WTF Happened to IDIOCRACY?

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I remember finding this movie in the Blockbuster 2 for $10 DVD pile. Never heard of it before that. Then it became an instant classic with me and my friends. We tried to get everyone we knew to watch it.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/ChefSandman 📅︎︎ May 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

I like money

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/James-Lerch 📅︎︎ May 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

Thanks for this - I never really knew the whole story, love these videos from them though

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/radmadicalhatter 📅︎︎ Apr 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

IDIOCRACY became Reddit.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/IggyJR 📅︎︎ May 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

The United States of UhhhMerica.
Welcome to Costco I love you.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Domodokemani 📅︎︎ Apr 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

These are the same assclowns at Fox that canceled Futurama. Fuck them.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/iamnotroberts 📅︎︎ Apr 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

I rewatched it a month ago.

I completely forgot how frequently they use the f slur. The 00s were wild.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Anonymous_32 📅︎︎ May 01 2021 🗫︎ replies
i want you to hit me as hard  as you can... In the year 2006   Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man's Chest  reigned supreme at the box office while the   Boston crime saga The Departed led to the first  and only Oscar for director Martin Scorsese.   But in the 15 years since then, one other film  has also become a cultural milestone due to its   weirdly prescient views of the future. A film  so neglected in its initial release that the   studio didn't even bother to make a trailer for  it. Dubbed the smartest stupid movie ever made,   Idiocracy was barely a box office blip when  it was quietly released in September 2006.   Why was this film from renowned creator Mike  Judge tossed aside and left to die by the studio?   Mutilate your thirst as we find out  what the [ __ ] happened to this movie! Mike Judge is no prophet, just an average  guy. Born in Ecuador and raised in New Mexico,   Judge would later graduate from University of  California San Diego with a degree in physics.   But after working several menial jobs in his  chosen field he found himself getting bored.   So he did what every person does when they don't  like physics anymore, become a bass player for   the Shamu band at Sea World in San Diego and  follow that by touring with blues musicians   Anson Funderbergh and Doyle Bramhall. At this  point Judge had also started messing around with   animation, even purchasing a 16 millimeter  camera to make his own animated shorts.   This led to the creation of Frog Baseball, based  on a conversation he once overheard where two   people actually discussed such a thing. Judge  thought to himself, who the hell would do that?   How about Beavis and Butthead! This short, which  aired as part of the MTV series Liquid Television,   was so popular that it led to MTV signing  Judge to create the now iconic series Beavis   and Butthead. The show aired nearly 200 episodes  in the span of just five years with many critics   accusing the show of being responsible for the  dumbing down of America. you're a stupid dumbass.   That controversy didn't matter as Beavis  and Butthead has become one of television's   longest lasting properties with a successful  theatrical film in 1996 a new season in 2011   and more soon to come. Judge would make  the leap to live action with Office Space,   based on his animated Milton shorts, another case  of the creator taking inspiration from real life.   The character was based on an actual man  he had worked with in his engineering days.   Judge noticed that no one would ever talk  to the man so one day he stopped and said hi   and that simple gesture gave the man the audience  he had been waiting for to unload all of his   frustrations including a threat to burn the  building down if they moved his desk again.   Even though we now think of Office Space as  a modern classic, it was actually a blink and   you'll miss it affair. Even before its release  the studio showed very little faith in the film,   telling Judge he needed to amp up the  energy and get rid of the gangsta rap.   Leading up to its release in February 1999  the marketing left a lot to be desired   with Judge and several cast members absolutely  hating the theatrical poster of a man covered   in post-it notes, making it look more like an ad  for Big Bird or Office Depot, not a comedy film.   Office Space would only make 10 million dollars in  theaters. One studio head reportedly told Judge,   nobody wants to see your little movie about  ordinary people and their boring little lives.   Even though Office Space crashed and burned  theatrically it quickly gained a following on   home video, particularly with viewers who could  sympathize with its eerily accurate depiction   of nine to five cubicle life. Because of that  eventual success 20th Century Fox was anticipating   Judge's next project. It took a few years but  eventually Judge pitched his idea for Idiocracy.   The concept of a society that gradually  gets dumber is actually not a new one,   previously explored in stories like Cyril M  Kornbluth's 1951 short The Marching Morons.   But Judge credited his inspiration for the idea to  a trip he once had taken to Disneyland. While he   and his daughter stood in line waiting for a ride  two nearby women, each with children in strollers,   began arguing loudly and screaming profanities.  This prompted Judge to think, is this the future   Walt Disney had envisioned for his theme park? He  also thought about the movie 2001 A Space Odyssey,   contemplating a different futuristic setting  where instead of the monolith and everything   being pristine and advanced, what if it was  the Jerry Springer show and giant Walmarts?   When Judge sat down to write the script, which  was then titled The United States of Uhh-merica,   he used his own school experience as a guideline.  When a teacher would be disappointed in the   classes test scores and point out the Judge was  the only student who did well, the other school   kids would be furious and say we are going to beat  the [ __ ] out of you after class. So when writing   the movie he essentially imagined his junior high  class taking over the world. Once the production   got rolling the film's cast came together quickly  with Luke Wilson as ordinary guy Joe Bauers,   later known as Not Sure, a remarkably unremarkable  army librarian selected for a suspended animation   experiment that goes wrong. He's joined by SNL  regular Maya Rudolph as prostitute and future   first lady Rita, Dax Shepard as avid tv watcher  and lawyer Frito Pendejo, and Terry Crews as   President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert  Camacho, a role he auditioned for several times,   even telling the casting director, if you  could find anyone better than me for this role,   cast him immediately. The movie, tentatively  retitled 3001, filmed around Texas in 2004.   According to the cast and crew it was a  relatively straightforward and fun shoot,   but behind the scenes judge was dealing with  headache after headache from the studio.   The budget was only a few million dollars  but they were nickel and diming him,   refusing to pay for several visual effects shots.  This resulted in Judge asking his friend Robert   Rodriguez to do some of the shots, which the  filmmaker kindly supplied free of charge.   Another hassle Judge experienced was making sure  his futuristic movie actually seemed like it was   set in the future, which meant choosing wardrobe  that could be plausible 500 years from now.   One day the production's costume designer brought  in some clunky footwear that was made of plastic.   Judge thought, look at these stupid plastic  shoes, you'd have to be an idiot to wear them!   He was wary of using them in the film out of  concern they could actually become popular by   the time it was released but he was assured that  could never happen. Cut to two years later and   Crocs were everywhere! Another time Judge wasn't  far off from reality was when he shot two minutes   of just a bare butt for the movie within a movie  titled simply Ass. The crew went to a reform   school and used 250 students for a scene where a  packed movie theater audience can't stop laughing   at this quote-unquote film. Judge assumed he  would have to direct the crowd since a movie   featuring just a flatulent butt surely wouldn't  make any sense without context. To his surprise   and dismay the audience all started laughing  without direction and couldn't stop. Judge turned   to his director of photography and pondered why  they were even bothering to make Idiocracy when   they could just release this. But the film's  true challenges came after production wrapped.   Test screenings began in March 2005 yielding  some pretty terrible results. The cast and crew   reconvened for reshoots to address some of the  problems and the second round of test screenings   garnered much higher results. Judge and the  studio butted heads over how to market the movie.   Judge felt burned by how Fox mishandled Office  Space and didn't want the same fate for Idiocracy.   He said the studio was treating it like some  kind of deep what if time travel was real movie   and not what he said it actually was, the story  of an average guy who winds up in a stupid future. With Office Space a newly minted cult hit and  Beavis and Butthead still popular, you might think   Fox would have launched a heavy marketing campaign  to let the world know something new was coming   from Mike Judge. And yet for months, silence.  Idiocracy sat on the shelf for over a year and no   one involved with the film knew what was going on.  Judge speculated that with Office Space the studio   spent millions on advertising only for the film to  fail theatrically but become a hit on home video,   and perhaps the studio was thinking the  same thing would happen with Idiocracy,   so why spend money to promote it? Others claim  that Fox was simply disappointed because they   were under the impression that Idiocracy was going  to be dumb yet funny like Beavis and Butthead,   and instead what they got was a funny movie that  makes fun of the dumb. But the consensus seems to   be that Fox got cold feet when the companies that  had allowed their brands to be used in the movie   got wind that their brains were actually being  mocked. Welcome to Costco, i love you. While   making the film the studio's lawyers actually told  judge to make fun of several big name brands as a   way to get them all to agree, as opposed to only  choosing one or two and having them feel like they   were being singled out. This led to the creation  of the red light district scene. Allegedly   prior to the movie's release several of these  companies complained to Fox about their depictions   and not wanting to hurt potential future  sponsorships, the studio agreed to bury the movie.   Just months before the film's release Judge was  interviewed by Esquire magazine about his career.   During the interview Judge was waiting for Fox  to call and allow him to show the reporter the   trailer for Idiocracy. The call from the studio  never came. In fact no theatrical trailer was   released prior to the film hitting theaters,  no press screenings were given to reviewers,   there were no ads of any kind save for a single  theatrical poster, something a former marketing   head at Fox said he had never seen before.  Idiocracy was released on only 130 screens   in September 2006, with many accusing the  studio of giving it a theatrical release   purely to fulfill a contractual obligation. Fox  even went so far as to label the movie Untitled   Mike Judge Comedy on popular ticketing sites like  Moviefone and Fandango, creating confusion for   people that may have actually been looking for  Idiocracy. With all of that working against it,   it's no wonder the film only managed to take  in less than half a million dollars in its   entire theatrical run. The movie that the  studio clearly wanted to fail did just that.   But then something happened. Critics who were  denied an early screening finally saw the film and   began praising it, hailing it as the most potent  political film of the year. Variety critic Robert   Koehler called it daring, saying it was one of the  few films with any ideas. With the movie getting   a quick turnaround to home video, people were  finally able to see Idiocracy. And see it they   did, as it amassed over 9 million dollars in home  video rentals. For most movies that would be where   the story ends, but for Idiocracy that's only  part of the story. When Judge sat down to write   this movie he exaggerated to such extremes that  he never thought they would actually come true,   at least in his lifetime. When asked about this in  a recent interview he commented, I'm no prophet,   I was off by about 490 years. There have been  countless videos made comparing a certain   political leader's speeches to those by President  Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho.   Fox even shut down the possibility of Terry Crews  reprising his role as President Dwayne Elizondo   Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho for a series of  fake campaign ads before the 2016 U.S. election.   The studio feared the comedic videos would  be viewed by some as attack ads. Even the   movie's jokes that seemed outrageous, like the  secretary of state being sponsored by Carl's Jr.   I'm the secretary of state brought to you  by Carl's Jr. practically became prophecy   when the actual CEO of Carl's Jr. was nominated  to become the United States secretary of labor.   But it's not just political aspects that have  made Idiocracy so relevant. Its depiction of   a society reliant on pictures for communication  mimics the growing obsession with emojis. The film   shows a world where curse words are no longer  taboo but used as powerful marketing tools,   which seems familiar. Much like the movie's  omnipresent fluid Brawndo we would actually   come to see COVID testing sites shamelessly  sponsored by big name stores and drink companies.   Even a show like Ow My Balls or a clash between  phallic monster trucks don't seem like they   would be that out of place on one of today's  countless cable channels and streaming services.   Corporate mega mergers like the movies ATT Time  Warner Taco Bell have practically become reality,   look no further than Disney's acquisitions of  giant brands like Pixar, Lucasfilm, Marvel and   Idiocracy's owner 20th Century Fox. perhaps most  outlandish of all was the movie's concept of   coffee shops that also offered sexual favors. Damn  I could really go for a Starbucks you know. Yeah   well i really don't think we have time for a hand  job Joe. Who would imagine that would become a   real thing? And yet there's the real-life Fellatio  Cafe located in Geneva Switzerland. Sure it's not   Starbucks but are we really that far off? In 2017  Mike Judge was being interviewed on the Sony lot   by the New York Times. Tom Rothman, head of Fox at  the time of Idiocracy's release, interrupted them   to admit that Idiocracy's failure was entirely his  fault, to which Judge quickly replied, I agree.   Rothman said that Judge and the film were ahead of  their time and perhaps the movie was made 10 years   too early. The past few years have seen a rise in  comparisons between Idiocracy and the real world,   even the respected Time magazine published an  article titled We Have Become an Idiocracy.   The term has become so much more  than just the title of a great movie,   it's now used regularly when something moronic  happens and the press dubs it an Idiocracy moment.   Three years after Idiocracy, Judge would  return to directing with the comedy Extract,   which he financed independently after learning  his lessons dealing with studios. Otherwise he's   been busy with the short-lived animated show The  Goode Family, creating the hit HBO series Silicon   Valley, and more adolescent debauchery with new  Beavis and Butthead material. Mike Judge has said   that with Office Space it was such a sweet success  when it found an audience after the fact, but   with Idiocracy he doesn't feel that same sense of  pride because that film's success has come at the   expense of the dumbing down of America. After all,  he never dreamed he was making a documentary, and   yet here we are. Thank you for watching, if you  like what you see please subscribe to our JoBlo   videos channel, tell your friends who like this  sort of content and turn on the bell to receive   notifications for all our latest videos. We are an  independent company and we appreciate your support you
Channel: JoBlo Videos
Views: 638,201
Rating: 4.9341822 out of 5
Keywords: awfully good movies, idiocracy, idiocracy costco, idiocracy fox news, idiocracy iq test, idiocracy luke wilson, idiocracy opening scene, idiocracy scene, idiocracy trailer, joblo, joblo videos, justin long idiocracy, luke wilson, luke wilson idiocracy, mike judge, mike judge funny, office space, terry crews, terry crews idiocracy, the best movie you never saw, wtf, wtf happened to, wtf happened to idocracy, wtf happened to this celebrity, wtf happened to this movie
Id: qPCHh-ipJ5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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