Blind Freeze Dried Candy Taste Test

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It amused me when Link said he couldn’t keep his kids away from the crystal shop, because my kid is the exact same way. And me. Goblin brain requires shiny rocks!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/toadpuppy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

When’s the last time they had a silly delivery system for the food they’re tasting? I thought they stopped and I was happy because it’s always a distraction.

Rhett had a distinct advantage because his mannequin thumb was on the outside, out of the way. He had way more time to think!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/trimolius πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Alternative title : We randomly name all the candy we know in between ads.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Brim_Bram πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

GMM was fun, they seemed to really have a good time.

But GMMore? Uh...what? Who workshopped this idea? It was so...BORING. Why would Sprite reqire different ice than Coke?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lts_talk_about_it_eh πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

The timing with the ice cube and milk was hilarious

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CheeseWeenie πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Story time!

The King of Random was the first channel I saw them freeze dry lollies. Skittles in particular, which made me look into getting a freeze dryer but I ended up accidentally buying a dehydrator instead lol. Turned out it's the same model Mythical owns as I saw it in an episode of Mythical Kitchen.

I'm surprised they didn't get freeze dried Skittles though, look at them:

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BurnZ_AU πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 21 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I feel like such a dick, but they annoyed me so much in the episode today. Specifically Rhett singing almost everything randomly. I love them but man, my toleration for them today was totally gone and I hate myself for it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/alpacasaurusrex42 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 21 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Does freeze drying candy make it unrecognizable? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat electronic music) Good Mythical Summer! - Freeze drying, now you know that's what NASA does to astronaut food, but what the heck is? Well, no need to wonder about it, kids. Because we googled it. - First, you're gonna need a freeze drying machine, which ain't cheap, and it'll get food down to -30 to -50 degrees Fahrenheit, then the machine creates a vacuum in the food chamber and then slowly warms up, thus evaporating the moisture of the food, which is a process call sublimation, but you already knew that. - Yeah, 'cause it's pretty much just freezing and then drying. You made it sound fancy, but it's freezing and then drying. And for our personal sublimation and edification, freeze drying candy transforms it into unrecognizable shapes and textures, but what does it do for the taste? Well, we're gonna find out. It's time for, Will Thine Freeze Dried Sweets Leaveth Me Shooketh? And How Might Thine Taste? If Poorly, Thou Can Kisseth My Tuchus. We're gonna be blindly fed a series of freeze dried candies that we got from Etsy, because yeah, apparently this is a thing and people are selling it on Etsy, and then we're gonna compete to guess what each actually metamorphosed candy was or is. - Yeah, each candy guessed correctly wins points, points are gonna escalate each round and the loser will receive a bag of hot, wet candy that was lest in somebody's car. - It was lest in there? - It was lested. - It was lest in that car. - It was lest sitting in a car. - Let's get sublimated. - As you can see, we can't. - Each one of these freeze dried candies is going to be delivered to us on the patent-pended Ice Hand Cometh. - Well, okay. The Ice Hand Cometh then. Bring in the first one is what I mean. Oh. - Oh my gosh. - Oh, it's so light. - Wow, it almost had a cotton candy-ishness to it. - Oh, very fruity. - It's fruity. You know what, it tasted like... The texture was more cheese puffy. - You think it's a fruity cheese puff? - I have a guess. Is this a three, two, one, Stevie? - [Stevie] Yeah, but Link's not even finished eating the one piece. - I know 'cause something about the shape of it is really throwing me. Is it a fruity cigar? - [Rhett] A fruity cigar. - It tastes great, but okay. - [Stevie] Ready, three, two, one. - Jolly Rancher. - Sweet Tart? - [Stevie] You're both incorrect. But hey, it's a candy and you both guessed candies. - A fruity candy. - Okay, is it another three, two, one or is just guess at this point. - [Stevie] Well, do you want a hint? - Yeah, I'd say whoever guesses first gets it. - Okay, but after the hint 'cause I got another guess right now. But after the hint. - Sure, give me the hint 'cause I do not have another guess, guys. - [Stevie] You'll make a fish pucker with this bait. - Swedish Fish! - [Stevie] No. - Make a fish pucker? - Gummy bear. - [Stevie] Come on. - What does a fish eat? - Oh, gummy worm. - [Stevie] Yeah, and be a little bit more specific. - A sour gummy worm. - Stunted growth- - [Stevie] Yeah, you can take off your blindfolds. Did you not taste the sourness? - The sourness was- - Oh my gosh, look at this. It turned into a cheese puff. - It's a perfect cheese puff. This is how they make cheese puffs, man. - Now I get it. Now I understand why there's Etsy businesses built around this crap. - [Stevie] Will you break it again in front of the microphone? (Gummy worm cracks) (Rhett laughs) - Was that as satisfying as you thought it'd be? - [Stevie] We couldn't get the crunch when you guys were eating it 'cause Link was like sucking it in very slowly. - Oh, Ice Hand Cometh. - Kind of feel like sucking a finger. Couldn't get it. - Wow, okay. Chocolatey, crunchy, it's a very brownie consistency. - [Link] I know what this is, can I guess? - [Stevie] No, no, no! - It's three, two, one, bro. - Oh, okay. It's a free for all after that, all right. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - Milky Way. - Let me see your Tootsie Roll! - [Stevie] Oh man, I thought you were gonna get it, neither one of you's gotten it so far. It's a free for all now. - It's a giant Tootsie Roll. How could that not be a Tootsie Roll? - It does have a Tootsie Roll taste to it. - Yeah, because the specific chocolate of it. Is it a milk ball? Moth ball? - No, you know what it is, it's one of those moo cow things, those caramel. - Absolutely not. - You're talking about a Cowtail? - Cowtail. - No, it's more- - [Stevie] You're like dancing all around it. - It's a chocolate egg. - It was a chocolate strip, like chocolate- - [Stevie] Okay, I feel like you need the hint. - A chocolate piece. - [Stevie] The name of this candy may suggest it'll give you strong bones and teeth but it's- - Milk Duds. - Milk-Bone. Oh, crap! - [Stevie] Now I've missed the timing of that. Who got that? - I said Milk Duds, and he said Milk-Bone. - [Stevie] Oh, Milk-Bone? Yeah, it's Milk Duds. - Yeah, yeah. Oh my gosh. - Oh man, we need an Etsy shop. - Talk about a dud. - Yeah, 'cause I was trying to think of Whoppers, that's what I couldn't remember. - And they do taste like this. - This is how they make Whoppers, y'all. - A Whopper is just a freeze dried Milk Dud, huh. - They got us eating out of their hands, Rhett. I think this is kind of a ploy. Well, we're licking their hand. Where is it? Is it in there? (Mythical Crew laughs) - There's a bunch of them. - Oh, wow. - Those are teeny tiny. Teeny tiny sticky, but I think I know what it is. - It's still really hard. - I think I know what it is. - Very tangy. Oh, lemony. - Do you know... What if this show as just a musical? β™ͺ Do you know what it is β™ͺ - [Stevie] Do you? Three, two, one. - Skittles. - Lemonhead. - [Stevie] No. - What's the Lemonhead thing called? - Then it's Starbursts. - [Stevie] Yeah. - Okay, I knew it was either Skittles or Starbursts. But I just couldn't get- - Hold on. The one that I ate was not that big. Oh, you cut them up. - 'Cause it would be too recognizable. - Because it would be too recognizable. - Oh! I did it. β™ͺ I broke my tooth β™ͺ β™ͺ Are you gonna be okay β™ͺ β™ͺ I don't know, I'm just chewing β™ͺ - I was so thrown off by how small it was that I was thinking Nerds. What's the lemon... Is it called a Lemonhead? - [Stevie] Lemonheads, yeah. Is it hard? - Yeah. - Yeah? - I tasted multiple flavors, it seemed familiar and they were small, so I went with Skittles, but then the flavor, I was like, it could also be Starbursts, 'cause I'm just not good at flavor guessing. Real quick, if you wanna get this Mythical Society onesie, the latest collectable item for the Mythical Society Third Degree, you gotta join Third Degree before or quarterly and annual before September 30th if you want to put this thing on and don't do it if you're dirty-eth. Ice Hand Cometh. - Hand me. - Oh, this is so distinctly something. - Oh, it's delicate. - This is so specifically something that only tastes like this. And I don't know why I can't remember what it is. - I know what it is. - Hold on, give me a second 'cause I gotta access this. - Oh, I thought I knew what it was, I'm changing my answer to now what I know it is. β™ͺ Do you want to guess β™ͺ β™ͺ Yes, I do, do, do, do β™ͺ β™ͺ I'm ready β™ͺ - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - Watermelon gum. - Strawberry things with the little oozy stuff in the middle. - It's like Bubblicious watermelon gum. - It looks like a strawberry, but it oozes. - [Stevie] I know this might shock you, but neither one of you is correct. - I thought it was watermelon and then I thought it was strawberry. - [Stevie] Is there not a sourness that you experienced? - Sour Patch Kids. - No. - Laffy Taffy. - Warheads. - [Stevie] Yes, Warheads. - Thanks for the hint. Whoa. These things look like- - [Rhett] They just completely exploded. - I mean, it really looks like something you'd sell at a crystal shop. I can't keep my kids out of the crystal shop. (Mythical Crew laughs) If I don't be careful they're gonna start associated beliefs with the crystals. - Well, welcome to Los Angeles. I believe it tastes good. - It looks like a rock. I'm just gonna eat the whole hand this time. - This is not good. - Kind of creamy. - [Rhett] This was a hard candy 'cause it still kind of is a hard candy. - Yeah, it's not fluffy, but it spreaded, it spreaded out. - Boy, it's really sticking to my teeth too. - I mean, I guess it's trying to fill that vacuum. It pulls it apart in order to get the water out, that's my theory. - But what is it? - I know what it is. - You know exactly what flavor is it? - Exactly. I don't need to know the flavor, I just need to know the candy. - [Rhett] Okay, I don't. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - [Both] Jolly Rancher. - Oh, you faker, you knew too. - [Stevie] You're both incorrect, but also this isn't a brand of candy, I wouldn't say, it's more of a type of candy. - It's that little strawberry he was talking about that's wrapped up and it's got the stuff that oozes out of it. - Mine tasted like an apple, is it an apple candy. - [Stevie] It is partially apple, there's one other main ingredient. - It's an apple cinnamon little thing that you put in your mouth. - There's no brand name? - [Stevie] Mm-mm, and it comes on a stick. - Caramel apple. - Sucker. - [Stevie] Yep. - Oh, just the sucker? - [Stevie] No, caramel apple. - No, it's just a caramel apple. - What? - Oh, really. - One of these. - [Link] Did you guess this? - I said caramel apple. - How did you even guess, did you know this was a thing? - [Stevie] I feel like you said sucker, you said caramel, you were both dancing around it, I feel like we could do something with the points here. - You know what, give me half of the point that I was qualified for. - It's pretty cool what happens though. - I kind of like this, this experience is good. - I didn't know this existed, that's what I'm asking, did you? - I've seen those before, yeah, but that's not what I was guessing, I was guessing an actual caramel apple. - Well then, only I get points then 'cause I said sucker. (Mythical Crew laughs) - Yeah, but I guessed the exact flavor. - Okay. I mean, freeze drying, I'm definitely becoming a fan. Oh, it's soft. - It's weird. This has almost no taste. - [Stevie] Can I say, there's a pre-hint. Well, I don't even know what you would call this thing, it's candy adjacent. You might not immediately categorize it as a candy. - What does that even mean? - [Stevie] Well, you will find out. - 'Cause it tastes just like something that I want to guess but it doesn't fit with your hint. - Like chicken. Is chicken candy adjacent? - It's interesting how the freeze drying made it- - [Stevie] You don't know how close you are. - Everything's been so sharp and brittle, but this is soft. - Like a marshmallow. - Almost furry. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - Circus peanut. - Cotton candy. - [Stevie] No, you're all over it. - I was thinking cotton candy. - Peanuts. (Mythical Crew laughs) Butter. - What? - Circus. - Is that a piece of it, or the whole thing, maybe that hint will help. - [Stevie] It's just a piece. It's a pee-ce. - It's a piece. - [Stevie] You were like, oh, it's a marshmallow. - Peep! - Yeah. - Oh, crap! - Yeah. Marshmallow, and this is what it turns into, so basically- - It just gets harder. - Yeah. Can I crush that with my fingers? (Mythical Crew laughs) - Can we watch a replay of that? - It completely... Where did it go? Some went in my hair. - Here you go, I got this, can I try it with this? Went in my shirt. - It just had not quite as much potential. - Do not breathe for a while, dude. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, Link, you technically cannot win, but I'll be magnanimous. - At life or at this game? - At this game. - Good. - And say this is worth 8.1 points. Any man's game. - You feel that, Trevor? (Mythical Crew laughs) This is your real hand this time, isn't it? Oh, this one's not gonna be easy, I'm gonna have to earn it, this is a big one. It tastes good, still very light. You know, water weighs a lot. - [Rhett] Candy is mostly water, just like the earth. - Now have you been trying the thing where you rehydrate it with your own saliva? - I get to this point where it's gone, because the crunch tells me nothing 'cause it all crunches very similarly. - I'm zeroing in on what I think this is based on the shape. - Now you have to get this without a hint in order to take it home. I mean, that's the only fair thing. So your first guess. - Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm good with that. All right, I think I'm ready to guess. - [Stevie] Rhett? - Yeah, sure, I don't think I'd have it. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - Twizzlers. - Laffy Taffy. - Taffy Laffy. - No. - Is this the Jolly Rancher round, finally? - [Stevie] Mm-mm. - It's flat and it's- - It's not a Swedish Fish, is it? - Fruit By The Foot. - [Stevie] So close. - Is it Fruit Roll-Up? - Yep. - Oh, really? - [Rhett] Oh, and it's unrolled. - No, that's rolled up. - I mean, yeah, it's still rolled. I don't know why I said... Here, grab the other end. Let's break it. - That is so cool, man. I am a fan, y'all. - I totally see why- - I didn't win, but I do feel like a winner. - They sale this stuff, it feels like they should just make this stuff as regular candy, and do they already? Like super crunchy candy like this? Does that exist? - My family got this for me for Father's Day and I've been looking for an opportunity to use it, now that I am using it, I'm realizing, it doesn't work that well. - Yeah, we're gonna be here for a while. In the meantime, Link, you did lose, which means you get a bag of hot, wet candy that's been in somebody's car. - Oh man, it is hot. - [Rhett] So enjoy that. - Trevor, you been keeping this in between your thighs? - [Trevor] Yes, sir! - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - After I'm done, I'll say it. (vacuum whirring) Forget it, you know what time it is. - My name is Jesslyn, and I'm at the Keystone Resort in Colorado standing on a frozen lake. And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Not a very seasonal wheel intro, but you know what, that's okay. - Hey, but ice. - You might be watching it at any time, any place. - I just thought she was gonna go through. - Click the top link to watch us uncover the best type of ice for every beverage in "Good Mythical More." - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. - [Rhett] To get the Mythical Society onesie, join Third Degree Quarterly or Annual by September 30th, visit for details.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,386,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: TrmEL74thQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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