welcome back, scaramouche. (Genshin Impact)

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aha there you are good to see you hi it's been like what a month since i've seen you at all are you ready we'll start by heading to the camp on watatsumi island and then we'll go meet her excellency together from there if you start to feel seasick at any point during the trip let me know straight away that said you've spent time with the crux fleet in the past so i think you'll probably be fine doesn't payment get seasick ready and away we go the music here is actually super nice i will say place is actually super gorgeous too like this entire island is actually incredibly pretty i'll be staying here for now if you need me for anything just come here shoot it's nearly time for the appointment with her excellency uh i'll have to show you around watsumi island some other time for now let's get ourselves over to sangonomia so is the name of the place where sanga nomia kokomi lives huh let's go check it out why did you think it'd be something else like bubble land it's kind of weird how tape has had so many lines maybe tepe is a little more important than we think we have a fresh batch of supplies in hand and i'm working on expanding the army i appreciate that the lack of manpower has been hard on all of you but things are going to get better we're expanding the army oh that's great whoever this mystery supporter is they're doing us a great service mystery supporter tepe what are you doing back on watatsumi island might i ask who vip guests of her excellency that's who i'm acting under orders to escort them both here wait so are you the new recruit everyone's been talking about strength of 20 men splits an arrow and twain from 100 paces skin as hard as diamond that's you uh i guess so seriously what is going on with these rumors no it's tepe hmm someone wrote to me saying that they wish to support the watson island resistance effort to that end they also furnished us with a great deal of supplies thanks to them we can finally start recruiting troops on the scale we need to openly confront the shogun's army on the front line i'm kind of sketchy about this i hereby appoint you as captain of the watson island special operations unit swordfish too nice i've been promoted well what swordfish too is this the same swordfish special ops unit that i'm thinking of it's hard enough getting into a special ops unit at the bottom rung let alone jumping the captain in one fell swoop this is incredible why am i so smug what about me your excellency any battles you need me to get involved in i want to make a contribution to the resistance too of course i'll arrange something and brief you shortly all right one successful operation coming right up you may have swiped the captaincy of swordfish too but watch this space cause this guy's on his way up all right we'll see about that buddy ah you must be the new captain of swordfish too her excellency briefed is in advance your reputation precedes you and the appointment letter is all in order but i still have my doubts oh wow okay i'll be straight with you i want to know whether you have what it takes to lead us we're stationed here because of all the ruining causing trouble in these parts if you can get rid of them for us we'll take that as a measure of your strength okay okay seems like you can hold your own i like how i never actually do any of these fights with the traveler alone i should just try doing these story quests with the traveler alone instead thank you i believe in rewarding merit so you will be compensated for your hard work um let me see oh too soon for another promotion i think um i could increase your pay where did sepe go i gave him an assignment he's taking part in a surprise attack against the shogun's navy he expressed the desire to be on the front line so i honored his wishes uh i hope he's gonna be okay long time no see oh so we've been here for a few days now so how's swordfish two treating you getting along okay with everyone eh that could be a pain in the ass well you're in luck because this seasoned veteran's got a few leadership tips for you raising their pay will boost morale while giving them a few bounties will act as an incentive to go the extra mile it's also important to maintain strict discipline at all times and finally uh wait what was it what was it wow where'd you learn all that kathy i read it in a novel from the eye publishing house it was a long time ago you wouldn't believe how many doggo it took to convince my friend to let me borrow it you're seriously gonna use a novel to tell people how to run an army pretty sure that's called being an armchair general that's where you underestimate me that's right i'm learning military management on the job now just like you you two you got promoted thanks to my outstanding achievements in the recent naval battle i have officially been made the captain of my very own special operations unit nice let's go tepe it's a brand new unit herring one what do you think pretty awesome right i spoke to her excellency and she says our uniforms are in production let's go collect them together once they're ready i can't wait to put them on we're really going to look the part well pie might get a uniform too of course you're a recognized member of the watatsumi island resistance [Music] you even give her one is she gonna wear it both of us don't even wear anything that they give us yes here we go this is my first experience doing traveler only see pretty easy we should probably get going who is that uh tepe what are you doing here that actually is tepe why is his hair gray bruh this is a surprise i didn't know you were the ones investigating here are you all right there buddy you're looking slightly the worst for where bruh this dude's literally aging by the second but now that the shogun is stripping people of their ambitions with the vision hut decree it's time for someone to stand up and stop the shogun bro oh my god okay bro we need to get you to a bed you should report back to sangonomia as soon as possible don't stay here longer than you need to being around the tatarigami too long won't do your health any good yeah it doesn't look like you're doing too well either take care of yourself dude hey don't worry about me peak condition oh yes i'm sure what's my boy goro doing here uh what happened they look so serious approximately how many people are exhibiting these symptoms oh oh yeah okay yeah there's definitely something going on with the army i haven't had the chance to do a full count yet cochlear gurl uh what's going on recently some of our soldiers started showing symptoms of accelerated aging uh yeah that's what we saw with tepe i called them in for questioning and found out they'd privately acquired some secret weapons from our sponsor most of them are highly ambitious types vehemently opposed to the vision hunt decree they've been using these new weapons secretly since getting a hold of them most of the officers refused to hand them over still i did manage to get one do you know something about this what is that a delusion wait what right now we need to inform the whole army to cease using their delusions immediately all soldiers who have shown symptoms are to be taken for treatment i just hope we'll be in time to save them wait a second speaking of soldiers with symptoms tempeh no surely he can't have uh let's go check on him bruh they were just handing out delusions for free what oh there he is oh oh my hey guys what are you doing here jesus christ dude how much have you been using that thing he's literally on death's door just a moment let me let me get up it's weird i don't know where all my strength's gone step eight tell me right now have you been using that delusion oh right yeah i haven't had time to give you the full details oh well i made a lot of great contributions to the war effort lately fighting the shogun's army at sea and taking on shogun at samurai all by myself rescuing my comrades from from an ambush things i never would have dreamed i could do when you first met me if only i was stronger still the stronger i am the more i can do for the resistance a sec where's my secret weapon gone give me that dude why did you start using this thing um it wasn't long after you were made captain of swordfish too i met these mysterious people said they were with our supporters they gave it to me and said that as long as i have the will to become stronger his secret weapon will answer my call yeah and tepe is like the perfect person to give it to [Laughter] it's just like a vision isn't it of course i i've never used division so i wouldn't know the difference this is a delusion buddy it's illusion oh god that doesn't sound very good so what's the difference between a delusion and a vision a delusion drains the user's life for us instead i've been getting more and more tired over the past few days and i have this strange sense of dread at first i'd find i was a little more beat than usual after a battle i didn't think anything of it but today i i got back and suddenly my vision was going blurry this is a real shame there i was thinking i was catching up with you brah is this like irreversible now like is he forever old hey would would you do something for me when our uniforms are ready grab mine for me bring it back here and we can change together is this like is this actually like permanent is he gonna die in a couple days what's that look for don't worry partner as soon as i've rested up i'll be right as rain right as rain i tell you as soon as i've is he about to die right now you're joking right brah hey where are you going hey oh oh ether's mad now i have put out the order to seize all delusions the vast majority are showing some loss of vitality but nothing serious sadly a few have been less fortunate your excellency i'm planning to establish a dedicated field hospital to monitor their condition the soldiers are up in arms about the band though they know full well what a delusion is but they still intend to keep using them oh my okay i'll leave you to deal with the situation i have to get to the front line this whole fiesta was certain to be a blue to morale if the shogun's army attacks now we're scrambling to recover it could well and do everything we have achieved so far oh god what are your thoughts i'm gonna go fight some fertility members i gotta go blow off some steam real quick i suspect the site is likely to be the cliffs near the ocean at the southwest of yashiori island okay i'm not going to stop you but please be careful we have lost too many courageous fighters already i don't want to lose you too i'm mad man you mean to the delusion factory damn i've never seen ether that mad really you ain't gonna think it over first ah fine oh it's in here so that's the crack that i was looking for victory ah what was that was that a trap wait oh it is so is this what delusions are made from so much crystal marrow now where have we seen that before wait oh they're all so the kanjo commission is literally giving the future resources to create delusions there's no way the writing shogun would allow this right do not let them impede the work of the harbingers don't be intimidated lord harvard will be here soon lord harp oh the harbinger is coming here belongs to ice you actually managed to find this place congratulations scaramouche that's kind of a weak reveal i didn't expect him to be here right now all right well what's up scaramouche long time no see barely two words in and you already look like you want me dead so you're manufacturing delusions oh so that's what this is about i think you've got the wrong idea i know how this looks but i'm just here to follow orders i'm obviously not the mastermind behind this aren't you supposed to be pretty tough what are you waiting for go get them you're getting all worked up over nothing you've changed you're getting weak how can you say this is nothing how can you call it anything more it's the way of the world human life is worthless oh boy they were always going to die with or without a delusion at least having one gives them a chance to fulfill their ambitions i mean he's not wrong but like that's literally like accelerating your death do you have any idea how useful the vision hunt decree is to us it took a lot of work to make it happen obviously it wasn't our best interest good news is our hard work is finally paying off generating conflict creates a big market for delusions now we just let the promise of power draw in the weak for just a small price they get the feeling of controlling the world trading their life for supreme power pretty good deal don't you think no no no thanks from the outside inazuma looks pretty impenetrable but on the inside it's a land of opportunity with a little effort we were able to break them down from within eternity stretches things out over a long time but each moment within it becomes all the more fragile take your friend and the resistance for example there's nothing you can do now he's a lost cause oh no is he gonna ah i don't want tepe to die just like a bubble on the water beautiful for a moment then total destruction the more it takes from them the more tightly they hold on to it and the more incompetent they are the more determined they are to fight it it's such a farce you have to see the funny side all right stop mocking my boy tepee like that all right you're going a bit too far [Music] what's happening that's it just like that embrace the anger oh embrace it he's using our hand and it feeds on your anger oh yeah repeat after me three two one one two three come on wait we got saved by her okay that's positive your brain seems relatively unscathed this is good news ah how come you're acting so differently from when we first met you am i maybe it's because i had the other shrine maidens leave anyway i've always been like this people show you whatever side of themselves they want you to see i know this for a fact every side of me is the real me people just like to define things in all sorts of arbitrary ways this is a human society at the moment anyway and i'm just doing as i please yeah so she is a fox on the way how did you save me from scaramouche what if i told you it was a secret art from the grand narukami shrine and that i had the balladeer down on his knees begging for mercy in an instant would you believe me uh that's kind of hard to believe but uh maybe well maybe you should be worrying less about that and more about how exactly you're going to thank me no oh my bad hmm maybe some of your neural circuitry is less intact than i thought thank you yay sama i didn't mean you had to be so formal about it i need your actions not your words the leader of watatsumi island took some troops to clear the place out she's also issued a strict ban on the use of delusions across the whole army with their stronghold exposed i doubt the balladeer is stubborn enough to try and retaliate now on his colleague's behalf it would be more trouble than it's worth ah i must say i would relish the opportunity to watch the future getting a taste of their own medicine anyway i'm only telling you this to stop you worrying so that you can focus on something i need you to do for me you've met her right writing shogun i'm not talking about the puppet i mean her you've met her yes wait so there's two yes the true ryden shogun who meditates endlessly in the plane of euthymia to preserve her being no way her name is a a before pursuing the eternity of her nation she had to reach eternity for herself since the physical body will eventually turn to dust she replaced hers with that of a puppet and since the spirit is susceptible to erosion she placed her consciousness inside her sword where she remains in a meditative state free from all disturbances place that she carved open with her sword the plane of uthymia essentially the world inside her mind a place that typically only allows her existence so what happens when somebody invades it she shuts herself off in her inner world leaving all the affairs of the outside world to be dealt with by a puppet who has a singular focus on the pursuit of eternity this is the approach a has come up with for realizing eternity well that's super flawed scaramous was right that was suit that's super easy to exploit yeah zhang li also mentioned erosion you mean morax hmm it's been a while since i last saw him a surprising decision by liues archon what a fascinating god he is it seems like the writing shogun's approach solves the problems young lee was facing though yeah perhaps or you could take the view that she's acting like a little child throwing a temper tantrum and locking herself in her room don't you think maybe i don't i don't know the grand notion of eternity she once held has long since given way to the eternity of her own definition and ultimately her eternity is defined by fear the fear of loss the truth is we are on the same side you want to save the people of inazuma from the vision hunt decree so do i the only difference is that i'd rather like to save this nation and save a while we're at it the key is that the plane of euthymia represents a's inner world defeat her there and you may well have the chance to shake the ryden shogun's will i gotta defeat a in that form oh boy don't you realize how special you are remember the plane of euthymia is a space where only she is allowed to exist the fact that you could appear there tells us one crucial thing that you have piqued her interest perhaps it's because she has never seen an individual who is so unpredictable in the face of eternity has no one else ever been in there none no one has seen the devotee of eternity since she shut herself away in fact no one even knows what it looks like in there so i'm literally the only person that knows your existence is more than just an opportunity it's the very key to all of this to that i say well done child you did not disappoint me after all you're welcome wait you're leaving where are you [Music] training i've prepared a special program just for you
Channel: bwaap
Views: 826,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, genshin impact 2.1, genshin impact 2.1 update, genshin impact scaramouche, genshin impact inazuma, genshin impact inazuma archon quest, genshin impact bwap, genshin impact bwapp, genshin impact bwaap, bwap, bwapp, bwaap, genshin impact game, genshin impact 2020
Id: juKu--_1Z2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 25sec (1465 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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