Minecraft mobs if they missed a few meals

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it's pretty easy to work up an appetite in minecraft and in today's video we're checking out some mobs that are very hungry and are looking to eat you some of the mobs you familiar with some of the mobs you're not familiar with some of them aren't even mobs at all another portal trying to eat you yeah we're about to go there okay so this first one lives inside the woodland mansions this evoker beast has certainly skipped a few meals check this thing out huh oh my gosh it literally is ridden on by an evoker who continues to come at you bro don't get too close to the jaws i he will literally bite and he has a serious but look at the chompers on this thing insanity okay but here's the good news if you manage to kill the illager evoker that lies atop this evoker beast believe it or not you can actually ride on top of this thing for now though i've got a better idea i'm going to go into creative mode and what we're going to do is give this guy a couple snacks yeah go ahead he's biting his time oh he's got eyes on a couple of them all right so check this out oh boy oh boy which one does he want there we go there we go hungry boy works a lot better though if you kill the illegit riding on top of it first so let's go ahead and grab some goods right here hopefully oh my gosh he was extraordinarily close let's back up fire off a couple times at the guy right on top there oh man teeth were blocking the way on that arrow there yeah there we go and now we can actually mount this thing and wherever we move and look this beast will go in that direction so check this out now we can get the snack game going strong go ahead go ahead yeah i know you hungry there we go oh my gosh that does have a little bit of a knockback that you will have to look out for but as you can see here it is doing serious damage to all of these guys instantaneously never mind that he kind of separates from his body from time to time he's just really hungry or that's at least what we can go with oh my gosh if you guys could just take it easy that would be much appreciated thank you so much yeah come on down come on down suck up what up what up what up hungry boys i'll take that zombie flesh thank you so much uh nothing like a nice bath all right we move on we're in a giant beehive and this next one is the killer queen the killer queen bee will hunt down anything in the hive maybe you'll be her next meal oh boy okay so this is what this thing looks like oh my gosh that dislodged jaw is nightmare fuel and look at it as it just flies about yammering i gotta kill you you gotta go seriously i'm like allergic to bees so if you could just disappear that would be good man this thing's got serious bites on it though if you are not careful it will completely take you out luckily we got a sword though oh man looks like we got hit with a couple stingers while we were at it huh there's literally one in my cheek right there you'll see that but hey we got a pretty cool drop in exchange for our time here it's a literal stinger it's got some poison on it and everything and you can use this poison stinger to poison other mobs someone in an intruder all right oh boy oh boy oh boy well maybe this one's immune to poison but the whole idea here is that it matters not because this bee will attack on behalf on behalf i suppose of any mobs that happen to be nearby so it does not matter if it's you or another creature instead if you could just yeah there we go there we go use the stinger alongside the bee can we poison the bee with its own stinger i don't know if that would make a lot of sense but you know yeah it doesn't even look like it works on him thing is seriously scary all right so next up we're headed to the nether for this next mob eating creature or so you'd think believe it or not it's actually the portal and while this looks like a normal nether portal don't be fooled this bad boy is hungry for some log that zip flesh so if you think you're brave go ahead and punch it oh gosh look at it and it will instantly begin firing off fireballs at you now this one is fairly easy to kill but we're gonna go ahead and see roughly how much range this portal has i mean it is intimidating its mouth is just gaping wide it's literally got diagonal obsidian hanging out it like breaks minecraft but you could break it right back by returning that thing to sender can you guys even hear me that's a loud achievement now we got a dimensional tooth as a drop here and we'll show you what that does in just a moment but i really want to spawn in another one of these because that thing was mighty impressive can we shoot a bow at it can we there we go my gosh that is seriously intimidating maybe even try and go in the portal it's not gonna actually do anything it is in fact a false portal whoa can we move it no way yeah we can move it okay that's funny oh my gosh and it's flying now whoa okay i love that oh my gosh that is nightmare fuel if i've ever seen it holy moly and it's got little tendrils on the back too look at this thing it is literally a flying nether portal holy moly and away it goes can we hit it right back can we ah just barely we gotta try and quick before it escapes oh boy i have a feeling we're gonna be in big trouble guys oh no it's literally gonna go fly and let someone enter its portal somewhere else holy moly okay uh we might just have to let this one go i'm afraid yeah pretty wild to be perfectly honest but as you can see here it's very unassuming now you can use the dimensional tooth to quickly switch between dimensions at a moment's notice tell me that wasn't beautiful right click again and you can actually believe it or not temporarily go into spectator mode as you saw right there fantastic stuff oh boy and apparently we're like oh gosh back in the main overworld too in the nick of time no less okay guys this next one is the mimic and you already know what this one is i'm sure you've seen it unless you live under a rock in which case it's probably the best place for you because this thing is scary the mimic looks like a chest but don't be fooled as you can see if you get real close you can see that it's actually shaking a little bit and that should be enough to hint to you that there is something amiss about this chest because it won't be apparently obvious right away because you can actually get right next to it and the chest will open you can place things inside as you normally might expect and it'll close and do everything else but if you open this chest five times it will try to eat you let's go ahead and get our steak back thank you so much we'll go ahead and open it once again put a tear inside cause it's so sad guys gonna get five likes on this video we'll open it one more time put the stinger in there and just like that this thing is alive and it is coming for you look at that tongue oh my gosh looks like he's straight out of the band kiss hold on a second dude now it will deal damage and it will also deal hunger to you but we have some pretty decent armor so it's not dealing too much damage however if you're trying to find a nice little loot inside of a desert temple you may not have armor just yet i know a lot of people head there right as they start their world so there's a chance that this thing is way more dangerous than you might be leading on to plus it's extraordinarily difficult to deal any sort of damage to oh gosh you can only attack it believe it or not from behind see it even says so on this sign right here so you got to be fairly quick in your approach otherwise oh gosh oh boy if we could just you gotta tag it at the seam or something there we go oh gosh come on dude this is rough oh wow okay whether you've got armor or not is a completely different situation all right you're still gonna be dealing massive amounts of pain uh or rather you're gonna be being dealt massive amounts of pain yeah we gotta there we go oh gosh this is a difficult one to kill holy moly somebody help me please there we go and on death we got a trap door item we're gonna summon in a husk in need of trapping hey come on down buddy avoided it worst here let me punch you on it instead bunch on yeah there we go well the idea is it's supposed to deal damage i think the husk kind of goofed it up but you know that's what husks do from time to time moving on this next one's a little bit intimidating because it lives under water yeah get ready it's the shark and it will eat you and underwater mob so let's summon some snacks for him so that he can focus on them instead literally taken out right away holy moly and it looks like the shark got too close to me i mean i'm so powerful it literally died right away you know these things happen from time to time come on give it a shot buddy yo he's distracted by all the food over there doesn't appear to want anything to do with me which i'm more than happy to not want to what is he trying to oh gosh can we can we talk about this he's literally playing with his food guys this is very bad oh no he got me how about we try and kill you with uh an arrow instead would that be more wow he's got some seriously thick skinned ain't doesn't he he's actually extraordinarily difficult to kill because you can only attack him from his soft white underbelly which means that you're gonna need to approach with extraordinary caution because you never know when he's gonna try and strike you next so with any luck oh gosh oh gosh stop stop oh so bad we need to have him distracted by like some kind of other animal or something get it there we go ah relief and we got a shark tooth for our trouble yo this thing is enormous so what does it do well it will do extra damage to underwater mobs more than normal it will literally detect if you are underwater and is capable of dealing massive amounts of additional damage compared if you just used a plain old sword of some sort so keep that in mind you'll want a shark tooth handy because other than making for fantastic necklaces they make for fantastic weapons as well he's back to the desert for this next one let's show you the sand worm right when you least expect it this guy will pop out of the ground out of nowhere and start attempting to go ham on you oh gosh oh no imagine you just see this when you're walking around tell me this is an ultimate intimidation but hey it's actually not that difficult to kill and if you happen to not only will you sometimes get a potato but you'll also get an antenna now the antenna is from the body of the sand worm and is quite useful you can use it to help locate caves as you're exploring around if you right click and a cave nearby is detected you can actually see little highlights of remnants of that cave appear on the ground so now we have managed to find an underground cave or click again oh my gosh yeah there is a whole mess of cave right there look at that cave located um now i'd like to excavate but there's plenty more mobs to check out all right so remember this guy right over here the devourer this was a mod that was supposed to come out a long time ago based on a mob but ended up losing however we've brought it back with flying colors namely um with green colors if you look at it right here oh my gosh loud speaking of the devourer is a nasty guy indeed who's capable of taking the enchantments off of your armor so if i quickly put on all of this with any luck oh boy oh boy oh it literally took me of all my enchantments just like that easy does it and man he's got a serious biting mechanism on him and it looks like he's kind of dancing around a little bit if we could just stay away that'd be a good idea yeah all of the enchantments were just stolen off of my armor this is the saddest story and it looks like he's in a state of constant death i'm not gonna ask any questions he might be temporarily stunned not entirely sure what's going on here like i said i'm just gonna keep my safe distance and while we did lose our enchantments we at least have some better armor for our final mob which is the chomp golem hold on a second this golem has a mouth for a torso which burns you can we just see this for a second whoa look at this monstrosity oh my gosh the hungriest mob of them all literally his stomach is a mouth wow man this guy doesn't need to chew any of his food his stomach does it for him oh gosh oh literally on fire sad okay bad bad bad bad bad he literally opens his mouth and starts chomping on me can we stop please eat the apple eat the apple okay good much better die now die whoa scary and it looks like he dropped what like part of his own body we got an incinerator block for our trouble so what does this do oh it deletes items well that makes sense it's an incinerator okay well you've been placed down so we've got some buttons and so if we drop it right on hey hey look at that we actually get experience in return for dropping all the uh that is cool that is very cool okay and does it just work across the board very nice you can literally do it with any sort of item wow that is particularly useful this block is about as hungry as the mob it came from hey you want to jump in there no get inside yeah okay i'll spare you for now guys let us know what strange mob oddities you'd like to see added to minecraft next leave a like subscribe and we'll see you for the next video
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 2,154,191
Rating: 4.9022093 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft
Id: RNQ1xglr7pU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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