Why Kai is going to jail and Onision isn't

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the art for this video was provided by black noisy blue here on YouTube thank you so much and check them out in the description down below there are a lot of topics that I'm currently working on deep dives into I keep saying that I have a Jonny Craig video coming up talking about each and every allegation from both his ex bandmates and his ex-girlfriend's I am doing research into the allegations towards a certain artist who has been abusing her fans while also fetishizing abuse through their works and through their artwork which is super fun to look into I have also been researching amberlynn read and how she is most definitely an animal abuser and compiling a video for that so I have a lot of irons in the fire so to speak but one thing that I have been asked to comment on for a while now is Chi Oni Zeon's husband and everything that's been going on with him all the allegations all the abuse everything and because I can explain myself and give you guys my thoughts and opinions on this situation because it's something I already know a lot about given that I've done plenty of deep dives into oniisan and his partner I have chosen to make this video first because I cannot help that I am lazy so today I'm going to be talking about why I believe that Chi Jackson Oni Zeon's husband is going to be going to jail over oniisan and will be a part of the sex offenders registry and why it is likely that only see on won't be hey guys it's Shannon and if you've been on this channel for a while then you know that I have a very weird relationship with oniisan and his content I make deep dive videos into his actions from time to time and through that alone I think I have watched more of his content than the average human even the average researcher in fact I am probably tied with his long time stands with how much content I have watched which is gross to say seeing as I fully despised the guy his voice is grating and it makes me want to call my own ears out but that's okay because at the end of the day if I can provide people with a resource outside of oniisan to get their information about all the messed-up [ __ ] he has done then I am perfectly peachy keen with that I will go ahead and watch every single video of his that I can of course with ad blocker and on a site that doesn't give him money as long as it makes sure nobody else watches it and nobody has to deal with his [ __ ] it also doesn't help that my videos get outdated within two weeks of uploads though seeing as he has the upload schedule of their pre-wired Soul and the propensity to lie and fabricate stories anytime he is confronted with his actions it's a lot and it's why that on my deep dive into New Zealand's relationship video all of the comments essentially saved the same thing which is please Shannon update this please Shannon there's more to this and I know guys but it keeps updating and I can't find the time but through all of my research and what he has done and all the [ __ ] he's put people through both in real life and online there's one thing that I unfortunately unable to say without a reasonable doubt and that is that this man has broken the law in any real tangible provable way that would get him any jail time what he has done is scummy and vile and how he has recognized his influence over people namely young female fans to the point of isolating them from their families threatening to lock them up in his basement threatening to cut their hair tattoo their bodies and piercer him manipulating them to seek his constant approval it is psychotic and sadistic for sure but unfortunately he's been careful enough to make sure he's done all of those things without somehow breaking any law I don't know how one does that but in conversing with some cops and lawyers for this video and talking to them about past videos and going over everything he has done I have been reliably formed by multiple sources that everything has done can be easily waived away in a court of law and excused despite the fact that his actions show a clear lack of empathy as well as a clear desire to inflict mental damage on a person or the people he is in a relationship with at the time in other words if you were to snap tomorrow and decide to say [ __ ] it and get revenge on everyone and everything he thinks has ever wronged him a lot of people would be an actual danger because he is willing to put himself at risk to [ __ ] people over he is a disgusting putrid man who has no empathy also in talking with some lawyers about this and showing them some of the evidence and claims that have been made against him one of them stated outright to me that the one thing he could believably be charged with and believably be taken to court over the one thing that would be a slam dunk case would be taking him to court over his missed view of YouTube's copyright system I should you not the thing that madam wanted to do to him the thing he has been criticized by literally everyone who has ever made a video about him is the one thing that would probably result in some kind of conviction against him of course it probably wouldn't come with jail time or anything significant but that case is the strongest out of all of them which I don't know about you is vaguely disheartening to me because why would we want a person who has been accused of grooming multiple minors traveling out of the country in cross country to meet with dead minors taking them away from their families physical and emotional abuse and child neglect why would we want that person to get by with with a slap on the wrist and a fine that's bonkers to me and it's disheartening in an incredibly credibly sad way however when I was talking with the same lawyers and going over each and every claim that is stacked against oneasy on his husband I came out quite a few times I mean kya is the person who has been with Greg the longus and kya is also the person who's been most affected and changed bike ride also before I go any further in talking about KY I am only going to be referring to KY as KY for the entire video and will only be addressing them by their dead name or previous gender if it is necessary but if it's not necessary if I can still talk about KY as KY that's what I'm doing regardless of the things they have done I feel like picking and choosing which person gets basic respect and regard to their gender identity is kind of [ __ ] up and if every time you are presented with a trans person who you don't fully agree with and you don't like and your first action and intention is to purposely misgender them to [ __ ] with them that's kind of rude I don't like that I don't vibe well with that so regardless of my opinion on KY and how loathe them I think they are we will be respecting their pronouns and name as much as possible in this video if you have a problem with that that's fine take that up with yourself but that's what we're doing today in this video when I met Greg he was a miner who was a fan of grants works on YouTube he had been watching Greg for a while and had seen him date numerous people including his ex-wife Skye and Shiloh and Andrea who wrote the letter about what it was like to date Greg and despite the fact that Greg had acted reprehensibly in all those relationships choosing to make any issue he had with his wife and his girlfriend's public and causing one of them to suffer a mental collapse somehow I found that charming he spent a good chunk of his time tweeting at Gregg tagging Gregg in his photos in demanding that Gregg respond and then after a good chunk of time Gregg did oniisan took note of the young attractive person who was treating him time and time again trying to slide into his DMS and finally it slid into his where they very quickly started a relationship which is gross seeing as Gregg was double his age Gregg love bomb chi which is what manipulators do in relationships at the beginning in order to make their partner feel beautiful seen and like the relationship is the most perfect thing in the world they do it to appear like they are soul mates and that no relationship they could ever be in will be just as good as this one he would say things like he had never felt this way about someone before and talked about how Kai truly understood him better than any of his other partners he said things like he thought he knew what love was before Kai with his wife and with his girlfriends but because of Kai alone he now truly knows which is a gross thing to say this gave the young teen an inflated sense of comfort in the relationship here was a grown man who was twice his age who he admired and thirsty for for years and years at a time saying that he was in love with him and treated him he thought like a God putting him on this giant pedestal and talking about how perfect this person was for him and how if they ever left it would be damaging to him at the time though I was living in a whole other state and the relationship was long distance that wasn't told Gregg who only after a few weeks of talking to say to move closer to Kai in order to be with them again I have to make this perfectly clear kai was a minor and in high school while all of this was happening I was not an adult he was too young to see the warning signs and was swept up in all of this because he idolized Gregg meanwhile Gregg is a predator who was fully aware that being twice this minors age and flying out to hang out and consummate this relationship while Kai still had to worry about PE and what college he was going to ten was gross it was gross but he is a manipulative disgusting person who only saw a young teen who would gladly do anything for him was even willing to lie to his parents for Greg and boy did Greg exploit that Greg pressure Chi into cutting his parents off lying to them and running away with Greg to be married the moment it was legal with them actually getting engaged over Skype before Greg had visited even one it was a whirlwind and it was supposed to be the quicker the engagement and the legal binding of these two people the quicker Greg could actually be who he wanted to be which is a sex-crazed lunatic who exploit people who love him because he has no soul sorry that might be biased but that's how I feel that happened years and years and years ago specifically eight years ago and since then their relationship has been otherwise set in stone well as set in stone as it can be when you're married to a narcissus who only cares about himself and in order to survive and continue to be with the only person they have ever claimed to love and the only person they have known in their adult life kai has had to adapt to their surroundings again I'm not making excuses for Kai but car doesn't have any other family kai doesn't have anyone around them kind only has Greg so Kai has learned all their behaviors from Greg and how does one adapt to a person who is constantly emotionally abusive who seeks out the most vulnerable people in our society so they can prey on them and manipulate them into doing whatever that predator wants well you become the very thing that is preying on you and that is what happened the same way only Seon reached out to young fans like Kai and would quote unquote start friendships with these young fans who clearly put him on his pedestal I would do the same thing I started creating these online friendships with young woman who he had never met women who like kai when he was chosen by Greg were under aid multiple woman have come forward discussing how Kyle of bombed them cared for them despite the fact that they were as young as 14 when it started and they should have nothing in common with a full-grown adult at that point I started these friendships with these young people and told everyone online that it was strictly strictly strictly platonic however they would consistently tweet flirtatiously back and forth with one another and would constantly be posting updates in a way that many thought were inappropriate I mean truthfully I flirt with Lois Lane all the time on Twitter but that's because we're two adults over the age of 26 who enjoy each other if I were doing this to a creator who was under the if they were doing it to me and they were under the legal age yes that would be weird especially if I talked about wanting to date that person but that wasn't all I inserted himself into their lives in a way where it wasn't just for Kai's benefit but for crimes kai and greg became the legal guardians of a young girl who was underage and exploited the fact that her home life wasn't great in order to groom this young girl they talked to her lovingly and openly and told this girl who was living with them who was a former fan who looked up to them that when she turned 18 they could all be together in a three-way polyamorous relationship they made it clear that that's what they wanted and because she was being groomed she set it back they manipulated this person into feeling safe and comfortable in their home and instead of treating her with respect they tried to form her into a sex object that would do their bidding and once she did turn 18 because she was groomed for a good chunk of her teenage life she ended up having sex with those two and yes it was an extremely predatory and yes it was extremely predatory on both Greg and Kai's part and no she does not deserve to be shamed for it now through that situation alone through those multiple situations of Keuchel rooming underage fans we can put Kai from the victim camp to the predator camp because you don't accidentally groom someone and you don't trip and fall into a predatory relationship like that guy took everything that uneasy on had done to him and pushed it on to someone else and expecting no one to find out about what a fantastic job he did on grooming young girls however it shortly after Sara did find the strength within herself to leave the situation and speak out about it and she should be wildly commended for doing so and not Shane and when Sara came forward about what happened to her over the years many more people came forward as well this included Regina who had also been a minor when they were quote-unquote friends with Kai and kayat send them photos of themselves with certain parts of their body showing yes that is right kai sent them nudes of his sexual organs yep all on display and why is that because when they were talking privately Regina and Kai engaged in a semi sexual relationship with them and those were sent as part of that relationship and the fact that we have verifiable evidence of this exchange with Kai's phone number and contact info being the one who sent the two photos of themselves naked in a mirror that means that ky can be charged at minimum at the very least with child enticement also known as enticement of a minor and yes that is a felony meaning that we have proof online that's been verified that shows not only has kya earned their way onto this sex offenders registry but they have also committed a felony for which there is significant jail time there are a lot of things to consider when thinking about how much jail time Chi could get such as the manner of communication which we know now is online via Instagram Twitter as well as over the phone around private phone numbers how long they spoke to the way in which they spoke to each other and a lot lot more but in researching this for other videos it became incredibly obvious that Chi has broken the law we can prove it and he will not be getting away with it there are a lot of frustrating things about this like how it went on for someone without anyone knowing and how we online s like the collective community feel powerless against anything that was happening however with Chris Hansen and the FBI working on this case I feel pretty stoked knowing that something is going to come from this and it's going to happen soon again unfortunately we lack the smoking gun evidence for only C on himself but with Chi rehab so Sarah and Regina are definitely going to get justice against Chi let me know what you guys think of this and let me know what you would like to see done in this situation personally I desperately want kayo nisi on to both go to jail for what they've done I feel like their children absolutely should be taken away and I wish oh how I wish that Susan and the people over here at youtube-dot-com that / Inc / incorporated whatever would get off their asses and kick him off the platform I sincerely hope that happens but until then I will continue to talk about this until I can't breathe and I hope you guys continue to spread the news I hope you have a great day and I will see you in my next video later [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: CreepShow Art
Views: 834,327
Rating: 4.8658319 out of 5
Keywords: creepshowart, creepshow, art, kai, cool guy kai, onision, onision meltdown, predator, exposing kai, cool guy kai files, laineybot, lainey, transgender, trans, mtf, ftm, guy, girl, chris hansen, chris hansen onision, onision shiloh, chris hansen shiloh, onision sarah, kai regina, husband, partner, wife, truth, the truth, reaction, receipts, proof, exposing, exposed, blaire white onision, blaire white kai, dear onision, onision drama, onision files, onision chris hansen
Id: 8KiGqLXYQak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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