We Remade the Minecraft Villager from Scratch

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jan 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
this video is sponsored by manticore games today guys we've remade the minecraft villager five different ways from scratch from mech villagers to vil agers there is a whole bunch to check out but the real question is do they all still have terrible traits okay so our first villager remake is literally remade using villagers we can rebuild him we have the technology it's the villager mech the villagers have a new defense at their disposal this very mech we were just looking at and oh my gosh this is the stuff nightmares are made of but i gotta say that's a pretty steezy emerald arm cannon huh this guy will spawn and defend the village if you kill enough villagers now the mech has two main attacks an arm mounted cannon that will fire explosive villagers at you i gotta see this and the second attack we'll find out a little bit about in a little bit about it yeah so i'm just gonna keep on killing some innocent villagers and eventually this guy is legit just going to spawn in and cause some serious problems for us guys i'm i'm not going to lie i'm a little bit concerned a couple more of these here and there and with any luck we'll have a major problem on our hands now i don't know exactly how many that's just the replica over there but i imagine we'll find out very soon guys i've never had so much fun killing villages before oh gosh uh oh gosh i think that that's a second attack mortars oh no what are they gonna are there homie mortis holy moly okay i'm a little concerned so now we need to defeat this guy but a quick word from our sponsor core is a new online gaming platform that allows you or anyone for that matter to play and create their own pc games for free the platform is powered by the unreal engine one of the most powerful gaming render engines in the world and guess what there's a type of game for everyone shooters rpgs simulators even survival games like your blocky favorite you name it the best part is that since all the games are made by gamers like you and i 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you can actually avoid the mortar by attacking it while it's in the air so if he happens to shoot another one at us he's literally destroying his own he's shooting villagers at us oh my gosh easy does it easy does it i want to see the mortar attack again so i can show you how to avoid it there we go okay so check it out they'll shoot into the air and with any luck you can actually fire off at them to take them out before they reach you now you got to be fairly quick about it holy moly or you'll get attacked anyway so i'm going to deal some serious damage to homeboy here uh oh oh oh we got to move fast i got it yeah check it out yo this is the oh my gosh the board is just but anywho assuming you win you'll actually get this amazing villager cannon clad in emerald for your own arsenal and you can use it to fire off villagers dealing massive damage to anything nearby oh my gosh and you can kind of you can fire it off at pretty fast speed not gonna lie it does have a little bit of recoil and oh my gosh that village just went through the window that is impressive i gotta say yeah i'm a big fan now it doesn't do block damage but it will do damage to mobs all the same so keep that in mind if you want to take out any golems from afar now is that to be better than our next villager we'll find out our next villager takes on a look of its own and has a pretty sweet house too if you ask me the voxel and skelos brings us the emerald entity which will spawn in in emerald temples located throughout your minecraft world now they are rare structures but they usually are found near villages and the emerald entity itself will demand villager sacrifice yo this just turned really heavy no literally look at these trades a villager three villagers four villagers i mean this is something else scary so i suppose guys it's time for me to prepare some victims nearby village i'll uh i'll spare you the carnage all right villagers in hand we can now trade with the great emerald one so we can first get an emerald for one simple villager life wow what a deal indeed or we can get an emerald block for the price of three lives such a steal we can also get em rolls which is a special type of emerald and naturally the emerald sword for our trouble pleasure doing business with you now there's something special about these emeralds guys it's not just as simple as getting huh hey i heard if you killed that emerald guy you can get a cool item go kill him i dare you sure you know me i never turned down a dare hey man trades are rip-offs check this thing out whoa emerald staff yes please hold on this might come in handy for our emerald dimension we can use these special emerald blocks we got from the emerald entity in order to complete this portal and then we can use our emeralds to light them up and just like that we've got a brand new dimension to head to and so in we go don't mind if i do hopefully this takes us somewhere a little less green huh maybe not welcome to the emerald dimension yeah no kidding right here in this dimension you can make green fire just use your emeralds let's see ooh shiny check that out that's cool i please burn this anti-emerald symbol no emeralds yeah fat chance no emeralds check it out it's all gotta go nice oh that's going up really fast huh so anyways the emeralds actually oh he's back hey buddy it's me again remember the item i told you to get from the emerald entity hop in that hole over there and i'll tell you how to use it come on it's safe right that's that's definitely believable anywho the emerald sword is about as strong as a diamond sword so you can flex on your pals with an awesome emerald green sword so with that we can summon an anti-emerald supporter whoa hates emeralds hey hey get away but i think this is the hole they were talking about oh yeah looks to be huh watch out that guy you were talking to is the anti-emerald leader right-click him with that staff to banish him to the emerald dimension okay you've been right-clicked yo we got banished give me the staff it's mine i like how they speak to me with signs so yes you can use an emerald staff to send any nearby enemies to the local emerald dimension where you can deal with them you know just a little bit later pretty cool how about the next villager hopefully he's better than this last one also i'm not insane they're delicious the next villager is the hunter villager who will literally attack nearby invaders he's founded the new watchtower structure pretty sweet the sole purpose is to provide protection to the nearby villager inhabitants but that also means potentially attacking you if you get too close right now it looks like he's taking aim at some nearby pillagers go ahead fire off there we go good work huh now hopefully he's not uh attracted to me for any nefarious purposes that would be bad all right be careful they may shoot you now before you become emerald fodder you better go kill this villager hunter okay so we'll go ahead and do that we've got some gear here we may need it to be honest i'm kind of looking forward to having some protection from this guy he's got pretty good aim okay with any luck we can take this guy out in one fell swoop let's see how much damage he does meanwhile i've got on full iron oh gosh that is very powerful in fact yikes ooh and i think we got a drop whoa check this puppy out is that a spy glass on top yes indeed it's a special crossbow that comes with a scope that will allow you to zoom in on any nearby mobs blocks items really anything you want but you're going to need emeralds in order to get the ammo so find some emeralds get to mining and do your thing ooh oh yes and this is a rapid fire crossbow and when you place your emeralds in your offhand slot you can use the ammo there and you can sneak bang to shoot look at that oh man that thing moves very quickly where'd that iron golem go i got a bone to pick with him there he is eat on him [Applause] oh my gosh that is powerful so yes as you saw you can literally right click to zoom in super close to take out any nearby creatures very powerful indeed you can even use the new amethyst from the minecraft 1.17 update that's coming quite soon and use that instead as homing projectile so that you don't need to do any aiming whatsoever check that out you all ready instantly got him once more for good measure you eat on him and boom [Music] wasn't even close to where i shot but hey well worth it get it boys yeah dude that's insane i ain't even mad the hust might be though did i mention the silencer as well this thing fires off without a single sound fantastic tech how to fare against our next villager next up is the ville ager right now this old cod is courtesy of caleb wised villager is an old dude that might have some magical powers here he is you got any good trades for me [Music] oh man of course caleb with the puns so yes it will trade you emeralds and honestly he isn't the most useful thing ever what are you all about how dare you hit me oh boy i curse you with aging whoa huh oh gosh what just happened uh maybe we should just carry on and find out oh great right after the words it's the sign punching him made him mad you are now cursed and will age you're at the first stage of aging sprinting for more than 10 seconds makes you tired well i want to test this out more than 10 seconds of sprinting and we get tired oh gosh what did you do to me you you are tired yo and i literally can't move anymore i'm like i'm like trying to move forward man that is rough holy my bones what did you do to me man at this stage you get tired from only a five second sprint what age did i just i'm about to get older let me see five seconds of sprinting and then i start losing it oh boy okay it looks like we're not that old yet okay perfect well i hit him again and i think i just got hit with more aging and so now i'll go even slower your hair is now gray jumping sprinting and even walking can wear you out forcing you to take a break yeah something's really oh no oh my hair it turned gray do you see that my lush brown locks in game they've all gone nasty and and look how slow i move now even just a jump makes me tired oh gosh so the more often you punch this ville ager the worse things get your hair is very gray even walking is a challenge now yes seriously i'm moving at a snail's pace that villager he had some serious pep in his step he was moving around pretty nicely to be honest my hair is getting even greater i need to give this whippersnapper a piece of my mind look at him running those old bones oh great now what whoa i just got a sugar cane where's my hair what did you do my hair is completely gone i've gone bald oh my gosh this is not i can't even move holy moly can i even make it back over that sign area without going oh goodness moving without crouching now makes you tired so i have to oh the back of my head looks ridiculous but hey at least the sugarcane you have is nice what this thing that looks miserable oh great i'm tired maybe we just trade him instead can i get an emerald please great now what can i do with this reminisce with it come on hopefully the last village is better than this one silly old man this last section is actually a focus on villagers in a different way pillagers are now villagers what up bud you look a little bit different huh how's it going still got the same trades as normal but otherwise my friends i welcome you to the villager village courtesy of das jeffs now inside this pillager village there's a storage chamber but only pillagers are allowed in there so if you enter be sure to be careful inside this room there's a lot of emeralds and other items from the villagers but one of these items is quite important for later on we're gonna go ahead and gear up and get ready for whatever awaits us inside of this village i don't know if it's gonna be anything good but this place does look quite interesting what do we have in here okay so by all accounts it looks like a regular village maybe a couple differences here and there all the chests are empty maybe the pillar just got to them and oh do not enter oh gosh unauthorized entry may result in death yeah no kidding well where's the death oh hi easy easy easy does it oh my goodness get it look at it they just keep coming oh my gosh they literally keep coming how many these guys are gonna keep spawning in whoa whoa maybe we should just look inside the chest instead holy a totem of triumph that looks promising let's get the emeralds another totem of triumph i don't even know what these things do yet maybe we should uh you know it might be a good idea to oh you know get the heck out of here run goodbye oh my gosh well yo man you've got some seriously rude neighbors how do you live with these guys next door probably throw the sickest parties though so the totem of triumph is one of the villagers secret weapons it will summon in their most destructive force yet the ultimate y'all ready for this emerald golem oh baby watch as it grows and transforms and oh gosh light's on fire apparently now once this thing stops being on fire we can talk a little bit about it but hold on can we just just for good measure here we're gonna stop and really appreciate this look at that yeah baby yeah that's pretty cool i ain't gonna lie now the emerald golem is an indestructible invincible golem and it looks to be oh gosh extraordinarily powerful ravagers or any mob of the like have literally zero chance of defeating this thing because it's it's literally indestructible so you might want to be careful where you drop these especially happen to get one of the mad at you yeah let us know which villager remake was your favorite in the comment section below and also don't forget to tell us what mob we should remake next we'll see you later and don't forget to check out core it's completely free visit coregames.com or click the link in the description to start making and playing games today
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 883,312
Rating: 4.897213 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, villager, remake, mech, mechwarrior, villager remake, new villagers in minecraft, we remade, 5 developers, 5 devs, villager trades, trading, emeralds, emerald, emerald villager, new villagers, new mobs in minecraft, minecraft mobs, new mobs, 1.17, caves and cliffs update, 1.16, puns, pillager, raid, minecraft raid, new items in minecraft, villager mech, giant villager, minecraft mechwarrior, golem, logdotzip, core, new minecraft update, villager update
Id: MJiPIQqk8X0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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