The Curious Case of Dalia Dippolito
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Channel: undefined
Views: 5,341,452
Rating: 4.9287043 out of 5
Keywords: true crime, criminal psychology, criminology, forensic psychology, csi
Id: 7JttwV6XZ_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 27sec (3027 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
God she infuriates me
"I DONT KNOW WHATS HAPPENING!" -Crazy lady in the video
"You planned to murder your husband, you dumb bitch, you know exactly what's happening" - my fat ass watching this video
This was one where I felt nothing but joy watching it. Nobody got hurt, even the victim seemed to have some incredulous sense of humour. She defended herself in the most unbelievably stupid way possible.
The best strategy for her would have been to throw up her hands, demand a lawyer, offer to plead guilty in exchange for a few years off, show tones of remorse, and she probably would be free by now.
But she was so unbelievably stupid and egotistical she fought it till the bitter end and got exactly what she deserved.
All you can do is sit back and fucking laugh. Like the victim said, he was gonna be sitting in the back of the courtroom with some popcorn.
Man, the victim impact statement was awesome. She stared at him so intensely while he grilled her. Judges sentencing was great too.
Wish some of the other JCS videos had more of the courtroom content or focus like this one did instead of just entirely focusing on the interrogation.
Is this a new video?!?! I'm gonna get my popcorn ready!
Anybody know what happened to the house? That was sooo crazy -even calling him from jail she STILL refused to sign it back over to him. Sheβs a straight sociopath wow. Edit: guess I could have googled it first. He got the house and its contents. Not like she needs it...sheβs got the big house now
Any time I see one of these cases, (I haven't seen any other murder for hire cases on JCS, but you see them on Dateline and ID network shows, JCS just did it better here) I always think about how the only reason the intended target is alive today is because the wrong person was approached to find a hitman. Every single time you see one of these cases, that's how it goes down. Someone wants a person killed, so they ask someone they think they can trust to find a hired gun, and the person they ask has some sort of moral integrity and goes to the cops. Mike Dippalito is so lucky she didn't stick with the first scummy ex who posed as a lawyer for Dalia, because I have a feeling his moral integrity is lacking enough to go through with it for her.
That was so amazing. Like uhh ya know. Suddenly the murderous witch becomes articulate.
To every Civil Servant, Police, Prosecutor and Judge: There is nothing more satisfying than putting a stake in a bad persons heart.
I was so frustrated after watching this. I can't imagine how Mike must've felt when he knew what the truth was and yet saw that she didn't get sentenced at first and was put under house arrest, man I would've lost my shit at the bullshit that she was spewing. What a vile person.