Minecraft with Secret Proximity Chat! (Hide Or Hunt)

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in this video we play minecraft hider hunt with proximity chat when you are actually nearby players in this video you can hear them speaking and the further away you get from them you can't don't die don't die don't die today 15 solo players all go out into the world with a 25 minute grace period in that grace period they must place down their beacon inside their secret base the beacon is the only place you can craft at and the aim of the game is to find other people's secret bases and destroy their beacon the last beacon standing is the winner but beware throughout this whole series pvp is enabled and also in this one backstabbing i recommend watching this video with headphones guys if you enjoyed this video and you're not subscribed help me achieve my dream of hitting 1 million subscribers this year we're getting so close and if you enjoy the video make sure to go up down below hit that like button if we smash over 10 000 likes i will do another proximity chat video but this time with duo's guys enjoy i think nearly the longest video i have ever posted good luck everybody where are you going i'm going this way where are you going i'm going this way too hi boys hi sword how are you doing i'm going this way i don't like any of you we're the three best all right look at this we can just where are you going i'm going this way i'm thinking okay right hey guys welcome back to another season of hyder hunt raven get away i'm trying to do an intro subscribe to ryan opry brian where are you going i don't know i'm looking for a cave is if there is a cave i found a cave wait i mean i didn't oh no oh no who's that that's jack i can definitely hear jack right so i think in this episode i'm going to make a secret base but my enemies can't find that out okay if they find out i'm definitely done for oh my god everyone's here this is gonna be this is a fail no honestly this iron can't support enough of us this cave can't support enough of us get out of here i'm a single mother i need this children no can i guys can i have can i have some iron as a finder's feet no no i don't please just like come on two bits of iron from both of you one you have one one sure one one i'll take one and two bits of coal you picked it up james give it back scammed [Laughter] right where are you guys making your secret base before you leave i need to know the information oh is this your secret base no this is the iron i'm stealing off no give me no okay hang on can i have since you found this cave because of my voice my beautiful voice can i have four pieces of iron and i'll be happy two more two more two more one more two one more no you're scamming me this this feels interrogation not really you found it because my beautiful voice remember you said you found a lovely laugh and you came here thank you that was true that was true thank you now i've got my 24 iron [Laughter] who can i still hear raven i can hear you i can hear other people in the mumble that clearly aren't linked to the server where are you you're underground i know you are what why aren't you gonna let me know that you're making your base i can hear someone clicking they need to mute where are you i know where you are i can hear your beautiful voice oh you're invisible you're on top of the hill my headset don't lie hello marco marco you're meant to say polo marco marco ben at least edit insane polo so i don't feel alone in this wide advanced environment right so i think we're gonna make a secret tree base oh hello you hello jack you stole my iron and now i have none left you didn't hear what i just said though are you going to make a secret baby okay you didn't hear me right so i think i'm going to make a secret tree base ben look at chat i'm typing out what i'm doing okay viewers that's what i'm doing that's where i'm gonna make a base but i'm going to refer to it as that okay yeah so if i say tree base i hope no one can hear me right now because this is awkward if they can if i say true bass true bass means my bass this is so confusing right we have 24 iron we might need a little bit more oh we need to grab wood what am i doing what am i doing grab wood silly billy when i actually make my base though i'm gonna have to be incredibly quiet for the fact that you know if i make the wrong sound someone might hear me and then you know i might be dead you know they might have found me and i i don't want them to find me that's a fact thank you cornish thank you i appreciate that no problem bye if i see you i'll spare you oh thank you why whose base have you found huh oh who else wants me oh who's been found who's being found i expect diamonds in the chest right here or i will knock you out bruh i got five i got five iron from cordage because i've not found any that's why okay i want i want that five iron come out and come out into the surface why would i give it you i've got no reason to uh if you don't i will i'm not giving you my iron brother i want one iron otherwise i will find you and i will i and i have i'm going to find you i see you up here hi hello can i avoid iron please give me one iron and i'll give you something really good oh cornish corners come on man i need a bit of iron i haven't got anything please have some mercy corners please honestly what do i get what do i get in return i've actually got something for you do you trust me do you trust me sort of okay give me the iron then please i've actually i found nothing i have two pieces of iron raven stole all of me because he followed my voice you need how much do you need well i have two bits of iron so i have none so just even anything will help me out and i can't find any caves i'm actually desperate i'll give you four okay that's three actually okay there we go thank you you're the best all right we're going silent from now on then keep them entertained okay this is where i'm making my base right here okay this is the biggest risk i'm gonna take welcome to casa bass time to get smelting and get prepared if anyone heard that please kindly go away yo stop what you're doing right now who the hell are you who the hell are you uh uh hi get the hell out of here mill oh okay i've claimed this promise me you won't knock me out i was gonna make my face here leave my place why do we make the place in the same place get the hell out of here i need to get over it don't knock me out i'll bring you goods i'll bring you goods i promise okay okay the hell you meanie cover it back up cover it back up jesus you scared me you've talked right there's someone else here who's here oh no no has this already been found oh my god this hasn't been found no way it was left wide open oh my god if anyone's here and can hear me i just found the best new ever wait is there any secrets any secrets in the lava anything like that a fire aspect axe is that actually okay right i'm not hoarding any of my goods that's that's a fact i'm not hoarding a single one five minutes left we're gonna we're gonna keep the armor here but hello go on who can hear me who's here go on show yourself you did it slimy so-and-so i heard you break a block so you must better hear me name yourself oh i heard you you can't hide from me my guy if that's how you want to play i'll find you and i will kill you the only reason why you're not talking to me right now is because your base must be somewhere nearby isn't that a fact is it near oh is it not because i'm in a cave i think we might be did you just get here right now yeah all right you didn't hear me talking a second ago oh i did oh right hmm why didn't you say anything i wanted to know what you had so you're in a cave that fire yes that fire aspect must be lovely oh it's brilliant it's so good it's so good the thing is if you do find me i suck at pvp so you know naturally naturally i will win i wouldn't say your cave is really nice got a dick to say now unless this isn't you and you're actually in a cave [Laughter] that might not be the case here but you know can i come into the cave yes because it's quite lovely here hello okay all right i'll chill with you we've got four minutes four minutes we can't kill each other i don't know what to do the thing is uh my base design i didn't i couldn't find iron because i my game immediately crashed oh oh okay were you in the middle of the game two were you in the middle of the map two seconds ago no that wasn't me i don't think so all right okay well you know what i'll be nice to you like it looks like you generally your game did crash um so yeah you were able to hear me clicking okay here i'm gonna give you yeah i'm gonna share i'm gonna do i'm gonna do something with good karma i'm gonna give you that that that you have a flame bow oh thank you thank you not a problem very lovely i don't know i'm gonna regret that decision to be honest but uh probably not because i cannot use a bow to save my life could i actually have to bow back and i'll give you the flame axe it's the i didn't pick it up no no we're good we're good we're good you keep it i want to be really nice i'm hoping some good camera there we go right i feel bad if you did crash i'll i'll leave you be have a have a good day thank you i might come back if i get desperate i might come back and knock you out later but we'll see thank you thank you we'll see i might not it depends but like you know i mean you dig up with cobblestone sorry i will block this up with no one's gonna find it you're fine you did yeah because you spoke okay right i'm gonna go back to my tree base now guys for the people watching the only thing that i am scared about though is i do feel like someone like well someone has found my base but do i trust that person to give me mercy i don't know hello raven i heard raven in the distance he might have heard me i found that person's base i won't name him or her should i say that probably gives it away but um yeah like if she did crash then i'll give her mercy and i'll leave her be i hope my tree base doesn't get found i shouldn't really i think i just heard someone in this mountain hello hey buddy [Music] hey [Music] show yourself no okay i'm gonna go back to where your base is in okay i saw some i saw one of them here but it looks like they were teamed together so maybe they're just chilling and talking i don't know i'm not really too sure this is kind of a weird episode because i don't feel like i can speak to you guys because if i speak to you guys i give away my secrets and who's here listening to me because i notice that there is someone listening raven where are you show yourself if i go out straight away i'm not going to be surprised just for the fact of the start i had but hey we'll try our best to have some fun and we'll do what we can do oh hello hello why this is really weird because this really humanizes killing you now oh hang on jd is here though jd yeah where are you nowhere what are you doing where's your base oh whoa whoa there's other people here honestly thomas knocked someone out before they even played everyone should kill thomas peekaboo oh my god [Laughter] someone just murdered jd oh oh damn dab dab dab dab can i ask you a question can i ask you a question no oh crim chalmers thomas oh stop yum why can't i hear a dead person get the hell out of here where do you live dev why do you barely have enough hey can i ask you a question can i ask you a really fiery question no please it's so fiery i've been so unlucky this question no this question is really hard this question is real this question is really hot no yeah this question is really hot like let me ask it to you oh my god let me ask it to you let me actually okay right so this question is super awful green yt left channel and disconnected all right i'm gonna go find dev i feel like he's over here i know you're living somewhere here do you want to make yourself known dev i know you are maybe not i'm just trying to be confident but i know you're living somewhere here oh yeah dev is that you def he's north he's north okay who's this i'm talking to you know the guy that gave you iron earlier so you should give leniency too are you by any chance in a base yeah i think you are sadly are you in a tree no you sound like you're in a tree from my i have i have a good headset on i'm telling you this i'm underground would you say again i'm underground no you're not i see you have you got a tree base you beautiful guy all right i'll be back for you later i'm gonna look over there okay right i'll take i'll tell you i'll be back for you later okay come out this tree and show me where you show me where am you saw her dead oh hello hello how are you going me and jack are just we're looking for a guy called dev would you like to help out yeah sure um okay so jack come here jack was just on top of the tree being a lookout weren't you yeah all right calm down i'm not gonna kill you i need this information i want to find dev okay so apparently he saw dev over here now why am i targeting dev i don't know just for fun yeah it sounds like fair deal don't break my beacon i think i think he's noticed listen let me do it don't define the content quickly jack no it's my base it's my base i repeat it's my base it's my base it's my base i found it find us keepers find his keepers 15 minutes ago stop killing jack get out my tree where is he no it's my base by law a lucky bro no burn to death jack you have betrayed my trust by not letting me knock you out i was a sweetheart i would have knocked you out with grace jack come here jack saw me 10 minutes ago jack you take me to the exact location that you saw dev awake and if i find dev awake i will let you live does that sound like a fair deal that does sound like a fair deal okay take me to the exact location if i do not find his base then you are done for do you have any information on raven's base uh no right so show me exactly where you saw dev i'll take you to devilweight don't take me to him but show me where he came from and if i find it you can live fair squaresies oh hello oh hi ryan oh hi again no i can't pvp i'm so rusty that's what i get oh no boom dev where are you living oh he's just okay he's definitely respawned all right jack ignore him show me where you saw dev exactly he was running this way okay so i recently killed him so he must be somewhere you saw him by your tree correct who's that i'm looking for dev okay we can be friends let's kill jack we'll kill him we need to feel i need to find out if his information is right i need to get closer i can't hear you i promise i'm not going to kill you okay if his information is right about dev he lives if not we can have we can kill him together so apparently he should be somewhere here because he's that that was jack street base over there dev wait hang on we'll do the old trick marco it didn't work no let's try again let's try again marco marco hi karim hey krim kareem i hear you he doesn't hear me thomas was up there dev all right let's just go hey ryan will you shut up i'm looking for dev you in it now he's not going to show up he's definitely here no he didn't build his base here he has to because you i killed him and you saw him no no i saw him ages ago yeah but he came from somewhere though do you know what i mean he had to i killed him and i ran straight this direction doc get away from here man dev somewhere here have you seen dev at all no that's perfect i'm just waiting i don't know where he is i think he's somewhere in this forest or he's around this hillside because if jack saw him he has to be somewhere here somewhere dev at least give me one polo if you are here michael jack was that you i can't tell differently voices that's not jack i don't think you're in the mountain dev i know that for a fact you shouldn't have said polar and i thought you were in the forest you've been a smart cookie and like hid behind stone because if so then i'm not gonna find you but i'm checking this down for that get traumatized here no dude you might get lucky here if you scream for help i will yo calm down dev cam camera dev no why'd you say polo you idiot give you content my content is less oh well i appreciate it i just thought i just knew you had to be somewhere here because i killed you so quick and then jack said he saw you here so i was like who's coming i hear someone who's here oh jesus okay you're right you live yeah get out of it he gave me a polo and gave his base away dev you know i have to do this don't you yes do you know okay do you know where my base is i might wrong answer you know i have to do this do you know where my base is no i can't trust you anymore i don't i don't i can't content too do you know where my base is i'm saying truthfully honestly do not i have not found a single base very well he's going up the mountain champion show yourself it's over trauma is that you jack yeah yeah he's right below you good randy orton slytherin watch out watch out watch out here's dude he was just concentrating so hard he didn't even talk i could just hear his keyboard going he didn't say a single thing jack you are very kind all right you can survive and dev i'll let you survive because you were naked when i originally killed you and jack kind of gave you away so you know we are technically bending the rules this series i just hope he doesn't knock me out because i've given mercy to keep playing you shouldn't have gave me a polo okay that was interesting i'm going back to my tree base yo who the hell can i hear yo what's up ryan yo what's up where are you at are you in aven's basement guess what he had a diamond oh dude i told doc to run off i feel that's kind of my fault [Music] bring it out throw it drop it and i'll take it no i was screaming at you from the hill when you were saying hi to thomas up in the hill and i was like kareem deb gave me a marco oh really yeah you found him yeah polo have you actually got diamond actually give me i'll actually be forever in your dick if you want one yes i have no idea what your base is you have any idea where my bases no no idea okay so we find each other's fair squares thank you helping each other hide our hunters sorry for letting you die right i'm gonna make the risky journey back to base i have a feeling you're still following me because ryan's over here and i'm gonna take you to him i heard that jack i heard that and i hope he didn't hear me now by the way yes i failed again in my base [Music] marco i heard that you absolute betraying scum no you were leading someone to me that's worse no you weren't were you i don't no i sound like you're playing for your life hi how are you doing wait were you trying to kill him uh no was he leading you to me no all right we're good then is your base near here then no i think he was just trying to buy some time maybe you should too uh i mean i'll let you live today wait no don't chase after me um i think i might let you live yeah i actually gave you lots of iron at the beginning you did i am the very nice guy do you want a present in return yes one piece of gold wait uh uh you're good at finding bases i'm a bit distracted this episode i'm not gonna lie but yes you're distracted you know there's a lot going on the way i'm the only way i found bases right now is is my friends oh my god this is what happened when the middle goes into an isolation wanna be friends emil yes i wanna be friends with you for reasons that we cannot speak about ah yeah yeah take a flower friend emil what do you want in life i promised you stuff friends all right you got it right cornish is your friend cornish is your friend go with cornish and cornish will lead you to a better place stay right here stay here emil emil stay here stay right here i'll be two seconds corners come here no no no no no we're just talking about stuff other feelings just come on come over here um look i don't know he's gone a bit cuckoo just take him to the back of the corner of the map just by maui's misery you know what i mean okay which corner just any corner but yeah okay now you go with mill mill you go with cornish i'm gonna be your new friend i'm gonna be your new friend you go with cornish and he's gonna show you more flowers oh go over that direction there's tons of flowers over there there's a nice flower bottom over there trust me cornish not pain not painful painless no come this way no a mill go with cornish oh oh fashion stock is there okay we're still in the game i don't know how could have killed you i know i know i know but can you just be honest with me i won't tell you but wait wait let's just talk about the secret tree base raven seeker tree base raven's tree base is up in the corner of the map that we can't hey friends hello yeah sorry i can i can't deal with what you said to deal with it's like flower yeah the problem is he also knows where raven's base is i don't know whoever in space is yeah like where raven's bases he knows where did you get me he knows our ravens bases you get what i mean yes crim let's how do you do two let's go to the face i'm gonna go and check it out oh raven's face yeah this is this is this is interesting why hey kareem wanna buy one of the ten bases i know what stabbing is all to happen in this group no there's no backstabbing uh-huh we know where raven's base is you wanna come yeah really um well pretty much area all right who the hell are you talking to cornish i don't hear corners oh where's sword living uh nowhere swords just down there with a boat he's got a power boat wait wait are we gonna make friends with ray even too we're finding raven's base okay so raven's base is somewhere here in this mountain search it boys yo yo yo come here raven's base is somewhere here help us search yeah yeah come on sword you always want to knock out raven no raven would definitely do it under the snow and like yeah yeah yeah exactly exactly exactly everyone searched this guy's gonna kill me no we're not we're all up here oh i forgot you can hear me raven is definitely living somewhere up here we have to find him the reason why i know raven i basically raven died and he basically came out of up here so he's living somewhere so he could be on the side it might not be the top oh we can have a small snowball fight take some snowballs wait a second guys this is actually i think the wrong place no this ain't the right mountain what am i doing i'm so sorry follow me follow me follow me okay chat if you can hear me i'm trying to drag them away from my base and keep them occupied as much as i can give them something else to put their attention on i don't think i'm gonna last but hopefully i can they shouldn't have heard me saying this okay i need to find another mountain to make it seem believable okay right it was this mountain over here i don't know why i got so confused they're not even similar raven you're here raven so you saw a sword here where did you see sword sword was down there and and he sort of knew that someone lived under this mountain because someone was talking somewhere in this corner we got a searcher basically i don't think raven's gonna be too happy though that we're all searching for it oh my god they're over there searching for ravens basically this is raven's base oh my god what a freaking call but like i have them searching there they shouldn't be able to hear me unless someone's down here i have them searching there so that you know they're away from my base and distracted but we haven't got it's sword i'm so sorry sword i'm so sorry i'm so sorry sword you built right in the corner what the hell okay um i just found sword so karim and all them were actually telling the truth about their actual information that's fascinating he said they said that they saw sword here in this area and they let sword basically like swords wanted them to search around here obviously that's a really risky move i don't know where they're gone yo i just found sword yeah in that corner but raven's somewhere here so keep searching definitely all right let's just slip out there okay cornish knows about my base and so does doc doc is still no doc's been knocked out doc's out of the game dogs out of the game completely wait what was this already open or did i just open this what is going on yo sword where are you where the hell are you hello no whoa whoa whoa whoa hold up no i need to explain that karim made me knock you out otherwise he's gonna knock me out can you help me out where is the logic in that because you're gonna come for him and he knows that you have a flame boat i found nothing so i kind of need right if you see because i'm on my last live face so i could kill you right now exactly that's why i don't want to move any higher up these lines yeah but i could just come down for you okay but i'd kill you yeah basically crim did you search okay let's see if this information's right did you search with karim at the start of the game near your base yes well that's how he found it he found it he called me and made me knock it out if i didn't he will knock me out i don't know where the logic is maybe trying to give me extra content other than you i i don't know he would make me do that and that's what i made to do so i did it i'm not dying he's nice have you seen him recently he's geared i saw him searching with you and emil that was it yeah i was trying to just drag him away and then he basically was like oh yeah search here drag him away you live around here right yeah yeah here well you're out are you gonna knock me out wait is this your base what is this a fresh base wait is this your feet wait hold on you should be gone no not i know of is this a baseball is this the base down here yeah no no it was it's already been found all right there's no sign no no i live around here yeah i can i'll confidently say that i live in this mountain somebody called dev awake told me you live around here yeah i live in this mountain yeah and that would make sense because we had a big battle oh my god what the hell is going on up here oh my god whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh what the hell what the hell nobody get up you trying to kick a man while he's down you wouldn't know we're very i'm alright i panicked okay stop then stop coming at me what do you mean i'm shielding i'm not even coming away with the flamer [Music] stop my heart was going like crazy right now i'm running i'm running dude he tried to hit me when i was down i need that ball i'm getting that ball he's in this mountain somewhere he's in here somewhere i'm not quite sure he said he said he's in it and he can probably hear me right now it's probably like he's sat behind a tree behind me oh hi ryan hey you were right about me sitting on a tree you're dead right can you get down here you tried to backstab me when i was low i was forced to now i need to knock out crim otherwise i am out of the game and i need help you have the most information on crim you also have a motive you start you stop rushing them i was trying look i haven't played minecraft for two weeks because i had a holiday okay i wasn't at my computer i don't know how i've wasted all my pearls i don't believe okay fair enough i need help are you gonna help me or not no why wouldn't i have just came down and killed you you tried i didn't try i asked you i could have snuck up on you when you were in the basement oh i don't know if this is a base i don't know maybe it is yeah but then flyer came and disrupted your little plan but that was well afterwards i could have came down i heard your voice i could have came down to the base i could have lit you waited at the top of the ladder and smacked you and you know that for a fact but then i got out yes but i could have killed you well i need help and you're the only one that i know has information on crim because if you saw cream at start the game you must know where he's living you must have a rough idea he was near my base that's where we met right it doesn't matter i'll go fight cream on my own i'm gonna kill him i'm gonna kill him so bad i want that fireball he's just like i thought there was no value to sword at the moment since he's knocked out but there is kind of value i need to find cornish as well i'm wasting so much time but i'm having so much fun with the voice chat he's portraying for crim i repeat he's portraying karim he knows where crim lives he's here he's digging down you stay away from my kareem it's not get him raven get him you're betraying cream how dare you touch my swiss man i trust ryan above all else he's betraying karim he knows because he's not brian he's up he's not he's not is he not no no i'm underground yeah he's betraying crim he knows where he lives because apparently they searched at the start of the game and he wanted me to find him he's he's still here ryan hello where are you he's such a slimy bugger this this proximity chat is making everyone so slimy it's so funny though kareem found my base made ryan knock it out and then ryan told me where his base is but then ryan's trying to kill me now because he doesn't want me to tell the people where his face is so what you're saying is you betrayed kareem how did i betray kareem i'm all i'm here did you betray my friend there is no logic behind that there isn't much logic behind it fandom why tell us why you're betraying crim at least and we'll let you live my friend no tell us why you're doing it i'll let you listen to raven your friend for how many years six but that's not the point raven would know if i'm lying hello baldi doesn't clearly know when you're lying okay you got it you got it oh watch it watch it watch it i've got no water don't die don't die don't die okay okay okay take bread i haven't gotten it give me a bucket give me a bucket give me a pocket it quickly i'm going i'm going i can't pick it i'm going i'm going i'm going to be oh i'm alive i'm fine i'm fine oh thank christ oh my god that was intense oh it's kind of a crimp sword was trying to betray you dude what happened sword was trying to for training i murdered him and then ryan sent me on the sword said sword came to me saying that he knows where you live and do i want to knock him out even though i don't think he read the chat of who knocked him out which was me what a dumbo ryan set me on fire it was a whole bundle of events yeah i came in all i heard is [Music] give us your base location okay right leave right all right let's leave prairie go let's see if there we go we're gonna get him yeah that's it emil is our meal is our uh sirens milk keep him going keep him going don't stop all right guys guys guys he must be living somewhere here do you understand that he might be somewhere here so we could find together anyway crim basically i don't think sword realized who knocked him out he didn't look good and he was basically saying does he know did he know where you actually lived i don't think so he was saying i think it was to get you off he was saying over where his base was like where his basement is where you live apparently no all right guys i need to go look for bases i hope i don't find yours thank you for believing me where he lives yeah okay this way you know where he lives yeah we know the direction emil can i ask you a favor why aren't you knocking out ravens base because friends okay all right yeah good friends he knows where raven's base is chrome you're taking us to frary's base right now right yeah yeah yeah where is it was it right here oh my god no way no no no i just need flour raven what viewpoint are you going to you're not going to find anything here i'm not going this way i'm going to pass this this way why are you guys following me we're not no we're not we're going to fryer's base are you coming and mail knows where it is yes kinda all right kinda will do what is this trap ryan what's a mill gonna do he has two flowers yeah i can't believe honestly i actually was scared that sober is gonna turn you against me if we got you oh look at that friary [Music] hold on guys that forest he was coming exactly from that forest over there no i know he was but if we kill him you'll have to reset again we're not teaming we're just running together i'm attacking you oh look it's dev yeah but it's only me attacking you dude all right come at me ryan come on then buddy come at me then oh god oh god hey right no one's here right yeah what are we going to do about the situation raven and cream and thingamabob or rule teaming no but you know where my base is yeah uh i believe so you i think you do okay you did we good because i think i have a rough idea where your base is and you can knock me out but like if we get semi-finals i'll help you out we can be secret allies if we get semi-finals i'll let you win oh my is that a deal if we get to semi-finals together and it's me and you you can knock me out i promise that for a fact okay so we're secret allies though so you need to stay away from the main group if i chase you i don't really want to kill you okay right i'm gonna go link up with the main group and get friary out for us i appreciate this it's an investment i promise you i won't backstab you if i think i'm in your debt raven they must be gone somewhere over here friary was eliminated by rabbo distabo oh my god ferrari's been found hello hello cornish evans kareem and ree which i think is a meal yeah this was this was friary's base yo how are you doing i drowned him i killed him i drowned him corn has tried to jump me got me down to one heart and then ran off dude i found it ryan no like that oh my god so me killing him didn't make any difference uh it really did because i don't know actually because i went down there and he said something stupid about monkeys raven i might have a slight issue they know you'll be well already told me he knows where your base is i just didn't i didn't want to knock you out because you know yeah but emil told me where your base is well he didn't tell me where your base is we say no to your bases no he doesn't he also no wait emil told me he knows where he might you said to emil that you know where mine is no that's what he told me no no no yeah where are you living oh you can tell us where you live yeah oh wait tell us chloe i found you know where i live oh yeah do you want to go close base let's do it as it as a as a token of love hang on yeah yeah and we're getting mill as well to come take us oh emil there you are yo come with us we're all going to chloe's base yeah go on chloe let's go i know where it is anyway so take us there chloe's people gotta people people have got to go at some time yeah look friends chloe we'll give you the best funeral ever okay come on what the hell guys trust me what what's this on like do you guys don't trust me no we'll see you later we've got a meeting we're late i'll see you later all right we're going to actual chloe's base oh yeah i'm not kidding okay yeah we're actually going to chloe's base just so you know merry christmas happy new year happy hanukkah all right see in a bit have you thought about where you would like to be basically murdered your base in front of my base yeah okay that's that's actually doable wait does does you know where you live um no but like if we're gonna murder her that's doable okay yeah can i get murdered in front of your face yeah yeah sure that's no problem yay all right come on it's out here okay there you go you are now standing on top of our my my darkest secret and mill's known about it for a long time and we've been friends it's here since since mills known about the secret he's had a mental breakdown it seems like um emil emil found me straight away and i'm risking my series right now talking to you by letting these series out emil dug into me so any last any other words subscribe there to who the video to ryan not brian yeah thank you very much emil can i see your base then uh do we like so we have that level of trust your base has been wait you're out are you out no look at slash teams yeah can i see your base like can we have that level of trust please emil i need to know if we have that level of trust because otherwise i don't trust you because if you're my own if you show me you're the only ally then i have wait are we standing on top of your base right now no can we go to it so at least i can trust you because i don't and that's really killing me right now but but the problem is i know you're ryan yeah you you're gonna take the chance and try killing me and knocking me out before you i kept the chance to knock you out kareem and raven have now left us thinking that we're trapping him so i have no friends we can just scope it up kareem is right here yo yo why'd you leave us why did you leave us can you answer okay so if i'm thinking about this right only one of you can pvp me which is a meal and he's using a sword and i have a shield interesting no wait i'm confused why did you leave us we just ran away what do you mean you said that you thought that we're gonna trap you can i tell you a really really really juicy secret what's that i there you go buddy now do you trust me no will you go back to your base and get stronger with those materials we can go to yours no you can't grab them mine but you can i can but i'm not going there because i actually can't get in it it's really difficult dude the water stops you just use the insurance i made oh yeah i suppose we could no we can't no can we go to your basement come on okay emil what base has more chance survival yours are mine that's actually a hard one because i the reason why i want to build your innovation you had right now was because no one ever thinks you can build on the spawn exactly don't say that out loud you idiot right i suppose the best thing we can do is go search for a crimp yeah the only information that we got in karim is crimson search restored early game and that's it so they saw each other early game emil no oh my god i'm taking that as a sign i'm taking that as a bloody sign it's here somewhere it's here yeah i might be a genius or this might be someone else's complete base is this your base it's not your base i told you my face looked raided if this is karim's base i'm a bloody genius i told you dude i bloody told you yes because i got both sides of since we're able to talk i got both sides of the story at the start of the game yes you know that's a crafting table and we're not allowed that's against rules we have to use our own can you knock it out so that it doesn't look like i did it he can knock you then he can target you more bro this proximity chat likes you lets you be a bloody detective that is for sure but you get what i mean that's why he went he didn't search anywhere around here we're top three and my base has been dude we're top three who's the last person lit uh oh ray but i feel like raven knows where my base is cornish knows where my base is i need what he's on my side but i'm not sure i need to go we need to go find cornish to find out if he's working with them if he's working with them where good is gone i'm good as gone should i say my base is never going to be farm it's it's genius friends okay go on go on a mill it's your birthday crim's going to beat you up like you're a birthday cake you can't i'm not how'd you find my base geniusness by getting two sides of the story and now that shall die with you okay we need to find cornish to make sure he's on our side i think he's knocked out if i think we could actually murder him murder but could you do me a favor emil emil could you actually murder him for me because then there's no bad blood he won't know until this video goes out it's not a souls game they they stay solo fought would you like to fight any of us uh i'll take a milk okay i'm ill you're up champion i have a knockback too sharpness freestyle right i'll see you later okay all right back to our plan but um okay so we find each other i'm gonna pretend to run off when you guys are grouped together and then i need you to murder him okay okay no you're gonna chase me you're gonna chase me we're going to do that is i can almost hear everything you say that's fine we're not talking about you anyway okay so emil you're going to pretend to chase me around until we find that said person then you're going to switch to that person okay okay go away okay start hitting me ah emil go away leave me alone we're not emil leave me alone it's us three i'm looking for cornish he's down oh he's just glitched but no but but he's still in the game i think he didn't die no he's on his last life oh yeah i need to find him for obvious reasons ah emil find me ah ah mild leave me alone oh look he's over there ah a mil uh stop chasing me mill stop chasing me a mill yo cornish are you okay yo what's up dude you okay i saw you got knocked out man i'm sorry are we cool oh wait i saw you got knocked out sorry about that yeah it's sad who knocked you out uh raven oh i just saw him in the middle i think him in the middle of having a fight whatever you want from here oh i want you all to go on knuckles and pulls down can i have the tnt to find some bases you can have the tnt i'll give you even my tnt i'll take that because i'm very under geared right now all these pickaxes are insane oh coming up raven's coming up i've got end of those if you want one uh yeah please uh and by the way [Music] yo that's not cornish no it's not what are we doing here do you want to play chicken you want to play chicken let's play chicken you go to the other end and we'll run at each other whoever wins wins that's not fair that's not fair okay right you go down that way and we'll run each other and you will play like you know whoever falls off loses okay yeah i like this game so it's chicken right ready right no don't move no no no no no rev up your engines engines oh ring remember right chicken here we go i know you're dirty i know you're so dirty [Laughter] i know ryan's in one of these hills he has to be in one of these hills every person i've seen has mentioned details okay i also do have ryan please i have a family and my family is six you know where i live no i don't i'll tell you where lives okay okay stop chasing me then okay okay okay tell me tell me tell me tell me give me a fish now okay he literally lives the other side of by you failed i have more than one god damn it at least i made a meeting hi [Music] oh my god that's awkward bugger you goodbye okay i have the efficiency five i can use that i can use this okay i know he's in here somewhere i know he's here somewhere now where would brian he just ran right past me didn't he he definitely just ran right past me all right let's try and get out of here if we can emil actually did say i was on the wrong hill that's what i'm curious about right you know i can hear you i can literally hear you you're not very sneaky what do you call a faction's raven getting chased uh cute a fast raven oh god that's my ex dude bruh dude no it's not don't don't don't don't do what don't eat that don't eat what don't eat that this golden apple yeah it doesn't do anything this golden apple here no no no all right let's go back to my tree base i'm so done for i have no idea where he lives where was he i know it has to be this area i know i'm so comfy in my tree i love my tree base do you can we call a truce ryan ryan i can hear you clicking your keyboard hi buddy hi okay i know where you are now you if you eat that you are the biggest no yeah time to go back to my tree base have fun at your tree base all right this is the comeback of the century or is it i don't know i don't know what to take yeah this saddle dude i need to hurry because if i like right now this time's a few essence all right let's go let's go let's go right we gotta find where raven is we gotta find where he is so raven is somewhere on this map that i have the best chance of finding raven right now now we both flew off in this direction so i'm just going to hope that he's somewhere over well we both feel off in that direction but then we dispersed obviously after leaving the cave so surely he must be somewhere go away i have a family of six to feed oh god no the cribs i'm going to go back to my tree base now cornish kill me and i'll give you full set diamond hour i mean he's gonna kill raven kill raven kill raven i'll give you a full set damage i'll give you a full set of diamond armor just he's down there fight him champion you're my champion right okay i'm coming yo hang on be quiet mill this is tense wait why can't i break blocks here wait i can't break blocks he's coming he's coming up no i can't break blocks i can't bring boys i like chicken nuggets please [Laughter] all right i'm out my top two [Music] if you want to find out who wins the miller raven make sure to go check out their videos but guys i hope you guys enjoyed shout out to emil and demi for setting up this event unveil for making the map so really appreciate it and also if you're looking for an awesome hider hunt server make sure to join the hydrohunt.com it's a big faction unclaimed server hope you guys enjoyed proximity chat i had laugh of it that's the best laugh i've had in a long time it really adds another element to the hider hunt game that's for sure duos is surely next [Music] you
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 681,376
Rating: 4.9487877 out of 5
Keywords: ryannotbrian, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft funny, minecraft manhunt, minecraft challenge, challenge, minecraft but, minecraft hide or hunt, minecraft hoh, Proximity Voice Chat in Minecraft Hide Or Hunt
Id: _Fi5OPdpbu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 22sec (2962 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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