Weird Hot Dog Topping Taste Test

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(rooster crowing) (lion roaring) (wheel riffling) - Viener sausages. Welcome to Good Mythical More. - Superpower. We're just a couple of superheroes. (desk clanks) (chuckling) Our names are, Dr. Wine-O and Short Stuff. (laughing) - Well I'm Dr. Wine-O Why though? Because Because I operate on wine. - I'm a little self conscious about my superhero name because when I came out with it. It was before my growth spurt. And I mean literally I grew 14 inches at age 21. And so When I was a teen I was a teen superhero. It was like here come Short Stuff! And then now its just weird. I'm sorry about it. And I just feel like I have to apologize. - Which is why you're hanging out with me, a wine-o - My mom told me that its too late to change your superhero name because I already have the costume and everything that she's made. So. Yeah. I'm sorry. - Now that your 21 you can have some of my wine. - Yeah Thank you Dr. Wine-o - (chuckles) - Ill show you the ways. All right so we have some. We got some weird hot dog toppings. - That you suggested. And now we're gonna suggest ourselves that we eat them. - And I also suggest you head on over to the Mythical Society where we got some behind the scenes content of, What is it? - [Josh] Is it building the trebuchet? - Oh yeah, building the trebuchet. - Building the trebuchet. - And some other things related to - Mythical what you just saw. Lets bring in Mr. Paisley. - [Mr. Paisley] Mister. - Dr. Wine-O to you. - Dr. Wine-O himself. - I'm Dr. Wine-O - Are you calling me Dr. Wine-O - No I'm Dr. Wine-O - Okay - Was I supposed to dress the same? - You're Mr. Paisley. - You guys dressed the same. - Well. We fully recovered from, what a day man. - (chuckles) yeah. - We did it man. - Well yeah you, I mean. - We - I guess we did it. We did it. - We did it. - Yeah I mean. - You know lots of problems to be solved. - Some shortcuts. - Lots of challenge. Come on up here. You hungry? - Mmm Depends on what were having. - Well were having hotdogs. - Hotdogs! - How you feel about hotdogs now. - I'm really craving hotdogs right now yeah. Sounds. - All right lets bring in the first one - Have a few more. - Thank you Josh. - Now I mean. Thank you Josh. Here's the first one. "CaptainMiguel01" Suggested Oats and Cheese. - Can't help but notice there's only two hotdogs mythical chef Josh. - Yep look at that. - (crew laughing) - [Josh] I'm not on mic. - Oh. Thank you Short Stuff. - [Link] Okay. Now - Oats and Cheese. - Cut this one in half too. Cause I want someone else to be able to try that later. - Well. Oh I see what's going on. - Really? - Oats and cheese. - Oats and cheese. - And hotdog. - This is a joke. - This is a joke. - Dink it, sink it. - That's not a joke. - I mean the hotdog is good. The cheese is good. The oats is just like something fell on my hotdog. - There's nothing to the oats. - What if you took the bun out and rolled it in oats, and it was like a healthier alternative. - Okay. - I don't think you make process meat healthier by rolling it in oats. - Its like oat dog. Like oat milk. But. - This is a bad idea. CaptainMiguel. - (crew laughing) - You heard it from Short Stuff and Dr. Wine-O. - I think he knew that. - This is a bad idea. - (crew laughing) - Now, when you were bringing this down, the trebuchet. You had this big honking bruise on your leg. - Yeah. - You fell off the trebuchet. - There was an accident. - Oh it was your arm. - Mmhmm yeah. My legs and arms look a lot alike. - (laughing) - Is that it right there. - That's my arm yeah. - Wow. - That's my left arm. That's my right arm. - That's a tattoo. - That's a pretty bruise. - Its gone now. - Its healed up mostly. - Okay you're good. - Its just a normal arm yeah. Were under siege you know. That's why you have a trebuchet. It gets hairy. So you get bruises. I'm lucky that's what all I got. - I know I kept thinking that those weights are gonna like plop down on our head or something. - Or like a hotdog spears one of you in the eye. - This ones got a lot of stuff going on. From Colin. Shaved coconut, sour cream, and mandarin oranges. Its surprisingly good. Now this sounds like its not supposed to be a joke. - Yeah. That will be surprising. - Well, yeah. It seems pretty sincere. When you add its surprisingly good guys. - It just seems like the hotdog - Still a joke on you guys - Doesn't belong in this. You know. This is like a creamy delicacy. And then you throw a hotdog in there. - Well maybe it balances it out you know. You get the. - Which half do I take this time. - Yeah lets dink it. Sink it. - I'm immediately surprised. That's surprisingly good. - Yeah! It is. - I think this is just a testimony to how good a hotdog is. - No its kind of refreshing. I'm not kidding. Sour cream and oranges together. - Its like when you have Jell-O. Like a Jell-O fruit mix thing. Like this isn't gonna be good. But then it is good. - Its like one of those 1950s weird salads. - [Link] I think its the coconut that's kinda throwing me off but the mandarin and the sour cream is pretty great. You know this reminds me of like something that would be at Vicious Dogs. We need to go back to Vicious Dogs. - We haven't been in so long. - Willy's probably upset about that. - Yeah. We made a commercial as part of. - You've been to Vicious Dogs? North Hollywood. - [Stevie] Oh Chase is saying that we can go back there anytime cause he saw him at the vegan street fair. I'm talking as Chase is talking. - At the vegan street fair you saw a hotdog proprietor. - [Stevie] Yes he was the Vicious Dogs - (mumbling) - [Stevie] Yeah he had a booth. - No, its really. Its the best hotdogs in Los Angeles. Pinks is not where its at. Its Vicious hot dogs. Vicious Dogs. North Hollywood. I think he's got one in Sierra Madre as well. He opened one up awhile back. But that's not really Los Angeles. So why am I talking about it. - In the episode of commercial kings we met him. His name is escaping me even though you just said it. - Willy. - He was so passionate about his hotdogs that became the story of like us making the commercial for him. We said well if he's so passionate lets see if we can get him to go all the way, to have sex with a hotdog. No. That's not what we did. - I mean that's a great idea. I was immediately for that idea. - Well you know marketing. - (coughing) Its a better idea than what we did. - Yeah. What we did was we got him to cry about his hotdogs. - Like tears of joy or like passionate - yeah. - Passionate cry. - Really to channel his passion. - He got overwhelmed. - Is he Vicious Willy. Is that his nickname? - He's the nicest guy you'll ever meet. - Yeah. That's why it'd be a fun nickname though. - He took us to meet his mom. - Oh wow. - This by the way. From Sammi. Its not really a suggestion, its confessional. He says, I've put on mayo and soy sauce. - (crew laughing) - [Link] Mayo and soy sauce. - [Rhett] Mayo (laughing) - Mayo (chuckles) - Mayo. Mayo and soy. Okay so did you mix mayo and soy sauce together? - [Josh] No. - Great. - There's some dabs of soy sauce in there. Not too much. That mayo is suspiciously yellow. - [Josh] Its Japanese kewpie mayo. - Is that right? - [Josh] Yeah. - Japanese, what. - [Josh] Kewpie. - Kewpie. - [Josh] More egg yolk. - I'm just tasting hotdog. Its not really giving me much. - It just tastes like a regular hotdog. - Mmhmm. - Its not bad. - When you're out and about on the town. - Mmhmm. Like me personally or just a person. - Yeah. You. - Yeah. Which I always am. - Have you been telling them about this trebuchet. - No. Not yet. - Okay. You don't go around bragging about building all the stuff that you build. - I don't wanna tell people what they should think of it you know. - Let them draw their own conclusions. Now what about. - This is not special. - The yard stick. When you brought the yard stick. Were you thinking in the back of your mind, you know what, - I'm gonna need this. - We may actually need this for other reasons. Like we may need to make it the trebuchet. - Well you call it a yard stick but its really. - A level. - It was a metal level. - A level. Yeah. - He's right. No. That was just to like level the trebuchet. That's how far into the detail, like oh we need it to be perfectly oriented with the earth and all these things. Kind of overlook some of the more basic essential. Yeah it totally came in handy. It just fixed it right up. - It was like a splint on a broken bone. - Sometimes I bring stuff just for that. Like oh maybe we need an extra this or that. Got it you know. - And we wanted to do it, we didn't want you to pretest everything. Because we wanted to capture the spirit of like, this is a crazy idea, but we're really trying this thing. - Yeah. - So it was important to us that we didn't allow you to do. - Right - Testing. - But next time I think we'll probably do some testing. - (laughs) - Trebuchet number two, is really gonna be something you know. - Oh look at this. Nosreme Longshot "@EmHasDuckies" said. Recently I made spiced up version of "@bonappetit"s corn chowder with some habaneros. Is that how you say that? - I think you say - Is the H silent? - Habaneros is what I usually say. - Abaneros and used the leftovers as a hotdog topping. Its like a chili dog put, but is what he meant to say, but with corn and potatoes instead of meat. But with that nice abanero kick. - So. Are the abaenros in it? - [Josh] No I put it on the side cause I know you boys have delicate constitutions. - Thank you. - [Josh] And they're actually pickled habaneros. - Oh that means they're more mild. - [Josh] Uh yeah. - They're more mild Link. - (container spilling) - Its okay its okay. - I'm scared. - We can fix it. - Everybody's gotta at least put a stribble. - Not, does everybody have to though. - You gotta put a stribble. - You don't likea the spicy. I don't likea the spicy. - I don't like like pepper spice. You could just like dunk it in wasabi. I feel like I have to though. - I did a big one all the way across. - I'll just pretend I did just pretend. - I got one sliver. Ill do that. Dink it. Okay so, corn chowder. - I like the corn chowder. - And habaneros. On a hotdog. - That's the best one. That's the best one. Corn on a hotdog. - But not a corndog. - Its kinda like you just take a - Dangit. - Whoo that peppers hot to me. - Do you need more. - No. - You don't have to eat that floor dog. - Eat the floor dog. This is pretty good. Its very spicy. - I wonder if that's what happened before the corndog happened. Somebody put corn on a hotdog. And then say, corndog. - They said we made corndogs. I can think of a better way to do that. - That's definitely how it happened. I have a question for you guys about the trebuchet. - Yeah. - What was it like to see those hotdogs coming at ya. Did it feel like its moving faster. Was it terrifying? - Ill tell ya, when you see multiple wieners headed at you. You gotta be like which wiener am I gonna choose. You know what I'm saying. - Yeah. - Its nice to have choices. - You gotta focus in on one wiener at a time. And then you gotta go for it. - Just lock eyes with that person. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Well a wiener. - What you said. - The first time that you launched the wiener, it was supposed to be two. Cause we were gonna both, no it was supposed to be one. And we were like playing zone defense. - Right - And you didn't tell us but you. - We threw a bunch of wieners in there. - You unleashed four. - We unleashed the hounds. - Or 5. - I think mulitple wieners is fine, but you need to know that's what you got coming. - Yeah. - Yeah. - [Rhett] Stick to what you love and stick our pins on things you love. Collect all three Mythical Enamel Pins now at
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
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Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, gmmore, good mythical more, good mythical summer, We Catapult A Hot Dog Into A Bun, Weird Hot Dog Topping Taste Test, taste test, hot dog, soy sauce, mayonnaise, weird combination, weird toppings, hot dog toppings, best hot dog toppings, weird, odd, gross, nasty
Id: QwGTlBfNrqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2019
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