We need to talk about Armie Hammer...yikes

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I was a bit disappointed tbh. I feel like she was on the right track but didn’t do enough research to get to the full extent of what’s going on, or the gravity of the situation. Also not very happy with some of the wording; there’s different ways of including a disclaimer about ‘grains of salt’. Glad there’s exposure though.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/Electriq__ 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2021 🗫︎ replies

I love ready to glare! I was waiting for her to talk about him

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/coochiesandwich 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2021 🗫︎ replies

I love Giulia, can't wait to hear her take on this.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ReasonedBeing 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2021 🗫︎ replies

I love Ready to Glare! And I am so glad she covered this.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/organic824 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we are going to be talking about a very very very very highly highly requested topic the topic is army hammer i know this sounds ridiculous but when i first heard the term army hammer i thought that it sounded like a brand that would be sold at home depot like it just screamed screws and like bolts and just things for building like i just heard the home depot music in my head when i heard army hammer before we get into this video as you know content like this is often demonetized so i'd like to thank today's sponsor adam and eve adam and eve is america's favorite adult store not only does it come with discreet packaging but they also donate 20 of their profit to help fight the spread of hiv around the world they also have a 24 7 customer service and have 90 day no hassle returns if you go to adamandeve.com and use code glare you'll get 50 off one item and free shipping in the us and canada thank you adam and eve for sponsoring this video army hammer has been subject of many many serious accusations allegations and we're going to talk about them but if you were like me and you had no idea who army hammer was prior to just hearing the name seeing it on twitter let me just give you a brief summary trigger warning here by the way we are going to be discussing cannibalism and we're going to be discussing bdsm but like in a very extreme way where with some people non-consensual so so armand douglas hammer is an american actor the son of a businessman blah blah blah is mainly known for his roles in the social network and call me by your name now apparently he was supposed to be in a new movie an upcoming movie with jennifer lopez but he was dropped or had to drop out of it due to the scandal surrounding him the complication here is that this is not a one-fold scandal like this is the scandal let's say and from here the path diverges into like multiple different ways just like random [ __ ] so it's like a pile of scandals put together that all kind of seem to erupt at the same time so i'm gonna try and make this the least confusing possible so let's start with the bdsm cannibalism aspect of it all barbie hammer was dating for two months this person whose name is paige laurens and she used to be a professional skier and now she's a model she was in a relationship with armies i'm gonna read some quotes of what she said all the links will be left in the description down below of my sources and so on so let's just read a couple of things that she said about her relationship with army and what it entailed so here's what lauren's told the daily mail i know the daily mail but i'd rather get a direct quote from her so she says i want army to address his demons see the pain and trauma that he has caused me and other women he told me there's a whole community that will do this stuff that it was not criminal he really thought that his fantasies were normal behavior in the bdsm non-normative sexual kink community i thought that this was what it was i thought i was safe but any man who is fantasizing about crushing bones eating them having sex with a female limp bodies is a danger to all women and this is not me king shaming i want that to be clear his actions and behavior are dangerous and emotionally and psychologically damaging he is saying people are kink shaming him and should not comment on his sex life but bdsm is a smokescreen for him wanting to hurt women you can be as traumatized by consensual sex it's unacceptable that he coerces women into agreeing to let him hurt them so this sounds bad and you're probably wondering okay well what exactly occurred for lawrence to say this hammer was begging the instagram model to have her ribs removed so that he could barbecue them and apparently he was so deeply entrenched in this and i'm going to call it quote-unquote bdsm because we're going to get to the topic of bdsm in a second his quote-unquote bdsm was so just like all-encompassing that even at thanksgiving when he was with his family he'd brought along his leather-bound bdsm case for king sex games so it seems a little bit potentially obsessive to me based on what i'm seeing i don't know i'm not diagnosing anything i'm just saying based on what i'm seeing that's alarming on top of that there was an instance where one night when lauren's was with hammer he decided that he wanted to brand me as his property and carve his name on my body he tried to rationalize it as a gesture of commitment to us being together for the long term i wasn't sure he was serious as he looked over my body and said where should i carbonate on you before i could process it he plunged the tip of the knife into my flesh just above my vagina here you see potentially why i'm saying bdsm in quotation marks because bdsm has to have consent like just because it's you know not vanilla or whatever you want to call it consent is always part of the picture so him doing that is not only alarming maybe it's just me branding is not something it feels too culty to me but the fact that he didn't even let her answer he didn't really even check if it was something she was comfortable with as far as we know i think this is a red flag because it shows that he doesn't really respect boundaries and we'll get further into that and the last thing she said was that he was so obsessed with living out his cannibal fantasies that he wanted to find a doctor in l.a so that he could remove one of my ribs as you do not need it and then barbecue and eat it while i watch he said that more than once he was very serious so this is one thing i want to put out there because i know that recently a lot of perverts or people who are acting in a depraved manner have been you know part of the bdsm community are kind of lumped into the bdsm community and part of that bothers me simply because first of all there are no poster boys for the bdsm community i see that as someone who's part of the community no matter what bdsm involves consent and i think a lot of people have this kind of image of bdsm being like super extreme which it isn't necessarily even there's always ways you can adjust things based on you your partner so on and so forth so it doesn't always have to be like this extreme weird [ __ ] [ __ ] like cannibalism and you know wanting to brand someone and wanting to barbecue their ribs and like bite off chunks of their flesh okay so i'm just gonna put that out there there's also a point where you need to ask yourself is something a healthy fetish to have in the sense of if it starts consuming you if you stop respecting people's boundaries allegedly if it turns into an obsession whether it's a pink fetish whatever you want to call it there's a line that you know can be crossed where you know you can't just call anything bdsm and that makes it automatically okay because it's outside of the norm and it's fine you know like once it turns into something where maybe the focus isn't even on the actual thing but like the injury you cause so like for example if he wants to remove the rib if he wants to brand her if he wants to bite off a chunk of her flesh if it turns into not a kink of just like a thought you know like not something you're actually gonna do and it turns into something you're planning on doing and maybe something you're planning on doing because you enjoy potentially hurting someone then it's a problem i don't know this to be true all i'm saying is that someone has to introspect within themselves when kink becomes that consuming so anyway there were a bunch of leaked screenshots now nobody has verified these screenshots there's only one person who has a screen recording of their own dms with army hammer i'll include that here i'll slow it down because a person scrolls really quickly but they're just showing that they did in fact have dms with army hammer allegedly army hammer had a lot of quote unquote pets or quote unquote kittens so there were a lot of young women that he had these types of relationships with and a lot of these women have denounced him as like dangerous or just like like i said not respecting boundaries not respecting consent just very concerning behavior i'm gonna put the screenshots one after the other since a lot of these screenshots were leaked a lot of them were leaked without you know having the top bar saying who they were messaging would just show like army hammer but it wouldn't show you know the other person these are out there take them with a grain of salt like i said they're not verified they could be fake that being said they do very much align with what lawrence said if she is telling the truth so you can make up your mind about that in some of the dms he mentions like having slaves which is not completely strange if we consider the bdsm aspect like the dom sub you know like sometimes some people like to be called master sir whatever you know like that wouldn't be super strange but considering the context that we have of him breaching consent breaching people's levels of comfort just breaching overall people's like what they want to do and just trying to push them further and further towards his fantasies this slave thing is more concerning to me because if it's just a dom sub thing whatever because dom subs have their own rules as well they also have safe words like there's a whole thing there but here if you're with someone and you're not even doing the dom sub thing that we know of with lauren's we don't know that that's what's going on and he carved his initial into her without her consent it worries me what he would do with someone who actually is his quote unquote slave does that make sense and on top of that there is another ex-girlfriend who dated hammer for a while who said that basically she said he kind of captivates you and while being charming he's grooming you for these things that are darker and heavier and and consuming ex-girlfriend courtney musicovich she added that he did things with me that i wasn't comfortable with you end up doing things that are very out of character for you including sex acts though she wouldn't specify what those were and then another one hammer's former girlfriends tweeted if you're still questioning whether or not those army hammered dms are real and they are maybe you should start questioning why we live in a culture willing to give abusers the benefit of the doubt instead of the victims so now the main takeaway here i think is that there are multiple multiple women who are claiming that this has been occurring and mind you numbers don't always mean that it's true in this particular instance considering that all these women kind of have similar experiences and stories it's hard for me to believe that he's completely innocent or innocent at all to be honest it's just alarming so one other thing that i want to say is that according to lauren's he was taking like pretty much every single drug except for heroin apparently there was dmt cocaine there were hallucinogens apparently he was drinking pretty heavily that doesn't excuse anything let me be clear that does not excuse anything because it's your own responsibility how you behave but i'm wondering how much of this behavior this obsession might be a kind of product of like what he was doing i don't know if it was potentially messing with his brain who knows like i said that's not a justification that's just me trying to make sense of all of this so then there was a video that was released and perez hilton reposted it on his instagram i don't want to assume the worst about people generally i'm already alarmed with army so like i'm not gonna give him the biggest benefit of the doubt but they posted a video of army's son sucking on army hammer's toes the caption is this happened for a solid seven minutes hashtag foot fetish on fleek army's ex-wife came out to say it wasn't a good idea to post this on instagram this is like an inside joke we have with family or friends and that she was pretty much reassuring the public that there's no funny business going on in their house and that their child is taken care of and that everything's above board whatever and that very well may be true i don't understand first of all why you would let your kid suck your toes i i mean like i'm not a parent i don't know but if i were a parent that would not fly with me like i would not want that no he seems to enjoy it and then he posts it to instagram i'm like what are you like what was the reason for first of all letting your son do that second of all posting it third of all the foot fetish thing if it's a joke within the family what can i really say i think it's weird but okay but to post it online do you really think people especially right now when pedophiles are being outed left and right when children are being trafficked like right now well not only right now but in the past few years the safety of children has become a bigger and bigger topic because people are now talking about it more it's becoming less taboo than god but it's like in such a time why would you post something like this that makes you look very suspicious and very just overall weird as a parent frankly i find it gross and creepy the whole cannibalism thing also freaks me out especially the rib thing and the barbecue like that is some thought out [ __ ] and i mean even seeing the dms it's very troubling and whatever is going on i hope he gets it sorted out i think the fact that there are so many women out there who can pretty much attest to the same thing happening to each one of them is scary but anyways you guys can let me know your comments down below thank you so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always let's get right into the fan art [Music] you
Views: 363,957
Rating: 4.9343925 out of 5
Keywords: armie hammer, armie hammer instagram, call me by your name, armie hammer dms, celebrity interviews, elizabeth chambers, armie hammer son toes, armie hammer cannibal
Id: T22j1CK-Fgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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