I Went on a Date in Stardew Valley

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you know people ask me why I'm always doing a smile well the truth is I don't always feel like smiling but I figure out a trick if you ever feel sad or scared remember time when you feel happy when days but remember time when day was good and most important remember I love you [Music] so today we're gonna be playing a bit of stardew valley with Nikki Nikki needs you compilation video channels okay I'm watching you I know you're out there lunch Club clips I'm not even in lunch Club I'm expecting some cute [ __ ] compilations there's one that has a speech bubble coming out of my mouth that says I love you on it I never said that I never said that I've got game I don't jump to the l word I know you know I know what I'm doing I am so cool and chill I know exactly what I'm doing like I would never jump to that moment that is too far I've got everything under control I'm a man I mean power you know I know but can you hear me yes I can hear how are you Nikki I was just talking to chat about the the Wilbur and Nikki cute moments videos one with two hundred thousand yeah that's so funny Carson is so mad is he really mad I've ever seen constant angry Nikki I see Matt which comment at one point he got so angry I've never seen a man do this but he literally grabbed a seagull from outside the San Diego Convention Center and just launched it into the tree I've never seen a man do that to a seagull but that's what that's what Carson's like man you don't get on this wrong side he will launch you into the sea everyone's telling me to stop simple I'm not simple dude the chase is all I know okay it's time to farm people are saying in chat it's time to farm I'm sorry I'm nervous I'm nervous to be talking to you Nikki lor but I will be honest with you I still have I haven't quite got over the speed two women pop yeah and it's very scary still I understand I'm here to help you thank you thank you I'm gonna try my best all right I see you is it yeah is your custom URL new liuchiu what the hell that what yes but that was not me Mooji what the hell we of stardew valley nikki do you want to play some stardew valley dar do we valley really you're not allowed to say that that's to cumin you say what's the fives name what you did to do 2nd German something that I won't understand oh yes oh yeah I see something in [ __ ] okay what's our favorite my favorite thing is I'm not read chat shut up I'm not going read [ __ ] you I'm big I'm a big man I'm a big man I'm a big boy I'm going in yes Rueben farm farm sure I'd probably wear that one eye color yeah that's fine I think the hair colors photo honestly this is very easy for me I'm in a house Nicky I got 15 parsnip seeds what do I do with this oh my god Anne I did not try and swing an axe at you I'm very sorry that was an accident that was a Miss click I I was I don't know what came over me this is not a good first impression I'm just let me just mow the lawn quickly hold on Oh God you're pretty good with the axe as well man so what are we doing I've got the bloodlust it runs through my family I do I'm just looking for blood so can you give me a little explanation of what happens and in this game off of my fiber - Nikki you know fiber fiber is good for you dude that's good thank you anything for my girl yes I can do that hold on I've almost reached critical mass of fiber can I move this wait is this gonna mow how similar is this game to Minecraft it has caves it's like more peaceful like okay six I only play minecraft oh my god who is this there's people where we align no no no those are the town people we have to introduce herself Oh Jodie oh you want exactly how I imagined but that's okay I'm Jodie say to me you [ __ ] now we're not dealing with her come on come on yeah is she's she's just a bad she's a bad apple Nikki we're not gonna have to associate ourselves with her right dog dog can I access dog who are you oh I keep I'm just so vicious dude the bloodlust are you offering that's for me I'll just put it over here hello Nicky look okay I get it we're just trying to we're just trying to make a good first impression all right Nick you Sophie you go so for you oh no oh my god oh hey so you're the new guy huh cool he's so cool I'm going for a drink come on let's go let's go and see who's in here this is a lovely game I'm not quite sure what I'm going to be doing when do we start farming cultivate and harvest a past met Nicky I'm not being I'm not being racist right you're quite pink Nicky that's because I'm always blushing when I talk to you I'll clear out all the rocks and then you start up a little parsnip farm for us you must home in water the soil with your hoe and watering can okay so if I water this now shall we go to sleep let's go to bed yet how come you go like a way nicer house than me open the package what did you get Nicky fisting I find pines snip see here's a little something to get you started mayor Lewis if you lose the pond slips yes should we sleep first oh dude ain't no rest for the wicked it's a hard life you know working on the commune oh I'm sluggish from overexertion thank you I'm passing out I'm watering my bed oh I need to actually get into the bed okay oh you slept in awkward bad yeah I know it's I'm used to it I don't know where I was going with that I've got something for you Willie he sent us both the same letter should we name it well it's small and it's just in the middle of a bunch of big things at first I was gonna call it Nikki but then I remembered you don't like being called small sauce okay so would but I don't think I don't think this one's I think everyone sang my low name it is this one we got piss plum that's piss plan to get on the screen piss plan inbound we were we were piss plant on the way ego is your daily fiber you know I keep that thing on me eat food oh we need food apparently I think we can like sell stuff and then stuff let's go there miss ah I'm still trying to unwind from a month out on the salty sea but if I made him a cowboy how could he walking towards me here I want you to have my old fishing rod it's important to me that the art efficient stays alive and hey maybe you'll buy something from the shop once in a while look I'm gonna be honest with you Willy I am passing out from hunger like I haven't eaten in two days I've just been farming parsnips I've been working like a dog please just give me food okay I'm gonna skip this I'm gonna get you some food Thank You Nikki oh there she goes my hero Nancy walking catch oh okay okay I've got this I love fishing hit Oh a quarter fish Nikki rubs up we're eating eight inch airing tonight close the eat it raw yeah mmm I got you some salad thank you I got this boat oh I wanted to hug you that's a good salad that's giving me a lot of energy it's now 7:00 p.m. though I feel like we haven't achieved much honestly Nikki I'm gonna be honest with you right now I'm more of a home kind of guy so do you reckon we can make our goal is to be self-sufficient and never have to speak 21 outside that sounds like a wonderful fun let's start up a snit business then we'll just be rich and we'll never leave oh go we're in the graveyard no do you know I really like raccoons Nikki you do I think they're really good animals and I I really like them and I kind of would really like to become a raccoon start sifting through garbage so I know this seems a little bit fast you know you know we've just made a farm together that you would tomorrow will you come sift through garbage with me yes yeah oh I didn't you with an axe oh it's raining there's a who's this who are you get out it oh my mmm that's a real dampener on our on our plans dude okay okay but this plant is still go this plant is gay you do so well this flow I'm so proud of you you always know how to get to my house let's go raccoon time doo-doo-doo-doo [Music] [Music] dude dude it am i doing it wrong I'm a a bad raccoon I'm gonna do it right in front of this man he said hey stop that yuck that's not gonna stop me I'm not stopping I'm looking for more you're on the right track run run run there's a supermarket I thought this was like a cozy fantasy like oh look we've got a saloon we have like a little bar and things no no we just got a fuck-off supermarket just in the middle it's good join us thrive Vicky where are we what is this I'm going in oh my god welcome to Joe Jamar how are you doing today so cheap this is yeah this sounds like a cult dude dude you know what think cults though what money for more parsnips I'll record show that you live on a farm with some other folks I'm sorry where we can only sell a membership to the owner of your residence oh they can't want to join we're currently in the process of settling up a brand new membership system for a new customer please check back soon to join let's go back to the farm and I want to point go and people tell us to not join their evil don't join it look Joe Joe - bad there's there's a level of selling out I think it's fine cool did you just plant coal what do you think I have coal in my hand and it looks like this I'm gonna chop down a tree okay can I dig out the stump - people tell me to sell the shell but I don't want to sell it I'm gonna keep it forever you can sell it okay keep it I won't complain oh cool I can make this feel like we're in minecraft we are in Minecraft yeah you can have one too thank you hey magic towards torture my house it's all a bit less depressed wait do you want me to come over it so your list at risk you come over I'm gonna give you company that would that would help I think I'd be less scared of the dark I'll piss plants going up there were the big boys I'm so proud of pissed off dude I'm so proud of him they're growing up so far as a frog Nicky I just saw a frog but you did out it faded out oh is it okay someone said I don't think piss plant is a pass note but this point is a fastener dealer he's just he's just growing different than all the others Ryan just because it's different it doesn't mean he's not like the other [Music] right what's the plan today I want to go back to the big supermarket dude oh look if they already considered our membership yes yes oh he could help want it I'm looking for eel to enjoy after hard day's work 255 gold I've accepted that Nicky we go an eel huntin girl let's go we're securing the bag nothing I've got anything else don't worry about it so we got we got to get an eel in the wild eels like living in the dark at the bottom they only really come out like to go and hunt at night so maybe we have to fish later maybe Oh what do I have to do yeah keep tapping absolute like the fish gone I believe in you Nicky tap the mouse tap left mouse I believe in you you've got this and go down let it go over go down down down you got oh okay they've got a really good Latin names you know what it is what is it Mulla Mulla Mulla Mulla it's 2:00 p.m. and we're starting to drink let's go we can play cards wait really oh yes yeah wait where's cards no urn those are codes these cards are cards arcade yeah okay it's okay yes okay oh my god I've gone on one oh god oh god I think your games a lot more relaxed than mine I'm fighting monsters oh my god there's more than I thought that was gonna be you're doing great I'm Beth can you you're making my feet away helping you grow I have a gift for you I'm offering you my cloud offering you my clan do you have space for you since unless I give you 21 fiber polish maybe throw some sackboy yeah I have supposed to the sunfish now for the mola mola yeah the Mala Mala breaking local raccoons go eel fishing it's a Silver Star we sell it back to the guy we can get some money for it piri is here he is a gift Thanks wait I don't hello [ __ ] stole my mother mother that is so rude he didn't even ask what Roy we're gonna catch the fattest [ __ ] he all this guy's ever seen I'm gonna unleash you get a walk past this guy with my [ __ ] heel and he's gonna think I'm giving him a gift but really I'm going straight to pan yes I got crimes dude time to get homicidal it's time that's part of the raccoon ways first its bins then it's homicide I got this what is it halibut fifteen-inch halibut that's a long halibut who decided halibuts could be that long I am so bad at fishing I catch this one then we'll go back you've got this I believe in you come on come on you got this I know you've got this we have to sprint home Nikki please remove it okay run home I've still got half my energy but it is midnight and stardew valley is dangerous at night are they like this game is like viciously promoting a healthy sleep schedule Jesus okay it's 6:00 a.m. we've had five hours sleeping oh my gosh parsnips you harvest them all water the ones that aren't grown yet all right they're worth this plant this plots still not grown oh it's okay is gonna be the biggest boy of them [Music] okay here's your daily show thank you our valued Joe Joe mark customer our team members have removed the lens light caused by our drilling operation near the mountain lake responsible stewardship of the local environment is our top priority we apologize for any inconvenience this accident may have caused as a right-wing libertarian I'm perfectly happy with that they're not breaking the law and they're making legal money so let's let's hope that I want to help them do that their drilling operation do okay any way we can help them maybe you don't sound too sure no it's it's all right I trust you I know what I'm doing Oh what are you doing oh hi there hi Luis this is the politian town community center or what's left of it anyway it used to be the pride and joy of the town always but but but but these days the young fool would rather sit in for another TV and then engage with the community yeah back then everything was better judge a corporation has been hot ponding me to sell them the land so they can turn yeah and that makes sense because the demand for [ __ ] community centers has gone down and the demand for televisions has gone up I'm okay Luis we're looking for a progressive right we're looking for we're looking for revolution not revolution Pelican town could use the money whatever could use the money let them build the way okay sorry there's something stopping me from selling it I guess the old-timers like me get attached to relics of the past oh well well as easy to wait for them all to die he's taking us inside I don't want to follow this old man into the broken community center Oh God oh I'm scared I think I'm inside you under I think I'm underneath you I'm underneath your sprite dilapidated than I remember what you saw something hmm I wouldn't be surprised if this place was full of rats it's a dancing yeah hey I'll keep this place unlocked from now on maybe you can help catch that rat no I don't what's the catch just not the place down I feel like there's a winning side here the Georgia people they know what they're talking about they've got their head screwed on correctly right and and let's be honest we know from experience the small little cultural farming communities do not bring in money to sustain them right as someone who's just been here three days I didn't even know there was a supermarket because it's so far out the way there's a very clear divide between industry and community that's perfect and I really don't think a warehouse up here would disrupt the community do you know what I mean let's go buy a membership let's go buy a membership okay right welcome to Georgia MA how are you doing to them good membership is now available and another thing mayor Lewis promises that if anyone else joined he'd let us turn that all community center into a Jojo warehouse isn't that wonderful small costs 5,000 gold I'm sorry like to join us but 5,000 gold yes now hold of what returns are we making on the membership we're able to help the community for free but with a membership of five of those who go scam scam Jojo you've talked yourself out of a deal I was singing your praises earlier you should have heard me but now no I don't know I think we go back to being self-sufficient I think we can rival Georgia I think we make our own we knock down the community center and we build yeah it's [ __ ] Jojo let's go Joe I'm sorry raccoon boys we will we will dominate this place let's get a good night's sleep let's wake up early tomorrow right let's go get some mofo concedes with the money we got from selling those passed notes right and then we're gonna own this place viva la revolucion it's late so I'm just getting very excited I didn't know this game had capitalism in it I think it's a fun little farming game but turns out turns out I can live my dreams of Oh what is happening it's a look it's a fairy what is it doing oh no that's not that's not oh don't go into my house please oh that's what I'm talking about [ __ ] the fairy we just make [ __ ] 955 gold let's buy some seeds and let's continue this what seeds have the best yield and turnover rate oh this blonde was a cauliflower tato grew quite quickly cauliflower maybe our empire will begin for me I thought we were gonna be the underdogs in this story right I'm already feeling we're gonna be the ones controlling Pelican town they'll know our names advertisement I keep finding cool stuff but my backpack is full does this sound like you stop by peers generalist or general should we do it naked we are rich oh nice welcome to Pierre's looking to buy something how much is it mm gold for back Nikki Nikki it's okay so I can't she will do this look we just need to just need to start our cauliflower business going right okay okay so are you right yeah don't worry we'll have all the backpacks your heart desires don't you worry how many colorfast these I'm gonna get about 25 I can buy 13 we're out money let's go Nikki I've just spent all that money on cauliflower seeds just better have a good pile you guys these guys oh you scared one no no no don't get too close what anything am i hallucinating are you okay maybe you've overworked yourself to me maybe you need some rest Oh [Music] as we've lost him we lost him I scared them away Nikki thank you let's go make cauliflower do you want to take a day off I can't hit the I'm better than okay Nikki this is a world millions will come from see how long they take to grow yeah I don't think we need to water anything else though don't tire yourself out Nikki we need we need that anything and here's some fiber just like old times I saw some some birds Nikki birds I really liked them I think they were just for me okay I think the birds were just for me and that's okay you know sometimes birds gonna be just for you sometimes the birds just for me so people are shouting that we should actually get chickens once we've sold these cauliflowers we can they're telling me to make a scarecrow scarecrow okay I'll help you there you go [Applause] beautiful I haven't encountered any crows yet he talks to us but you can speak to him oh okay let's go to sleep do you want to say that what you want to go buy something I want to save it for the chicken okay we'll save out for chickens it's a beautiful day today it is a beautiful day you're so right good thing the TV is important should we go watch TV oops I I wrote you someone said steal your heart steal your TV when is he gonna stop okay this much TV quint Mickey yeah you know you've got a beautiful home I love the interior nostalgic isn't it reminds you everyone I don't quit know what something let's tell them the Queen of Soul state greetings it is I the queen of sauce here to teach you a new mouth-watering recipes for my secret cookbook this week's dish stir-fry it's a perfect way to get some healthy greens in your on your plate salud the greens and a little sesame now breathe deeply that's good you learned how to cook stir-fry nice Oh looks like you don't have anything in your house anymore maybe maybe there's somewhere else you could stay you know yeah it's such a shame that you'd like yeah you know I guess I guess we got to get back to work on the farm oh yeah here's your TV here's your [ __ ] TV nothing I got my TV should we go exploring we have enough she got and sell just so many rocks just everyone looks like a little field why can you go fishing here Vikon the fishing spot oh my god I bought a fishing spot I don't know there's any fish in this pond I think there might not be fish here bog it oh my god can I put this on the refrigerator where everyone can see it yes I did so good good who's this oh that's right I heard someone who's moving on to that old farm is that all you've got to say to me Abigail I'm calm I'm fine it's fine it's locked only as friends can enter uninvited here's oh my god what's this Nicki this is terrifying pig creature old okay scarecrow scared me I didn't know who it was I was like who the [ __ ] it was okay yeah I sell weed after Walter the pants today thank you you should visit here's a present of the president you know that sounds like I'm taking a [ __ ] on your floor promise fine it's fine Mary I think beautiful thank you okay say goodbye to Pelican telephone now and then we can come back you noticed our cauliflower business yes let's do that I'm excited for you and keep sleeping separately yeah yeah oh no married yeah great for marriage [Music]
Channel: Wilbur Soot
Views: 3,103,167
Rating: 4.9812255 out of 5
Keywords: wilbur soot, live, wilbur live, wilbur plays
Id: GiT07WdBHzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 19sec (2059 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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