we made a genius Minecraft Base with a SECRET door! - Hide Or Hunt #1

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welcome to Haider hunt season 10 the theme for this season is cake because it's actually my birthday this month and we thought why not this season is the first ever of its kind it is trios I'm with twin plays action Draven and of course myself three teams of 12 the aim of the game is simple survive and hide your base well and make sure that your beacon does not get found if you enjoy this hit that like button down below let's see if we can smash over 5,000 likes on this episode for more hider on and also to give me good luck but the season is about to begin so it can you say like and subscribing the go voice for me I want to put it the her beginning like and subscribe thank you so scary okay let's set Twitter challenge twin you have to spend one full episode in a girl voice starting now otherwise you will not be able to hold a diamond sword all season if you break the girl voice this episode you are done do you accept the challenge if you accept the challenge but you're talking to the guy who's done it for like four hours straight just to record a video graven I have another question for you are we gonna regret this decision of making them go girl yes you are okay challenge accepted here we go the countdown begins guys huh whatever happens here we better win this season okay cuz there's three of the best players here maybe two but we'll leave the other one to somebody else we won't know who it is so you're so weird how would you talk like that there's no way you're gonna be able to do this for a full lip so talking like that no way grab some wood guys oh there's a him there's an end of you oh good Bob's there's a lot of mobs inside here okay I'm getting a load of wood there's a lot of mobs I just told you I was breaking with my fists because I thought I didn't have an axe oh my grandpa used to hide are you okay warm him with the beacon are we gonna die alright get over here that forest is frickin deadly only somewhere here is you can Alcon Southwest I can hear you I just don't know where you are I see you guys I don't see you there's an Enderman right there guys I just looked at him oh you're fine there's no one behind you I think you're just fine okay we're good all right let's get mining guys so we might knew first before we make our base mine first and then we'll make the base that's how we're gonna do it we're gonna we're gonna switch it up right let's make sure that we get our and there's three of us we all have to pull away pull away because we have three sets of iron armor to make plus tools everything of that is there a cave there is no cave down here maybe yeah I know it should be what about down here well but I mean lava that's that's a good sign laughs was a good slide I trust it season 10 is off to a great start yeah there we go there we go here yayi pokers in the chat boys right Oh awesome already down here okay we'll kill him we can it's a great food we're good I know what go down anyway and fight for it well we there's no knob nah I'm not I'm gonna look for another cave oh I find another cave I fell down and you guys are like well you did the cave I found it everyone right over you by the way I went in here did it go this way so there's still a lot of iron untouched all right joke's on you losers good for you I think I'm following the guy but yeah I'm following the guy of course I'm right did anyone take notice of who that was oh my god oh oh oh boy did it nice thank you for the bow its nature it's the aussies okay right we got to run faster than they can go go go streets running upside-down anyway you're fine everyone's wait that's it's not hide or hunt it's not not actually there wait nature's stealing my stuff I'm gonna bolt can I live will him get out of my way he's Australian it's allowed I've never fought over resources in my life get out of my way oh I might you gonna die a rose I Oh no no I'm cover to cover Go Go what harp why is it so difficulty twig help mine why'd you fire at least I feel like we're torturing twin at this point like you literally can't say a word oh I thought you could like I thought you have to talk it I thought you loved talking in that listen I could not mind I was in alright we're you having a good adventure alright right hang on we need to set up a listen I grabbed as much as you can come here come here come here oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god this is not coming from object you grab that iron I've got a WoW where are these coming from well how much I'd you have we got a creeper over here we need to be wary it's like twenty six this is a fight for survival and tell you right we need to go now we've got enough to makers of Ages how long we got left in the episode I have an item set a timer alright there we go let's get out of here I think we've enough I have how much iron do you have tied up 44 I have oh okay I have 36 all right let's get out of here we gotta get wait hang on no no around is it yeah it's this way I know it's go alright look it's you all right donkey calm down she's like a all right follow me yes yes just follow me okay yeah I know but I'm sniffing a good time no no I'm coming help survive now all we got no sword oh now that's weak a tragic Raven run run anymore he's got a sword give me an iron sword mr. guy oh it's broke it's basically about to go but okay I'll kill some more guys you saw just pipe by fire all right following his face oh it's not that way I don't know why I think it's this way [Music] I think is this way it's a dead egg guys I hit the runway just go up just rig up okay right I'll do go but someone conserve their ammo ammo twin don't fire anybody I think I wait for you in twin yeah we need a Gert when it's green because twinsies when twins ago twinsies I don't like twinsies what about twins Ella twins out there we go quintella you smell like Godzilla ah a pickaxe broke we're so dude let's move out guys right where we thinking of building did we say that we won't have some build somewhere up high okay there are mountains why spawn we can go to ooh spawn does work sometimes spaulos ago I came second like two seasons ago by using spawn so yeah and in all the other seasons you got knocked out because you use born ago no that's what you did before right where we boom we're like we're gonna fight oh that way what about my leg like chunk of rock would that be like but how could we get up there a pond there's definitely something in the pond oh yeah oh oh oh we got masteries and buddy boss han should we drink we didn't visibility potion so no one sees what direction we're gonna go in if we are we agree in order to build up there twin twins Ella right twin everyone head for the top of that hill okay I got that what now do think now okay right twin you got that so that we don't have to follow each other we know just make our way up there take and Raven it'd be nice if you didn't hold the bottle I just wanted to let you guys know where I was oh this is actually beautiful oh I have a pearl of a really good idea I'm uploading subscribe yeah well you should like and subscribe every single go and like and subscribe every person of this team's video and if we or if we go down the side Boston here and you can make a door up okay well let me know when you're up here we've got eight minutes so we need to build this within the eight minutes guys so I'm thinking we don't destroy is blocked so every time you want to go home right I've gotta jump on hang on video sentence wait where's video else controls control okay thank you to in Xela there's people down below okay yeah okay you don't you fall down here right let's say we bust open it and then we see if we can carve out this twin can I have a pickaxe thank you right I'm dropping it and then we block up with dirt like usual oh yeah when I carve it out like purpose don't help oh yeah yeah yeah what is there are people right below us Tom and all that are right below us if they see us breaking into this little hole yeah I get it in a block off wait come into uncommit been telling okay lock it lock it yeah right it's good that you see ways right we gotta be Kevin up the hedge ever so if you stay with star when you know you're I mean I wouldn't do it all the way just in case someone maybe breaks oh well that's it well that's what we do or anyway that's it for now anyway right so place the beacon down here or here where'd you want to place it quickly let's do in the corner just chuck it in the corner like here yeah just over here yeah I'm just seeing a flowy beacon right here we go it's down right first things first it starts melting smelly three fun I okay right I'm putting my like here there's a furnace smelting here we need to make a chest which I'm doing now bish bash a Bosch there we go and right that's a lot of furnaces okay food yeah that's something we need oh I will okay since this is all smell and some of them gear dude right now we should have left born invisibility pot why did we do that we probably should have to be fair oh no that would be so helpful right I'm gonna go out okay grab food why did we think about how we Parker off the edge here no sugar we have to say oh we park up around the park around the side okay bye bye leader look look it's like a little block around a side to you like couldn't like not see it you look the buddies that's a really sick base okay right I'm gonna kill some of these it's it's for the group twins Ella Twitter you regretting this challenge because like the challenge I'm not at all it's not really a challenge like it's only for one episode though it wasn't like you didn't even have to accept it oh you like are you like twins cousin someone just died - a creeper I'm my sister actually I'm actually grabbing so much fruit I'm like a food god hey twins Ella can you can you tell Twitter I say hi [Laughter] drop me I'm not sure should we taking a pocke into the base before it every day but I would like I would like a little pocket in a vase we're like a big family we are I yeah they run your alma sets coming oh nice right I've got three minutes of his mind yeah in this buddy wait hang on I think I just found some buzz base over there Lee yeah I just opened it up why does it do that I keep opening it right in the chest is a mass reason stuff I think that's - whatever okay in the chest okay so we do thank you I need a sword no worries bro you have an iron sword on you twin is basically it was literally broke twin in the chest there's a little iron if you're making tools okay meat cooking in here guys five minutes remaining we can get out of it below masteries not below don't see him no oh I see him yeah it's like he's been down the blow there for absolutely ages and they come on you you'd be mining knocking trees right at this point so we might find a place potentially orry's already is mining in late little caves for some of that I don't have a shovel yeah I'm jumping thank you i right we should gather base now really quickly mashing right below us let's go we have 30 seconds when it was Master Caesars okay take it from really quickly let's go let's go move move as a team make sure you take the meat up chest move move move go go go jump jump jump jump jump go go go go Whitley just get out of the base I'm blocking hob everyone out yeah okay look you jump around the side there and then you're boom we dropped yeah yeah you don't need to drop we just felt right we have our base set up there is five minutes left do we go mining some diamonds quit me while we still got the grace period we could do or do we start mass or we could camp that guy yeah that's what I was thinking not the next episode we kill him I would like to do that that would be nice he's not one bit prepared but since we're oh my visibility is war enough yeah same here and it's it's snowing right let's go over here so that we're not just like on tapas mountain so that no one knows that we're here episode ones that make sense good idea so let's just go north of the Mountain let's just kill as many mobs I guess it's collect food food is gonna be definitely important whoa what the hell do you see the horse in chess yeah is my joint there's a horse oh my god I love God what I'm confused you only care this is someone's horse they can't be somebody's why would it just be sat there it's glitched out for me it's see-through it's your texture I just got kicked flying Sunday it's so fast yeah don't jump it kicked you for flight don't jump you fly Oh keep him this is clearly somebody's right someone's hadn't yes somebody's Paul all right collects grab my guy super fishy look oh there's a guy here where right front off I'm noir it Sam I didn't take name D'Argo's dried bones no I don't I put mine in the chest that's he was somewhere down in he's just after disappearing where could he have disappeared to we can just wait here honestly you just disappeared he's somewhere down there it's he in a tree I see him yeah he's behind the tree is him I think does he see us I could see him shifting I think you see that little hill right in front of us yeah like the one I'm like yeah he was shifting already heavy you could see it you could see is a llama behind the hill I think it's him anyway right we need to make sure we stay fed because member ok member guys in 1.13 when you eat you get mad generation so we need to stock up food cuz I'm gone well low so I don't care about it cows down here yeah that'd kill him kill him I don't care that he knows that we're here like if he does he does well I'm sure yeah kind of anti productive in that way we can't make anything we're pumpkins whoa whoa whoa okay I'm letting you know I am swear right don't look don't be obvious don't look obvious up above me I just saw a dirt block with someone invisible looking up for me that's only one okay so that's a potential base location name okay and also this little section here so yeah so I'm just telling you know that I saw something up above us so that's just like keep moving like we haven't seen it hello we got left not long so collect as much food as you can well I'm just gonna stalk this guy I'm just gonna kill him as soon as the episode starts and I will grab his food that's a good idea if you got tents yeah he's got a load of food I just kill him oh that's a fantastic a way oh we need to look for a bean bases that'll have food oh that's a good idea oh where could it happen base B though these guys trying to run oh stop moving are you moving this guy is so dead yeah thank you for watching episode 1 of season 10 of hider hunt see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 1,181,125
Rating: 4.9342623 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, creepersedge, kid friendly, minecraft funny, minecraft video, Minecraft Hide Or Hunt, we made SECRET Minecraft cave base, we made SECRET Minecraft under water base, we made a SECRET Minecraft TREE HOUSE base, we made a genius SECRET Minecraft Base
Id: xpMFRH-ovBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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