ghostbur bein his best self (he’s just being him :))

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what are you doing with the sheep oh he's called friend he's my hello he's my friend oh that's nice this is nice where you're going what is your what is your power i love him so much don't know what to believe it's my fault it's my fault [Music] it's me why are you doing that i need to throw up the whole new tank no no are you pooing he's a jacket speed runner oh oh wow you are yeah i like i like everyone's giving me attention now hi phil hello oh my god you were still under there everyone's looking at me i can't leave my house i don't have any food i'm starving yeah we don't we don't have any rules against verbal i actually have no idea what do you do what are you doing i'm trying to bring as much happiness to tommy as possible oh it's nice and this is the tent i made him with another chest the trench yeah yeah he laughed at that so i've written that again because i found it down there what we're gonna do is it's gonna drop on you and it's gonna fucking kill you all right i just i just see a i just see a wood plank there it's a matter of perspective there is an anvil on top of that i can't confirm there is an anvil uh it's not a trial technoblade we are going to kill you what does tommy like his favorite thing in the whole wide world is toppo tommy i i know you really really like tobo and i i know you really really miss him so i went out of my way and i made you this and it's it basically points you in the direction of tubbo at all times so no matter where you are in this bitch of an earth you'll know exactly where tabo is and i thought you'd really really appreciate that thank you no problem anyway have fun ending your stream bye bye this might as well have it i don't need it anymore i don't want your pity fucking things no you can have it i don't want your pity things pass that to me pass that to me you can keep you can keep it thank you all right well uh i'll see you never bye bye dream bye i'll see i'll probably see you at some point yeah yeah this is going to be fun we're going to have a good time nice nice nice robbing you toby i think we just got robbed bit of a rocky start to our vacation you don't want me to talk to technoblade he gave me a message earlier what did he say he said send me the coordinates don't say this out loud oh frick was a special place where men could go and emancipate brutality and tyranny of their rulers well this place is real you need and fret go on phil how do you know this how do you remember this i i wrote this i wrote the verses i wrote the second and third verses it was a very happy memory for me with wilbur tummy tom tommy wilbur tommy tubbo fuckerette are very big and not blown up remember [Music] my lumens [Music] but what should the notes be i'm thinking i'm thinking c c is a good one are they we're c d and e c is like uh why is that oh you're back is that c that sounds like c no that's c that's c uh d [Music] no that's c i'm fucked up phil it's okay don't worry you come yes yes that means e is fuck no wait so now it should go no it's not it's not very a little mary had a um um mary had a little lamb it's fine it's fine phil it's fine it's it's there's a there's a flat in there [Music] well [Music] don't leave i'm gonna get this okay stay right there right right right that sounds like a c no that's a c that's a c uh [Music] yes wait yes yes [Music] yes i think i think we have a good time you know i'm i think we need to the the ceiling is what have you written on the front of really yeah what that's so cool um i am i am on cloud nine i am on cloud nine phil's of minecraft guys i think i have to go what sorry sorry okay bye-bye tommy all right bye-bye it's always a joy speaking to tommy in it okay please please have some blue calm yourself oh my god thank you i was i was actually my blue just like fully blued up it was no longer clear yeah when we get to another you can throw it in the lava so i confront me okay well i just burn my i burn my sorrows yeah a friend please quiet down you are giving me a headache i want to make myself a little tense i want to make it here so i can look out over the sunset we do have a tent already you don't need to make a second no i want to be able to look out at the sunset it's very important to me we are on vacation i mean that is fair enough yeah tommy this is awful this is not a very good turn no watch this now it's being held up but they're not even attached to the tent use role play what a great tent i'm a ghostbuster i'm a 24 year old man pretending to be a high-pitched guy i do know i've been trying something so i'm really inspired by speedrunners there's loads of speed runs on the server i think they're so cool so every time i go through another portal now do you know what i say what do you say i go oh that's a bad thought do you that's what they all say they do say that so i started saying it because that's what you're supposed to say when you go yeah yeah yeah you just make them think it's a bad sport lull them into a false sense of security how many cannon knives does friend have infinite hey good boy good boy my ears he compliments me he his his shade of blue compliments my sweater very nicely let's get a picture of you too hold on yes make a little make a little a key wait [Music] what happened oh don't tell me something happened different get some blue get some blue what happened to friends i was trying to drop the wood okay okay well i don't know if that's an insult or a compliment no i'm not i don't think it's anything i just i just think it's a fact oh oh he's a sign right now hello son it's a fucking he's it's it's that's heartfelt man yeah he's trying his best he's dead and he's trying to he's trying to be a father hey look ah hey wilbur i guess he does remember whoa but you know what about dad and that's your father i mean no i mean really it's a loving relationship did you know apparently i once blew up a nation and killed everyone he's such a grown-up he's such a big boy he resembles you quite a lot brown that was sally's favorite color oh yeah soundly like brown yeah yeah sally light i have found peace in a land of tyr oh hello rambu hello president tubo hi phil can leave his house can't he i gave you permission to maybe break the rule law without me knowing well that's gonna be hard because he knows now phil how are we gonna convince him that you're not doing it you've got each other always right yeah so i wanted to make sure that even with the distance right you two still know where each other so i got you this what a comp a wilbur it points you in the direction of tommy and it points you to tommy's tent because he doesn't really hang out in lobster juice so it points you directly at tommy's tent at all times and what it means is that no matter where you are in the world no matter where tommy is you'll both be able to look at the compass and you'll both be able to know that they're pointing at each other wherever you are in the world oh my god that is so touching oh man i miss him so much are you sad not now that i've got friend hey it's my son hello hey how's it going well yeah we need to actually have a talk oh i don't whenever people say that to me they then told me sad things and i and i forget them oh my potions are done if i may ask what is up with blue well okay so what happens like a lot of people here are very sad we're very angry and sad you guys are covered in cranberry sauce and you aren't trying to clean yourselves which is a sign that you're probably depressed sucks away or your sadness and it turns blue and then what you can do is you can throw the blue away and then that's all your sadness gone become yourself i'm i'm feeling calm i'm feeling calm thanks for the blue i don't know what the blue does yet but it's cool it drains your sadness so essentially right it starts off transparent and as you get sad it fills up and turns blue and it eats all of your blues all your sadness see all that all it does is even if you don't believe me even if you think i'm a little i'm a little liar i'm a little crime boy okay just remember that that blue in your hand not only is it actually real and it's eating up all your sadness but also it just proves how insignificant all your sad thoughts are how much you can just you have control over your emotions and your feelings and everything's going to be okay wilbur you're like a therapist these days yeah i just want to make people happy happy happy look at friend phil i know you brought you bro you brought techno and friends i want a sheer friend he looks like he's getting too warm phil can you take him out to some grass please so he can say he can get it back i miss him being blue [Laughter] go on friend it's okay phil's is fine fills his fills are safe fills his meat not mean your friend have some grass friend please no don't look at me have the grass friend friend it's fine phil's fuck yes okay okay come back now come back yeah it's still raining yeah don't don't don't touch it that was that was me touching the rain i told you not to touch it i literally told you not to touch it but what are you doing you'll get your melts stop touching the ring so stood there holding my blue ready to give it to whoever came out and as i was standing there a friend came up and like nudges my hand he like came up to my right and just nudged my hands i was like right click and now he's blue as well oh that's awesome yeah and then i went to tata but he gave me a leash it's a sign what blue ghostbrite i need you to i need you to take that sheep and get as far away from here as you can can i have a leaf i've named him friend hello he's my friend i love him [Music] we're learning a lot about each other today aren't we frantic yes how many cannon lives does friend have infinite hey good boy good boy he kind of compliments me like a little make a little a key wait oh
Channel: aubree rants
Views: 4,422,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: T4k0bR7_YZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 25 2020
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