The worst advice I've seen

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we're going to be reading just terrible terrible terrible advice and there's something strangely pleasing about reading terrible advice and knowing it won't help anyone and on the contrary it might just make things worse it's like its own form of train wreck which is very therapeutic for me because it gives you this false sense that you have your [ __ ] together where you're like at least i wouldn't do that when in reality like you've made a lot of terrible decisions if you're me but anyway before we get into that i did want to thank today's sponsor which is hunterkiller as now every night is spent inside there's only so much i can scroll on and watch on tv before i get bored hunter killer is the best way to switch things up hunter killer is a game in which you decode ciphers examine clues and solve puzzles in order to solve a murder the best part is that it's not only a game it actually creates an ongoing narrative in which you learn backstories of each suspect and their complicated relationships with the victim additionally part of the proceeds for each box go to the cold case foundation an organization that is dedicated to helping with real life cold cases personally i really love the amount of detail that you get in each box and on top of that i like having evidence that you can touch and that you can refer to as you try to solve the puzzle it's a lot more engaging to have things you can touch and interact with physically right now just for my viewers you can go to ready to glare and use code ready to glare for 20 off your first box remember to use code ready to glare to get 20 off and show your support for the channel thank you to hunter killer for sponsoring this video how to tell your parents you got a tattoo now i actually relate to this because i did get my first tattoo with my mother she was there i never got any tattoos secretly or anything like that but i do think my family does get an extra dose of disappointment anytime i get another tattoo because they're like don't you have enough and it's like i'm already heavily tattooed that ship has sailed first tip even if getting a tattoo is only a big possibility for you mention that you're thinking about it to your parents way before you'd actually get it done they might laugh and go sure you are but the idea will be planted if you mention it often enough but not too often mind you they'll realize you're not just kidding around and by the time you actually are serious about getting it done it won't come as a total shock so i'm assuming this advice is for people who are 18 and older because in most places you need to be 18 or back in the day when i got my first tattoo i was 15 and you have to have a parent there to sign consent so i don't know if some places still function in that way but you know if you're older than 18 i don't really think you really have to prep them for this incoming shock because the reality is it's your body and would it be nice for them to know in advance so they don't feel totally shocked about it sure but at the same time it's like it's your body if you're gonna dye your hair do you need to alert your parents that you're gonna do it once you're of age no like it's it's entirely yours you're an autonomous human you can decide for yourself so i see both sides of this coin but definitely it helps to give people a heads up because at least they won't react super poorly when the moment comes but sometimes that doesn't even help to be honest choose something they won't totally hate this point i already have issues with but we'll get into it look ultimately what tattoo you get is up to you want a tiny little heart or a quote from a movie your parents have never seen go right ahead but be prepared for them to go did you really have to do that take it from me it's a lot nicer when your parents can take issue with you getting a tattoo but not the tattoo itself my parents weren't fans of me getting tattooed in the first place but they still haven't been able to find a reason to complain about the actual ink i got a quote from a book all three of us know and love this to me is a very slippery slope because the reality is the tattoo's on you you're gonna have it for all of your life unless you try and get a laser removed and you need to be okay with it so if you love lord of the rings and your parents hate it and you want to get a lord of the rings tattoo don't get a tattoo of something they like just to i don't know appease them like that seems toxic and stupid because the reality is you need to be okay with it it's on you so the idea of like get something that they wouldn't hate is just weird to me because it's all about what you want it's your money you know i i don't know i don't really like that because i feel like it can very easily devolve into get something that they love so they can't have a problem with it but that you might not love or have a passion for i mean a lot of parents grow to like your tattoos no matter what like one of my mom's favorite tattoos of mine is a bukowski quote and it has a skull by it so it's not necessarily like the happiest thing ever but she loves that tattoo and i got it because i loved it so like they can grow to love things you wouldn't necessarily think they'd like three remind them that you're an adult by this i don't just mean telling them that it's your money and that they can't stop you which might be true but isn't exactly helping your cause when talking about the tattoo with your parents make sure they realize that you're being responsible about where you're getting it done how you're gonna take care of it and the location on your body that's going to go look mom it can be hidden by my hair they may not be happy about your decision but they'll take comfort in knowing that at least you're being smart about it again i don't really like the apologetic vibe of this whole article because it's turning it as if you're doing something shameful which first of all it's not and even if your parents hate it it should never be an apologetic thing where you're like oh i'm getting a tattoo which i know is horrible but at least i'm being smart at least i'm doing it a clean place it's like why why take this weak ass attitude like i'm sorry that sounds really harsh now that i've said it out loud my life in a nutshell truly i think one of my favorite qualities in human beings is being unapologetically authentic to yourself so if that means getting a tattoo of a unicorn eating pizza whatever fine but be unapologetically you don't go into it with this week kind of like mindset where you have to justify and excuse yourself bless you to my dog and excuse yourself for something that isn't make or break in in the sense of your value as a human you know you can have ten thousand tattoos and be a piece of [ __ ] you can have ten thousand tattoos and be a lovely human but the fact that you have tattoos or not doesn't shift you and your value you know so it's it's really toxic the kind of mindset that is around this conversation because it doesn't have to be that deep on the contrary there are certain places where having tattoos can put your safety at risk and that's a conversation that should be had but what your parents are gonna think if they're not okay with it they're not okay with it but being apologetic about it i don't think helps most people's cases tell them it's going to be the only one you're ever getting dude when i when i was younger my mom had my aunt who's a lawyer draw up a contract saying i wouldn't get more than two tattoos clearly that worked out really well for us i don't care if it's a total lie and you're already planning your next tattoo tell your parents this is the only one you're ever going to get if a few years down the line you change your mind let them deal with it then when they're used to it not at the beginning when the only thought worse than their kid getting tattooed is their kid getting tattooed five more times this is dumb this is straight up stupid like why why lie especially if you're actually already aware that you're gonna get another tattoo if you actually think this is the only one fine whatever but i just think that this is so just this sounds like something an 11 year old would say it doesn't sound like something an adult would say and it's fine to be afraid to tell your parents about a new tattoo trust anytime i get a new tattoo i alert them in advance and i'm still met with size after i get it so i understand it can be stressful it's also very hard to have something that means a lot to you be belittled it's happened to me there are tattoos that are literally about me almost dying and they're belittled sometimes and it's hurtful but it's it's never worth lying about it really really isn't five after it's done tell them how much it hurt even if you barely felt a pinch tell your parents that getting your tattoo hurt really badly they'll feel a little bad for you but mostly they'll be glad you suffered as a result of your terrible decision maybe they'll even think it'll stop you from getting another one as for that refer to rule number four trust me it's for the best these are the worst pieces of advice i could ever dream of reading let alone someone actually writing this and it being published that in and of itself is tragic but truly if there's any advice i could give to people who want to get tattoos and have a family that's not really about them or doesn't support them just be straightforward if there's anything that your family will probably be grateful for is you being straightforward not bullshitting not saying you're only going to get one if you already have 10 planned in your mind just being straightforward saying hey i know you don't like this i like this it means a lot to me if your tattoo has a meaning and you want to share it you can do that but again that's private so it's really up to you but being no [ __ ] about things is typically admirable as opposed to just really trying to make them feel better knowing full-on that you're gonna disappoint them at a later point but that's just my opinion if you're tattooed and you have experience with this please comment down below how you managed it i'm sure a lot of people need this type of advice thank you guys so much for watching and thank you to my patrons always let's get right to the fan art [Music] so you
Views: 116,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SUcwgaOgi-E
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Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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