I Survived 100 Days Hunting a Secret Minecraft Base...

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i survived a hundred days in hardcore minecraft hide or hunt my friend and i jack set ourselves a challenge of spending a hundred days on a survival server usually in a hardcore world when you die it's over but my friend and i have been given a beacon and the goal of this series is to find my friend's secret base and destroy his beacon if so he is out and i win if he destroys mine i'm out it's all about making a secret base and staying hidden and this is the journey so on day one our adventure began me and jack both joined the server ready to go the rule is that we both decided to always play when each other is on that was kind of the rule that we tried to stick by but we both joined we both had our beacon so right now to be extra safe because if i die it's over but trust me it goes on a lot longer than this but i got started by grabbing all the usual things you do when you start off on day one you know grab some wood that would turn into a pickaxe stone pickaxe and looked for a bit of a cave because i wanted to get some resources going but then in the back of my mind i kind of had do i go mine or do i try and maybe hunt down jack so i kind of had the idea all right okay we're gonna maybe have a little bit of an explore of this cave just see what's going on maybe grab a little bit of iron and then we're gonna go back over in jack's direction and start hunting him down so while i roam around this cave let me tell you about today's sponsor today's video is sponsored by frag shooter pro the best mobile shooter game for 2021 with over 1 million daily players online you can show the battlefield who's boss you can choose to play with friends or randomize players and the aim of the game is simple with over 80 characters to choose from build your deck and your own strategy to destroy your enemies bunker it's that simple in a 2v2 battle mode you choose three characters from a deck of six then you and your partner battle it out in a heated combat to win against your opponents after your victories create your own club and invite your best players to beat them all also i have a club it's called knox not hugs you can join it now also i'm so excited to tell you guys about a new character that's just been released stella the good witch using her upgraded broom abilities you can shoot large stars at your enemies exploding on impact dealing heavy heavy damage so what are you waiting for download frag shooter pro today with the link in the description by doing that you get to claim a free reward even if you have the game already downloaded and thanks again to frank shooter pro for sponsoring this video so i grabbed a little bit of iron actually one iron to be probably honest like that was a terrible cave even though there was a massive ravine down there but i just wanted to get out there and make sure that i find jack because time is of the essence i started grabbing some food which the closest food source to me was basically fish so i was right fish will do cook them up and then basically headed on the direction back to spawn back over to where jack is now i must say as well there is a grace period on day one so we're actually not able to kill each other on day one but day two is when pvp will be enabled now a few hundred blocks away from spawn in the direction of jack ran i found him and then lucky bugger had found himself a village now i was being a little sneaky sneaks as you can see look at me go past the glass look that's proper stalking but yeah he's have to find himself a village now i didn't want to just run around and make myself seen because the whole point of me going for him in this direction was to actually hunt him down find out what direction he's going in where i think he might be making a base because that could be the winning factor for me and that was the whole idea so i didn't want to get caught at all i noticed that he ran away and it looked like he was running out of the village so i decided right i'm going to loot it now and i realized that he didn't lose anything at all i found a lovely brewing stand a blast furnace he didn't even take the bread from the chest maybe he thought there was nothing in there but anyway after that i also found an ig but i noticed it was getting dark so i decided to take refuge in a villagers house for the night made myself a bed spoke to jack asked him to sleep he did going on to day two on day two i decided to loot the rest of the village and just as i was running over to one of the houses i spotted jack's name coming through the house he was coming back for me now on day two pvp is enabled so i need to be really careful here i decided to play it sneaky sneaks because at the end of the day i want to know where he's going and also he's a much better pvp than me but i could probably get a jump on him and kill him he was killing some animals as you do he was getting food but i don't he didn't even know i was watching him i was kind of nervous that he spotted my name but he obviously didn't and i saw the direction that he ran off him so i decided right i know where he's roughly going so i decided to run back on myself and kind of loop around the direction of where he's going because i'm actually deciding to live near him now as i did that i found a lovely biome and i also decided that i wanted to live in a tree and i found a big tree right there as you can see and right underneath that area i also found a cave so i decided to also get mining because now it's day two you know grace period is over and as you can see jack's already taking aim so i need to get our moroccan and rolling so i started digging myself a mine shaft down to dime level and found diamonds instantly like that's pretty good and i was feeling good as you can see why what i said to jack like you're going down like as i read that now that's so cringe but at the time i felt like a million dollars put my blast furnace to use and started making some armor and then after making that i decided to head up and make myself a temporary base because right now i still have my beacon on me and if i die with that beacon the game is over so i decided to make a temporary base very near the cave that i just entered and placed down my beacon started storing my stuff and this is where i was gonna be living for a while also decided to make myself a diamond pickaxe so i don't have to keep crafting more pickaxes and more pickaxes and of course my trusty old shovel and then i walked outside my base and i noticed that like okay i need to be careful if i'm chopping down trees i need to make sure that they don't exist so and also i'm gonna need leaves for a tree base anyway so i decided that every tree i break i also get rid of the evidence that way if jack comes over here he shouldn't know and that was all for day two on day three the objective was to get more wood and to also get myself some leaves but i was looking for trees that were kind of by themselves so i could completely mine the tree down and then just get rid of all the leaves with my shears and that way it looks like a tree was never there and that's the whole point of what i was gonna do because i could not let jack know i was making a tree base if he knew that he'd burn down every single forest on the map i also found myself a really big ravine which would be useful later on in the series on day four i found myself a tree which was absolutely perfect it was massive and also connected to like two other small mini trees i was like right this is where i'm gonna live so i started grabbing more wood you know destroying the tree not letting jack know what i'm up to i kind of decimated every tree around the ravine to be honest also note it's a village off to the left there as you can see so i decided once i go home i'm gonna sleep and then head to that the next day so day five began with me heading straight towards that village because like look i can get some good loot here there could be a blacksmith there this is gonna be great but when i get there i sadly don't really find much some emeralds which were nice the best thing i found was basically some armor and a saddle which i suppose is nice but i just didn't really need it at the time but then as i was running back to my tree i got some food for us from me should i say so on day six i started to get to work on the tree base i made a ladder up i started carefully carving out an area with the shears and i noticed actually how big this tree actually is it's huge and i also started placing as much wood as i can down on the floor and i managed to carve out a pretty impressive tree base and this was only the start so day seven was moving day i decided to move out of my temporary base that i made and actually move everything into the tree base i wasn't fully finished with it just yet but i knew it was definitely ready to be lived in so i grabbed all my stuff picked up my beacon and started heading for the tree base as i was getting close to the tree base i noticed that jack got the enchanter achievement so this guy is enchanting i'm i'm just taking it nice and easy and he's just try harding it but here i am focusing on my base and he's out there getting better gear but at the end of the day this all boils down to whoever has the best base no secret base but anyway i trucked on i put my bed down in the most epic bedroom i've ever been in it's so cool living in a tree and plopped down my beacon there for a second and then on day eight the only really notable thing that i did was just kind of grabbing more food i kind of had a little bit of an explorer didn't really find too much and cooked my food that was kind of it so day eight was really all about making it so on day nine i can just go mining freely because i need to start getting supplies especially after jack getting the enchanter has kind of made me really think okay right i really need to get going a little bit so i ran over to where i made my temporary base and went back into the mine that i made in like day two i've also blocked up the mine so if that jack ever did enter the cave he wouldn't really know in my mind's there you know it's all about being secret started mining and this is when i started to notice that there is cobblestone inside the cave which i didn't do but i kept strip mining found tons of diamonds along the way when on day 11 i dug into something which i thought was jack's base but it looks like his cave entrance when i saw that it was in a cave and this is when i was trying to play it super sneaky because i was quite scared of you know obviously i knew jack was enchanted i'm not i was just mining to get gear but i decided to head up to the surface and see what's going on i noticed that it was kind of just in a lovely biome like he definitely didn't make his base he's kind of doing the same tactic as me where his base wasn't in his mind for obvious reasons but i knew i was in the rough areas jack and potentially this could have been a day 11 kind of series where it just ends on day 11. i could find his base right now so i decided to hang around here but i know jack's enchanted and it looked like jack had spotted me in the cave because he comes up and starts crouching he just didn't know where i went now i knew jack was enchanted so i decided to bury my stuff so that if i die i can come back now i knew i'm not going to be able to stalk him back to his base because he knows him around here but i might be able to get a jump at him so i waited and then this is when i'm pretty sure as you can see when he's standing on top of the trees it looks like he spots me to the trees he 100 does he 100 does and then he starts coming over and now i'm just like i'm gonna go for it so i jump down and just go for it i absolutely go for it and i can't believe what happens because after fighting for a little while i absolutely slapped him i couldn't believe it i actually couldn't believe it i managed to kill him i didn't even have a shield nor a single enchant and he died he dropped a bunch of stuff an enchantment table a bow enchanted armor he was stacked now this was when i was like right hang on a second we could win here and there i grabbed all my stuff out there because i know it's like he saw me in that direction so it wouldn't be wise to leave it there especially it's like it's dirt it's not even grass that's covered it i decided to quickly go down the ladder into the cave smell some stone so i can block up my little mind that i made into the base just and hope that he wouldn't find it even though like who's like that's not fooling anyone but hey it's attempt and i made a secret temporary base near the ladder entrance and this was gonna be my base of operations to find jack so for the next few days for ages i spent searching i'm like yo he's definitely living somewhere around here he has to be killed him he hasn't said much to me so i'm just searching everywhere at this point but on day 22 i spotted lever in the mountainside now we did say that we were going to make bases that were definitely kind of like easy to find because you know we got the whole world to hide in i spot it i look down i'm nervous because like jax may be down there i get ready i'm gonna enter i go down the ladder and like typical he had left the base ryan ryan yeah you killed me with all the loot on me however jokes on you you find anything in this space maybe if you found me a bit quicker you would have won this was only the beginning this rivalry sir brian p.s i added an extra touch to your home thanks for my armor and weapons back so kind now i hadn't been back to that base in a little while because i didn't need to because diamond tools all p and i had the food so i rushed back to find that it had been raided now how did he find me well my base this base right here was right next to his so when he died that's the only way he knew that's so unlucky the signs read right my dude you have to remember to keep your stuff on your body or else we'll try to something i i can't read i might i can't read this if you haven't found my other base then ignore this but hope you enjoy for nothing everything was gone he got all his stuff back except some stuff that i did keep on me but what a rip indeed the worst thing of all jack stayed quiet for like that whole duration so i didn't think much was going on he stayed quiet on purpose so that obviously he's not going to tell me he moved base he wanted me to waste days on him so anyway i headed home sad kind of that was a big waste of time after that massive fail i decided it was time to go mining to recoup my losses and to catch up with the days because i know jack has obviously been quiet he's been grinding away while i've been searching in an era where he's actually moved from ages ago but the cheeky bugger has tried to fool me as i was traveling to the mine i noticed that there was a tree broken that was not me i knew that jack had been here and at this point i knew that jack had found my mind i ran over to the mine and lo and behold the secret mine was open but it's like i saw it coming i kind of exposed it myself and i have no clue where he's living i decided to go mining so i spent six days underground mining up resources i'm not gonna lie i was pretty slow and i could have done this quicker but i was taking my time i didn't want to die i wanted to grab enough resources to last me a little bit of a while so that means if jack finds me and kills me i'll be able to obviously gain to make armor and all that without having to go mining again that was the aim and during this i found a mineshaft with diamonds in it which was lovely also two minecarts with one of the minecarts having a golden apple in it which will be very useful in pvp and i also stumbled across a dungeon during my travels which had nothing in it to boast about really so on day 29 i decided to dig back up to the surface and i found myself in an area that i was unsure of and i had to find my way home but luckily i had cords so i worked my way home on day 30 i returned home with all the oars that i've gotten i decided to make room craft up a few extra furnaces and start smelting it all down luckily furnaces aren't flammable because this tree base is a recipe for disaster one lightning strike and my base is gone so while i was waiting for that to smell i went outside and i was having a look around notice that there was a thunderstorm and noticed a little doggo which i tried to tame but he didn't want me because there was a creeper about so he was like nope and he got angry and i never end up taming him and that's when i beg jack to please go to bed because this thunderstorm is going to get my base blown up by a creeper after sleeping i was speaking to jack and he was telling me about how he's basically working on his base which reminded me i need to work on my base so i decided once all this stuff is done smelting i'm gonna get to work on day 31 i started moving everything out of the tree so that i have enough room to work with i moved it all just outside my base with a chest not very secret at all but look at in there if he found me he found me it's over okay but if i was gonna be making a tree base i knew that i was gonna need more wood so i headed out into the forest to the back of me and grabbed some wood notice it was getting dark so it went back and slept on day 32 the simple plan was to get more wood that was it just to get enough wood to make my tree but i know it's drawing it that jack had got the achievement of going into the nether this is what i knew that jack either fooled me that he was working on his base or he was already done with his base and that meant our timelines were kind of off and it meant that jack was ahead of me so i grabbed a bit more wood just a little not as much as i wanted though headed back to the base stored all that stuff and decided i need to go to the nether i need to play catch up so i made myself a full set of diamond armor and i knew exactly where to get lava because at the start of the game on like day seven when i was like breaking the trees at the ravine i noticed that there was an absolutely massive lava ravine this ravine is huge it's like a triple ravine so i knew if i just pour water down there i can get all the obsidian i need and as i was heading down the ravine i noticed a portal and then two seconds later a creeper tried to murder me and i nearly died if i landed one more block next to that lava i would 100 died i was so lucky but the main thing is i noticed the portal the pro was not mine it was clearly jax and just as i got there i noticed that he got the achievement hot tourist which now i knew right my boy jack is in the nether so i decided to wait here and jump my idea was to sit on top of the never portland wait i waited for ages absolutely ages and he didn't show up after waiting for ages i decided to dig a secret stairs up to the surface right next to where the port is he didn't come out he was a no-show and i got a little bit paranoid like he knew i knew where he was as i was digging up i noticed he got more achievements for being and never like finding a fortress so i knew he was still in there i didn't know what to do i waited around the ravine and on day 33 i asked him could he kindly sleep even though if he's in the nether and i sleep in a bed it will go daytime but he didn't know that and i headed down my secret stairs that i built ready to jump jack he probably had better armor than me but i had something much better element of surprise if these mobs don't give me away as i made my way down i saw his name and i went for it [Music] we had a really awkward fight but i knew it was game over the second i got the first two crits off him without him even noticing that i was attacking him he didn't see it coming i'm surprised he didn't to be honest but this guy was absolutely stacked he even had never right booties so you can see he's working on but this was this was a major turning point because now in my head i've set him back a ton he disrupted me on day 22 i've now disrupted him on day 33 and the interesting thing is both of us are living around here now after this battle i was feeling really confident i was feeling good i'm not gonna lie and i wanted to throw a little bit of a twist in here so as always climbing back up my stairs all happy out i asked jack if he wanted to do a race to the end challenge and i had the perfect idea in mind the loser has to sit inside their base for 10 days uncrouched on the server at all times now you might be like what would that do well that would make it quite easy to find their base because you would literally see their name unless they're deep on the ground then you probably wouldn't but it's a chance anyway jack agreed i agreed and that's what we're gonna do on day 34 i felt confident from the day before so instead of racing to kill the ender dragon straight away i decided you know what no i'm gonna finish my tree base because at the end of the day that is what this show is all about is the most secret base and my base i wouldn't really call secret right now so i started covering it leaves and expanding it and as i was building i noticed that jack went back into the nether kind of confirming that he's living really close and that's all i need to know we live in the same area which is actually perfect because it makes it more interesting so not gonna lie this made me speed up the process of building the base but i just wanted it all covered in wood so no light from inside will show on the outside that's when i asked jack to sleep and i said i promise it's real this time on day 35 i kept decking out my tree base i i was liking how it was looking it was looking good we had like a downstairs bit a bedrooms bit it was it was epic best tree base i've ever built and on day 37 it was done it was looking good i made myself an enchantment table plopped it down got enchanting also decided to make myself an anvil now at this point i knew i was kind of playing this a bit bad like i could have had like you know books and all that and you know be getting better enchants but i was just really behind and this wasn't more about like this was quite a lot of balancing like because it was more about you know just trying to find a secret base it didn't matter how strong we were or what we had it was just more about whose base was better and all i had in my mind right now was getting ready to go into nether to get myself some pearls because the race is on i took all my gold with me for pickling trading and we returned to the portal which there was another bed here so jack was definitely inside so i was kind of ready for a fight and so were these mobs by the seams of it but i'm like right we're going in and just i was going in nothing happened sorry i just wanted to debate you but i noticed that obviously jack had been here there was dirt here we that's no secret he knows i know we're using the same portal it's awkward and we're probably going to meet each other got myself my first pearl from an enderman which was nice i cried for myself some gold armor and found a bastion this would be a perfect place for doing some pickling trading that is of course if i don't try to steal their gold which they don't like so after that experience i knew that if i wanted to trade with them i can't be stealing their gold that's that's just not polite so i found these two little guys and i gave them some gold i waited here for a while until i had enough pearls after getting enough pearls i did loot the bastion but there wasn't really anything noteworthy so i went on the hunt for a fortress i needed blazes and it took me ages to find this but i eventually found some blazers and i also had some fire resistant parts from the piglens which was came in very clutch at this point i knew that i couldn't be too far behind jack i knew he was definitely ahead of me in the race to the end but i thought you know what i shouldn't be that far behind him if i get into the end i should be able to kill him so i still felt good day 41 is when i returned home and now it was time to get ready to journey to the stronghold i didn't have much food so i made sure to have plenty of flint and steels made some iron enders and we began the journey as i was on the way to the stronghold i had the worst luck going like i mean terrible terrible luck every single eye of ender i threw out i'm pretty sure broke so on my journeys there i found myself a village as well which will be useful for later on in the series should i say and on day 46 i found the stronghold at this point jack probably about five minutes ago was after already entering the end so we weren't too far behind each other but that didn't matter because when i eventually got there the end portal that i got to was not the same as jack's and this end portal had no eye of enders already generated inside it and i did not have enough blaze rods to be able to make any more eye vendors i was three short at this point i felt useless i felt so dumb i was only five minutes behind him he was inside there beating up the ender dragon knowing i couldn't even enter now he was gonna win the challenge i failed i actually failed so bad i don't know i haven't done this too much so i just i just felt like such a noob so i explored the strongholds as much as i could and decided to just head home sad and depressed on day 50 i got home and the lockdown began essentially jack of that pretty much jack won the challenge without any competition and the rules were i had to stay in my base for 10 days i did leave my base a few times like just to get some food on the outside to have a bit of an explore but i didn't go too far i wasn't allowed to crouch and hide i had to stay in my base so i decided look i might as well make the most of it and from like day 50 to 60 five yes you heard that right that's not 10 days i know i worked on my base a lot of the time though i'm not gonna lie i was afk because there wasn't much to do in my base when i barely had anything to do i afk'ed a long time and i told jack to message me on discord when it is day 60. he messaged me on day 65 the cheeky bugger day 65 it should have been day 60 that i was leaving the base but no jack tried to do a fast one and it's cheeky but at the end of the day guys remember me and jack did this just for fun to have a bit of a mess around and just to try a challenge to challenge each other so look it's just a joke it's banter he was meant to message me on discord he didn't it's my fault i shouldn't have afk'd whatever i shouldn't have trusted him but now that jack did me dirty i decided to do him dirty and i was going to invisible raid him that was a plan i was going to stalk him home invisible and i know where to find him most of the time or i know where he will go and that is the never portal maybe eventually so day 66 i woke up i did also have a really cool entrance of like this red stuff here i don't know what it's called and i was waiting for it to grow and i realized that it doesn't actually grow here i need to go collect more and when i do that i can actually get rid of my entrance up the ladder entrance and have that as my entrance which would be cool but anyway during when i was in lockdown a wandering villager came by and um i buried him [Laughter] i didn't kill him like but i'm about to and i noticed that he had an 8.5 chance to drop an invisibility potion because they carry one around and at night they drink it to protect themselves against mobs so i decided mr villager was going to be sacrificed for a greater cause because if i can get an invisibility potion off him that'll be great i don't have to do the grind then i could potentially stalk him back with one pot but of course i killed him and he dropped nothing so i knew i'm gonna have to make invisibility parts from scratch and to do that i knew i at least needed carrots so i went to the nearby village to see if there's any carrots there because i never actually checked the farm and there was no carrot to be found but oh my god this show could have ended on day 66 a hundred percent as i was running back down i didn't notice this i only i'm only noticing it now because i knew where jack's base is from recording this uh his name is right there and i didn't even see it i need to go to specsavers because i am blind anyway i found no carrots here and i left i could have been leaving finding his base but i just couldn't see today obviously so i decided to go back into the nether but a creeper tried to stop me so i was like oh my god and i didn't have a flintstone but i made one eventually i put down a bag really quickly slept in it going on to day 67 on day 67 i entered the nether again on the hunt for blazes and never warts now i did a 200 iq move i destroyed the dirt so that if he comes back i'll know that he's in the nether i found more of that red stringy stuff viney stuff and i grabbed it because obviously i needed it but didn't realize that obviously i need a shears so i couldn't even grab it but i knew if i traded with the piglens if i traded gold i could get iron chunks and then i could make a shears so i decided to do that and i really need this red viney stuff to make my tree base complete at this point jack was quite concerned about how quiet i was i was just playing off like i'm grinding trying to catch up on the days you know just doing my thing so after getting the iron i needed from the piglets i got myself a shears and got the red things that i needed and i obviously got another fire resistant pot which was really nice so i decided to get some blaze rods because obviously i'm going to need that for brewing and it's kind of lucky that i did have the um the fire resistant part because as i was digging down it fell right into lava that could have easily killed me so jack knew that i was in the nether because he slept in the overworld and noticed that it went straight today and that's when he said interesting i see that you're in the nether so he's probably gonna come for me so that's what i knew it was day 68 so i kept grinding i wanted to make sure this time i have enough blaze rod after i did i decided right it's time to find neverwartz the main ingredient i need if i don't find these i can't brew a single thing the fortress that i was in didn't offer any neverwarts so i knew i had to go exploring and that was kind of tough because i had limited food after a little while of searching i found myself another fortress this time hoping to be a bit more lucky in finding the neverworts so i decided to wait around quickly just to see would they grow a little bit more so i can get more warts i waited and on day 69 they weren't really growing that much i think the server's grow speed was a bit messed up so i decided just to harvest him take some souls down with me i'll be able to grow my own if i need him so when i was heading back home i noticed that there was dirt here meaning that jack was now in the nether also i knew he had to have been hunting me down which i've killed him multiple times of course he wants to kill me so i asked him in chat are you hunting me he responds with why'd you think that i said no reason i just said assuming you're in the nether i am be honest and this is when i'm just being i'm being cheeky jack's being cheeky to me so i'm gonna be cheeky to him all rules go out the window he said i've been switching in and out but yes and that's when i say well i'm gonna be in here for a bit longer so good luck i wanted to keep him in the nether for as long as possible so that hopefully when he comes out i will have my invisibility pot made and i know exactly where he will be so i say in chat shall we make a rule for fun because i'm feeling geared feeling confident i ask is he up for it and this plan is just to keep him in the nether for as long as possible and i say we can only go out the same never portal we went in thinking that he's going to camp the never portal until i exit and he knows i'm still in there so i haven't exited it yet and then i also said we will let each other know when we have exited so we ain't searching for no reason well he's searching for no reason anyway he agreed now this was perfect i got back home i slept and it instantly went to day 70 without me asking jack to sleep so now i have confirmed jack is definitely in the nether or the end but it's definitely the nether on day 70 i began my journey going back to the village that i found near the stronghold because i knew that there was carrots there i checked it for carrots but i didn't have any i found some chests didn't not really much to boast about but then i stumbled across a lovely desert temple found myself some gold some horse armor an efficiency two book and an enchanted golden apple the god apple so if we get into a fight if he doesn't have one of these it's safe to say i'll probably win again but if my plan works we won't even need to have a fight on night 70 i stacked up into a tree and decided to sleep because these mobs were really annoying me i slept and it instantly turned day without me asking jack to do anything so now i knew jack was still in the nether on day 71 i jumped down i saw some mushrooms and i decided to grab them because i knew i would need them all important things for making invisibility potions so on day 72 i had all the potions brewed i had a bunch of invisibility pots and during it i got the achievement the brewery or some sort of achievement for brewing and i just kind of blame i just kind of said now the pew pew guys can't get me i basically said that i brewed myself a fire resistance and jack fell for it you'll see so i headed to the never portal with the plan to stake out as i was going there you can see jack fell for it he got returned to sender which is returning a fireball to a gas he's still in the nether this plan should work so i got to ravine i did message jack saying oh by the way i left the never ages ago and after a little while of waiting jack came out i don't think he instantly came out cause maybe he wasn't near the portal or maybe he was but he was afraid of getting jumped and here i'm not sure what he was doing but looks like he was like jumping about the place he's like he got out pretty quick i drank an invisibility part as i saw his name was coming closer and i decided to stalk him back to the base now we know what that base is but current ryan playing the game right now as you see in the gameplay didn't because he was blind [Music] [Music] there was his beacon all i had to do is destroy that and i win easy here we jump over to a bit of live gameplay i don't know just to hear the reaction hello hello no way yes let's go um yeah uh you haven't you're pretty you're pretty new to this scene as well so i realized if this was raven i'd be like raven would probably be trying to invisrate but like you're very new to this side like you play uhc and stuff so i was like invisibility my lockdown made me think made me think big time and it couldn't have went any better it couldn't have been cause you were in the nether and you were like lychee looking for me like we set up that rule what are we up to what are we doing getting big fun in another while you're at it uh yeah i'll show you what i got if i can make it yes i'm so happy by the way i messed up so because now we have a proper chance to chat i messed up so bad oh never right oh i'm still i'm still wearing you're never right your milk i can become invisible i'm assuming the game's over like i found your base i i have your beacon in my hands it's not about killing you that's the kind of attitude i kind of took would you like to see where i live i i do i do i want you to follow or take me there oh i've walked past it oh oh i'm so mad how did i not see i suppose we're kind of far away but not too far away but like it's only like 200 blocks yeah this is my base so i was locked into this so i'm assuming you were running around looking down the ground potentially not even thinking i was in a tree i did not look up once i'm so mad and also i've just realized maybe this helped me out because this is actually quite high up as well like something like a bit of a hill so you wouldn't maybe up here i don't know yeah like that was that you gotta admit that was dirty 15 days like because basically for the viewers watching i was like afk in and out so you know i'm not gonna stand here and do nothing like it's boring and and jack was meant to message me on discord when it's been the 10 days because you weren't letting me sleep for some you naughty little boy you know trying to draw out the time even longer and and basically yeah you didn't let me know and then you're like oh yeah stay 65 bid a week all right do you want to talk about the nethervan while we're here yeah let's playback but i yeah that's completely justified so yes guys the show did technically end on like day 72 our objective was done the plan was to play a hundred days i i thought it would take that but it was a journey so on the final few days i made jack build ourselves a home to spend the last few days in and he built a lovely house as forfeit he moved everything into this house the series was done we waited around we chatted and as the sun was setting on day 99 i decided to deny jack this amazing opportunity of watching the sunset so i killed him and also burned down his house i then decided to sleep in the burning house and walked off looking for another adventure you
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 2,510,850
Rating: 4.9139338 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft 100 days, hardcore minecraft, minecraft hide or hunt, I Spent 100 Days in a Hardcore Minecraft Hide or Hunt, secret minecraft base, tree base, ryannotbrian
Id: oqMBA_W7pUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 23sec (2183 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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