300,000 Subs Live Q&A Plus Bulk Auction

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it's that time again it's that time of the week where we go live and we get to hang out with you guys for an hour or two or three happy sunday fun day everyone thank you so much for joining us and helping us in celebration of hitting 300 000 subscribers that seems like such a big number but we're still a teeny teeny tiny champion right jeremy we're getting bigger if this is your first live welcome jeremy usually likes to start off with the song that you're about to see i got nothing i don't believe that i got nothing i don't believe it give me a little something well [Music] now wait a minute [Music] finally hit 300k finally hit 300k it wasn't yesterday it wasn't today but we hit 300k [Music] it wasn't friday it [Music] we did we used some of the gift cards we did [Music] finally we are now youtubers finally now we are youtubers little weird baby goobers but we're also youtubers now what's [Music] something that the viewers something about the viewers thank you viewers wouldn't have got there without yours oh because you're the viewers yeah this is something about the viewers shout out to all the [Music] be viewers all i wanna do is be like george like me not a forge you wanna be five foot two not in gorge i just wanna be like george [Music] all the haters wanna be like what the hell's all the other haters wanna be like what the hell this is getting out of control he's just making this up again i told you we needed to plan something prepared but he's so good what the hell is we doing now technically we're at 301 000 subscribers technically we're at 301 500 subscribers oh i said what the hell [Music] congratulations 300k let's get a train going choo choo shoot chuck off super chat i gave you this super chat fist right there i thought yeah but i used my yeah it's the ring that you put a welt on my head no your other i like i like using my own this is the original this is the og fist that i found that's that one came from this one holds a drink yours doesn't yours talks and mine holds a drink mine can do a thumbs up can yours no yeah i didn't think so it's webbing what an incredible week it's been an awesome awesome week uh we've hit some milestones maybe not all this week but some huge milestones we did hit two major milestones that we got recognition from tubebuddy and vidiq let me see if i can find them because you said well first of all let's show this video because okay george likes this is a live yeah this is a live count so i'll do it right now so that's when we're at 299 000 subscribers again this is a live subscriber count and that's when it switched over to 300k and then uh we got we got this uh george found that actually i don't look at any of this stuff jordan kills for all that this was an email sent to us at what the hills that yahoo congratulating us for 300 along with 75 million views which we are actually we've been ahead of 75 million views let me look right now i want to see how i appreciate it gigi thanks for the fun let's see where we're at on views uh one of the things we always share with other youtubers subscribers mean are good for good for your ego but views helps build really awesome community that we have but really what youtube wants to see they want to see they want to see channels bring in views uh we are at i'm going to share with them right now so this is the actual views on the channel so it's up to you million 76 million views that's pretty awesome bc eagle dips and five dollars says congrats on reaching 300k just wanted to support the channel appreciate it so thank you so much now a lot of people who watch they don't understand how easy it is to subscribe there's always a button right there in every video yeah and how much does it cost it's free that's that's it it's free so once you actually subscribe what will youtube do for you george rebecca sent five dollars says my son dance and laugh the whole song you were doing something right yeah that's actually appreciated rebecca that's that's a little lick of a little song that i wrote for my kids each one of my kids has a designated song so that was one that one was alyssa's yeah kids tend to like that song and then chelsea's was what was chelsea's do remember chelsea's was [Music] i've sang it to you before right a long long time ago i forget how's it go now she's 21. i wrote this i would go into chelsea's by chelsea's crib and i taught myself how to play the guitar and how i did it is chelsea would get uh upset at night and i would go in in the dark and i would i would find my chords in the dark and pluck the strings in the dark i figured if i could play in the dark i could do it in the light so that's where i would figure all that out valerie sent five dollars says congratulations on all the above great numbers appreciate it valerie remember the chelsea song [Music] how come back to you it'll come back to you [Music] you're not the only one having a brain fart right now yes i am that's not it it's i forget i forget what it is now lisa says your vids always make me laugh i love seeing what's in the box tubs suitcases trash bag whatever it is so she she's a fan a super fan of the storage unit videos of the garbage well you will be a fan this week we haven't been to a storage unit in quite some time here probably a week if not more but there are 35 units this tuesday in worcester it's a caravan auction caravan auction going to be a ton of fun i'm sure all of our buddies are going to be there as well looking to pick up units i know for sure conkey is coming i know for sure conkey i'm pretty sure rob with second sense is coming and i think maybe storage legends is coming yeah and my gut instinct is clear thrifts will be there as well that's my gut valerie cokernack appreci uh sent 15 appreciate it sorry if we butcher your name you guys we tend to do that a lot uh what are you including so so caravan if you guys aren't familiar with like the glossary terms of the storage unit world means that it's multiple locations we get to go to four locations on tuesdays tuesday and there are a lot of auctions there's auctions tuesday and wednesday this week which we have to be careful in the aspect of buying because our goal is to move to florida when george asap our goal is this saturday our goal was to be there yesterday our goal is actually drive down to move to florida this saturday whether we actually get to do that or not so this saturday we can't overbuy and overwhelm ourselves and then leave stuff behind right so our goal is to buy one yeah if i mean if there's something really good then i think we can have an epic unit but but um our goal is to attempt to try and get on the road this saturday so in six days we're gonna try and drive down saturday after thanksgiving adam sent five dollars says if george played the monopoly pusher that would add another million views i don't know about that adam but appreciate the super that would be george finally plays monopoly now a lot of people are concerned like oh my gosh are you guys gonna stop uh playing coin pushers and our another one of our goals is once we get down to florida is to find as many coin pushers as possible apparently there's more all you floridians have been sending us where they're all at gas stations casinos and so she's been keeping the running list and once we get down her there her her goal is to find one as soon as possible my goal is to build a 100 by 100 steel structure warehouse and um yeah but um we'll see how that all goes because we've gotta we gotta hit storage units right away so so in in reality it's like you weigh out your priorities coin pusher location or building a warehouse so that we can store stuff so i'll be building a where from storage units and george will be out uh cruising all around cruising all around florida so that's funny you got a bunch of super chats yeah there's a couple coming through cheryl curtis sent a five dollar super sticker appreciate it cheryl and i saw another one coming from big mill hunt silver sent 20 says la you guys are rad i love the coin pusher videos my favorite thank you so much appreciate it i'll tell you what we gotta definitely my favorite too we got a lot to go over tonight i wanna i want i wanna get a lot of information from the viewers tonight in the chat but before we do that we got to do mail so how about i prepped it for you so how about um i'm going to bring mail up here for you all right it's not a heavy mail week it's not a very heavy mail week okay i don't think there's any gummy bears no that'll that'll cut down on the weight and let's just get right to the male song [Music] we've got super chats i didn't we got real super chat still hole sent 2.79 thousand on a new septic system it's probably gonna be more than that but oh wait wait he's saying his his septic system colin taylor sent five dollars says who got mail did somebody say male 1 appreciate it colin all right i think one more super chat and then we can go on to opening mail all right karen sneger sent five dollars says happy traveling i appreciate it karen bam all right first box is from uh from allison from oh i think oh i bet you it's a trickery box i think this is free is it okay hi this is a 1984 look at that from glenna wii uh ghostbusters collection from glen i do remember glenn is sending an email saying hey i'm sorry for the typo don't ignore the return look at this that's a slimer that is a slimer look at that ghostbusters on the side how cool is do you have a puppet in your display no thank you so much how cool is that that is pretty i actually glenna i've never seen one of these before this is the first that is very very cool i think jill hold just sent a super chat i knew i knew he was gonna keep sending them he says ah who am i kidding i got lots for you appreciate it all right next next envelope how cool is that actually i should open up this box ben cole just sent 9.99 thank you thank you ben we appreciate it thank you so much from this is from ted brockman all the way from san jose california okay here we go all the way from california [Laughter] and it's a youtube toothpick productions casino chip you got a casino chip yeah all right she's got one casino chip right there and then this is labeled elvis coin counter 1.0 and then on the back what does it say uh toothpick productions jg go get them pushing right there says hey there jeremy george greetings from out here in sunny california been following the youtube channel for a while for coin pushing aspects but i will enjoy getting my fix of storage units from my early addiction days of reality based tv shows and then says goes on to say keep up the great work and banter your california coin admirer toothpick ted nice so i think his youtube name is toothpick productions i'm guessing you put ten dollars worth of quarters in here and just and then you got ten dollars so it's probably for easier accounting for user accounting so you just you just shove in here and then by the way for all of those for all of those uh this is a little tidbit for you guys this week for those who are here on the live stream only you guys will get to hear this this week during the videos you're actually gonna get a peek to see how we video oh yeah a lot of people are like how do you get away with recording and so it's it is a it's a bonus within a video which may get us banned from the casino but we're going to florida so so we we we decided we you'll have to wait and see okay so there is some bonuses in there this week for all of you huge fans who watch from the beginning to the end you're going to get to see some of our top secret uh filming adventures gremlin gomez two dollars 300 000 is so awesome when is the engagement it'll be it'll be in one of the coin pusher videos yes it'll be it'll be in a video this year yeah appreciate it dreama all right next one is from this one came straight from amazon and the note says i was thinking you might want to do a little grilling during your mild winter in florida ketchup is my condiment and jesus is my lord i have a feeling you might agree thanks for all the fun oh i know where this is going i know where this is going for you i know where this is going yes this is a ketchup with jesus t-shirt it's a ketchup apron oh it's an apron yeah i thought it would be a t-shirt it's an apron for grilling oh my goodness look at you have to put that on look at that it even says look at that look at that what does the bottom say let us praise and relish him because he loves me from my head to my toes what do you think for thanksgiving yeah with your family yeah nice you can let my little brother george george will be the one cooking the uh so he'll be wearing it yeah maybe you can let him borrow it thank you so much appreciate it thanks judy that was pretty awesome that is pretty good we've never gotten in april we have never ever gotten an apron phil's fun vlogs sent 4.99 i'll make him talk jeremy i think he's talking about the puppet slimer that'd be my guess slimer next letter is from dan myers all the way from uh lewis center here in ohio oh ohio center yeah columbus area okay yep yep says dear jeremy and george my name is dan myers i recently discovered your youtube videos i love the enthusiasm you both show for the thrill of the hunt up for the treasure we do love them says i thought your april video said continued at the end but i have not seen if you found more stamps in those totals well that would have been the eighteen hundred and seventeen hundred dollar units keep up the treasure hunt and i look forward to hearing if you still have these stamps and possibly others so we did find more stamp stand yeah and all of those stamps have been sold on our sunday night lives yeah we've auctioned them off but we always find stamps so if you're interested in stamps we will be auctioning them off in future auctions so those have all sold we found more stamps there were a ton of stamps it was an incredible incredible find incredible here is a letter from rey is that to saw to saw to son we'll just say rey from hawaii from hawaii says that's it that's what it says jeremy and george she's she's looking for more or something else jeremy and george i have a 100 bill and a 50 bill with star notes how much will you give oh i was looking for the hundred dollar bill that's what i was looking for ray we won't give you anything for them hold on uh if you want to collect them go ahead and collect them or what you can do is sell them on ebay and you'll see what the highest bidder will will get for we'll give you for them typically we do not just buy to buy uh we buy for a treasure hunt so if we already know oh this is what this is what's in there that's not fun for us the fun and buying for us is the actual treasure hunt and so knowing knowing beforehand but i will buy ghostbusters stuff and i will buy uh sega stuff if you contact me beforehand tell me what you have we agree on a price and then make sure you send pictures of what you have yeah absolutely have to have pictures and then we can agree upon a price but other than that we don't just buy to buy random stuff we buy storage units for the thrill of a hunt that's really what yeah we have posted videos of star notes and what it means and we've even done competitions of and we've found finding notes and so those all go into a collection but certainly definitely you want to list it on ebay and see what you can get for it or maybe even take it to a local coin shop in the area ebay is going to be your better bet than a question you'll definitely get more uh on ebay that's for sure yep you'll get more on ebay all right let's get into let's get into the viewers okay okay let's get into their mindset um what's the one thing you always ask uh new fans when you meet them in person one of the things that i love to ask is how did you guys find us okay so we're not gonna get there yet we're not going to get there yet first thing i want to know is where everybody is from adam perkins two dollars the coin videos give me anxiety attacks hey me too all right here's what we want to know [Laughter] here's what we want to know 300 000 subscribers we want to know where the hails you're from let us know in the chat we want to know where you watch where in the world there is no channel without you guys watching and and we're humbled that you actually do so we've got oh my goodness we got stuff coming everywhere all right i'm gonna try i'm gonna try and slow it down a little bit and let's see where we got people coming from okay i saw new york i saw texas debbie landis is from new york city wow you've got don w's from washington state judy is from indiana uh we've got mississippi blow 7101 mississippi liz barnes ohio io uh you got denims from washington let's see let's see what we got here uh london patricia from london we've got it there's another patricia you know there's this whole conspiracy right now that your first name is patricia there is i think a lot of people that would be one of her personalities a lot of people confused not her name the alter ego name that he gave me it's from the movie split if you ever seen the movie split because the guy has split personalities and patricia who's the lovely gentle one that's my alter ego name that he gave me but not the personality of your partner it's not it's not my first name george is my real middle name okay we've got um we've got we got jessica d's from missouri we got more new york let's see what else we have here we've got new jersey ronald is from new jersey we've got washington albert moore denny is from willard ohio we got waco texas mary is from waco we've got kentucky nicole halls from kentucky florence kentucky where's all of our where's all of our florida friends that's the one thing george is worried about she's like we're going to florida we don't know anybody we're going to have to fight the system to record again uh we got canada wm from canada tennessee i saw tennessee uk ontario uh we've got we got joel is from trinidad west indies fort myers right new zealand i saw fort myers on new zealand geo fort myers we're gonna be two hours from mean yes two hours from meemaw but we will be in fort myers buying storage units casey is in florida inner venice i'm not sure where that is but um that's furnace florida in vernon it's like it's south of gainesville okay i'm not sure where that is but smiles m is in florida nice so there's another flordini in there el can is in the florida the florida panhandle so it looks like we might actually have some friends down there if not friends potentially fans australia you did see australia okay uh we got into georgia texas georgia tons of new mexico tons of ohio there's another stuart florida the chat is just flying do you think what state do you think we have the most fans in let's see youtube tells us but i honestly want to say ohio's probably ranked up there you think ohio is up there yeah i think ohio is probably in the top five so do you want me to figure it out yeah okay i'll figure it out all right you figure out where they're from and i'm going to figure out where where we got a lot of west virginia we do love west virginia i know our top two states i absolutely are they're on the west coast aren't they so state number one unless something has changed is california with the most fans all right and we have a time i'll say the most of california right now on the chat and then state number two is texas now that kind of makes sense just based on population there are more masses of people there okay so i'm going to i'm going to pull this up in our analytics our personal analytics and i'm going to find out someone said they were from venus oh no i've got people from other planets watching well you're from mars so so we know david foster sent a five dollar super sticker appreciate it david we know california we know texas let's take a peek at some of the other topics flipping adventure says i know florida is representing for sure let's hope so let's hope so okay i'm i'm clicking on i audience right now okay and it tells us when our viewers are on susan says can you say akawaha florida i try to if i'm right yay me if not then okay now 64 of our views in the last month have come from the united states what i'm trying to figure out is which states let me see if i can figure it out audience audience joe hunsberger says ohio is the best we do have awesome summers here which is why we just want to move away from the cold winters into florida and then we'll be back in ohio come end of april beginning of may gold pan one two three four five cent five dollars appreciate it all right i may have missed the super chat i am getting down to the nitty gritty debbie dever sent three dollars says vernal utah three hours from salt lake all right ohio is in the top five ah yes i knew it which number it's not number one i already said california's number one probably not one texas is number two that has not changed what do you think number three is number three it's great news it's really good is it ohio it's florida florida florida there will be friends in florida what do you think number four is four would be not ohio you're wrong it's ohio number four is ohio number four is our top uh ohio is our top watcher state and then number five is new york that's new york don't you think that is pretty awesome okay okay here's what i want to know now speaking of new york we are supposed to go to niagara falls we still haven't made it but we're going to go south and uh we'll we'll get back to that stacey sent two dollars says collinsville illinois home of the great ketchup bottle yeah that's the bottom biggest biggest ketchup bottle in the world did you know that yes our viewers tell i didn't know until our viewers told us oh okay okay here's george always ask she always asks the same thing how did you find us so here's what we want to know what was your very first what the hells video if you can remember let us know in the chat what was the very first what the hell's video that you saw that's always it's it's really interesting for for us just to know that might be hard for some people to answer just because i don't even remember the first they start they start binge watching actually i i do remember okay here was the very first video i ever put on youtube and you can't find it anymore uh because it's gone so the very first youtube video i ever did it was how to how to tube the mohican river for free it was a it was a hack on how not to pay hundreds of dollars just to tube down the mohican river how to put one vehicle in one spot another vehicle in another spot have friends and then tube for miles and then you do it all for free and then that got picked up like by trip advisor or something like that and people loved it but the whole the whole genre of the channel completely and totally changed and you can't even find that video anymore a lot of people are saying first video was definitely a coin pusher but they wouldn't be able to tell they won't be they probably won't remember well we want to know which one we won't know which we have so many see you watch the ones you watch so you know those we know everything so these are the ones you watched these are the ones that we lived and you didn't see and therefore it just all goes all over the place uh dill hole sent 2.79 says going to get job and banana sandwich be back nice all right what are we looking at did anybody say uh smiles themselves were your friends in florida anybody say a specific video oh conkey said shady guy okay which the cool thing is conkey got to come back out and watch jessie a clear thrift buy shady guy's unit again oh yeah that's right yep shady guy a lot of people are saying i can't remember it was so long ago carla said we missed her super sticker if we did carla carla thank you so much i think i did uh somebody said maddox said storage units back in 2019. joel said he started watching when you're at 150 subscribers that was a while ago a couple people in the chat i saw said they started watching before i was introduced so we got a lot of ogs back before the channel was called what the hells let's see let's do a pop quiz and quiz okay let's do a pop quiz let's do it what was the channel called before it was what the hell let's see who knows let's see if anybody knows southern yankee said it was when you had two homeless uh couple shop at your warehouse yeah and you gave away all the free stuff all right you there was another super chat why don't you grab that one let's see if we can see conkey's flipping adventures put an answer in there tony gonzalez sent five dollars says hi jeremy and george hey tony okay i see a lot of hjh so it was hjh adventures so there are there's some og's in here yeah joe sent five dollars says three coin towers was the first one i saw how many good towers have we done i don't have a clue which one that is so many uh so they're saying hjh adventures but you know what they might even yeah they might started hh adventure they could have just started watching yesterday and they're still here we have someone from brazil watching pretty cool that's pretty cool is watching from brazil okay so they're they're telling us another og she said yes before george oh sandy woods said she was she's been here for four years yeah sandy sandy i remember sandy when i first started reading comments sandy would leave a lot she was she was right there in the beginning yeah yeah that would be the beginning says skyscrapers so she's a new a new sub one was skyscrapers uh earlier this week i don't even know what day i didn't even know what day all those are bobby jesse says safe unit which unit was that yeah we don't know which unit that is there have been a lot of safes kim owen said the first time george was there from the beginning of the george it must have been a date it was a date video yeah i would have put date videos with you before you actually came out with the story debbie von says it was about two years ago wow so that was right around the time that i joined two years ago we met july of 18 december of 18 is when we rebranded the channel and i came up with the logo and we changed everything from hjh to what the hails kathy white says she was younger and thinner back then when she found the chicken so were we [Laughter] so were we kathleen says when jeremy and justin uh locked themselves in a storage unit that was fun that was a fun one that was fun okay here's what i really want to know david weather sent five dollars appreciate the five dollar super chat david oh somebody somebody said uh when the girl stole doris said girl store stole the tv from us and got arrested by the way oh yeah that that girl that got arrested we press charges so she just just that was a long time ago over a year ago she just got got uh she's basically she's on probation she has to do so many years on probation and so she just went through the process of court just that's how long it took that long it took that long colin taylor sent 5 says my first vid was summer of 2020 elvis two gold ingot towers when they were allowed to be mentioned nice appreciate it colin what are towers we're not allowed to mention towers those that must not be named it was before we boycotted that is what he's trying to say yeah so definitely boycott it okay uh here's what we want to know your favorite video on the channel bonnie says when george got fired is when she that was a good one that was a really good one melinda young says the beginning of the seventeen eighteen dollar unit oh my goodness thank you those units are once in a lifetime units if we could do that if we could strike gold like that again in florida i would be that would be awesome static but i don't i don't anticipate it jennifer gross sent or gross and 2.00 says california meetup video so when we had our first huge youtube collaboration yep appreciate it jennifer okay favorite what the hell's video that's what we want to know now you can't just go coin pusher because that doesn't that doesn't tell us anything we want to know what your very very favorite is okay very favorite storage the love but which which restores the love somebody said uh devil's pinch biker tim said devil's pinch finally somebody likes devil's pinch that's my favorite santiago says when i left with the moose that you know you remember what that one's aren't you a moose aren't are you amused are you amused dory says manny the mannequin manny the mannequin we took him to his first auction and he won and he went for like 30 bucks and it was filled with brands brand new toys yep it was like someone did early christmas shopping uh a couple people in the chat said that the army the army coin pusher yeah that one that one means war i do remember that one because that one was so unique versus the other so i can remember that one that one was uh that one was fun because i actually got to play oh helen parker says when george pulled pranks on jeremy when you did what's in the box that was probably my favorite too helen that one that one was i quit the title of that is i quit yep george pulled all these pranks on me and at the end i was like all right i quit all kansas loved when you found all that jewelry fifteen thousand dollars crazy that was in norwalk that was crazy in a garbage bag in or was it the lunch box was in the garbage bag it was a garbage bag and a lunch box inside of a black garbage i'd have to go back to the video uh joe staley says when you got stuck in the elevator matt thank you so much appreciate the super sticker the elevator was awesome oh my gosh it was 30 minutes but it felt like 30 days the elevator was off because everyone was breathing up all the air do you remember i tried to save you though yeah you tried to save us all but there was just concrete wall concrete never gonna stop me mega panda five dollars thank you so much margaret send a super sticker bam thank you so much margaret um a couple people said our dumpster diving video that was so much fun to make you loved that did you get math super sticker uh if i didn't matter i'm gonna get matt right now matt if i didn't get you thank you so much kittymama223 five dollars restorage of the love when the homeless guy wanted to buy back the unit for his fiancee thank you thank you so much that one was a good one to do that was sandusky yeah clearance and dusky then yep that one was a good one yeah yeah those uh those are fun videos to do that is that is one of the driving forces it is of the channel especially when they stores especially when they truly appreciate it and they don't feel like yeah it should have been given to them you know debbie diver buck 99 jeremy taped to the wall that was that was that was unique we'll say that unique that one was unique kyle says two bucks fighting hey i i can agree with you there that one was a good one too that was that was our first short video so that's something that you guys are gonna start seeing uh more of on the channel right maybe maybe uh big mil hunt silver says congratulations on 300k thank you so much so youtube is starting to promote short videos and and they call them shorts and it's 60 seconds or shorter we've we've done one and the one that you saw this week that was actually that was a two bucks that was a test adam sent two dollars we love and appreciate all the videos thank you so much adam now one of the questions that we often get is how do i find the rest of your videos so here's what happens most of the time you get super chats uh a viewer finds us on youtube because youtube will go hey a lot of people are watching this video you might like it too and a viewer clicks on it and they go yeah i really like it whether it's restorage love whether it's you know uh elvis you name it and so a viewer then goes back to youtube and youtube will often go okay well here's another what the hell's video and then and then viewers will tell us hey i haven't seen you in months where did you guys go and we never went anywhere we were there the entire time if you don't subscribe and if you don't hit all notifications on the bell youtube will not continue to push our videos in front of you and we often get the question how do we find your videos and what i actually want to do i'm going to i'm going to show you tonight let's see remember how i do this share screen well you probably want to get rid of those first uh and draco sent two dollars said four years watching stay frosty i and drakel i do remember a lot of comments from en draco when i first started you're killing me on the mouse there all right so i'm gonna share screen and i'm gonna share audio even though we won't need it and [Music] why is this not doing it let me try again brenda sent five dollars says east versus west restores the love appreciate it brenda all right we're gonna share the screen now here's what i'm gonna show you guys okay right now you should be seeing this screen this is how you find all of the actual videos on our channel and how you find playlists so for example if you go up into your search and you type in you type in what the hells flipping adventures just dropped a link for our playlist thank you so much flipping adventure all right so you see here here's the channel you see boom what the hell's now if you go into your tabs and you have to be you have to be on a laptop typically to do this you see home videos playlist community store channels about so playlists you can go to videos and this will show you every video we have ever uploaded and there's almost 800 of them there actually are 800 you can't see them all you can see uploads live now past live streams but if you want to see all of the videos in order and this is a lot of what we get from viewers why aren't your videos in order well all of our videos are in order youtube yeah you just have to know how to navigate youtube if you're on the home page like on the home tab it brings up the most popular ones but if you're in the videos tab then it brings it up in chronological order of when we're released it kind of sent five dollars says thank you so much for the fun okay so connie if you go to playlist i'm in play list right now we could go into see this here coin pusher jackpots this is every coin pusher that you can that we've we've actually done you can watch every single coin pusher video right there here is the ultimate binge this is every video we have ever done you can actually click on this playlist you can watch every video in chronological order as we release them how we did them every cashing in gift cards that we've ever done here's five of them here's how to local auction these are all local auctions not storage unit auctions but local auctions here's every live stream we've ever done check this out here is travel with us fun adventures now here's one of the things that we often will get jeremy how do i find out what you've done before well here's an entire playlist and if we look through here here's uv black light treasure hunting here's treasure hunting for petoskey stones uh georgia sun's in the military now who's george this is the very first video that george was ever in right here and it's in this playlist found money uh george's age reveal uh we've got all kinds of things in here appreciate the super sticker tweety pie this is a whole playlist of you're killing sorry sorry i thought it was this is a whole playlist of just traveling with us and so we get questions all right how do i find everything that you you when you guys traveled here's real estate auctions here is every abandoned storage unit video that we've ever done there are 450 in here right now here is every restorage the love or a former owner wanted their units back we've heard from people before they go oh man this restores a love thing it's fake everywhere jeremy goes people are there they must be paid actors well there's only 24 videos of restoration of the love out of almost 800 so therefore not everywhere we go everybody asks for a unit back here is 121 live auctions if live auctions is your thing here's every safe we've ever found here's another thing we often hear oh man they find a safe in every single unit there are 28 videos out of 800. 20. be the reality is is those people who say those things have only watched the safe videos there's over 800 videos there are only 28 but if you want to see every video that has a safe it's right there this is our favorite videos on our channel these are there's 29 that are our all-time favorites here's 30 of trunks we found everybody that wants to know how do i buy abandoned storage units here is an entire playlist so if you're a new 21 video you want to get into storage units this is they teach you playlists right there these are games fun pricing games side hustle games actually here is the beginning this is the very first video i ever did right there humble beginnings uh formerly hjh adventures unfortunately most of those videos you probably will not have access to because i have those set on private because they're not relevant to the channel anymore uh this is camper life hacks tips and tricks this is how i started messing around with the channel again you probably won't even see this but those are back in the hd those are back in the day ebay how to sell on ebay there are four videos we found out really really quick that people don't care how to sell on ebay they care about the treasure hunt and so if we were going to be successful on youtube that ebay had to go out the window and the treasure hunt had to become the the majority of it flipping adventure says that she wanted to know how to winterize her camper had nothing to do with where she was and that's how she found the channel i that's one of my best videos is how to winterize the camper uh thrifting there are 10 thrifting videos and we teach you a lot about how to make money in the thrifting but then again we also found out thrifting videos don't do well on it it's very saturated a lot of channels do it every sword and connive george ever found right there 19 videos so if you go george finds swords all the time there's actually only 19 videos really only 19 videos out of over 800 all right i'm gonna pull us back up normal so if you don't know how to navigate the channel that's just a little a little quick tip for you you can go into the playlist all of the information as far as dates released published all of that information is in every single video if you know how to look for it if you know how to navigate d sent five dollars says the first video i saw george was in the video but then i saw videos that were older and thought that they were messing around on george than realized uh someone asked how are your patients all the dates are in the videos you can watch them in chronological order uh patience and christian are on vacation right now so i'm sure they're phenomenal yeah they wanted to get out of the cold and they're somewhere on a beach they are honorable we don't know where yeah i do janice says how to cut your hair at home three years ago that was that was when he used to cut his hair like for his gum style and george won't let me do it anymore but that whole video was the crazy thing is that video that video would have done amazing during corona because everybody was searching how to cut your hair and the whole just of the video was a five-year-old can cut your hair and i had a five-year-old cutting my hair i had olivia cutting my hair so the the channel art the cartoon of us was actually done by a 16 year old so a lot of people are saying oh my gosh it's horrible it doesn't look like you guys but he was 16 when he did it for us so it is it is one of our young one of our young fans it is a bit rough uh you remember you remember when we were getting it and i was like that doesn't even look like you what's the deal with that oh i was wearing a hat and it looks like i've got bangs and it looks like we're in the winter and we're never gonna do a snowy cold winter again so that definitely you've actually been working on trying to update that haven't you yeah okay i have i'm i'm trying to learn how to do it myself because you have to have like certain dimensions for it to fit and i'm i'm i try to play tetris i've tried to play with it and i thought i had a good one and i showed it to jeremy he's like no and then i thought i had it again and i showed it to him and he's like nope so the ones that i've created he doesn't like so so then i put it on the back burner have i said nope twice yes twice do you remember what i told you i used to say to my media team when they would create a video you would say something like they would say they would say jeremy or better than that they would say jeremy what do you want and i would tell them i want you to create a video that that touches me so emotionally that i cry and they would and then i saw all the guidance i would give them so you want me to do a channel art that's going to make you cry i want you to touch me so deeply that you cause tears to and i'll fight it back up and they would always bring me in for the first test run it would never ever fly they would sit me down and i would say am i crying they would go no and i go you're better than that i know you're better than that keep keep at it i know your skill level and and i went you went too fast on this you didn't get the emotional the emotional drive that we that we want and they would always knock it out of the park on the second time and i and i'd be and you got it that's the kind of micro manager i am make me cry and then i don't get it why would you want to cry over channel art because it's that good is the current one now make you cry yeah because it's that rough oh that's so bad it is a little yeah it needs a good updating maybe we can put a we could put an alligator in it so we can have we can have an alligator in there florida chickens so the the new channel art that i was trying to play with has like actual pictures of us like not the not the cartoon-esque look it would be actual pictures reality yeah yeah reality would probably do a little bit better yeah so i'll work on it i'll probably try and get it done before we hit 500k we got a while we gotta get to florida i'll try and get it done then 500k on what the hails are 500k on what the asmr well we'd get there probably first on what the hell okay so i have a question for you guys since you guys are the super fans okay you guys are the loyal super fans you can't get enough we have been going back and forth on what the asmr we we obviously what the asmr has a completely different drive and purpose than what the hails dale just gave me a really good idea so what's happened is we put a portion of a coin pusher on uh what the asmr and some love it and then some absolutely hate it and they leave negative comments and then they get blocked from the channel because the stupidity of it and so uh what our thought was if we take every former i'm just gonna show them let's just do a test run okay so what george and i were talking about and i actually put this together already is i want to take every former coin pusher for the asmr channel and i want to do it like this like alvin and the chipmunks so there's the leaning the leaning tower eileen glazer says i love the asmr coin pusher video okay so the question is would anybody actually want to watch the coin pushers in chipmunk mode on the asmr channel would that go over well or would that go over no way in hales so right now our videos are more scenic very very scenic they are no talking the what the asmr channel is no talking whatsoever and the funny part is is people are leaving comments i can't believe you guys never talk they don't see there's like asmr they don't understand what asmr is and they don't understand that when a camera is on you have to entertain and dead air is a dead channel it's a dead video that's why when you watch sports you have the announcer you have the color commentator you have another color commentator you never ever want dead air on the radio on a video karen said she liked it but it wasn't the same because we weren't talking so we've talked often about doing something we're doing the coin pusher on the asmr channel and what might just end up is might just not work at all it probably majority of people are saying no so it probably doesn't work they like watching it the way that it is so it probably doesn't work at all so i did not let's try it and see what happens well john says chipmunk nan says no chipmunks we're getting mixed mixed opinions right so we're just going to say the reality is is the coin pushers aren't going to because we've already established what the coin pusher videos are in everybody's minds our banter back and forth change doesn't happen easily and it's to shift with no talking whatsoever that's not a good transition so basically in a nutshell a new type of coin pusher with no talking doesn't fit for the asmr channel we're just going to have to do swimming with manatee videos so one of the very first there never is any talking on our asmr videos so uh on what the asmr you're never going to hear us talking you're never going to hear two dollars on the purpose they like it just the way it is so what's going to happen when we get down to florida we are we are five minutes the property that we bought is five minutes from uh from a natural spring where the manatee uh come constantly during the winter because the the temps are 72 degrees and we actually we shared that in the video when we looked at the properties and so one of the very first videos that we're waiting to do when we get down there is to actually swim with the manatee and you legally can swim right next to the manatee and that will be one of the asmr videos yeah they encourage it which we thought was weird but the state encourages yeah they do that's the best part it's it's a state park they charge you six bucks to go back there and swim with the manatee they're like get in there they actually put in stairs concrete stairs put in a railing they're like get in there as close as you want there's a couple stairways that lead right into the spring that you can just go in and snorkel or swim or you know hang out on a noodle yeah it's going to be it'll be amazing a couple people in the chat said how about doing it backwards on the asmr channel so we've talked about we have talked about that the challenge i actually tried to do one backwards so everything breaks and then it goes back and i think george would actually have to do that on her editing software so for me i do everything on video shop on my phone no matter what we record on everything gets edited on my phone and i do 99.9 of the editing so i've tried to reverse an entire video and by the way some of you guys might go why do we never ever get here's another tidbit for you you might go why do we never ever get a video longer than 60 minutes and the reality is is because my program does not let me put a video any greater than 60 minutes so you'll never get one so if all of a sudden everything is sped up or it's a few inches later or it's that's why because you i can't edit anything larger than 60 minutes ladonna said she swim with manatees oh that'd be so much fun someone else said that their uh their family swam with manatees and a baby swim with them oh that would be so awesome we've got it we've got to do that currency collector says swimming with the sharks yes no doubt so i actually tried to do one in reverse and my reverse function did not work so i think what i'm gonna have to do is put the video together and speed it up i can speed it up and i can slow it down but then i'll probably have to send it over to george's phone for her to edit and do a reverse and that gets really really tricky for us to swap 30 minutes 60 minute video it distorts the footage everything marv harris sent five dollars says for his first video was february 2nd quarantine 2018. that would have been probably 1800 hundred dollar unit of 2018 oh no i don't i don't even know what that would have been that would have been before we met yeah that's before we met july of 18th yeah if that's not a typo probably a storage unit yeah the video may not even be on there anymore in all reality but probably a storage unit so uh i still want to try the backwards ones and then put music in the background so backwards you know everything is there we have all the videos but it's taking those huge files reversing those huge files which takes a lot of processing and then not distorting it through the transfer of information from one device to another to another to be able to do it it would have to go speedy to do it in a speedy manner is is the challenge for us because to to to do all the editing on a laptop would take too much time and we would not be able to get videos out typo it was february 25th of 2018. so again he's he's one of the ogs he knows back when it was hgh he knows so i think backwards would probably so basically what they're saying is a backwards coin pusher everything goes and it's back up that would be oddly satisfying would be better than a chipmunk yeah all right we'll maybe try experiment maybe epic music or no sound at all epic music yeah you would have to have you can't do no sound video and have people watch that doesn't work so there would have to be music in the background so that would work music going in reverse we'll we'll test that this week and see if we can actually pull that off because we have every coin pusher and we have not been recording asmr because of the weather in ohio so so you may go well where'd all the asmr go well there's just only so much opportunity we can come up with other things and actually george has a million ideas but weather still becomes the thing that that we are fighting which is why we want to go south it opens up the opportunity for us to be better youtubers year round and to have a northern based business and a southern based business regina says put all the losing coin pusher videos on the asmr channel yeah we could do actually we could do that too we could do that too and then then people would be like i didn't come here to watch losing videos do you you what what you guys probably don't understand no matter what we do you have no idea how much pushback and how much complaining and how much trolling and hate that we get or in all reality how much stupidity okay so we've said so many times what the asmr is our second channel what the asmr is our second channel we got people leaving comments like crazy these are all stolen videos from what the hails i'm just sitting there shaking my head that's our second channel how many times do we tell you this is our second channel and now you're reporting our own channel to us and i just sit there and i go oh man oh man oh man i feel like boston rob on survivor sometimes bam look what time it is what time is it it's 1001. 10.01 yeah i thought you were going to say it's 3 000. do we want 100 do we want to talk about something else before we transition into the auction absolutely do okay there is a massive is this what we're talking about the auction there's a massive auction in worcester ohio on tuesday tuesday this tuesday this tuesday you can find it on auction zip zip code 44691 there are currently 35 units up for auction i think all of your favorite youtubers are probably going to be there george will be there i will be there i believe conkey and noreen definitely are going to be there i'm pretty positive that uh second sense is going to be there and i'm pretty positive that storage legends is going to be there and i'm pretty sure clear thrifts will probably make an appearance too so check that out it's on auction zip starts at 9 30 in worcester they're going to be 35 units and we're going to have a ton of fun rain or rain because the forecast is going to be rain i can't wait to go to florida we'll have to put on a pancho can't wait to go to florida you know it rains the goal is the goal is tuesday go to the worcester auction wednesday go on the public storage run thursday is gobble gobble day thursday is thanksgiving we may or may not go live on thanksgiving just to wish everyone a happiness george that this is another teaser for you guys george has actually stated and you will find this out soon that georgia stated in a video that she wants to go live from her full egyptian family's thanksgiving and she wants to put the full family in the livestream you can meet all my siblings to meet every single george all of their middle names are george as well and then you get to meet my dad george so that's her plans so you get this you get to meet baba mama uh george george will be there christie meerkat george other georges so that's her plan so we'll tease it we'll tease it now we'll see if we're having too much fun and i forget then it's not gonna happen she won't forget she won't forget there's gonna be a lot of screaming kids there so that may be another reason why we won't go live you know what when you're living by yourself and you don't have screaming kids around the one thing you always want screaming kids oh i was gonna say peace and quiet uh you get too much peace and quiet it's the same when when you have screaming kids you want peace and quiet when you have too much peace and quiet all you want is screaming kids oh i just put on music oh you gotta you got a new band called screaming kids she's listening to a band called screaming kids [Laughter] so uh that will be happening as well uh you'll you'll get more information about that probably in a video on the video or video were released on thursday as well because it's already been recorded dilvol says he wants to go to florida too he just got 15 centimeters of snow in canada no thank you no thank you as a kid it was fun making snow angels building uh snowmen and you know going sledding but now that we're older it's just it hurts the bones it really does and the skin that's because i need some quiet time i like quiet time i like me time [Laughter] all right anything else you want to announce i just want to announce why if you like quiet time so much you don't leave me alone is that what you mean by me today people are going to be like unsubscribe unsubscribe if i wanted to listen to screaming kids i got my own unsubscribe okay you ready to transition into the auction yep do you need music to transition um a little i have my list little diddy no you have your list little ditty to transition [Music] all right [Music] [Music] all right we are getting ready to go into our live bulk auction if you've attended one of our live bulk auctions you know how this work but if this is your first i'll go through the rules and then we'll also do a uh up a fake pretend bid on an auction item i don't know what that item is gonna be yet can i use that use what the pretend yeah slimer no the other thing the the apron yeah all right so first things first yeah what you want to do is make sure you guys are in live chat and not top chat kale 72 says no you will make it rain make sure you're in live chat not chop chat this is super important because then we along with everyone else at home gets to see the chat as it happens in real time um all of the wants start at a 25 minimum bid and that includes free shipping if you live here in the us if you live outside of the us you're more than welcome to bid on a lot however keep in mind that you will have to pay extra for shipping cost and it's all based on the dimensions and the weight of the lot so i can't tell you how much that it's going to be but i can tell you um we've had people from canada uh pay for shipping and it varies anywhere from 50 to 80 so keep that in mind if you are in a different company or country make sure you know your country's custom laws and if there's any import fees so for example perfume was shipped which we just got back and custom sent it back because perfume is a no-no so make sure you keep that in mind too if you win a lot i will send you a paypal invoice tomorrow morning so once you win a lot i just remember the chelsea song did you you want to save it for the end i can sing the chelsea song at the end well you can change the lyrics to me our auction style is minute to win it so you have one minute to put your bids in the chat and then you're throwing me off with your singing it goes blonde hair and blue eyes seem to hypnotize i don't know how i'm going to sing george to that brown eyes come on you're more creative anyways you have a minute to put your bids in the chat and then once the timer stops our sold mod who is flipping adventures will type in sold in the chat and then the highest bidder will win that lot any bits that come after flipping adventures types in sold which she just did now in the chat uh unfortunately does not count if you are the highest bidder you want to make sure you email us immediately with your contact information and again jeremy will remind you throughout the auction what to do and what to send if you're a runner if you are runner-up and you want to be considered as the backup bidder you can also email us your contact information as well immediately everything is sold as is there's no guarantees there's no returns we auction items off to you as we find them in the storage unit should we give them another teaser just for the fun of it right now yeah let me finish seeing this before i forget also you have a chance to win a free lot at the end of the auction by anne's being the first to i'm only going to have two lucky winners tonight by answering the trivia question correctly if you're the first two to answer the trivia question correctly you'll win a free lot this evening if you want another teaser the 100 by 100 10 000 square foot building that we're building for the business this is the blueprint bam did you get it did you get it did you get it there's our blueprint right there okay there you go that was your that was your teaser that's the first building that will be built on the property they're probably going to go back and pause it there is there is a filming studio for camper hookups in efficiency apartment it's going to be pretty awesome so that that's the first structure that would be built on the property all right now for a practice run on how this all works again make sure you're in live chat not top chat and then another thing you want to do is refresh uh in between every lot so that you're not lagging we all set and ready to go yeah i sent you the timer all right i've been beckoned to do my job yet again okay i'm not sure i want to work tonight maybe i'll just take the night off what do you think what do you think george we got an auction to run what are you trying to say here step up real quick oh they saw it when i got up to get my sheet oh what are you trying to say i can't have the night off all right well here we go can't have the night off in one of our earlier lives like when we first started doing lives that was a shirt that jeremy wore and then mine says the real boss all right whoops i've screwed that up already let me boom there we go i'm going to adjust the camera and we are going to do a test run this is going to be test for everybody this is not actually for auction right now the following item after this will be this is just the test for a minute to win it remember hold your bids until jeremy says go uh we already have a bid of 2 million vantrel quest and we haven't even started yet what do you do with 2 million ventriloquist i don't know oh slimer puppet 2 million slimers okay so remember everything is as is no guarantees no returns you got to bid fast you got a bit furious because you literally only have one minute to win it here we go test run test run you're not really getting this item this is just a test for a minute to win it we're getting all kinds of bids already we got ketchup cake 10 000 packets of ketchup that's actually pretty good eight million all the ghostbuster toys ever i think that's what i'm gonna take i'm gonna accept the ghostbuster toys wait there's three gators actually i might take the gators instead of too premature to take any uh bids right now uh we're taking it we're taking six cows everybody that wants to know when when george and i are getting married i'm still waiting for a better offer from her dad i'm waiting for i'm waiting for more goats so for the dowry i just haven't heard a good enough dowry yet uh a gator farm a bunch of turkeys one smile from auntie kiki one smile someone said a 70 foot gummy bear um i think i'm fat now i think that gummy bear would take me out 50 turkeys five billion goats five billion goats debbie von said five billion goats and i see a pod of manatees a pot of manatees you know i'm kind of i'm thinking for the asmr channel that a pot of manatees might be the thing to go with so that that that's who the highest uh that is fake bitter pot of manatees pot of manatees what's our first lot tonight george i'm going to make this first lot now we're on to the real bids this is going to be real bids you guys first lot tonight our dvds somebody say dvds all right dvds if you're stuck in quarantined now's your time to get all of oh george is attacking her camera now's the time to get all of your entertainment uh remember we will still be uploading every single day we should actually be uploading even better videos because we're moving to florida and again that move is a temporary move it's for the winters and george is got well she's she's got the dvds i'm just gonna give it to her here we go this is like mostly comedy but there's a total of 61 dvds they all have been checked to make sure that the dvd is uh the right dvd in the case but we haven't checked to see if like there's any scratches or anything like that we just opened them made sure that it was in there total of 61 mostly comedies we like comedies we do love to laugh i think laughter or making anyone smile is uh is one of the best feelings how often do you make people smile i'd like to say every day really remember this one ferris bueller's day off bealer bueller what's your favorite comedy movie mine would ghostbusters be considered comedy i think ghostbusters is considered did it make you laugh it just made me want to be a ghostbuster even though i don't believe in ghosts but i like it's the same thing where i tell you i don't believe in aliens by any stretch of the imagination i do not believe in aliens at all but i still like the sci-fi uh alien movies so just like i don't believe i don't believe that there was a star trek and or star wars i don't believe i don't believe in you know star wars was real or or all that but people eat that stuff up they know it's not real they know it's science fiction so but ghostbusters was a good one i did love ghostbusters which which video have you heard me laugh the most at oh there's a couple i can think of uh how about couples what is that couples retreat no did we watch that i can't remember grown-ups grown-ups one grown-ups too um there was a couple sasha movies that made you laugh out loud who's sasha sasha the guy that played borah oh okay um let's see haunted house day one haunted house the spoof movies are hilarious movies made you laugh hilarious this looks like two movies and one becky g just said bridesmaids is funny did we watch bridesmaids was it funny yeah i don't remember did we watch that did we watch that beverly you'll find out which property we bought once we get on the property then we'll do a reveal video yeah a lot of you are wondering well which one did you get we haven't revealed it yet until we get we will let you know as soon as we get the keys and you will know what property we got the title will probably be we bought an abandoned something something this is a two for one dvd superstar superstar this is not a comedy but it's a blue ray and there's you know that's that's worth a pretty penny there right yeah but this is from the library oh yeah it is marked up from the library yeah so it's not going to be so it's not going to be as valuable yep but all of them are in there don said you guys bought an abandoned manatee [Laughter] all right 61 dvds mostly comedy did you show them all yeah all right here we go george showed them all 61 dvds blu-rays uh they are all in the case we have not checked as far as scratches or anything along those lines did we watch any of those are those just all from units um i think they're all from units okay she thinks they're all from units so we might have watched some we might not have but she's probably erroring on we didn't watch any so they have not been tested that doesn't mean that they don't work you just need to bid accordingly in regards to that okay uh and that being said somebody oh somebody's got a ghostbusters pick okay um that being said i got distracted by ghostbusters that being said you got a bit fast you got a bit furious because you only have one minute to win it it's real this time it's real and it's on yep real bad 61 dvds it's real it's on here we go a little bit adventure says it's going to be i bought an abandoned alligator farm you never know shirley means yes 25 starting bid two tall vapes is that 25 now we got rosie at 40. we got freshly here 61 61 to 5 bid right now right now we got adam at 63. 63 zybid now fred free or at 75 remember this is this is free shipping in the united states fred free is now 75 75's high bid tina came into 75 as well now we've got tony the pony the pony man 44k at 200 the pony man 44k you need to confirm your bid before i will accept it we still have high bid at 75. now k rest is at 77. ponyman 44k you need to confirm your bid before our accepted k rest is still high bitter 77 77 right now 77 is high bid tom oley you need to confirm your bid before i'll accept it crystal earl's now high better at 80. sean bennett now at 83 83 high bid 83 high bid tony mann 44 cases yes he is confirming this bid yes to the bid and sold the pony man pony man sean bennett is back up bitter pony man was up at let me check let me check what was ponyman at ponyman was at looking for it looking for it looking forward to 30 or 200. looking for it looking for it 200 ponyman all right ponyman here's what you're going to do you're going to send your youtube name your real name your shipping address your bid amount 200 and your lot which is the movies and dvds and you're going to send an email you need to send that email right now what the hell's at yahoo.com you're gonna send it right there we need to get your email here again before you can bid on another lot if we don't get your email tonight then that lot will go to your backup bidder or will be set right back up to bid uh sean you are backupbidder at 83 sean here's what you're gonna do you're gonna send your youtube name your real name even if they're the same shipping address you're gonna send the bid amount which i believe was 83 i'm pretty sure that was the backup bid i saw some other higher bids in there like 230 but those were not confirmed before the sold so sean i'm taking your bid as the backup bid and then put in there as well that it was the dvd lot and you're gonna send those emails right now fellas right there what the hails at yahoo.com i will check i will let you know if we got it and remember anybody who bids on a youtube uh auction here at what the hails and if you don't pay unfortunately you don't get to play on the channel anymore you are banned from the channel because we take this very serious because people resell these items or they collect these items and the next lot is nothing but winnie the pooh you got a winnie the pooh yeah okay this is a disney winnie the pooh this still has the tag on it eight honey pot points and this is mattel kanga and rue right there uh tina lee says i love winnie the pooh i'm just gonna go ahead a lot of people winnie the pooh is very uh collectible giving george full screen there full screen so here's a purple sweatshirt it kind of looks bluish a little bit but this is a 1x purple sweatshirt and then here's another winnie the pooh sweatshirt this one's red [Music] perfect right before christmas this one is also a this is a 3x dogma guy had his seventh birthday based on winnie the pooh gail just sent us a picture of her her son's car and he themed it ghostbusters how cool is that here's a winnie the pooh bag and then on the inside it's got this pattern here's a winnie the pooh blanket we have not gotten the high bidder information yet but we do have sean's email thank you sean remember folks if you have no intentions of paying please do not bid we're good to go with sean you know sean's in tampa bay right yeah we'll be two hours from sean here's another probably see sean at an auction this is a this is actually a five six in kids this is a kid's shirt bears beats battlestar galactica here's another kids shirt hold on tight because this is a really big poo lot 40 if you guys remember the mark martin nascar unit from mansfield i believe i got that there were a ton of poo items in that unit christian patience and i just finished going through that unit a couple days ago wasn't it there's some stickers this week we finally finished that unit we're not even done with the kiss unit yet we have three units we still have to do a fine-tooth sword on tom said brace yourself for a massive poo [Laughter] that's cute these are some kid's shoes phil's fun vlog said jeremy look forward to the future interview just let me know when and where we can do it phil we'll get it in the schedule this is a winnie the pooh book end now patience was telling me because she's some kind of psychology major that winnie the pooh is all based on personality disorders oh yeah and that christopher robin so the author here's a wind chime the author based every character off of a personality disorder and that christopher robin is actually schizophrenic and those are the uh the the personalities so the according to patience i've never checked this out but uh every single every single character on in winnie the pooh is based on a personality disorder including christopher robin and flipping adventures just said yes patience is correct and debbie said yep eor is depression tigger has got to be adhd yeah for sure but christopher seems normal bear crazy bear kitty said i'm schizophrenic and so am i you didn't get that that was funny that was fun i didn't even hear a giggle out of you he said i'm schizophrenic and so am i now you get it you didn't get it that was a fake laugh that was her fake laugh she didn't get it yet i get it but personality disorders is no joke here's a winnie the pooh cookbook rabbit sheena says rabbit has anger issues there is a sugar cookie recipe uh i think i think piglet is supposed to be anxiety jk said i thought it was just a cartoon uh fred is saying yes tigger's adhd [Music] here's a poster it's a pretty big poster do you want to hold it up so they can see how big oh never mind here i'll measure it they're set fred is saying rabbit is ocd the poster's 29 inches long and 22 inches yep piglet is anxiety winnie the pooh's impulsive eating disorder piglet is generalized anxiety disorder eeyore's depression rabbit is obsessive compulsive so they they all think it's all and debbie said i would think owl is narcissistic christian was or patience was telling me what owls was and i don't remember i'm sure we can google it well i'll i was meant to google it but i never got to it i'm just remembering it now because we were actually when we were when we were sorting out the unit she started telling me about it and i was like really this one is sealed but this is it looks like a coloring book and it's sealed and it has a trick-or-treat and then there's three candles flipping avengers says owl has dyslexia and narcissistic personality disorder tigger is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder the candle doesn't have a scent it just smells like wax once she told me that i was like oh that kind of actually makes sense yeah and then i went wow basing a character based off based off of one this disorder you have your entire character here's a lanyard jk said and the honey is a bottle of scotch probably sure your price is so right uh there's probably there's probably a uh a patricia in there there's a bunch of uh plastic figurines and then a cake mold a winnie the pooh cake mold cecilia says what are you jeremy uh so probably some of you know that if they can't pinpoint a personality disorder they they claim everybody in the world has a everyone has some type of disorder right so they claim everyone in the world has a disorder so apparently nobody is normal so what they claim is you have a non-identified or what do they call what do they call it undisclosed undisclosed or whatever non they call it some non-disclosure or some kind of personality so if you don't fit into any of those categories you have a non non-identified personality disorder so if you look at those and you go hey i'm not any of those your non-identified personality disorder because apparently the whole world has them somehow one person is normal all right that's it that's it that was a huge this is a huge watch this is a huge lot yes uh michael just said this is a lot of collectibles it is uh kanga is social anxiety disorder rue is autism you know what patients told me that that root has autism yeah so yeah she's going on she's sharing all that okay this is a huge lot i'll show it one more time you can't see everything in in georgia's screen right now but uh it is a big disney it's a giant poo if you want in on this giant poo then [Music] you're all set you're all ready to go so everything is as is no guarantees no returns minimum bid of 25 that's free shipping here in the united states you're encouraged to bid if you're outside of the united united states there will be additional shipping fees you got a bid fast you got a bit furious because this is one giant pile of poo let's go here we go one minute to win it on the giant pile poo here we go flipping adventure says this is a giant pile of poo for sale we got better picks at 35 35 better picks fred for yours now 100. grandma j is that 150. 150 is a high bid right now grandma j's high better at 150 we got coming left right up down everywhere all around one bit is the hot uh 150 is the high bid right now with about 30 seconds to go 30 seconds to go this is one giant pooh lot joe childress 160. 160 is the high bid right now joe is high bidder at 160 high bid is the 160 is the bid to beat fred for you just came in at 160 as well but joe's still high better at 160. 160 coming left 160 coming right sean coming in at 140 for three gram j is now 162. 10 seconds to go with 162. i got spit all over the laptop screen grandma jay is the high bidder right now joe's now at 180 with five four three two and 180. let's see what happens here 180 fred is out barbtee's now at 220. barty came in at 220 is she going to beat it is she gonna get it let's see barbara's coming in on 175. leonardo's coming at 165. barbara turner nice snipe wow joe came in at 2 25 but just a little bit too late so sorry joe wow wow wow wow hey if you guys have never sold plush on ebay big plush like this go incredible on ebay here let's measure it it's already sold for barbed tea i know and it's a looks like a 20-inch plush barbecue 20-inch plush okay so barbtee high bidder at 220 barb here's what you're gonna do you're gonna send your youtube name your real name your shipping address your bid amount 220 and the lot which would be the giant giant disney pooh lot and then you're going to send that right on over to what the hails yahoo.com hopefully i'm pointing to it right now and then back up bitter was probably joe joe was at where was joe at i think it was joe joe's at 180 180 180 180 180 and would you stop sticking stuff in my orifices joe you are back up high bidder at 180 you can send all that same information for for someone's foreseen reason that barb doesn't pay then you get it for 180. ladies if anyone wants to buy something from barb then yeah if you saw something like you're like i really want that kanga i really want that roux we encourage you to talk to barb right here in the chat she might be keeping it she might be selling it but you can always encourage you guys to actually network with one another barbtee and joe if you'll send those emails right now and then we'll get you all set up for that let's see we got a test i'm not sure what the test is and we got another and okay john keaton just sent the message for the dvds okay alabama john we got your email we're all set there so we got that there and oh looks like we got barbies now this one is also from the pooh unit this is from the mark martin pooh now barbie lock this is the 2002 birthstone collection this is march barbie and then this is the may which is my birthday month barb we just got your we got your email barb so yes this came from the same unit where all the post came from that unit was a great great buy it was it was i actually thought it was a staged unit and once i got inside there was no doubt it was not staged there were a ton of collectibles this one is august which is peridot am i saying that right air dot that color pure dot uh i'm color blind i don't know this is the september sapphire brad brad craig is saying barb can you get a hold of me please if you guys are comfortable with putting your email in the chat you guys can put your email in the chat we won't share your information with others but if you want to put your information in the chat so you guys can talk feel free december turquoise collection so there's only five barbies in the slot that was found but it looks like they were a fan of like blue and green so this is the birthstone collection this is december which is turquoise most of these look brand new and sealed i mean all of them appear to look brand new and sealed and still never been opened the boxes are in decent condition they're not perfect but this one is the september sapphire barbie [Music] this is the august peridot if i'm saying that right somebody said this is all 2000 just keeps on giving this unit this unit was awesome and i didn't expect it to be this is that box probably has that one probably has the most damage right no that doesn't look like you this that one probably has the most damage yeah see there's like a little bit of damage on the on the plastic but it's not that bad this one is the march aquamarine dogma guy barb t dogma guy wants the book ends bookends looks like barbtee is gonna sell most of that stuff here tonight yeah looks like a little bit of damage there on the box but it's not too too bad so just five barbies in the slot all right five barbies in the lot that did come from the birthstone collection that did come from what we ended up calling the mark martin because there's so much nascar collectibles and trust me there is so much more still there's earnhardt in there um you might even see some of that tonight i don't know what she has planned but their that unit was just packed with collectibles this is the barbie lot five barbies everything is as is no guarantees no returns starting bid 25 free shipping in the united states free ship free shipping is only in the united states you're encouraged a bit if you're outside of the united states but there will be additional shipping fees she got a bit fast you got a bit furious because it's barbie time you only have one minute to win it here we go weren't you listening to the barbie song this morning i'm a barbie girl life is plastic it's fantastic catherine fells now at 35 we got 35 high bid right now and pam carter came in at 50 50 with the high pam carter now we got veronica veronico's back in it hi veronica sixty dollars veronica's in the high better at sixty dollars i am number one mom is now 75. 75 with the ian's number one mom and now catherine ps75 as well but we've got catherine pian80 80 with catherbee high bidders now 80 with captain p veronica came back at 75 p is still at 80. ian's number one mom is at 85. kim parsons jumps the bid 125. tim said not on my watch 125 right now is the high bid we got bids all over the place but tim parson is the high bidder with about 10 seconds to go 10 seconds to go for the barbie lot free shipping in the united states one i forget what it is but it is what it is with two seconds one second here we go here we go 126 veronica's now at 126 catherine p came in at 126. catherine p is not 127. what the hell is going on so it might be catherine p it might be catherine p i have to check i have to check because i can't remember what the hype it was probably it was kim parsons was at 125. it is catherine p at 126. catherine p at 127 veronica harris backup bid at 126. wow nice nice job guys it got intense there at the end okay catherine p you know what to do go ahead send your youtube name your real name even if they're the same you're shipping the address your bid amount which is the 127 on the barbie lot send that right there to what the heels at yahoo.com hopefully i'm pointing the right way this is what george does in my ear all the time [Music] and she makes those noises too it's the weirdest thing in the world and then veronica was back up better i believe at 126. so veronica same thing bam so veronica backup bidder at 126. that was that was all the barbies i found in that unit so far you're done with that i'm done we finished we finally finished sporting that unit guys i hope you're ready for some nascar and diecast because it's about to go down this is all from the same unit right all from the same unit i brought her a ton of stuff home i was like i'm not even going to tell the kids to ebay this i was like just go ahead i made three lots of it there's two mark martin lots and one nascar live all right i'm just gonna give her i'm giving her full screen here so here's a t-shirt and this one is an x-large x-arts t-shirt it's front and back and i washed it so it smells like gain here's the back of the shirt and then here's a white t-shirt also mark martin this one is an ex-large now hopefully you guys that are resellers you're actually watching and looking up on ebay as you're watching the nothing on the back so these are especially t-shirts some t-shirts can go for a lot of money this one is still sealed extra large nascar is a is a high collectible area pretty much everything we show you somebody's out there collecting that i didn't wash this one because it was already you know it's already sealed it hasn't and we're not going to take it out of the plastic either collectibility is there in the plastic here's a hat still has the tag going sir oh get you going yep that'll get you going i forgot that's who a sponsor was so there's three hats all sponsored by tina lee one of her best friends is huge mark martin fan oh nice there well there's a lot of stuff in here tina here's like a bag of random goodies i'm not gonna open it or take this stuff out but it looks like there's a pin a wallet a keychain which is also a bottle opener maybe a decal some decals and looks like mary robinson is about an hour behind on the live stream she's answering questions right now in the auction that we asked in the live stream can you remind them how to refresh uh refresh you so a couple ways to refresh if you don't know how to refresh from your screen you could either hop off of the live and hop back on that's the best way to refresh if you don't know how to refresh because a lot of people are like how do i refresh very uplifting i see what she did there here's a keychain very uplifting bye ashley fred freer said when that bear was new i bought most of the set 20 bucks a bear which one twenty dollars a bear i'm not sure which bear the beanie baby one maybe it could have been could have been valvoline was another one of his sponsor big sponsors this one still has the tag on it i see what you did there big sponsor i see what you did there this is cool the ticket is still in there 75 dollars he paid for the ticket that's it's still in the uh you get the lanyard in the clear pouch i'm gonna keep that ticket in there because that might be valuable you could probably resell that there's another lanyard with yeah when you get concert tickets or any event tickets check the value of those always check the value picture here's some uh trading cards i think barb t is going to have most of this poo stuff sold by the end of by the end of the night i think she's going to have most of it sold by the end of the night here's some hot wheels these all look the same let's see if i can find a date on here this one has a date of two thousand two thousand three there's a pickup truck i do love this one comes with uh 12 fuses phyllis wants to know phil's fun vlogs wants to know have we ever gone to yellowstone not yet but it's on our bucket list it's on our bucket list you want to take the camper and head out there oh i forget what that was was it a clock or nose oh now i remember okay yeah is the car in the case the i'm this unit was awesome so there's there's damage to the case but the inside isn't damaged the inside still looks really nice it's a bracelet it's got a 27 price tag see that yeah these people were big time collectors big time collectors so i actually thought another hot wheels that comes with the timer i thought when i bought this unit that they staged it because there were certain things that i saw and if you solve the actual video then this is still sealed i walk through how and why i thought it was staged and what an awesome surprise that it wasn't tom olsen 4.99 says keep it up thank you so much tom that was your fist pump yeah there's a bunch of sealed collectibles in this unit there's some collectibles that are not sealed anymore but there's some really cool stuff here's a huge uh flag banner amy wants to know are we taking the camper to florida the answer is yes we are taking the camper to florida as a matter of fact the property that we bought there is some staining on that flag if i remember correctly yeah right there show that so they can see that so that area was exposed to whatever in the storage unit so it needs a good cleaning but uh there is a campground there is an eight acre campground rv campground park literally two minutes around the corner from the property that we bought so we absolutely are taking the camper and um and the goal is to build this winter 100 by 100 warehouse for those who have ever been to the warehouse in in worcester that entire structure is a hundred by a hundred we would have a two story hundred by hundred steel building with an efficiency apartment a recording studio four rv camper hookups and a processing system uh in and out the whole deal for storage units and our goal is to get that structure built this winter and then next winter when we go down we would build an actual house but we got to get down there to do that and our goal is to actually get on the road this saturday we're trying we're not sure if we're actually going to be able to get on the road so bear kitty says where do guests stay well that's one of the reasons why we're doing a four uh camper rv hookup is so guests can stay and that's one of the reasons why we're actually putting in an efficiency apartment uh as well so that guests can stay and then there's a there's an rv campground two minutes around the corner that guests can stay so let's say let's say i'm doing like i do in florida i hire which i'm sure i will down in florida i hire somebody to help with the with the business and i build an efficiency apartment uh with christian and patients i give them free housing on top of their salary for their work that they do so that efficiency apartment would have full access to the actual warehouse and you live where you work and then really it's just easier all the way around when in the summer i'll be back up in up in ohio so there's a thought process behind it all there's always a thought process behind it and honestly it's cheaper to build and offer housing in an efficiency apartment than it is to pay a yearly salary so you can you can include that as part of a salary and then you take care of all their housing expenses and it's it's a sweet deal for everybody it's a sweet deal for me as an employer and it's a sweet deal deal for an employee not to have any expenses that way that was the end of it that was the end this is a huge lot you guys uh i don't know if you guys just caught what she said but she said this is a huge plot not sure what she's referring to but that being said it is time it is time to get going on this mark martin lot uh we just got an email okay katherine just messaged us on the barbie lot i got catherine p's email on the barbie lot thank you catherine we're all set to go there and we are now going on the mark all right george wants to show you how big this flag is first okay so we are now going on the mark martin law george wants to show you the flag that was the one where where it was exposed a little bit needs a little bit cleaned up so remember that it needs to be washed everything is as is no guarantees no returns and it's 25 starting bid free shipping in the united states got to remember you got a bit faster you got a bit furious because this is a nascar racing lot let's go come on start your engines here goes the bidding mark martin nascar number six viagra it's all in here for you all right cecilia's in at 155 cecilia puts the gauntlet down she's now at 155 catherine came in at 100 but 155 is the high bid right now we got a 150 we got a 99 to 125 another 150. cecil yeah high better still at 155. she put the gauntlet down scared everybody off except for fred freer fred is now at 156. albert is now at 175. and we got ian's number one mom is that 160 but albert moore is now at 175. no ian's number one mom is not 180 sean just came in at 180 as well his number one mom is high better right now 180. he is number one mom high bidder 180 with about 15 seconds to go douglas just came in at 200. elbow came in that 200. doug is high better though 200 so albert if you want in you got a bit higher cecilia 181 not enough 200 i bid right now free shipping let's do this start your engines we're coming around the last path we are now albert at 205. we got rebel junkie now 2.5 225 is in right now 225 last flap last lap 225 225 am it's so [Music] who got it man all right rebel wow rebel did rebel did and there are a lot of there's a lot of still snipe bids coming in that we're too late rebel junk 225 rebel junk here's what you're gonna do you're gonna send your youtube name your real name your shipping address you're gonna send your bid amount 225 and your lot amount the mark martin lot number one because she's got more so mark martin lot number one you're gonna send that all to let me get it back up on the screen let me get it back up on the screen i'm going to send all that information right there what the hell's at yahoo.com and then backup bitter man there were so many bids there at the end back up bitter 25 was it albert moore looks like it could have been i think it was albert moore if i screwed up backup bidder i'm sure the mobs will let me know as much as as much as i'd like to think that i might be perfect at times uh the mods put me in my place so if you need two mods put me in my place if i screwed up so albert same thing with you all that info can go right there just say hey i'm back up bitter at 205 i believe 205. that that was a huge lot all right if you didn't get that first one i got another mark martin coming up you doing it right now yeah she's coming up with another mark martin i think there's a lot of die cast because i brought a lot of diecast home that i haven't seen yet or she i don't know what she did with them all that this doesn't this doesn't mean this is the end of mark martin because i brought a lot home i did all right i'm just giving you a full screen go for it go for it [Music] 2 000 racing champions oh what is the price tag on that 5.99 just remember if you see a price tag on something that doesn't mean that's what its value is the value of something is the value could be much more than that and honestly the value can be much less than that that's why you guys always want to do your comps you want to see what things are actually selling for on ebay if you're a reseller now is the time to be putting this stuff on ebay because people are selling for christmas big time there's a bugles tin i love bugles who likes bugles more me or you probably i do i did you ever put bugles on the end of your fingers and pretend like they were fingernails i still do did you ever try and pretend they were trumpets no like no just nails did you ever try and stick any in my ears when i wasn't looking you would 97 [Music] another 10. look at that did i tell you i found a john deere tin an antique john deere tin and it's got a ton of old rotten popcorn in it i was telling the kids i was like do not throw that popcorn out that stays in the tin and they they didn't understand that they're like you're so gross i'm like no that popcorn stays in the tin that's part of the history of it it's really cool did i bring that home or no i told them to sell on ebay i told them put it up on ebay that john deerton is awesome and it's got the nasty popcorn in it still even better i we recently auctioned off a coca-cola tin with popcorn in it it was sealed uh bubbles of death i painted bugles black use them as vampire fingertips that's creative uh old dawn says my son's an avid hot wheels collector how do i find your store it's just ebay id what the hells yeah it's probably easier to search by our ebay id seller name which is what the hails all lowercase we have multiple ebay stores but the one that we share with youtubers is what the hails and there's there's business strategy behind that and uh some some youtubers will not share a store or share their ebay id with anybody on youtube and there's a reason because what will happen is negative things will happen and that's why they don't do it and then others will create a specific account for youtubers and that's what we what we do is we create a specific account for youtubers and if any damage happens it's just on an account that doesn't damage anything else chocolate you see that those chocolates are sealed little race card chocolate wouldn't recommend eating them but it would smell like chocolate i would do it anyway you would do you want to tell everyone about the marc martin keychain where we went for our 300 000 celebration dinner where'd we go we spent uh one of the gift cards that we found we spent three of them three of them longhorn we went the longhorn and we spent three of them yeah we went all right we got all these gift cards let's go celebrate celebrate celebrate yeah it was the night that we hit 300 1000. so you were like let's go celebrate i want to eat what did you order i ordered a six ounce steak medium but it came out medium well which was still really good and then i had oh there's writing in here a baked potato and broccoli what did i have you had a burger with swiss cheese and bacon no toppings just ketchup some pencils that was a good burger here's a uh plate pretty sturdy that was a good burger this could be a pencil pouch or you can hide your candy that chocolate in here ooh that's a good idea your loved one to eat it okay we've got albert moore martin back up we got that one and then aaron rebel junk we got yours as well we got your emails appreciate that thank you so much this has his signature but that doesn't look like a real signature whereas i don't see where you're showing oh i see it now it doesn't look like a real signal i don't know let me look yeah it looks i think that might be printed it's yeah it's not real i don't think it's real there there was so much mark martin stuff so much marion says dang now i want a good burger actually i kind of do too i'm hungry here's a clock we didn't even leave the house new we didn't even leave the house today did we no we didn't even leave the house today i brought the camper home yesterday so that we could start packing it and then we were working youtube all day in preparation for tonight i as soon as i got up i was editing editing i'm three videos ahead somebody wants to know does the clock work it's in it's in the past we can't tell we would guess that it does but we don't know that for sure and that's it that's it for the marc martin lot all right yeah the clock the clock is brand new still sealed in the package so it's not working right now but i'm sure once you put a battery in it or remove maybe there might be a plastic piece where the battery is then it would work yeah we won't we won't take it out of the package because that would damage its value yeah so anybody who wants to buy it obviously they want to buy it in the package we want them to get his package mark martin start your engines lot number two 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states you got a bit fast you got a bit furious because it's all like donkey kong here we go here we go mark martin lot number two lot number two i believe this is your last martin mark martin lot tonight cecilia is not a hundred cco's had a hundred kenneth came in at 125 and friends at 100 and we got paul hood at 150. paul hood is right now high bidder at 150. we got 165 85 40 30. 120. we still got paul paul we got paul in front for years now 150. 150 i believe is live now yeah is that 155 with 30 seconds to go cecilia is a lot better melinda young is not 160. melinda is high better cecilia's backup better 155. we got fred for your 156 sean at 151 carla's out and melinda is still high better at 160. mark martin lot number two start your engines albert's now at 170. he is on it albert is on it at 170. and mary's eliza go go go go albert five seconds to go albert is now 175 seconds to go three now two not one albert is still a high bidder at 170. i have no doubt there's going to be some sniping high bidders right now is at 170 with albert let's see what kind of sniping we get now here we sold they either missed the snipes or albert skill and scared them off it looks like it looks like albert scared him off nice tactic albert nice tactic all right 70. albert you are a high bidder at 170 you're going to send your youtube name your real name your shipping address you're going to send your amount 170. and then the lot it is mark martin lot number two number two you're gonna send it right there weirdo that's what george does in my ears i'm not kidding she does it all the time she'll come up and just start sticking stuff at me all right so um backup bidder albert you were winner and backup bidder was winner winner mark martin back i think was melinda was it melinda at 160. let's see if melinda got it first melinda young 160. so albert melinda go ahead and send your information now if you would please oh she went from she went from mark martin to the earnhardt i see earnhardt now this is just like nascar just nascar this is just nascar all right uh go ahead stuff in here there's some earnhardt stuff in here go ahead send those emails now on that mark martin lot number two and i'm just gonna go ahead and give it all to george she's got a nascar diecast all kind of lot here this has a combination of dale items along with just other random nascar items here's some 2000 nascar playing cards there's two decks in this this appears to be brand new never opened a nascar wallet still has the price tag on it so that appears to look new there's a indy 500 card it looks like this is an old uh maybe calling card that's got to be collectible right oh yeah absolutely absolutely here's chicken soup for this for the nascar soul green two red set 170 is a bargain for that one yeah that was a really good it really was a good bargain be great if he's if albert's gonna resell it he's gonna do great another book here's a this is like a picture slash like in a platform albert we got your email on the second lot we appreciate that thank you so much [Music] here's a mellow yellow die cast this one has a date of where are you date 1991 bubble bubble plastic is a little rough on that one yeah there's damage to the uh packaging but the car appears to be new hasn't been out of the box and then the final ride so here's a picture of the transportation truck that that transported dale's car before he passed away the day before he passed away and it explains that in the blurb right here ghetto therapy 101 what ways to accept payments george sends out invoices and then you can pay through paypal your credit card you can pay any way you want you just your banking info you just click it and you pay which whatever whichever way you want to pay and the payment comes through there's junior yeah there's just a ton a ton of collectibles in this unit [Music] 98. liz said nascar actually began because of bootleggers interesting i didn't know that that is interesting i didn't know that either i'm learning about winnie the pooh i'm learning about nascar this isn't nascar but it's sports illustrated montana nascar 98 here's stats and schedules it appears that all the pages are there dill hole said if the janitor gets accepted into nascar his car goes broom broom here's a 2004 nascar season preview sports illustrated appears that all the pages are in there too and then there's a fast and the furious air freshener it's not nascar but it's racing and then a decal and that's it oh actually one more thing there's an entire binder just filled with racing trading cards let me see if i can find a date 2006 so i didn't check the dates on all of them but these all appear to be 2006 just from quick glance and here's an entire binder and that's it right we're going to call this the nascar lot there is a lot in the lot no pun intended actually remember 25 starting bid free shipping in the united states melinda we did get your backup thank you so much free shipping here in the united states you're encouraged to bid if you're outside the united states there will be additional shipping fees though you got a bid fast you got a bit furious we all know how much in desire nascar is gentlemen ladies start your engine grab your engine you got one minute to win it here we go accepting bids now accepting bids now here we go nascar lot fifty dollars tina isn't that fifty dollars fifty dollars high bid right now fred for you just came in at 155 155's high bid with fred 75 125 25 8 500 but still fred free or 155 is number one mom is not 175 175 is high bid right now with 40 seconds to go ian's number one mom is the high bidder hi better it's ian's number one mom and this is a race a race to get all of these items now steve's number one mom at 185 after leonard went at two tall vapes coming at 190. 190's high bid with 20 seconds to go fred foreign is now at 199. he's number one when i was at 200. sister came in at 178. he's number one mom is still high better at 200 with free shipping here in the united states with 10 2010 to go it's fred for your 201. douglas came in at 200. fred freer still have bitter we got best eddie at 186 not fast enough eddie is number one mom is at 2-2 carlos says this is a great lot two or three now albert two three albert we got freddy coming in two or three elmer's now high better at 203 fest coming in 2-1 it's edith albert ever ever danced albert wow same albert same albert wow i got a little excited did a little fear fart there um [Music] yeah wow or was that you was that you or is that me 203. 203 203 to albert more albert you already know what to do send all your info bam right there and then back up bitter i believe would be fred fred freer your backup bidder at 203 as well your bid came right after albert's bid at 203 so fred if you want to send all your info right there back up it all the same thing on that information oh my goodness she's got more belt buckles you guys have been going crazy for these there's 25 belt buckles they sell all right so albert albert was high bidder and then and then fred was runner up back up bidder on that one nice job guys nice job and remember if you want to buy anything from a person who bought the lot here tonight you guys are welcome to share your information in the chat we just won't share out people's personal information so if you want to communicate in the chat we strongly encourage you to do that i'm going to give george full screen here here's a bass belt buckle it says 1967 on the belt buckle but on the back it's dated 87. it's a limited edition 87. [Music] another bath lot this is an identical brass belt buckle 87 this one is a texas louisiana toledo bend hunting fishing boating camping this has this is a limited edition as well and there's a date of 91. here's another limited edition edition 40th anniversary this one has a date this was made in the us i don't see a date but this one has a date of 89 in the front this one is most improved average for bowling 1962. this appears to be new still in the package and then here's a golf belt buckle this one was made in the us i don't see a date here's a fun one it's got the uh hawaiian dollar nice from the big island from the big isle here's the bf goodrich they're saying they can't hear you i have the microphone pointed towards her here's a gmc there's a this is limited edition as well 1976. 1993 made in the us cat albert we got your email on the nascar lot made in the u.s i don't see a date mac tools food on the table begins on the farm brian mcgall you you can't bid by sending us an email you can only bid in the chat you have to bid in the chat sending us an email isn't a bit you can only bid in a fresh team for today's farmer 1985 limited edition everybody who's freaking out that george is selling the elvis belt buckle george doesn't wear belts it's not gonna do her any good to have a giant belt buckle here's a john deere this is this would be the second elvis belt buckle yeah you sold another one solid brass made in the us no date napa elvis no date on the back 96. here's an auctioneer the sounds that sells that's an awesome one look at the eagle on the back did you see that on the back yeah that is cool that's really cool budweiser 92 you know and some of these need some tlc needs a little bit of cleaning up and shining and then the ten commandments we talked about that earlier the video we talked about the ten commandments we talked about commandments of storage units that is not focusing there it goes this one is also limited edition 1984. the uss arizona memorial pearl harbor this one is 83. this one's cool it does need some tlc the republic steel 76. now it's got a little funk on the back conkey said thou shall not buy garbage here's redneck girl and then the last one 25 belt buckles all right 25 belt buckles 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states you got a bit fast are you going to lose your pants like i do every night before we go live you need these buckles you need them you need them bad you need them and i'm stalling because my clip didn't work go here we go here we go on the belt block a lot fred freer is already in at 75 we've got crockett's building adventures in a hundred fred is at 75 conkey is now at 100 50 seconds to go we got 33 we got a 120 daniel's now at 120. sean is at 151 151's live big right now 125 25 125 100 buckaroos from biker tim 200 now to brian mcgraw 200 is the high bid ian's number one mom is now 210. 30 more seconds to go there are some rare belt buckles in here that you will not be able to find soon enough in this world brian mcgall is now 225 225 as i did right now he is the number one mom is that 210 225's brian mcgowan shawn bennett 201 225 is high bid brian brian's at 225 now 200. i'm not sure what's going on there but sean bennett is 226. 226 is live in right now melinda is out glenn is coming in at 223. eight seconds to go seven seconds to go five four three two and one sean bennett is still not better right now but sean bennett is still high better at 226. roman lane came in at 250. roman is now high better at 250. roman lamb's high better at 250 roman lands high better at 255 it is to roman land roman land for 250 roman we will not accept your high bid of 255 because nobody put a bid higher than your 250. we understand that you are sniping so roman you are high bidder at 250 250 oh here we go with the snipes now we got snipes coming russell came in sorry didn't make it roman you are the high bidder what you're gonna do is you're gonna send your youtube name your real name your shipping address your high bid of 250 and the lot the belt buckle lock yeah you're going to send it right there email in the chat for anyone that wants to you're going to put it right there what the hell's at yahoo.com send that right away now the other thing you're probably going to want to do because there are a lot of people that were eyeing a lot of these belt buckles if you feel comfortable selling to people in the chat go ahead put your email in there if you you want them to contact you and re in regards to specific buckles they want i already know which two they want but if you want them to con connect with you go ahead feel free to do that all right i believe i believe was biker tim back in [Music] sean bennett sean bennett you are backup bidder on the belt buckle sean bennett backup bidder at 226 all the same information right there right there all right i know a lot of people wanted those buckles a lot of people wanted them so feel free to message roman and it looks like we got a sports lot here we go send those uh send those emails right now fellas we appreciate it there's i try to look for a date on these cards and i didn't see any maybe you could be my second set of eyes 1922. it says in 1922 these are repops but there's no data when it was re-popped no there's no date of when it actually re-popped so those are re-pops okay we got sean bennett on the belt buckle lot we got sean's email thank you sean next slot is assorted uh sports cards no dates on on those here's some tops oh sean oh is this the one with uh benoit benoit i've been saying sean's last name wrong yeah that's one of the french that's one that is a reproduction of the most expensive card ever those came out of the kiss unit sean sorry about screwing your name up 83. these have a date of 83. um let's let's make a solid for one another you can screw my name up too sean [Laughter] because i'm sure i'll do it again because i already been saying it wrong oh this has um now it's imprinted in my head is wrong 35 20 20 these have um prices on them 75 dollars we'll stick it up to the camera so they can see the prices unless i'm reading that wrong are they dollars or cents it looks i'm reading it upside down so maybe those are cents right here [Music] so it looks like cents or dollars 20 20 i don't know it's not focusing you don't hold it there long enough for it to focus i can't see let me see it over here with my eyes instead of trying to look through the camera [Music] some are sense some have dots for sense and some let's say most of them are sense [Music] we have this entire binder just filled with sports cards and we have not checked these cards so so we we the reality is we don't have time we're buying too much bulk to have time to look through the cars so one thing we've always looked for is somebody to actually sell cards for us for commission and uh we've tried we've tried multiple times and nothing's ever worked out for us um so we're just selling them and walk to you guys you guys get the fun of the treasure hunt to find out is there a good card is there not because there's no way we have enough time to go through them all so we have not looked at them we found them in the storage baseball but in the storage unit they went in a tote and they came home to george for you guys another helmet so you got san francisco and the cowboys do you find anything good always that's why i'm so good at buying storage units would you say i'm good at buying storage units because i was just joking or would you say i'm mediocre this randy white card dated 97 has an autograph 97. avery wants to know do we ever get coins in our units [Music] yes do we ever so here's a swiss shoe box just filled with cards i'm not gonna go through all of it but this i think this will be a nice treat for whoever gets the slot it'll be part of your uh your treasure hunt your treasure hunt of those rares or those rookies or whatever these are from the kiss unit roman messaged us on the belt buckle lot thank you so much roman so these cards all came from well wait hold on a second did they come from the kiss unit or did those come from the those might have been those you know what that's probably the nascar unit i can't even remember we buy so much it all starts to blend in it all blends in coin pushers all blah blah blah blah blah blah and storage units all blend in with the other one because we do so many there's little stacks of cards that are sealed just like this and then i'll go ahead and weigh this lot just for fun so you know how much you're getting gary got your message we don't ignore anybody's bid we can't say every single bid whether it's there or not if we don't see it we can't say it so it might be an issue on your problem please don't send us mean emails thank you and then all right so over 10 pounds in just the shoebox alone [Music] and then when i add the binder of cards it jumps up to 14 pounds and then when i add the two helmets 15 pounds that's a lot of sports stuff there that is a lot of sports stuff oh dead holes dog just farted very nice very very nice all right that's it for the sports line yep 15 pounds 15 pounds in the sports lot there's all kinds of stuff in here again i want to emphasize we have not gone through we have not priced anything you're seeing it we're looking at a binder going is that price with cents or dollars because we do not know we filmed it it went into a tote then it goes to you we don't have time to look through all this we have too much stuff so this is the treasure hunt for you if you have not been following sports cards sports cards for for ever went up and then went and right now even the stuff from the 80s the stuff from the 80s is taking off right now sports cards are hot again big time that doesn't mean we're guaranteeing an amount of money in these cards we're just telling you sports cards are hot again we try and tell you where you can make money so there's potential of who knows what in here we have not checked it we can't show you everything but you can own it and you can look through everything 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states you got a bit fast you got a bit furious sports cards are hot again you only have one minute to win it let's go come on come on there we go there we go this is the sports card lot this is the sports card lot here we go we got jesse in it fifty dollars captain p is now 75. sharon came in at 850. leonard's high bidder right now at 85. leonardo's high veteran 85 iggy cotton is not 125. iggy is the high bidder at 125. 125 hybid right now with 20 with with free shipping i can't even speak right now 125 right now iggy is the high bidder at 125 30 seconds to go everything is as is no guarantees but man you're going to have fun looking through it leonard high bidder right now 130. joe is now 201. 201 is live in right now we got lorient at 130 we got catherine at 178. 201 is the high bid joe childress 15 seconds maybe 12 11. we got catherine p now at 180 but joe is still at 201 joe is in a 201 still holding with three seconds to go at 201 still holding joe is still holding what's gonna happen what the hell is going to happen will it be joe will be joe he is one two one two i came to speak soul oh my goodness is number one mom just got it and skyped it at 202. 202 wow okay ian's number one mom nice job youtube name real name shipping address bit amount at 202 nice snipe there nice snipe joe actually sniped again just missed it he's number one mom 202 and then also sports cards law and then joe you are backupbidder at 201 i believe 201 uh yeah joe your backup bidder at 201 all the same information you can just send it right there what the hells and we will get that if you guys can go ahead and send those emails right away that'd be great so far we've gotten emails on every single unit or every single lot and therefore everything is so right now nothing will be coming back up you got more cards yeah this is just doesn't work they're not sports this is a whole nother kind of whole nother kind of here's an entire binder and i'll weigh it i'm just desert storm um they all look like they're dated 91. desert storm collector cards you should put that with like a warlock i thought about doing that but i was like no just i'd pull that and put that with a lot of more stuff okay pull that and put that with a lot of other stuff she's gonna put that with a lot of other things because she just had one binder she only had one binder i i prefer it when she puts lots together so you guys have more things to actually resell and so we're gonna pull that and she'll she'll build another lot later on that because she only had that ready she i never know what she's gonna do i was gonna throw it in with the other sports lot but then i pulled it anyways this lot is the brooch there we go now that's a lot there's some stuff there that's a lot of a lot there's a ton of broaches in this lodge [Music] here we go real lot now brooch lot some of these brooches are worth money i thought i saw a uh sterling silver one in there uh by monet okay donna we got your sports card lot thank you so much we got your email in the sports card lot you saw something from monet do you think somebody can make some money off of it money is one of those high-end costume jewelries oh i thought you were talking about art like monet monet i found a lot of jewelry in that mark martin nascar lot too is this some of the jewelry that i found or is this another one this is all kinds of this is for multiple units oh yeah yeah i found a lot of stuff in that like every box i opened in that in that unit there was a lot of garbage is probably 50 garbage but if it was in a box then it was almost collectibility they had a bunch of big dell boxes and it was like collectible after collectible after collectible all the garbage was like in totes this is solid copper this one has a date of 96. dill hole just sent 99 cents thank you so much for the loony dill hole remember what we saw when we were when we were prosecuting we were prospecting properties down in florida you remember what kind of bird we saw the loonies this is not a brooch is a clip angel clip catherine wants to know how do you refresh i'm a minute behind you can do a couple things catherine number one you can actually drag the time bar in the video all the way to where it is right now or you hit the refresh button in your browser or however live you close the live get out of the live all together then go back in search for what the hails click on the live and boom you're right there i might have to get a new webcam no something that focuses better there's other channels that i watch that it doesn't even lose focus at all and they have a ton of stuff in the background maybe you should jump get off the webcam and put your phone up there instead i suppose you can figure that out when we're in florida probably be easier with your phone i think the issue is you have it pointing straight down instead of the way that is designed to go straight out we still have 885 crazy people watching tonight on a cold night with so many other things to do nfl other live streams great entertainment on netflix we've got 800 plus hoodies you know jk uh jk actually named all of our followers as the blue guys oh you know no i didn't know that spray hoodies the hales hoodieites or hood blooms they could be the hoodlums the hails marianne said but you guys are more fun still hole sent another looney thank you so much we saw a bunch of your loonies down in florida i can't wait to get back down there and see him again roman said the browns won today so i'm happy oh nice i started to watch that for what five minutes and then i had to work on editing youtube videos like maybe 10 minutes i was able to edit two videos today so i'm three videos ahead for the week which is nice but i got a whole lot more editing to do and we're gonna do a pop-up surprise live on thanksgiving with your whole entire egyptian family the world is finally gonna get to see who is baba george and mama jordan the cute little frogs both hands solid background there you go carol said i use the asmr to fall asleep we're gonna do carol once we get down to florida we're gonna do a whole lot more asmr videos look at the peacock that is cool the other thing we're gonna do when we're down in florida and you guys probably think this is a joke but if you actually know me and you're close to me you will know this is not a joke i am gaining gonna get peacocks again so i have we bought more than enough property to be able to have peacocks and i can't wait to actually have peacocks again which i already know everybody's response is going to be but there's bears no gators there's gators they'll be fine and i'm also going to get potbelly pigs and we're going to get pick me goats okay and [Music] there there's going to be a lot of cool things i'm finally going to get out of the city the nice the nice part about where i live now is i'm in the city but i feel like i'm in the woods but it's still in the city limits i'm not getting rid of it but um i i love getting out of the city absolutely though i am not a city person at all i am wide open spaces person this one the legs move on the frog pin too tall vapes says asmr videos helped put him to sleep as well jk says dr doolittle is reborn all right that's it all those cool brooches all right michael says peacocks are noisy peacocks are amazing peacocks are they noisy i've never heard them make noise whatever we say somebody's gonna say something you know they're amazing they're incredible pets all right that being said this is the broach lot right this is the brooch lot 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states your urge a bid if you move here if you live outside the united states there will be additional shipping charges though you gotta be fast get a bit furious because you only have one minute to win it here we go fast ed here we go uh penny wants to know what about the turtles there will be turtles carol 76 dollars high bid right now and this lady at fifty dollars we got friends rehearsal at 75 80 ditch lady is hybrid right now at 80 m one of the young is back up that are at 80 as well 85 right now with melinda young knits ladies now 120. mitchell lady knows what she saw knows what the value is now we are 30 seconds left to go mitch ladies high better right now 120 with free shipping here in the united states 120 is what i did wesley tipton is trying to get in at 115 but that's not going to do it myra is not 135. this lady is now 140. 140 is what i've been carol's at 138 from 140 with the niche lady 140 is hyphen right now with 10 seconds to go stella's mom came in at 140 148 times initial lady in italy still in the lead but now melinda young came in at 145 glen gaming at 145 the digital ladies at 150 with two one zero seconds left to go let's see what's going to happen this lady is still high now paddy came in at 165 carroll came in at 177. initially sell 150 gets laid now 180. catherine gave it at 175 tonight it wasn't crazy this is a crazy ladies 200. oh my goodness oh my goodness wow okay hold a second initial lady at 180 did anybody outbid niche lady at 180 catherine came in at 160. well she's at 200. well she's at 200 but if nobody out bitter at 180 her high bid is at 180. oh okay okay i see 185. where's the 185 i don't see 185 oh 165. all right niche lady you did bid 200. we will not accept your 200 bid because nobody outbid you at 180. so 180 is your bid that we are officially accepting thank you so much mr lady you know what to do send your youtube name your real name your shipping address your bid amount 180 and the lot which would be the broach lot right there what the hell is that yahoo.com back up bid 180 carol hudson i believe his backup bid at 177. carol you can send all of the same stuff right there to george remember george will be sending out invoices tomorrow won't be tonight gets way too late tonight after the auction as far as where we are in the east coast eastern standard time but uh oh you know what i'm just gonna shut up and and let her do her thing here we go next slot are tack pins so we went from broaches to pins what's attack pin see we got joanne's email on the sports card lot we've got romans on the belt buckle lot we got donna's on the sports card law we're good to go there we've got emails on every lot so far so we're good to go we're doing well there that was intense on that broad slot yeah there's some really nice really really cool brooches really cool we don't know what the value of them are because we didn't look them up on ebay but some of you guys you guys you guys are you guys who resell for a living you know the value of some of this stuff or you're looking it up on ebay looking at sold comps and you're doing great and that's what we want we want to be able to take what we find in bulk the only reason it took george two years to convince me to do this a year i don't know and i went no no no no i don't want to do this i don't want to do online auction and then and then she spun it in a way and said but we can help the resellers we'll put in a bulk and then they can resell and then covet happened and i went okay now they need help sourcing this fits more with the channel with what we do with restoration love and want to help and so that's where we went balkan and selling and and then it fit then i went okay yes that fits and it's been a good fit i didn't know how long we were gonna do it we even we're celebrating 300 000 subscribers but we even we we friendly debated over how we were gonna do it so i did not want i didn't want bidding to stretch out long because if bidding stretches out long you tire your viewer you tire yourself and and we went back and forth and i was like why don't we do him a minute to win it when that's not enough time and i went well let's just test it the first time you remember all this when we were debating and our very first auction what we were going to do is we were going to do one minute to win it and then we were going to do the next slot we were just going to go well we'll just see we'll just let it go until they're done bidding and then we'll go minute to win it and we'll just see let it stretch out it never ended up that way everything went minute to win it just like after the first one it was like all right this is the way to do it don't stretch it out get on to the next lot keep on going have fun that's just a little bit of what [Applause] pulling the curtain back you getting to see what goes behind the scenes well showing the items because we auction off such large lots showing the items takes up so much it takes up so much time but there you should have enough time to go okay i know what i'm gonna bid so at first i was debating how many lots i should auction off and i think the amount that we currently offer off is the perfect amount danny and carol we got your emails on the brooch lot thank you so much george will send out invoice tomorrow so there's always a total of 15 lots and that includes the free lot so tonight's gonna be two lucky winners that answer the trivia question correctly and if you watched our videos this week i mentioned in the video what i was gonna give out like a free lot and the question will come from the least viewed video this week it'll be a tough one it's gonna be a tough question there's a couple pins in here that don't have backings like these thanksgiving ones they don't but if you're a crafter you can easily glue a backing to it ed chong tia said i'm still waiting how you record coin pushing ed chong we shared at the beginning of the live stream tonight that you are actually gonna see some of the ways that we do that this looks like a this one it probably is a penny cut out you're gonna see this week some of the things that we do we give you just a little bit of behind the scenes for the facebook fans and followers i will share this because you guys are the 834 that are still on it'll be in thursday's video you will think the video is done but then there's bonus footage after the video so i will share that with you it's on thursday's video because you guys have hung this long you will think the video is done but there's 30 minutes more in the video so most people are gonna click out and go oh it's done for the avid fans who stick around for the beginning to the end you're gonna get to see some more conky said this is the tack pin lock rosie said there's a ton of pins in here niche lady has a whole bunch of broaches remember if you guys want us buy any of those things feel free to approach her we cannot comment on whether niche lady will sell them or not but you can always approach we encourage you guys to network with one another in the chat and then joe said thursday's video with all the georgia so what we will do is we'll release thursday's video are we going to release the video early on thursday live on thursday this was george's idea you'll actually hear about it because everything's pre-recorded so george had this idea when we were at the coin pusher and we were talking about thanksgiving she had an idea let's go live with the full george family because we'll be all together on thursday but it happens to be the day that the video will be released as well when she talks about it so we're gonna go live first you'll get to meet the whole family and then then the video will be released and the video again the 818 that are still watching you're going to think the videos over because you're going to see the total but then it's not there's there's literally half more of a video and you get to see some of the ways that we do what we do [Music] it's kind of fun to talk about the behind the scenes stuff because we never talk about that with the viewers we just put the entertainment out we put the video out hopefully enjoy it but we never i don't think anybody would ever watch a video though this is how we would do what we do but with the 300 000 celebration i think it's kind of kind of neat yeah i think they appreciate it all right the pin lock tack pin lock 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states you got a bid fast you got a bit furious because if not somebody might stick you with a pin you only got one minute to win it here we go uh come on work with me work with me there we go this is the pin line 55 seconds left to go here we go 25 starting bid dan is now in at 30. fourth piece is in at 30. at 35 35 with cecilia lisa is now at 40. lisa is in that 40 hectare is 40. initially came in at 40 but now laurie's not 50. boys at 50 alice warren came in at 50. melinda came at 50. mitch linney's not high better after 55 melinda came back at 55 but mitchell ladies 55 but now foreign 69. ls warriors now 70. 70's high bid right now alice warriors high bidder at 70. 20 seconds to go happy to 70. free shipping here in the united states myra is in f60 cecilia is 55. high bid is still 70 with ls warrior 70 highbaiter wesley is now at 75 10 seconds left to go blind came in at 71 since he came into 71 the high bidder 75 was what nope high bid is now friend for years 77. fred for years high bidder at 77 free shipping here in the united states let's see what happens fred is at 77 ellis warriors now 80. elsewhere area is now 83 and two eighty and fred freer 82 nice fred freer the year i was born 82. is that your year all right fred you're gonna send your youtube name your real name your shipping address your bid amount of 82 and the pin lock the tap pin lock what the hails yahoo.com and then send that email right now if you would and backup it was ls warrior sl you're going to do the exact same thing send all those things i'm pointing that stuff because there's stuff on screens like right there it should say what the hails and over here i think should say what the hails at yahoo.com send that right there and we'll be raring and ready to go is this the cookbook lot yeah [Music] so many i've begged for cookbook lots and i always go and but it's thanksgiving so i put together some cookbooks there are 27 cookbooks 27 cookbooks i brought them home for george 27 cookbooks remember a starting bid of 25 that's less than less than a dollar a cookbook with free shipping this should be interesting mrs fields here this one's an interesting one chuck wagon cooking so this is like back in the day of how they used to cook over the fire fred messaged us all set to go that was quick fred thank you adam just let us know of somebody else stealing our videos lipton recipes homemade summer so one of the things we are looking at when you're celebrating on our dinner while you're going through these a teen guide to quick healthy snacks we were actually trying to find out where we ranked in youtube's world as far as as far as a channel and the big book of holiday cooking we're going to let you know we're going to let you know i'm alone we're looking at that thursday right yeah when we're out to dinner after dinner we're looking at statistics as far as where we rank claudius i think that's how you say it that's how you say kitchen in spanish all right so in regards to in regards to subscriber rank in other words in regards to uh channels that have the most subscribers we rank 79 thousand seven hundred and seventy eight okay we are the seventy nine thousand seven hundred and seventy eight largest channel on youtube so we are in the 80 000 we are in the 80 000 largest channels on youtube so youtube is huge actually when you scale it down to 80 000 that is actually quite an accomplishment but when you zero it in on your own home country when you zero it in just on the united states okay we're not going worldwide just the united states we are the 17th 17 030th largest youtube channel in the united states so we are the 17 030th largest channel in the united states now that's taking millions of channels and then zeroing it down and we were looking at that going whoa we are like seventeen thousand we're like almost under seventeen thousand as far as the largest channels that's so crazy just subscribers so one of the things we tell people all the time subscribers make you feel good you know if you you've got that number but what youtube really wants to see is views and that's that's really what you want you want views and we don't have that information as far as how large is our channel based on views we wish we did but unfortunately we don't we don't know ranking based on views that would be awesome fred freer said mr beast has 46 million i think yeah he has 46 million subscribers we're nowhere near close so what happens is that upper that upper uppers they're so far ahead but um remember he's been doing he's been doing youtube for 10 years he's on there for 10 years we've been doing it for two a little over two so if we keep up at 10 years you never know we might beat mr beast conkey predicted we'd be at half a mil by the spring i think so that's what he said in the chat earlier there if things go the way that i think they're going to go in florida the asmr channel will probably be at half a mil in the spring would be nice the asmr channel has with us moving uh for the winters has a huge potential huge potential to explode because we have so much more to actually film the benefits with florida is we have seasonal filming when we do outdoor filming and business we have no state taxes whatsoever which is huge cost of living is even less than than ohio and ohio is pretty good in regards to cost of living as it is already so what we're doing going south is we are actually decreasing our expenses and increasing our profit margin that's a good business that's a good successful business model no matter what your business is looking forward to it can't wait it's going to be a ton of fun going to be a ton of fun but we're not moving to florida permanently definitely not a permanent move it is a seasonal move and then we'll be every winter every winter will be in florida when we're here in ohio in winter we are hindered by what we can actually do we need to continue to grow business by not being hindered based on weather and florida is the storage unit capital of the world here's the last one last one last book okay that is a lot pasta recipes and techniques this slide is heavy it's a huge again 27 27 cookbooks we've had so many messages asking for cookbook lots we finally decided to do it hopefully the 800 people who messaged us are here tonight and 25 starting bid free shipping in the united states probably costs 25 bucks to ship it uh if not more you'll have to do two boxes of media uh you gotta bid fast you got a bit furious because let's face it thanksgiving is this upcoming week you ain't got much time you got to get these books fast go you got one minute to win it here we go here we go we got 50 seconds to go cecilia's in at 50. jesse s 13 is in that 100 glorious in that 100. hypid right now on the cookbooks is a hundred dollars 100 on the cookbooks we got 46 54 50 50 50 45 and 75. mark is now 120. mark is at 120 on the cookbooks that's james smith came in at 100. i bid right now is high it would mark at 120. 120. essence is not 125. 30 seconds to go karen cena 122 s's right now is 125. cecilia came in at 125. i guess they do want cookbooks rosie is at 150. laurie came in at 150. esses came in at 140. we got ellis warrior 150. this is the cookbook lot estes is now 270. put the gauntlet down put the gauntlet down all right estes you're gonna have to confirm your 270 and your 500 you're all over the place i'm not accepting your bid and unless you confirm one or the other ls warriors at 150. elf warrior rosie is now at 175. gabriel is at 200 estus at 225 not accepting it because he did not confirm the other bids and it would be gabriel great family of nerds no it's family and nerds family and nerds family and nerds at 2 15. just so we're clear estes you had a random bids all over the place because of your randomness i am not accepting your bid and so it is family of nerds 215. nice job family of nerds some good ones in here uh george just said there are some good ones i don't know anything about good ones uh so family nerds you're gonna send your youtube name your real name your shipping address your bid of 215 and then the lot cookbook lot right there what the hell is that yahoo.com backup bidder is going to be the backup bidder is going to be gabriel gabriel hires at 200 gabriel you are backup bidder all the same information right there oh my goodness she's got a giant next slide is a bunch of vintage dolls wow here we go and you know what i'm just giving her the screen because there are a ton there is 32 dollars [Music] yep family nerds always always always pays always pays made in japan [Music] this one i think is made in the philippines it's handwritten philippines you got some really cool ones there don't you would you call them dolls or dolls [Music] [Music] so you have dolls right now oh her hat you lost your doll's hat i just had it uh adam perkins sent two dollars says this has to be a record for an auction bid i think he might be talking about uh the 500 random bid that probably would be a record that would indeed be a record i don't know what happened to her hat i literally just had it you think it's there somewhere it was on her head and then i picked it up and disappeared is it over here that i don't know well you can find it later as of right now it's being auctioned without the hat it has a hat just like if she finds the hat you will get the hat we promise you will get the hat if she finds the hat again which most likely she will go crazy if she doesn't find it so here's a camel a doll riding a camel a doll doll that looks like you yeah it does those are your eyes and your camel this one's made in japan this one comes with the box how many of these dolls do you think are haunted all of them especially the next set that i'm about to pull out james said did you go to socialblade to get your numbers in ranking yes james i actually did and social blade is rarely right but um but it gives you a these are haunted baseline would you say those are haunted yeah there's a these are the are these pooed [Music] aren't they called like poo dolls or something or beauty dolls i don't remember i don't remember cucumber cupid they're cupid dolls there's a ton of them they don't have clothes [Music] george was asking me do you think we should sell haunted dolls but she knows neither of us believe in hauntings so she knows that um we don't believe in it but she knows you put honda on anything and people buy it like crazy so if you buy these from us uh these are not haunted but i suppose you could always throw haunted on it and then resell them as haunted cupidols why are they called dice i don't know i think one of them if i remember correctly one of them has baby powder in it and it's in your hand right now this one has baby powder you just dump baby powder [Music] do your mama thing that you always do weirdo jill said what are the ghostbusters for then entertainment that's your that one does too has anybody ever ever noticed that uh ghosts only seem to haunt mansions we've never ever once heard of a haunted uh i don't know haunted trailer on a trailer park all of a sudden all of a sudden ghosts have taste in in housing they're like you know what i'm gonna haunt that mansion the trailer park you can have that just fine um did anybody ever knows that the ghosts all seem to be white old white guys from the civil war um a little racist in this old ghost haunted thing i would think but um a little a little crazy in the aspect of it this one winds up but you guys you guys can think whatever you want in regards to haunting and you can sell them any way you want as well that's not creepy that that is creepy you know what that one i changed my mind this one's haunted that one is haunted look at this this one has a wind and then it curls make it make noises oh yeah that's fun oh my goodness that one's definitely haunted let's crank it quick said well ghosts obviously like to live in style that one's haunted that one is haunted you can absolutely sell that one as haunted that is beyond creepy that is beyond creepy i can't wait for the first haunted trailer that's funny are you ready to auction yeah i'm ready i'm ready uh start thinking about quantums for a second oh she found the hat start thinking about hauntings for a second go find every fallacy within them okay here we go all right but apparently we apparently everything i buy is haunted because there's orbs everywhere which is dust wearing dirt all the time and you only see the dust when i have the flash of the camera on so this is when you see it just this behind the scenes for camp for uh for the 300 celebration so you only see it when the camera does this just like when you see you see the dust just like when you see it in your house when the sun passes through it nobody ever says anything if this is off i turn that off nobody's ever made a single orb comment on a video turn it on all of a sudden there's ghosts everywhere around me all right that being said done with the haunted did i give you enough time to kill there coopee all right koopie dallas 25 starting bid they one is definitely haunted the others are not haunted free shipping here in the united states and you know what you got a minute to win it let's do this becky says slimer is offended i love ghostbusters as science fiction i just think it's so fun all right cecilia's in at thirty dollars on the qb dials laurie is at 50 sean is that 78 sean's high bidder right now 78 ls warrior confirmed your bid at 300 was it 30 or 300 ls warrior one accepted 300 bid unless you confirm lisa mcgee is at 30. we got a niche lady at 80. veronica is at sing sing me a love song is that a hundred samia love song is high bidder right now at 100 and sean came back at 83. sharon is at 120. i better right now is sharon at 20. this is the vintage dow d-o-w-e-l-l lot one of them being haunted and sharon is live in it right now at 1 20. eight seconds to go eight seconds to go we got four three sharon's still high bidder twenty-five dollars free shipping and ls warriors now 145 elf warriors at 125. i didn't think that 300 was right i thought you meant to put 30 else warriors 125 free shipping and sold ls warrior nice all right ellis warrior 125 ellis warrior sl what you're going to do is going to send your youtube name your real name your shipping address your bid of 125 and the lot the non-haunted but one haunted creepy dolls you just call it the creepy dow law d-a-w-e-l-l backup bitter is sharon sharon your backup bidder at 1 20 and you're gonna send all your information right there as well and then george will get those invoices out and anybody that i offended talking about hauntings hey you know what you got your belief i got mine i accept you for who you are just ask that you accept me for who i am you watch for the entertainment i'd watch you too all right all right last slot before the free live i said there's another lot babe it's like is it she's gonna keep working literally gonna keep me working all night i'm just gonna make me work through the night i'm not allowed to have any time off i don't get vacations i don't get weekends i don't even get smoke breaks one more time i don't even get smoke breaks you know what's facing i'm smoking hot i need a break have you not seen me smoke this is this is the hoodie i was smoking with last week at rob's birthday party all right last slot before the free lot are playing cards there's a total of 51 decks and then two sets of poker chips jk said i'm offended you don't believe in my family ghost these are the these are mini playing cards i think these are so cute [Music] all right let's see what we got as far as emails checking the emails i'm just gonna give you full screen okay 51 playing cards i'm going to try and show these as quickly as possible some of these are sealed we have not counted them so i didn't go through these cards to make sure that the whole sets in there family and nerds we got your email on the cookbook lot thanks so much some of these have writing that says pinocchio on them like this one appears to be brand new the las vegas playing cards lisa said you're going to florida you don't need a vacation you'll be on a permanent vacation are you kidding you know i'm going to be working even harder down there you love to work he enjoys working you guys don't let him fool you when he tells you that i don't give him a break i tell i encourage him to take breaks and he's like nope i'm i'm working so let me put this in perspective for people i used to talk he's a workaholic my employees if we go all the way back to get the to adam and eve in the garden of eden if you believe the bible if you believe in god in god's word the bible then you have adam in the garden before sin as she's showing you all this before sin entered in the garden of eden god gave adam a job said i give you dominion control of all of this you are do the earth you are due name all the animals god gave adam purpose from the very beginning in what he did and i think work gives us purpose and i'm a very purpose driven person so i love the work that i do if i go on vacation i am not a person who could ever ever sit on a beach for hours i can sit on a beach for about 15 seconds and at that point i'm done i have to have a project so when i joke about i work too much and all of that i enjoy love it it gives me purpose i enjoy it and i understand that the rest of the world isn't like me i'm not asking that the rest of the world be like me that's where i find my joy you find your joy and uh we're gonna find some joy in florida okay ready to auction these off 51 51 decks of cards and then two poker chip sets 51 decks why didn't you go 52 decks for 52 pickup 52x all right we have no idea if there's 52 decks if you include the one all right there you go 52 decks if you include that one you can play 52 pickup with decks although we don't know if they're actually full or not so they have not been checked but you got a lot of cool decks there and you got a bit fast you got a bit furious 25 starring bid free shipping here in the united states you got one minute to win it let's go here we go here we go all right this is the deck of cards lot deck of cards lot 25 starting bid free shipping free shipping this is playing cards we got wendy enough 25 when he's down 25 lords now 40. rare nah marian's at 25. and laurie's at 40. 40 is high bid right now we got all other kinds of bits i see 30 30 30 30. joe is at 180 joe please confirm your bid i just want to make sure you didn't miss type instance i want to make sure you didn't mean 80. joe childless please confirm your bid all right we got green to red 65 cecilia uh we got bids all over the place waiting for joe to confirm her bid waiting for joe to confirm her bid and i don't even know where we're at with right now green to red right now six five joe did confirm a bit joe's at 180 scared the competition away jumped the bid and scared the competition away she typed it the first time they got scared just confirmed and is joe a female or a man i'm joanne it's joanne it is i've got it all right and bam there we go joe 180 nice nice all right joe you know what to do send all of your information bam right there and then and yeah everybody backed out after that they're like i'm out i am out all right who's ready for the free live i don't even know who backup bidder was on that if you know you're the backup bidder you can send a message yes uh joe's a good buyer joe joe pace jk says crickets after that yeah well we do that at storage unit auctions too there are a lot of times when we go to a storage unit auction we'll jump that bid and everybody and goes enough of a shock nobody else bids and that's that's just one way that you can win all right now now is a good time to refresh and make sure that you are in live chat and not top chat but if you watched our videos this week i did mention when we did the cashing in gift cards which was a fun video to do that was fun hours and hours i was going to give away the starbucks gift cards and we wrote the when we do these cash-ins we take a permanent market and put the balance on the card so two lucky winners will get a five dollar starbucks gift card this evening and i'll even throw in a bonus did somebody say should i show them the bonus or surprise bonus um i think you you surprised them with the bonus okay i would surprise them with the bonus but yeah it could help them get on their way to be a full-time youtuber in celebration of 300 000 subscribers i kind of want to show what the bonus is going to be all right show your bonus that's what you want to do so the first two people to answer the trivia question correctly will be the ones to win a five dollar starbucks gift card and then i'm gonna throw in a bonus in celebration of our 300 subscribers because when we started youtube we used a selfie stick we use our cell phones and selfie sticks that's all you really need you don't need any fancy cameras you don't need fancy microphones just a good camera a cell phone camera and a selfie stick i did spend about six hundred dollars well it was your cell phone you ready yep i'm ready okay all right so jeremy's gonna ask a trivia question you're gonna put your answer in the chat and then you have a minute to put your answers in the chat remember our trivia question typically comes from the least viewed video of the week okay uh joe the message on the playing card okay thanks joanne so usually comes from the least viewed video of the week the reason why we do that is because we want to reward the super fans those who are there no matter what the video is even if we sent out a aquarium video that we thought was awesome yeah the funny thing is with youtube when we put out a video that we think is awesome that we like nobody watches it and when we put out another video and we're like why would anybody watch this everybody watches it it's crazy there was on the asmr channel we put a video of uh us feeding turtles which was awesome and no one watched it nobody watched it and it's amazing yeah it even ate a banana so it is the least viewed video typically i think it has been 99.9 of the time as far as where the trivia question comes from and um there there have been a number of videos this week there's actually one additional video this week uh because we tried something out and here's your question i see that uh here's your question by the way for those who think i'm gross uh this is what george sends me pictures of and hold a second okay so this is what george sent me a picture of today they they get it this is what george sent me a picture of today and then and then i told her we were at 301k and then she said yay or nay on the thumbnail and then she sent me a minute to win it so those who think that i'm crude and rude [Laughter] she likes it all right uh here we go based on based on uh video of the week how many bucks were behind the warehouse how many bucks total were behind the warehouse you have a minute to win it how many bucks total were behind the warehouse how many bucks total were behind the warehouse bucks total behind the warehouse bucks total behind the warehouse i need to stop that really quick bucks total behind the warehouse how many bucks total or behind the warehouse we had a video there were bucks found behind the warehouse there were bucks in a fight during the rut behind the warehouse how many bucks total were behind the warehouse it was the least viewed video last i checked it was probably 10 000 views it was also our very first youtube short as we are testing the youtube short system to see what happens in regards to youtube shorts you guys got 10 seconds to put your answers in the chat avery says that that message you sent me is downright nasty but ed said hey that's awesome there's a book out there called everyone poops yes that's true it's for kids um by the way she's like all the time all the time she's like well i want you to know that i'm thinking of you when i'm going number two so anyways anyways i know i'm not the only female that does that to their significant other hashtag confession time debbie m said two three bucks that would be incorrect i don't even know what two three is might be 23. lisa said two bucks that's true there were two bucks fighting but dan grisley said 102 bucks and that is correct there were two bucks fighting and then we saw another 100 bucks out in the woods behind the warehouse the correct answer is 102 i mean bucks 102 bucks and then the second winner is to talk up mcelroy with the answer of 102. there were 102 bucks dan and tatanka mcelroy send your information your name youtube name and say hey i won the starbucks gift card and the selfie stick to what the hails at yahoo congratulations.com there were 102 bucks yeah so the ones that the folks that answered two you guys forgot the benjamin because it was all about the benjamin right it was all about the bucks it's all about the bucks we've gotten we've gone way over our midnight curfew you wanted me to sing you the song i wrote for my daughter thank you guys so much for hanging out with us we have over 800 people still watching [Music] i want to say a happy early thanksgiving to you and your family we'll probably go live around 2 30 maybe 3 o'clock on thursday just to wish you all a happy thanksgiving and then we'll release our video at the normal time which is 5 30. [Music] am i singing this to you or to chelsea you're just humming it [Music] [Music] silly little things she [Music] appreciate it grammy [Music] how's that interesting [Music] say happy early thanksgiving to everyone remember to stay safe stay sane and stay sanitized good night say good night good night
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 34,936
Rating: 4.9223118 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: CU1oaJsVbcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 203min 36sec (12216 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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