I Remember This Dream

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low medium normal [Music] what was the last dream you remember having what's the last dream you've had recently i'm trying to think but the last one i've had is was it something spooky was it something interesting was i flying i don't know i can't remember the last dream that i've had but i remember this dream this one here before us now strap yourselves in it's about to get spooky top of the morning ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome to i remember this dream a spooky scary tale of sorts if you will a horror game if you might play plenty of them before did i say that word right no i didn't uh this was recommended to me in the comments um of a previous video i just did i can't remember which one it was we played a lot of spooky games recently but somebody recommended this and they spoke very highly of it and when i looked it up it looked really cool so i am down to trinity try it you know what i'll play it to prove a point oh my oh god why does this look really realistic i've already been here have you i now see this dream every night uh-oh and every night has become a real nightmare for me webbed from intertwined tree branches stretching out into the dark endless sky i see that for sure definitely oh god it always looks looks like stuff is moving through the trees voice can you like match the energy of me there are very few sounds in this world but there is this one that scares me the most the sound of bells ringing from far away and leading me through the maze of this nightmare you know what those belts from far away air before we just jacks up the guy in his recording room okay should i go towards the bell sounds like it's coming from over here bell i tried to walk very fast but at the same time very carefully stepping on the snow in order not to disturb the surrounding silence i think someone recommended me this game because of sound design [Music] i do like it a lot so far though you lovely commenter who's that i heard tree branches breaking this is a horrible dream do any of you actually get dreams like this it would seem that in order to make it not look so horrible one should make noise as much as possible shout laugh and talk with yourself but the sound of your own voice may drown out other sounds the sound of a barely heard imminent threat and fear hiding in tree shadows how did you know that that's me i i'm in this game and i don't like it they're calling me out yes i shout in a yell and i scream to cover the silence the deafening deafening silence oh [ __ ] i personally never have dreams like this where it's recurring i never have the same dream and i especially don't have ones that feel endless like you're walking down this place that never seems to change my dreams always seem to have a point i like the cringy crunchy snow though very nice under my feet are we getting closer to that bell who ring a nap out listening attentively to the squeaky sound of snow under my feet as i walked i could barely breathe and only prayed not to hear footsteps behind me that sounded like a chainsaw run dude this is gonna be the snow escape massacre oh i slowed down on my own did i run out of breath [Music] come on bro you can run faster than that it is a dream though oh spooky i now remember everything the snow the forest the blistering cold however i know that once i wake up this cold world would immediately disappear from my memory oh i saw something right next to the tree oh man all of those wishy-washy like black sort of flickering that's going on between the trees i thought that was one of them and then it moved right next to me is that something in the distance oh this is freaky i feel like i saw like a cabin i do see a cabin oh that's creepy it's so [ __ ] quiet am i going home is this my cabin in the woods i can't see anything [Music] oh no no no close the door [Music] but this place is not just a figment of my imagination i've been here in real life oh we're okay now is the badness gone i can't see anything it's so dark another bell should i follow that one man the visuals are so nice i'm coming bell i'm coming drawn to its quiet tomber i walk endlessly through the forest colder and colder i get but more determined i can't remember everything dreams and reality don't intersect you see only the dream world while dreaming [ __ ] dementors go back to azkaban only some snatches of my memory which in some way pass through the boundary between dream and reality give me confidence that i'm in a dream am i back at the start oh oh oh oh oh the [ __ ] thing is chasing me go go go through the trees dodge wave is it still chasing me they're small snatches of my memory from the past oh no time to pay attention man just just go ah jesus christ he blends in it's so scary i can't sprint i can't sprint i can't spread oh he's still there he's still there okay the bell's coming from over here i was 12 then and studied in seventh class the regional school was located very far from the village where i lived with my parents it was some hours walk to the school i'm sorry you're telling me a lot of information here dude and i am picking up on like a fraction of it because i'm so scared oh man that's so well done because stuff just kind of like flickers in and out of [Music] frame the sound design is really good every morning my mom accompanied me through the woods to the school she returned every evening to take me back this is not scary it's fine whoa is it coming from this [Music] has to be every time i yeah as the years passed by bringing me to and taking me back from school became increasingly difficult for my mom my dad had to suggest that i stopped school but i insisted to walk alone to school this is a bad idea we're not going to see our friend again the ghosty ghoulie oh we are him [Music] where's my next bell back this way okay am i gonna get chased by that fecker again oh lord no trouble is this an actual dream somebody had that's way in the distance that's a soft bell in the summer my journey to the school didn't take long sometimes i was even given ah jesus i can't move oh no no no no no no no no no no what the hell is happening everything changed as winter approached days became shorter oh god the dream disappears but always returns the next night no i don't have to do all of that again do i oh thank god i was too busy reading the thing that i didn't even see him creep up on me and it he just looks like the trees oh scary oh i see it oh there's a bunch of them there was two of them lingering in the air damn that's freaky they're just sitting right in the middle of it oh i'm second guessing every single shape that i'm seeing now in winter i was the only pupil always released by teachers in the middle of classes to leave so as to get home before it's dark that's very nice of them is my battle through here oh jesus i'd rather wolves somebody came out and sucked at my toes right now than any of this though the road was long i was very familiar with it in summer i often rode on by bicycle with my friends through the woods i hear them oh they're stuffing [ __ ] goat masks one evening in december i just lost my weight while coming back from school did you guys see them oh i don't quite remember how or why this happened and where i turned the wrong way but it was the treetops that were recently lit with bright red light of the setting sun we're already drowned in the heavy gloomy sky oh my god look at him god damn oh we're close we're very close get away from goat man peering into the darkness in an attempt to see familiar places i struggled to drive away from my self-frighteningly simple thought that lodged in my mind then i'll never get out of this place oh okay we have a little bit to go okay this definitely seems like the place to be man this environment is so cool i've never walked so far away from home stories by old men were what made me know there used to be a village abandoned by people many years ago somewhere far away in the forest and that since then the village is completely abandoned okay we were never forbidden to go there however whenever my friends and i went so far from home we experienced a strange feeling of anxiety at the boundary of an impenetrable thicket through which the sun could not even pass we turned around not saying a word to each other and hurriedly went back damn this is intense oh i thought someone was standing in the corner [ __ ] oh that thing's moving what is that it's so hard to see oh i had to move damn it i was too scared my whole body came off the computer oh man you stirred me all the way back at this tree god damn it that sucks i'm ready i'm ready i'm holding back [Music] there he is yep yep yep oh that was it oh man do we get another bell man look how cool this is that bell did not sound good this place is so freaky there's so much weird sounds going on i have weirdly have to pay a lot of attention okay the bell is getting a lot more distorted now but hopefully that section is done that dream is over move on to the next stream get a new dream get a different nightmare keep an eye out for [ __ ] they're everywhere i'll never forget that house that cemetery and that church at the forgotten village where i tried to hide from the creepy creatures pursuing me but i don't remember how i managed to survive and get out of that dark forest many years have passed since then but i still don't understand why this keeps on appearing in my dreams every time i hear something i just sprinted my voice speeds up ah i think i've gone in every direction from this starting point [Music] in like four directions and this will be the last [Music] oh god oh god oh god i don't know what those creatures are either are they real i'm almost at the border between sleep and waking it was here that the fear which i always run away from catches up with me everything is repeated again and again in each of these dreams no we're gonna beat it tonight bro we drank our warm milk before bed we're ready to go although i do not trust that bell oh i keep feeling like something's just right behind me nibbling on my neck [Music] waking up frightens much more the brief moment between dream and reality the moment when nightmare is replaced by reality and it's still not forgotten and your regained consciousness has not yet managed to erase the nightmare completely from your memory oh that's some [ __ ] up [ __ ] i'd like to go across this [Music] i hear something wait everything's stopped that usually means i'm at the thing oh god if you heard that in the in the forest at nighttime there's no special place here this time oh god he's right there [Music] um you want to go [Music] i closed my eyes and the belligerent monster pounces on me the disgusting munching sounds as the monster tore the flesh into shreds started waking me up the night forest fades and the pale morning light emerges then i'm enveloped in real fear lying on my bed afraid to open my eyes the fear of the future shackles my mind and chains the future that i don't even have where adult life is just an illusion i'm 12 years old outside the window heavy december clouds bring blistering cold in the first snow this is the first winter i'll be going to school alone lying in bed i struggle to squeeze my eyes in a vain attempt to regain to retain memories of my dream i'm waking up but i must not forget this dream i must not forget the stream i must not wow damn that was intense oh that one picture of him right at the end oh man that was really good i liked that a lot it was it was subtle it was minimalistic but it was really effective the visuals were really cool like there was sometimes when it actually looked like a movie that i was running around through like the visuals are actually really nice looking but also that sort of confusion between what's a tree and what stuff clumped together and what's not loaded in and what's an actual monster coming towards me all of that like peering through the darkness trying to like look for where the enemy is all the while you're reading the text which i imagine is supposed to be an analogy for like your thoughts like your thoughts are getting in the way and sometimes like you're not concentrating on the things you're supposed to be concentrating on your mind is all over the place that's how it felt like to me when i was playing it at least i wonder if it's based on real stuff let me look it up doesn't say anything at least this is a first person survival horror game that takes place in a winter force this is my first game so i hope you will enjoy i heavily enjoyed that i know why that person recommended it to me now because the sound is really good the fact that you had to localize where the bell is coming from which you can really only kind of do properly with headphones um but just the music like this music and sound that's going on now everything is so eerie and creepy and there's this air of like mystery and not knowing what's going on and going through the forest and being just so uncomfortable with everything that's happening having it be so quiet and so subtle sounding was really powerful and really added to the experience um i do think it was kind of [ __ ] with that thing popping up at you immediately and then having to back out and getting caught by that reset you too far back um but it plays into the idea of recurring this dream over and over again that every night you have this dream and it scares you now like i said i've never had a dream like this i've had well i guess i i have dreams where i die a lot i have dreams where people are coming after me or i'm wanted for something or just i don't know maybe it's like imposter syndrome from doing youtube that so many people know who you are and are watching what you do that you feel like you don't deserve it so you feel like something has to happen to ruin it so my brain subconsciously like makes up some sort of scenario when i sleep that i'm getting caught for something or i'm i'm being attacked for something or something's coming to kill me all the time and i've had a lot of dreams where i have been like stabbed or shot or killed but it's not it doesn't happen often enough this is just something that i've had throughout my life it's not like i have this like twice a week or something i mean the last time something like that happened was probably a few years ago but i definitely just have stuff like that which reminded me of the end of this where they said the monster pounces on me and kills me and then a lot of times if you've ever died in a dream i don't know if it's just me but when that happens your brain doesn't really know where to go after that so you wake up from it because after that happens in the dream it's like okay well what do we do now because we don't know what goes beyond that which i find fascinating that even my brain is like okay we'll stop there and i'll just wake you up because i don't know where to go with this so fascinating game i liked it a lot it was it was short it was simple um but very highly effective so my my imaginary hat is off to you but if you guys want to try this out for yourselves i will as always leave a link in the description and let me know what types of dreams that you guys have do you have a recurring dream and do you have a recurring dream like this or have any of the rest of you ever had dreams where you die because i'm very curious because every time i say to my friends they're like what that's kind of messed up but i don't know it's always just been a thing i'm sure somebody in the comments now would be like actually jack that means that you're [ __ ] up yeah probably anyway thank you guys so much for watching this thank you guys for liking the video yeah i hope you have um but give me some suggestions for more stuff to play in the future and check out the rest of the games that i've played in the past some more spooky games will be linked down there as well thank you guys for watching and i'll see you in the next one [Music] i would rather not remember this stream honestly
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 1,953,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, jacksepticeye horror games, 3 scary games jacksepticeye, jacksepticeye scary games, jacksepticeye scary, horror games, 3 scary games, jumpscare, scary games, scary, horror, gameplay, creepypasta, lets play, playthrough, let's play, creepy pasta, walkthrough, jump scare, creepy, scary game, scary stories, creepypasta game, reaction, horror stories, gaming, game, try not to, try not to get scared, indie horror, horror game, scary story, I remember this dream
Id: UvDez1Tnxxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 42sec (1422 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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