5 HIDDEN Easter Eggs that Became Minecraft Updates

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hidden minecraft updates such as oh you know obsidian boats yes that's right these are obsidian boats and they were added to Minecraft at some point in the past so where are they now well over the course of Minecraft existence there's been tons of April Fool's updates that contained a lot of hidden updates that ended up making their way into Minecraft in some form or another and in today's video we're gonna be going over five different sets of those updates as they came out oftentimes April Fool's updates for Minecraft are overlooked but they are oftentimes also the key to figuring out what is going to be coming next for this blocky game from strange oddities like the original implementation of horses to weirder ones like virtual reality goggles I'm sure some of you will remember these but many of you will have never heard of them so strap yourselves in and let us know which one of them is your favorite in the comments section below for now we're gonna take things back seven years ago we start our first with Minecraft 2.0 this was an April Fool's update from April 1st 2013 yes it updated a lot into the game but unfortunately loading minecraft 2.0 in the launcher is no longer possible couldn't get it to work so instead we took a lot of everything from 2.0 and recreated it to the best of our ability using special code and by we I mean Caleb thanks Caleb now when this update was released the first thing that we got with it were horses but not these horse horses weren't technically added in the game at the time this April Fool's update came out instead we got a cow horse and we got a pig horse and they were literal just retexture zuv cows and pigs this is also the first appearance of tinted glass stained glass as we know it now now tinted glass was pretty much what stained glass is now except with a poorer texture the sustained glass I would try and deceive you by saying this what they added but you would see right this is actually what the such a bad joke this is actually what the tinted glass looked like a little bit foggier in nature you couldn't see right through it quite as easily now when the devs actually added in stained glass there people change the texture not the best at first but hey at least they were being transparent about why do I read the why do you do this to me Caleb this is also the first appearance of a block of coal now Minecraft 2.0 had a trend of jokes being added in eventually making it into the actual game so coal blocks were no exception this is the actual first appearance of coal blocks in game now they share the exact same texture as a redstone block obviously except textured black but as you can see here the resemblance is uncanny because it's identical with exception to the color itself we also got a pink wither 2.0 came with a very odd pink wither that could be tamed and mobs would heal it with its love now this one doesn't have any AI but this is what the pink wither actually looked like in game and boy was he friendly again this one's not having of any AI so he's just gonna take our tough love on him right now but imagine seeing this thing flying through your world actually I've got a video where we covered this as well as all the other different things that we are covering in today's video but in longer form this is just a quick blip at each one of them now the fifth thing that was added in were Dimond chickens which would sometimes spawn into the world they would occasionally lay diamonds as well as lapis we're gonna spawn in a couple of these guys right now go ahead do you think baby move about you'll see in just a little bit here if we leave them enough time to lay an egg well they actually won't lay an egg they'll instead lay something a little bit more valuable in my eyes OOP this one just laid one right now oh it's some lapis a little it's perfect now if you're lucky enough you'll actually see them spawn in some diamonds instead like did he just now more laughs why you do it oh yeah forgot to mention the chickens would explode on contact so hey we got a diamond from this one beautiful thanks fo right a lot of these worlds are worth exploring on their own if you can manage to get them loaded in the launch or we had some trouble but for now let's go ahead and move on to hidden update instance number two fast forward two years to the love and hugs update for hidden update number two this one came out April 1st 2015 and this one drastically changed minecraft in a major way first of all all particles have been replaced with hearts so if we were to go ahead and no punch on this guy well first of all you'd notice that we can't actually deal any damage to him we can just love on him check them out oh hi Betsy let's have some slime spawning instead so you can see what I mean about these particles we've got a slime right over here and you'll notice right off the bat he no longer has slime particles coming off of him instead he just tries to love on you as well you're literally incapable of death as far as I can tell in this version of the game but you can love various different mobs all over the place as you can see here the more we love the more hearts we get at the bottom of our little heart meter there and the more hearts you have the more your happiness meter will go up and it allows you to jump higher up because I guess you're jumping for joy cuz you're happy or something it sure will go with it now as you can see not only do we have all of these hearts but hunger was entirely removed as well the love meter has a very special purpose that we'll get to in a little bit but these guys seriously need to leave me the heck alone so we're gonna go to peaceful mode sorry guys I can't handle your love an interesting one that kind of came out in the recent 1.16 update that showed up and this one was the concept of obsidian boats interesting right well they weren't that special you could place an obsidian boat down and you know sink instantly the boat wouldn't even work in love of all places it's like whoa what are we trying to do here if we can't get it to work literally placing it down what caused it to sink right away yes you could in theory move about it in on the ground with it but boy I had a crawl no less what about with water would it sink in water yup sinks in water well I guess you can technically still move I'll be very very slowly I'm gonna go ahead and love up on a whole mess of animals right now until we fill our love meter all the way to the top so you can get an idea of what we could find at the very end of it yeah it takes a serious long time to fill up this love meter I suppose I'll catch you guys in a little bit I want to get to the end of this there we go mines creeper instead of Minecraft you're met with eight minesweeper alternative and you could literally play that oh well finding this update TP to zero anything on the Y level and zero would take you to a very interesting place in game right now it doesn't look like anything special but if you were to oh I don't know make it rain you'd get rain but you'd also start to see snow forming in a very interesting pattern we're gonna go ahead and let this snow fall for a little bit so you can begin to see what takes shape bumping our render distance up a little bit you'll notice what seems to be and that's because it is a QR code starting to take shape right here pot letting this QR code completely fill out using the snow layers you were actually able to scan it and it would give you a preview of the upcoming update that was being announced at the time of this release I'll let you guys check out this completed image of the QR code right now for now though we're gonna go ahead and switch over to our next instance we move on to hidden update number three this came out with our V pre one the trendy update originally released on April 1st 2016 the trendy update adds in a bunch of high-tech items that never ended up making their way into game first of all you probably noticed all the signs the real high-tech looking cool fancy computers knowledge there are new items and blocks added as well like the USB charge which you craft in a crafting table using iron gold and redstone and as you saw there you would basically start with a cold gin recipe but you would add in a couple extra items not in that order in order to get your USB charger block but the charger block would essentially just be a retexture dread stone block breaking it would break it here's the cool stuff though reality vision you got a special set of reality vision goggles and when warned you'd get a very interesting overlay that would pop up on your screen suddenly every single sign in game would say obey and not only that but you'd get a brief look at the actual world around you in 3d form somewhat of a hologram that you could make not've and the green beam coming from the middle of the map well that's where you the player technically stands moving into an f5 mode you not only get a look at your cool specs if you can call them that but you would also as you can see lose that map overlay the sides though it would still read obey on every side and if we were to adjust our FOV you'd actually see that you could zoom into the weird holographic display as well technically we're actually still in-game besides all over the place man but moving around you could again kind of make note of the actual world around you technically capable of somewhat navigating around as you can see we've got the nether portal that's now right in front of us oh boy good luck trying to move with these things on occasionally mobs will spawn in and they would have these reality goggles on as well and those that were equipped with it would not burn in the daylight regular old zombies though would eventually catch fire so if you happen to cross these guys you can kill them for said goggles the ankle monitor another special item added in in this update while warned you would get slowness and the moment you equip this thing you would be in capable of removing it so you have a slight decrease in speed and trying to take it off does not work you cannot click it away at nighttime and when moving far away from spawn it will actually warn you to return to your spawn area so we're gonna try and see if we can get that message to pop up right now yep there it is curfew warning you're violating your house arrest get back by 21 meters and as you can see you're hit with that slowness effect which would eventually dissipate if you see look at that curfew which just keeps on popping up saddest story Wow big brother is watching be very careful when you're not near your spawn otherwise you're gonna seriously get hit with some slowness bad news and while in the nether it will cycle through a bunch of different messages so let's check some of those out alrighty Oh curfew warning you were violating your house arrest uh where are you anyways take it all in guys the old nether nasty hello are you there yes don't worry ankle monitor we're just reminiscing about our zombie Pigman friends that didn't make it into the newer versions of the game that story I'm Pierre have important things to do but you need to go back good luck trying to convince me that oh boy maybe we should go back where'd that come from Louie we're lonely back home ok I get I'm going give me a hard time by we I mean I I'm lonely what does the ankle monitor talking to us right now my gosh the technology on this thing is insane okay enough games get back right now or what what are you gonna do to me if I don't get back last warning last warning okay oh I think we should play with him a little bit what's gonna happen if we let that next morning hit us lastest okay keep on playing and uh oh he's mad Yuri Brio mad hey this thing's fancy you can kind of see it on my foot right there very very nice so where are you yeah it looks like it's just having a full-blown conversation with us anything else for us having a good day yo he's just how many of these messages do you get do you see that monster where monster yeah yeah there's a zombie pigman and give it a whack if you'd be so kind you know what I'll let you guys experiment on your own and cycle through the rest of the messages we need to get back to the main overworld yo yo you trying to get me a Java all right back in the overworld you'd see that the messages would eventually stop finally there was a smarter watch which would tell time you could also get these from killing zombies so check it out we're gonna enable the day/night cycle and as you can see here it works when in your offhand and you can instantly see the actual in-game Minecraft time at a moment's notice check it out beautiful it also tells you what you crafted so we're gonna go ahead and throw together something right here real quick why don't we put together and something simple an iron block and just like that you can see here that it didn't say Oh only if you craft a bunch interesting Oh chests open is now 10 you know it keeps track of the amount of chests I've opened as well well we get a whole bunch of yeah oh wow that is a lot of things crafty oh my god keeping track of me pleasant notice wise you have milestones reach like walk distance as you can see we just got it right there 800 but hey that's all that we got from the trendy empty Richard leave us a comment the comment section letting us know which of these special hidden updates ended up being your favorite at the end of the video I have a feeling that it's going to be this one for me this is just too cool man so hitting update number 4 is minecraft 3d shareware dish which came out April 1st 2019 and it's got a whole host of strange glitches oddities and a lot more and I encourage you guys to download this from your launcher it comes with some sound effects if funny little pop-ups at the top unregistered version selecting episodes as well as difficulty we're gonna go with the lemon curry difficulty level and once you load up your world you'll get a better glimpse of kind of the oddities that were found throughout this entire experience the first thing you'll notice right off the bat is there's a strange filter across the entire game it makes it look very 8-bit and it takes on and please consider registering this game to gain access to full episodes and weapons don't worry about we're gonna do that later as you can see right off the bat here everything seems to be moving in a bit more of a laggy state it literally is like less frame rates the movement of the cameras little bit oh boy it's a little bit shaky Oh enter yeah yeah that's fine uh-huh and you can even see your character at the bottom there it kind of takes on a little bit of a doom 64 feel and even moving around like this is like cheese a little bit odd located all throughout this you've got flaming barrels believe it or not these are actual entities that you can access by right-clicking and get iron boots arrows of fire resistance red keys for red doors right and apparently they'll blow up if you happen to get a little too close to them or maybe when you empty them let me see if I open replaced by this new one that's in a 3x3 grid kind of looks like a crafting table and your hunger bar has been replaced by a piece of raw steak that will slowly get smaller and smaller as you continue to explore around look at this pig it looks very 2d just watching him move around it's just it's very odd if you were to go into the creative mode menu you'd see that a lot of the blocks look a little bit different I mean you can kind of make a note of that as you place them all in a game but even their sprites have changed and there's just a whole mess of things going on but not only the mobs visually represented in more of a 2d format some of them have just downright changed entirely like check out this creeper right here every once in a while you'll get a special type of creeper that has what appears to be a scientist outfit on now the easiest way to get one of these creepers is actually by using one of those versions various cheat codes and if you were to type in nerd you'd see that a special cream / has spawned nearby it's a creeper that has on a lab coat and some glasses oh boy check them out yell with good silly boy oh boy there's a whole mess of cheat codes that you'll be able to explore alongside a lot of other pop-ups interesting features of the 3d shareware version my gosh the pop-up so you'll be able to check out the wiki page to find out even more information on all those things but for all of you working from home right now we'll leave you with the ultimate feature pressing B on your keyboard will give you your work mode in time the boss comes by just hold B down and it's totally gonna look like you're working synergy our final hidden update today from all the april fools is the 20 w 14 infinity update guess the infinity update this was that thing that added it infinite dimensions so that weird to explore there are over two billion possible dimensions for you to find there's also some secret custom whirls we'll get to them in a second but we're gonna have to throw some books into portals to reach them speaking of books we've got some special blocks that are added in this update as well we've got these interesting different book titles right over here but for the time being we're gonna show off these do blocks first of all there is the book box it's a box of infinite books right clicking it when in survival mode should bring you some very interesting results and by very interesting results I mean it's not working and someone should help me come on can we break it well you get a different color book when you place that dot very interesting huh strange I guess it works for some of the blocks and not other blocks it's weird right clicking right here get some right click that one didn't and then right clicking some of these does as well now they'll all have various different things written inside all of these books and it may be encouraging to throw some of them inside of the different portals in question but again we'll get to that in just a second for the time being you'll also see a swaggiest stairs ever which appears to have been a preview of the nether right block texture so you can see here it does appear to take on that new texture shape that came out in the nether and then of course there was also the cursor texture which is just a blinking black and green block and this will show up in some of the infinite dimension that he could happen across when exploring there's also something called the zone block which gives you potion effects night vision blindness and poison has to do with one of the dimensions that you can answer called zones but we'll get to some of those right now let me show you some right now right here we've got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and of course subdivide each of these books contain different text that if you were to enter in you would find some very interesting worlds indeed let's start with blacklight throwing in the portal will take you to all of these different dimensions and as you can see here we can't see anything really this one is chess let's see with any luck yes the whole chest area turns the entire world into a checkerboard or I suppose in this case a chessboard pattern decay was a fun one literally called decay throwing this in you'd see something that looks pretty akin to a regular Minecraft world but the further and further out you got from wherever you had your portal block the more and more the world itself would begin to decay around you let me show you moving further and further in one direction great fan by the way you'd notice some interesting oddities random blocks over the place some blocks just completely missing like there's a missing water block in the middle of the ocean right there I can't say that I understand but Wow it seriously gets exaggerated the further out you go I mean just check out this ocean the landscapes become essentially unrecognizable this is supposed to be a swamp hard to tell at a moment's notice next up is holes now guys there are literally billions of different dimensions you could go through and if you want to see a closer look at all of them I've actually done a video on this in the past covering I believe 30 total different ones holes is exactly that there's just a whole bunch of essentially chunks missing from all over the world finally we're gonna be showing off our rooms here so throwing in rooms you'll see something well we might expect rooms the entire world is segmented by giant brick walls with doors across from either side world generation is as normal there's just a whole bunch of brick all over the place house brick brick house irreverence so which of these five different sets of hidden updates was your favorite let us know in the comments section below and we'll see you later
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,542,127
Rating: 4.8405547 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft 2.0, hidden updates, april fools, minecraft hidden updates, minecraft secret updates, minecraft april fools, new minecraft updates, obsidian boat, 15w14a, love and hugs update, rv-pre1, the trendy update, 3d shareware, 20w14infinite survival, 20w14, new mobs in minecraft, update, minecraft update, mob update, updated, logdotzip, minecraft 1.16, gaming, survival, secret, new, 1.16, new items in minecraft, new weapons, new minecraft update, hidden, hidden update
Id: FJXY9zUIkh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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