I made a MAX SECURITY Minecraft Base (MC War)

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in this modded minecraft series there are four teams of ten each team has a beacon throughout the whole entire season that team must keep their beacons safe if an enemy team destroys that beacon that team is out of the game and absorbed into the other teams this is season one and this is the test series to see if you guys want this so if you enjoy this series coming up make sure to hit that like button so we make another minecraft war season one starts now we started off in the middle of the map with everyone everyone fell down and we decided to go our separate ways from where everyone else was going and find where we're going to make our secret base and place down our beacon we did a bit of exploring and we stumbled across a lovely island we knew that the island would be the best place to build a base it's naturally defensive so we got to work hard we started digging out the island making it ours we dug a tunnel underground and we decided to put our beacon down under there and a few hours later we had a mighty fortress let my past self give you a little tour of the base okay guys welcome to our base our base of operations our base where we're hopefully going to win yes it is an absolute mess but we only had two hours and a bit to build it let's take you on a tour so this is the only bridge that is connected to our island so hopefully this is gonna be like a choke point that if the enemies come it's gonna be quite difficult the whole entire base is surrounded by water so that's gonna make it incredibly tough to attack or i hope so we then have a tower coming out here from the main portion of the base which hopefully gives us a 360 view on the bridge and other surrounding areas where we definitely think people are going to be on like these hills over here and these hills here as you come up here this area is meant to represent the look of our main base but actually we're underground so in here we have some obsidian down and it's just fake our beacon actually isn't inside here it's just to make it look like it is so if the enemies attack they think oh beacons inside here but it's not it's somewhere else as you come down here we have another area of the base that we're kind of working on just kind of underground at the portions of it just in case we are being heavily attacked we need to hide in the ground or being bombed just needs some sort of cover because chances are we're going to lose a lot of the top of this base if it is bombed but then here you come underground now this is going down to the dead zone facility so what we call this is we're calling this the dead zone so if it's nearly game over our bases fell up above we expect the enemies to be pushing down here very shortly now our beacon is down here and the beacon is the main thing we need to keep safe the beacon is also where we spawn i'm very proud of this it took us a while to build you come down and this is the death zone so we've made this out of wood intentionally so that we can burn it so it'll make it harder for them to cross but if they do manage to cross you might not be able to see but if i just lie down there's two machine gun boxes ready to shoot anyone that runs across that shouldn't run across and hopefully that will knock them down into the deadly lava below it might not kill him it's definitely going to be annoying then you come into here this is just a little area but the main room that we have here like this is our main room that as you can see everyone's here that's the thing we need to keep safe so this is our main room this is going to be where our gear is where we store everything so that when we die we're going to spawn somewhere here at least then everything is close to us we can grab what we need and if we are being heavily attacked and our base has fallen at least literally we only need to grab some stuff here whatever out of these chests walk over here and then we're ready to defend this so we can kind of lock it down and really hold our ground and just give it a last stand if we're down here chances are it's already over unless we can pull it back we'll have to see and that was all for day one going on to day two is when the grace period was now over battles could commence wars could begin okay guys so the grace period has now been lifted meaning that everyone on the server is now vulnerable bases can be attacked you can be knocked out as today this video is going all into one episode so it's like episode 1 and episode 2 combined we've made the tactical decision to spend some more time on our base and today just literally sit in our base and keep working on it and then hopefully in the next episode we can start doing some real damage because everyone yesterday had two hours to do some work that means everyone on the server so all the other teams that go out and take fights today if they die whatever teams die they will be left with nearly nothing whereas today hopefully if we stay tucked away here we don't get attacked we can build another day's worth of loot and inventory allowing us to make more mistakes if we do and we won't be penalized for it that's the plan anyway we'll see what happens our team made a p51 mustang plane now this plane was interesting because it had machine guns and it also had bombs but we needed a test would actually be useful against our enemies so how to test it well i was told to get in the plane take off from our very weird runway and go attack an enemy base after taking off and flying around for a while i spotted an enemy base and i began an attack and there we go that's a confirmed kill to confirm kill but i did take up my wing in the process the only thing is though i don't think i can bring it home no plane you served me so well confirmed kills but lost a wing oh i'm mini land uh kind of yeah all right but not home so as i spiral out of control my plane crash landed i was still alive but i found myself in a spotty situation i was right outside another enemy's face and i decided to go take a look well i did a valuable experiment i wanted to see if the planes are actually worth it and i thought they wouldn't be but the fact that they're quite hard to shoot down means they are they're worth it you just gotta not crash them into buildings i see that guard up on the tower there probably was a stupid decision to try and infiltrate someone's main base hey guys how are you doing i'm currently right now we're kind of in someone's base area i think they've spotted me and i'm kind of crawled into a hole and they haven't found me so i'm trying to get those weapons i'm about to get those weapons yeah a weapon would be really nice right now this episode went from trying to sit in our base to uh doing this at least we got some valuable intel yeah exactly and no one knows where our base is yet so there's someone literally right above me and i can still hear him above me definitely not safe to go out i just heard someone reloaded going hang on hang on i'm gonna have a peek out there's a house there let's go for it open for business flower shop oh my god it's a flower shop okay we're inside a little portion of the base we're inside a bit of a base with no gun very far from home should i say oh i do have the planes in my inventory i could place down the plane and then use the plane to spin around and shoot with it that's my only tactic i have here my only tactic now two people just ran right past me like if i was out there it would have been spotted good evening all right guys so the server is open for another hour that was definitely an adventure if you guys don't know how this series works uh it's minecraft four but the server is open at the same time every day for two hours that means if you don't come online in those two hours you get taken out it's not just it's not a game mode it is a series that can be ally ships right now we're trialing it with only four teams but we're keeping a lookout right now for the rest of it i've been given a gun and uh told that i did enough damage for today you know i'm happy what i did i might have died but i now know where raven's face is i now know where the other team's base is they're the final bases they're the final teams remaining and we are keeping a lookout because the team that got knocked out over there that their base is now bedrock barricaded off uh we're gonna be absorbing some of the team members like the other teams so they're gonna be arriving soon hopefully so i'm keeping an eye out for them making sure that no enemies try to like kind of take that information and use it to theirs like you know imagine like just walking into the base and we just think it's someone who's joining our team where actually it's raven so we gotta be careful and uh we just conducted another idea as well for next episode where that is if we can get one of raven team's outfits so there's no names pop up as you can see above our head if we were where raven's team outfit we'll be completely hidden so we'll be able to walk right into their base potentially that'll be huge so right now i'm on guard duty and i'll let you know if anything happens within the next hour or so and if it does i'll be recording it if not i did my job successfully and no one came wait what hello mister i don't know if there are new recruits or if they're enemies not they're not wearing gear it's paddy mcginnis was he knocked out he has armor on like he said he's joining raven i don't know they're not coming over like they're joining us yeah wait who's that going over to him oh whoa someone's really close them go go run run just because you have guns ah nice try and get back to the bridge they have a bit of raven's gear if we can kill him like that's easy now they look stranded do i kill them do i do i go and have a look see what i'm swimming off to or not should always look if i get killed like this is going to be embarrassing but like i don't want them thinking they can just come to our base and that's it we won't i think i see the spots where they're being hiding they jumped when you jump down so is that you hello all right i just killed one we've oh my god that's perfect we've just acquired one of their pieces of armor oh we could actually use it again yeah that's what i'm thinking but we need to keep that top secret but no one's spying on our base no ah not today going down for it what they have oh dude i have a feeling he's i don't know where the other guy's gone all right i got their armor so that that was easier said than done i thought that was going to be a tough time trying to get their armor just so we could one of us can go disguise well that's sick that's an idea that we can do we got to keep this armor safe i don't know where the other guy just appeared to but i can't tell is he is paddy mcguinness part of their team or not it was part of the meals team and they said in chat like that so they've been absorbed oh well then yeah now they know where our base is then so that person i just killed there um is a fresh recruit that was part of that base that got knocked out now gone to raven so now they know where we are living so war is definitely coming [Music] [Music] you
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 1,547,789
Rating: 4.9591231 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, ryannotbrian, mc war, Minecraft War, Minecraft mods, modded Minecaft, minecraft survival, I made a MAX SECURITY Minecraft Base (MC War)
Id: Tf4tD3HiG6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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