Minecraft Secret DEATH SWAP.. (Hide or Hunt)

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in today's video we play minecraft hider hunt but every five minutes we swap location with another player this is minecraft death swap you could fall to your death or you could swap into someone's secret base how nice also a lot of you guys that watch my content are currently not subscribed so if you enjoy the content please consider dropping a sub let's try to get to a million subscribers this year comment below your favorite traps and i might use them in the next video we currently right now have a beta for the hyder hunt mini game going on right now on our server hydrohunt.com join the server click solos and play ip in the description but guys if you enjoyed the video hit that like button let's get into hyder hunt with death swap okay here we go all right let the game begin some people are falling faster than numbers what the hell i didn't fall as fast as that that's unfair well i didn't go for my cave anyway hello sword how's it going hey so so see sword went for this because he saw the cave like it's always important to find a cave and now we're stealing resources off each other but anyway guys welcome to hyderant you know the drill we're gonna make a secret base all that kind of stuff but first let's collect iron and after grace period we're gonna be death swapping and i hope the first person i swap with will be sword so i can murder him okay we got 32 iron which is amazing we need some coal oh my god me and sword are literally on the same brave brain level today i don't even know what kind of base i'm gonna make so much pressure all right let's get out of here 32 iron is plenty we don't need any more than that oh he's going to stop get out my way oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god i messed up i messed up i messed up i messed up he did that wait he's not even taking it he's not even taking it oh my god he messed up so bad he messed up so bad he thought there was another chest that was kind of smart movement though is there another chesty there could be there could be there could be secret secret secrets oh my god we both spotted that button at the exact same time we just looked at each other is that all this here do i want this gold do i want this do i need i uh did i get over apples i don't think i need the gold do i need to go for anything i bet you guys are screaming at me in the comments like yes you need to go for this i can't think i don't think i need the gold let's get out of here oh my god well if sword sword at the start and not me he would have got everything my god how did i get away with everything we got a shield for unbreaking one is that good i don't even know all right let's grab some wood i always forget okay we currently right now have five diamonds but the interesting thing today is that with the desktop these five diamonds could mean nothing to me in four minutes time when we death swap or after grace period but it'll mean nothing to me because i could lose it instantly i'm probably gonna burn in lava or i'm probably gonna fall to my death let's be real okay we need to make sure that we get way more iron i've just realized we have books here that i need an anvil for and uh we're gonna need a lot of iron for that so i need to make sure i grab more we have over a stack of iron okay i think we're going to be good now we need to get somewhere so we can actually smelt this shizzle a lot there we go invisibility has been given now let's move over where there's some water now i've checked over here there seems to be no water other than these which i'm never ever ever going to make my base knees everyone searches them but i'm gonna make my base in like a river or something you know what i mean raven seems to do that and he seems to last quite long and i have no base ideas at the moment i've been looking around i don't want to make i kind of want to make a tree base but i can but i wouldn't mind trying to make a base in water but there has to be water somewhere right okay we got water here the only thing is it's too central for me oh i don't know okay we're going for a water base we're doing it okey dokey here we are right beacon going down there we go base is made it's a secret on the water base you know they're pretty good should hopefully last the only thing that might get me killed today is um or or out of the game is by dying a lot and my name being seen it's definitely gonna happen okay there's our anvil right we've got fire protection three respiration one and favorite following three favorite falling respiration and fire protection that was very loud i didn't like that if anyone's above me there's no base here i swear to god okay we're good to go let's get our inventory sorted let's head up to the surface base is done base don't get found today please please no and may i have good luck with the death swaps cause boy am i gonna need it okay we've got coppers maybe we can do something with that i'm not even sure i don't even know to be honest all right let's head to the surface let's get out of here please no one hear me coming up my ladder and please no one see me going out my base cause this is the make a break point okay i'm out the base did anyone see me i hope not grace period is over in four minutes and 30 seconds most of all let's grab water we're gonna need that and if we can find lava that could be our first death swap that we do just try kill blatantly summoning lava like that's just evil there has to be bases as well in this water like there has to be like somewhere along this river not only you didn't see anything somewhere along this water like there has to be i'm in it someone else has to be in it oh i hear someone i hear someone mining i don't see where i oh something's in the water wait this can't be his base can it does he know he has his diamond armor on or is he searching oh he's searching he's searching oh he might have heard me yeah he's heard me he's heard me stay still can he does he have particles on i'm going to kill you if you stay here oh i'm going to attempt to shut i'll say you didn't see that [Laughter] oh he's searching dude this guy doesn't waste any time searching maybe i should be like him as well searching as well dude this guy is on to something i don't know what he's looking at but he's looking at something i'm trying to stay behind him so that i actually stab him in the back he's gonna turn around just one hit me any boink here we go here we go four three two oh oh he's dead oh there's somebody he did know this i knew ign jack how are you doing buddy where are is your base entrance in here ah he must have seen you at the start of the game and that's why he was searching around here that was so weird dude that guy didn't see me coming though apologies i'm so sorry but i'm not all right welcome to the admin base is it no treasures here you got scammed beacon here no of course not we are all for demi admit it you know it hi jack is there a trap here no i'm so sorry you you know what has to happen yeah i'm sorry i found your base and you have to go goodbye hello hey you made it back quite quick where'd you come from okay that's one base down uh we haven't death solved yet uh i don't know when the death stop will be but we'll find out okay where did our little friend come from that we backstab because he came back pretty quick oh is that him over there oh oh we gotta fight we gotta fight do i do i oh okay okay okay oh okay i was gonna let you guys find out oh my god i'm in the gap i'm not dying i've learned my lesson i reserved too much where are you where are you living buddy oh nice one i need another bucket thank you appreciate that why are you trying to draw me away from where i am this is suspicious he's like look at he's like oh he's like this like oh come chase me even though he stopped me was i interfering with something am i near something that he doesn't like because he was mid-chasing someone else and he also nearly killed me as well am i chasing something that he's not happy with is he watching me oh no now swords chasing them oh bugger swapping locations with over players in 30 seconds go go go climb climb climb i'm gonna die it was lovely having this gear and that's why i might as well like that's why i should have just at the golden apple okay okay okay right we don't need food okay oh sword sword's not even ready okay we're dead swapping here we go here we go here we go oh no no someone's doing the lava trick okay here we go three two one ah no oh i survived i survived it wasn't high enough it wasn't i know thank the lord thank the lord okay did anyone die uh dk died rusty ward burned to death uh a dk fell to the sword burned to death he died by lava too if that's not karma i don't know what is right hang on we need to go back to where we were okay we got lee here how are you doing lee oh i missed that here missed a hit come here lee where you going was it you no it wasn't you that was okay keep running keep running i'll kill you i'm gonna kill you now because i'm batman i missed that and now i'm batman right lee's down uh ex bear did he die i think he was slain by faction raven and he's just turned up just there oh hello hello hello where's your base bear what is your skin is that barack obama he just died and he was spotted over here but he was on the surface too and he had no armor is in a tree because if so that's oh bear bear bear bear dude where why hasn't he respawned is he in the respawn lobby or like the respawn screen boom he's out the game all right there we go well he's not out of the game actually wait i wonder if he is out of the game can he respawn now does it still give him a life i'm actually not sure okay thank you raven you just found me a base very nice of you i just saw in chat like who's like when someone's running around naked you know they have to have died recently and then they must have been at their base so you just gotta find right hang on we're going back to that original guy who ran away from me was like oh chase me it just seemed so obvious oh look there's my tower i wonder if i killed anyone i don't think i did you see you don't know oh we're swapping in 30 seconds um i don't have enough time to tower i'm gonna jump into slava lee don't get rid of the lava please lee please i'm jumping no don't save me this ain't one of those saved manhunt games oh my god be at least what with each other [Laughter] we swapped so many people yeah you swap position with lee we both swapped with the same death swap okay oh we did kill someone look at that we did kill someone and he had an ender pearl yes let's go this is the quickest game i have ever seen in my life okay come on let's keep knocking more people out okay focus ryan we actually need to play hyder hunt we need to be detective so this guy was trying to run away like as if like you know chase me we were here he was dragging me this way so it makes me indicate that his base is somewhere in this chunk which still doesn't help me out whatsoever lee i found you oh my god lee wait are you just under the ground like camping are you actually in a base holy lee i'm so sorry buddy but you know what has to happen right you can run if you want to but in fairness you won't be able to hide either do i give you mercy you didn't see anything wow you're so dominant jaco wait wait what where did you come from the only thing is though lee wasn't the guy that i saw but he was living where did you come from you're barely geared he's just pearled i might just wait over here do you know what i'm gonna make a nice death trap a very slow painful trap and if they survive they survive okay swapping locations in 30 seconds all right let's get rid of this as much as we can i don't know if this is gonna work or not i'm not sure if they have pearls this is definitely not gonna work and maybe this won't work at all so then i'm gonna jump into that when the time is right and hopefully i don't do it too early okay here we go okay there we go go on hopefully it should be great there we go there we go there perfect oh oh okay we survived that death swap did we kill our person i wonder where was where where are we who did we death swap with we def swapped with thomas and thomas didn't die apparently so he could be still falling or he's just a pro and survived hey bro i'm not interested in you i want to see if thomas is still stuck in a cobweb probably not though okay wait go for it then fine are you running okay that's fine by me i want to see if thomas is in the cobweb no he's not we're way too late we're way too late he survived he didn't die did i just hear i swear i just heard someone place wood and it's such a plank of wood it's such a distinctive distinct distinct wood i can't speak sound you you get that you know the sound of a wooden plank oh hello hello all right is this the person oh it's already been found has it oh wait has this already been found i was gonna say is this the the person that i saw after oh whose beacon is it i don't even know i was gonna say if this is the person i saw after seeing lee's dk's no i don't think i was a dk that i saw i saw someone just after knocking out least someone's on the surface barely geared if so there could be another person living near here but that means there was two bases side by side next to each other someone's here i can hear someone or am i just going nuts oh just walk in 30 seconds climb climb climb wait there's so much water around here though we just gotta go we gotta go this is the thing you've gotta find people's bases but then you've got death swaps going on at the same time which make it really hard i feel like this is my death point if someone's really high right now they're gonna really like i can't emerge war but this ain't gonna kill anyone it's not gonna do the trick we're just gonna have to get as high as possible oh my god we just warped into someone's base no way whose base is this whose base is it it is it's t climber's base whoa i actually didn't think would be warping into people's bases episode no way what an easy find oh my god this base is actually pretty cool i can't believe it hasn't been found already i'm not gonna lie if you die before the death swap and you're stuck in your base when the desktop's happening you are out my friend unless you are super lucky i can't believe it the poor guy right he's out of the game he's on his last life who knows he might be able to climb really high in a second his name is t climber and i might fall for his trap if you get what i mean like haha fall that's not funny i want to do that trap again but i feel like it didn't work you know i feel like maybe we have to do it somewhere where there's no water or maybe somewhere with lava oh geez i didn't see that oh my god oh okay i need to find lava that hasn't been spoiled whoa what's thomas doing what what is this this is a button shrine is that a trap oh i get it you can't place i i think i understand what it does it makes it so you can't place anything these guys are just killing each other i'm just guys i'm just looking for lava oh hang on there has to be lava here right because like what's this all about there there has to be oh yes i don't think this is gonna work i'm not gonna lie but we shall see i want it to be slow but the only thing is that just they're just gonna water around it aren't they it's not it's not gonna actually work maybe it will if we're lucky oh who's that it's it's jack jack i'm making a death swap do you mind hello ryan up ryan hello are we gonna are we gonna battle you know it's dangerous to battle yeah since we're so close to a death stop i don't want to die but if you want to come out are you just are we just gonna do the same death swap we're swapping in 30 seconds oh i've also got an idea i'm gonna try be super cheeky okay i need to be ready i need to be ready i've got an idea i'm gonna try and make lava fall on them as well dude this is so bad okay not high enough not high enough did we kill the person oh we swapped position with team climber and it killed him no way so that was cl team climber you do not climb far enough my trap killed him and uh my trap might have also killed jack or turtum should i say that was a good idea see they always expect the water down below or the lava down below but not the water to be falling on top of their head they don't expect that right we got four more minutes we might be able to try and successfully use that trap again if we can try oh oh rusty warships i love this dude dude this guy's epic he's always running around naked i know that sounds so weird to say but in minecraft of course hello buddy come on i gotta kill you because you you know we gotta we gotta do the thing oh god i'll get i've got fever falling boots hope you're dead okay right you're over there i'm going to go over in that direction i just want to make sure that my trap is intact so i can return to it oh my god there's dead people here someone definitely fell to the death right this is my trap i've claimed it right let's grab some more water i want to make sure my trap is still intact it definitely is okay that's fantastic he's gonna come back he's definitely gonna come back wait if i kill if i follow jack at the right time and kill him okay you want to fight you want to fight i was gonna try and stalk you for the five minutes and then when guess what's about to happen attempt to kill you come here come here come here oh you got yourself stuck and he also snugged me where is he living i just want to see if this trap can go two for two you know two for two all right here we go another death swap is coming right up this is the perfect desktop so the perfect please swap me into someone's base i'm surely i am bound to die someone has to do a high enough trap like right i haven't fell from the sky but i suppose i'm about to talking about it is gonna make it happen okay here we go here we go all right we gotta do this right gotta do is right we gotta do it so right that we don't burn ourselves okay what okay do people know how to death swap just stack up and make me fall i need a challenge come on did we kill someone oh yeah i think we did sea dog we killed sea dog dude if we find sea dog now that'll be sick oh jack just burnt to death he burned to death too okay that's a lot of people going back to their base right now we gotta find them i'm gonna reset my trap so if i want to use it again i can but we've got about four minutes to spend we killed rusty warships we killed him over here and he was running from this direction i don't know if he died but i'm just going to take that information as he somewhere over there because that's the only information i have right now and obviously we have four minute periods of where we have to search but getting jambled across the map is also making very tricky there's cha okay jack just died hang on hang on hang on jack just died but he's here he burned to death two seconds ago see if we can grab him uh oh our trap is going up in flames okay jack's going back to lava if he doesn't see me coming i'll punch him right into it and they're burned to death for a second time oh he's about to burn death for a second time bye jack oh raven's having a fight okay okay jack was somewhere over here he ran down here jack where are you living come out if he's living in the field like that's a tough one because you need grass to replace it so he has to be living in the water things oh i just saw it's even rusty warships or his jack i think it's jack because it was a small name hello hello indeed where did you come from my guy did he come out of the gravel easily could have and i'm surprised that he's not coming back to fight but i suppose he doesn't want to die and actually give away his base in case i can't find it but i will look until i find him and i've just found it let's go terizan's epic not tree-based i swear not the tree pierce raven if you see this walk away don't tell anyone of this or else i will oh i don't know well jack oh god knock it out quickly oh well jack um if you said ryan maybe i wouldn't have knocked your base out am i gonna oh i got lucky i was lucky and you missed the swap so that happens when you have an uneven amount of players obviously some people can't swap them over players oh no faction raven tried to swim a lava dude he got swapped to death so some people get lucky and uh don't actually swap and when that happens you get regeneration fire resistance in case you're jumping into a trap and you don't know you're about to get lucky dude imagine i was just about to knock out jack's beacon and i swapped that'd be so sad wait a second that's where i thought rusty warships was living somewhere around here but i haven't seen him since so maybe not actually unless he is just carrying his base but we'll keep searching obviously that's my trap over there but it's been kind of messed up a little bit oh we got two people here we got two people here oh where's jack gone turgens he's about to get murdered jack i'll save you i'll save you jack oh my god oh my god i'm not gonna save you oh no no no done for saving people jack you can fend for yourself that creeper nearly just loom me to kingdom come oh dude this guy is coming for me oh no i need to make sure i regen on my heart dude is he going for me he must know i'm weak i must not show weakness regeneration as much as possible he's going to try to creep me from that tree that was a good um strat though he was trying to definitely try and okay come on uh yeah okay that just slows you down no i just oh i find sometimes when people do that they do a really good job or they just themselves like it's just it's just gonna happen dude this guy's leading me to a trap oh god there's another player oh oh oh oh that was a big hit one more crit to finish him off okay see that worked oh for the creeper oh imagine the creeper finish them oh death swap death start desktop let's go let's go go climb climb climb if someone has a building and knock me off before i even have a chance to react climb climb climb climb i bet everyone's just climbing right now oh this is where i die i can feel it i can feel it i can feel it and i don't and i think if i pearl it won't matter maybe it would i don't know i'm not smart enough i'm not 200 iq i'm only 199 iq oh nice i get the easy swap we swapped with fps and fps fell from a high place now is the best time to go searching for bases because three people are after dying right now that means three people are sitting inside their base crying whimpering wishing they were as lucky as me for some reason this is i want i need one challenge the gods have blessed me today um okay we've just found someone's base right next to my base like that's his base he's just came out of it and my base is here so if i die i'm gonna be stuck in my base while he's waiting there and this is probably gonna attract a lot of attention hello i'm just gonna grab a creeper to explode you open oh god don't die don't die don't die come on we should be good but you never know see if he gets okay oh he's a damn pickaxe oh that's an upgrade i love upgrades let's deep dive into this we're going down i hope he doesn't have lava if he has lava i'm so dead gg good sport dude good sport you can run if you want to run you have a chance to if not you don't want to run i'll let him not an hour to find it this time eh gg good bass well done bass a grey bass fantastic bass you want me to you want me to do it okay goodbye my friend we stand here today to remember jacio a guy whose base survived an hour and unluckily his base got found because i was running past and i heard the sound of wood who doesn't love wood in the morning [Laughter] jco gg dude you'll live on and well done for not getting found in an hour you're doing well like i to be honest like the only bases i found today is because just seeing them luckiness who's this rusty warships i need to kill you i need to know where you are oh you've got pearls i see right okay death stops happening let's get ready and let's do our trap oh dude he's doing a lava trap this will definitely work right there's no cobweb there three two one oh my god okay that could have been death easily if i fell into the wrong bit of lava i hit the dirt though lucky again what is going on did anyone die you swapped with jack oh jack you tried to murder me man i couldn't put the cardboard down in time actually i've lost my cobwebs no i know where actually no it's gonna say i know where rusty warships is because he was digging down but i just realized he swapped he could have got lucky though oh there's there's there's sea dog i have no idea where this guy's base is he might be on his last life hang on i okay i am interested in sea dog but i'm also interested in rusty warships i feel like i have more information on him did he he dug down here somewhere i wonder what trappy is doing he swapped he's not here oh i think jack's about to get knocked out i did try to save him once but i'm definitely not saving him again will i will i finish the job jack for you i want to let jack have like this redemption arc you know so i'm going to let him do what he needs to do here for a second if the if this is going to be a chase he didn't take any damage so he's seen me now so we're good to go all right come on jack just kill me already really jack come on you got you got to run out of blocks is is thomas going to intervene he's def oh god i'm about to get third parties where am i no wait am i i'm i'm afraid of getting third-party right now okay let's keep following jack he smacked me a few times i'm quite angry about that oh nice one oh i'm dead oh no that's how you die honestly just unluckiness oh god let's get out of here make this make this bounce on out of here before i get found right i need to try and make it seem like i'm over here so that they spend so much time searching the water here jack's got my stuff though i'm so dead dude that's like 1.16 pvp i hate i love it but sometimes you just lose it and oh god death swap oh oh oh oh oh oh this is this is it i'm done for i'm actually done for because i'm about to death swap with not a single water bucket i need to get lucky i'm going over these towers hoping that i can get water and i'm not gonna have enough time this is where i die and this is where i get found this is where it's over with no no no no no no water i need water i need water i need water no please please please no please no no no e-e-e no please no please no no no no no no no no no oh oh my god right i need to regen i need to find a water bucket asap asap a rooney oh no oh no i need to regen fully before i at least take a fight rusty warships are slain by jack this is my best chance to attempt to kill jack right now oh no i'm gonna get up oh no oh no gotta go gotta go gotta go fast jack is now the almighty one he must burn in lava and burn that stuff with him okay water bucket acquired right we need to go find people rusty warship is the only person that i have information on i killed him over in the mountain he potentially looked like he was just running by like that's the only bit like over here so i'm assuming his base might be somewhere here and he just died recently as well so if he does pop up here we've confirmed that rusty warships is definitely living here oh my god no i'm gonna die for the second time because i'm missing all my hits no dude oh i've definitely been found i'm telling you right now oh someone's digging down i hope he's on his last life otherwise i'm done for it's fps need to make a pickaxe quickly and dig to him oh no no no no we're deaf swapping please say i just swapped with fbs oh no oh oh no someone's just i'm knocked out my beacon is definitely destroyed i'm done for oh my god i wish no oh i hate you no no no i did say this is probably gonna happen [Laughter] oh we had so much luck at the start i died to jack in a stupid way being my cocky self and then i just had to stroke at the worst luck possible over and over and over again and then to top it off death swap in my base oh i've gotta i'm not gonna lie though it's been a fantastic episode i enjoyed it guys if you don't know already let me show you right now we currently right now this week have the hydrohunt minigame up and running it's on solo modes right now this is currently right now in alpha so we've released the minigame to everyone we're trying to make it for everyone so so it's not just for us privately so right now we have a solos mode of the game you can join the server on hydrohunt.com 1.16 any version that you want works other than uh just not 1.8.9 1.9 or more and you can join solos it's in a very rough alpha state at the moment as you can see very very rough and we're basically aiming to try to get it publicly released in the next month or so with the full release with having all things like admin bases and everything like that in the world but anyway guys thank you very much for watching i hope you enjoyed what an episode this would be and if you want to play hider hunt literally hide or hunt make sure to join hiderhunt.com you can play today for a limited time only the bait is out a limited time [Music] you
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 527,690
Rating: 4.9219856 out of 5
Keywords: ryannotbrian, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft funny, minecraft manhunt, minecraft challenge, challenge, minecraft but, minecraft hide or hunt, minecraft hoh, minecraft death swap, Minecraft HIDE or HUNT, but we Death Swap
Id: igyfZIK4QOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 15sec (1635 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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