The influencer who crowdfunded a vacation got worse...

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we're gonna do a bit of a catch up with a couple that i have talked about prior now i've made two videos in total i believe about this couple and i'll link them down below if you want to catch up on the full thing i highly suggest it because it's very entertaining because it's mostly a [ __ ] show in my opinion so basically the gist is there's this couple who went viral that were a heavily tattooed couple who essentially put a gofundme out so they could travel the world well one of their mothers a camera mover was his or hers worked two jobs in order to be able to help fund them on top of the gofundme and when asked why they didn't get jobs they pretty much said they weren't meant for normal jobs so don't get me wrong they were completely able to get jobs they were just opting not to get the jobs okay so one brief thing i do want to highlight that i forgot to mention prior is that the whole point of this bike ride journey exploration of the universe whatever was to raise awareness for mental health in none of their posts have they mentioned mental health really so it's interesting that that was supposed to be the goal but that's been kind of lost in translation which i also think is why people are annoyed because they were pledging money for something that just simply hasn't occurred so that's the basic gist of what you have to know about them before we get into the actual topic but before i get into that i did want to thank today's sponsor which is function of beauty function of beauty has come out with a customized skin care this was my first customizing skincare and as someone with sensitive skin i wanted to make sure i wouldn't irritate it that's why the quiz was so well made because i could completely customize it so it caters to my combination dry and oily skin on which i often apply full coverage makeup interestingly there are 3.1 billion formulas and combinations possible on top of that function of beauty never uses parabens sulfates gmos or toxins and is 100 vegan and cruelty free my personal skin goals were to hydrate even tone and tighten so i got the moisturizer gel the micellar gel and the serum meant to be used between the cleanser and moisturizer i chose for them to be fragranced because i typically enjoy that and i also chose gels because i prefer the consistency over any other since using function of beauty my skin has felt softer and more hydrated especially as it dries far more in the colder weather i highly highly recommend it especially if you have difficulty finding skincare that works with your skin get 20 off your order and a free selfie headband when you click the link below thank you again to functional beauty for sponsoring this video so let's get into it basically i had no intention of revisiting this influencer couple someone messaged me being like yo you need to check out what they're up to so lo and behold i go to check and there's cat and ellie ellie is the girl cat is the guy all of these pictures show cat as still traveling which i was like okay you are traveling with other people's money in the middle of a pandemic while you're taking a vow of silence oh yeah by the way he took about silence in march at the beginning of a pandemic when you're relying on other people's money and sometimes might be short that's a great time to take about silence so he took a vow of silence and he's still traveling in the middle of a pandemic so just imagine not being able to speak to people and also being short on money and needing to stay at people's houses like to me that seems so i think this is irresponsible to begin with but on top of it being hosted in people's houses it seems irresponsible because you're traveling all over the place you don't know what you're bringing into people's houses especially if you're asymptomatic but let's just keep going so basically a lot of people were really really mad about one single post and frankly i can understand why on top of everything because to be fair i think a lot of people have a lot of rage towards him because ellie by the way no longer travels with him she's apparently studying or writing her first book so she's no longer in the picture literally she's no longer in the pictures some people were theorizing that of course she would not want to stay with him considering they're traveling by themselves and he took about of silence so it must be very lonely for her that's what people were theorizing i just thought i'd throw it out there one of the recurring themes with them traveling just cat in this situation is that there is no research done on where they're going absolutely no research because hack had done like 20 seconds of research he would have known this was not the move so cat ends up in cortina cortina is an area in italy that is notoriously expensive it's extremely bougie it's known to be a ski resort you don't just go there you don't just like happen to be there like if you go there you go with a reason in the same way that you don't happen to just happen at the four seasons you go there because you booked a room but you wouldn't just walk in there expect it to be cheap and complain when it's not does that make sense that's pretty much what cat ended up doing he ended up in cortina because he's biking around again on people's dime as usual because no jobs can be taken that's apparently illegal what he ended up doing pissed off a lot of people so as you guys know in a lot of countries and cultures there are wishing fountains you know where you turn around throw the [ __ ] coin in the fountain and make a wish it's very much culturally inappropriate for you to go into the fountain and take out the coins right because people throw them in not for you to take them out but as a symbolic gesture so their wish can come true cat took it upon himself to do exactly that and none other than cortina bougie place okay went to fill up my water bottles and saw all these coins in the fountain this is in the middle of a town called cortina a town surrounded by beautiful mountains it's touristy town and not a cheap one if you'd googled it you would have known and you could have gone a place that is more affordable that's the thing that bothers me about all this is that if they had just simply budgeted they wouldn't find themselves in these dire situations consistently but they never even look things up they never budget they never plan and it's like things won't just go according to how you want them to with no pr okay seen more designer bags swinging around here than any other place i can remember the first day i took water and left the next i filled my bottles pulled up my sleeve and started picking up the coins the water was cold coin after coin i kept going in at one point my hand went numb and i couldn't pinch the coins at the bottom anymore so i pulled up my other sleeve and back at it until every single coin was out people walking past and looking i just smiled the police drove past once then a second time and then stopped for a few seconds i just carried on and they drove off took me about an hour and in total i picked up 5 euros and 10 cents this is easily going to feed me for a day people can say what they like i have friends have been around many who work a full day for less than this humans who only have bread with oil to eat and choose to share it so if people want to throw their money i'll gladly pick it up at the point i am in life now i rather accept donations except help from my mama i never asked her for a cent and know she hasn't worked two jobs for over a year still my biggest supporter eat food others throw away pick up coins out of a fountain and continue to explore the world rather than steal sell drugs or be miserable doing something i hate i'm grateful for the life i get to live and make my decisions consciously whether you've got a designer bag on your shoulder or only a slice of bread to eat from my end it's love there are two sides to a coin wish you all a great day this is quite a loaded post to be honest from mentioning designer bags which i don't really understand the purpose of because you could easily go to another city considering that he's picking where he ends up but people in the comments were not happy about this at all people are saying you stole coins this is rude i was intrigued by you but now like i understand why people don't like you people were really not happy about it simply because it's not just the question of stealing coins from a fountain but it's more the question of you have the opportunity to get a job you are capable of getting a job but you're choosing not to so this situation you find yourself in it feels like often he acts like this is just his fate when in reality it's like you could have had a job saved the money and then traveled and not found yourself in these dire situations all the time where you find yourself having to fish these coins out of the water and it's also like you could if you scheduled in advance you could see if you could find jobs in each place you'd stop at if you stopped for like a month or so in each place or you could maybe find a way to telecommute but it's not easy to find a job that's granted but if you don't even try obviously it's not just going to fall in your lap and i think that's really what people are angry about and granted if you choose to give this person your money that's entirely your prerogative but it's also really entitled to expect people to give you money for what do they get back really they see a couple pictures of you traveling for some people that might be worth it so here there's another post where he kind of addresses why ellie isn't there and he addresses that he's biking around alone because prior he was biking around like i said with a significant other go fund me 7 500 kilometers took us from germany to mauritania returned from africa but the journey continues this time i start the ride on the tandem alone from the middle of germany leaving an open seat for people to join along the way destinations austria northern italy slovenia croatia serbia romania bulgaria turkey iran a couple of other places but need to see with visas that won't be the end no time limit i'll be taking work opportunities volunteering as well as parking the bike and hiking in the mountains getting lost out in nature i will flow my way there elena remains in germany she's working towards what she loves how often we see each other is a mystery on instagram people can follow the progress if they wish and slowly but surely our website will be running where those interested and with the attention span longer than a double click will be able to dive deeper into this life of ours we do what we love and choose to share it with you just like everyone on social media comes with its lessons i've learned how to make money using my tattoos by advertising others products that's something i want to stay away from now we have been on the back end of keyboard warriors but i've also made many great connections and received plenty of good information we live in the age of information however it's hard to differentiate between what's real and what's not the internet is an easy place to get lost in and discourage about the world situation i share my experiences on here with honesty and will continue to do so don't believe what i say figure it out for yourself this is why i choose to be on the road exploring this planet and the people to learn firsthand the struggle the joy the nature of the culture the constant adaptation i feel so alive there's so much beauty in the world with about 400 euros a month sometimes less sometimes more i can be out there full time that includes nutrition accommodation when needed visas internet costs and everything else that will pop up money is a sensitive topic i don't expect anything from this post if you donate or not continued in the comments just simply sharing some water if you see me on the road a couch some space in the garden for the tent a connection or tips to help me on the journey i'm great for it all happy with nothing happy with everything recently i've upgraded a lot of the gear and will now be able to explore in harsher conditions i am 100 all in and have been the consistency of my posting will depend on different factors whether i'm in the mountains hiking or just need my space for all input that comes with being on social media i stopped speaking in the sahara desert over six months ago and will continue traveling without speaking with love on the road and then the paypal like i said before if people want to donate that is entirely their prerogative i do have to say that in the midst of covid this seems entirely inappropriate and just overall irresponsible let alone that this is a person like i said who's going to home to home saying that he's being hosted and things like that so it's not even a question of whether he gets sick it's a question of who he gets sick along the way along with the fact that taking a vow of silence while you're traveling through countries i think that it's also irresponsible considering how little we've seen in the past that this person ever really looks into the countries or areas that they're going in even as recently as cortina and maybe in europe that'll fly but i actually am concerned about what will happen if you don't look up anything about going to iran and you're just gonna bike around hoping for the best that's gonna be a very different experience than in europe because i think that if you're european like i am there's a grasp a general grasp of cultures like they are different sure but there are a lot of similarities going to somewhere completely different even like when they went to mauritania it's i don't know i find that concerning and i especially find it like i said irresponsible because of covid but i just wanted to give that little update because it seems like things are slowly devolving especially if you get to the point where you essentially have to take coins from a fountain as opposed to actually taking jobs which he said he does but it appears not because he said that the 400 euros were from donations so i'm confused i don't really know what they're going for at this point because it seems like it would be better off to save money and then travel especially even just for the sake of safety you guys can let me know we think in the comments down below thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always and i'll catch you guys next time [Music] you
Views: 205,529
Rating: 4.9606733 out of 5
Keywords: influencer, influencers in the wild, influencers in real life, influencers instagram vs reality, influencers in public, instagram influencer
Id: 0WfPvNfbUtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 16 2020
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