WEIRDEST Things Seen On The Deepweb - (r/AskReddit)

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our /oscar edit by rediff i deep web surfers of reddit what is the most duct up thing you have seen of the Deep Web well this one gave me Mike mares for a while but has since desensitized me I saw a guy get doused in some sort of caustic chemical while strapped to a plank of some kind the video time-lapse to show people in masks tossing cups of the stuff onto the guy the material slowly stripping and burning his flesh it was horrifying by the time the video had ended this guy was still alive pleading for it to stop until they shot him one round straight to the skull and the video ended I had nightmares for weeks about it because my ID at 14 years old as at the time couldn't resist a video titled in Arabic well I told myself I should have stopped reading after your first paragraph but I didn't listen to myself you need to listen to yourself more often might be good for you also here are /i bleach a mother is selling porn videos for a quest with her really underage daughters one is around 14 the other is around 8 not sure though it might be fake because they actually advertised it with their face and all like a proper ad but they advertise that they can do any crazy excel thing for a quest basically no limits and even do meetup if you pay extra of course it's all for Bitcoin I hope it's fake or if it isn't then I really hope that children were taken from the mother and the mother was locked away making your own underage daughter or ex slave is I think the most disgusting / disturbing things ever sure mutilated bodies are not a nice thing to see as well but that feels a lot less wrong to me it's because the mutilated bodies died but the victim of X crimes live on and remember everything both died but one gets to stop living a site where people operate advise of people being apes often they were homemade by the Opus it's bad enough to think that these people upload videos like this but what really horrifies me is that there's obviously an audience rate edit please nobody else message me asking for the site name or address nobody else what the duck people edit words yeah I don't even know how to respond why would I ever share it edit the message I received was about struggle snuggling Wow so like what site was that the Deep Web doesn't work like that it's not like you log in and web sites full of drugs and kiddie porn start popping up all over the place you would have to actively search those things out I have seen more duct up stuff on Reddit before they banned watch PR pletely than I've ever seen on the Deep Web just reading about Peter Scully on Wikipedia is more horrifying than anything you'll see on the Deep Web Wow scum City glad he was finally captured in October 2015 a fire severely damaged the evidence room containing scholars computer logs and videos destroying key evidence 14 absurd man I was pissed when I read that man should be sentenced to death by firing squad instead he gets to live under a roof in three meals a day that man is the absolute definition of human piece of garbage I saw somebody selling an autistic child with the title of autistic [ __ ] bucket for sale doesn't eat much something along those lines I told myself that night that the Deep Web isn't something 15 year olds should be perusing around wish I won't forgot that within the year I've been off of it I was on the Deep Web today and I saw that exact site if you had scrolled a bit more the author states that this is only a short story he thought up and decided to share it is not real thank you even if you're lying thank you finding stuff on the Deep Web isn't like what people make it out to be sure you find drugs hitmen et Cie but to find the really bad stuff it takes some searching you really have to find the stuff that you want to see said hidden wiki is a good spot to start seeing Deep Web kind of stuff but it's nothing to what you find if you actually start digging chatrooms lead to DIF when sites et Cie that's how you find it darkweb deep Weber's company intranets and stuff like that the Deep Web is anything on the internet not indexed by search engines including the dark web I've seen ads for hitman that I usually write them off as scams as there's little personal accountability on the dark web so scams are in abundance always be skeptical of vendors and ads on any dark net market the most duct ups thing is definitely CP I avoid markets that have any of that kind of hit like the plague basically be aware of scammers if you're planning to hire a hitman Lowell if you are in the market I have a guy tor always messed with my PC after I installed it so I stopped going years ago but in my experience from 2011 2012 one people claiming to be selling slaves you could buy them by the shipping container to PayPal account lodging bundles two hundredth number bundles three Silk Road four tons of porn exchanges yet being one of the biggest however the most duct up thing on their MO was la litter city for those that do not know it was a huge child porn site and it wasn't difficult to find either it was on the hidden wiki forever one day I clicked on it because I thought no way that's actually what it claims it is and sure as it it was no doubt as soon as the home screen loaded anonymous hacked it and operated all of the users info into pastor burn in 2013 edit forgot about the forums discussing child pornography and the safest way to view it truly sick people edit too people are asking about the slaves I never got a lot of info but I remember most of them coming from se Asian countries like Laos Vietnam Cambodia etc handguns were also often pretty regularly as well as services that will screw people over not just hitmen I have seen people offer services like sabotaging people I pointy stealing their mail vandalizing property calling them and threatening their children etc these services were offered in order to make your worst enemy essentially fear for their lives without it being traced back the in any way edit three yes there was also torch on and it had crazy stuff on it as well it wasn't like 4chan where mods would cure at the catalogs they would let stuff stay up for weeks for the longest time there were a couple teen girls who appeared to be about 14 years old doing striptease is in front of a webcam its popularity kept it on the front page forever I'm kind of scared to ask but what is a p-- edit unless you a piece of Pokemon stat editor Google is useless yet follows a long tradition of naming yet another pawn exchange saw a video of a toddler playing on a playground nothing seemed off about the video except that it seemed like it was taken from a fair distance away I didn't really know what I was watching but continued watching anyway out of curiosity anyway after a while the videos suddenly cut to darkness and for a second I thought it was overs but I looked down at the loading bar and it showed like a minute still left on the video after a couple of seconds I heard the faint sound of a child crying in the background and slowly I could start to make out more details in the grainy video it looked like it was filmed in some dark dimly lit basement at this point I was completely freaked out and terrified but curiosity got the best of me and so I kept watching what I ended up seeing haunts me to this day whoever was behind the camera was walking slowly toward the source of the light and as he got closer and closer I saw what seemed like a small object seated on top of a wooden chair I leaned in closer to the monitor to try to see what it was exactly and it was then that I realized it was actually the toddler that I had seen playing on the playground earlier except he was completely mutilated he was missing his hands and feet and there was blood dripping down the chair I just completely lost it at that point and exited the website before the video finished I could hardly sleep that evening I was so traumatized I had heard there was some messed up stuff on the dark web but never would I have thought anyone could possibly be so evil it shook me to the core ended up running to the living room where my parents were and just sat there like an hour trying to process what I saw afterwards I went back upstairs and watched some funny Adam to try to clear out the horrible images in my head anyway that's my story I haven't been back on the dark web since hit this made me shook to my core could only imagine the feeling you get actually seeing that stuff Jesus Christ my question is how do these sites become part of the Deep Web does Google and other search engines restrict the content from showing or are people trying to hide this stuff in which case how do people find it Google has a spider that crawls the web looking for sites to index adventures if there is a file called robots.txt with instructions as to what it's allowed to index they then insert no index and then Google won't list the site you find the sites either by word or malgal by using search engines that don't respect robots point txt this typically forums there are hid forums that go on indexed and get mentioned on other run popular hit forums that have degenerates on them all of a sudden we go down a rabbit hole on a random an indexed forum and you stumble upon where comments and threads regarding onion sites then all of a sudden you realize that you follow that onion link and now you're in a treasure trove of sketchy looking sites on tour I wouldn't recommend this as far as the fact that it would be the definition of risky clicks plus you never know what's fact or fiction and it's best to just stay away worst thing I ever saw was either animal crushing which is a duct up porn fetish kink or that one video of a Colombian cartel member that found out his girl was cheating on her what happened with the cartel member he gave her a second chance an elephant getting raped by a pigeon /aa smash even with context I was looking for something whilst I ended up on this weird porn site after a bit of scrolling I saw this guy in full leather de sector goat on make love to the intestines I wish I could forget what the absolute duck is wrong with people right he probably ruined the leather once saw a website offering to conduct very unethical research on human beings they said they were able to impregnate subjects carry children to birth and terminate subjects for a search they claimed their subjects were homeless and would not be missed venom 2018 unbelievably close to the actual plot I thought this said deep weep and was confused that's an entirely different type of crime against humanity I see you commenting on lots of rising posts and your comments are always solid chairs enough radedi I don't know what I expected coming here the duck man I really need some a slash madam a smile right now market NSFW if you want a serious answer there on a slash in now internat i saw a picture collage of someone who hung their cat over the bathtub and dismembered it with a tree pruner i'm now done with this thread not a deep surfer of Reddit but just this morning I saw on Twitter a chick sucking a baby's pee you don't expect that here to pop up on Twitter CP is unfortunately rampant on Twitter for how much I hear about them censoring this surprises me you don't have to be in the dark web to see the most nasty stuff that humans can do I just implore you to not watch anything related to Brazil or Mexico because you'll never forget it and it's traumatizing if you are a normal human being you doesn't even need to leave the surface web to find ducked out stuff about Brazil I once saw a video of some prisoners cooking one of the emotes like it was barbecue on YouTube yeah I don't like to watch that sort of things yesterday I was curious and what I saw from just some seconds of a video from a Brazil prison was too much my brain instantly gave me this feeling to puke that I have never filled before not even on the deep web but somebody cut a living person in pieces another one got a full assault rifle clip unloaded into his face somebody got strangled somebody got burned to death somebody got into such a car crash there was barely anything left thankfully I was already an adult with a stable mind at the time at the time how about afterwards had her Touche I guess but now I'm still not in a mental house a forum jobs were posted and when someone was found to fulfill the contract it was instantly erased with no logs no reviews someone posted requesting someone to hack their student loans as paid required payment logs tracking info something only a full blown audit would reveal as fake dollar sign one hundred and fifty K in loans and you make it go away for dollar sign 30 K it was not there a few days later when I went to see what other weird hit people might ask for a week later I went to look again and the address had changed while the clear web forum I found that was leaking its address was gone I guess it was a referral thing only and they saw a big increase in traffic so they changed addresses and cut ties with lots of accounts searched pretty hard for hacking forums as I used to play a clink as a kid and assumed it had to exist as a legitimate thing nowadays it did still might not sure start saving up to hit the 30k goal it people who don't know what the Deep Web and the dark web are the Deep Web is anything not indexed by search engines your FAFSA book profile page if you restrict who can see it is part of the Deep Web 95% of the Internet is Deep Web the dark web is a subset of the Deep Web that is only accessible with particular hardware software or other tools essentially these systems mask the origin and destination of data by running it through tens of thousands of relays so by the time it gets to the end user or back to the websites server it is impossible or intended to be so to detect who is using what and where they are etc here's an analogy the Internet is the entire world the surface web is streets that have been visited by Google Streetview point the Deep Web as houses offices schools any building really nothing in it is nefarious by definition it's just not searchable the dark web is all the buildings that only allow people in who have and such a way as to shake off tails wear masks over their heads and never make eye contact with anyone inside these buildings will probably have some pretty shady stuff going on best description I've read so far thank you make sure to LIKE and subscribe so we can watch together [Music]
Channel: Reddify2
Views: 72,009
Rating: 4.8233995 out of 5
Keywords: WEIRDEST Things Seen On The Deepweb, WEIRDEST, seen on, deepweb, weep, web, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, reddify, toadfilms, reddit try not to laugh, reddit and chill, dark web
Id: cFalApou3n8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
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