Store Bought Restaurant Food Taste Test

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- It's Cheesecake Factory tastier from the freezer? - Let's talk about that. (gentle, upbeat music) Good Mythical Morning. - Over the past year, the way that we interact with restaurants has changed drastically. - Yes. - Now, when we think about getting our favorite dishes from our favorite restaurants, we think about ordering it for delivery or takeout as a viable option, right alongside actually going to the restaurant and dining in. Ordering delivery just wasn't top of mind before. - But now that it is, it brings to mind an episode from almost three years ago! What? Where we compared signature restaurant dishes through their official grocery store frozen section counterparts. And at the time, we discover that some store-bought foods are actually tastier than the restaurant's original dish. So, now the ordering delivery is just something that we do, let's make sure we shouldn't be going to the frozen section instead. It's time for this food tastes familiar. Have we had it before? Oh, yes, at a restaurant. But wait, this came from a store? - We're gonna be presented with two versions of the same dish. One's gonna be straight from the restaurant chain and the other one's gonna be straight from preparation, having been purchased from a grocery store. - Okay. - We're gonna be competing to identify the restaurant versions. - Whoever gets the most right will receive a custom Mythical kids menu with complimentary crayons! - Oh! - Excited about that. (whooshing) Starting off strong, y'all, with the Red Lobster cheddar Bay biscuits. - Yeah, get that cheddar bay! - Now, one of these from the restaurant and the other one is from a mix that then you actually make the biscuits fresh. But it's not like you're just taking a biscuit that's frozen and warm it up. - That is a factor because you actually have to make them, but you're gonna pay $2.50 to make 10 versus $5.30 to get a dozen from the restaurant. Okay. That's good. Cheesy, salty. - [Rhett] As I remember it. - And then these, these are a little smaller. - Hmm. - Fluffier. - [Rhett] A little drier. - A little bit more cheddar-y. I think these tastes better. - There's literally less cheese in the mix of these. - We have to decide- - But I don't even know how to interpret that. - Which one came already prepared from the restaurant and I'm gonna pay with my card. And if you wanna get a closeup of that, if you want my credit card number, have at it. I don't care. - [Rhett] Yeah, it's not- - It wouldn't be the first time someone stole it. - It's exactly the same credit card number as mine, so you have to specify in the memo line. - We're sharing our account. - Whether it's for Rhett or Link. - We doing a three, two, one? - [Stevie] Yeah, we're doing a three, two one. Restaurant style. Three, two, one. - My instinct is that this could be right because there's more cheese in there, but I'm just thinking that maybe it's something about the mix- - They don't look as good, but they taste a lot better. - And I'm just thinking, maybe, because these might even be fresher. - [Stevie] The restaurant cheddar bay biscuits. - Yeah. - [Stevie] Are on Link's side. - Okay, yeah. (bell dinging) - Yes, okay. And they're more convenient. They're more expensive, but they're just better. I don't know. Those look better, but they just don't cut it. (whooshing) - TGI Friday's mozzarella sticks with marinara sauce. - Okay, the store-bought are $6.97, whereas in the restaurant, they would be $11.09. - Did you know that in the 1990s, TGI Friday's was the first American chain restaurant to be established on Russian soil after the fall of the USSR? - I've always thought that TGI Fridays had that. We gotta be the first. - And if you compare these there's- - [Rhett] A clear difference. - There's definitely a difference. - But how would you even describe that difference? - This is like toasty and inviting and this is a store-bought looking. I mean, that would be my guess. - Not bad, but not good, either. - I like that dark marinara sauce. - [Rhett] Yeah. - That tastes fine. - These are three times as tasty. - Yeah, they didn't even try to really match what it feels like. - Okay. - [Stevie] It seems like you guys don't need a three, two one for this one. - Yeah. - I mean, I'm just assuming that it was coming from the restaurant is significantly better, but I don't know. - Yeah, that's the one from the restaurant on Link's side. (bell dinging) Maybe there's a deep frying baking difference here? I don't know why the restaurant one would taste that much better, in this case. - Do you think, Nicole, that these just came out of a fryer grill? - [Nicole] Yeah, I think so. Yeah. - These are just like, you put them in the oven. That's not even getting close. And again, this is the kind of thing that I don't know if I'd finished that and I'll finish anything. - Order from the store. - The restaurant. - The restaurant. - When he says store, he's a redneck like me, so sometimes, we call restaurant stores. (whooshing) - We wanna invite you to make a reservation over on the Mythical Kitchen channel. It's unlimited reservations. - Right, yeah. - Matter of fact, there's just go over there. - And breadsticks. - There aren't any reservations. They got great food, great service, and all the shenanigans you could ever want! And show the kitchen here's some love by checking out their podcast, as well, where they hash out weird food debates from the internet and also from Mythical Beast. So if you want to contribute to A Hot Dog is a Sandwich, their podcast, you can share your food opinions by using #OpinionsAreLikeCasseroles. - Because they are. - Check it out. - All right, now we're moving on to PF Chang's orange chicken. There is a drastic difference because one is wet and got other stuff. and then one is dry. - So the wet one over here has got lots of carrots, edamame. - That could come from a pack that comes with a microwave. - [Link] Is this a water chestnut? - [Rhett] Yeah. - I like the crunch of a good water chestnut. Hmm. Nothing but the fried chicken. Strange. - [Rhett] I mean, it tastes fine. - That could be from the restaurant. But why would this be so different? - [Rhett] This tastes better, but I think it's just because it's wetter. - And you've got all this other stuff to enjoy. Never turn down an opportunity to crunch into a water chestnut. The consistency is unlike anything else. Wouldn't you say, Nicole? - [Nicole] Similar to jicima. - Oh, okay, except for jicima. - I definitely liked this one better. So far, which one we liked has been the determining factor as to which one came from the restaurant. - [Stevie] Also note that the store-bought version is half the price of the restaurant. - $15 and $7.49. That's almost exactly half. - When you get that delivery, you're still paying for ambiance that you're not enjoying. P.F. Chang's brings the ambiance. Let's vote. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - I think it's over here. - Yeah. You were trying to trick me, but it ain't going happen. - The consistency of the chicken tastes more like it was fried. This tastes like it was made in a microwave. - More immediate. Yup. - And then you get the packet with this stuff with a microwave. That's my theory. - [Stevie] You are both correct. The restaurant version's on Rhett's side. Now, if you weren't going to buy this because you liked P.F. Chang's orange chicken and then you got that version, that's a problem. No? - Most people don't think like that. There'll be like, you know? - Like we said we liked this better, so for that reason, it's okay. - Maybe there was beans and carrots and water chestnuts when I was there at the restaurant. People's memory suck. They're not reliable. (whooshing) - Auntie Anne's pretzel dogs. So it's like a pretzel, but there's a hot dog in the middle. - And they are drastically different. They're not even trying. Now, you would think that this is the one that they have at the restaurant, right? It's so pretty. - It's pristine. That looks like machine made. - [Rhett] Right. - Versus handmade by Annie. - Annie is like, I'll handle the ones that are going into people's homes. I don't know if that's how it works or not, but taste. A little chewy. - [Rhett] Yeah. - The pretzel or- - [Link] Pre-packaged, probably. - You think it's pre-packaged at the store? - It's in the middle of it like, a mall, right? - [Stevie] Yeah, it's in some malls. - The bread over here is more bread-y. - The bread's better. - Doesn't look as good, but it's tastier. How much more tasty? 10%. It's not drastic. I would say it's 40% tastier. - I'm not gonna disagree. - [Stevie] So if you get this from Annie herself, you're gonna be paying $3.89 for one. But if you get it from the frozen section, it's $5.99 for four, so significant cost savings if you go with the frozen one. Three, two, one - This has gotta be the restaurant, right? - I agree because they're just making this and sending it out and they're all exactly the same and they're making this on the spot a that's why it tastes better. - It is better. And yeah, maybe it's 30% better. - Or maybe 40. - And again, if you've gotta reheat it, then you're in problems and you're kinda, I don't know. It's a toss up. - You don't wanna be in problems. Let me tell you. - [Stevie] You are both correct again. - We had already assumed that. (laughing) (whooshing) - As you can see, we can't now because we thought we might've been getting too swayed by the visual when we really just want this to be all about the taste. - Right, so blindfolds from here on out and now we're with the Boston Market chicken pot pie. - Okay, start over here. - Eating chicken pot pie with the blindfold is... - [Stevie] You're both going for the exact same. - Do I have any? - I think you have my fork. - [Stevie] You have some without the crust. That might be a mistake. That might be a mistake. - I'll go back in for crust. - [Stevie] Link has all of the crust. (laughing) - Is this all of the crust? - [Stevie] No, you're good, you're good. You're good. - I got just a piece of chicken, a singular piece of chicken. Now, that takes skills to just stick your fork in a chicken pot pie that has a crust on top and come out with just chicken. - [Stevie] Oh, my goodness. - [Link] Remember what we decided to put on blindfolds in order to help us with this test? - Are you out now? - I got nothing. (Stevie laughing) - [Stevie] Oh gosh, this isn't going well. Rhett also just had a big bite of nothing. - There's nothing like getting a big bite of nothing. - Oh, oh. - Oh, one's hotter. - [Rhett] Oh, yeah. - Hmm, hmm, hmm. I wanna vote and then say what I think about both of these. - Is it your hand? - No, I'm out of the game, man. - Okay, I haven't gotten this. I haven't tasted this one yet. - [Stevie] Oh, oh! - Well, if you keep going, then I'm gonna go back over here. - Did I drop pot pie into this pot pie? - [Stevie] I don't know where it went, but there was a lot of it. - It was gonna be a great bite, wasn't it? - [Stevie] Okay. - [Link] Let's vote. - [Stevie] In the restaurant, just in the general vicinity is fine. I don't want you to hurt anything at this point. - It's a plastic card. - I feel like there's a difference, but I just got so confused with all that was happening. - Well, you know what? It's time to vote, Rhett. - [Rhett] Okay. - [Stevie] Okay? Here we go. Three, two, one. Okay, just drop your cards. It's fine, I understand what's happening. - Okay. - [Stevie] Okay, you can remove your blindfolds. - It seems that we disagree. This one was a lot more than this one. - Oh, it looks a whole lot better, too. - You didn't think it tasted good? - I got really confused, man. - I didn't get. I'm clearly wrong. I mean, look at the chicken in that one. - You eat with your eyes. - [Stevie] Yeah, it's a good thing you were blindfolded because the restaurant one is on Rhett's side. - Yes. - [Stevie] And it looks really good. - I've gotten every one right, so I'm vying for a queen sweep. - If I had gotten of a chicken cube, that would have been a dead giveaway. (whooshing) - And last but definitely not least, we've got the original cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory. - Big, big price difference here because a slice of cheesecake at The Cheesecake Factory is $8.50, but you can get eight slices of the store-bought for $14, which is like $1.75 a slice. So definitely. (laughing in background) - What is happening? - What the hell was that? - Hmm, hmm. - [Link] I mean, that tastes nice. - That it's good. I don't wanna use my hand, but I wanna find. Where's the crusty? - Oh, this is hard with a blindfold. (laughing in background) - Mm-hmm, learning something. - I think I may have eaten all the crust, buddy. I didn't mean to do that. - All of it? - I don't think I ate the whole slice. - [Stevie] No, no, you're good. I was watching to make sure you avoided the giant piece that fell out of Link's mouth, but you can't seem to get a bite. - Oh, something fell out of my mouth? - [Stevie] It's okay. - There's no cheesecake here. Like, there's literally no cheesecake. - [Stevie] Oh, now you've confused me and you might be eating the bite from Link's mouth, but it's okay. Just go for it. - Yeah, go for it, man. - Well, I didn't eat any of that one, but I can't win, anyway. Okay. - Okay. I haven't had a queen sweep in awhile. I'm hoping this works. - [Stevie] Okay, three, two, one. - I mean, this one's really good, so I'm just gonna say this one. Okay. - We agree. - [Stevie] You probably can't tell, by looking at the plates, are both correct. - It tasted a lot better. It really did. I mean, this was actually a little watery, so it looks like I've claimed a queen sweep and the Good Mythical kids' menu featuring items that appear in the mythical coloring book. So if you wanna do some coloring of your own, you should check that out., get yourself a coloring book and I will occupy myself with this place mat. - It comes with crayons. Oh, there they are. Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Sarah. - And I'm Peter. - And we're in Toronto and we're spending date night with Rhett and Link and their favorite Cheesecake Factory cheesecakes. - And it's time to- - [Both] Spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - So glad we could be a part of that. - Your date. Click the top link to see how hard it is to draw iconic restaurant logos from memory alone. - Oh! - In Good Mythical More. - And if I know where the Wheel of Mythicality is gonna land. - [Nicole] Ketchup is a smoothie. - [Josh] Yeah, I put ice in my cereal, so what? - [Nicole] That makes no sense. - [Josh] A hot dog is a sandwich. - [Nicole] A hot dog is a sandwich. (laughing) - [Josh] What?
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 3,163,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: 4xTabgjpexk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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