International Starbucks Taste Test

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Poor Link looked downright distraught and offended when Rhett just starting eating the pie without dinking & sinking it. You ALWAYS dink it and sink it Rhett! Come on! LOL

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/NepEnut 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

I like how they put hong kong by itself purposely as a subtle support.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Tetsero 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

"In Canadaaaa, Canada, Canadaaaaa, broadcasting from my little shortwave radio"

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

Was that drink from Canada really considered "popular"? Maybe I missed the Instagram trend for it.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/magicblufairy 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

They sang it!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/PB-n-AJ 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

If anyone has the intel on where Rhett got that amazing sweater I'd love to know.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Word_Slice 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

Here in Argentina we have Brownies with Dulce de Leche, fantastic stuff and Chesse Scones similar to "chipas"

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Pizzaconanana 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2019 🗫︎ replies
- Starbucks from around the world? You can't macchiato this stuff up. - Let's talk about that. (upbeat techno music) - Good mythical morning! - Hey, I know this seems crazy, but this is the very last week of season 16. Hoo boy! But fear not, because we'll be back on Monday, January 13th with a brand new season of GMM! - Whoo! - But if you thought we'd leave 2019 without reliving the craziest, most hilarious moments of the year, then you'd be wrong, because all next week, we're dropping brand new episodes that countdown the best moments of the year, as voted on by you! - Thank you. - So come back next week, and for the premiere of season 17 on January 13th. - Now, mythical beasts, I think you'll agree. Starbucks has it all. Frappuccinos for the summer, PSLs for the fall, that's pumpkin spice lattes, that's what they call it, and free bathrooms for when you eat gas station sushi on a cross country road trip. And they're everywhere. Starbucks are on six continents, in 78 countries. That's a latte. (chuckling) - But not all Starbucks menus are alike, which is why we're sampling Starbucks menu items from around the world, and we're fixing to pour over the most unique. It's time for. - [Both] Where In the World Do These International Starbucks Menu Items Come From? - Okay, we're gonna be tasting Starbucks menu items, both foods and drinks that are sold in specific countries, and we'll guess which country each item is from by throwing a dart at our guess! - Whoo! Chase the barista will measure the distance between our guesses and the correct answer and the person with the lowest score at the very end will win a very rare Starbucks cup. And since I won, finally, again last time, Link, you're gonna get the special advantage dart, which is a mocha frappu-darto. (laughing) It's a mocha frappuccino with a whole lot of whipped cream. - Let's play. (rhythmic acapella chanting) Oh, let's eat something first. - This is a... - Some sort of a pot pie? - [Rhett] This is like a meat pie. - Oh, yes! - Oh, wow. - [Rhett] Look at the meat in that sucker. - It's kind of greasy-looking. - I'm gonna get some ketchup and dip dippy. (crew member laughs) It's too good to dink, son. - Self dink, self sink. - That's just straight up ground beef. - And I got the greasy flaky fingers for my dart-throwing. - That is very tasty. - All right, so I get the advantages this time around. That means you're gonna dart it first. - Okay. Now, you and I both have been to Australia. - [Link] And they love the meat pies. - Here's the thing about Australia, it's way out there on its own. - And you're gonna be taking a risk if you're aiming for that. - If you're wrong, - If you're wrong. - Ah, man. - You smell my greasy finger? - I think I'm gonna, I'm gonna hedge my bets a little bit, right? - All right, be a coward. Oh, it's still a little high. - It's the slippery fingers. - All right, so you're going-- - I'm gonna continue to eat this while you think. - I'm choosing Australia and I'm going for the gusto. (grunting) (crew laughing) Whoo-y, look at that, that's not bad at all. It's in the cold waters of. - The crust. - Is so flaky, Shosh. Shosh? Can I call you Shosh now? - [Josh] Yeah, if you want to, I guess, who am I to say? - What is this? - [Stevie] You just ate a Starbucks Premium Beef Pie. A minced beef pie served with ketchup sold at Starbucks in Australia. - Bow! - Yep, I should've just done it. - [Stevie] And they call it Tomato Sauce, not ketchup, but I didn't want to be misleading. - So good. - Man. - Melbourne, quite a place. Shout out to Melbourne. - All right, Rhett, you had 40, and Link, you had 11. - Oh wow, okay. - Yeah - Link you're off to a great start. - I'm not gonna apologize. (rhythmic acapella chanting) Some sort of pink beverage. - Oh. That's a very familiar taste to me. - What is that, roses? - It's rose water. - I don't like drinking grandma's perfume, you know what I'm sayin'? - Well, I know a lot of people don't like the floral taste in things, which I totally get, but there's something I like about it. I don't know if it is the fact that grandma let me eat her perfume growin' up. - Now. - Why, why, why you gotta? - I just gotta. Oh you broke my freaking dart. - I'm disabling. - Your dart. You have more. - You know what? - Don't point your dart at me! - I'm so confident I would still use that dart. - Okay, are you serious? - No. (laughing) I mean, what are these, what is this back part for anyway? You wanna go first, you can, but. - Oh, you're in the lead. Yeah, you go first. - Um. Tea. (crew member sneezing) Bless you. Lotsa tea, lotsa tea in Morocco. It's calling to me. I just like to look at the word Morocco, too. It's just like, it's a satisfying word to look at. Morocco! So many O's and so many C's that are almost O's. Whoop, little high. Whatchu think? - I was also, before you said anything. - Cause there's a lot of. - Move a little bit, I have to get the same distance to the board. - So, you're thinking Morocco. - I was thinking Middle East, because where I've had rose-flavored things, or like when I get some baklava, which is like a Middle Eastern dessert, the flaky dessert and they a lot of times will put like a rose dressing on it. - Really? - So, I know Morocco isn't exactly the Middle East, but it's the closest thing to the Middle East in this particular game. - [Link] Okay, little to the right. - Yeah, I'm a little off today. - [Stevie] This is Iced Blossoming Rose Tea Lattes, or these are. (laughing) - Well. - [Stevie] They're made with rooibos herbal tea, shaken over ice, and sweetened with rose syrup. It's served at Starbucks in Canada. - Canada? - In Canada! - You're a lot closer to Canada. - Man, I'm still doin' it, - You are pulling away, Link. - I'll take the luck. - All right, 25 for Link, 39 for Rhett. - Dang it. (clapping) - Yeah, love you Canada, have me back. (rhythmic acapella chanting) - I got a little purdy pie here. - Is this like a cheesecake? It's purpleish. - Some kind of berry. - It's definitely a cheesecake. - It's good. - I've never had a cheesecake at any Starbucks, I didn't know that was an option. Probably is, but. - It's not. - Probably not an option in America. - But I can't really place the purple flavor. I don't know what it is, but I gotta dart first. - [Rhett] I'm just gonna keep eating it. - So, this is a decadent dessert. Ah, there's one there. If Rhett's right, it's a berry of some sort, but it looks like a seed. - Where do they have seeds? - If I take that out, what is that? - I gotta stop eatin' this. - That's not a fruit. - [Rhett] It's not a fruit. - Oh my Gosh. You're gonna need to find one, and you need to analyze for yourself what you think it is, cause I don't wanna give it away. - Well, you gotta go first. - Exactly. Again, I'm not gonna tell you what I think they are, but I'm going for South America. Bolivia or Chile. Chile, Chile? Who cares? They were so close together. Oh, oh! Kay. So, you didn't discern what those little pustules were? - I think I might have. - [Link] What? - I think they might be lingonberries from Sweden. As soon as I saw 'em, I was like, this has the same color as when you get those berries that go with the meatballs at Ikea. Sweden. - [Link] Ooh! I think that there's a lentil. - [Stevie] You just ate purple yam cheesecake, made with purple yam or ube, red mung beans, and macapuno. - Mung beans, see? - [Stevie] Coconut. I said macapuno correctly, and I mispronounced coconut? - Yep. - [Stevie] It is from the Philippines. - Oh mung bean! - Oh, okay, - See? - I basically, I told you to find the thing. You weren't listening to me. - If I hadn't found the bean, I would not have guessed Philippines. (laughing) - No, I wouldn't have either. - And that rhymed. - Put that on a t-shirt. - 48 for Link, 37 for Rhett. - Okay, just a little bit. (rhythmic acapella chanting) - This looks like if Oscar the Grouch were a muffin. - [Rhett] This is like something you trick your children into eating vegetables? - Oh gosh! This is like a punishment on a demented internet show. - This is happening in a Starbucks somewhere? Do they know? - [Link] These are snap peas, snap beans, - And I don't think there's anything else in there, it's just vegetables in a muffin. - I don't know why anyone would wanna actually order it with all the other things they were offering. Where on earth, - Where, why? - Would you want green beans in a muffin? Gosh, am I gonna make another trip to South America? Is South America gonna do me wrong twice? I hope not. - Maybe. - All right, Bolivia, don't make me Chile. Boom. - [Rhett] Very accurate today. - Thank you. - I think that the South America guess is pretty solid guess. I don't gain anything by going to the same place that you're at, because I'll just go into the final round way behind. - What about Hong Kong? Hong Kong is like a melting pot of cultures. - I'm gonna go with the classic. If something seems a little bit strange to me, as a westerner, maybe it comes from the east. I'm just goin with the oversimplified. Sometimes you see something, Oh, they eat that in Hong Kong, and it's like, I don't think I would like that. - All right, go for it. - Make up the difference if I'm right! - Oh yeah. So what, it's just a green bean muffin? - [Stevie] These are Garden Spinach Muffins, made with green spinach, broccoli, green beans and a variety of cheeses. They are served at Starbucks in Hong Kong. - Oh Rhett! (laughing) - Yes! - I gave you that one, I feel like! - No, I was going to the east, man. You said Hong Kong, but I was going there, brother. Whoo, I think I just made up some ground! - All right. 57 for Link, 7 for Rhett. - Whoa, Link! Sorry, man. - Dang son. - Sorry. (rhythmic acapella chanting) Okay, before we do this last round, we wanna let you know that we need your help with these international fast food episodes. Do you have big fast food restaurants in your country that got crazy menu items that no one else in the world has? We wanna see those items and we wanna taste 'em! - Mm-hmm, take a picture of the item, post it with hashtag #GoodMythicalMenu. Of course, we'll credit you if we use it and give you a shout out! - Yes. - Hashtag #GoodMythicalMenu. Now, let's taste this. Dink it and sink it. - Whoa! That is sweet. - That is some strong. - Coffee mocha. - [Rhett] There's a whole world of something down here in the bottom. - [Link] You got a spoon digging down in there? - It's like boba strips. - [Link] It's boba noodles. - Where do they have boba noodles? - [Link] Mm-kay. - Okay. I gotta go first. You got the frappa-darto. I will say that if we hadn't have already chosen both Hong Kong and the Philippines. - [Link] Right. - And Australia, we've chosen all three of those. I would think this is somewhere on that side of the world. But it can't be. But you know, there's something almost like a dulce de leche, I said that wrong. Dolce de le, you know what I'm talking about, on top, which is definitely a South American thing. You're going to cover the whole left side of your board with your frappa-darto. So, you're basically gonna hit the answer. - I'm gonna slather that map. - And I'm only up by 18. I'm only up by 18, so I feel like I can't just do a safe bet, I have to go for something. (grunting) You know what, South America's been calling to you this whole time. I think it's finally time for me to answer the call. - Join me in Bolivia. - [Rhett] Oh, what? - [Link] It seems like. - [Rhett] I'm so bad today. - Oy, man. You hittin' the Morocco. Morocco's a cool word though, isn't it? - I think I just lost the game. (dinging) I just lost the game. Cause I can't throw friggin' darts anymore. - But here's the thing. Am I allowed to throw the cup, or just, I gotta make it exit the cup, 'cause this is - Either way. - This is mostly whipped cream. Man. - You just can't stand up, whatever it is. - Shoot, here's the thing. I basically have to hit Morocco. I gotta play defense, but you know what? It's gotta be Bolivia because she keeps calling my name. - Yeah, you gotta answer the call, man. I tried to, but for some reason, I was diverted. I think it was something in the electromagnetic field. - I am not throwing the cup. I'm strowin' the mess. - Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. - Here we go. - Hope you make it to the board. (Rhett laughing) - [Link] Oh my gosh, I didn't hit Morocco! I wanted to hit Bolivia and Morocco. You have a chance, you got a big fat chance. - I think it's Chile or Bolivia, and if so, there's no way I'm not 18. I'm further than 18 centimeters away from it. Okay, let's just see, what is it? - I can't see the bottom half of South America at all. - [Stevie] Okay. These are Caramel Coffee Jelly Frappuccinos. - [Link] Okay. - [Stevie] They are Caramel Frappuccinos with Coffee Jelly at the bottom, and topped with whipped cream and caramel drizzle. They're served at Starbucks in the U.K. - Oh! (laughing) - Gosh, after all of that mess! - How much splatter does he have up there - Bolivia! - Next to the U.K.? - There's a little bit of splatter. - You done me wrong, girl! - There's a tiny bit of splatter. - There's some splatter right next to it, Link. But as long as I'm at least less than 18. - Where's my splatter, show me. - [Chase] You got one right there, on the U. - You got all the way up there. You see you got the right, you got it. - Rhett, you had 12 and Link, you had two. - Ah, that means you didn't make up the difference, Link. - Didn't do it. - I was only 10! - Even though you almost did it, I took it home! (growling) Yes, that means that I am the winner of a very rare Starbucks cup, which is just a Starbucks cup with my name spelled correctly. - One for Rhett. - Yeah, and I also have this. Something for Stink? - Thanks for liking, commenting and subscribing. - This never happens. You know what time it is. - My name is Katelyn from Hickory, North Carolina, but I'm currently studying abroad in London, U.K. And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. Cheers! - Girl, you don't sound like you from Hickory! - It's not Hickory, it's Hickry. - You need to get that. - Two syllables. - Hickory back in yo. - Hickry. - Talk, girl! - Click the top link to watch us try the Red Bean Green Tea Frappuccino from China and Asia-Pacific Starbucks in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. - Hickry. - We're gonna look back. The year that was 2019, and we have each independently ranked our top 10 moments. - 10.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 4,619,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, season 16, International Starbucks Taste Test, starbucks, ube, philippines, united kingdom, frappuccino, frappe, brazil, bolivia, morocco
Id: GVn4GyTgQkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 16 2019
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