Minecraft, But You Only Get ONE Chunk...

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welcome to minecraft we only get one chunk in today's video we're gonna be stuck in a world limited to one entire chunk it's not your typical chunk though because as we dig down we'll be discovering different rooms that get more and more op as we get deeper to the point that you won't want to miss what's at the bottom can i beat the dragon are the other dimensions only one chunk stay tuned to find out and a lot of you guys watching are new and not subscribed so if you do enjoy the content feel free to subscribe with me in three two one there we go welcome to the team and for today let's see if we can do one like with our thumbs only your thumbs go ahead and try right now anyways guys enjoy the video i wasn't kidding guys when i said that the entire role today is literally gonna be limited to one single minecraft chunk and i can definitely feel it already this feels very claustrophobic but you know what all i need in minecraft today is only one chunk one tree but apparently this chunk has a lot more to it according to the guy that made it which was creed so with that being said let's go ahead and start digging down and see what this trunk has to offer oh my gosh okay okay all right so right off the bat guys i think we finally found the first part of this chunk and it looks like as you dig down it's a village inside of the chunk wait what okay let's actually go ahead and make some tools but what the heck is going on right now literally we just started guys and we already have a village right under us not sure what the map creator had in mind but you know what we're gonna go with it we're gonna be the dragon we have one life and hopefully i don't die in the process of actually going down here so oh gosh i just land there okay all right we're good all right so we're no longer at the top of the chunk and now it feels like we're on a completely new chunk this video is about to be very weird but you know what i'm ready for it we've done multiple weird videos so at this point i'm ready for everything is there anything special in this village oh my goodness that's a lot of mobs okay uh i should probably call that iron golem over there too all right give me some sugar cane probably need to make some bucks and then i guess we'll go deeper down to this junk i thought it was gonna be a completely normal chunk with maybe like a stronghold on the bottom but if we already found a village from going down three blocks i'm kind of really curious to see what we get as we go deeper and deeper so uh oh wait i didn't even see this a run portal interesting oh cruiser vanishing okay gold pickaxe i'm not sure if gold is better than stone let me know in the comments down below some iron all right for you furnace thank you very much and uh wait what wait a second um four irony gets two golden gets a lot of obsidian and a written book at the top which says one chunk by a name that i can't even read right now wait what the heck and when we read the book it says enter the chunk what okay um so either the chunk is talking to me or i'm about to die sorry either that was probably both i'm not sure but you know what before we go down there let's get a little bit ready and uh i think the smart thing to do might be to make an iron pickaxe yeah our pickaxe is probably the way we actually have pretty good stuff right now we can even make 11 leggings why not some paper and let's go ahead and make some books okay there we go i think we might be ready to go deeper guys but before we do that let me real quick see all right hey bills we should probably get some food yeah food is definitely good love me some food i actually used to be food wait what okay so what's next in this chunk this chunk is honestly very weird right now and so we dug down two blocks and we found some wood which oh gosh okay this looks very familiar right now okay so it's just a lot of wood right now so we have literally like every single type of wood on this part of the chunk and i'm gonna guess that we're gonna be going from wood to dirt probably wait no that is not dirt down there that is literally an entire forest made of oars um okay all right you know what i'll take it literally went straight from a village straight to wood and now to literally a whole forest made out of oars i really don't know what else to expect from this chunk but you know what stay tuned guys we're about to go on an adventure now we got andesite or whatever the white stone is called and under the white stone is the other stone that no one really uses you know what i'm gonna get full iron real quick and then go deeper all right i got a little bit more iron that should be enough for boots helmet all right full iron not bad gotta be a little bit careful i don't know what to expect in this chunk so i wanna make sure not to die right away because if i do die then uh that'll be one of the shortest videos ever all right so we're getting all the stones now the orange stone now some gravel and under the gravel we get some sand are we gonna be getting to maybe like a desert spot of the chunk okay yeah i was definitely right so as soon as we landed we also have a chest right in front of us let me get some of that water we got some lava and oh my gosh okay all right so we are getting treated very quickly here one golden apple a lot of gold and a literal notch apple i guess thank you also a saddle wait can i get horses as a go deeper that'd be kind of cool definitely gonna keep the saddle fortune one okay and flame one oh my gosh and also some string we can literally make a bow what the heck we've only gone down like ten blocks and we're already so stacked what the heck is going on right now all right i i guess i can make some arrows right now i got eight arrows for my flame boat all right so we have the force of boba so we got the desert and now we have some mossy cobblestone which i'm gonna assume it's a spawner part of the chunk wait no it's not spawner oh wait so it's not a spawner but a jungle interesting okay that's kind of wholesome we got some melons too nice how's it going bear oh wait what's up here wait really they should buy me lunar keep okay all right whatever you say man i have a free code right there all right desert temple let's see if we can find anything in here and there we go already three diamonds i can already make it down pickaxe i'm not going to complain about that i can also put on the fortune 2 book which is going to be very good it's some rotten flesh and a huh and a sharpness to book okay didn't expect that but you know what i'm not going to complain i really need a navel now bamboo okay i i honestly rarely see bamboo i'm gonna grab this string any arrows oh yes arrows okay i love stealing some arrows alright what about here more arrows thank you very much might as well get the string too please be something good and yet again two more diamonds i'm not sure if that's even possible in a normal jungle temple but you know what i'm not gonna complain let's go ahead and dig straight down oh gosh okay i thought it was about to be really bad okay so the next part of the chunk is gonna be some bamboo and a lot of bamboo what the heck holy anyways next part of the chunk wait what is this okay so we found a beehive which i hope doesn't have any bees because i am not ready to fight the bees guys the bees are evil actually okay before we go deeper i think it might be in our best interest to actually make a diamond pickaxe all right down pickaxe and i definitely still need another anvil i might go back to that force above there but you know what we're gonna keep going down wait is this the nether right thing the i forgot the name of it but oh my okay that that if minecraft was realistic i would have died there oh a smithing table i completely forgot the name about it all right spending table this is gonna be oh a stone cutter okay that's how you make like the cool stones and then we got oh blaster in this actually i kind of really do like blast furnaces i'm a big blaster in this guy i'm a huge blasphemous guy i actually wear blasphemous merchandise all the time big fan of them honestly that's kind of like a cool band name blast furnace yeah if i ever make a band guys we're gonna we're gonna call it blasphemous okay and we're gonna make like a nice uh classical music what what is this thing a smoker no no don't don't smoke guys all right now we go all right fletching table and a literal ocean okay all right we're getting to this part of the junk now uh oh wait that is not normal but we have a literal clam with a diamond as its pearl okay we are definitely gonna be going straight to that very soon all right before i go there real quick i think it might be in our best interest let's go ahead and make some doors don't eat the bamboo i think the smart plate might be to go straight up to the pearl put a door and uh we just got ourselves a block of diamond dang okay all right one diamond block and just like that we have 11 diamonds what the heck is going on right now oh do i want to do anything with the diamond yet i think i'm going to hold on to it for now because i feel like there might be good stuff in the chest as we go deeper oh wait in an ocean ruin oh my gosh i actually never go in these okay right these are getting more and more open literally powerful into the book look at the c3 and i'm about to drown no no no no all right we got the boat left let's go to the boat all right boat i already see a chest please give me the good stuff that is going to be paper okay we love paper actually wait a treasure empty map oh wait what's the map going to be actually oh wow okay that's actually pretty cool so because it's only one chunk the map is literally just a single chunk in the middle that's kind of cool though oh wait prismarine and then a trap door oh gosh wait is that a trout oh no that's lapis wait what is lapis doing down there and then redstone and emerald wait what okay what is going on here all right we left the water layer now now we have a mix of so many oars what the heck is wrong with this chunk right now we are getting everything in the game literally back to back to back but you know what i'm not complaining i'm just gonna grab everything i can smile and just mine and i definitely need all these levels to actually do these good injens all right 10 levels not bad i guess we should keep going down what is this part of the chunk now we got iron bars oh wait wait in some bookshelves okay i'm not complaining about the bookshelves actually where's my axe yeah let's actually get a lot of books oh no and we're sucking cobwebs oh gosh and there's also a cold block layer what is going on with this jacket is literally a mess what if there's like a lucky block part of the chunk that'd be kind of cool we're gonna keep going down we got coal blocks now don't really need this much coal but you know what i'm not complaining but now we have iron blocks and if it keeps going like this i'm gonna guess we're gonna get like redstone blocks or something like i mean we can at least we can anvil now actually wait that's a really good idea hold up all right anvil there we go because we can i'm gonna go ahead and make a diamond sword because we do have a sharpness 2 book so all right sharpness 2 diamond sword we don't have any nether right yet but you know what as we go deeper in this junk we are definitely going to be probably getting together right sooner or later fortune one and i need a few more levels literally one more level and i have power for flame one and what the heck are these chunks right now all right i'm just gonna buy some coal real quick give me the level please game oh yeah fortunate i think fortune gives you more xp levels let me know in the comments down below if that's true all right power four flame one and there we go all right now we're in the gold area and it's just getting better and better we're now in the gold block area and i don't even know what we need gold blocks for we can't craft notch apples and we don't really have apples so i'm just gonna grab it for fun but i think we're ready now just to go deeper and i'm not even surprised now we have the lapis layer i'm gonna guess the redstone layer is next and maybe diamonds if we get diamonds this quickly this challenge is about to go so quick i swear and just like i said earlier we get the redstone block layer which again we don't really need so i'm just going to keep going down and oh and i didn't think they would give me an emerald block layer too we're getting so many levels from this what the heck oh no and we didn't get diamonds okay we went deeper didn't get diamonds and now we have obsidian i guess we'll mind it you know me on the past obsidian miner on youtube watch this one two three and just like that guys literally in three seconds i'm just too good at it oh what the heck is this now okay so now the trunk has transformed into a bunch of stuff right on top of lava i don't need any of these blocks but what the heck okay how are we gonna get through this law though do i just jump through it this might be a bad idea okay yeah yeah okay don't do that but on the bright side i didn't have to make that into obsidian and now we have netherrack okay i think i might know what we're getting into now i think it's time for the nether guys here we go oh yep i wasn't wrong okay what spawner is that and oh wait enderman hold up is this all i get intervals okay so we're in the nether now but the only good thing is i can place water in the nether which is the most cursed thing but you know what water in the nether there we go the trunks just get better and better right now oh my god oh oh oh oh oh okay they're right nevermind we're getting out i'm half heart oh my gosh oh my gosh okay i should probably not be in this bathroom right now i didn't even realize there's a bastion uh soul speed two golden carrot gold block probably a good time to eat the dodge apple honestly i mean the dodge apple we also have a bastion is there any nether right we got some stratos i'm actually a big spectral arrow guy i actually kind of looked like especially what the heck just happened over there oh my goodness a reverse crafting table right now that should be really useful it feels so weird to put water in the nether and i also feel like going up this bastion but it literally ends right there oh gosh all right these places are tough right now all right please be nice please be nice i'm just trying to get my blaze rods all right blaze rods okay one i'm gonna guess we need 12 blaze rods and then we can somehow find the stronghold beat the dragon and wait what if the dragon fights only one chunk i really hope the dragonfly is not one chunk that is gonna be too much let's go ahead and make some blaze powder not bad fire resistance is literally the goat right now last blaze rod there we go 12 blaze rods because we can i think i might fight one enderman real quick let's get one ender pearl i'm not sure if i should fight them right now there might be a reason to fight them right now but i could always come back later there's actually so many endermen right now though oh no i had too many okay okay this is about this bad this is really bad this is really bad oh my gosh guys hello hello oh my gosh oh gosh i had too many andermen please okay did i even get an ender pearl i killed so many endermen i got no approvals okay you know what we're coming back here later that was too much all right let's go take down the bastion and under the nether chunk we get some nether quartz leading to some also gold netherrack and i really don't need any of this besides i guess we're levels we could do some little 30 inches later on so you know what i'm gonna hold on to it for now i kind of just want to find diamonds oh we got the one layer now all right double wood some glowstone i couldn't make some nice potions and then some gilded blackstone very nice wait what i'd even do with golden blackstone okay interesting oh and of course we get some engine tables in this chunk because you know what the usual chunks just have engine tails the normal chunk thing to do and uh four engine tables oh wait i could do some level 30 engines honestly we also have some more animals why not and even some brewing stands like what the heck guys we're getting so op so quick oh oh wait is this a mesa interesting don't really know what mesos usually have but i'm gonna guess that they really don't look like this what is this pressure plates beds and tnt um do i really want to go down there i'm not sure about this um okay i'm just gonna jump on the bed okay okay wait what the heck is going on here one messed up guys and i legit blow up this tnt force i kind of do want the tnt though how am i gonna grab the tnt if i can blow up the tnt2 at the same time okay be careful nestor okay let's just grab the tnt we can use this against the dragon 53 tnt i kind of really want to blow up this force but the same time i do need all the tnt i can get all right as we go deeper though i definitely gotta get enough love folds okay that was a little bit too close all right you know what this is probably something to fight the dragon with and i'm gonna assume that we're getting closer to the dragon in this chunk but you know what let's go deeper we got some stone we got some smooth stone now we got some stone break are we getting to the stronghold now we got some netherrack what are the items right now the items are so random right now in this chunk but on the bright side we do have more stuff for levels because i do need the levels to get to level 30. once we get to level 30 we can do those level 30 engines get the best engines in the world and then get ready to beat this dragon and boom boom pow maneuver of one two three four but okay down we go all right just looks like a lot of wars really no diamonds and now a jukebox which we don't have any discs and also some wheat okay we already got hay bales up there and wait what the heck okay iron blocks any diamond blocks yet though i want the good stuff we've gone so far in this to this chunk i feel so claustrophobic right now oh wait what is this oh this is um is this called scaffold i'm not sure oh this looks so weird okay it's literally scaffold on all the sides we've gone a long way from the single tree we got the top of the trunk and now we're literally at a random scaffolding thing which i guess holds the chunk together we should probably not break this but you know let's go deep down oh and look at that i think we found the stronghold part okay stone break mossy stone brick oh and that is a big room all right let's go down and just like that guys and no eyes of underneath it we already have the end portal which i'm not gonna go in just yet because i don't think this is the bottom of the chunk but i'm gonna break this for sure oh and it's missing 12 eyes okay i still got to get the ender pearls are there any book areas around here wait is this it oh it is okay please be some good books oh wait okay we got some books oh my gosh okay do we even need to do level 30 engines sharpness 4 fortune 3 i'm breaking one and look at the c2 which we already have wait we have looking to see three fire aspect one i don't even know which one to use guys ah sharpness four is gonna be so good against the dragon i might just use that holy this trunk is op right now where's the ladder okay right there i'm gonna guess the other one is just gonna be as op oh my gosh protection three feather volume four i can make a part five infinity okay who needs arrows honestly another protection three book i haven't seen a horse yet so sadly we gotta give away the saddle so uh but we are so stacked okay we need to find some source of a lot of levels right now because 18 levels is not gonna cut it and also we don't even have diamonds yet i legit only have a diamond sword and a diamond pickaxe but you know what this chunk is just giving us more and more stuff let's go deeper oh gosh okay we're getting into the end part so the portal's right there i'm gonna guess this is how we get enderman i hope unless i was supposed to get the enderman up there oh some crafting tables okay i kind of do need the crafty tables what is this furnaces how did we go from endstone to crafting tables to furnaces to now purper is this going to be end city oh gosh wait what pumpkins wait oh my gosh holy okay never mind how wait what we went from perper to pumpkins to diamond ore now literal netherway blocks this chunk is so all over the place what the heck is going on right now i mean it's interesting surviving on one chunk at least but this is definitely one op chunk oh gosh wait okay so the only thing that gives me xp right now is just the diamonds but the same time we are literally getting another white blocks um okay so now i have nine netherright ingots and i think just like that guys i might just go ahead and make this netherlight and boom and why not all right sharpens two now the right sword there we go all right the main hard part now is just getting to the bottom of this i'm not sure if this is the final layer but it's going to take forever to mind all this nether right please don't be big all right diamond block oh and then some wool what is at the bottom of this chunk let's see clay okay brick interesting don't know how we went from that to this but you know what the chunk is speaking to us the chunk can be whatever the chunk can be it can it can literally be the baby if you want it to be the baby junk now we got the beacon some blue slimes oh gosh wait oh oh this is kind of satisfying actually what is that thing under me by the way wait what is this dry to kill block wait what do you even use this for oh dry kill okay sorry for misunderstanding you dried kelp anyways we have so much stuff right now and it's still going now we have the prismarine and that's gonna lead us to a piston what and then some shulker is interesting all right what does shulker lead to oh wait oh it's some chorus fruit i think this is what it's called oh and then it's men's stone again i still need these ender poles guys is this going to be a news don't tell me oh guys wait i think this might be an entity hold up and i think we were absolutely right guys because it looks like this layer is gonna be two end ships and no end cities and whatever this thing is wait what can i break it are gonna give me something cool oh wait wait i heard something cool happens when you eat this hold up all right horseroot don't tipping me away that's kind of cool all right nice if i'm not wrong we might be able to get an electro from here it's in health 2 don't really want that and we weren't wrong guys there it is the elytra which we're definitely going to be wearing i think for the rest of the game honestly who needs a chance to play when he got elijah i'll go infinity one diamond helmet it's a helmet might as well wear why not some iron some gold honestly i have so much of everything some more diamonds an efficiency five iron pickaxe and the other chest has some firework rockets which definitely are not vanilla i'm gonna be taking those hundred percent and it's actually pretty good damn just like protection three thorns one i might actually make that directly into another right test plate all right there we go but since we're in the entity now let's go ahead and make some diamond armor we might go for some level 30 enchants just so we can take full advantage of this place but man this chunk has given us so much stuff oh and government debrief all right all right before anything let's go ahead and do power five oh my that costs so many levels do i do it yeah i'm doing it why not all right and a sharpness four buck holy we need so many levels guys well on the bright side we did get an elytra and i completely forgot there was another ship so let's go in here all right is there anything up here is there any good potions just instant health too honestly nah kinda looks like medicine wonder how instant health 2 would taste let me know in the comments down below what do you guys think instant health 2 tastes like i'm going to think like strawberry juice or something oh wow wait did i add in chance of my leggings no why did i do that there's a literally protection for right there i'm going to use that one thing to get the xp from the thing did that make sense no okay all good though all right some more diamonds some more fireworks suggest from that we have 28 fireworks that is definitely going to be useful feather falling forward protection for honestly i'm going to keep that too holy we are stacked right now but i still got to get enough levels to actually make us fully stacked completely so there's still a bottom part of this chunk and i kind of don't want to go down there until i get all my enchantments just in case it gets dangerous so real quick i think i'm gonna go back up and get some levels and then we'll see what's at the bottom of this chunk and hopefully it doesn't kill us oh hello anyone okay i come with better stuff now holy okay one ender pole nice all right i gotta get 1200 pulls now all right first up kill some enderman then get some more levels and involve enchantments and then uh finally go back down and check out what's left of this chunk all right one more and finally we have a 12 ender pearls okay a little bit of a grind but we should be good now to actually go down or actually i think i might go get some more levels real quick i gotta get back up on the chunk though all right wait is this a good way of getting levels it might actually be because i have fortune oh interesting okay yeah i think we might be getting levels first then going back down i think i'm gonna grind this real quick and try to get as much stuff as i can so when i said i was gonna mine this entire area i kind of went overboard and literally mined an entire chunk out of the chunk on the bright side i did get 36 levels and my pickaxe definitely took a hit there but we can at least get good enchants now so before we go back down let's get the engine table right there let's get the crafting table and the first thing i want to do is actually make some protection for netherride liking zoa all right protection 4 protection three not bad and now we just gotta get the good boots and helmet boots i think there's a good engine i can go for which is gonna be the protection three feather falling four yep i love that i worked so hard to finally get that sharpness for fortune three oh wait no that took so many levels i'm gonna have to do more mining oh no and then i guess finally fire aspect one and just like that we're back down to three levels don't know why i did that but i think we can make that thing that gives us xp okay so the thing i was talking about was actually a grindstones and i think the only thing we can do with it is just this and we would get maybe a few levels we got one level for protection three that's actually a scam what what about look at this e3 come on give me something good only two levels for my luck of the c3 fishing rod grindstones are actually a scam well what the heck was that well i guess we're doing some more mining my pickaxe is definitely gonna break but on the bright side we can head all the way down i still haven't seen the final layer so definitely stay tuned for that because we still have to go past the entity but oh okay okay i didn't finish that sentence but for now i think we should get some more levels and then we should go all the way down i still want to do one level three enchantment for my helmet and then we should be good so with that being said i'm gonna see if i can mine another chunk oh no my pickaxe is almost broken guys but we got the 30 levels and i didn't really mind that much because this area is a little bit weird with the iron ore but you know what we got the enchantment table i made some bookshelves so i think now we should finally be able to do one level 30 enchantment and then get into the end beat the dragon and go oh protection four and then go boom boom protection four let's go it was all worth it kind of not really and actually because i'm kind of curious because i actually do need a pickaxe very soon can we actually get a good pickaxe from this all right fortune one efficiency two i'll take it 20 levels not bad and because we can and we have enough diamonds might as well we do this every single video diamond hoe nether i ho serious dedication and to even make it better guys let's get i'm breaking to another iho and so all that's left now to do is just head all the way back down and finally see what's at the bottom of this chunk which i honestly have no idea because we've pretty much seen all the biomes begin all the structures unless there's like a mansion at the bottom which would be very very hectic honestly all right and now back down to the end cities oh gosh okay before we go down real quick all the eyes of ender and what is gonna be in the next part of this chunk so we are literally at y level two so this right here is y level one so would under us just be bedrock that would be kind of lame i kind of just stopped here because i assumed that there was gonna be more but oh wait wait what am i supposed to do with this wait what wait so this is y level one so under me is y level zero that's the very bottom of the map and we have command blocks what is up with this chunk right now is this like the backstory of the chunk that it's all crazy because there's a bunch of command blocks at the bottom i can't even use these command blocks unless they already have commands in them hold up what if these command blocks already have commands in them and all i have to do is actually make a lever hold up heavy-weighted pressure plate what if i jump on top of this is this gonna work wait i'm not sure if this is gonna work and if it doesn't then i guess we'll just go straight to fight the dragon but i might as well try here we go a b wait i received a coil on apple wait that actually worked wait what i'm legit about to try all these hold up i'm kind of scared of the blue ones and the green ones i don't really know what they do let me know in the comments down below but what does this one do all right b oh wait no it's talking to me be careful to not step on a trap oh no okay there are so many of them around here literally i don't know if i want to go through all these command blocks right now because if there's really traps i don't want to end up blowing up or something what does this one do oh my gosh okay okay we're not doing that one okay i don't know how bad this stuff can get what what about what was that okay what about this one please nothing bad no please please please no no no no no no no no please please please please game no no no why a wither i'm literally about to get a weather star right now we're actually doing pretty good damage to it shout out power five this is a little bit too chaotic but you know what i'm gonna try out as many command blocks as i can this is probably gonna kill me i should probably stop all right so i killed the weather honestly kind of easily but you know what i'm not gonna stop there okay i'm not gonna put that there anymore even though we just did get a weather what is this one get us oh wait what i'm in creative mood um wait what just happened okay i really don't want to mess around with this guys that just sent me to creative mode that sent me to i think to survival mode and that spawns a weather and now there's two withers in the world dying to something what is going on with this chunk right now so i think for now i'm gonna get away from the command blocks and i think it might be time to finally go into the end and fight this dragon hopefully beat the dragon and hopefully we don't see any more weathers all right let's go all the way back up guys i think we're definitely ready for this so without further ado go ahead and put the eyes of ender and i think this might be it guys wish me luck and i'm gonna guess that the end is about to be literally one junk anyways here we go okay we're in and i don't think i was wrong guys literally the end is just the pillars and one single chunk in the middle all right let's finish this oh gosh okay okay i can't tie this sizzling oh my gosh this electro is a little bit quick but literally it's just one single chunk in the middle what the heck man i kind of want to go back to the command blocks but the same time those command blocks were a little bit too wild honestly this dragon fight is about to be the easiest thing in the world we killed like two withers earlier so we should be fired okay all right that's a lot of damage all right let's go back up one more crystal guys and then we should be good to fight the dragon completely oh gosh okay okay okay after doing that entire chunk challenge which we ended up somehow fighting withers literally almost falling to her death we're now finally fighting this dragon i'm gonna kill it and it looks like it's perching on this really small chunk i might as well land on the chocolate okay wait how do i do this guys oh gosh okay okay do i have to like take a total under it right one hit two hit three hit literally the weirdest dragon pie ever what the heck is going on right now oh oh and we're fine again all right half health it's so close to tying and with that final shot guys that is going to be it for minecraft but the world is only one vario p chunk and when i say op that chunk was way too overpowered wait if i do the dragon egg did the dragon egg fall well we're gonna pretend we got a dragon egg right here in my hand and besides that guys i hope you guys all enjoyed have a great one and here's the video just like this one go click on that video and go follow me on instagram bye guys
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 3,185,033
Rating: 4.933001 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, manhunt, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but every, minecraft but super, minecraft but xnestorio, nestorio minecraft, minecraft chunk, minecraft one chunk, minecraft but you only get one chunk, minecraft chunk world, minecraft but chunk
Id: aB1PMDJ-m_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 55sec (1555 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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