Minecraft, but with SECRET Lucky Blocks! (Hide Or Hunt)

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in today's minecraft video we play hider hunt but with a small twist with the lucky block mod this is gonna be insane hyder hunt is all about making secret underground bases there are 24 solo players on a small map and the last player with their secret base not found is the winner if you guys enjoy my content and you're not subscribed please consider subscribing we're so close to 800 000 subscribers and like i said i'm gonna do a live episode behind her hunter for 800 000. also if this video hits 20 000 likes i will do a hundred player fighter hunt with you guys that's a lot of players anyway guys enjoy the video okay here we go let the games begin lucky block hide or hunt flying's apparently not enabled on the server and everyone just got kicked all right right let's get started right we can't break lucky blocks until we basically the 25 minute period is up and we've made our secret base oh i'm gonna get cake for flying i'm gonna get cake for flying oh i didn't i didn't i didn't okay iron iron iron i need that iron i need this good iron i'm so excited to break some lucky blocks i've been messing around with the mod a little bit i mean a little bit and this mod pack is crazy and we're playing it on 1.16.4 which is interesting because i've only played the 1.7.10 version so i hope there's a load more new stuff but before we can focus on that we've gotta make our secret base which i have no clue where we're gonna go and you know what i'm looking at this cave right now and this is looking like a good place like outside here to make a secret base it's still on the surface so it's a legal base it's technically still legal oh i want to break these lucky blocks so bad i want to do it but we gotta get oh there's that's an awkward place to get iron can i okay we need to get out of here how much iron we got we got 19 iron okay can i wait can i get this iron here i want this iron give me this iron i want you okay there we go right we got the oh my god oh he just did a ton of damage to me with that shovel come here give me give me my iron i deserve it my iron okay can't have it right i need to uh i suppose run out of here so i haven't been seen here all games i'm definitely gonna get caught we have 27 ironless enough for a full set for a second let's just swim on out of here you know i think i'm gonna make my base in this cave though okay i have all the iron i need i'm just gonna pretend to be over here and then when the invisibility hits i'm gonna run back to that cave area and i think i'm gonna make my base in that cave that's the plan will it work i don't know but it's a good idea i'm gonna see if i can find a little bit more iron here oh i'm gonna grab some wood what am i doing i never grabbed any wood i'm not gonna be able to make any ladders let's grab some wood what am i doing number one rule in minecraft never break it i just nearly did right we're drinking our invisibility potion early let's go make our base just casually running past the player that is grabbing wood okay here is the amazing cave like look at this thing i can't even swim out of it where am i going to make my base though we're digging down here blocking up a cobble which is amazing and if we fall into a hole i will cry perfect now this is my base we don't really care about our base too much today it's more about the lucky plugs but i think this is a good base though okay beacon is down we're committing to this since we don't have the plug-in we actually have to use a crafting bench today because you know it's it's a trust it's a trust episode no fancy plug-in restricting us making us actually craft our beacon so it's all trust there we go let's start spelting that and let's make a chest then the last thing we need to put down is a bed and make sure we sleep in it because i don't want to be spawning on the surface i swear i just saw her name over in that direction like there's either someone mining or there's someone making a base over there but now everyone's gone invisible but i i'm kind of scared okay and we're just making a quick like kind of water shoot so that when we block up our base we can jump straight down oh my pickaxe broke a secret cave base this is the longest 25 minutes of my life i just want to open these lucky blocks you know what i mean so hey guys while i'm actually waiting for this to smell make sure to join our discord in the description because that's how you guys can join this show that's my sponsor for the episode we pick random people every single time we do one of these on our discord like this could be a massive waste of time i could be crafting myself up you know the casual set of iron armor and then from lucky blocks i don't know get a full prop 4 set i don't know or just die instantly that's also a possibility i had enough iron armor for just a full set and an axe and i'm going to craft myself some like stone tools and i'm just going to hope that i get better tools from lucky block and i don't die there we go my base is complete we've got 10 minutes left oh my god record time so 10 minutes we can open lock your blocks for you probably like 50 seconds through the power of ben hi ben you want to wave at me i i see you too you're a nice guy right this is the make a break moment we're breaking out we're breaking free we're sore ben if you leave that in i will actually cringe okay there was someone right outside my cave i could be dead here i don't know or actually no my base could be knocked out in record time because i did come out of it there's a chance that he may have saw me i don't know he can't knock me out for 10 minutes but when that 10 minutes is up he can knock me out then but what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna take the gamble that no he didn't see me and i'm gonna move away from my base so that when the invisibility wears off people don't see me standing right next to my base you know 200 iq but let's see if we can find some people while we're here look at all these lucky blocks if the server doesn't crash i'll be amazed oh there's someone there's someone right there you see him is that someone's base is he blocking up or is he is he blocking up or is he farming it oh no spider go away go away wait where's he going where's he gone there's someone invisible right there i can see his particles he can probably see mine if he looks up here too is he gonna block up that hole or is that hole over there i want to walk over there but um are you okay where are you going oh my god go on this spider's gonna escape the world border wait is there a base down there i'll check it in a second go on he's going for it no he's disappeared where's he gone we'll never know right invisibility up the game has begun and there's a player over there eyeless oh okay right let's break our first lucky block let's see okay nice i never know if they're going to be trapped or not keep inventories on oh my god get out of it get out of here oh oh no dark horses on the surface gotta get out of it gotta get out of here oh god lucky blocks are awful i hate them already you didn't see ending dark horse you didn't see a single thing oh i never made a shield i never made a shield gold okay okay okay okay we can do something with that let's break this one uh we got some paintings okay some rabbits what's that okay wishing well do i throw something in there give me that oh my god sharpness two on a diamond axe that's op i saw a player here i swear so yeah i did oh it's korean i don't have an acrylic grim come here buddy come on oh puncher wait wait wait where did you come from actually wait i think i know where a base is don't like because i think i found one that started season maybe i should go i can go for crim but there is a huge chance i still could die and anyway he's across war where she can't be bothered swimming okay we're gonna go knock out that base if we can if there is a base there but it looked like the guy was coming out of a base so i think we found something let's go investigate it before someone else finds it and we're done for now you might be like break some more lucky blocks you know i broke quite a few and look i'm lucky enough to get a sharp two act i don't want to get caught in another cage again and die to lava you know what i mean like i ain't doing that oh my god there's a lucky black house right i think where i saw the guy was over here now at the end of the yes this is all about lucky blocks and this is extremely fun but um we gotta knock people out too you know i'm sorry to say before i get knocked out because i think i might be where someone saw me come out on my base like this sharp two axe like this is gonna be hopefully like insane oh look that's where i died up there there's a guy up here i don't have an axe there's a guy up here i don't have a shield but i'm going for it oh that was a critical this guy's low this guy's low this guy's incredibly low oh my god bouncy castle oh no come here oh no that was close i thought it was gonna die to fall damage come here alice come here come here stop running don't break a lucky block cause it could get you killed or me boom oh my god op diamonds uh anything else emeralds which we could trade with villagers anything else that's fancy i don't think so right let's go back to that base do i have any bones i would love a dog i would absolutely love a dog i don't okay there's so many random structures on on the server right now like what's rainbow sheep there's so much random stuff with the server okay this is where i saw the guy here so there could be a base somewhere here that's someone with diamond boots over in that direction i should have grabbed that guy's shield what was i thinking is there a base here oh yes there is hang on is someone coming for me unwreckable you want to go come on diamond act he's fam hitting he doesn't understand he's spamming i've got this in the bag come on boom i told you i had this in the bag learn how to 1.16 pvp give me those diamond booties i want them i'm going to oh diamond blocks diamond block i'm not going to get backstabber anything no oh my god prop 4 boots that is insane holy right and we've just found a base here which is sick let's go down to it whose base is this though who's did i find if it's raven i'm so sorry raven it's the hidden evil beacon let's break his beacon and knock him out i'm so sorry dude you are so unlucky i just spotted you i'm so sorry i'm not sorry at the end of the day you understand what i did had to do okay the thing is with lucky blocks you don't know if someone's going to come out like really geared he only is just go he's just going that's some hardcore lagged right there he was like hit him okay he just he just threw a lucky potion at me and now we've got wither okay i need to grab myself a shield i ain't crafting one so i'll just grab one here there we go right that should hopefully block a hit or two oh my god i'm dying i will admit like trolling lucky potion is just luck but he got a good one because it technically did harmful effects to me all right let's keep on moving we got to keep on finding bases we are absolutely decked right now i can i just say that fight with eyeless replay that when i jumped off and we jumped into the bounty castle and was basically playing that was epic it's like eyeless knew what he was doing oh we got a guy over here we gotta go over here we gotta make sure we keep murdering people because then like they could have something amazing here we go here we go here we go here we go okay do you have a base here biting is that a golden apple i would love it thank you my inventory is so random i don't know what to do you have a base here or were you just like killing oh cake okay we've just got a lucky sword which i don't know what it does it does that and it crashed the server i think oh that's finn i know that skin that's def that's finn okay he's after coming from there somewhere i swear i'm gonna keep going this way what are you oh i know you okay i'm on the hunt i think i know where finn might live and i'm gonna circle back for that but i wanted to do one loop up the map and see what's going down because i want to see what chaos is involving or unfolding should i say but look at that like okay is there any bases in here i i want a better shot oh lucky black house oh oh oh oh i'm trying to save finn what am i doing i should just let him die you can't beat my axe or maybe you can oh i'm getting out of it how did that guy just critted me out and i have prop four what what does he have nothing surely okay right i've reset this fight i've reset his fight i'm ready to fight oh he's down he's down he's down dude that guy's good at pvp who is that that has to be raven or something it was raven i knew it was raven oh my god he's he's absolutely savage i survived by an inch of my life there right we gotta start looking for some bases look at these guys they're fighting away okay it looks like may wants to go home and craft over in this direction because he has wood out and it looks like he was heading home and it's like he's like keeping a lookout i don't know if he sees me he does see me coming i'm gonna go over here for a second wait do you see me he's got pearls so do i is he gonna pearl at me where are you going buddy like the thing is with 1.16 pvp it's dodgy okay he's okay okay okay he's running away i feel like he might even have a base on this island or he has a base nearby because it looks like he wants to go home and crap under here no is it under the tree he wouldn't be on the tree right that's too obvious under the sand i'm trying to keep an eye on myself whoa wiki where did you come from oh where did that person come from you just came out of a base mb where'd you just come from you came out the water here you're absolutely naked have you died recently i think yes you did i seen i see your name in chat where'd you come from where'd you come from okay wiki's getting too strong for my liking oh my god bouncy castle let's come go no i want to bounce come here buddy go on spiders get him that actually would have been a really good throw where's he gone he's run off fine i'll just bounce into bouncy castle by myself going back to the serious talk mb where'd you just come from you come from here oh god this is gonna take ages no i see dye right here and that's kind of what i'm instantly attracted to because i think people would try and hide their base around here right no what about the dirt nope nothing there i need to keep watching my back because i easily could get stabbed oh there's water here oh there's a base there is a base here and it's oh it's it's wikis oh my god okay so it's not em wait um um okay hi nice to meet you i just wanna knock you out really quickly is that okay i'm sorry wiki but it's part of the game okay here we go lucky blocks here we go good luck oh he wasn't so lucky i suppose honestly if he actually got a lucky block that was actually lucky i was going to let him live but all right let's get out of here dude the base was exposed i didn't even see it did i mine it no i didn't know couldn't have okay right it wasn't mare's base and it wasn't mb so where did m oh oh oh m the minecrafter where did you come from dude there's just people everywhere there's just they're honestly everywhere okay he's going in this direction let's see if i can follow him there he is he going to oh he's got a diamond axe dude this guy's geared he's down he's down he's down right if he's living near here i'm hopefully gonna fight he hit a diamond hole give me that and he had an evil potion oh my god we got that evil potion thing though like it basically just it's the worst potion that you could ever throw to someone it literally is i just got to make sure and i and i definitely will i just got to make sure that i don't throw it on myself and that's definitely a possibility okay is that guy living somewhere here or was he just searching the surrounding area okay well i don't see him anyway so i don't think he's here or i have no clue where he is unless he's crouching inside his base so i'm gonna keep on moving whoa oh my god that's a deadly trap wait where did you come from i'm sorry buddy i gotta kill you so i can find where your bases come here for me oh oh that's it you're dead you're dead you're dead oh no dude how did he survive two hits he has to be one hit he has to be one here come here come here don't break a lucky block cause he can kill us both you don't want that do you oh come here oh yes is he back here oh where are all these people coming from oh my god there's finn in full diamond oh my god see i don't know what finn has though that's the thing i've got this potion to throw at him but i don't know if he'll do anything does he want to go like i'm interested oh he's got a ball he's got a ball oh dude that pose open does he wanna fight he hits me with that i'm so dead you wanna go finn come on i'll i'll go if i die i die like it's only lucky block he's on the run he's on the run oh i hit him here i hit my him oh yes finn's down full diamond armor guy down good hit right let's stick on this diamond full to the diamond armor wherever it is at there we go right there's some diamonds we got a coin let's stick on that where's the leggings there they are oh my god they're enchanted as well protection three lovely stuff uh he had a obviously flame bow which i definitely won anything else he had an anvil wait does this have infinity and oh my god i have infinite arrows invisibility potion in case i need to go back to my base and a diamond pickaxe will upgrade wowzees oh oh oh oh hello oh did i just find oh no is this someone's base or were you just mining i just heard something digging out are you okay is this right we're gonna see how lucky you are i don't know what that did that did absolutely nothing by the seams of it is that your base i'm scared to go near him in case he has like something explosive you know pete anyone can be dangerous right now is there a base inside here have you got a base down here this is where you were any last words mr guy you think you're making a great escape but you ain't where was he going dude oh whoa oh geez i need to shut myself in my own arrow where are you going my guy oh is oh okay is this his base though or is it someone else's base it is we literally saw a gun and spawn right above this thing why didn't i think his base was just why didn't i dig down below him it's not even this guy's base maybe he knew where it roughly was and was trying to find it add gunner out there we go i have no idea if my beacon's been destroyed i'm not gonna lie because i'm not really watching chat whatsoever where was this yeah this was i think this was literally where that guy spawned there's someone above me i need to get out of here oh there's definitely someone here i heard someone swimming or was it just uh maybe it might have been just a fish i'm i'm just gonna say this right now if we did not have that potion finn would have killed us that is for sure he would definitely would have he had the flame bone everything he would have killed me by fire this is gonna sound so odd but i really want to go home and craft a diamond shovel i don't think that's gonna work though i think that's too risky you know i've got a stone shovel let's do me well oh where did you come who's that dark horse okay am i clear around me did dark horse recently just die dark horse was slain by crim yt dark horse just died and i saw her come from this direction like this so somewhere in the water here hey can i kill you oh my god close hit that was so close oh my god go on oh my god go on please die okay somewhere in the water here i'm i'm telling you or maybe actually maybe not in the water actually maybe on the surface maybe this hill i doubt it it's a very obvious spot you're gonna die oh my god uh we have found a base and is it it's crims it's crims do i knock him out now or do i be really nice i know he's trying to record a youtube video no okay hang on i'm gonna leave quinn b for a second but i know where he lives okay i'm gonna give him mercy i'm gonna i'm gonna i'll give him mercy for a second right and now you know i know i've learned my lesson i i gave someone else mercy before and i got knocked out by that same person but like trust me i'm gonna knock it out i'm just gonna leave him be right i just feel bad cause i knocked him out last time really quick and that's really unfortunate this doesn't explain the dark horse's secret swam across here and out so she's also potentially somewhere here as well which we're gonna do raven's tactic and check it out but it has to be somewhere here oh look i see a name okay i saw the name i saw the name somewhere here somewhere here oh i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i i've gotta knock you out i've gotta knock you out you can yeah you know what you can run i've gotta knock you out if i catch you i catch you okay um i'm just gonna sort my inventory out i don't know why i always say i'm so sorry because i'm not because obviously if i was i wouldn't be doing this would i oh my god it was right there at the end of the day she said that she wanted to give me a flower earlier so i'll take that as a bit of luck okay i'll let her run if i see her again i see her again also i found crimson's base so i could go knock that out too actually yeah i have something to owe to her because i just found two bases because of her just realized that thomas my man how are you doing where have you been my guy dahmer's oh my god tnt is going off like mad who is this hey you're making the server crash by doing what you're doing oh my god he's got speed oh i can't catch him that's not fair wait it's completely fair i've got full diamond armor i don't know why i'm doing this i don't need to well actually if i kill the person i might find his base so come here not so fast i missed oh oh oh oh my bit off more than i can shoot okay someone just jumped me in full of diamond i don't know what's going on i'm gonna take that for a second and uh run i'm gonna let them fight i know crim i know a dark secret of his so he can't kill me quiver clear please my flame bow is useless oh the gods heard me the rain has stopped i can see clearly now oh there's cream let's see if we can get more vanara oh that nearly hit him korean yeah cream what's up you can't kill me why you touch me you you lay a finger on me what do you guys i will knock you out no okay and i want you to kill your best friend right now if you don't if you don't kill him in like five minutes he's dead your base is dead but he is large apples you gotta kill him if you if you die to him it's fine too but if if you touch me i'll knock you out and if you find my base before i will cry but like i'll give you i'll give you some time my guy i'm definitely gonna die right here i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i'm i'm actually running away from finn too because i'm not dying either okay right right i didn't realize that finn was so op i'm running right now i thought finn was weak he has notch apples he can kill anyone he wants because he's invincible i'm running i'm running running i will go knock out crim when the time is right when i'm absolutely desperate but i'm running away from finn currently right now because i killed him he's going to want to kill me oh whoa whoa whoa there's a big fight going on up here oh my god big fight big fight this guy's got jump boost pop it's meh he's in full diamond let's see if i can save this guy i want to be robin hood wait where are they gone there is dude i want the horse oh i just shot the horse never mind i don't want the horse dude i want what that guy's having he can jump super high how cool dude i want what that guy's having please oh horsey didn't didn't yeah let's go we've now matched oh my god i think we're messing with the wrong person who is this it was branch mc how was he jumping so high i need to know his secret what does he eat in the morning he killed a full diamond guy with just jumping super high oh maybe not maybe not maybe he maybe may run may's behind me right now hey matt you're in full diamond and i don't like that oh my god can i shoot please yes my best weapon is not a bow ben are you gonna make more fun of it yeah sure go for it that's a lot of damage see i this is the thing right i can fight man no problem but i'd rather get the jump because he could have got apples on him just like finn finn killed someone in iron armor we've got apples this guy has diamond armor it's an upgrade you're dead and that's probably my last kill before may kills me wait meg disappeared oh wait yeah i forgot tj remember we saw the guy on the ground just over in this direction was that in his base like we saw him over oh oh add gunner you're on your last life remember because i knocked out your base oh oh no sorry not sorry you know we gotta dwindle people down you know every player on this map is a threat to me and i need to realize that i'm so sorry okay so tj was underground here but does he have a base here if he does then i think it's in his war or did he come back to search for a gunners base looking at it it seems like tj was searching here which makes sense all right is there any bases in here get the diamond shovel out start searching if someone made their base underneath a locky block that'd be sick okay i'm opening a lucky block wow some sticks fantastic okay there's water pools here these look like they've been searched but like did someone search them to make it seem like they've been searched oh let's go okay right there is a base here has it been raided is that did i just find the exact way in oh it is i thought i'd like dug into it on the ground oh okay saucy this guy is made amazed by the seems of it with a trap no oh my god i'm getting serious deja vu i feel like i've recorded this video before this is so weird oh there we go he's got dude this is a very compact base i like it and i accidentally just set my respawn point here so done for all right let's drink an invisibility pop sure why not i think an invisibility pop makes us seem more scary just for the fact that they don't know who i am and i just see a full diamond gear guy i have no idea who this base is but i'm knocking it out i have no idea whose bases is i've gotta admit it's very creative but it's it's gone whose face is this there's no sign wow we haven't died in a while i think it's time like we are going too soon but like we're doing well a lot of people have been knocked out we haven't been from what i know oh there's someone there someone there someone it's male p is he and he's oh dude he's recently died as well oh oh no dude something's scary you're still in the game i know you are sorry dude i gotta kill you because i gotta find oh my god there's no witch no witch calm down i had this one under control hang on hang on does sub to scary live somewhere near here i'm sorry for killing you something scary but it's the only way of finding people's bases to be here to be honest i'm just going to hold off and see because also if mare dies by someone mes ran away so i was trying to kill him too but if mayor dies then i can see if he pops up here again as well and that way i can start hunting my next victim just where like the war is awful oh i've just realized i have an invisibility potion on so like i don't even have to crouch i can just literally stand here and if they're underground they won't see my name people there's people coming crouch who's that oh are we about to see someone go into their base i don't know who that is it's unwreckable yt feel like he's hunting someone oh who's that i just saw a name go down that oh i hear some breaking block i just saw her name go right down here i'm gonna get jumped i am totally gonna get jumped unwrecked was also above me dude i saw her name go down i can hear someone breaking blocks on wreckage it's oh it's just something scary it's not me i was kind of hoping it'd be meh dude does this guy have gear whoa hey wait what where did this guy just this guy just disappeared okay where did you just disappear to your beacon is about to be just oh my god i'm gonna have to straight ahead you're lucky you're lucky you're getting away from this one oh my god you are the most annoying person i've ever seen i'm actually afraid he's gonna kill me if he keeps spam hitting me right he shouldn't spawn there anymore now there we go oh my god you are the most annoying player if you spawn here he's out he's out again okay ah finally we can breathe right he's out he's still he's still on his last life but that was the most annoying thing i was afraid that basically he was gonna pick up something and just keep spam hitting me but i'm too used to the plug and i realize he doesn't spawn with anything okay gg we found him i think unwreckable's waiting on the surface for me are you waiting on the surface for me okay right we're not gonna go we're gonna try and go underneath the water here and we're gonna try stack up the other way yeah i can hear something on the surface now it might just be a fish in the water but like i'm not taking the chance of getting ambushed so i'm gonna dig over here oh my god oh my god this armor is op dude i thought that was up to thingy bobby coming back up the stairs ladder somehow like i thought he made his way back what where did link come from oh i did actually hear someone else mining oh prop one oh my god prop one chest plate prop what we have like pretty good gear going for us right now is that a shovel i see no it's a diamond sword do i want the diamond sword i don't think so wait what wait a second does link have a base inside a base if so that's 200 iq okay i searched it i didn't find anything i'm i'm gonna assume that i did hear something else digging and i kind of forgot about that so i'm gonna assume that was someone else near here and then obviously found us maybe link was mining no he wasn't mining maybe he found the base as well all right no one is here waiting for me there's two people over here which is let's see who it is oh my god a lucky block house oh so cool it's on record oh tnt oh my god unwreckable you're dangerous man dude this guy has good armor okay he's burning he's burning he's burning there is still like i've got to be careful there's still chances to die like i don't know what he has oh that's what he has okay okay okay okay all right right right right you have lucky blocks eyeing or lucky potions i ain't messing with that that's like an instant death for me i've done well i can't hit him why am i so bad there we go hit okay he might be at lucky potions he seems like he wants to fight that that's giving me the the idea oh no he never mind i i thought it looked like he wanted to fight so i thought you know that means he has something up his sleeve but he was actually trying to run blast protection four you know what that'd be handy to know and put on if i'm about to die fire protection three okay someone else oh man see man's back man's base is somewhere here i need to kill him let's fire let's make sure we put him on fire oh i missed it of course i did and we also crashed okay okay oh he's next okay okay right meh i saw you come from this direction also who was here was someone in in this hole somewhere this is so annoying the random crashes okay was someone in here like i think i saw someone down there right meh i saw running from this direction potentially died recently i was gonna scroll up my chat log but i just realized i can't because we disconnected from the server so i lost all that oh oh was this from a sheep from a player nope oh no no no no no we ain't falling down there i found him hello i've been waiting for you invisibility potion op right i'm giving you as i'm being good right i'm giving you a chance to live okay there you go there's your beacon here so i've destroyed his bed which means he spawns at spawn so he has a chance to live for a little bit more oh he's a blast furnace yo i had one of those before like in a natural hyderabad they're amazing because they beat up the games for you and it just allows you to get out your base so quick when you have invisibility and just hunt over people instantly right we've just found the two people that we thought were living near here it took ages for you it probably took five minutes but that's decent with everyone spawning at their base it's quite easy to kind of triangulate them i haven't been watching chat so i'm gonna go see if my base is still standing and by doing that i'm just gonna have a look down into the cave and just make sure that it's there okay here's my base look down oh wow we haven't been found my entrance is still there anyway okay i've realized this shovel is not invincible it will break so i need to save it for when i know that i have like a rough kind of direction on someone then go for it oh crim's been knocked out he's gone someone knocked him out oh finn ah nah nah nah finger said i got apple finn just literally air got apple i ain't no nope nope nope nope i ain't fighting you with a god apple that ain't fair okay i escaped finn i saw him chugging that god apple i was like nope i ain't fighting that all right let's go for it oh p shovel time we're inside a forest haven't really been over here a lot go for it epic montage starts now we're just gonna mine until this breaks oh wait what's this it's just a case this is so hopey come on and we have to find a base with this wait that's done okay i think this was exposed the whole entire time i probably didn't even actually dig this was this just open this could be raided because it's blocked off at the end or it's just blocked off i don't know oh you bugger you booger oh my god who did this link you absolute genius fire protection three on that should protect me a little bit for a second i'm not even close tonight link you absolute genius oh my god i would never thought of that link i'm not even sorry that was harmful if i wasn't in better gear i would have been dead is link down here mining somewhere i wonder i haven't seen him in a while oh my god this link really mined i feel like he's the only person that probably went proper mining in in the lucky block mode okay if he is down there he's lost in that cave network i'm not going chasing him he can have fun down there oh and our shovel isn't even broke we can keep sir did you just see that i just saw that block breaking and i've just noticed link never said anything to me in chat thank you i'm sorry you know what actually oh i was gonna make you die by fire oh you can you still can you may die an eternity no no no you're out you're out in the game you're out of the game only by fire die by fire oh he's being removed by the admins he's out of the game okay that was i i was wondering why he wasn't speaking to me because he was crouched inside his face the poor guy that base was smart i'm putting that in my in my brain and i'm doing that one day so smart that would work that would work in non-modded minecraft 100 because we're all weak but i have all this crazy gear on that no one ever hasn't hired a hunt okay all right let's go investigate where we saw finn at the start of the season now he might have just been running past or i might have found finn's base but we're gonna go over there and we're gonna go see and i have the shovel to dig out the mountain and everything this is the mountain i'm talking about i saw him near this oh look a beacon that's where i died i had my first death in that cage oh my god is that a trap do you spawn in between like inside that just kind of like i don't know what's worse dying by drowning or that but anyway a nice ravine oh my god it's it's really deep all right let's put some water down so we can swim down and let's search it it seems like it's already been searched but let's see if anyone found a base down here oh i wish we had an efficiency for pickaxe right now and look what i'm doing i'm even searching the stone oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait why why is there random dead space here oh well there we go is it not it's little web i must admit a very good base but it just it's right by the border and don't worry i'm guilty of this when we did love it for a sight hider hunt i literally went straight for a ravine by the border right we found it even had the crouch uh oh my god diamonds let's go we can go back to one of those vendors and buy an insane pickaxe and maybe another shovel if we get lucky but i think we go for a pickaxe lil webb you are out of the game but honestly gg like i just feel kind of like bad because no wait i always say i feel bad but i just feel like i kind of know when new players like what kind of bases they go for or what players like but that was actually quite a smart base if that was stone dude i don't know if it would have been found straight away sick the only thing that made me suspicious was i was like why is there so many stacks up right we need to find one of those trader people i want myself a really good pickaxe you know what we're going for it finn i'm coming for you honestly i am going for finn wherever i have golden apples that is a sign i'm going to kill finn well no actually i'm gonna i'm gonna the gods have given me a level playing field to battle finn and i'm gonna use it to good use will i die probably where are those raiders oh i see one over there i'm coming okay here's a magical trader hello my guy i won your pickaxe please thank you so much and i do want another shovel but apparently i'm not able to buy one from from you is there another trader around here that i could buy from oh i see one i see one i think i would love another shovel please another shovel acquired lovely stuff right let's go find finn probably die but hey okay i'm gonna throw maybe some of this stuff out on the floor right here so if i do die to finn i have armor to come back to oh my god evil killi rabbit go away from me right let's go find finn also finn where are you oh little webs here oh my god he splashed himself i bet a golden apple this guy's so geared can i win though golden apple saved me so far his spam i can't see a thing oh my god what how we surviving right now he has to be going low yeah he's kind of running did he golden apple too he splashed himself with negative effects and he's still surviving what a beast he's going low he's going low he's trying to blow his buff up he's trying to blow us don't you blow us up my guy i'm staying on you i'm staying on you staying on you where you gone where you going where you going oh my god he's gonna blow us he's gonna blow us up he's gonna blow himself up you have to be low oh my god finn finn oh my god what is going on does this guy die more negative effects slowness all this kind of stuff someone finn kill the witch please who is this it's a little wet oh yeah i forgot the fires do nothing to me dude my arm is gonna break it definitely is finn's throwing stuff in the arena someone killed this witch i gotta need a golden apple oh my god this is the fight of the century oh my god some one of us gonna die here okay i've got a pearl i'm going low i'm definitely gonna die oh my god pearl again probably again pearl again oh my god i don't know how both of us didn't die from that i'm crouched i'm crouched i'm gonna hide here for a bit jeez little webb is insanely geared i have a feeling like that person has to have god apples and guard apples okay little web is currently right now searching for me and i actually think little webb is actually stronger than me which is fine you know what i mean i think finn has been the strongest person this whole entire game and then somehow finn died and little webb got the stuff or little web has been hiding the entire time on the map and been getting absolutely geared to the brim there is a wither inside the world i'll call run now i'm running in the direction where i think finn and all that might be living because he's just after dying to fall damage so i might be able to find him okay no fin no fit at all okay the server has now gone into oh that's what he had this is what he had heroes potions this item is amazing it gives you oh my god that's the reason why this person survived i think okay the server has now gone into sudden death mode and what that means is we've been playing for hours so in general locations of everybody's bases including mine there will be a red beacon signalizing that a base is near so this really puts your base to test because people will know the general location of it now i see no red beacon so i know that there's no bases near here at the moment there we go there's a red beacon oh my god i found a base near here already so has there been multiple bases in this ocean all right let's find it we've got the show before it let's do it right let's begin the search let's bury ourselves underneath here and let's search there we go thank you so much raven for that op strategy usually i just search the water it's it's thomas it's thomas base i actually had no clue where thomas was thomas is audi all right o-p-o-p-o-p the only thing is i'm really scared because like someone is definitely definitely gonna find my base that's one base down let's keep searching do you know what just actually no i was about to say i was gonna say let's break that so we don't come back to search it but if i leave it there people might waste our time searching it there's the beacon at my base oh my god it feels like it's oh the abandons have been cruel to me i'll tell you that right now oh we got more beacons over here i definitely haven't searched this area let's go let's go boom there we go base found let's go it's branch mc you're out of the game my guy raven i love you oh there's another beacon over here oh my god let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go but the thing is like someone's probably searching my area right now as we speak if not i am so lucky oh it's branches branch okay i've already knocked out your base maybe i should just kill you looks there's one less person searching if i can do you know what actually yeah i'm gonna kill you because i'm sorry branch but that's one less person searching for my base if i can if not all good i'm not chasing you for that long right let's keep searching oh pickaxe broke oh shovel i mean oh never mind someone else found the base wow i think branch found the base and then like snuck past me where was it though okay this is a race against the clock that's my base over there and so far it has not been found all right hero potion up it's time wait i shouldn't even be doing this yeah that's it that's right you run away i shouldn't why am i even doing this i'm just wasting time i don't even have enough pearls to chase them down i hear tnt going off oh there's one there's one there's one let's go let's go okay someone built yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes oh my god tomorrow i have not raided the tree base myself in a long time who did this mb or what uh clitty please don't i'm sorry kaliti but honestly well done for having a tree base and lasting this long that's incredible genius tree base if i didn't have this shovel i wasn't able to efficiently mine the whole entire area out i probably wouldn't have even it would have taken me a lot longer to at least find it but i knew i could like i could just check the ground off straight away i'm like nope there's nothing down below there okay there's a beacon here i haven't searched this area let's go let's go right there's a base over here i just need to find it my shovel's broke wait maybe unlock it oh no i just it just took it right out of my my my mouth i was about to say maybe a lucky block can help me out oh my god has been a good thing there's a good reason why i shouldn't spam lucky block wait what is going on with me no no not the bunny not the bunny i just got wrecked can i go get my stuff back i need my stuff maybe that explosion found the base though oh no i need to grab the stuff i hear someone mining i hear someone mining go grab the stuff no someone else got stuff oh grab as much as i can where's my helmet there it is there it is oh god i'm just gonna jump a little web wait wait this is the base no i'm gonna i'm definitely gonna die i've got no pickaxe i do a terrible one okay i'm getting out of here i'm getting over here he's gonna trap me i thought they found the base i got so excited oh why is little webb running from me what do you know oh i don't have a shield i'm dead unless he's dead too that's to be a reason why he was running a second ago right oh no he's running he's running he's running give me this kill i'm so dead he's got thorns and it's really knocking me back here he's gonna survive he's gonna i'm not gonna live he knows that right should i just yeah okay i should just probably take that maybe he was gonna die too hang on i'm gonna keep searching for base what does he know why is he hanging a rim out here if he's running away from me why are you hanging about sir sir sir sir sir ryan that brian you want he just said you want to do it like what what would you do it oh who's is it is it he's not good wait thomas did we not knock out our already it's yours you found it i didn't even find it gg that's why he wanted to run away because he wanted to probably come back and actually knock out his own base gg my guy we were once enemies and now we're best friends okay sorry had to i had to knock him out i'm so sorry it was an easy kill dude he had a hero potion he gave me supplies oh no it was a potion of luck give me that mmm i'm feeling lucky that i'm gonna win wait i win no wait wait wait wait mb wait mb was still in last time i checked did you get found oh my god the second i drank a lucky potion i won the game okay let's get everyone's reaction i think i'm after winning hey thomas oh god how are you doing okay dude i was mining here where do you think oh brain wait are you at my base can i i need to come to you like i'm running my base it was actually my base was supposed to be a redstone base and then someone i thought for a quick base that i made i thought it was smart because like the lava and everything kind of made it a bit like kind of like don't search there it's kind of a bit of a nasty spot so there you go guys our base one i suppose like you know it it just looks like why would you search there you know it's perfect it's perfect guys this has been lucky block hider hunt it's been a crashy mess but been a lot of fun if you guys enjoyed these videos make sure to check out the hyder hunt server the public server it's kind of like this but not really it's a big unclaimed faction server where you make underground secret bases just like here ip is right here guys thank you for watching if you're new around here and you've watched until the end comment below that shovel was amazing oh my god just exactly that and confuse everyone in the comments anyway guys thanks for watching i'll see you the next one you
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 879,230
Rating: 4.9296188 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft video, minecraft hide or hunt, secret base, secret minecraft base, we made secret minecraft cave base, we made a secret minecraft tree house base, I made a SECRET CACTUS entrance to my Minecraft Base, minecraft survival, mine craft, minecraft base, minecraft server, hide or hunt, ryannotbrian, I made a Secret Minecraft Swamp TREE Base, I made a SECRET Minecraft Base inside LAVA, so we played Minecraft Hide Or Hunt with LUCKY BLOCKS
Id: 5nsrZMsfMKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 14sec (2414 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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