Can We Launch A Hot Dog Into A Bun?

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I love when the guys do vids outside the studio. It always looks like they have so much fun with it!

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/weschester 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2019 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/beardlovesbagels 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

Dinger Slinger. Hell yeah.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/toadpuppy 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

Ahem. Calling a trebuchet a catapult?

/r/Trebuchet will not be pleased.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/lts_talk_about_it_eh 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

I need to see these dads doing their excited dad runs in more videos.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/sneakynin 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

This bit of music from Medal of Honor really hit the nostalgia part of my brain

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Swardington 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

This one was a lot of fun! I love it when the basis for an episode is completely ridiculous

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/VV1N73RMVT3 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

It's strange that this episode underperformed especially when so many people seemed to like it and it was doing really well at first. I wonder what happened?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/keepaskingme 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2019 🗫︎ replies
- Can we catapult a hot dog into a bun? - Three, two. - [Both] Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) - Good mythical morning. - We are on our way to a field in order to catapult a hot dog into a bun. - On our video where we put cheese wheels on a car we got a comment from juiceypimp who said, "Try to make a pig fly next!" - That seemed inappropriate on a number of levels but it did lead to what we're gonna do today. - Yes, now typically, putting a hot dog into a hot do bun is a pretty simple process. See that? - Can I see that again? - Boom. Can I see that again? - That is very easy. - But what we're gonna do today is gonna be a lot more fun than that, and potentially more dangerous. - If we're going to succeed, it will be because of this man. - Hey guys. - Or if we fail, I will say, I will probably blame you. - I'm trying to be confident. - Yeah, I'm trying to be confident, too. - Okay, Pasley, when you first heard about this idea how did it make you feel? - Sheer excitement. So, it's definitely- - Is it impossible? - No, no. The more common name of like a gravity-driven catapult is a trebuchet. - [Link] Trebuchet. - A trebuchet is like a square, right? So, a trebuchet is a catapult, but a catapult isn't necessarily a trebuchet. So, in order to shoot a hot dog we have to overcome a lot of physics. The internet led me to something amazing called One of the most important attributes for us is the release angle. We're not sieging a castle, we're launching a wiener. So we don't want our wiener to come straight out, we want our wiener to pop up. It's got to come up at a very high angle rather than just straight out. You can simulate this and it gives you a sense of what's gonna happen. - [Link] Look at that wiener go. Oh, my, what? - But again, you know, this is all simulation. We gotta see what's gonna really happen. - Right. - Okay. - But what we have is a little mini-boy. - Okay, so you've got a model. - Yeah. It's gonna shoot this way, so if you wanna take a look at it. Yep. - Shoot right towards you. - Right now it's shooting right at your eyeball. - It's shooting right at me? - Yeah, right in your mouth. Kill ya. - So, what are we gonna catapult? - Right, we're gonna need a projectile, so we're gonna use this one right behind Link's ear. And we're just gonna... - A little smokey. Hold on, you've been keeping little smokies behind my ear? - behind your ear. - Here, we'll just go partial wiener. - Okay, ready? Three, two, one. - Whoa, it hit Merle Haggard. - Well, which one? Where is it? - It hit the way I am. It bounced right there. It hit right above his head. - Here it is. - You can see the little grease mark. It almost hit him on the head. Were you aiming for that? Were you aiming for that? - Oh yeah, right above his head. - I aimed for his eyeball, actually. - Okay, um... - It's gonna work. - [Mike] It's gonna work. - I'm convinced now. - How much time you gonna need? - A week? - Hey hey. - Hey guys. You ready to get started? - Is it in there? - It is, ta-da! (door clatters) - It's in a lot of pieces. - Yeah. It's like a kit. - Who's going to assemble it? - We're the dream team right here. Let's get goin'. - I'll hold the hot dog. ("Flight of the Bumblebee" plays) - Oh gosh, I kinda thought I'd show up after this part. (metal clanking) (drill buzzing) - Are there any snacks? - Down a little bit. - I'm good, I was made for this, man. - I'm kinda guessing here. - [Mike] Yep, well stop. - Ah, I freaking broke it. This is the hot dog holder. - The wiener holder. - The wiener holster. The dingaling sling. - Oh, you know what we could call it? What if we called it the dinger slinger? (Rhett laughs) - Behold, the fully assembled... - [All] Dinger slinger. - Looks good. - Yeah, I've got the bun here which will receive the dinger. - And I've got the wiener, dinger, here which will go into the bun. Just so. - Just like that. That's how easy it is. - Just like so. - Okay, I'm gonna run down, we've got it measured off, and my bun shall be awaiting the dinger. - See ya later, dude. - [Mike] Sling your ding. - [Link] All right. - [Mike] Put it right there in the middle. - Okay, the very center of this target is exactly 283 feet from the center of the trebuchet. So, I am going to lightly place the open bun, and you know what? On the computer model it was like 282.8, so I'm just gonna... - You ready? - Yes. - Three, two, one. - [Rhett] It didn't work. - Where is the frickin' dinger? - I know that my eyesight is dwindling with age, but from 283 feet it looks like it didn't work. - All right, so we are tethering... No, we are severing the safety lines. - Well, we're severing one of the safety lines. So we'll have to reset it manually each time. - [Link] Okay. - So, you see I'm holding this weigh down? We'll have to do that instead of having a nice winch to pull it down. - Okay, well I'll just hold the dinger. Attempt number two, placing the dinger. Three, two, one. Oh, it went basically straight up. Little short. Right here, right here. You know what? The wiener's intact, that is the good news. - Now, what happened, boys? - We got a lot of pop fly. I think we need to try for more out, less pop, more out. - Yeah. - [Mike] That pin at the very top, we're gonna bend it a little bit more. - So that it releases later. Okay, ready? - Ready. - Three, two, ding it. Where is it? Oh, shoot, dang it. This one went even short of the last one. Not feeling great at this point. It's like we're actually losing momentum. - This is how every great exercise in greatness starts. - What are we changing this time? - First of all, I'm here now. - Okay, Rhett's here now. - There's that. - We're rotating the pouch because I think we might have the pouch inside out, which I'll take blame for. - That's not sexy. What are we doing that's sexy? - Rotating the pouch, now that sounds sexy. - We rotated the pouch but then we straightened out the pin. - Straightened out the pin, which sounds very, very sexy. - All right, here we go. - I'm on board for this. - Three, two, one. Oh my gosh, it's going straight up. - [Rhett] It's so, look, whoa (laughing). Oh, that was crazy! Is that what happens every time on this fun end of the thing? - I mean, that's the same place it hit last time. - This is fun, you see how high it went? You guys didn't seem like you were having fun. - Well, I want it to go far. It went up. - [Mike] Yeah, I mean that wiener disappeared in the sky. - All right, let's start putting flags. Yeah, that's a good idea. - We need to learn something. Oh, you're gonna go, okay. Kinda makes the flag pointless. - We got wieners to spare, I guess. Now, can I just ask a question? And I don't wanna have an existential crisis this early in the process, but are we willing... - No, it's like a mic. - Oh, I was gonna eat it because when you put a wiener near me, I'm gonna bite it. Are we willing to just go ahead and move to the potential reality that we're just gonna shoot our wiener really high in the air, not too far, and put it in a bun? Or, do we insist that this wiener has to travel an impressive distance? - We've only tried three times. - Well, what are we gonna change now? Are we gonna go double wiener? Are we gonna go triple wiener? Are we gonna throw something else in it? - I think the wiener itself has to be heavier. I think we need a weightier wiener. - What's the heaviest wiener on the market? I feel like we should put two wieners in there and see what happens. - Okay. - And maybe we should just go ahead and do three wieners. - Okay, let's do three wieners. It's a three dog night. We may be here til the night. Three, two, oner. Oh wow, there's four in there. - [Mike] One of them split one of them split. Okay, all right. I wanna readily admit that my theory was not sound. - Three, two, one. - Higher, it went straight up. - Oh my God, it's higher, and closer. All right, but not much closer. - It's pretty interesting-- - Exact same distance. - That it's coming out the side and yet it's still going almost exactly the same distance every time. - [Mike] Climb up on the trebuchet, Caitlyn. - [Lucas] Climb up on the trebuchet. (wood cracks) - [Lucas] Okay. - [Mike] But not on that part. - [Lucas] Not that specific part. - [Mike] You can't stand on that. - Caitlyn just broke the trebuchet. Since the dog is slipping out of the side, let's just make sure we can get something to go the distance. - To get it to open up as designed, so like something heavy, like a whole pack of hot dogs. Like, not even opened. - [Mike] Okay. I'm not gonna touch it. - So, we've taken out the hoses on the sides so that it'll cradle it more. Throw the smokies in there. - [Rhett] Oh yeah, look at that. I mean, look at that cradling job. - I think we're gonna have to start getting religious on this thing. - Maybe we should hold hands. Okay, all right. - Three, two, one. - [Mike] Activate. - [Rhett] Yeah! - [Link] That went forward. - [Rhett] Okay, all right, progress. - [Link] Give me a flag. - [Rhett] A little progress. A little smokie progress. - [Link] Wa-bam. - [Rhett] We got little smokies everywhere. Look at that. - [Link] A little smokie. - Now that the pouch is holding on in the way that it should, might I suggest-- - You might. - We just put one wiener in there and see what happens. - All right, I got some good news and some bad news. - [Link] Okay. - The good news is that worked, that was great, guys. Good job. - Yeah, we're feeling good. - Let's all give each other a hand, this is awesome. Um, the thing bent pretty badly. - What do you mean? - The arm in the end of it, you're gonna see. - Oh my God. - Little smokies are heavier than anybody thought. - [Link] But, I mean, is it still gonna work? - One way to find out. - Well, if it's not broken. So, let's leave it as is and do one wiener. - Okay. Three, two, one. - [Rhett] Oh whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, look at that thing. - [Link] Where did it go? - All the way here. Whoa, we got an exploded wiener. That went exactly the same distance as the little smokies, so the weight is not even important anymore. Look at that wiener. - And look at that thing, it was decimated. - When do you think that happened? When it hit the ground? Okay, so it seems like we've got a pretty consistent launch, and I think that, at this point, because the thing is bent, it's coming over here to the right, so... - We are ready to place a bun. - And why not just put a bun exactly where the last one landed? - [Mike] That should just go right there. - But what are the chances it's gonna hit this one single bun? Our odds are drastically increased. - But still very, very low, I think. - Yeah. - But, only one way to find out. Okay, we're ready. - Three, two, one. - It's way over there, way short. - We were over here. - I mean, it's going more than a hundred feet, but not much more. It's pretty much-- - Thank you. - It's pretty much just straightened out. - Be pretty cool to catch a hot dog from this far away. - What do you guys think we do next? - The bun has to have the option to move to meet the wiener. You need moving wiener, moving bun, coming together in one cosmic hot dog marriage. - That's kinda fancy speak for, I think you're saying you just want to catch the hot dog in a bun. - in a bun. Yeah. - Okay, Andrew you want a bun, too? - Some may call this a compromise, so do I. - [Rhett] All right, we're ready. - [Link] We are ready - [Mike] Okay, in three, two, one. - Where is it? - I got it. - Reset. This is what happens when you let Lucas pull. Reset. - 13 people out here trying to catch some hot dogs in some buns. - Well, really, there's just two trying to do exactly that right now. - Three, two, one. - [Link] Get it Rhett, get it. So close! - This is gonna happen. This is gonna happen, people. - Three, two, one. - [Link] You got it. Oh, it was right on you. - Oh, I caught half of it. - No, dude, you dropped it. - I caught half of it and the rest of it broke off. - Dude, it went right to you. - I caught it but it broke because it's moving so fast. So, I caught half of it and the other half broke off. Okay, guys... - [Mike] We should half one more hot dog. - No, here's what we need. We're gonna need a bigger bun. I mean, what does it say on the package? - [Both] Hot dog bun. - Okay, I believe basically we need to make a catcher's mitt out of this thing. - Yeah, put your hand right behind the knife there. - [Rhett] Oh, I've dealt with this before. - [Link] I'm not one to tell you how to cut something. - [Rhett] That's true. - I'll be honest, I haven't seen the hot dogs fly through the air at all. Like, I cannot find them. - Okay, well then you should give me the bigger bun. - I'll be further back, and I'll just close my eyes and pray. - Three, two, one. - [Link] Oh, oh, ah. - I was confused by the multiple-- - I didn't know there was four frickin' hot dogs in there. - I was confused, but do it again. - Three, two, one. Leeroy Jenkins. - Okay, ahh, I caught it! I caught one! - [Link] You caught one? - [Rhett] I mean, I did. It broke off again. Does that count? - [Link] Where's the rest of the dog? - [Rhett] It's on the ground. - You caught two halves, that's a whole. - Do we have to get a whole dog in there? We gotta get a whole dog in there. Reset. - [Mike] Three, two, one. - Yes, got it! Whole dog. - [Link] I got it on the outside of my-- - I got the whole dog. - I got this. You got a whole dog? - I got a whole dog, on the inside. - Look at that, oh, and it's even, it broke in half but it's in there. That counts, does this count? - Yes! - Hit my arm... - Not really, but this is definitely in there. Look at that. That is a whole wiener inside of a whole bun. From a catapult, dare I say, a trebuchet. That's a hot dog, but there's only one way to be sure. Any wiener on that side? - Wiener didn't make it to my end. - This is the wiener side, come here. - I got wiener, whoo! - There you go, that's a hot dog, ladies and gentlemen. That was a wiener being thrown through the air into said hot dog bun to make one giant hot dog like the world has never seen. You're welcome. - Lemme tell you. - Tell me. - That's the best tasting hot dog I've ever had. - Host dog. Okay, mission accomplished. Well done, sir. I know we hit some roadblocks there, but you know what? We jumped over them. - We powered through. - In the journey of life, there's roadblocks, you know? - Yeah, you can't just stop when you feel like a loser. You gotta turn yourself into a winner, or a wiener. - A wiener, yeah. - Sorry. - Don't be. - Comment below and let us know what you'd like to see us do next. - Thanks for liking, commenting, and subscribing. - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Hannah from Doylestown, Pennsylvania. I have my vienna sausages, and it's time to spin the wheel of mythicality. - Click the top link to watch us try your strange hot dog topping suggestions in Good Mythical More. - And, to find out where the wheel of mythicality is gonna land. Stick to what you love and stick our pins on things you love. Collect all three mythical enamel pins now at
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,071,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, season 16, We Catapult A Hot Dog Into A Bun, Weird Hot Dog Topping Taste Test, catapult, hot dog, hot dog bun, taste test, gunbound, sling, slingshot, amazing, flying pigs, when pigs fly
Id: E5eEJxnPnNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2019
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