Minecraft, But First Player i Find is my Friend (Hide or Hunt)

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minecraft hydro hunt but it's love at first sight in today's video there are 20 players on this entire map and every player has 25 minutes of invisibility and during that period they all must go out into the world and make a secret base and place that beacon inside their base you can only craft at your beacon and the last beacon standing is the winner but today after the 25 minute timer the first person you see you are teammates both of you have separate beacons and you guys have to work together to win so i put dream inside the thumbnail because you know it's the dream team i want the dream team but sadly dream is not in this video but dream if by any random chance that you're watching this i'd love for you to come on for a hider hunt video it would be awesome guys let's see if we can smash 12 000 likes on this video in under 24 hours and i will get another one out as soon as possible and also if you enjoy hyderant and my content make sure to subscribe and also comment down below your secret base ideas i might just build them but enjoy the video okay let the games begin all right i hope i end up with a decent teammate i have no idea who i'm gonna end up with uh but i hope it's someone that has a good base that's what i hope all right let's grab all this stuff because we need extra food oh let's see if there's any chests inside here we got any chest oh blast furnace oh no somebody else is taking it no yes i got it oh my god blast furnace let's go i don't know what it does but i'm assuming it smells stuff faster oh no everyone's stealing the chest any chest inside this face any chest inside you nope don't need a bed that's all good okay right no okay right everyone's taking the chest okay i got a blast furnace i can't complain i suppose all right grab some wood quickly we're gonna need plenty of it okay i have no idea what kind of base i'm gonna make today now after the 20 minutes is over we're gonna find our teammate and it's gonna be weird we could and i just hope they have a good base that's all i'm asking is that they have a mic and a good base and that we win right i need to find a cave i need to get mining that should be plenty of wood if not i can grab some more okay i found a cave oh no it's a water cave is it is there any air pockets on here oh there is there is there is okay let's let's go let's go all right grab our iron dude this could be a cool base to make a base actually inside the cave area here you know you dig down and you just swim into a bit of like a one by one block or is it kind of risky leave a block open i've left a block open before and it didn't work so i'm not sure yeah i probably won't do that this season actually i have an idea maybe i'm thinking of doing a base in the war let's just say that okay but first let's get everything we need so that we can get crafting i want to try see if i can get started in world record time here so let's grab what we need skeletons we need bones if you need arrows i need coal plenty of it i'm hoping this blast furnace actually you know does help me out and does smut stuff faster or is it just cosmetic i have no idea okay we are getting plenty of iron inside this cave nice one oh yeah i forgot i'm invincible jordan 25 minutes i forgot about that oh nice okay we're after finding a mine shaft i've just have to oh no way let's go okay uh we got a golden apple yay let's take the coal as well let's take the bones i just heard a creeper explode someone is down here with me where are you oh gold oh we can't mine that though we need an iron pickaxe in mind that i'm really nervous i don't know who my teammate's gonna be and that's kind of giving me a little bit of anxiety because i'm scared i'm gonna end up with something with no mic or someone who has like the worst bass ever and just gonna get knocked out a thorn's book okay that's kind of i don't know is that good or bad from what i know from pvp thorns is like kind of the worst enchant you can kind of get it's kind of annoying and also it breaks your armor quicker but hey i suppose it's better than nothing like it'll give me the enchanted glow so everyone will be scared of me okay with 35 iron that's enough to make a full set of iron armor which is good we just need to maybe get a little bit more in case we want to make an amble okay 49 iron i think that's enough for a second i'm going to get out of here and start making my base i want to get set up in like a record time so that if i want to i can go back out i can mine in the time of what we're still invisible we've only got 13 minutes left i don't know if that's right if so then i'm not doing this in record time not the best start i've ever had like i've found more rare stuff like last episode i found a fire resistant book if you haven't seen the last episode of the hyder hunt series you know make sure to go watch it because that was a good one i made a base in a swamp tree okay we're out of here all right let's get rid of the stone for a second right i don't know where anyone is because everyone's invisible right where are we making the base are we just going to make it more we're just making a generic base in war and just hoping for the wind go on let's just do a generic basin war but where though is the question okay there's a ravine here okay actually i have an idea let me just get some air though there could be someone here i just don't know can i see anyone but then again like if there is someone here like it actually might not be a bad thing because we might be teammate but then again i don't want to be living in the same area as a teammate kind of asking for trouble i'm thinking we make a bait right under here if i can mine it in time oh wait i have invisibility i can do whatever i want okay oh how we gonna get up to it okay this is gonna be our base okay we put the stuff in the furnace this is so awkward right now right i'm placing down my beacon let's go for it right beacon down there we go this is so awkward right i need to make a water bucket to be able to get up here okay water bucket acquired let's grab some water let's fill this up and there we go this is our base so we'll make it so we go around the other side to like crap and all that kind of stuff okay this is our base everyone it's a little bit awkward i'm not gonna lie it's not the best but it's something let's make a double chest because every base needs it and there we go we also need a sign to stop the water because it's very annoying and also we need a sign to put in our base there we go the base is looking sweet oh my god this furnace is smelting so quickly compared to other ones so guys we have made a base in a ravine a water ravine i feel like it's gonna be the first place people check but hey i've got no ideas have you guys got any good ideas comment down below love to know we've also got an invisibility potion for eight minutes we might as well actually keep that honest right let's start crafting up our armor can hear something swimming outside i hope it's just a fish otherwise i'm dead oh it's a zombie it's a war zombie i think okay that's fine that doesn't scare me also i don't know how to make a shield i just completely forgot it's like this and it's one iron and then boom that's how you do it okay i've got two iron blocks so i need one more iron block and a bit of iron then to make an anvil and then i can put the thorns book on if i want to but i think for now what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna head out of here we've got five minutes left maybe that's enough time do you know what if i feel the sausage i might come back actually but we're gonna head out invisible now oh it was okay it was a squid i could hear that makes sense right this is such a cheeky spot like but with it last i don't know like instead of making my base along the sides i made it on the roof which makes it seem like like no one really checks the roofs as much you know as much as the sides so statistically we should be lasting a bit longer but hey what do i know about statistics am i right i'm the type of guy that builds bases in trees and coral reefs you know what i actually might be able to make my um my anvil really quickly which you know a bit of thorns you know makes me look scary right i suppose it does i don't think thorns does much though suppose it's extra damage okay blast furnace blast this shizzle wizzle here we go just need a little bit more iron and we'll acquired stick this on the chest plate we got more levels boom there we go right let's get on out of here blaster furnace are you done smelling good you're not making any noise so my base should be soundless and my squid is obviously going to keep my base alive you know what i mean obviously okay and i am out of here the base is set up our invisibility is gonna be gone in two minutes and the first person i basically tagged that doesn't have a teammate or hit should i say with my face it's gonna it's gonna be my teammate oh i just saw someone okay i just saw someone come out of here i don't want that person to be my teammate because i know where he's based this person better like i'm getting far away from here as possible we've got one minute 38. i i think there's a guy there it could be raven who knows but like i don't want to be on the same team who lives like in the same area like is that not a bad idea i don't know maybe it's like brilliant idea i don't know i'm kind of i kind of want to knock out his base though that's the thing who am i going to find in one minute i'm so nervous here's my team i could oh what's someone doing over there why does someone need sand okay well i don't want that person to be my teammate either i don't want anyone i think i know where their base is to be my teammate because what's the point that was the first person i run to and tag okay i'm almost certain that someone's base is here look there's a guy breaking trees we have five minutes left we've actually built our base in record time we have five minutes left so we can do a bit of scoping out right now there he is there he is where is he going where are you going mr guy is his base right there oh my god i found his base i'm just gonna say i found his base i i hope so or maybe he's just going mining is he gonna block it back up and see if he blocks the hole back up you see it right there yeah he's blocked it back up i found his base oh god okay that's one base acquired let's go somewhere else and scope out oh hello oh my god hello i found an admin base yo did someone was here did they miss the admin base completely i was coming down because i saw the cobblestones like there's something just mine here okay we got diamonds oh my god we can actually go back to our bases as you craft something decent there's only one diamond it seems like it we got the gold might as well grab the gold right don't really need the iron as much anymore wait is there any other barrels oh there's barrels here okay oh more diamonds hello oh wow okay right we didn't find another base we found an aven base that technically counts as two emma okay emma's head is here oh my god hopwebs i've just realized they could be used in pvp efficiency too uh very handy for a diamond pickaxe or a shovel should i say i hear someone i'm taking these cobwebs these could be really handy maybe gunpowder what could i suppose i can make tnt with that i've got two diamonds do i make a diamond sword i'll keep them on me for a second i don't want to risk going back to my base just yet someone's living here there's wood mined here as well i heard breaking as well so there's definitely someone living around here someone living on top of this hill trying to see if i can see particles to spot them i think there might be someone below me here how do they not find that admin base i'm based with sick with the redstone oh here lava i need that i need that i need that where are you lava lava where you at i need to harvest your resources there you are oh my god what a cool looking place there you go thank you very much okay i've yet to find anybody else everyone get ready to find a teammate that's good that ever loving hell out of me don't get offended if i run away from you who's gonna be my teammate looking for a date raven where are you oh he's not even on mute looking for a date anybody looking for someone uh to be my teammate uh i'm single i make good bases uh i'm ready to mingle i'm a good miner real good miner toxic toxic are you oh toxic's part of a team wait what about you oh everyone's making everyone's making love except me please someone take me where are you i'm over here behind you come here hit me oh yes i love you i love you i love you i love you i have nothing wrong against ap likes but he doesn't you don't speak that much i can't i can't i'm too speaky i'm so sorry we would absolutely destroy it so sorry go find love my guy go find love this is the weirdest hyderabad episode we've ever done right let's get out of here because it's going to turn into a bloodbath very soon oh wait it's already started it's already started um raven's coming for us yeah i'm gonna go this way oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no this up then i'll stop okay um okay i need to ask you a question do you live in a sand biome um i live over that way like no i wouldn't say a standby okay you don't so your base isn't below sand no it's not okay come with me let's go we're about to find a base i think so i'm almost positive right so you don't live right here now you don't need to lie to me i live right next to it no but like not right here okay right well i think i found a base okay be careful right here yep boom this is not yours yet no way no style i saw him dig into it when i was invisible whose base is it it's vex sorry buddy but we gotta knock you out there's no chest here does this guy have secret chests maybe wait did he just get killed at the same time as we knocked out his beacon i think he did so someone got eliminated anyway okay let's go back up to the surface did you see effect oh i also have cobwebs do you want you want me to happen out with you oh yeah let's do it yeah we can easily get some kills yeah i found an aven base you know that with a lava bucket combo bam bam bam yeah also do you live in the water okay where do you live like right down here in the water oh okay in the slight mountain that's fine then right follow me i think i know so i live in the ravine over in the corner there and basically you go into the ravine and you go up and you're you're in basically i instead of going on the side i went up instead hoping and it worked it probably won't so we'll see um i saw someone come out of the water over here now he could have been mining there is a possibility of that but i did see someone come out of the water just just here so that's why i'm making sure it's not you i live just over there okay so like i'll show you whereabouts i saw him come up like about here oh look there's a hole right there oh maybe he okay i think he was digging up i saw some with full iron come out like on the opposite side of the map from the water okay i don't know it could be just people mining but yeah maybe this guy looking right there i can see there's a hole there so chances are that maybe that guy just literally came up from mining yeah he probably did he started heading off though um in the direction of the village i think let's just let's just eliminate the village as a source of like someone could be living there shall we yeah let's go for it yeah i'm gonna take that for a second if we see someone there just know that we've logged out in our brain if we see something there again then yeah but i'll take that as he was mining and that was it if you want to dive look if you dive under directly if you go under me there's like there's auras there like there's like die right there if you want to give that in mind okay oh that actually could be really good for a baseball and i'm just gonna dig here i am watching your back though yeah yeah oh oh there was a base here it was found it was found already it was fine already i wasn't okay or did you expose it not knowing come up here no you didn't dig here anyway no no i don't think that uh okay i'm assuming this got found i suppose double check it just in case it's like a emeralds no it was fight monkey space all right let's get out of it oh people on our right um over in the village where we'll like dress exploring okay i suppose maybe we try to get yeah actually that's how we get killed we have to we do have to get kills oh hey they're getting like stuff from the admins i don't really want to jump in if they're getting like if they need help one of them could be lagging out or something or is demi just afk is demi just um um i think no no damien's just afk there just conveniently afk don't forget okay right let's find where they are that's fine where they are oh a spare invisibility pot as well watch we don't get third-party efficiency yeah i got the full what the hell something's invisible wait who's who's invisible here where are you going wait what he's in this he's in this room no he's on the roof he's going on the roof he's gone on the roof oh what a sneaky little guy has he got a base in the roof oh my god they've got a basement oh no they haven't they haven't haven't he's down below he's down below he's got armor he's got armor he's on the run okay oh that's him i don't know who it is oh tag boost me oh yeah who was it it was echo i'm so sorry i killed your girlfriend it's fine it wasn't even saying oh no all right we so we've killed katie doc and we need to like pinpoint their positions now so we need to see where they come from yeah all toxic's here that's um echo's partner oh pretty good i mean you got a crit yum [Music] they're not boosting you no i'm not australian he's on the run he's on the run this is giving echo time to get out of the base though so we do have to be careful about pvp is fun but only when you i think you need to i mean if icker comes back that will be living nearby yeah exactly exactly right you're okay he's coming he's coming behind him jump behind him did you see that i was like batman jumping over him okay right he's down oh wait who's that invisible over there again attacking look he's being attacked by the phantoms is someone living here hey baby like echo was invisible right here was that echo coming out invisible again um oh don't know huh oh hang on these two are fighting kiki oh dogs those would have been really smart doc what are you doing he's back here again katie and mates are here they're just in the middle as well like do they not have their homes apparently not let's just keep searching because i don't know like do you think echo would live here she could i mean do you think people could like wait for the grossery i don't think people will no i don't think people will wait for the grassroots girl but then again i haven't seen echo back here but i don't know if that person invisible was echo by the way you got that golden apple correct oh yeah i got the gold knife on me like i haven't attacked them because i thought they were worth it so i'm heading over in this direction i think they're going to come for me as well oh yeah i see should we just move off from here right also okay so at the start of the game i heard mining over in this direction and it's where i find it animates it's already raided and stuff of that and i've got the two diamonds currently right now for it i just haven't gone back to crafted it and yet but over here and i heard someone mining and these are then the only clues that i have maybe to even search about and there was a tree broke as well and all that kind of stuff so that's why i walked in to see like what was happening and i sort this redstone thing right here oh interesting right so is someone living here okay oh oh my god avalanche oh i'm pretty careful yeah there was a lot of people here before i don't know where everyone went oh doc doc keeps coming back here yeah kiki's good as well so just watch out yep he's eating your own apple jar me yep i'm just blocking as much as i can yeah i'm putting on kiki yeah duck spam hitting so he's not doing too much damage he's all the head in the middle oh god he had any pearls i see yeah i've got an invisible i think maybe let's just have you got him in the spot um yeah i do let's just you're a spare one as well on top of that one um yeah i do actually now yeah and i just got a ton of iron from them oh i got seven diamonds dude oh we could go crap yeah oh that would be sick i could make a diamond chest plate for one of us the question is is whose base do we go to true basically we risk the most that's the thing like whose base is more hidden my base in a ravine your base is somewhere here in the water yeah we could quickly go on so i could quickly swim into mine it's not super heaven what base is okay if you want to i'm just like that's what i'm not saying like i'm saying i can do my base as well but what base is more hidden and has more chance of surviving it's probably yolong's mom's like is it literally in the water like just in that water there yeah it's in the water like a one by one right yeah drink your invisibility pot there's some diamonds so i think make a like maybe make a diamond sword i'll have a knack okay i'll stay up here and like pretend to keep searching around anyway there could be people living here i just hope i don't get teamed approximately 10 hours later um here you go and you can keep the diamond yeah yeah i don't know okay right we need to yeah we need to get some kills then we need to stop running around and try to pinpoint them as quick as we can that's basically what we need to do so like kiki like that that's kind of yeah that's definitely what we do just like kill him and then pinpoint them and then kill him again and pinpoint them again and then just let that triangle get smaller smaller smaller smaller every time yeah yeah it sounds good so where's our first victims probably gonna be raven raven's on a killing spree so we need to be kind of mindful of them and they could have like just judging from that they could have something amazing katie and her mace are here but i don't know what we need to kill them yeah are they in the middle somewhere what they keep coming back they should be oh echo echo echo's back here again as well sorry we're gonna have to kill i'm so sorry i'm so sorry but toxic is not gonna be too far behind yeah sure i think ekko is somewhere living somewhere here oh yeah sure that she could be 100 like this is the second time we've seen her oh my god heck i was trying to really make a run for it oh i'm so sorry right where is she where did she live i don't know it was then they came out of the water yeah toxic just started to duck too so they'll both be okay yeah oh i just heard the explosion yeah that was the crew i feel like they're in the village i feel like they're living in the village yeah they could be somewhere surely yeah echoes here echoes here kill her again kill her again she's here didn't even craft didn't even craft came out so she just narrowed it down to being over the side of the map yeah yeah definitely definitely echo i'm so sorry yeah yeah yeah and i'm signaling are you guys here the best maybe under this water there's something where's maison where's mace gone it looked like they were kind of searching but i don't know if uh katie was just trying to throw us off your best best friend right here hello oh macy do you block it back up ah so katie threw me off by pretending to search last minute yeah it was hiding in the middle i feel like this is rated already is it their base or is it echoes base i don't know i can't mine this block oh my god all right you got a crouch that doesn't work you gotta crouch crouch crap oh he's scared okay it's maces there we go they're knocked out oh the slabs were glitching them out that's why they weren't spawning at their base ah the slabs break everything i see all right let's oh they had two obsidian we could make maybe a crafting table with that if we get some more if we get some bugs we could do yeah i've got a couple stacks of iron on me too so we should be able to make right as much and as well we can go back to spawn really quickly yeah so far this is good news though so far none of our bases have been found yet which is great and we even went to go crafting it so that's sick keep a lookout for diamonds and if someone drops books we need them but like that doesn't explain echo though and toxic like i just feel like i've seen them there like here echo was invisible here which seems a bit weird like why are we invisible maybe just drank an invisibility part i don't know you know echo better than me measure i mean they were both in that one area i'm not sure oh sorry katie but we might as well put you out your misery you've no base to craft that you're done for you're done now oh no i feel so bad but like the lightning's too fun come here critically boom and dead oh hey i'm dead who's that dog okay let's kill dog let's kill dog he definitely goes back to his base let's try triangulate doc yeah yeah i feel like we've killed him so much docking kikis that's what we're after okay same team so they keep coming back in full gear too just blocked for a second oh my god okay here we go right let's make sure he's not a spawn let's triangulate him i think over um like he came from that direction so let's try going north uh north somewhere over here he came from so let's find kiki as well so he came from here somewhere oh okay you should be wait what um you guys should be eliminated my guys breaking the rules we need to kill them again they're definitely out right that was mace again we killed katie oh did we kill nice though or did we just kill oh wait no it's it's mason's base katie oh yeah it was macy's we haven't found katie's base i completely forgot about that it's maze uh buddy that's not gonna work i'm gonna flinch there we go he's down i forgot we haven't found okay there oh my god ke what are you ke what are you doing oh no oh rip kd okay i'm not wasting my arrows on it i have a bowl hang on let me try oh oh yeah oh let's go oh my god uh yeah yeah go for it go for it go for it i'm probably gonna get jumped and gonna have to run also i've got a cobweb so you can fall into the cobweb right sure yeah is that not gonna in the pro i i don't know if that would still be fall damage oh bobble just got done dirty i'm so bad one shot is always hey uh ssr is on the hill i feel like he's his teammates out swords out completely is he okay yeah yeah yeah yeah that's right sword's gone so he's up in the hill oh red did you see something invisible whoa whoa whoa sorry invisible just stole the stuff underneath disappeared completely we got enough diamonds to make it in we got five diamond door and anvil and xp bottles okay sick jump down before the war goes i also got a bow from it oh nice i have about two someone just stole the stuff miserable like was it bobble because if so that was quick i'll just burn the rest of it so they can't come back what about this iceberg over here maybe there's a bit of building on that just ideas and i'm just trying to think if i was going to make a base here where's the best place i'd do it maybe like underneath and then going up into the hospital oh hang on there's a hole here is it just melted the only thing is you can get this back can you no you can't that's what i was thinking like maybe someone like you have to do this a certain way otherwise it will not work kiki's here and looking up yeah oh does they not say okay didn't see us why was he looking up there oh someone is stacked up there someone's fully stacked up floating in the air yeah i think it's glitched i'm gonna say it's glitch kiki just drove off gone right where the army base was does she have a base nearby only one way to find out uh okay this is the base oh my god no way okay oh my god we found gay okay your face is gone watch out watch out we could get we could get played here we could get played oh my god what look oh my god i told you it was a basic this is right near oh my god the the cobblestone the genius the 200 iq genius the cobblestone is how she gets up to the base that's so and i just i didn't think anything about it i just thought maybe someone could get out of the mine yeah that's definitely how she gets to the base wow that is genius that's so smart i didn't even think about that like i didn't i was like oh yeah that's just some random cobblestone oh my god that is genius i feel like katie thinks that we're bullying her this episode but we're not i promise you it's just how it it's just how the cookie crumbled yeah oh wait there's things yeah okay right we're gonna fight this one out if we can i'm gonna get some bowl hits off if i can oh no okay we might be able to smack them off combo wombo combo yeah dead nice that was clean as anything i see something to my left it's doc that was so clean i like shot the bow shot and everything yeah and there's someone else here whoa [Music] did he have any more do you have any more no you see he's got no teammate he's got no teammate left so he's going to struggle all game now did he just come out of here i saw docs moving over here as well um wait do you see any names um look multiple not a little like starter loot here oh as you can see right here should we stay here and see if we see ssr again we could do yeah it doesn't hurt to like okay stay right there right and if i like just stay there i'm going to go just over here doc just over here i might be able to take myself i don't think he's spawning back at his base um i can't tell you see us is our ending oh no i don't see anyone though unless i'm just oh wait who's that who's that just um who is that hang on it is it starts um swimming under the water oh yeah yeah yeah yeah where did he come here into a hole what is this um i don't think this is anything um this could be a base this could be a base it isn't oh it oh it's a base it's a base it's the rules it's the rules base you found a base g freaking g wide open this is just what maybe some people like tried that idea i i've tried wide open bases so you can like it's risky but at least when you want to craft it's in and out he didn't use spawn back at the base there we go nice one dude oh my god good job that you stood there yeah right so rules out his base was right here did he not did where did okay i'm so sorry i feel like it's only right that we knock you out katie though i'm so sorry this is oh in the arms [Music] karim was eliminated by raven dad come home all right so ravens after eliminating let's go over this way i suppose so we've both still got our bacons in there yeah yeah really we're doing we're doing actually quite well so we never saw ssr again no oh we can't make a ball i was gonna say let's make a boat i'm swimming over this way here just to see if there's anyone around oh finn and raven oh but they just eliminated cream here doesn't they i'm stacking up cow come on oh they're here how are you going oh i've been hit i've been hit jump down jump down jump down jump down wait hit your golden apple you go apple no wait hold up hold up hold up don't don't don't don't don't swim to swim to the land swim to land they have the high ground we're gonna use this one thank god we didn't you got an apple that would have been away yeah i didn't think they were on the thing i thought they were in the water on the opposite side about that okay um no sky bases please someone's stacking up them wait that guy over in the thing is that sky base like they don't make any sense though oh doc dog i don't have to kill dog searching for a base he's not in our area so let's leave him be for a second because he's not going back to his bed anyway yeah true is this guy i found him in the sky not kidding let's just go over here ssr we never saw again by the way so either he went to spawn or he didn't yeah who made a sky base is it that thing over there or is it oh bob i don't know if bob was by himself though we never saw a bubble again when we killed him as well okay i don't think finn and raven followed us which is good no they don't they seem preoccupied i'm actually not too interested in bubble for a second i'm kind of swinging over to the sky base oh it is a sky pace the floating guy just was building a sky base all along all my beacons we destroyed by echo oh by echo yeah echo was over in the oh do we kill echo do we find her uh yeah i guess she eliminated you see they're not going back to their base so we can't find them but anyway give it a shot we know where they are i at least like to avenge the people that uh that raid me you know what i mean it just feels good so echo's on her last life doesn't she in toxic oh echoes on her last life oh yeah let's knock it out let's knock it out let's knock her out i'm sorry i'm sorry but like i have to get revenge but yeah that's the thing they're running in the direction of your base as well oh they got boats wait don't look at it no no oh wait they're going to land yeah well they will catch them eventually they can't run forever uh bubbling korean bobble and grim you what we do is right we basically go we ignore crim and we go home for bubble [Music] there we go okay let's see if he spawned in the middle so we can eliminate that why did crim leave his teammate because he's on his last life didn't there's someone over here then somewhere it could be like under ice like near the very corner because we're talking about toxic here it could be quite sneaky yeah i feel like it could be like there's more yeah it could be oh there's a boat there that would be them where'd they come from though did they move the boat that's surely them right yeah it will be them sort of come from here so i think their base is somewhere this direction i think over here in the water because i saw toxic on the beach like right over to your left yeah i feel like maybe over here in this corner oh toxic oh okay okay so that was so there we go so let's go actually finish them off get rid of them okay so there's no base here maybe ssr came out of nowhere we can go back down in a second but let's go see if we can eliminate them because that'd be very satisfying especially how they eliminated you yeah they did they like we're doing so well oh there's about coming right towards us okay and there's people on the land to our right it's toxic and it's okay we have to break that boat yeah i think an invisibility potion is what's gonna break it got no it's on me finn and they're geared up i think let's try to take him out should we try to take him out we could yeah i got a golden apple i'm going to eat it i'm eating it they're mine's shield shield shields his shield shields are going to work let him run out about oh please say the phantom's going in front's got a diamond sword too okay oh ravens go down the next oh he's doing sword in it okay i've gotta run can you run oh yeah yeah yeah i can pull up i got ready oh no oh you did yeah come on come on come hp i was just trying oh gg that golden apple or pee i'm here i'm here oh that's pretty weird he's brothers he might die oh raven didn't spawn back his base go grab a raven stuff go grab him stuff i'll go grab the oh aircon toxic coming to the land though go grab raven stuff go right grab it raise myself let finn live get that get that armor on oh they actually come to land oh my god nature you absolutely pro god i was like i need galva i need to take like immense damage diamond sword should i take that i suppose i should i'll take that next there's a diamond right there diamond axe is actually better than a diamond is it no not spawning back at your base they come close enough i could in the pro on them and break the boat well that's the thing though if we can actually just kind of yeah get to them they were wanting to try and clean our fire this is such a boring way to play come on guys come fight well done i also think you're escaping for a second so i could like just get over here and then be like finn was following me so i was like if i just get there eat a golden apple yeah that was trying to obviously it didn't really work yeah i don't know you absolute legend it must have been like did you just shield a few hits i just kept like i smacked raven a good three times before he laid one hit on me i want to go invisible to swim over up and underneath them and break the thing but you couldn't bait them out like right i got a boat on mandatory we could chase them oh let's go we gotta avenge the people that took us out well it took me out you're we're still in the game technically did it there we go come on up there come off there captain da da da da da da ravens there wait raven's geared yeah okay wait maybe he might get them wait we're gonna cut them off ravens okay i've just noted raven where raven got cured from five hours later like end this end our misery and their misery okay i'm gonna do it oh no yep that's got to be the best pirate i've ever seen i got blocked by this jump jump in i'm gonna give my bomb a hopper oh do you have arrows i got one error okay you've had ours this whole time okay here we go here we go here we go oh my god they crashed oh yes this is this i'm going for echo she doesn't want to knock me out i'll get toxic come here let's just fight this once and for all oh he's getting in the boat again oh my goodness he's gone all right go we can we can drive this actually can i drive oh my god this is oh my god what a speed boost go go go oh here we go thinking of coming back down this way i might try like get over there at that entrance crim was eliminated all right so i don't think he's jumping out he's jumping out jumping out come here toxic you shouldn't have knocked us out you really shouldn't know if you knock us out i will try to end your game as much as i can that's it he's gonna fight it's raining just so you know toxic it wouldn't work it just slowed him down yeah it did too oh now the rain's ended so if he does burn you it will work okay i'm getting a sword out for the reach okay stacking up on the mountain i'm going up here i'm behind him yeah i'm being hit he's gonna go up that water good stuff he should be low you got it you got it you got it he should be low he's not gonna make it he's not gonna make it oh he burnt me okay you okay yep you got it you got it fire watch out i feel like that's slowing him down though i got a water pocket on me anyway yeah there we go right anyway let's go over to where i saw raven geared again now i don't know if finn dropped him gear technically or if um he just he did craft his base well let's go over in that area and let's have a search because i saw him come back up again i saw him geared over here anyway toxic necco that's what you get for knocking me out okay don't do it again measure your base is going to win i have faith in you oh thanks i found the best found the best oh my god yes let's go on b ravens basically okay here we go could be trapped watch out it's raven yes pogba's in the chat oh gg i told you i saw raven come out when we were chasing neju and echo i saw him come from here we need to take this back to one of our bases to enchant oh there's a lot of tools in there oh my god let go right we haven't found his fin on his last life um that could maybe i don't know wieners is on his last life dude we can eliminate them we can also knock them out okay we might not be winners but we survived quite a lot gg we found that base just in time well done measure replay that footage ben we were basically chasing toxic right here and i saw raven run along this beach here fully geared in so close raven's there wait raven's geared yeah okay wait maybe you might get them wait we're gonna come up ravens okay i've just noted raven where raven got geared from so bob was still in tombs are still in mb and ssr and doc so we can still play the game technically we can but we just gotta try to win but like raven like if we see them like you know if they want to fight we can try to end that series early where is my boy dokiwoki yeah i haven't seen them for a while oh wait someone's over here it's raven raven with them where are they wearing jump attack on them oh yeah if we get the first hit that'd be sweet finn's falling behind does he know does finn does vin doesn't know that he knows do you think you've seen us no take out finn at least yeah yeah sends falling behind they don't see us he must see the footsteps right they seem like they're looking how do they not like finn must hear the footsteps right i had it i would no wait didn't finn didn't finish with shark fin just pearls away i got three heads on finn though let's go for finn let's go for finn he's got pearls and we kind of i kind of want him could save us in our last lives like it's saving him god i feel like these are our biggest enemies to take us out so like i feel like it is a good idea yeah nice water bucket thank you thank you come on guys you took us out this is what we do when you take us out we hunt you if you kill us fair enough oh no no no okay i'm grabbing a boat you grab a boat yeah yeah yeah not this again they're going to get off right here trust me they're going to try to cut us off right here you might be able to get past you might be oh they cut us off yeah very smart wow and that's dead end company doesn't know how to 1.16 pvp oh hang on who's that oh yeah he sees me yeah come here bubble shut him twice has to be low it's like he wanted to fight there if you haven't regen from that you're definitely low oh punch me punchy okay oh i'm a bit too far behind to punch oh you punched me but he's just taking more damage oh just below that's below yeah he's definitely wait i'm cutting him off oh yeah okay right finn finna removing the raven i'm here i'm here finn's just pushed in and he got punched hit come here come here come here raven start spamming i'm all good he's running he's running he's running that's my last golden apple so sofia missed it no he's gonna try to burn again though come here raven you knocked me out again but i knocked you out and i'm about to knock you completely out yeah thank you for that boost i'm gonna end your life with a diamond shovel oh he's going straight oh coming up here oh there we go i am so sad i never get to kill you i never get to kill you he always does it himself he never gives me the satisfaction i wanted to kill him with a shovel oh all right well there we go finn and raven are out they knocked us out we knocked them out we then knocked him out out wait bubble bubble yeah he's just spawning at spawn seems to be just a lot of revenge right now and he's going into the water oh people's wild left it's yellow yellow jealous is he part of mp's team and b's here yeah they're running together let's see let's see if they're about to yeah they're a team got me maybe you not here no oh oh god i'm being attacked i'm about to like get back go back to where we saw him crouch oh he's trying to bow just block the wall i mean i mean two seconds i'm just healing up and just healing up just regenerate run run around open this hill here we go mobs are honest like nothing i don't think they chase them they are they are okay they know we're on our last kill they they know that we're good i thought you were on me so i was like comfortably fighting maybe if i just kept going i could have got to drop one of them oh look at spy drop oh tnt tnt okay um what will i okay tnt diamonds as well which i can we can just break if you want to use them do we want to get diamonds all we need we need lapis like if we get lapis then we can properly enchant then it's kind of worth the diamonds but if not like it's not really that worth it now do you wanna just place the tnt down here and he happens trying to give us a sign like we've been playing this for two hours now are the admins trying to give us a sign that the base is somewhere here yeah maybe ssr like ran out of this bit and just ran straight to spawn again right you want to blow up this hill yeah i just want to see if they're giving us a sign so i'm not going to see the dirt because like you know obviously you'd need still touch for that to work um i don't have anything to set it off i got phones and still do you want me to light it yeah just go for it see our curiosity is the admins trying to give us a sign [Applause] [Music] that's what you get for playing two hours of minecraft straight you go absolutely brain dead all right it's up to you measure i'm doing up i cannot give you any communication we can't win it anyway so do what you want to do right guys i blew myself up by mistake i am out neja is out to put on his last life so he can do whatever he wants was there a base here was there what were you right there was no there was not a single base here yellow's base is gone but it's on his last life doc here is on his last life but seems to be teamed with this with these guys which a little bit unfair you think duck would be a hero and join ssr but they're currently right now looking for ssr's base but they're nowhere near ssr is living all the way over here right here wait what's going on here ssr doc all these guys are meeting but like if mb and yellow wool oh wait oh oh no they're about to murder duck what is going on here it's a weird ritual i'm so confused because if mb and yellow kill ssr he'll go back to his base then they can find him they're giving him a funeral oh my god the first time in hyderabad history there won't be warning for each other's base they don't want to try and find it they're gonna 1v1 for it who's going to win comment down below yellow or ssr there wouldn't be wanting for the base i've never seen this before here they go let the games begin oh yellow wool with the first hit which is by oh i think yellow was going to win this yellow wool with the three hits i would be shocked if yellow wool does not not win yellow wool and mb i believe are the winners if ssr sticks to the deal and gives away the chords i can't believe what we just witnessed first time in hyderant history a 1v1 has sealed the win and there we go yellow wool is the winner make sure to go check out yellow wool on youtube his journey to his win and also mb if he has a channel yellow wool and mb are the winners guys if you enjoyed this video make sure to go down and hit that like button i'm currently invisible right now there you go you can see me now and also if you enjoy this type of raiding where you raid unclaimed bases make sure to join the public hydro hunt server it's not exactly like this but it's somewhat similar in ways of making bases and stuff the ip is down below and on screen now but guys thank you very much for watching i'll see you guys in the next one what an interesting episode you
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 1,155,893
Rating: 4.8115654 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft video, minecraft hide or hunt, secret base, secret minecraft base, we made secret minecraft cave base, we made a secret minecraft tree house base, i made a secret cactus entrance to my minecraft base, minecraft survival, mine craft, minecraft base, minecraft server, hide or hunt, ryannotbrian, i made a secret minecraft swamp tree base, Minecraft Hide Or Hunt, But first player i see is my team member
Id: PGzjKh_eFSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 50sec (2510 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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