True Disturbing Deep Dark Web Horror Stories - AskReddit

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warning this content may be upsetting or disturbing to some audiences I'm pretty tolerable of certain things but that just made me throw up and even made me cry dark web users was there ever a point where you felt you were in danger once I accidentally left my browser in full screen at a stranger in a chat room asked me if my curved monitor was nice and the webcam turned itself on once that was scary I immediately unplugged it in my network cable ran three complete scans of my system for malware and viruses found nothing I owned a fairly rare car that had a rare error code I looked it up on Google and there was only one other person on the car makers forum that had the same error and this guy took months and months going back and forth between car shops and the forum thread to try to get the issue fixed everyone on the forum was pitching in to try to help him so I kept going through this long forum thread to try to figure out if he ever fixed it and suddenly there's no more replies from the guy everyone was scratching their heads for a while we thought he had maybe gotten the issue fixed and didn't bother to update us on it then one day a news article popped up about a really rich guy who died in a Thai jail cell and then we connected the two stories and they matched up the same make and model of the car and the news article matched up with his car and they were both claiming to be in Thailand at the time so what happened was that that same guy who was still talking on the forums got raided by the Thai police around the same time he stopped replying to the forum turns out that he was running one of the biggest dark web marketplaces where drugs were being sold and exchanged it had something like 1 million dollars in revenue per day and he was hiding out in Thailand while living in luxury they found him dead in his jail cell a few days later they claimed he died of suicide not the modern dark web but back in the days of use net I posted some harsh criticism in alt dot religion dot Scientology the online threats were funny but when I started getting death threats by mail i back the hell off I criticized Scientology and they sent me death threats so I stopped doing it that's the whole story I occasionally check my spam mails folder so I found an email with one of my passwords as subject it totally got my attention on reading it it said he was able to got into my laptop by installing a malware last time I visited a porn site and has few videos of me that he captured from last last 15 days including a masturbating video which he will forward to everyone on my contacts if I don't pay him some 2000 dollars of bitcoins I was sweating for 10 minutes before I decided to check I have a bad memory so I save all my passwords in the browser on checking it was the previous password which was mentioned in the subject mail on checking Capcom I realized yahoo server was exploited some two months back and this guy might have got the password from there anyways there is no point in negotiating with the blackmailer he will just send another email with more money next time so I let it go I never received another email like that again there's hitman human trafficking and snuff films and such but a vast majority of these sites are scams asking you to send them Bitcoin a small portion of users on the dark web would be there for this sort of stuff however buying drugs online is quite popular in widespread single vendors can have $500,000 in lifetime sales it's quite safe to use you use PGP to encrypt your address so only the seller of the drugs has access to your private info if your package is seized Ellie have no proof you ordered it unless they seize your computer and you have that information stored on it you can use tails or USB to avoid this even if your packages get seized you'll often get a love letter saying what they seized and there is no follow-up after that I've never personally felt I was in actual danger so to speak since I take proper precautions but early on I did accidentally come across a forum while exploring that was filled with snuff photos of women people had assaulted and then knocked out or killed shut down my browser pretty quick after that but felt uneasy for a long time after not really a dark web user but I got doxxed by a neo-nazi group on the dark web and ended up having to use the dark web to find the web sites that had my information Department of Homeland Security and the FBI showed up on my doorstep because they were threatening to send me letter bombs and send people to abduct and assault me it was scary they all fell of the face of the earth recently so I'm just hoping the feds got to them I actually learned how to access the dark web by listening to NPR they had a segment where an author who was writing a book about it basically gave step-by-step instructions on how to do it I did everything he said and by golly it worked truthfully it was pretty underwhelming mostly just drugs and counterfeit items passports money etc I did find some weapons with the serial number scratched off pistols and shotguns but nothing that would start World War three I also saw a couple ads for hitman but they seemed pretty hooky and were most likely undercover cops I never felt in danger but I have never gone back because there's nothing I really want from there no government agents have kicked down my door either religious Silk Road and CGM ciues are here I used to get the stuff delivered to my dorm but the package didn't come directly to my room I had to go pick it up from my dorm building office for my third or fourth order from Silk Road I got an email saying that a package had arrived for me but when I went to pick it up I was told by RA that my package was in the doors office I was freaked out I also for some reason was getting a lot of spam calls which added to my anxiety I was scared as hell I didn't go to pick it up for like four days and kept getting emails from the door to come pick it up I didn't go because I thought that it was a setup but after a couple days I said [ __ ] it because I had paid a lot of bitcoins for that order so I went to pick it up it was literally nothing the people holding onto my order couldn't have been more nicer they couldn't give me a reason why that package was delivered there and not to my dorm so I just ordered more not dark web but mid-90s web I was 12 and obviously puberty was in control this was chatroom days kid I was acquainted with an Eagle Scout nonetheless had all these floppy and I mean floppy disks full of pornographic images from some a-hole supposedly in Texas me and a few other friends were over puberty so we're eager to see naked women it soon took a quick turn with girls that were likely my age I immediately nope the hell out and never really talked to the kid again but knowing the Boy Scouts I wasn't getting involved but I was like 13 and didn't even want to tell my mom I was interested in women I regret that day a lot I should have called the police sadly I just compartmentalised it 1996 was weird someone who isn't me was on a drug marketplace once were heroin crack cocaine sometimes PCP are listed but if you're experienced you don't even bat an eye what that person did see once were pills pressed from the residue powders that ostensibly covered the press these included mixtures of meth fentanyl xanax Mali amphetamines GHB this stuff is scary because you have no idea what exact ratios the mixture will be composed of and with heavy-hitting high on potential drugs like fentanyl everyone wouldn't be surprised if that particular listing led to multiple overdoses I've used the dark web once or twice scariest thing was when my screen went black for a few moments and turned back on wasn't anything big just my display cable messing up but it did give me the creeps as for dark or disturbing stuff I've only found a list of random entrances the dark web really has a lot of stigma associated with it for the most part it's just people curious about the dark web or people trying to scam you or sell you drugs you have to do a lot of looking to find the really messed up stuff you're more likely to find dark web type crap on reddit or YouTube than the actual dark web I don't go to dark web but there was an instance in my country Philippines regarding an Australian expat named Peter Scully he ran a pay-per-view video stream of child torture and rape with his girlfriends a lot of which were child prostitutes themselves at one point the Philippines has an insidious almost invisible problem with child prostitution due to the rampant poverty but this case shook so much people for how deplorable his method were daisies destruction was a video he made that sold for $10,000 it features the torture and rape of three little girls including Daisy who was 18 months old the scariest moment for me was when I stumbled upon a creepy Arg and thought it was something much more sinister until I found out it was just an Arg the dark web isn't really that scary it has been romanticized and exaggerated by creepypastas TV shows an etc edit I know stuff like the Red Room and CP exist on the dark web it's just that it is not that common most are scams or require a membership the common user won't find much but you will find something really off-putting if you dig enough I was a casual orderer of the dark web for a while and got pretty big into it and started buying slightly bulky packages of drugs if you knew the markets for a while then you would know one called alpha bay was the best of the best the Amazon of drugs and fraud would be its best description however it went down mysteriously one day and everyone assumed the owners just scammed everyone for their Bitcoin partially true but in the background it was actually seized the DEA everyone flocked to a news site called Hansa which had some sketchy design features but it was the next best alternative turns out the Dutch police took over the site and with cooperation of multiple governments ran a drug distribution onion site with over a million dollars of transactions for around a month they were gathering information from unsuspecting users including me who bought with faulty security practices now this is where I started freaking out imagine trafficking drugs through the mail in the Attorney General at the time Jeff Sessions makes a speech live on television that he was going to crack down and explicitly explains how messed up everyone on Hanzo was because they have been gathering data for over a month and in a big genital energy move closes the site and puts up a banner in its place saying everyone who has purchased will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law during his live speech I was pooping myself for a month as many arrests did occur but luckily I guess I wasn't important enough and nothing happened to me the idea that the dark web is an extremely shocking and dangerous place is largely inaccurate it's mostly weird libertarian blogs and very sterile Amazon type websites for drugs complete with reviews of different vendors I remember my friend showing me where he bought his drugs online and seeing how well kept and formal it was even sign read at the top something along the lines of website name moderators will never ask for your password I was pleasantly surprised to say the least the Silk Road was a genius website all things considered DPR was able to find a way to circumvent the two major issues with drug dealing utilizing an escrow system to ensure the seller actually sent the drugs obviously can't be 100% successful but also enforced a feedback system encouraging quality tests etc scammer or provider of subpar drugs not going to make it past a few transactions at the most I once got hit with a really poorly made computer virus it was based on TeamViewer by the looks of it I got the virus from a download link but I can't remember what I was trying to download probably some kind of audio editing program if memory serves as soon as the download was done the virus activated and it looked like something from an old version of TeamViewer the mouse started moving on its own so my immediate reaction was to disconnect my internet cable I then shut the virus down from task manager and converted the file to a text file despite having no experience with programming at the time even I could tell that it was made by a complete beginner most of the thing was blocks of code copy pasted into it randomly and connected by a few lines of code and copious use of go to' was an absolute mess it did get me interested in programming though so I think the experience was a net positive I've been on the dark web and honestly it's really hard to come across illegal or scary stuff unless you're actively looking for it however I would argue you're more likely to come across illegal or sick content on the surface web on accident just look at all those gore posts on social media but once I was on like page 20 of Google looking for a specific abandonware program forgot what it was and got a pop-up for CP don't want to describe it I feel compared to others I'm pretty tolerable of certain but that just made me throw up and even made me cry I was so scared who knows who runs that site and what mal word has but but also the fact my ISP may have seen it and I could get agents busting down my door any second thank God that never happened and I'm glad the content didn't traumatize me only regret not reporting the site I was in such shock I just unplugged my computer in a rush basically don't go on page 20 of Google I wasn't in danger per se just felt scared as hell I was at a library browsing because I've heard stories about the dark web and people finding out where you live so I was already kind of scared going into it I went there after school like three times a week and tried to find scary stuff I didn't find anything interesting for the first month or so after a while I found a pretty interesting site it was sort of like Craigslist but on the dark web people were selling drugs and themselves I just liked reading the ads some of them were pretty funny like I was trying to find scary stuff but instead I found the nicest guy in the world asking if I wanted to buy heroin the real scary stuff came after a guy send me a private message I don't know how because I hadn't made a post on the site so there was no way he could contact me but I was a dumb idiot so I didn't question it at the time he asked me vague questions about my sexual preferences and I was having a hard time answering because I didn't speak and understand English as well as I do now also I was 13 so I probably wasn't able to answer them in my first language either I don't remember how the conversation went exactly but I guess he liked what I said because he sent me a link and like an idiot I opened it I will never forget what I saw it looked kind of like like Facebook on dark mode the first post I saw there was of an unconscious naked woman who was bleeding a lot the person who posted it also put a long caption on the pic but I just remember the first line she screamed like a witch I scrolled further fast trying not to look at the pics too closely and realized it was a site where people posted pictures of women they violated I nope doubt of that site quickly I closed the browser and the computer picked up my stuff and never went back to that library again thanks for listening to radio TTS hit the subscribe button and activate the notification Bell for more creepy content click the right box for the dark web playlist let us know in the comments what you think about these stories
Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 202,937
Rating: 4.9370337 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, askreddit, reddit story, ask reddit, reddit cringe, askreddit funny, reddit funny, r/askreddit, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, radio tts deep web, Deep web, Reddit scary, Dark web, dark web horror stories, deep dark web, deep dark web horror stories, the dark web reddit
Id: fNnm_5eUqyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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