WGL:W Grand Finals 2018 - Quarterfinal: [N] Foggy vs. LawLiet [N]

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you shoot some Gucci suit of shitty John oh he way you'll see once we it's holding to ten inches on my moving our shoe for baby woman anyway Liao she have a shoot in what would choose it hotel shoot him shoot you all I hate him wait you wait don't up on mom wait engine wait no shoot me what do some German son [Music] ready to work we are back and it is time for the last quarter final of wgl winter who will join the elusive circle of Moon Lin and in fee it's gotta be a night off that's for sure but will it come from Korea will you be from the Ukraine it's Lorelai it versus fog best-of-five hell yeah dude everybody's looking forward to this one it's gonna be the West versus the East once again not quite China but yeah Korea exactly are we gonna have our one single standout hope for the West coming through coming into the semi-final he's been able to do this with impressive rate over the last couple of GCS amongst a lot of other people as well we have oftentimes doubted him but most of the time he would silence those doubts last goal League there was the one exception he only got it to top eight that is a respectable achievement in and of itself but it was a step down compared to the times before both want to step up their games yes foggy was to feed it last time in the round of 8 buy-in fee 3-0 it was a bit of a demolish ment from the Chinese LA light Wallace last quarter final against moon against the odds he wasn't really sure that he could do it because moon is the legend everybody respects him so much but he did it who is he able to do it again and yet another night of mirror that's the question obviously the night of Myr of favors foggy a little bit more than the matchup against in fee because in fee kind of seems to be unbeatable for foggy at least it would be his opponent in the top form I think if foggy makes it through here psychologically speaking this should be better for him this match right now because yeah what we're hinting at here it seems like he may have a bit of a mental block against in fee foggy here being shown he had the 4-1 record in the groups when I had the chance to talk with him though he says that actually in the mirror matchup which obviously he's facing right now he's feeling the least confident he had some problems against Neutron who didn't hold back at all it was a crazy series in this best of in the round-robin group stages la lion bands concealed hills and foggy bands twisted this is super interesting to me because when they meet this year or when they met this year foggy was three-and-oh on twisted against la Llyod now he vetoes it I really don't know why it was a good map for him with all the mercenaries that he could pull there I think mercenaries on a map is always a good sign for foggy but he seems to be of a different opinion they might be the tournament meta here coming in against night off usually everybody's videoing twisted and the only buddy the only player or race that doesn't beat or twisted is org and against that you don't really want to play it as the night up so perhaps for that reason he wasn't asked repair untwisted not working off the creepy odds perfectly yet so maybe for that reason only he's keeping it out of rotation Yallah Llyod has a little thingy there to warm up his hands it's kind of chilly here because of course it's China air conditioning everywhere we see this from a lot of Starcraft players as well so Lorelai it very well prepared for he wearing his coat maybe for the same purpose these are kind of the newcomers in the Warcraft scene of course for quite some time they are successful but they didn't reach the Tier one yet will they do it now lalla versus foggy for LA Alliance it would be the second time he reached the top four he was only at for wgl out of seven kind of surprising stats he made it three times into the playoffs as I said one time into the top four never to the final his best result was last time when he made it to the fourth place only losing two in fee in the game for third foggy six times wgl 6 times playoffs three times top four one time the final one year ago against th he wants to go there again he wants his big gold medal he wants the championship he wants to be the best player in the world that's what he's practicing for for quite some time our first map is equals in win rates against the races it's so close 61% for all I had 60 percent for foggy it doesn't get much closer than this serious is though big advantage follow light it's 13 to and especially since 1.30 he is undefeated against 4e and I wonder again is this gonna be a mental thing coming in is foggy thinking oh man I haven't been able to defeat him on this patch at all yet is that something that sticks with him on the pro level you're never supposed to fall into that trap or to show weakness like that you're never supposed to be like oh my god this is a player I can't beat if you have a mindset like this usually you don't get very far but as you said before we've seen four he gets super far not last goal leak not last GCSE but we've seen him before against th in the grand final remember he was one single map away from getting that world championship there was such an unbelievably awesome final back then la la lieth of course we see it representing team newbie has been eliminated twice by night off that was check in GC as winter 2017 at moon in 2015 foggy though never ever eliminated by a night off in a gold tournament it was the humans it was won 2-0 and it was Lin that's no shame but maybe that speaks in favor of his night off morrow we're starting off very similar here between the two on the two sides the wisp that Nate coming in very early from elides who keep the lightning shield creep at bay to dispel it and slow down foggy as much as he can seems like he himself though isn't even too much faster both - you like to go for the MER camp because they want to get the Shadow Priests first that dispel from the abolish ability is so powerful against the and snare or entangle I mean of course from the keeper both players will hit level 2 from this if they don't deny too much which they don't and boots follow a lie that's a big deal I know a caster from from Germany who says that is a very strong item the best item in the game I like to you know exaggerate sometimes but it is super powerful especially early game what did foggy get did you check that you see that I haven't seen any yet tape we see an expansion boot as well though I'm pretty sure ok moving very fast there we go ok equal drops that is nice the chase is of course a little easier with item and within tango could be a very good combo low-light is setting up the expansion already moon style and moon style is oftentimes foggy style foggy has to scout this of course or he's going for an expansion himself and then we're gonna have a long worn out macro game that way pretty cool I feel like we haven't seen this too much at all this tournament to base versus to base we had it and Hawk versus long ayat and that was one beautiful game guys I'm sure remember here's the expansion so it's gonna be two base versus two base if these don't get cancelled that is law Lyons was getting started earlier but also further away from the goldmine so maybe ending up a pretty much executive at same time for Easter yeah it was only summoning one tree and if I saw that correctly with the first summon so everything he does is a little delayed compared to Lorelei it but you are right the positioning of the expansion does make a difference especially if you don't have nature's blessing which increases the movement speed of the buildings so this should line up foggy now being aggressive with one of his favorite items in the game the stem of teleportation in fog his hand is the very deadly weapon we have 150 mana for him should be quite a bit less fall on lion just having summoned a new set of treants could also see foggy going for trillions level to here with the Shadow Priests being out it's unlikely that the entangle is gonna do too much but he's certainly slowing no Llyod down here he doesn't want to commit fully to this creep camp yet losing the ancient of war you might already be a little bit painful nice gentle meld long I at I mean foggy didn't bring the dust a bit of a mistake perhaps how the light baiting the last hit there on the big ogre Magi getting it in the end for he tried for the last hit but failed the expo is finished trees are there dispelled immediately but it is as you said good damage against the tension of warrant killing production is also one of foggy specialties but doesn't have enough firepower to kill this one so there's gonna be more archers fall or light coming and this is everything away isn't it giving up his entire army right here okay oh there's the dispel and out of mana too as it can just run away I mean there's got to be some right clicks from the keeper of the Grove thanks to the boots of speed as you mentioned and pretty strong right ticks as well with claws and gloves I like the block if you give up the arch here it's totally this Shadow Priests is very important and the archer will fall but lolly lost two wisps here in the defense and now the alchemist is coming in and this changes a lot nice to spell to save the Berserker quick reactions there from Ally there's no saving the shadow priest for certain but there's one more left the overlay is of course a little bug that is not a level one keeper don't worry guys it's three and three and the alchemist only oh it's a little too far away you can't attack of a goldmine little mistake the second little mistake nice dispel there by the way this is how sometimes nighttime can be weird he's not even really too far away he just doesn't see enough he just needs to whisk there to see it there we go okay now somehow it works weird so he's gonna be about half a minute behind when he should have been perhaps slightly ahead it's gonna cost him some gold but shouldn't be the end of the world I agree Tec of course for Lola it should be done as well he's going for the tavern too and that should be the alchemist for him he doesn't have the gold at the moment and now he does and that is of course the alchemist in the middle of this map focus wisp spread is a lot better low light playing almost blind we see a few blue dots on the map here in the upper left in the middle right so far he has way more vision and information is power it's also gonna have tier two buildings way sooner right we see the lords already coming up Lola a little bit behind with this but he's gonna get the big cab in the middle it makes a massive difference greater man ah here is the dream but is it a lot of good I just pick up and have a four already as well you really stormed away with experience that's true another little merlok camp is the big difference here fall or lie it but it's still available on foggy sight on the map so he can catch up with this although it's scouting the expansion as he's alright everything normal thus far and of course the most interesting thing here towards the mid game reaching tier two is gonna be the unit composition nowadays it seems to be all about mountain giants but I know that moon likes going heavy into the dryads I wonder if one of these two is going to be influenced by that human choice of the most legendary nidal player of all time yeah they both look forward like look to him so much allied was talking to moon a lot today in the bus riding here to the venue getting some little hints for the upcoming or for this quarter final of course it wasn't Korean I didn't really understand but tips from moon are basically the best you can get the light here grabbing the southern neutral camp whereas the northern one was grabbed by low light a little bit better of course to get the market place as far as the creeps and item drops go but you get the shop control and the first musical of the game went towards foggy and so did the envelope are taking a lot of damage where is the dispel super late here with the Shadow Priests miss micro there from a light to be honest he shouldn't have taken so much damage right there foggy want to go for the attack but Lola was so ready okay alchemist level to he'll spray immediately but just a little too late again to save this Shadow Priests the Giants are there when of malice stealing being used but there are quite a few treants here for foggy to work with staff out on the Berserker very early staff by law lions and super well then I think the light hasn't lost anything so far and now he's gonna get the Berserker as well because there is no abolish on these dry it's foggy in this first real engagement of this game getting out micro to Lulu okay there's nutrient reinforcements though alight it's losing more and more of the little trees and of course that is experienced as well but oh man these pickups for low light are way more important second Dryad falling and no return kills for foggy seems like he's out of mana here with no more entangles coming in yet another staff Adrian's right now we could have entangled instead that would have been the kill fog a making some questionable micro moves here sometimes he needs a little to get into serious as we've been close to like your heart attack watching his games here at the goal lake and yellow light with by far the better early game but the resources are little imbalance 650 gold against 50 lumber that is not good of course there's no shredder on this map for foggy there's basically the same we go to u3 now on low light side and foggy staying here to staying to you going math dryads once you get early map control claim the items and the fact that low light held on so well right there already is a big deal he still has that level advantage there were four and a half keeper against not even level four keeper on the other side he's a big deal I love this whist by the light by the way seeing when foggy is going for the big turtle camp he has to go far out on the map and it takes some time because the turtle is very tanky and one slow lie it knows that he can basically do whatever he wants with that time he's still pressing forward once too I guess can advantage going before mgesa routes but he is down in supply I mean we know that he doesn't necessarily know that himself but this is looking too great for the Ukrainian so far deforestation continues as more and more Koreans come in who has the better try at micro looks ok for foggy here gets another yield spray out but not able to save this one level 3 on l'Alliance Alchemist it's yet another kill he'll slow being used he takes out the Berserker very important all only now but more and more Giants are falling man foggy is dwindling yeah he is losing these fights so hard and he's the guy who doesn't have the backup tech to little rely on to fall back on it slow lion who should be down but he's up and he is just taking control of this mini game how to come back now a 2 level difference level 5 keeper level 3 alchemist those are basically the most important level ups in this matchup and frog is behind in tech in levels economically it's equal but supply wise man lore is running away with this game after that first engagement in the middle of where the shadow priest really weren't controlled perfectly everything was spiraling out of control and tool Alliance credit he was playing this really well couldn't really fault him for any of his micro decision also early with the wisps always with the detonates I like that a lot as well and the keeper right-click items didn't hurt either yellow lights are continuing to play very very well doing upgrades here by the way attack upgrades for dryads but the mountain Giants are coming and once they're out what can for me do he needs damage he's following up on the attack upgrades and as well as the defend upgrade he breaks upkeep now well his thousand gold to his hand that's the one event I guess that he had going for himself he wasn't no upkeep much much longer mining more but also losing quite a bit more army finally level three of The Alchemist who's very tanky with the +4 the big turtle is still up so the item from that one is still landing in his inventory level four for The Alchemist for law light now so again a two level advantage for the Korean map is empty though just a few green spots left there's too little of experience up for grabs and hardened skin for walleye it is done the most important upgrade in this matchup absolutely if we go into this army comp dryads and mountain giants it is the most important third ring for foggy by the way a little bit unlucky but I mean tell us what I'll be waiting for the alchemist for low light as well so for the big imbalance a pair of energy the best here but making his alchemist tank he may not even be too bad now he's got nine armor he's not used to that and with that he's gonna have around a thousand HP as well after you fix up that tome not too bad so both players close and supply suddenly this how much gold lowell i was able to save was really beneficial to him had dead 1000 gold that you were pointing out earlier scrolls there was for me once again I am of course gonna be important you don't have the gold goes for it in volunteer scroll resistant skin is almost done for the mountain giants as well and then entangle is not gonna work on them too well anymore 75 supply push foggy still going for some upgrades going mountain giants now or two but this seems to be too late as they you should not have the upgrade I don't think they do it's the third one though you can't go three Mountain Giants without upgrades that is impossible how fast was his check holy cow to or upgrades are the items and the upgrades are comparable the army size is comparable its the hero levels yep that makes the big difference on the keeper though questionable how much of a difference that really is with so much to spell being available it's level four on the alchemist class +6 finally not a ring for keister in this race who he caught up defense upgrades enough for the mountains make me even tank here and I love this when of illusion to soak up more damage but foggy immediately dispels them well done he saw it somehow I don't know how may be ultra vision was enough but yeah he's not gonna fall for that one all right how do we micro this perfectly the alchemists already taking quite a bit of damage and tangle made for San in Valier on him very early into the fight you don't want that usually foggy is focusing the illusion for such a long time now sees do this well finally the keeper in trouble as well but it does have the consumable mountain giant for Lola it's still up there foggy is about to lose the first one okay seems like the upgrades are not ready yet of course the way you want to do this is ignore the mountain giants and go for the dryads behind with your own droids not so easy though with so many tones coming in over and over both still sitting at a tea supply he'll spray here helping out a lot don't know who the arc is better for seems like alive strides are finding quite a few kills more more trains being summoned at the same time taunt after Todd coming in and alive it's overtaking him in here and supply is gonna be 10 supply up here in no time with em geez dropping low HP as well he has to save those with the staff not gonna be able to say rescue this one though and another one might be falling where is the staff who loses the next one maybe saves it for the hero that's the only explanation or big mistakes eighty supply versus sixty-four the Ukranian innocent deep deep trouble going for the alchemist now who does have an invocation on himself to slow light is new losing nothing in this fight and what he loses is reproduced immediately foggy now the alchemist dropping low gets in and tango he has a bomb dance the staff that's what he was saving it for finally but so many mg's dying so quickly we don't used to seeing that maybe it really is the upgrades missing but how can you allow yourself to do that more treants coming in level 5 now for the alchemist all alive 6 for the oh yeah well there's tranquility coming in there we go does he have the mana he doesn't even need it at the moment as everything is still in the green range summoning more tree and so he definitely has the mana another mountain giant for foggy is falling he needs a hail-mary something like a gyro focus that falls the TP or getting the kill the alchemist is doing his best to keep the dry out to life but the micro is certainly lacking g3 my foggy and Lolly it takes map 1 continuing his win streak thus far it wasn't like some incredible a no Zeppelin drop plays or a hero focus out of nowhere really hard to do an echo but my point being nothing too flashy just solid all the way through I couldn't really spot a mistake there were a couple of nice additions as well with the one of illusion that we don't necessarily see every day didn't I guess do the most but just super solid play bye Lorelai it through and through not a single mistake that I could see foggy sight of course three mistakes something only one tree into late you're creeping at the very beginning he never caught up really on experience then his expansion was a little delayed due to not having the vision on the mine and the first fight at the shop really where you pointed it out very very quickly the disabil was way too late took way too much damage and then the keeper had to be played a lot more defensively but here the profile video Michigan trivia turn from get Buddha wishing game each house or peg on it's intricate your thought on Witchiepoo meet up Italian poet upon taking your turn focus on Suakin gets here q another day enjoying to kim dajeong get on with all the gun and a kippah Mahmud on a teeny positon ECOSOC yoga namida all turning who could a seemingly good except for the immune so much war criminals go on in the day when I mean the Yvonne Hodgins of the horny don't move she cannot get a good idea to fly something itchy numbering some the only single idea books to her which puzzle John Kirwan in the day lieutenant like a putana colossal joke on video you see me helical to me I think I saw Charlie bogus needa h1n Laura Ashley De Palma someday Fujisan someday chambo an apostle hostility hatred or hay fever the winner of Group D the second strongest korean night elf of cause a long long legacy of insane night elves here from south korea moon remind check just to name a few so do soccer can also can be kind of said about ukraine right we had a hot AKA no machine after which foggy named himself for a while with his alias sk heart when he really started to become famous in europe when he went over to China for the first time we were like a you know he's pretty good over here but Europeans never fared well in China foggy broke that streak he made in the top eight then into the top four even into the finals he was able to get all the way not quite to the title yet the Frozen Throne still eludes him now being down one map speaking of offline this is the first time that foggy goes to China three times in one year last it was in summer for Masse's Coliseum we saw this match there in the quarterfinals it was only a best of three but foggy was able to take it to old on patch 1.09 though i mentioned it before with the rise of 1.30 la lion has won in rust brain kept seven three two one years one in rank up a two to 0 and in the w-league super league as well to 0 will it once again be a clean win for this guy or will this guy come back we go on to map to far his choice and that choice is Northern Isles in the bottom left we have low lieth fighting and in the top right it's go go for G I was obliged to do this I promise the players well he seems to have some issues here they have seen some technical difficulties in the group stage the playoffs not haunted by this yet yeah sometimes those bugs occur should be easily remedy the me remedied though fast enough we have or we always talk about la Llyod as the best met up in the world or at least among the top three this year though wasn't the greatest he hasn't won a big title he won both of the rust break up seven and eight one with team Korea in the next clan war but apart from that a lot of top four positionings okay where he really stood out was awl season won second place then was demolished by Lin in the final though and w-league super league the round-robin tournament where the 10 best walkers player in the world are gathering and he claimed the second position there only behind won 2-0 and that was when we really thought okay something is going on with la Llyod somehow he's on a different level than he was before like before summer yeah and we've been mentioning is a couple of times as well over the last days here when we saw in the last time in the last goal League he was not practicing that hard to be honest his end result was it impresses press it with the fourth place but when we saw him playing it was mostly pub G or Starcraft 2 or whatever but now it's taking it more seriously it would seem he is practicing he's it's putting in the hours of course being signed by a team newbie it's gonna give you more motivation he now has a salary salary to rely on and with that can yeah confidently put more time into walk-up as well foggy by the way as I've heard has also been approached by quite a few teams he hasn't signed yet but he is and has been for the last couple of years the hottest player in Europe beloved by the fans here as well thanks to his professional attitude but also his entertainment values here not of course by talking because the Chinese is not foggy strengths but you know the boxing champion image always a little poos in his sleeve to entertain the masses we've seen the fans mimicking him here even in the audience for this year started really well of course a winter 2017 GC as a second place he was really striving there then the big surprise that he made it to the final of the automat Cup despite being played online on a Chinese server from the Ukraine only fallen to Lin but it's kind of the opposite to LA Llyod where la Lions rise was for his demise not not read amazement you know not on the same level as before and I guess that's 61.3 all that he couldn't really adapt as fastest before he said Italy in the interview with us the 1.28 foggy is certainly stronger than the 1.30 phone yeah that's the interesting thing to point out here foggy is like the workhorse of Warcraft not only does he put in the hours place got like three different notepads he's got a coach who's always helping him with strategies and this is so the philosophy that he sticks by has for a couple of years yes micro is important but the most important thing is the strategy is what he told me disagreeing with Lind by the way he said the opposite thing also the interview with Lynne online on youtube.com slash back to Warcraft and yeah in 1.28 when he had more time to figure out the maps to figure out the creep routes his timings and his movement was so crisp it felt like every move of every unit was thought out and was exactly what was supposed to be on the new patch with new strats with new maps as well it's not that easy anymore okay we load into Northern Isles once more this time the starting positions are reversed in the upper right we have la Llyod part of the imbalance newbie team alongside one to zero and since yesterday Lyn foggy in blue in the bottom left both once again starting out with mirrored creep camps very understandable it is comparable to echo isles you creep the first camp your level two right away that means you can go for transfers to increase the creeping speed and then still get level 2 for the entangle reliably so that is the night of dream pretty much first creep cam with the ancient of war level 2 right away boom and then you're set for a great early game this camp also drops a greater consumable item meaning greater healing greater mana and so on and a keeper with a greater mana is always scary if one is lucky enough to find that I love to do that can I want to point out that these two players are the only remaining players in the tournament who have not a major title to that chest Lyn of course Blizzcon WCG moon 32 premier championships in fee WC a WEC also a goat league la lion was very close @w Thea LCA 2015 and 16 third and second place foggy of course super close at the Gold League with the second place there as well but they missed the big the big win the big title to their chests of course they want to kick the old cut of the throne yet they are challenging them all right last time we saw foggy here I guess he denied one of the creeps so hopefully this goes better for him now we've seen some debacles here already this tournament Neutron thinking bag lost his agent of war hopefully it's not gonna happen here or some whisked up Nate's could make things dangerous right but neither players seeming to go for that just yet have to juggle the aggro here a little bit but these are two world-class players shouldn't be defeated by the AI and doesn't seem to be the case item on the ground we can't read it just yet over here scroll the beast also very dangerous potentially in the right situation usually both players are pretty good at pulling wisp to the fights law light may be slightly better as we've seen in the group stage matches especially for the foggy also a master of this and if you see this item in the inventory of their enemy you have to make sure to pull wisp whenever there's a fight close absolutely and it's double scroll by the way so we are all balanced out could be a very aggressive mid game fight if these two decide to go for that engagement with that big consumable nice metaphor foggy though a little more mana means a little more spells to use on the other side a little more arm or an attack speed for the Reaper that doesn't help him too much is a little gold though Tech's should be on the way this is basically the meta on Northern Isles right now go for the two scores go for the murlocs and then look for your level three as fast as you can kind of like what we saw on a coils no aggression before level three are they gonna follow it up with an expansion though I kind of doubt it it's way harder to pull off over here I like selling the scroll of the beast oh wait nicely done and entangle Wow great by law Lian realizing that yeah there's a neutral force that can help him here and there you can see a few seconds of creep speed advantage can make a difference such as this it was 300 HP taken in damage and that is especially difficult to heat up because he's completely out of mana and yeah now he's got some mana again he's full HP again but only to entangles to use right now so it's not much but it's a little bit the early game going lowlights way so far maybe the mantle can help him back expansion by foggy on a very unusual position law like that's the same but this is the normal position here for the night ups to go for the natural the blue Drake in the upper left is very easy to creep the rock column at the natural expansion though pretty hot there's also mud golems to slow you down interesting idea foggy pulling a trick out of his head yeah that's that's a red camp up there but as you said for being a red camp it's pretty easy to creep and it's a big item drop as well the loss plus 12 and so on or a crystal ball if you're not that lucky low light or excellent scouting once again this is also what lying as blue light has been showing over and over excellence scouting you sees the keeper coming in doesn't quite get it that night off but that's okay but it's again time bought for finishing this creep camp could be a little dangerous though some of these archers could be in trouble and here foggy should be finding quite a few kills wait a minute actually this is the perfect timing light doesn't have a dust mask sit on the rock golem goes to low light entangle on the keeper gets the lasted to you now the entangle should be trying to entangle still running and he gets the third kill of the archers Boop ended of energy though that's a good one all right best drop right there but cost him three archers NCP that is super to yes absolutely low I'd go into the second engine of war that costs a lot as well but of course his expansion is Oh rederive running say okay you had a bit of a discussion about the shredders throughout this tournament in a to base versus two base game I think it's totally fine you should have ample time to get the economy rolling but when you're facing and all in push against your Expo I'm always very critical of a shredder who is super expensive and can fight but it's not worth but I guess 75 gold in fighting I guess low light is not expecting this because the shredder brings in a lot of damage okay now he sees it with that he also sees that this camp has been taken and this means that he is level four and well I had no said will most likely play a little more passive if this would have gone throughout unscaled it I think lolly it would have had the wrong idea about focus progress in the game because you don't expect the shredder you don't expect him to creep this that early I guess so really interesting how we go in different routes yeah now we're seeing glaive throwers coming in we saw a lot of dry it earlier by the way now the wisp was parked up there getting taken out by archers and he hasn't seen the expo yet but with archers being up there there's really only one reason why you would put him up there and again they're mirroring each other super interesting first game we saw dryads into Mountain Giants and now we see claves on both sides oh but this is gonna be a big creep Jack coming in in just a moment again the exceptional scouting from long ayats is paying dividends okay well there's good damage on lowlights keeper might be forced into it sound horrible of cortez as a prominent angle he'll walk immediately killed going for another entangle cross the acid farm is missing you what again can he cancel it in wide he can all alive in danger putz escaping without it sound part of the glacier or putting in big deeps that was such a big commitment though for this hero kill he doesn't get it he lost an archer instead is gonna lose another one tree of life barely survived a little bit more than barely I guess and the crews put is still up nature's blessing is running and clay throws for him as well and their lives got all that extra income already oh oh not yet actually okay they took a little bit longer than I thought they throw also still alive it's time for a second here is he really gonna play this solo keeper moon plated a bit he needs to finish this camp but what does he have left really archers are kind of gone he's chasing for some kills isn't that this a little bit dangerous he got the staff I guess to get out of the entangle and the lies just camping up there at the gold mine wants to get this though nothing seems to be working out for low-light ever foggy anymore that was a smart idea with thee wait a minute blaze is a portly whoa well they coming from the light not expecting this at all but the repair is in time acid bomb bomb them they're gonna be killed quite soon and man foggy with a surgical strike All Right see you later expansion I guess this is the glaze with the wobble blades guys so much damage and suddenly it's just gone look like now supply stuck with this okay the moon we'll just finishes in time all right we're going full out glaive wars here as it seems it's foggy a tree of life by the way walking over to the natural I think so because I haven't seen him in the upper left anymore that's a blue dog good going to the to the normal gold mined this plan didn't really work but all right Plan B I guess there it is he's been making like a trek across the map why not okay take some time but latest blessing helps it's a pretty winter wonderland again a red dot is coming in from the right low lights wisp scout is so incredibly good man once again he sees what's going on or will in a moment there it is and now he knows what's up okay also doesn't dispel against the treants with waffle blades and all the creeps lining up that's the super fast creep for foggy sentry ward on the top of the map by the way that is low life focused for this century next to the lights natural so he knows exactly whether that's gonna be a counter exponent or not and the answer is no so for now the answer before we should just be hold on hold on defend defend moving into the middle doesn't to be forced to fight next to his expansion perhaps looking towards the marketplace this marketplace has been put to great use by a focus on his core or in his quarter-final against Lin with sentry wards for example and the boots of qualta las long I it now on t2 with engines of law as well well I'd hear being found for once it was whisked from Far East Side always moving towards the main he can take out so many moon wealth so quickly oh but guess what we have a glaive drop over here as well nicely done low light and the Zeppelin what a romantic story this is takes out the production here no or almost no morglay throw is for low light if he kills that or at least not from two inches of war and these fights are so explosive if you are once in a bad position once take a bad volley you lose three glaives right away and it's almost over detonates off floor lights so good but he didn't take out the tree of life because he needs the way to fight right now is he attacking the tree or he's certainly distracting the shrubs yes he has to uproot mass prepare my law light all the alchemists though has a potion how much damage is there Ott's enough he can't repair this town fault loud for The Alchemist what about the clay what about the glaze that's the big question one more voice gets it and low light has no more income three grave throws only Zeppelin was now nice backup plan by 40 has a way now to wait these glaze rose he might lose one but that's about it not even that Wow take play by the Ukrainian oh that was very close the tree almost didn't die but that Zeppelin coming in that's the medevac right there really really nice on nice microphone right there takes out at least one of those glaze but now foggy on two gold mines against zero and the tech is gone for long right so if he wanted to move into mountain giants and scratch that plan doesn't work and he is down to only archers and do you know what's really good against archers acid bump and damage and you know what provides good damage glaive throwers foggy has the perfect answer if he controls as well and if you can hold on for long for a little bit longer of course this game is his this is super all in by low light he has to win this game right now the alchemist though getting taken out almost the staff comes in barely in time we have Zeppelin micro as well both these players have to micro across two screens basically super hard to do right now we once again have a difference in skill builds on the alchemist we have pure damaged by a foggy with chemical rage and acid bomb on the other side we have a little bit of healing for a law Lian foggy smiling now from his expansion 45 supply this is most likely the only remaining push for law allied as he's not setting up another Tree of Life no one on the map temple in Wars again between these layer floor armies he's dodging the most of the projectiles but now every one of these claims is solo he's daunting as much as he can Wow he does it again he did it against one to zero in the w-league to perfection that's not happening you is going for the alchemist with entangle disable him a little 36 supply only and the only one who can get reinforcements is foggy everything is heard alchemist again and trouble does he have the money for more potions would love to see that super Joe saved his ass already while you're treating to the safety of his moon wells to his shop as well so many graves to left for him but the Zeppelin almost down now lalla is really committing deep into enemy territory here it's getting dangerous Korea against the ropes can he somehow chief a victory out of this defeat the shop is gone it's gone no more potions moondru situation doesn't look too good as well but they are whisked for the detonate they're ready for the repair already but it's only archers and I think one or two gleams shouldn't be too much for the siege nice detonates against the treants here all gone archers one of them's gonna die here too the acid bomb nice dispel against the entangle with that the alchemist gets away glaives can't find the kills too easily just yet and he's diving on him he's going deep low light is going in for the win he needs to save his units with his Apple although how long can he saved these guys with the Zeppelin and how long can the Zeppelin the self survive fog ease alchemist is naked level up saves him a little getting use again it's an alchemist battle staffs amount levels 5 on the keeper both in trouble this is a nail-biter guy is going for the alchemist once more and he dies and the keeper should fair share this faith but no if the Zeppelin's there one more hit sapling crashes GG foggy equal eye the series we're generally the best of three wow that was one volatile game dude my heart rate is up to 400 my lord what a micro between these two players slave thrower Guria strikes suddenly eliminating expansions and then against all odds just going for that tree of Ages barely able to take and we were three afraid thinking that the clays were gonna meet their end right there but then clutch Zeppelin coming in and of course from there there was no way but you know the way forward then it was super all in by low light he almost made it work dude yeah he almost made it work by the way there were so many mana potions involved in this of course forget tons of gold that shop was working overtime also heal posters for the alchemists here really cool how foggy like twice distracted with treants keeper and whatever he had like archers and stuff and then had a separate group of the glaive pros who did so much damage and the key damage you know in this match first checking out the expansion out of nowhere low light was pretty far ahead I think at that point but he did not calculate in that fog he has fog life Rose we didn't see it either so this is for you at least nervous to peel nimble ocean Arab because I'd Naga a beard limini Amadeo do most of our crafts at a grass trachea bottom o Musa fatigue regrets I didn't occur another x-man suppose what no no girls no bras nahi which is scenic strategy Jana's true figure it - peace - my dear sir definitely be 0 is not on topic acid soil food such as Michelle vigil Pashtun ink reservoir of is a warship foggy we'll just erosion Thomas Tom wasn't political noodle he he eliminated the world champion he defeated ta to the first day here of wdl winter he wants to take his spot and not only kill the king for that he has to play basically exactly like he did on Northern Isles right his approach tactics and strategies first microsecond and micro was great by both fans especially in the end with a Zeppelin micro low light maybe a little better but just a tiny bit on these surgical strikes were just unbelievable the light with a smile on his face still though there's pretty much always I don't think I've ever seen a day where he was feeling down such a joy to hang around with him and with foggy as well one one and now at this time I get to say it we're down to three oh yeah to that we have a few subs coming and thank you Chris Erbe a decade Jason perfection and Yui Paul saying what a nice game holy cow did someone steal a cat raise of mine I think so the Frozen Throne still to be claimed the winner of this best-of-five will face in fee and what a rematch that would be foggy could get redemption for the horrible loss he suffered as GCSE summer long I it we have seen this meta WC a 2015 his breakout performance back then when he was flying under the radar but claim top three defeating all humans in that tournament but of course until then it's a long road our next map heated to find out who take the lead is Taryn a stand great night off map always has been nowadays more playable for the other races as well it wasn't really good doing a good job balancing this one in we go is it gonna be a fast expansion map once again we see this often times I think it's really interesting how both first maps we had pretty mirrored strategies there was this little curve ball from foggy trying to expand at a different position but really well sniffed out by low-light but other than that it was very very comparable I wonder is this perhaps because both players take their inspiration from moon and try to follow in his footsteps absolutely possible but on the other side they've played each other a lot this year it is 20 maps in official matches of course on the ladder you play each other all the time and if you play to the 20 times then you kind of know what it is but the interesting thing here it also was the case on Northern Isles and Northern Isles is a very new map just rotated out for engine Isles and Turtle Rock and also there it was the case so I guess you have a very good point in the influence of moon it's never been a secret that especially foggy adores moon as so many other Night Elves as well but for the koreans man this guy is not a human this guy is a god yeah that's not so true I'm going matches more into the specifics of the actual unit choices map number one obviously we saw dry it's mountains map number two we saw very different games just archers and glaives why was that not only of that factor that I'm gonna name but it has a lot to do with it it's the Zeppelin when you have slow clunky easy to kill units when it can make use of a Zeppelin suddenly they change their entire potential what you can do with them suddenly is a whole nother story a whole nother ballgame and here we're gonna have sampling access again not too early perhaps but not too hard to achieve either sure this was the map where the lion showcased his like next-level Zeppelin play against one to zero in the w-league so I wouldn't be too surprised to see it here on Terran our stand we have a four Oh win streak for law liens this speaks volumes okay of course this map is always a little gamble you pointed out many many times that there are a lot of oh the nice the creep you know life does not lie it exactly oh my god he might deny them himself as well know who that was very close almost denied itself little gamble here you partied out a lot there's quite a few terms of experiences here on this map and the consumables lots of consumables and that is a great amount of push in the hands of the keeper of the Grove is a weapon of mass destruction oh yeah more mana on lowlights keeper yeah that greater manner exactly such a game changer at pretty much all stages and the mantle as well but foggy actually able to creep quicker and more efficiently than low light usually the light is the king of creeping a foggy here well a little bit better control by once again delighted with the perfect Scouts I love the splitting of the treants early so that wisp doesn't get too much done in that regard but he knows what's up and what's up is fast expansion same for the lion once again position further back so foggy is gonna have an earlier expansion here coming up once again unless something crazy happens bogey is a lot closer to level 3 thanks to him creeping the natural expansion already and low light is making his way over so how much can he get just a little too late nice idea by foggy though and use it on the Shadow Priests yeah he got it off but he still got to dispels so I don't know that's no okay yeah the perfect usage wait he already used it twice right did he use it once on the creeps yeah huh to get more treants and faster creeping I guess that's kind of used it at the natural oh he's actually still creeping right with archers only up here all the treants have disappeared whoopsie but with kiting that should still be doable that will be his level 3 so now are you thank you by the way with a parry ups as well as the gauntlets here is gonna get another Clause or the like from the cobalt tunneler already done almost yeah and the light has to walk over and Lolly it has to creep this but he's checking in the meantime we of course don't have camera control you ourselves we don't know if foggy as creepy as teching as well but you should have the extra income and funky and got the tech going as white it's pretty much neck and neck with the tech here I was able to see just barely in time that should be level three right here for the keeper and then and he's gonna become quite a bit stronger is it time to move with the r8 Rian's it's foggy level two on the treants nice that NATO getting rid of all of them that's quite a bit more experience as well that's 60 right I think it's 2003 it's correct we hope costs him - wisps though not deals but yeah makes a bit of a difference yeah yes 400 numbers should be fine this is not the greatest item with just a little bit of evasion which usually don't need but foggy with good multitasking and that's what made him so strong and 1.28 as well harassing a little with the keeper creeping with the rest of the are mean engine of war good positioning there again the third wisp detonated but now it's 120 experience this is quite a bit more if he gets this one as well at the moment 100 experience from treants oh it's gonna get that one as well thank you very much - what experience and the shredder again yeah we're going to a macro game once more level four and a half here for the keeper we're reaching here too soon a bit of a lumber advantage already for foggy and I guess where the shredder is pretty cool is you can always bring all of your lumber wisps to the fight because the shredder is going to be getting enough of them it was a 12 experience by the way so with that almost over for for this coyote Jie shredder follow up from allied as well he's got a bit of an experience advantage once again right thanks for those try Anthony was able to kill fog is going for the attack into the expansion if you can cancel this entangling goldmine this will be a big income advantage for a long time he has to floor right he could go for the cancel yeah he does he realized the opportunity okay big damage with all those mercenaries that dispel again but he has to spell a lot with his priest - so disentangle got mine is no more low light is far away going for the counter-attack does he really have to it's their weak spot at froggies main right now don't think so here's the second engine of war so he goes into Glade throw was once again neutrons influence shining through alright but this is scary keeper man this is little for keeper with full mana I'm not sure if you use the mana already the greater mana or not really foggy once again canceling here economically it's going his way but standing army wives does he have the better force I'm not so sure I think fog is gonna have to bring some wisps here get rid of those treants also no second here just yet he's pressuring the expansion right now he wants to force law Wyatt back that works for now secondly I don't know doing directly in tangent of lore but what if la-laaa takes out both engines of world and there's no production anymore and that's exactly his task right now it looks like there's no treants for foggy so not enough damage really he still has no mana really he knows where the knight of army of his opponent low light is here comes a TP this has to be a current TP by foggy but seems like he's not looking right now there we go oh he faked it with the staff note actually did complete ok there is he loses one Shadow Priests which wasn't really necessary but it's one Shadow Priests that's not too big of a deal kind of weird by foggy though losing his entire production I think that was a big big big deal yes low light expansion is delayed but he's gonna get it up now because for he can't go for reinforcements at the moment he's also close to being supply he is supply stuck don't know how far his new moon well is but if we had camera control now we would look at the gold mines very soon and he was able to mine so much more yes he lost to angels of war but in the end that's only like 200 gold 1200 or 1300 gold by the way awesome how the camera is apparently listening to you like mind control Revo Thank You roommate for sharing a connection with me still no second hero for foggy right and if he goes from Alchemist now it's gonna be hard to level this guy up is this actually gonna be keeper solo it has some pretty damn major benefits mainly tranquility which is one heck of a good spell it does work by the way Anglais thorough if you're not aware it's a little weird but also isn't it's not like making dry it because claves completely obliterate dryads that's great but of course it's also gonna follow up with mg's later once again dropping with a Zeppelin if you could cancel this entangled goldmine once again no he's a little bit too late for this but the lore could get the second production billing and that means the upgrades are gonna be there later mass that night again also against the keeper and without that treant damage he can't succeed anymore lal ayat is defending this really well once again cost him a couple of wisps but that's okay more experience for him it's pretty crazy what the experience is looking like lord i has two heroes against one and he still has more experience on the first hero this is a pretty crazy this is looking to be a little problematic soon perhaps but fog is big strength should come into play soon dropping with clay throwers it was to actually it's going to three as well everything awry adds kind of a colorful tactic from the game against in free right with clay throws and dry it's always wisps there of course close to the mine but always super fast dispelling the treants as fast as you can uh there's not too many trees next to the expansion so it seems like we will be going into mountain giant mirror in the end but shouldn't that be favoring the player with an alchemist a lot yes the acid bomb is so sick also the healed spray if you can if you can level it up yeah no light is coming in now with a Zeppelin up of his own Oh for he's losing a lot right now he's doing pretty much everything that he brought here this got expensive really quick TP way too late way too late second time he saves the Triad just barely to HP okay he's going into Bair's basically the direct counter to mountain giants but it's not really working that way especially if you have your bears on like one side of the fight and then on the other side there's a taunt so the Bears focus breaks up and they try to walk jump that mountain giant Zac you lose so much DPS now Todd can really mess with melee damage output came s with all damaged up but especially with melee attack alright low light sees what's going on now takes a quick gander with a Zeppelin faking a bit of a drop as well there were five now follow lights oh my god dude he's like a solid mm experience a headed rough rough times for foggy a little too aggressive maybe resistance Kim is coming so hard skin should be done lumber certainly wasn't the issue pretty insane by the way that these guys have had shredders for so long and they're still kind of low lumber the observer points it out here the synergy of bears and gray throws is insane they have a very high damage value already he has two Oh upgrades on them already and now we get roar on them that's the 25% damage boost on the glaive throws foggy is basically a glass cannon especially if you compare it to la lion who goes mountain giants he needs to be super careful with everything he has but if he finds a good position he might be able to break through this for me did he rebuy a TP by the way he did okay he's not going to alter risky mastery ins here in the front line roar coming for the glades in the back only hitting the one though but remember glades completely destroyed dryads here we see the first couple of shots coming in it's only two glaives to be honest but they are doing decent work here quite a bit of rejuvenation coming in as well the trees are still holding the font line we have a heal ward in the back that should be the last one should be getting taken out here pretty quickly now the mg is coming in can they hold the front that's exactly the first tour if you see the Bears going away and the alchemists for foggy is falling no staff that isn't finally the level 5 force keeper of the Grove but is that really worth it the glade throats are under attack of the mountain giants there is a sample and to hold on to this slowly but steady this mountain giant is falling the engine of war is helping at foggy I think a little late with the wisps only now going in for the detonate not really not sacrificing this Whiskeytown caught a lot now and again this attack didn't help him too much but now the supply lead is huge it worked well it was huge for a second until all I had produced again it's true but before he was 10 supplied yeah but ya had the girl ready he's got all that infrastructure in place so now it's gonna be more Mountain Giants and I think this push was really designed to hit deadly before there were all those mgs and yeah what if he brings wisps and what if he gets the treants yeah in the bottom it's the way better situation there the tree and soaked up so much damaged for a low light really well done or I think it's a little mistake by foggy but the taunts were good for low lights I absolutely agree there should have been whisked there usually he's good with this not ass doesn't prioritize as much as low light perhaps super important map here who wins this has match points two in a row and we're getting to dangerous mountain giant territory once again yes both at seventy supply fog is getting ready for another drop light is protecting this well sticks in the hands now a lot more damage more range no second expansion yet but I guess low light it's moving something over maybe it's treants to just scout pretty sure it is zero zero upgrades by the way you know the players getting ready for eighty supplied by the way like we're in Reign of Chaos still very unusual to see especially considering we were on two bases each can foggy protect these graves once again we have a slave drop coming in still only oh no it's for now that's a very different story last fight was only two guys and they are two zero as well with roar on top that's unbelievable damage is it enough for the MGS though no like it keeps the devotion aura to diminish the damage a little I think it's a good call his acid bomb is of course a lot better octa a drop from the one side glaze from the other again man these split attacks by foggy are really good but ok he's distracting now flies away opens up an opportunity but the light is wise and splits his forces as well but there's gonna be a double tree attack by foggy now this is so annoying clear with by low light how does its best split his forces here an agent of hwinfo hippos would be so nice but neither of these players yet went for one they are dry it's in the bottom right to fight this Zeppelin I like it maybe you can shoot a hole in the tree and then drop in there it gets a tip here like that for safety and going into the Zeppelin now and I think now it's beer dropped I'm okay in the bottom right he saves the glaives there's no trap oh there is a trap actually in the bottle right he could lose his emblem but I think he's to tank he's going for the expansion now with roar mass repair coming in the mountain Giants I think they blocked too much taunt being used breaking the focus but foggy reapplies it and in the second time of the third map he's killing the expansion law light is supply stuck in foggy and 80 he just has to keep the Zeppelin's alive and he does with both the escaping Zeppelin with the glaives by the way flew over the chip roof he saw it he must have seen it it's it's yeah he's flying over it again I certainly hope he sucked because Jim's are the dream counter yes there's bears and glaze on the rails there's nothing better you can have can you support them on one base he is already old taking up the shredder could okay it has a thousand taking out the production here shouldn't he take out the shimmer uzt furs yeah I think so too maybe you can do both or did no-one Chimaira you can certainly deal but two three I'll be dangerous I can't give him the time for he has a building on his laboratory as well but I think it's just a moon will to control exactly oh oh here comes the calendar about instant TP uproots immediately so the siege damage doesn't do that much damage of the Tree of Life repair as well bears are doing good damage but is that enough here comes the staff on to Lala it's a mountain giant here is this enough for the caracal treants coming in as well but nice concave around that tree of life this is mass detonate against him that means last repair where's the roar he's missing the war he's dropping his own gleams and but this tree is dropping god damn low but can't get attacked anymore everything stuck here but of course all I should have a TP - same as usual wait a minute can he still get this this trees not being repaired it seems like this tree is gonna fall as well with a Zeppelin coming over this seems to be the death sentence for the expansion for foggy he will Oh lose it okay but the Zeppelin is down as well how many units can you get sound Portal out I think on the way out there is no rest and no kill possible for foggy s he breaks the counter one are the focus once again and now the first chimera is out and foggy is supply stuck better lights on one base obviously on one base income so if you really don't want to go hop high up keep and at the moment only one Chim you can deal with one Jim you should be able to okay there's he's got like no anti anti air units expansion coming up again immediately upgrades should be pretty important the disadvantage here for fall yes to split upgrades two ways he's got glaives to upgrade and bears to upgrade they don't share those what what a crazy game what did suck off war indeed la light is not setting up his expansion again the Bears are 3-1 by the way the dryads done as well so this is zero zero for the amount Giants but it's five of them and they have 1600 HP that helps alright boys this might be the fight to decide this game right here can he deal with the chimera or not he takes out the entrant of war easily entangles on both sides not too much to spell the Bears this time not fighting the trees they're putting in the damage onto the MGS and the glaive throw us as well massive dps advantage but here comes the Chamorro almost one shots the glaive right there but now in a bit of a bad position half HP already this is what I said they don't survive for too long once they're exposed to piercing damage and the chin is dead only taking out a signal glaive this is such a big mass of bears if you can't keep them alive the mountain giants are super low one gets killed I would love to see how close they are to a level 6 keeper of the Grove because tranquility can helped us with with these mountain Giants a lot foggy is taking out building after building not too much region here as he loses all the moon worlds and he will lose production and there's no chance low light can't expand here foggy has his gold mine up right now it looks like fog is really on its way to victory right now ken low lights still take a fight somehow we sell at 80 supply well Mountain Giants I guess it is but super low HP and he can't produce a second chimera or third camera or whatever not coming as you have to go for base race now meet with mountain giants with sticks maybe duel but siege bears with three two upgrades by the way and roar also not too bad that's a shredder that's whisper repair la lion Kenny hold on or is this mass damage strategy from foggy really working whisper coming in for low-light detonating against the treants I guess but the mountain Giants are falling he is the first one day at the second one is falling in a bit this is level up for The Alchemist and the Bears and the shredder they're moving through this army 56 supply only this looks like a strong comeback from foggy in this series three attack upgrades on the Bears I've never seen Mountain Giants die so quickly we still have some alive but not too many anymore and the most importantly the backline always has to run these graves just too powerful the Chimaera's I guess not there in time in wool coming in keep her safe for now but allies dropping low he's down to 50 supply he's super close to level 6 though maybe tranquility can save him because then the mountain Giants are back to like 50% or skroef protection being used and the healed scroll I love this move by foggy prepared for basically everything another mountain Giants are not killing him Dan is level 6 for long ayat and level 6 for foggy as well we could see double ultimate right here we see it on the Korean side he has entangled to cancer so this didn't run full time it did heal but I don't think it had healed enough Mountain Giants are moving forward finally going towards the glaives but there's so little left in lowlights armies only got those mgs and they were never known for great damage alchemists though dropping to 50% 63 supply only for four get you another level up for The Alchemist he's going for the kill and Lala outside entangle trying to prevent this nice step so he keeps him up a GG mile all I'm losing all his forces and Fergie going off meta in this Night Elf Mira attacking so often until it finally works and now the Ukranian with match points wow we don't see that every day man it's like some stock trad strategies the two-pronged attack looking for the weaknesses poking in here poking in there and then the big commitment with a drop of the Bears taking out the Tree of Life kind of a throwback to the old meta when he used to see this all all the time Lorelai it able to follow up with his own expansion kill but in the end we saw 80 versus 80 supply both players had their chance at the perfect army and I can't believe I'm saying this but it seems like Mountain Giants are not part of the perfect late-game army there's a couple of things to consider here though it was zero zero upgrades against three two upgrades that's a five upgrade disadvantage to this a giant deal no pun intended actually but it looked really good yeah this massive front line of bears pretty tanky but most importantly lots of damage with the roar and the damage upgrades and the glaze behind to just snipe those dry ads and when the drives are gone the energies they don't do that much damage to be honest signature move by foggy throwing his hands in the air to celebrate this check was mocking it back then but check is now retired long lie it's no reaction to this I talked to a lot of guys here Lynn sock you guys the Russians almost everyone said dude this gonna be a 3-2 but I have zero idea who wins and we are on a very good way what a series so far the first one the first game didn't work out for fog you know maybe you needed a slap in the face just wake up but game 2 and game 3 absolutely content contenders for like top 5 games of the tournament so far and I don't know if he's intentionally going this route but if he is I think it's smart idea and what I'm talking about here is maybe he doesn't want to have the complete mirror matchup maybe he wants to get the better army comp against his opponent by looking for holes here and there because where it's just the same army against the same army I'm pretty sure low light wins that micro battle yeah but if for you can poke in hidden here and there can get damage done here a little there a little and get a little bit ahead and build the perfect late-game army he's absolutely able to take a long macro game which is exactly what we saw just there on Terran us absolutely last a huge another map where we might see Zeppelin's they are close to the base look that easy to acquire those so maybe for the later stages but absolutely need an expansion map match points for foggy is this the fourth time he goes into the top four is this when he gets the win and the match against in feet in the semifinals following moon in feet and the before-mentioned Lin last future it is foggy in the bottom left la lie and fighting for survival in the upper right all right skies get ready get your popcorn out this night of Mara is shaping up to be pretty damn awesome all hoping for a five mapper right here so far these no never mind I wasn't correct was about what I was about to say but anyways this is the lights counterpick eye I think though light should look for more engagements I don't know how exactly you force those big scale real battles but I think that's where strength lies the the micro when it goes to top night offs I would put la lie it for the one with the best micro absolutely like 1 2 0 is of course maybe number one we've seen moon with crazy crazy dry at micro and then maybe Lorelai it right behind we see cash and 100 kg the right great organizer and we'll a translator and the Russian stage translator right next to it Vlad doing a great job cool team that is the CIS guys supporting foggy of course all the way absolutely something we sometimes neglect to mention and forget unfortunately there's guys behind the scenes as well who do a lot 100kg many other holsters and organizers in Europe as well alright but let's focus on this game what's going on ancient of war creep for both of them nothing varying here we don't have a dangerous first creep camp I really didn't think this was gonna happen in this tournament by the way I thought it was gonna be a rarity but I thought at least once or twice it or maybe three times we would see a demon hunter but not a single yeah absolutely that's true also for the mirrors we have seen too many hunters right so far it was you know especially in this series only arches into something yeah absolutely they have issues of course on tier two when they faced dryads and in general sometimes they can't make use of their great mobility which is the biggest of their advantages when they get entangled and taken out already important I think this is l'Alliance last map pic so even if he forces a game 5-4 you should have a nice tip psychologic like not really the psychological advantage because the momentum will be on Laura outside but this will be the Met number five will be played on a map that foggy likes yeah absolutely should be the case and blanking on the map right now what we're gonna see that later I guess the first wisp that Nate came in there from lalala from fog excuse me to great effect was able to drain mana and damage two of the treants Amazonia would be the final map exactly unfortunately when the tree ins they're stuck behind his friend and early really her lemur came right there isn't a little bit scary oh it is no lights out of mana here by the way all the foggy coming in with an illusion oh that scares him away already he doesn't know it's an illusion to the attacks it now he knows okay so he continues the rock column but the real one is really close can't finish this Kenny what's the mana over here almost to entangles he would love to get the Shadow Priests from the mere camp but that is already purchased so that's an advantage going or lie its way can he somehow with treants get this granite now it's too dangerous right with a boulder toss there's a building in the middle of the map next to the merchant on foggy side this could be another ancient of war for aggression maple in hunters this time I mean he sees that low light is busy with this camp for a little bit so this gives him the time yes watch Awards as well oh how helpful yeah this item good right now he's coming in again he should have one entangle at the very least but there is dispel fortunately actually out of man now the Shadow Priests isn't and snared would you believe it he is gonna get taken out or flute of accuracy though on the light side that helps on the arches and the key her but still looking good for the Ukrainian and tangled on the Berserker he really wants to save that one and should be able to it's only level one entangle doesn't last too long and actually he kills their Archer of his own that's level three prevents the damage on the key it's not enough damage but maybe the arch sentry again no nice he saw the shadow mal coming okay easy last creeps for up for grabs for low light who has the level advantage of course foggy aggressive as always delays is creeping it's a shop for a shop for clarity's I like that Tier two tech is done so far he can go back heel up and then attack with the alchemist against level to entangle rather not right he should focus on his own levels yeah I'd say so he has to him find his own experience here I think it was Shadow Priests and to Archer kills traded for one Archer kill so economically going along his way certainly pensions of winds the first time in this series the flute by the way so amazing if Lal I it goes for glaive throwers greater in will found also gonna be very valuable later on one Archer here entangled is already gonna be her death sentence it's a simple Reuters yeah porky has still five archers Oh scratch that for using the shop here would be painful by the way he played hippo riders already against W of Z of course a different matchup but we know that he likes to play them this unusual unit or hero focus on the keeper of the Grove he is tier two of course use the potion law lied trying to get in for the body block just a little too late yeah no staff right now maybe doesn't need that for the unit composition that he goes for I mean it's always nice for the heroes but gets the clarity cancels but okay would love to get this Berserker not gonna get it though instead going for the key for this could perhaps see a TP forced I think I haven't seen mass range talons arches on this patch a knight of mirror to be honest reveal being used what's the keeper doing question masked walked acid the wrong way he escapes though can he know I mean this keeper he could have entangled and forced him into TP he was just somewhere else that was weird going for a chase or something so talyn's and archers have pretty good damage especially in combination with the alchemist because you have fury fire and acid bomb that is on level one for the alchemist and - 700 doctor going for the alchemist there is no stab oh there is oh my god I haven't seen the inventory of Lal I just nearly perched it's this thing and trying to go for the revenge kill here info potion breaks the acid bomb and he's going for the keeper there is a sound portable he used he doesn't want to use that one a year phone's last second these item unit is are great but foggy is coming in with another entangle this could be the semi-final right here to get the kill count bottle being used he has to go next to the shop wants to a moon woman I don't know if it's ready Froggy's push coming totally unexpected going for engines of war right in his face it's gonna cancel this lore as well by the way and that TP just saying could have been forced out earlier but still it's looking pretty good the detonates against the heroes he's burning all of their mana and it's daytime the moon will SAR empty he can't refresh anymore I think the potions are all gone maybe this one engine of war gets cancer but low light in the ropes foggy is pushing for the top for couldn't he just kill this shop he's not attacking it it has to go close I guess yet for the murder Kerr halo light with a slow and mud golem haven't seen him much this tournament to that Mario a little mascot Kansas the clarity on the keeper of the Grove as well The Alchemist has to be very careful he's going for that yeah well done by law lion seeing the weakness in fogies army and there is no staff and he kills the second tier or not getting the revenge kill alchemist was slow as well take can he take out the berserker the mana is low for long I it for foggy sorry only level one hero though he's going to be back soon first ancient of wars almost up this is an all-out contained is it an all-in it's certainly looking like image first engine of wars ever though or the keeper of the Grove there is an anti magic saving a new heaven is coming in foggy Jubilee already too early though the keeper of the Grove the carry of the Night Elves has been eliminated and benched for about two minutes and the ancient of war here we have the first one ready already the second one is gonna be up in a moment they do have nature's blessing in this shop I don't know they keep it up The Alchemist man he has to be super careful dropping another acid form with the low HP units he could get some kills right there but the shop is gone and that was the saving grace for about two minutes here for Long Island resting so many resources into all these potions can he kill the ELSA before the keeper comes back he only started production now GG that sorry doesn't top for again killing low lion in this night of Miraj can't repeat his mineral success from the qualifiers last year we have Korea China and Europe in the top four fair play shake shake hands he does it again last time was only a fluke he says he's back in the top four where he belongs meeting his nemesis in Phoenix by the way that's gonna be a hard match but for now it's time to celebrate lul iets look at almost unbeatable looking almost perfect in game number 1 now we seem that before someone taking the lead and then they come back from the opponent lorelei it went 5 and OH in the group stages defeating hawk focus and 1 to 0 but foggy was so prepared man holy cow breaking the meta twice in this series with bears graves and I really thought this tactic like I I forgot this tactic existed mass range this theory fire acid bomb combo super sick and the timing was just great low light again going for the lures you need a bit of time to get the dry it's working with the dispel and to get like 2 or 3 of them and of course if you want to go mountain giants you need time and foggy didn't give him a split second of time and that killer instinct snap being like ok I got a bit of a lead early on and I find a greater involved at Sprint all of work for him by the way popping it on the alchemist and just wailing away and that acid bomb target was able to put in so much work really cool play also such a wide range of play from foggy right macro games split attention like glaive thrower games game number one just a normal to base a slope and slow expansion kind of deal and then the fourth game that killer instinct the one base all in which works pretty impressive right how he made such that easy mistakes on map one and then the other three games he goes for this super difficult stuff yeah the multitasking just like moon sometimes especially like tariffs that that game impressed me so much he fell behind so far in experience I was getting so worried but it's okay I got the perfect army it's it's all fine I got three two upgrades I got a bunch of bears got some glaives in there as well for the damage that was that was beautiful turn us especially absolutely beautiful series shout out to low light as well newbie want to zero down we have law light down one of their players are still remaining Lin vs moon tomorrow set your alarms 11:30 CET this is gonna be the first semifinal and the second one is foggy versus in fee the rematch of GCSE summer of last time when foggy was a little bit humiliated against the Iceman he's seeking revenge she's aiming for the final he was there he wants to go again the king is dead what the Kingslayer could become the new one yeah and I'm pretty sure we know who the king or champion is backing and that is in fee and they've probably been brainstorming already and they will be doing that again against foggy tomorrow dude oh my god these matches are gonna be so sick apps gonna be it's gonna be moon vs. limb which is already like name wise top one top two most successful players of all time and then this everlasting nemesis with foggy being so strong against human but in fees the one guy you know the one that got away can he I'm not 100% sure on this but I think foggy and infi are at least two of the top three gold league players ever maybe 1 to 0 is a little better maybe th is a little better I'm not too sure but definitely to two of the top four and yeah they prove it every almost every single time when they're here why they belong in the a dove or top five professional Warcraft for you still up for grabs for teams so sign this guy we give it up to the stage see you tomorrow back to Warcraft out
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 11,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: foggy vs lawliet, lawliet vs foggy, foggy lawliet, lawliet foggy, foggy, lawliet, foggy vs, lawliet vs, grand final, grand finals, grand, final, finals, wgl, night elf, nightelf, ne, 2018, wgl 2018, 1on1, 1v1, quarter, quarterfinal, quarterfinals, quarter final, quarter finals, qf, neo, remo, remodemo, warcraft gold league, gold league, gold series, league, series, gcs, :w, winter, warcraft, warcraft 3, wc3, war3, wc 3, Back 2 Warcraft, B2W, Back2Warcraft, back to warcraft, warcraft III, esports, esl
Id: JBsf1Sp844g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 59sec (5039 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 06 2018
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