim about shooting the bastions a sir I assure you my intentions are that's our central issue Toby Worley had the strange show so you're engaging those who fight on change is a change our Mateus about chances it's okay focus
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 12,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 120 vs focus, focus vs 120, 120 focus, focus 120, 120, focus, 120 vs, focus vs, grand final, grand finals, grand, final, finals, wgl, orc, oc, undead, ud, 2018, wgl 2018, 1on1, 1v1, neo, remo, remodemo, warcraft gold league, gold league, gold series, league, series, gcs, round, group d, :w, winter, warcraft, warcraft 3, wc3, war3, wc 3, Back 2 Warcraft, B2W, Back2Warcraft, back to warcraft, warcraft III, esports, esl, gamesports, esl-radio, esl tv, rts, real time strategy, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft
Id: 91VLNoWoL34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 15sec (5175 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 01 2018
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