One week in jail for this?

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we're back on one of my typical topics unfortunately in the topic we're going to talk about in a second which we'll get to before we start i just want to underline how important it is to use the correct terms when you're describing an occurrence i think we've all witnessed an event in our lives where someone used the wrong term and it caused chaos misunderstanding potentially hurt feelings just because of the words they chose to use so when we talk about this case i really want to underline the impact of using certain terms which we'll get into in a second but before we do that i did want to thank today's sponsor which is skillshare skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of inspiring classes for creative and curious people explore new skills develop existing interests and get lost in creativity skillshare offers membership with meaning you can connect with the support of fellow creatives and enter a community of encouragement communication and inspiration so whether you're looking to fend off boredom focus on self-care through creativity or join a similarly creative community skillshare is the place for you to keep learning personally i've been enjoying a lot of artistic style content a course i've enjoyed is titled ipad illustrations line drawing essentials for fun flexible art by robert jennerette iii i specifically chose this course because it's been a long time that i've wanted to really invest in learning how to draw on my ipad but it's been very overwhelming as i don't really even know where to start so this course was very useful the first thousand people who click the link in my description box will get a free trial of skillshare premium membership and after that it's only around ten dollars a month thank you to skillshare for sponsoring this video ex-flight attendant serves just a week in jail for sex with 15 year old do you see what i mean about terms that are being used and we see this all the time with young male victims it'll say have sex when the reality is they're minors you can't have sex with them it's not sex if they can't consent and if they're a minor they can't consent so as much as certain people think these two terms are interchangeable which is absolutely wild to me it really does have a damaging effect because male victims are often not taken seriously to begin with let alone if the article itself is gonna belittle them by saying have sex with it's rape that's all there is to it just because it's a woman we're not going down that route you guys know i've screamed about it enough times but this is ridiculous a former flight attendant had sex with a 15 year old boy at an australian school where she worked but spent just a week behind bars because she is considered at low risk for reoffending according to a report i don't even know where to start with this one i truly do not even know where to begin to to try to do the mental gymnastics that obviously the people who were in charge of releasing her were doing because you raped a 15 year old they're gonna be traumatized with that for a very long time if not for life and you get one week in jail because the risk of you reoffending is low so what we're saying here is essentially is she's probably not going to reoffend based on no information at all so we're just gonna take the risk like we're gonna just we're just gonna trust a woman who had no problems raping a child we're gonna trust her to go back into society and not reoffend i hate everything i truly truly loathe this planet with the passion of a thousand burning sons like i i don't understand how anyone comes to this conclusion melissa gnosti 33 who lives in a suburb of sydney pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 18 months in the slammer for having sex with the student at the school where she worked in 2010 the sun reported again it wasn't sex the former tiger air flight attendant made a video appearance in court from the silver water lockup as her lawyer made a bail appeal that she was at low risk for engaging in similar behavior again based on a doctor's assessment she has had an employment history after this she was in the airline industry the lawyer said her employer history not relevant truly nobody cares if she was an airline attendant if she was a teacher if she was a painter like nobody asked nobody cares cis truly not that is not the main focus here also how would a doctor assess the amount of risk like i can understand a doctor thinking that someone might reoffend someone might not but at the same time one week nasty has been banned from being in the company of anyone under age 16 and is not allowed to contact the victim or anyone at the airline being banned from being around anyone who's 16 when you're 33 when you're 33 the only people you should be hanging around with that are 16 are family members or people that you might be a mentor for but i don't know anyone even my own age 27 as of sunday i would never even gravitate towards being around a 16 year old unless it was in a mentorship role or if it was someone i'm related to but aside from that there's not really all that much you have in common with someone that you have over a 10-year difference with especially at such a significant time such as adolescence so it's pretty normal for 33 year olds to not hang out with 16 year olds but i guess you had to be banned for it and you're so low risk that you have to be banned from it which is already an interesting contrast there but there's another article that also mentions a little bit of extra information and it says magistrate susan horan said a victim impact statement from nasty's victim was quote unquote compelling before granting her bail her bail conditions including owning one mobile phone and to give the password to police when asked not allowed to contact the victim or anyone under the age of 16 as we already know but the fact that she has to give the password to the police it's like so she's so low risk that you guys are taking all of these precautions which granted i'm happy about but it's also like if you're taking all these precautions how low risk is the person maybe they're just covering their bases but it's hard for me to believe that they actually think she's that low risk also because how many times have we heard stories of essentially pedophiles or if phebophiles i always butcher the word but how many times have we seen a one-time offender with minors i'm sorry i don't believe it like i don't believe that there are that many one-time offenders whether it's getting child pornography online or doing things in real life i don't really recall any case where there's just a one-time offender so the low risk of reoffense doesn't mean anything to me but regardless one thing that i am frustrated by though is the selection of pictures because most of the time when you have a criminal of sorts they will post a mug shot or you know whatever kind of sober picture you can find like most of the time they won't post pictures of a criminal being like no but here they post a picture of her on the beach with like intense cleavage and i'm like i don't know if i'm being hyper critical because things like this piss me off but it's like first of all you say had sex with then you're showing a picture of a conventionally attractive woman are we really going to pretend that women don't have somewhat of a pass in in these types of crimes we've seen it before women barely get any time and if they do it's not really taken seriously and most of the time they're conventionally attractive women i don't think all these things are coincidences aside from that there's also a picture of her being an airline attendant with like her legs in plain show her being again conventionally attractive to be noted the main point of contention that i have with using these pictures is that they paint her as like a fun quirky individual which may very well be true but when you're talking about a 15 year old being assaulted using pictures of someone with their cleavage out or you know just being a quirky flight attendant it just doesn't seem appropriate especially because i'm sure there are plenty of other pictures to pick from you could have used a mug shot why is it that you're using these photos what is the purpose what kind of narrative are we trying to paint here are these things coincidences why would you use these like fun little pictures of someone who is effectively a criminal i'm just confused by that like i was very taken aback when i saw that these were the pictures they selected specifically because they could have used a screenshot from her video call from jail she's a conventionally attractive woman so we're just gonna let her get away with this because she's a woman and the antiquated thinking of like the kid should think he's lucky or whatever disgusting comment that people make i'm confused disgusted i'd like to say i'm surprised but frankly i'm not i think it's a first for me to see that someone spent one week let that sink in one week in jail for raping a 15 year old and that's also i know very annoying of me but imagine if this had been a man raping a young girl a 15 year old girl do we think that the outcome would have been the same i'm sorry i don't and it really pisses me off that male victims aren't taken as seriously clearly shown here and that female criminals aren't taken as seriously also clearly shown here this kind of double standard is so toxic and disgusting because it keeps propagating the idea that young boys automatically just want to have relations with older women which effectively are raped because they're minors that's just not the reality and to act like every young man or teenager wants that is gross and i hate it that's all there is to it anyways guys let me know what you think in the comments down below thank you so much for watching and thank you to my patrons as always and i'll catch you guys next time [Music] you
Views: 128,012
Rating: 4.9740262 out of 5
Id: 0JkAgnwbboY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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