I Spent 100 Days on a Minecraft Murder Island.. Years Later

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so let me tell you my 100 days story of how i ended up in a cave alone in a custom world on the brink of war our story begins joining a server with a dark history a 500-day old server where past players were not so lucky to survive this 100 days is the murder island 500 days later and two admins have asked a bunch of players to join the server to participate in this hardcore series i was one of those players the two admins we are referring to are apex mc and dapper every player who spawned on the island got a book it said welcome to the experiment they said that this server is for their entertainment and we'll make sure it stays like that and they said a simple message keep us happy and in the book contained a clue about the past people that have played on the server it said you guys aren't the first people head towards zero zero to see the remains of the previous experimentations the book also read saying this is a social experiment to see what happens when people have limited resources oh and what's that it says this video is sponsored by monster legend today's video is sponsored by monster legends a free-to-play game available on both android and ios through the link in the description with this game you start off by building your monster habitats collecting gold and gems to build your perfect territory collect monsters and boost them through heated battles and achieving higher levels feed your monsters to gain higher levels and create stronger monsters you can even breed two monsters together to make your own unique monster to defeat your enemies in future battles with a wide range of different pvp modes of dungeons 2 adventure maps new events and adventures can be discovered weekly the adventure never ends my friends fight in real time battles against your friends and even epic team wars allowing you to unlock exclusive monsters do you think you have what it takes to win so what are you waiting for download monster legends today using my link in the description below and claim your free 30 special reward of food gold and gems and even the epic monster noreen with his wooden sword and shield you can take them all on thanks again to monster legends for sponsoring this video i knew exactly what the admins wanted they wanted chaos and they wanted us to all turn against each other i knew that if we were going to survive this 100 days we'd have to play together and we would have to stay peaceful amongst each other because we are the threat not mobs not lava but other people are the threat we are dangerous when left unchecked at this current time we were all in a discord all 20 of us were sitting in here it was chaotic but i tried to control the group i tried to gather them up on the mushroom island so i could speak to them all before they ran off their separate ways i gave them a speech and said that if we were gonna survive this we all needed to work together or things would just turn to chaos whatever happened 500 days ago didn't end well and we hopefully weren't going to meet the same fate as them since it was early days everyone was optimistic and everyone wanted to be a team [Music] everyone agreed and we were all on the same sides we all wanted to survive together or that's what i thought [Music] because as this series goes on it's gonna slowly degrade but you guys already know that [Music] the first thing we wanted to do was we wanted to visit zero zero we wanted to see what the past experimentation was we were all curious so we found the nearest island with trees and began making boats we then set across the open sea heading towards the center of the world [Music] later on day one we found land this was zero zero this was the center straight away we could see old remains of the past players that have played in the server this island looked lifeless like i hadn't seen life in a long time [Music] we even found a horse that had been wandering the island for what looks like years we quickly put him out of his misery we wanted to explore the island but with night falling we took refuge in a house close by we patched it up to stop the mobs getting in and our first plan of action was to feed the weak a lot of people were starving and some players were close to death as a group we organized ourselves attempting to feed the weakest first but we didn't have long in the house until the admins got bored they put up a sign saying leave this now and the admins were incredibly impatient striking down lightning on top of all of us i don't know how we didn't lose a single soul but i am on two hearts and i am close to death [Music] everybody scrambled and started running i organized the team to head back to the boats the admins clearly didn't want us living on this island they had already seen people live here and they don't want a repeat of what happened they must want something new they drove us off the island i tried to do a head count to see if we had everyone here and i felt like we were missing someone so i headed back to the island to have a look but the admins weren't letting us go anywhere near it striking down lightning to show don't go here if a person was lost it's up to him to survive on his own good luck we decided to start journeying far away because the admins didn't want us anywhere near here and also all the resources all the sunken ships had been plundered by the past players that have played here so we knew if we wanted resources we needed to head far out but this journey wasn't going to be easy we had a serious food shortage but we were all determined to get to our new settlement we journeyed across the world taking small breaks to gather resources and get little bits of food but it wasn't long until we were on the move again the admins were constantly taunting us telling us to keep moving i don't know how far they wanted us to go as night was falling on day three we found a desert temple and we decided to try and take refuge in here a lot of us couldn't run so mobs were a huge threat this night wasn't easy though the admins kept making holes into the desert temple so that mobs could rush through [Music] we just kept patching and we did our best later on that night things started to calm down the admin stopped trolling us and we were able to quickly organize ourselves and feed the weakest all the weak lined up against the wall and we did our best to try and feed them on the day four morning we headed out we weren't able to sprint [Music] but we kept walking through the desert still trying to find a place to sell but on the day four afternoon we ran into a problem a player had gone missing [Music] he just vanished [Music] two players in a boat went out to search for him but didn't find him all that was left was just his boat but with this commotion we let our guard down and a swamp zombie got ripped months [Music] he was impaled by a trident the first person to die on this great journey we didn't even have time to grieve we had to get out there we left the body behind on day five we hit land this land was starting to look a lot more habitable this journey was nearly over the player that vanished returned out of thin air i tried to speak to him but he didn't say much it was suspicious but i left it there we also couldn't continue our journey without making a burial site for months rest in peace it just showed us how dangerous this journey was later on that day we found a village and this village hadn't been touched by the previous players this means we're in an area where 500 days ago the past occupants didn't come to we desperately raided this village for resources and then we continued on when just over the river by the village we found the place that we wanted to sell we were going to make this our home we even stood here for a while waiting for the admins to strike lightning down but nothing happened we will call this our home all together and unified we're gonna survive it wasn't so long until the admins awakened giving us a so-called gift the gift was basically telling us that we can only use stone wood and leather items only as they refer to it keeping us in the stone age all i saw as was making it harder to survive not being able to make iron armor diamonds it just makes mobs more of a threat [Music] i feel like they were punishing us for playing altogether i gave the book to jack jack gave the book to another person and it spread like wildfire everyone knew we were stuck in the stone age the village was coming along nicely the only problem is that we still had a food shortage with this many players it's a lot of mouse to feed and i knew the best way of feeding people without burning too much energy would be fishing but to do that we needed to find some spiders for string to make the rod so on the day nine night i headed out looking for spiders and i managed to find enough spiders to be able to make myself a rod and jack [Music] we would hopefully get enough food for the village altogether but the food shortage was causing tension in the camp because an argument broke out between food i'm not exactly sure what happened [Music] but there were two players scrapping and out of rage emerald horn was murdered by brody [Music] you could look at him and see the guilt in his eyes straight away he regretted his actions he was hungry and we knew it we all were desperate for food but that doesn't mean you get to take someone away [Music] actions that he just took was probably the demise of the last players that played this server we asked brody to quietly come into the forest with us i think he knew exactly what was about to happen but he knew if he ran he was dead anyway [Music] i knew what i had to do even though i didn't want to do it but we had to be strong i had to show others that i was a strong leader and this wouldn't stand an eye for an eye strangely when i got back to camp no one even spoke about it everyone was just acting like life went back to normal i think because everyone agreed that the actions that i took were completely justified with the fishing rod made it was time to get fishing this means now that all the village was working on collecting different types of food and in no time we would have enough food to be able to not worry about it anymore [Music] we all just have to keep working hard [Music] while fishing i noticed that kaden was just watching us not saying anything he hadn't spoke since he'd vanished on our journey he intrigued me and i wanted to talk to him more but this was the last time that i ever kaden will i ever see him again while fishing jack had spotted that a mill had dropped iron boots near the riverbed we weren't allowed to make iron and it's like he was trying to make other players pick it up so that they could get punished after this i started watching the mill i noticed how he was stumbling around the camp and i saw that he was interacting with a chest he looked very suspicious and he wasn't doing a great job to me it's almost like he wanted to get caught i went over to investigate the chest and to my shock i saw that he had put an iron helmet inside i don't know what he was up to but he was trying to sabotage this camp quickly i ran down i grabbed the boots and i grabbed the helmet i knew exactly where to get rid of this evidence and i burned them as quick as i could before the admins could notice this is when myself jack and mikey left the camp to have a chat about what we could do with a mill jack and i wanted to quietly murder him he was trying to sabotage our camp after all but mikey made the valid point that he hadn't done any harm to any player yet and the people of the community would just think that we murdered him and could raise their arms against us [Music] so we went back to the camp [Music] with the best solution we could think of we confronted a mill and we told him to follow us of course he was hesitant who wouldn't be we decided that the best option was to banish a mill and we told him that he denied all of his actions but then not long after he admitted to it all [Music] and he went his separate way i knew that it was unrealistic to think that peace could stay but i was doing my best to make sure i can keep that happening [Music] that's when apex shortly turned up proven in some way that they're always watching we went back to the camp and we gathered as many people as we could and we told him the truth that we had banished the mill and everything that he was up to if this was gonna work we'd all have to trust each other no secrets this was when someone raised the alarm about caden where was he he was on the server but he wasn't here no one had seen him for a few days going back to a little bit of fishing i managed to fish myself out a piercing four unbreaking three fortune three book but there was one slight problem we were currently stuck in the stone age [Music] so this book was rendered useless but will be really handy for when we're allowed to advance but later on that day i had all the food we needed everyone was doing great [Music] the food shortage had been solved after the food crisis was sorted the village started thriving we started coming alive working as a group and over the days the village really formed it was going fantastic [Music] i've never had a better bunch of people to survive with in my life this was really looking positive it felt great on day 26 i woke up in my nasty house it wasn't the best build i'd ever done but i wanted to make sure that i kept it to the village theme when i logged on to the server it was early morning and it was only few of us on jamie jack and myself decided to go on a bit of an interesting mission it was early morning so we expected the admins not to be on now we can't tell when they are because they're in vanish but we took a guess they weren't and we decided that we would head back to the center of the world back to the island that the animals didn't want us on why because we thought we could find lou and treasure from the previous players 500 days ago technically if we find that we won't be breaking the rules because we didn't make it we just found it we were being cheeky as we're about to hit the water to head to the island we notice that rip mom's grave had been changed almost evil looking someone had clearly messed with it and we knew who it was definitely the advent because of this shovel no players could do this this was some sort of plugin or command i don't know what they're up to but they had done something after we're done investigating it we continued to the murder island and after a few days we landed on the island [Music] no lightning no commotion it was still this island was eerily quiet who knows what happened here but whatever it did it must have not ended great legends say that one survivor managed to leave the island and everyone else perished but who knows we stumbled into a graveyard we found a grave of a past player [Music] we checked their barrel chest for loot but didn't find much we made our way on top of this hill and we found a chest left by the abbott with a clue to the never portal [Music] saying that it's located in the badlands which is a mesobio but little did we know that this never portal would exist in another world entirely one that we're soon heading towards we just didn't know it yet as we were making our way home this is when everything started to crumble it was later on in the day everyone was on and a discord erupted we're being attacked they said sheer panic broke out and it was every player for themselves pheebs even killing spiritful in the chaos it was hard to make out exactly what was going on and what exactly caused this but as we got closer it started to become clear and male had returned with his new gang the admins had helped him out gave him the resources he needed [Music] to cause chaos and make it fun for he happens the admin knew that we were beating him at their own game i got close to the village and jack and jamie left me they didn't want to come in i tried to tell him that i wanted to get my fortune free book it was buried in a chest in my house that's what i know it's fail he was wearing never right armor this was the first time seeing this player i don't know how he got this armor because we were the first person to find the clue about the never portal i knew this would happen i wasn't surprised i was just surprised about how savagely they did it they had no respect for what we had made but this is an experiment after all this is what the admins want they want to be entertained i snuck in and got my book [Music] i so badly wanted it because i knew the fortune 3 pickaxe would come in handy it allowed me to get diamonds and attempt to get revenge as fast as possible i started making my way over to the farming sector to get as much resources as i could so that we wouldn't have another food shortage but a male in his gang was already over there and one of them was in nethering that's when i noticed more of them and they were in iron armor the admins had clearly allowed them to advance faster than us and they were a more powerful civilization than us at the moment and i had to let them do what they had to do this is hardcore after all and i can't die that's what i notice rip months lagging behind the admins had revived them now the grave makes sense why it was changed i must admit i like the little details that the admins put into the show really makes it come alive slept in a bed quickly so it was only players who were a threat to me and not mobs on top of that i knew at this point that every village member had gone the village was broken fractured and split to pieces they had all formed their own groups and they were now in their own discords jack and jamie had left me i was in a discord by myself i was gathering what i could i gathered as much food as i could take and i started heading back to the main village area thinking that a mill in his gang was now gone i wanted to get to our storage area to see if there's anything else i could scavenge but as i got closer i could see a mill and his gang were still in the area this is when i became very close to death they were coming close to me all i had was the trees as cover but i could hear the fire behind me i had to stay still i knew any movement or on crouching i would be seen and potentially i got lit on fire but luckily i was able to stay crouched and there was a mushroom covering me it looked to me that the milanese gang were leaving this was getting interesting and just as quickly as they came they left they were complete savages everything that we had worked on was destroyed they didn't have any respect later on that day we got informed that the admins were taking us to a new world one where we could conquer the lands and show who really is the dominant clans but i don't care about all of that my goal now and for the foreseeable future is tracking down and hunting anyone who was responsible for this attack and i would kill them all one by one leaving a mill ruse last bring on the new world [Music] overnight the old world vanished and a new one began that's right we're in a new world and it's custom which you can find the link for down in description below but the admins have given us this world with a few rules which i'll explain very soon but the admins allowed us to choose where we wanted to spawn i chose the forest area in the middle of the map hoping that's where everyone would go and i would find more people and we could take a crack at making another settlement again and trying to keep the peace and also just so i'm not alone straight away i did the minecraft things i grabbed wood and i killed some animals i was fortunate enough that the admins gave us a bit of a starter kit but i originally spawned here because i wanted to find out for players i could have went on discord and i could have asked who's around but i wanted to find people organically and to make this interesting i knew there were other people alone like me and i knew there were people also in groups i was more looking for the loners so that we could band together and have a common cause and not surviving but the first day in this new world i didn't see any signs of life other than the animals i had slain [Music] but i was fortunate enough to find a cave and this is where i'd be calling my home for the foreseeable future that night i made myself a campfire and i cooked up all the meat i had gotten my goal for the next morning was to go out exploring again and make another attempt at finding life for the next few days i wondered about looking for players but i found no one this is when i felt the true scale of this world and just how big it is i decided i would just get on with it i'm alone and that's just how it is and for many days i survived by myself slowly gathering resources making this cave feel more homely and this brings us back to the start of how i ended up in the cave alone by the events that have happened i could have just started my 100 days here but i wanted to tell you the full story of how it ended up like this but now the admins have given us a new world for people to forge their own story but with some simple rules and they are we are only allowed to live in this custom world we can venture out beyond it but we can only settle here it's hardcore if you die you're gone and the most interesting part of all there are 13 god weapons scattered across the map these weapons are powerful but their main role is to tell you who owns what land this show is all going to be about building up nations and defending yourself from others that want to cause harm and my goal is to build a nation that will bring the world stability and wage war on anyone who tries to stop that welcome to my new 100 days series let's see how long i will survive for so going back to the story with my goal now for the series of protecting the world and squishing anyone who wants to upset that i knew i would need to build my own nation with like-minded people that hopefully who just want to survive and thrive together so with the resources that i had gathered over the days i built a beacon right by the waterway with hopes that people would be attracted but it's billed and that they would see my sign i hope one day to make a great nation here one that everyone on us ever respects two days later i logged on the server i didn't notice much at the start but then i looked down and there was life and it was bustling people had seen the beacon and a town was being created right in front of my eyes the beacon had worked and over the next few days i got to know all these people we all had the same goal in mind but time was ticking against us we needed to find the god weapon for our land so no one could contest our town if we find the god weapon we are the rightful people for this land we own it so we need to find it and we did and a few days later there was great excitement because the god weapon for our land had been found that was one worry we didn't have to think about now stealthy the miner of the group had found it up in the mountains it was a hammer called the stormlander which looked absolutely epic and there was a book that read congrats you just found yourself a god weapon you are the rightful king or queen of this land these weapons are responsible for showing who owns what continents the person who owns these weapons are the rightful owners without this weapon your claims this land is false look on discord to see what land you own with this specific weapon we had done it we found the weapon we owned this land this was everything we now own rightfully it doesn't mean people can't contest it though we now had this great weapon but it can't just be given to someone we need to take a vote for who's going to be our king or queen who's going to lead us so sorrow here decided to build the town hall right here where the beacon was it felt fitting it's the thing that brought us all together a town hall should go here this is where the vote will be taking place one weekend later and the great town hall was built by the amazing community that we had look at this building it looks amazing it stands out over all the rest of the houses which it should this is our main meeting area this is the council room the place where we solve all debates and where we log all the citizens living in the land this is amazing later that day the vote took place myself soccer and red shadow were running for king or queen everyone took their turn taking their speech for my plan what i will do is if i'm king i plan to expand our commerce of our wood trade and i plan to make it so that we sell wood to every continent on this earth i would like to be clean because i would like to of course expand our village within our own island and also other islands i want to bring stability peace and offer refuge to everyone on the server and crush anyone who attempts to try and oppose that then everyone voted and by a landslide sucker had won the vote he was now our ruler our leader whatever you want to call him and sucker got straight to ruling he suggested we should name the town the capital city of this nation and since the god weapon that we own is called the stormlander i said we should name the town storm's landing a bit of a game of thrones reference but all this didn't matter because over the excitement we were publicly broadcasting that we were voting for king or queen of our nation to the whole server to see and a certain player was moving in to seize the opportunity [Music] [Music] he stormed the village and stormed the town capital where every single citizen in the town was [Music] this was a takeover emil demanded from soccer that he hands over the god weapon which after an awkward standoff soccer hands over the weapon and i am not mad at him at all for this he did the right thing for doing this no blood was dropped emil was now our ruler we were now governed by him and his nation we were part of that now and for now we had to respect that this is what this server is all about it's about politics it's about evil versus good and while we have been trying to build a nation a male had just been taking nations from others all their hard work emil had managed to strike again he didn't burn down our town like he did last time this time i feel like he did something much worse he had stolen all our hard work and claimed it for himself i feel like as a player and as a leader [Music] i had let my team down and in the next hundred days i will need to take this town back or die trying [Music] once again i just want to say thank you to monster legends for sponsoring today's video make sure to download the game from the description to start today you
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 4,364,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days in minecraft, 100 days in minecraft war, creepersedge, hide or hunt, mc war, minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft hide or hunt, minecraft war, ryan not brian, ryan not brian minecraft war, ryan not bryan, ryannot brian, ryannotbrian, ryannotbrian 100 days, ryannotbrian hide or hunt, ryannotbrian mc war, ryannotbrian minecraft war
Id: 06OgBMSRiPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 57sec (2277 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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