THE HORROR BEGINS | Outlast 2 - Part 1

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*Whoopsh! * Top of the morning to ya Laddies!!! My name is jacksepticeye And welcome finally To Outlast II! I've been so excited about this game! I played the original Outlast on the channel... Uhh.. when that came out and I'm proud of that series. I'm proud of how that turned out. It's one of my favourite series on the channel. Just 'cause... I don't know, it was a fun game, some fun scares in there, some fun spooks, And I... I'm proud of the commentary I put over that game, When we did the whole thing... then I did the Whistleblower DLC. Which, by the way, sorry if some of the stuff from those games carries over into this, or there's like easter eggs, or hints or references or something to it. It's been a while, and I don't remember the story completely 100% perfectly, so, some stuff might go over my head. But, that's what you guys are here for, to theorize in the comments all the time, Umm... But I'm REALLY looking forward to this, I played the demo as well and I uploaded that on the channel, and that was really good. And I like the scenario and the location this takes place in, so, I- I have really high hopes for this. I really think it's going to be good and Red Barrels, who make the game, are really good and nice developers, I met them at PAX. And... They-The-They have a passion for this kind of thing, they have a passion for horror games And I.. I respect that. And I- I think they're gonna do a good job with this. I hope it scares me. I turned off, like, more of the lights around here so it's kinda darker.. A small bit. Just so we can get spooked and we can get into the.. little scenario. It says continue but I don't- -have a continue... I just clicked in to see if the- the game ran well. Um *reading what's on the screen* I will! :D That might as well just say, "This game contains AWESOME SHIT. Let's do dis." *chuckles* *reading what's on the screen* What constitutes as "impossible"? *reading what's on the screen* *reading what's on the screen* Um... Less of the Last one, please... *tries to read what's on the screen* *fails miserably* *cringes* Heh, I'm "a-Blake" *chuckles* Jurassic Park~ *self-referencing* *Whoopsh! * Top of the morning to ya Laddies!!! *chuckling* I would love if they did that... I mean, why would they, but... Oh God... Wh-what does that mean..? This is a good angle *chuckles* *visibly repulsed* No! D: *screeching wiry sounds starts* *screeching sound becomes louder* *thump* *bright light starts* *trumpet sounds begin* *trumpets* WHAT the Fuck was That?! Hoo No.. Solid. Solid intro. That - That's your piece Ju-Just record that. That's a humdinger..! Whaa-at? Ooh, that's pretty Do I have a camera? Anything? Okay... Jesus, I'ma walk towards you, okay? Be cool... O-oh, nooo-ho-ho-hohhhh.... I already hate this. *chuckles anxiously* "To Jessica..." Who even is Jessica? Is Jessica gonna be like the "Ring girl" in this whole thing? Hello? It must be choir practice in this room... *chuckles* Jesus, be cool, homie *choir ambiance* Who am I by the way? I'm walking very... I'm taking like very quick steps like I have short legs Heh, I don't like this... What am I doing here at ten past six? It's *WAY* past my bedtime *in reference to the choir building up in the background* Heh, Would- would you Stop that? Ah, this actually has stuff on it *to the choir quieting down* Okay, thanks. (beat) *builds up again* NO. Calm down. Doh, Jesus- Well... THAT was some "Shining" level shit Except that was ONE girl and not twins *shimmies* Huleulahghhh I've like shivers down my back now Okay! Heeeeagh! That's not good... Oh! You can Review footage That's Cool! ^o^ So- I mean, don't know why So can I just record footage then? "Use battery".. Oh~ So they've changed a lot of shit. Now you press tab to see your thing, you can go into your camera And then you can use bandages and batteries down here 'Kay, how much battery do I have? I.. don't know Okay, that's cool, I like that. How do I get down? Oh, just fall *grunts* Take it easy there, "Blake" Heeu-hah! It's super pretty! And I like this location. The kinda canyons, and woods, and forests. Kind of stuff *visibly nervous* Ohh... Don't look down... Don't look down... Heh... "SHREK! I'M LOOKIN' DOWN!" When the recording sign blinks, it means you're aiming correctly at the recording event. Aim at the event until the red circle is full to succesfully capture the moment. Ohhh! Okay, THAT I really like 'cause now it's actually having a reason for the camera that you're actually documenting some things In the other game it was you just had the camera to kinda just look through for a cool filter and then you had night-vision-mode (Game: Oh shit!) Game: Jesus... is... Game: No, there's no bodies. She's not in here. Game: LYNN! LYNN! Yeah I think you'd Smell that as well Ooh, bandage Cool Okay... Ooooh into the darkness~ I really don't like the darkness dude... Game: Oh... Fuck me Game :Fuck fuck fuck fuck Game : That.. did not happen in the crash. Fuck this That's kinda fucked up and gross and weird Okay could you record this a bit faster please Eww there's all flies all over him Okay, cool... Sorry duuude I've watched enough scary things to know shit's gonna go down somewhere here Oooh... why do I- Why am I able to look back? Ooh, that's- I hate that when you're able to run and look back and see what's behind you chasing you and then you see how close it actually is Gonna give me the heebies And I don't want them because I got the jeebies yesterday and I don't want all of it Game : A town, thank god, I thought we were miles away from anything Okay this is where the demo started That is fucking cool lookin' Ooh lil cactus! c: What's up bro~ This kinda stuff I really like Okay those are some unnaturally strong winds Game: Hello.. I'm lost and hurt Okay that's jammed That's fine Stop it. D:< God it's suuuuper fucking dark I mean I get it that's the point Game: Is anybody there? Please. But I feel like it shouldn't be THIS dark Game: Hey, hey man Game: Oh shit..oh shit you're...this just happened Oh! oh, you're talking to him I thought someone came in behind me Jesus... You're around everywhere, this is your fault isn't it? Oh you got meeeessed up (Big time lmao) You can look around with and zoom. Okay Dear Sweet Ellie~ I can't bear what we done Nor being apart from our little ones So I'm going over and hoping you forgive me for leaving you behind and God forgives me this last trespass I know that they had to be offered up but I'm all tore up inside and can't live no more. Hopefully the end will come soon and we can be together again Unless God burns me forever for this sin. Until then, I hope you find what woman's comfort you need in the arms of Papa Knoth Yours forvever Did you kill yourself? Duuude... Thought I heard footsteps *loud banging* Oh, Jesus! *loud banging* Nope, Nope, Nope! Euuwwwgh... Creepy freaky babies OH, Hi...! Game: Who's..? This is the thing: I've played this already but I- I forgot! Okay, I might have to turn up the brightness a small bit the lighting is very, very nice Just so I can see because now I can't see anything in these sections Le-let me just see for a sec Uhh, Graphics... Gamma Oh God, it doesn't even change all that much Agh, it's just this dark anyway Well...! Hi~ Ahh, that's so creepy! :'c Just slinking back into the shadows like that Blehh Take the pitchfork though - you might need it 'Cause I don't know about you, but if I was in this situation - well first off I wouldn't be And I'd be out already, but my spidey senses would be going - *thump* Pretty crazy right now.. what the- what am I doing? It said hide so I just hid Okay... That's not good Hello? *knocking* Oh God, uh-huh-huh.. ...Righty... Bandages, very nice Imma just close this so nobody can sneak up on me and I can have of sense of comfort Do I have a way of just like clicking something to read just without the- right whatever Dear Father, Our loving God continues to bless me with visions and I know more certain that ever That the enemy is nearer with every day I was scrubbing the stains from the floor of Daniel's room when the blessed music rose inside me and sank me into true sight Where I saw a creature like the burning sun but with inward rings of teeth upon teeth and dangling beneath limbs that I took to be arms, but were cocks that rose in childing purpose And as this monstrous sun descended, it fucked the earth and birthed me some great and slouching horror from the fire This person has a damn good way with words I was filled with the same fear,so great that I could npt breathe nor mover and saw myself all those years back blinding Daniel with the lye and tried to weep but could not and when I woke I found myself wet with lusting painfully desirous to feel a man inside me and the feeling was not so far different from the fear I tried to comfort myself with your teachings, "terror is as joy in the movement of God", but I would take greater comfort with your manhood inside me and a firm prayer that the antichrist would be- an-antichrist would be strangled in my womb The most faithful of your flock in holy longing, Lisa Well, Lisa... That was quite vivid... but I'm glad you shared Okay, I don' wanna fuckin' hide in here It's good to know 'kay I'll change batteries when I'm good an ready, so I don't waste potential in them Like I use up all their.. max potential.. Okay, maybe now *chuckles* *under breath* Fuckin' batteries... >:( You'd think by now you'd get some Duracell or somethin' So they're sacrificing kids Well, according to what the dude wrote *loud noise/music* Doh, JEsus - fuck... That happened to me in the freakin' demo as well... *under breath* Goddamn it.. *whispering* Dead birds... MMMmmm *American Southern accent* Some nice chicken wangs, an' some corn~ *American Southern Accent* We havin' us a Pizza Hut night~ *unlocking the deadbolts* Okay... I don't know if I wanna go out there... Anything~? Euuuwgh, hi... Why? Why did I try that? I knew that wasn't gonna open So your - your battery gets used up when you're using night vision; doing this doesn't use up battery. Or at least, it didn't in the original. So - I'll try to use night vision as least as I can *to audience* Are you with me so far? Are you getting spooped? *to audience* You better be strong for me. 'Cause... I'm gonna need it soon *while giggling* I'm the one playing the damn game... uuueehh~ Just run. Just. Run. (translation: Satan, enemy of God; inimical= to harm/be harmful to) Satan... Imitates God I dunno I dunno what it means Yep, here's the crib Ahh, that's a Cool mask I want a mask like that in real life So, a-are we gonna h-have the antichrist in this game? *reading first verse written on the page* *singing chorus written on the page* (He's not terrible, but his voice cracks on "storm" and "wait") (He does nail "To die in Temple Gate") *reading second verse on the page* And then we go back to the chorus, y'know, Death, Doom, Destruction... "Don't bore us, get to the chorus," you know? And then we have... The cross of Babies... And These are Real These aren't dolls These are like... BURNED children... Hence, the jerry can *crunching sounds (stepping over babies' corpses)* *visibly cringing* Ffff- That's a good sound of Crushed babies... Nn'kay... Gonna have to call a big "Noperino" on all o' this... Do I have to cross under this? OOOooh Now you can crouch and you can crawl :) That's kind of cool :D Why am I not picking up sound on the left though? Hullo? Who's there? I'd be pickin' up somethin' like this *referring to rod part* I'd be pickin' up some sort of bludgeon Okay, do this now, before we go anywhere I-it's fuckin' easier to see without the night vision Ohh... That's a fresh- freshly put out fire Game (Pick-Axe Woman): AAAGgghhh *music starts up* Oh! Hi! What - the - Fuck Are You? *music intensifying* *music intensifying* You're - You're the - You're the cross person! No! And I don't mean cross as in angry Oh shit. Where can I go? They have like the big.. like cross/pick-axe In the demo, they chopped off my Balls... And I do NOT want a repeat of That... Where'd he go? Show your face NOW. Or Don't... I'd much rather if you didn't, but if you have to, show it now so I can figure out what's going on Did they go? O-okay, I'm just- I'ma just keep on crawlin' I think they're gone Okay, indoors, yes eeeeh, The MUSIC is SO freaky Can't carry anymore bandages, okay.. *Hopefully* Can I use one? *about the bandages* No, I can't, okay... "JAM-ED" *Learns to read* Jimmy-jammed 'kay; More batteries are always good How many batteries do I have? How'm'I doin' 'n them l'il batts? Don't be outside the door - Don't be outside the door *more creepy music ambiance* I am NOT being instilled with confidence right now... *wheezing voice starts up* *music intensifies* Okay, okay. Where, where? Oh, Jesus! No! No!! No!!! No!!!! No! No. Fuck you. >:( *sighs* Oh.. God... This game doesn't fuck around! Ooh~ I like how, it's much more interactive now Like, there's a lot more things to push and pull and- Ooooh.... Maybe this is bad.. :c *lamenting* Why do I have to be someone who doesn't fight back? Why can't I just go up with like a pick-axe (beat) well, they have a pick-axe... SOMEthin' else then... Doh, Jesus! *Blake grunting in the background* *in accent* Ohh no, ma gleasses (my glasses) *whispering* What the fuck? They have like a pick-axe with an incense-burner er somethin' on the top of it Heh. *mocking Blake* "God wants me dead," hah, Okay, Cool~ Huh, See ya! Anything to pick up? Lookin' for secrets Okay... We good. We good. We have our first scares over We're good. We're solid. We're fine. Nobody's gonna harm us. He says, nervously, as he rounds a corner... And gets stabbed in the face *about the sound mechanic* Oh now THAT'S good *rustling/crunching sounds* That's Very cool Wait, are they comin' in here? Get under! Fuck sake... -.- Are- are they gonna come in here? That's a VERY cool mechanic! So, if you're like - if your vision's obscured, you can use your microphone to actually... See where they are That's awesome No, I wanna like... Oh, it opens this way Oh, hi..! You- you good? H-he sees me. There's no avoidin' that What's he sayin'? Can we hear 'im? 'Kay, you seem like fun.. "family" kind of guy... I've a feelin' I just have to run, 'cause he's lookin' Right at me Okay, I'ma just hide in these plants. Everything'll be fine. I know you see me, but uhh... Oh Shit. OHH Shit. Ohhh Fuck. Ohhh Shit. This sssucks. ;-; Now I've to try and figure out where they are Audibly, and avoid it THAT way, and not run into them in the grass or anythin- Oh fffuck... Well, this is gonna be Tough... Oh No! Oh No. oh no. Oh no. Oh No. 'Specially since I can't anything without night vision And to be able to hear them I use up a bunch of my mic as well I'ave no idea where I'm going That's a very cool mechanic, though I know I said it already but I didn't know that was gonna be IN the game, that's really cool I don't know where I'm goin' I - I don't know where the exit is *music is picking up* Ohh, this is risky.. This is risky business Okay, maybe not Am I okay? Did I make it? Am I fine? THIS doesn't help me I:( But this does c: *loud banging sounds on the door* *banging sounds continue* nnnuuuuuuUUUUUUUUUUU ;^; *banging sounds continue* Fuck. *banging sounds continue* *banging sound breaks through door* Okay, that's him occupied for a little minute Ohh... Fuck you.. I'm gonna run outta batteries, man! Where is out? Where - Where is sanctuary? Where am I safe? *whispering* fuck. Fuck. Fuck! Okay, maybe back this way somewhere What's with that guy singin'? Maybe if I go this way >.> And I like that it has a left and a right channel so you can kinda see if it's going... Towards you or away from you or whatever - oh shit. Oh shit. Oh Shit! It might be "breaking-for-it" time *gasp* I'm still alive! (yay :D) I'm still fine! I'm good! I'm good - Change that fuckin' battery Change the battery!! D:< G-oh No! No! *trumpet sounds accompanying the bright light* What. The. Fuck. What. What's happening? *scream in the not too far distance* Okay. Okay.. I am fuckin' outta here Okay, I got a picture of it I think No-no, what am I doin'-what am I doin', wrong button-wrong button! Okay, I think those guys are fucked anyway *about the trail* That's awesome Can- Can I read that thing? Awwhh, and your camera actually acts as a snapshot of it. *reading what's on the page* *screams in the distance* Okay.. *In-game gasp* Oh, that's Lynn's voice! *Lynn's crying* Is that (the sermon/Lynn's voice) comin' out through that (the speaker/P.A.)? What the Fuck? This is gorgeous Wonder, will I actually pick it up (The speaker/voice) Yeap, that's cool. The audio What the fuck is goin' on? This is some weird, like cult shit... What the hell is that big, giant beam that always goes off though? *loud chanting asking God of something, hard to make out* I can't go through *loud chanting asking God of something, hard to make out* *building up, steadier and steadier* *chanting fades out* What the fuck... *attempts to read the page* Okay, I can't fucking read that It's just that gospel anyway.. No, I don't want to do that, put that down I keep forgettin' all my buttons Is this the - the priest? That keeps talkin'? *gasps* *excitedly* A broom! We'll just fly like Harry Potter, and we'll get - we'll get Lynn outta here :D Oh, God, Yes. Down into the Dark. That's- That's good. That's - That's a good idea. This is really good so far Nnnooo thank you... God, there's a bunch of people here Ohh... you.. dude.... Oh.. I don't know if this is a good idea; to go down there. There's people upstairs! Hello? Oh. I- think I'm actually looking up someone's dress. That's not good. *giggles* hello? Ohh... you've been dead a while... *reading what's on the page* *stops at "chief among his deacons"* Actually.. I should.. You know what I should do? Oh, I can read it anyway. I was gonna say I should look at the snapshot, 'cause that was... uh.. night vision *continues to read from where he left off* *reading what's on the page* What the fuck... This whole place is Fucked up *deadpan* Clearly. Can I go over that? Ooh, key. *Lynn crying* Ad Inferi Per Aspera (Translation: To Hell, through hardship) Don't know what that means *Lynn crying* Flashlight! *To Blake* Really? You're gonna keep with the night vision and not actually just pick up a flashlight? *Knoth yelling out* *disturbed* What are you guys doin' up there? C-can I pull these or somethin' - How do I get over there? Oh At least I - JESUS CHRIST, get off me you freaky fuckin' weirdo! >:( No. Nope. Nope. You Had your chance. I was gonna save you dude; I was gonna come back for you. But not now... fuck... Are they sacrificing Lynn? Batteries. Batteries! The fucking life, blood, and essence of my character. Jammed.. Oh, That was the door Okay, I needa get a peek at what's goin' on And what that gigantic, white light is Okay, this is more... Shit like that That I can't read It's like scripture Of course it's fucking jammed Okay, I can't see anything. Goddamn it. It's like they're all around a pit looking down at somethin' These are bad sounds She got away! You okay? Okay, Okay. I'm comin' out, I'm comin' out, I'm comin' out Lynn! LynnLynnLynn I'm here Yes! Okay, Okay, I'm with ya on that one That's the first smart thing I've heard in this game so far Yay! Now I have a buddy! Okay.. Aww, they're holding hands <3 Uh oh... They put a demon baby in her Ohh... If I know anything about supernatural... "birthing," is that the gestation period is quite short And quite explosive Oh, God, what did you do... Yep, that part I got *visibly repulsed* Ohh, God.... Jesus.. Jesus! Lynn.. Fuck! Don't do it HNNNG, What is going on?? HHHHHHHNNNNNNGGGGG Oh... They didn't kill her ... Ehhhhhuuuewwwwghhh GROSS. STOP. Hah, so creepy OW. Is she gone? Yea Really... You're gonna just, throw out the exposition like that..? Just Beat us over the head with it? I think I coulda just figured out that shit on my own Wait, is this the way we came or the way we're goin'? Ohh, God... It's fuckin'.. neither.. hopefully... Heh.. Is there anywhere I can fuckin' hide down there? Okay! I'm going this way I DON'T LIKE THAT WAY ANYWAY! That wa- That was the bad way! That place sucked! >:( They didn't even have pizza down there Okay, battery! Go towards the batteries (nice motto) Man, the levels are cool! This is like Resident Evil 4 type of shit and I looove Resident Evil 4 OH GOD.. This is- Oahh Oh God I'm fuckin' blind The tension is too much man! ;-; 'Kay, they don't see me they don't see me they don't see me.. Do I have to go under? Shh shhh shhhshhh *Whispers* It's fine.. It's fine B-PPppffFfFttttttttt It's still fine *Tries to sound reassuring* It's still fine- you don't know ANYTHING Goodd I am NOT moving fast ;_; *suspenseful music intensifies* *Girly Jack activated* Hhhhhiiiiiiiiiiii~ OooOOHHhhh The constant hiding back and forth- is gonna give me a fuckin' heart attack It's awwweesome tho! :D Like- you're not just running and hiding in a room anymore you're actually like hiding in- the bushes, aand the water, and everything that's cool :D *Inhales sharply* Nope nope you don't know me you don't see me you don't know where I am Um- God where do I go now Okay go, yeah check down there Go down that one Ooorr don't *Mutters under breath* Fuckin' asshole... You wanna come play in the water?~ If you do, only one of us is getting out! >:/ And I'm a GRREEAAAT swimmer Ooh that's creepy :D *inhuman Jackaboy sounds* I don't like these guys These guys SUCKKK 'Kay, get up Get up now *trumpet sounds accompanying the bright light again* What the FUCK is that?!? *trumpet sounds and bright light fade away* Ohhh Christ... Ohh nnnooo Okay I don't think we're in Kansas anymore ;_; So, is Jessica the girl we saw at the start then the school girl...? 'Cause we're in school and he said, "remember, from our young days?'' I don't know but- haunted schools kinda freak me out :'( Ever since playing "Fear 2" Jesus is everywhere in this -- What would Jesus do? I dunno man.. I don't know if I trust a guy like that Just seems to be Everywhere, All the time I'm sorry I have to do this, you should have loved me, you should have helped me. Jesus, forgive me, I don't know what to do. I'm so sorry -Jessica *Jack's moment of realization that the game would take care of it* Where's the music comin' from? 'S that me? *giggles* *laughs* *takes breath* Dude, it'll be fine. Just pick up a tuba and start playing away, or a l'il saxaphone We-We'll play our pain away~ What about this way? Das not a way, das why Awh, Jesus... See, This kinda shit is just fuckin' freaky I don't like it.. "Cause... I think why- why it freaks me out is 'cause you're so used to school being like a hustle and bustle place, and every time you're there Your friends are there And people you know and people you trust And school is supposed to feel like a safe place It doesn't Always, but... That's what it's supposed to be: A place of learning, a place of joy and friends, and.. Class and learning, and all that kind of stuff But then when you're here After hours.. It's kinda freaky Ohh God, ten to two. I'm late for class I'm late for Biology *music intensifies* Hi... *recognition* YOU were here Before! And look.. Of Course Jesus is hangin' out again *to silhouetted figure* You come 'ere ya bastard *music intensifies erratically* Oh God! OH GOD! Okay! OKAY, I TAKE IT BACK. Why didn't ya treat me with a little bit of *subtitle writers deadpan* Respeck (R-E-S-P-E-C-K, Double D) I didn't enjoy that at all You're not gonna do it again are ya? *referring to the banners* "Respect," "Kindness," All of the... Words that I am not receiving right now "Catholic School, The Way to Success" And there's JEsus Again! *whispering* He's fuckin' everywhere Jesus is the Real cau- That's what it's gonna be. This whole game is about the second coming Jesus is just gonna show up and be like "Hello! Remember me?" "Yeah, you guys fffucked me up, the last time I came down." "So it's revenge time." There's nothin' in here. Why am I in here... "Restricted Area: Authorized Personnel Only" "Kay... *in a low grumble* Batteries! *in game gasp* 'Kay, I'ma just Move you Thanks... Can I pick up the remote? C'mon, I wanna watch some "Beavis and Butthead" 'K, Turn it off! *giving up* D'ah'kay... I don't want the "Grudge" coming after me; or the "Ringu" *in creepy voice* "Seven days--" "Tolerance" *to no one in particular* You hear that everybody? "Tolerance"! It's snowing! Okay..? Ooh, yes. Lots of batteries. Make me happy. *Jesus* Hey~ What WOULD Jesus do? *to Jesus* What would You do in this scenario? Can I leave-- Ahhh.. THAT'S a bad sign... Was "Carrie" through here? Okay, this is the men's, I'm allowed in here, that's fine. I need to take a leak This is where all the scares should happen.Where you're close to a toilet; so you can change your pants. 'Kay.. I hate.. I hate bathrooms in games, as well... Bathrooms in horror games are like a sure-fire sign that [you] walk in and all the cubicles are all closed And then it's just like.. "Ohh~ nothing in the first three, but the last one 'Boo~'" n'kay. I'm takin' my time as well -- "Confidence" This is what I do have. Right now. Confidence. Not in myself... Um... But just confidence that the situation 'ill get a whole lot worse before it gets better Here we go.. Here We Go. Am I leavin' footprints? Yeeeaaa~ That's the first thing I check in a video game whenever I walk out in snow Is to see if I leave footprints "Cause to me then. That means that the game is awesome. OHH~! And the have DEPTH footprints! We got some tessellation goin' on? *throaty* Nice~ Oh, God... Out of the fryin' pan and into the freezer Where am I goin'? This is "Silent Hill" all over again *crumbling sounds* *Blake screaming and falling* *crumbling sounds settling* *Blake grunting in pain* WHAT? Am I ba- Am I back in the desert again? *Blake grunting in pain* *Jack in a deep voice* Who's askin'? *excitedly whispers* Ethan! Heh Ha, Yeah, That one! *visibly disturbed* Okay, that's... fucked up... Yeeaaah.. that would drive ya kinda crazy... Can I have my vision back, please I:/ Okay. There we go. Finally. Jesus. Waaaghh, that's pretty *singing* ~ starry ~ starry ~ night ~ *singing* ~paint your pallet blue and grey~ Lead on, Ethan Duude. Can we play some sick banjo? But she's deeeaad... *disapprovingly* Blake... *Blake grunts in pain* Ah... yep. Can I have a beer? Y'know some whiskey would REEEALLY ease the pain of gettin' hit in the head Y'know? *dejectedly* Okay, fine... *to Ethan* Y'better not be lying *still untrusting but polite* Thank you, Ethan I appreciate it. Can I use a - one of the bandages I have yet? No - I can't even tab Okay, sleep *takes breath* *deep sigh* I'ma be havin' me some Rough dreams t'night... I dunno if you should really go to sleep that soon after... having such a Serious head wound... Where like your vision's all dizzy and everything if you have a concussion - That could be very bad It's the same thing again hhnnnNN I don' like tha' one *Ethan's yells of fear and terror* NOOO! Don't hurt 'im! He m'frieeend! NOOO.... Duuude... Aw, Ethan, I'm sorry... *Ethan's groans of pain* *music intensifies* *pick-axe woman yells out as she delivers one final strike* That's fucked up.... (/.\U) Where'd they go? Yeah... 'Cause his daughter's dead as well Dude... Okay. Well, I'm gonna leave this first episode of Outlast II here What a Start, Man! It's REALLY good. I Really like it. There's a strong atmosphere already Ehm... I was a bit worried about the game when it was, announced, and when I played the demo and everything 'Cause there was a lot of that, like Stuff happened and then you teleported to like a school And then you teleported back, and when there's that juxtaposition And it- it happens too much, it kind of ruins some of the atmosphere of horror games for me Umm.. 'Cause the first game just took place in an asylum And when it's All self-contained in one area, it felt very, very good. It felt like one big open asylum that you were going through. And it felt very *breathes* I don't know, it was very immersive, because the atmosphere was very consistent with itself And I was worried that this would kind of go against that, because it was out in the woods, it wasn't as self-contained, and.. O-obviously, they couldn't just do the same thing again. If they did, it would have been a bad idea, too Uh, but they REALLY Nailed this. So far, anyway And I really liked that I-I'm a fan of those kind of movies with like cults in the woods 'Cause they're just creepy It's like stuff that's kind of - i-if you like live in a city and then you go out into the woods It's kinda like a foreign place It doesn't even feel like you're on Earth half the time And the, the teleporting to the school and everything It kinda worked! So tha-that's really cool Umm.. I- I haven't been, like Super "spooked" yet It's just - it's a lot of like.. tension kind of scares And a lot of.. Gore. And a lot of kind of really crude imagery -- Which is a type of horror as well, I'm not trying to say it's not a scary game It's just it's a Different type of scary, and I kind of like that Kinda glad they didn't try and go for the whole... I dunno... I don't even know what kind of scares. So far, there's only been a-a couple of jumpscares Um, I hope the game doesn't rely too heavily on those, 'cause those get very cheap, very quickly Um, but I-I really like the atmosphere that it's settin' up in this scenario, and the.. It kinda brings- I-it kinda hearkens back - It's kinda doin' what "Outlast 1" did But in a different environment And with kinda different rules. Like with the... The first "Outlast" had a priest in it as well, And some stuff - like some supernatural stuff was kinda goin' on in the background So I'm kinda glad that they took that and ramped it up a small bit without making it SUPER goofy So, Well Done! So far. I'm excited about this! I'm excited about this series I'm excited to get it goin' *to the audience* I really hope you guys enjoy watching it. I have a feelin' Everyone on YouTube is gonna be playin' it right now But that's cool. Umm... I'm really excited for this game. But for now.. *to audience* THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR WATCHIN' THIS EPISODE! IF YOU LIKED IT - PUNCH THAT "LIKE" BUTTON - IN.THE.FACE. LIKE A BOSS! And *deep voice* High Fives all around Whoopsh! Whoopsh! And Thank You Guys! And I will see all you dudes... IN THE NEXT VIDEO!!!! *"I'm Everywhere" starts playing* Very Strong first episode. Lot's of blood and guts. I like it.
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 3,640,349
Rating: 4.945735 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, outlast, outlast 2, outlast 2 game, outlast 2 gameplay, outlast 2 walkthrough, outlast 2 playthrough, full game, story, campaign, outlast 2 jacksepticeye, outlast II, horror game, scary game, terrifying, scariest, long lets play, lets play, reaction, jumpscare, jumpscare reaction, scare reaction, scare, scary, horror videogame, best horror games, sequel, gore, violence, PC, steam, download link, PS4, Xbox One, part 1, ending, end, outlast 2 full game, outlast 2 endings
Id: XfcLCTlv2d4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 5sec (3845 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2017
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