If You Beat Me I Roll | Genshin Impact

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i don't think you can do it oh my god 80k was that from throwing a cow at it i don't think you could do it unless you get killed right here all right good luck don't die break the face break the thing don't die don't die man all right new character new weapon we are pulling for both but here's the deal you will choose two characters and a boss i will only pull if you can kill the boss faster than me now obviously i have a couple of characters that are pretty strong so let's do this i will let you ban three of my characters the three characters you pick i am not allowed to use simple enough let's see how this goes let's open up the floodgates all right we have our first challenger pick a boss and select three characters that i cannot use cryo and no bands oh you are really brave okay i respect that sure why not wait cryo regis fine or cryo cube cube okay sure it's obvious what i'm gonna use right it's this is pretty obvious i will go first the timer is on the bottom right three two one go ah i messed up i messed up i actually forgot it turns back into a cube okay all right one minute and 16 seconds uh now we have to wait two minutes though oh god okay uh what do we do for two minutes uh so uh so how's your day paul he didn't beat me yet what do you mean pull there's no way he can beat me what if he one taps it wouldn't that be really funny i will lose listen listen listen let's shh look at their stats oh god uh okay okay there's no guarantee okay there's no guarantee okay there's there okay there's no guarantee i have seen people not 70 crit it might as well be zero percent okay maybe they'll forget that it turns back into the cube as well there's no guarantee relax everybody relax maybe they'll mess up are you ready ready set go all right they started rolling into a ball all the way into the corner they're running around and it's here do it do it i dare you oh god oh god i mean i could have done that oh i paused the timer before they ended okay my bad i forgot that it has a second phase i mean that's still less than a minute right i'd say that's around 30 40 seconds okay how much should i do there we go all right perfect you want to hold my hand you wanna you want to be in here do one right one oh goro oh my god we're off to a great start thank you thank you all right next person next person one t pulls or it will take a year all right i'll up it to 20 poles next person oh god what'd i do uh get out everyone get out i meant to click on the other one all right now that's over with any challengers one boss and three bands cryoflower yo mia yula hutao okay sure why not ryo a flower it is is this another one of those uh is this another one okay no this one this one's less intense i have a chance all right okay three two one go 18 seconds but now we have to wait two minutes oh my god are you ready all right ready set go i've got my burst nice thank you all right we're at 22 already we're 24. wait i think it's better to use your who towel i think your huta would have been better would you try sure i'll give you one more chance ready set go got it down 13 seconds 14 seconds i don't think it's happening good try though good try good try thank you for participating next one one boss three bands let's go pyro regis fine what else you get three bands how about one boss and they pick your team okay but they can do something stupid like pyrocube john lee and aether how how am i supposed to do that yo at bennett why are you banning pyro characters for pyro regis vine ryden okay joy mia bennett and ryden are you sure do potions count as food any consumables you want to use you may use it all right oops three two one go i guess i messed up 19 seconds time to beat is 1981. do inazuma bosses mean more polls compared to monstat okay fine you want me to double the amount i have to pull for inazuma bosses sure why not are you ready yes okay ready set go watching i'm watching they're bursting they're bursting 14 seconds 15 16 you have three seconds two seconds one second oh so close 22 you are three seconds too late gone you is really good though that that's actually pretty good thank you for participating let's do uh mr razor ninjas i'll join your world uh how do you join all right razer if you're a real gamer you'll do no bands i know you have c6 r5 every single character and weapon you psychopath which boss do you want electro oceanid okay sure no bands okay no bands like look at this guy look at this guy look at this psychopath i am pretty sure his job is a human trafficker dude you killed it already why did you kill it i'm gonna beat my first whale we going whale hunting boys wait second whale i got absolutely clapped on the first whale three two one go i can only pray i crit please crit you uh if there's one time your thing should crit it's right now no oh my god my eula is actually betraying me where'd my hitbox go what it dodged stop read the redo i thought i got the last hit and i pressed the reset button prematurely and i and i didn't actually hit it so so now it's kind of scuffed okay just for that i'll pull once oh goro oh my god barbara all right fair enough 80 pulls if you win no no no no not 80 pulls what kind of backwards logic is that okay how about i do 50. if i lose i'll do 50. three two one go eula please for the love of god do this right you know what i'll just pull wait razor do you want to show off i'll pull regardless but you want to show off let's see how strong a c6 r5 ito is can you use food and potion sure sure sure don't embarrass yourself like me i mean there's no way you can mess this up right you only count down you want to count down i'll count down okay wait hold on i'll count down i'll count down ready sets go all right timer started let's see how strong this guy actually is i'm looking at it i'm looking at it oh my god he's doing it it's just non-stop charge attacks it just doesn't stop it just keeps going you got it 40 seconds that's the power of credit card all right 50 pulls it is one all right can i get the dog boy please can i at least get the dog boy two oh my god oh my god every single four star on the banner except for uh for dog boy three please please game please four best flavor in the world the sweets oh my god oh my god it keeps going it just won't stop five this has to be it five-star i am so good at this game i'm so talented and free to play it's crazy do i win my 50 50. i've gotten c7 gene now maybe it's time to get a c7 gt where's my five star five star i'm telling you i win all my 50 50s except when it's time for euless burst to crit that then i don't win my 50 50. did i get two though second one ah just one thank you mr razor ninjas for having me as a guest in his world i'll keep pulling until gegoro i might get c1 ito's before i get guro though should i find a bobby you want me to fight a bobby watch me clap him alright bobby one boss three bands can it be a weekly boss a bobby do you really want to go down that route yes let's do a weekly boss then estaha all right sure why not what do you want to ban it's three bands there's no way you can ban all the shields he's trying to remember what shield characters i have john lee eula and who else ryden okay sure what can i use a deano for sure okay a bobby listen you can't do that you can't do that you can't block the character i'm gonna use you had her first what do you mean you had her first this guy okay i'll use gigi all right what other character can i use i'll use the luke have a better weapon i literally don't have a better weapon was this better this might be better you can start whenever i'll start the timer when the animation starts alright starting oh my god we're good we're fine we're fine we're fine bobby why'd you food up i'm doing it first dude what wait oh my god i i forgot it's it's pyro fine it's fine this is fun i love it third face oh my god a bobby dude why'd you do this to me you're not only doing this to me but you're also doing it to like a thousand people right now i hope you die on this when it's your turn bobby no what my chichi oh what should i do does that count yes okay fine fine sure why not i'll do 20 pulls one goro dude stop game it's not funny game two garo is my banner bugged it keeps giving me the same two characters it's not even give me a different one it's the same two characters over and over again next challenger one boss and three bands electro oceanid ryden giula bennett and what there's no and wait wait me and why'd you ban ryden though all right no take backs no take backs all right uh what should i pick this might be good actually i'll do this never seen before i'll use sing show and yeah three two one go i'm doing damage huge dps that hit me please don't die stop i should have picked the shield character oh my god what am i thinking come back oh my god i missed please please please please please stop stop stop stop stop what spine's fine it's fine it's gonna die two minutes all right at least i didn't die what do you have on right now you have a level 90 goro already you were actually pulling for goro you're really brave aiming for a four star when there's no four-star guarantees are you ready on your mark get set go i watch from here okay i'm watching i'm watching they're doing it pretty fast i'm worried how do they do so much damage oh my god their ninguang is actually pretty cracked huh can you can you do it slower please they're on life support good almost 50 are they gonna kill it or is it gonna kill them first oh now you have to solo it with mona good luck you can give up if you want do you surrender one more chance okay i'll give you one more chance they're using a healer this time let's see how this goes on your mark get set go 16 seconds passed huge burst damage from ninguang okay don't get hit by a shield nice dodged it oh my god they're doing a lot of damage oh no okay go slower go slower don't don't do it too fast don't okay relax just calm down they're literally just tanking it what wait how does that work i actually aggro the electro pillow for them so it wasn't chasing after them one minute and 30 seconds can they do it you have around 10 seconds left if you can burst it down right now then you win 204 205 206 207 oh so close but unfortunately time's up two minutes and 20 seconds good try thank you for coming next contestants one boss three bands signora dude really john lee eula ryden sure why not now the question is what do i use wait what what are you again what's c6 r5 oh i have a chance i have a chance it's not a whale deanno and let's do i'll use yoymia unless i don't want to who's how i'm gonna get clapped on the second phase though what i want what do i want to use wait ashley i can do this double anemo characters my goal for this is to survive fireflies fireflies fireflies bang that's one get some particles back that's two stop hitting me what is this oh my god they use the burst here all right face two phase two okay where'd she go come back please oh my god so close don't get hit by the tornadoes i can do this can you come back nice 3 23. now it's your turn ready set go oh my god okay slow down slow down i hope you survived this by the way the thing is ito's burst is not up let's see how they're gonna deal with second phase all right what are you gonna do oh my god okay they threw a cow at it is that a c6 bennett that's a c6 bennett meteors can he do it 240. you have around 40 more seconds i don't think they can do it it's going to tornado phase the tornado face lasts like eight minutes uh yeah good game good game maybe you guys should uh stop picking weekly balls good try good try thanks for participating hello hello one boss three mans pyrocube eula ryden ayaka okay sure what else do i have left then what's my next strongest non-pyro dps let me have to do child three two one go come back i'm back i'm back all right good dude big dps big damage you're kind of breaking the cubes all right good two rotations what no no all right good i might actually lose this all right time to beat 131.37 on your mark get set go let's see how fast they can get the shield down oh my god why is this so fast for them i wasn't this fast wait this is rigged slow down slow down slow down hold on man you don't have to do it that fast okay shield down okay you kill it you're not using your burst are you really not using a burst i think you could have killed it with your burst you have 20 seconds can they do it i think they can do it 27 they beat it they beat it okay 40 poles it is all right goro please i've only gotten these two four star characters so far one oh my god two [Music] hello three [Music] what is actually happening okay four this one for sure it's a five star isn't it oh oh thank god thank god okay we got it thank you for coming i think i'm literally 10 pulls away from c1 etos look at those abs dude look at those arms like what are those those don't look like the arms of a person that should have abs all right razer wants to challenge me again you want to do this ignora right no bands right if you're banning you're a coward bangula this guy c6 r5 everything still chooses to ban my eula okay sure why not all right what should i pick i'll do ryden and i will do i need a healer okay benedict it is go go go go go go oh my god please please please please where's the last one over here god i got it second face where's he going please come back oh god floor is lava the floor is lava i'm literally gonna die i hate this domain so much sometimes um this is awkward both times you challenged me i died on both times all right let me try this again i feel like it's not fun if i die both times i might have to use chi-chi i think i'm ready all right starting [Music] all right doing huge damage where are the the things i got this hit it can you even one face this thing i don't think you can all right second face stop moving oh my god this just stop stop it doing big dps huge deeps if razer can one shot it before it goes into tornado phase i think he wins 244 put john lee in this man okay fine watching i'm watching goro oh my god okay he's doing it he's doing it you can't one tap it okay no matter how much damage you do you have to do the mechanics he's looking for fireflies oh god he has this burst all right one minute you have two minutes to kill phase two let's see it he's doing it huge damage oh my god look at that dps i don't think you can do it oh my god 80k was that from throwing a cow at it i don't think you'd do it unless you kill right here all right good luck don't die break the face break the things don't die don't die man oh no you wanna retry okay i'll let you retry the mechanics aren't hard it's not just me whales die to mechanics too especially since you only have two characters to work with i'm a whale i'm free to play what do you mean whenever you're ready round two round two starting off goro buff swat to etos use the burst do an absolutely massive amount of damage now he had to break the ice he's trying to charge his burst up again now can you charge it back up before you actually dies the question where's the fireflies where's the fireflies last one i think oh no one more one minute 12 seconds phase two can he kill it within one rotation let's see let's see did he just miss the last hit tornado face oh no he's half hp again he's breaking all the crystals don't die don't die 213 good job good job 40 pulls let's set the path now my luck on banners that's been um pretty bad let's see if i can get the weapon on the first try one okay two all right good good good nice nice thank you nice nice three huh razer four oh my god oh my god another one of these thank you mr razor ninjas for participating again next one next one can i pick a boss that has already been done sure i mean there's only so many bosses right okay how many more characters do you want to ban five in total all right i'll let you bend five all right dude okay now that's not allowed you might as well just ban all my characters bam balls instead wait you're letting me use coco me okay so you let me use coco me but you're still banning four other hydro characters and you're bang balls are you sure you want to ban balls all right three two one go i got down 45 seconds and you beat it do you still want to use one character child can do it he has to kill it in one phase check his child how cracked is your child r1 amos bow and constellation zero okay but what are your stats there's no way you can do it there's absolutely no shot you can do this in one phase you want to beat the other person's time what was the other person's time anyways three two one go he activated his e he's trying to break the shield okay okay that's all right nice do you want to try again do you want to try okay my resin i where are you according to my map they are right here oh they are right there three two one go really insistent on using just one character huh okay active it is e let's see how that works out for him he deactivated it back to shooting arrows i don't think they can do it but let's see how long it will take them to do it don't miss your burst 90k burst nice can they do it ooh halfway breaking the prisms i think they can do it in two rotations almost there good job 125. if i had to do two rotations i think i think you would have beaten me thank you for participating who is next all right one boss three bands i'm trying to get my weapon here hyrule cube no eula that's it that's your only requirement okay sure i mean if i use barbara my barber's gonna die unless i put all hp artifacts on her actually my sing show might be good yeah like seeing chill and then ryden yeah are you actually just always triple footed what is that you always have 500 everything this is what i call a gangshin impact esports player three two one go back all right let's see how this goes [Music] one minute oh my god they might one tap it with mona are you banking on the mona one shot well you actually have c6 mona oh no c5 free to play players your buffs are going away better refresh theoretically if you were to farm everything in the game how long would it take have anyone actually tried it 30 hours a day every day the astro i know i know math is not your strong suit but come on let's start let's start can you beat me can you please just beat me i need my weapon please i need a weapon it's not even guaranteed that i'll get the weapon oh my god are you ready on your mark get set go they're going in barbara is breaking the shield they're breaking the shield super fast 13 seconds has passed shield has been popped now can they one shot it is the question don't mess this up mona burst 43 seconds they even beat my eula record good job good job 40 poles one oh my god two five star no no why do i get so many of these bows three weapon weapon please please please please please please please just just give me the weapon is it even possible to have a five-star character in the weapon banner it's not possible right okay got it i got it good pulse good pulse first try one more pull right we have one more pull let's do a character band and see what happens bam five star you won't oh my god oh my god [Music]
Channel: itspaikon
Views: 3,096,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact guide, genshin impact gameplay, itspaikon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 36sec (1296 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 27 2021
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