What's In My Burrito? (GAME)

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I've always enjoyed David Hill coming along to do fun things in the background, and now we get to enjoy his fun sense of humor on a full episode. Fun stuff! Well done, David -- you kept me guessing till the end!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FergusCragson πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 28 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

David Hill > David Dobrik

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wickedpoppies πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 28 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

It it wasn't for David, this episode would've been so boring. Love ya david.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/deadmallsanita πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 28 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

So I clearly cannot choose the burrito in front of you!!

That's all I was thinking the whole time.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LaughterStruckCap πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 28 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Beans are a protein

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 28 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Anybody else David could be Chance the Rapper’s brother?! Those brows are super similar.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TundieRice πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Who's gonna eat a worm burrito? - Did you say warm? - No, I said worm. - Let's talk about that. (lively music) β™ͺ Good Mythical Morning β™ͺ - We're going on tour to bring our comedy and music to your town! We got shows at September and November all over the Southeast, Southwest, and a few other spots. Get tickets now at RhettAndLinkLive.com before they're all gone! - Today episode, it's gonna be a little bit different but in all the best ways possible. Here's why. We created an entire game around the interest of today's scheduled guest, our friend David Dobrik! (cast and crew applauds and cheers) However, something came up last minute and David had to reschedule. - Now, we are very excited to have David on GMM sometime soon but in the meantime, we still got a show to do. And like the old saying goes, when one David drops out, another David pops out. Oh! (laughs) You know that. The good news is we do have a David here who works here as part of our Mythical team. It's David Hill! Get out here, David! (everyone applauds and cheers) - [Crew Member] Go David! - Oh yeah. - Thanks for being a David. - Ah, thanks. - Okay. - Thanks for having me. It's great to be at the front desk instead of behind. (Rhett laughs) Okay, we're not gonna change a single thing about what we've planned for this episode. David Dobrik loves burritos, so we made a game about burritos, which we're gonna play with you, David Hill. - All right. - Only difference is the last name, no other differences. - Okay. - Um, do you like burritos? - Yes, I didn't eat breakfast today so I'm psyched up. - You're hungry. - I am, I am. - You need breakfast burritos. - Yeah. - Well now we'll see how you're feeling about burritos after we played this game because it's all full of rice beans and bad ideas. It's time for three burritos sitting on some plates, two we'll love and one we'll hate. - Welcome to zona neato de burrito. - All right, in every round the dealer is going to deal three burritos, two are normal and one is nasty, and then you guys who are, I'll be the dealer first, you're gonna have the opportunity to switch however you want to. - Yeah and then the players in each round will have the opportunity to use one lifeline that can be the sniffy, where we're able to sniff the burrito, the stiffy, where we can poke the burrito with a stiff finger or the iffy which is when we can ask the dealer to tell us if he is iffy about it. - Yeah, that's gonna help. - All right, let's bring out those burritos. - [Group] Round one. - Okay, I have three burritos in front of me. I know that one of these burritos is filled with Play-Doh. The other two are just regular old breakfast burritos, - That salty preschool's treat. Do you like Play-Doh? Oh gosh, what are you doing? - No, nope. - You're doing some sort of shell game situation which is meaningless to us. You may only be-- - Confusing myself? - Confusing yourself, which is a little scary. - All right, David Dobrik, I mean Hill, what are you feeling at this point? - Well, I think this might be the Play-Doh one. - How long have you known this man? - For about two years. - Okay, I've known him longer than that. - [Rhett] Yep. - I think he probably has the nasty in front of him because he knows we're gonna switch. Of course there's also a lifeline. You want to use a lifeline? - Yes. - Which one? - The stiffy. - Oh okay. - Okay, you don't have to use hand motions but. - So you guys can poke your burrito, but you can poke it one good poke. This is not a feel or caress. - Okay, here we go. - [Rhett] Okay, pull out. - Didn't learn a lot, did you? - This, it could go either way. - Good, either way. (audience laughs) - Because it has the ham and bacon. - Okay, I think you were about to say that it's Play-Doh, but then you realized you didn't want to tell me that because I'd be like, I think you should keep that one. - I just started to think about the textures of ham and bacon. - Yeah, I do that just occasionally. - [David] Because it could be soft, it could be hard. - You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna say we shouldn't switch at all, man. I'm telling you, he thinks we're gonna switch. Let's not, let's just hold. - Hold, hold, all right. - [Link] You cool with that? - Yeah, I'm cool. - You know I'm just saying that 'cause I'm your boss. - No no, not at all, I trust you. - (laughs) There's a slight conflict of interest here. - All right. - Okay now guys we have to take a corn cob bite. We're all gonna grab the burritos and bite in the middle because that's the best way to get whatever the ingredients are. - [David] Oh, right in the middle? - All right, all at once. Three, two, one. - Mm. - That's breakfast (laughs). Turn that around, show the people. - I should've rode on my own instincts. - Yeah, don't, now you know. - Po for y'll, po for ya'll. - Don't ever trust this guy. - [Group] Round two. - Two of these burritos are tasty carne asada, but one of them is day-old seaweed. - [Rhett] Oh, the best kind. - [Link] And nothing else. - The best kind. - I'm talking jam-packed full of it. (imitates whip) Uh oh, okay. (imitates whip) - Okay? - Okay. - I'm trying to get inside your mind. - A lot of room in there. - (laughs) I, uh, not gonna argue with that. You know, statistically speaking, and this is what I was thinking in the first round, I'll just let you know what my thought process was. - Okay. - Because there's three of us and there's only one nasty burrito, statistically, I give myself the best chance at not eating the nasty burrito if I don't start with the burrito, because there's a higher chance that it'll be in another place. - So the opposite of what I thought about you. - Right, but I don't think that you think like that. - Obviously I didn't, in the previous round. - But would you also then again give the burrito to David after feeling a little bit bad about what you put him through in the first round. - I didn't put David through anything. We made a collective choice. - I think you used your-- - Are you blaming me? - No. - You should, listen, he used his executive privilege. - [Link] Who are you blaming? - He used his executive privileges. He did, he stepped in as your boss and I saw it. It bordered on intimidation. - Who made you eat the burrito? - I'm wondering if both of them are scheming against me. - Hey I'm not, man. We're all on the same team here. - I'm losing trust, that's all. - We're on team carne asada. - I'm always on your side. - I feel like Link has done what he suspected me of doing. - I think 'cause it's my first time, they're trying to get me on all three rounds. - Who's they? - Y'all. - (laughs) Okay, so you think you've got it. If you think you got it, you know what you ought to do? If you think you have it and I think he has it, you just switch with him and I feel like I'll be okay. - He doesn't know anything. He knows nothing more than you do. - You should use a lifeline, though. Why don't you use the iffy lifeline? - Iffy, 'cause I'm iffy on both these. - And ask Link a question. - See, we made him so paranoid. - I don't know anything. The premise of the game is that I don't know. - Yeah, he doesn't know that. - I don't know, only he knows. - You know what, at this point, I don't know if I know. - Ask him a question. - Are you iffy about the one in front of you? - Yes, are you iffy about the one in front of you? - You can't ask questions, dealer. (audience laughs) - I'm on the fence. - I think he's got the bad one. Let's just switch ours 'cause maybe you've got better carne asada, maybe I've got better carne asada than you, you know. You want to do that? - Sounds like a good deal. - Yeah, I mean that's like. - David, it seems like you're just doing whatever he tells you to do. (Rhett laughs) I mean, I'm not even playing the game. I'm just making an observation. - Well, I mean you've got the seaweed. - All right, let's eat, here we go. (audience laughs) - That's carne asada. - David! (Rhett laughs) - [Group] Round three. - Two of these have cheese and beans and one has earthworms. - Earthworms? - Someone's gonna be eating earthworm Jim today. - Not a sponsor. - Who will it be? - Okay, so you want to move them around, you want to deal it. - Everybody watch closely, watch closely. All the viewers, anybody have a zoom in on this. I'm for the post team to add music to this one. Do me a solid Casey, do me a solid. Help me out here, help me out. - Do you know where the earthworms are? - It's a gamble. - All right. - All right. Here's the deal, here's the deal. Did he keep track of the worms through that whole charade, or is he just throwing caution to the wind for the sake of entertainment value? - I would say that it was in his best interest to keep track of the worms. - I was looking at his eyes, man. They were out here. - Yeah I know, but there was also hands involved. I feel like, it's just three things, you're not moving that fast. I mean, I think he still knows where it's at. - I'm not saying I don't think you could do it, David. I know I couldn't do what you did and keep track. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, I feel like I could, so I think that he can as well. I think he knows where it's at. I don't think he threw caution to the wind. I think he wanted us to think he threw caution to the wind because then our pontification would mean nothing. It would just be empty blathering. - Would you like to use a lifeline? - What do we got left? We got the sniffy. - The sniffy. - All right - Don't grab the burrito, you got to grab the thing, because I wanted this to be fair, you gotta grab the plate. - The thing, yeah. - You get one sniff, one sniff. - One sniff. - One sniff. - Like one lungful, like (breathes deeply). - Like (sniffs) just a (sniffs). - I gotta watch you sniffin' this thing. - Hey listen, if I if I smell worms, I'm not gonna give it to you. - Are you? - Or can you? - There is no trust at this table. We've established that. - Your palate has been compromised over the past two seasons I've been here, mm. - Long before that. - Let's sniff. - That's it. - You know what I smelled? Tortilla (laughs). - I smelled lots of tortillas. - I smelled straight-up, I got absolutely nothing from that. I mean I'm being 100% honest. I smell tortilla. - Yeah, me too. - But I'll switch with you (laughs). - I know I don't trust him but I also know that I only smelled tortilla, so I think he's being truthful about that. - [Rhett] Yeah. - Would he risk having it there and us not switching with him. - Well, here's what I think happened. I described a certain way of thinking about it, which then you did the complete opposite of that, so he had to then make a choice, am I going to play into the way that Rhett described it, or the way that Link did it, so the the worm burrito is either in front of him or it is not in front of him. - Yeah, you've blown a lot of hot air. I think, simply put, that he didn't put the worms in front of himself, as you explained with the odds from the last round. - So would you like to switch with him? - No, I'm thinking do I need to switch with you? - Ah oh man. - I want to switch with him. - Oh no. - And then I can make a decision if I want to switch with him after you switch with him. - Oh no, oh no. - That would be a new rule. - I mean if we all agree on that. - and I'm the dealer so. - You know you can't do anything at this point. We can switch these-- - We can't switch twice? - Can we switch them and is it just one? Can we only switch once? - Just one switch? - Is it just one switch, is that the rule? - [Stevie] One switch is the rule. - Yeah! - One switch is the rule. - All right, so he only wants us to switch once, and because I said that I was gonna switch with him that must be what he wants, so I'm gonna switch with you. Boom, David. - Sure. - I got a fake tie on. I'm all right, I'm all right with this. I'm okay with this. - It's too late, we've already switched. All right your eyebrows are dancing, you're lying. (Rhett laughs) - All right, let's dig in. - Grab your burrito and take a big ol' bite. - Eat it, David. (Link retches) - Woo! (Rhett laughs) (air horn honks) - Air horn, we're doing air horn. - I love beans and cheese. - Air horn, add that, Casey. (Link coughs) - There's something about beans and cheese together. - Yeah, compliments to the chefs. - I only think I got one worm actually in my mouth, that's more than enough. So, did you know that you gave Rhett the worms, or were you just totally randoming this thing? - Mm-hmm, yeah, can't say, chaos theory. - Oh yes, chaos theory. Thanks for joining us, David, and make sure you check out David Dobrik's YouTube channel. We hear it's pretty popular. - Ah, and we will be sure to check out David Hill kicking butt around the halls of Mythical every Monday through Friday. Thanks for liking, commenting, and subscribing. - Now you say, you know what time it is? - You know what time it is. - [Group] It's Mythical beasts going on 2019, it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. Woo! - Woo-hoo! - Good lookin' group! - Thanks for coming by the booth, guys. Click the top link to watch us play Chipot-yay or Chipot-nay with David in Good Mythical More - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality is gonna land. And attention, Mythical Society members, lose a pen, need an extra badge? You can now re-up or replace select items through a special password protected page on mythical.com.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 3,037,719
Rating: 4.926034 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, gmm burrito game, burrito game, what's in my burrito, burrito, gmm burrito, gmm game, rhett, link, season 16, rhettandlink, game, play-doh, worm burrito, what's, in, my, bean, cheese, seaweed burrito, worm, play doh
Id: aS5dRxrO8GY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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