Surviving 100 Nights on a Minecraft Murder Island.. here's what happened

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i survived 100 days and a hundred nights in hardcore minecraft but on a murder island the rules are simple because there's no rules except when you die you're out anything can happen there can be peace there can be wars or there can be murders 17 players are on the island how many will survive 100 days this is about to get interesting if you guys go on to enjoy this video make sure to go down below hit that like button and subscribe i'm getting so close to a million subscribers and i'm hoping to smash it by the end of this year but enjoy the journey so day one began stranded on an island with no food and 16 other potential dangerous players this is every man for themselves i did notice though that a wandering trader has spawned in right next to us which was kind of cool but instead of grabbing wood like the rest i began exploring the island now i knew that this was a custom island so i knew that there was goods to be found like that shipwreck over there which i didn't get to go to because someone else found it before me but i wasn't gonna miss the next treasure a little while later i stumbled across a broken down house might not be much but to a person like me who cannot build this is an absolute treasure to find and not only was it just a shelter i also had a chest inside with fish cactus and the main thing being a fishing rod which is perfect now i have a way of getting food and on an island that we're stuck on currently right now that's pretty good so straight away i knew i was making this little broken down house my temporary humble abode i was claiming it so then i was happy to grab some wood i didn't want to get too greedy and go exploring because if i move away from here i could lose this location and someone else could claim it this section of the island is mine i did all the minecraft things you know grabbing some wood then going to the top of the mountain breaking some stone and making myself some stone tools that's when a mill visits me with a bed for us all to sleep in which will allow us to go past the day one night which will be huge since none of us have shelter and this was the only shelter on the island and i owned it so a mill allowed me to place down his bed inside my little shack as i needed food i began fishing for a little bit but i did notice there was a lot of players crowded around me who were definitely interested in my fishing rod and i was kind of scared that some would kill me but i thought it's day one no one's gonna kill me right now right i hope not so i just did my own thing and fished that's when i got the news that a pack of wild dogs or wolves were killing all the wild sheep and we couldn't have that and me not thinking went straight up to the top of the hill tried to tame one but didn't we then try to bury the dog so that we could tame them later on but realized okay let's just get two inside there which we managed to get two but there were a lot more dogs than just two and they had to go they were killing all our wild sheep that's when i decided to be a hero and to try and take out one of the dogs i was in trouble the dogs were chasing me no one was helping me i was screaming for help i tried to go inside but this broken house had too many ways of getting in at this point i was thinking the other survivors want me to die they want my rod i was paranoid but they did end up helping and that's how i nearly died on day one by a pack of wolves that night some of the survivors on the island took refuge in my house on day two morning we all said that we'd be in the middle of the map to discuss where we're going to make our home and also to meet everybody some people came some people didn't this is where we tried to discuss where our plots are going to be i said that i was going to have the beach plot where i was by the house all that area with the lava pool surrounding and by the water and other people said their plots we all agreed and we're all cool with it and then we went our different ways at the meeting we killed a few rogue skeletons and i got some bones i used on this dog and i tamed him and i brought him home not much of a home but it's something okay and at this point i don't even know what to name him but i'm just happy to have some company with a dog in the house this is when my home really felt like a home so i labeled my house ryan's shack beautiful i was exploring around the map when i stumbled across a wild pig a rare commodity on a island in the middle of nowhere so i rushed straight back home to grab some wheat before someone else either killed that cow or stole it for themselves i was getting this cow i dug a hole for it and just i dug a hole i noticed that someone was building on my land i said i was claiming this and they all agreed so i went over to him and asked him kindly to go make his tree base somewhere else i said he can make his tree base anywhere he wants look at there there's plenty of trees over there he agreed and he kindly left this is my piece of land it's every man for themselves you gotta lay down the law that's when i went back to grab my wheat to go back for that cow i can't lose it when i got back to the area i couldn't find the cow it had just disappeared but the thing had climbed the mountain which i didn't see and was heading towards another survivor's base i got it just in the nick of time now i just gotta bring him home with night falling i'm getting anxious about the mobs and there we go we finally got him home we stuck him into a hole he's now mine no one else can have him i decided to get started on a bit of a mine near my base this is hardcore after all and i do need to be wearing armor it's not only mops that i have to worry about there are other players on the island with intentions that i do not know yet taking a mineshaft down though is relatively safe right i'm digging the stairs down there's no risk of death nothing's gonna happen wrong that could have nearly ended this series and it's only day three gravel falling beneath my feet imagine there was lava there i would have been dead that was enough for me for a second i had to get out of there i i just needed to take it easy my heart was pounding already from a fall so i headed back up when i got back up to the mine it was already day four i noticed when i got home my bed had been taken but then i realized it technically wasn't my bed because a mill did give it to me but my bed was gone and then i looked outside my window and i saw jack or turton building on my land and i went over aggressively as you can see tell him you know this is my land i claimed at the meeting you weren't there rules are rules i think the only reason why he didn't potentially kill me or run me off my land was because i said that everyone else agreed with me this was mine jack wasn't at that meeting so i had numbers on my side and people backing me up lucky very very lucky i was after a little heated conversation back and forth he finally left and the land was still mine for now this is when i went around the place placing down signs saying ryan's land so everybody knew this was mine with the iron that i got from making the mine shaft i decided to make as much armor as i could that's when a mill returned he had taken his bed back but was also giving me a bed for my base i don't know why he did this that's when he angered an enderman and asked if i killed it i would get the bed now to perfectly honest i didn't really want to battle the nether man i thought i was going to die but then raven came along to help me out so we got rid of that threat pretty quick then i noticed somebody blocking up to the surface it was mop i was pretty annoyed i was like this is my land and you're doing this but karma got him pretty quick he ran off embarrassed by the seams of it that's when like a quest and mill just dropped into bed as if i like did something it's like an npc came to me and was like hey do this and i will give you a bed that's what it felt like but i go to bed it's happy out and then for the rest of day four i kind of ended up fishing for a bit more food day five when i was still fishing that's when general guacamole came to visit me he was the guy making that awful tower on top of that hill but that tower was a church for the whole entire server he was a priest of the server he was looking for some food so i gave him a puffer fish and then felt bad and gave him some actual real food which was salmon but i was saving my fish for something else for myself and also i made a deal with a guy who had a spare cow and the deal was i will give him five salmon for one cow good deal when you're living on an island i must admit so i went over there i gave him his fish and i took the cow do you remember the two wolves that we put in the hole well yeah they got loose and they came to attack me and i couldn't run they jumped me in broad daylight i'm not gonna lie i was scared i didn't want to die on day six they're just wolves i couldn't run that's when a mill came out of nowhere and saved me i'd like to say that anyway because emil's a legend after all that time of running away i was surprised my cow wasn't killed or taken these cows are rare there's not many of them on the island finally i got the cow back to the hole and now i had two i was able to breed lovely after that this is when i decided to adventure back into the mine go into the cave that i fell into and start mining for a while on day seven i return to the surface i returned to a thunderstorm non-stop rain in a broken down house i didn't feel safe i felt like a mob or a creeper was gonna drop right in the roof any second but from the mining session the most noticeable thing i got was 13 diamonds which is pretty sick but i started making like an underground cellar this was going to be like my little chest room where i was going to keep my stuff organized and also at the moment a little bit of protection because i was scared the mob was going to come right into my base like i said and blow everything up i just didn't want that happening so i went underground a little bit and started making an underground area and that's when it happened our first survivor had been eliminated there are now only 15 of us left and it was its fusion the guy i ran off my land the guy who wanted to live in a tree base we all rushed to the scene but it was too late he was gone a creeper in the thunderstorm climbed up his ladder in his tree and blew him to smithereens it wasn't long until we're all raiding his chest that's when we came up to the church because general guacamole the priest of the server said he was making a graveyard for all of us kind of a bit sinister but he's a good person i think after that i went back working on my cellar and got it done and i decided to label all the chests and my goal throughout the season is to hopefully keep it organized i'm really bad for that day 9 i was still working on my cellar trying to make a lava bin when we got the news again that a survivor had died this time it was extra sad it was a mill ruse the guy who saved me from the ravaged dogs the hero a close friend died to lava this time there was no scene to go to he died somewhere underground there was no finding him everything that was with him was long gone burnt to a crisp and as quickly as he died we tore down his house but i didn't tear it down like raiding i wanted to use these blocks to something to remember him i know i'll have some use for him soon so now not only is day 10 going to be a funeral for its fusion it's also going to be a funeral for a mill there are now 14 survivors on the island day 10 we gathered at the graveyard it was still kind of being made so we kind of hung around and waited we made graves for fusion who lasted from day one to day seven and of course emil ruse survive day one today nine inside of mill's chest i put his base inside there we all had a moment of silence so on day 11 i finally had the cellar done i moved all my stuff in i had it nicely organized it was looking good this is what i wanted to start gathering up materials wood stone you name it and now i had a place to store it all nicely organized so i started mining the trees around me replanting them of course as much as i could but then i remembered maybe i should adventure out and destroy another part of the island maybe not the side of the island that i live on yeah that's kind of selfish but eh i was still gonna replant the trees as much as possible so that's what i did i ventured to the other side of the island it was also an excuse to explore and i found a bit of forest and i started chopping it down loads of trees i knew i would get plenty of wood now this was a fairly boring task to do but then things got exciting [Music] raven had burned down a house he tried to escape but i was luckily in the area i just had no clue whose house this was and the scary thing was i was the only one to see raven people could easily think this was me i tried my best to put out the fire but it was too late when jack said that this was his base or his old base should i say this is when i knew the information of james doing it but i didn't say anything i got into a private call with jack and i told him i know who did it this is when he told me the information that this was his old house he's now moved location so he got a lucky escape i said let me deal with raven and i'm gonna get you some compensation for this just because he moved doesn't mean raven shouldn't get any repercussions this is an island where we all have to get on we all have to live together this is when i called an island meeting everybody except raven to meet in the middle of the island i said the truth i said that i saw raven doing it and i said raven shouldn't be allowed to do this kind of stuff he shouldn't be able to do what he wants and get away with it he was guilty and i spotted him and he probably would have framed somebody else if i didn't spot him it could have been me easily so as a group we all demanded justice we all headed over to raven and fatal who was kind of helping him out allowed him to enchant we asked fatal to hand over his enchantment table because he was helping out raven when he knew he was just after burning down a house at that point it didn't matter fatal's enchantment table was raven's enchantment table together both at the same time fatal and james said no proving they were working together that's when i took a dig at fail with rage i attempted to kill him but he got into the water and then came down a bit i asked again what we wanted was raven's beloved and cherished fishing rod and the enchantment table as you can see here he nearly tried to kill general guacamole our priest this might not look like it but this was a standoff with numbers on our side they had no other choice they handed over the fishing rod and their armor and the enchantment table the enchantment table and the fishing rod went to jack the person whose house had been burnt down i kept the armor though as the group agreed that someone might try to take my life and that might be raven this is when the island started to not feel so safe i had to watch my back now day 13 began definitely with a different feeling but i didn't want to get distracted from actually surviving on the island there was still a lot of work to be done from all the saplings i got from breaking all the trees down i decided to plant them on this little branch of the island so that i'd have my own trees to hopefully break and not have to be leaving the safety of my home too much also i was going extremely low on food so i began fishing this is when i luckily fished myself out a saddle how cool and one of the survivors on the island actually have a horse with no use so now if i save up i can actually buy off them i could be the only person on the island with a horse how sick would that be day 14 i mined out a little tunnel for cobblestone when i came back up to the surface i noticed there was another thunderstorm which really reminded me i need to start fixing up this house i now have the wood and i now have the cobble so i started getting to work on fixing up the broken down house which probably wasn't the best idea to do in a thunderstorm so i patched up as quick as i could and hid in my basement until the rain went away on day 16 the rain finally stopped and i could see clearly now that i had to fix up this base so i got to work oh [Music] now i don't think this is going to be my home for the whole entire hundred days but i definitely wanted to leave it here it was part of the island when we came here and it stayed but i must admit for a person like me who has no confidence in building just repairing that building give gave me a bit more bit of confidence should i say and i'm kind of ready to start thinking of my own build but at this current time i had no idea what i want to build i'm just trying to survive on day 18 i decided to treat my cows and move them up to the surface instead of them just sitting inside a hole i'm about to be eating them it's the least i can do [Music] shortly after i noticed mob coming up to the surface again near my land yeah that's right he should learn his lesson the first time i don't know what it is but he always comes up like that after that i decided to go on the hunt for obsidian that's when on the hunt for obsidian we lost another survivor the deadly creepers have claimed another life after i got the obsidian that i needed i decided to make myself an enchantment table so as it was day 20 i knew that day 50 when we could leave the island was coming up and i knew i'd need food and the best food source i could get were my cows but i needed wheat and lots of it so i got working on a farm with the rain making it so fitting we attended mob exe's funeral this was starting to get real now we're all dropping off like flies in honor of mob and also paranoia from myself i decided to cover up the lava pool with a nice cool green glass provided by the cactus surrounding the pool i like it it's pretty nice and that sparked an idea to do like an open workhouse right here i had an idea but before that idea can take place i decided to go mining i needed a few supplies i was going low on everything diamonds even coal who goes low on coal i enchanted said goodbye to my cute doggo and headed down into the mine on day 31 i returned to the surface with my journey cut short because yet again another survivor had been lost this time it was not a mob that has taken this soul it was himself the island was too much for him and the player was general guacamole that person who built the lovely church on the hill in honor of him we decided to preserve his church and the whole idea was to place our community never portal inside this church that's what general guacamole wanted but general also really wanted a villagers bell so we decided we will not enter the nether until we bring that bell up to this church but it'll only be on day 50 when we can get it and adventure out we built the never portal in honor of him but we're waiting we need to get the bell for him you know it's what he would have wanted so after my mining trip interrupted i couldn't be bothered to go back down underground it's a little boring i decided to get to work on my little outside workhouse and i was very nervous for this build because i am the worst builder ever but let's see what i can do [Music] we lost another life this time to the classic fall damage thebes had built herself a tree house a lovely tree house but also her end it was over for her or was it at phoebe's funeral a random act of braveness bed wars knob her closest ally and friend sacrificed himself in an attempt to bring back thieves we waited hoping the gods already happened we waited and waited but nothing happened all we ended up with was another dead survivor only 11 people remained but you know what they say life goes on and i got back to work and on day 37 i completed the build the only thing i had to move in here was the enchantment table with all the books but i still don't have the leather that i need but i'll get that in good time my cow farm was building up with a nice bit of stock after using the little lever that i did have i managed to make 11 bookcases i needed 15 to get level 13 enchants and i knew that was possible i had plenty of cows saved up and that's what i know is a slight problem with my build and that was it was very flammable and i couldn't tell why i knew there was lava underneath it but it was separated i didn't understand until jco came over and told me it was this glass block right here conducting the heat so i needed to get rid of it so i did as i was going out of my house with the final bookcases jco had brought over his horse with my saddle and gifted it to me the only horse on the island and it was mine and it was fairly fast too and on day 39 i officially completed the outside workhouse this was going to be the place where i enchant i repair my gear and i also store all my supplies like wood cobble you know all that kind of stuff and then as a break i took the horse for a cruise a cruise around the island looking at everyone's builds and seeing what island life was like because for the last few days i was obsessed with my build and i also watched the sunset but it didn't feel right with me and just a horse we had only just met each other i needed my dog here too so i brought him out we were going on to day 40 i knew it was 10 days away until we could leave the island so i decided to fish for the next nine days hoping that i would get some type of enchantment book prop for something like that so i wouldn't waste any levels the only noticeable thing that i fished out and it was on day 44 was a lure 2 fishing rod so i combined that with my unbreaking 3 rod on day 50 it was time to finally leave the island everyone was excited this was when we could get everything we wanted before we left we all met in the middle of the island this could be the last time we see each other who knows i forgot to mention thebes returned on day 49 the sacrifice had worked she's here but to make this interesting as we're all excited to leave the island one of these players is a murderer can you guess who it is comment it down below jack and i decided to venture out together stronger in numbers and we had a good relationship at the time i wasn't afraid of him he wasn't afraid of me and he was way more geared than me keeping me safe on day 53 we found a village on an island we could now get all the things we wanted i wanted all the tables the cartography tables the fletcher tables and i found them right here i also got blast furnaces and of course we got general guacamole's beloved bell when we get home we can now enter the nether in peace on day 54 we found a shipwreck it contained a buried treasure map and we found that treasure and it had a heart of the sea in it at this point now we were miles away from home we just kind of went in a straight line from where my base was we ended up finding another village this time looking for grindstones we just wanted to get everything off our bucket list before we headed back to the island this is where we stumbled across duck and he joined us on our adventure still on the hunt for grindstones and other type of tables we kept traveling and on day 62 was the day my journey was going to change forever jack had died at this point i was confused jack screamed at me in the discord saying he had been murdered by doc doc had knocked him off this hill and doc with the cheeky getaway is trying to escape i chased him i noticed that duck and a gabble and jack had already told me he had a fire sword so i was panicking but i wanted to kill him so bad but i had to escape this is hardcore after all and jack was way more geared than me i had prop 1 he had prop 3. i ran my closest friend on the server dead couldn't even do anything about it i was frustrated absolutely frustrated i waited in the area hoping that duck would follow me waiting for his golden apple effects to wear off and then i'd go in again i kind of thought at this point if i died on day 62 avenging a friend i still thought it'll be a really really good episode might not be a hundred days but i fought protecting my friend he never came my way so i went back to the scene of the murder with no murderer to be seen i was alone thousands of blocks out the only clue i had of doc's direction was this wood right here after a while of looking around the area i found nothing he wasn't here he was gone that's when we both jumped into a call or should i say i dragged him into a call and he said he did it for fun which can i just say in the recording jack was absolutely fine with it this whole series is about trust and obviously not everyone's trustworthy this is when duck informed me that he will not be coming back to the island for obvious reasons but i'll find him i'll find him i started making my way home alone on day 65 i stumbled across a desert temple the first one i found and i vow when i find doc's base i will use this tnt on him in memory of jack on day 66 i returned home it just didn't feel the same when we left the island we were all happy all in high spirits since we were in different discord calls at the time most the server didn't even know that doc was a murderer and i suppose thinking back now i probably should have warned them because they're all still out there i was the only one on the island at the moment i rushed to jack's house to make sure no one had raided it i wanted to keep it safe i blocked up his house of obsidian and left it how it was like a tomb i'll raid it once his death is avenged on day 67 i waited for others to return but no one did it wasn't until day 69 that everyone came back to the island everyone rushed back as quick as they could but everyone was thousands of blocks out it took time jack was loved on the server so everyone stopped what they were doing and returned home journeys cut short i wasn't ready to come back but of course as fitting as it was i put my heart of the sea inside jack's grave we found it together and obviously i put my potion of weakness inside there too because he was my weakness but i hate to say it again life moves on we brought the bell up to the tower we rang it it was kind of weird with the server set up right now because we had this big community and then one player on the server living off the island just doing his own thing that was duck there was no way he was coming back i just couldn't help but think someone could also be a murderer someone could be on doc's side helping him out i was always wary but on day 70 we entered the nether all together with death being a common occurrence and people dying on just a simple island i knew there was no way we're gonna come out with not one soul at least lost but i began exploring carefully and slowly when i stumbled across a bastion which was very lucky because i wasn't exploring for that long i entered alone scared there was a lot of lava around i started training with the piglens in hopes for ender pearls but from this bunch i got nothing that's when i jumped off and began looting the chest i thought the chests were safe to open i thought the gold is what i didn't like being touched but they don't like the chest either but it was just one of them right [Music] that was a close one my heart was racing but i kept going trying to get to that chest in the middle of the island and get those warts too that's when a familiar face came along jacio 14. the guy who had gifted me that amazing horse he was here to help with him here i kind of got a second ounce of bravery i just went for it we shared the warts but that sense of bravery ended very soon jc was in trouble but before i could get to him it was too late the piglens had gotten just like that gone the lava consumed him it's like he never existed only nine survivors left at the end of day 71 i began trading again in the hopes of some pearls on day 74 i returned home with a new crossbow from the bastion and four ender pearls as an island we knew now that we had enough ender pearls to head to the end but before we could do that of course we couldn't go without remembering a certain somebody jco14 who helped us get this far this was a reminder that the nether is a dangerous place even when you're 75 days in this is when as an island we got kind of emotional because we've realized how many people we have lost and on the graves when we said day 71 we realized these players have been here for a long time jco was a huge life to lose but on day 76 we kept trucking heading towards the stronghold and on day 81 we reached it it was a fascinating stronghold with a mushroom island right next to it we found the portal and put the eyes in and entered the end time to take down the ender dragon with eight of us taking out the ender dragon we knew it would be easy and it was what wouldn't be easy is fighting over the 100 xp levels that drop it was luck of the draw which i drew the short end i got no levels we got the egg and noticed that there was an end city not far away but everyone was excited everyone was happy except myself i feel like something was missing it felt weird someone was sitting on the server getting away with murder that person was duck so as they all entered the end city i returned home with one simple mission to avenge jack and kill doc on day 82 i set out looking at the house and everything we built just in case i died at least it'll be in my memory or in my video should i say on day 89 i returned to the scene and put down something to mark the area i wish i had a bit more but at least it's something you know that's when i headed out to search for duck but quite a few days later i found nothing now i must admit guys i was definitely afk for some time as i was searching i was just running around the place i found nothing i didn't know what to do so on day 99 i decided to return and to spend the big day with my friend jack he was here just in gm3 watching me that's the equivalent of a ghost right as the sun set i thought about everything we've done the people we lost and how many people will we lose in the next 200 days i hope no one except duck so on day 100 without any time to waste i began the hunt thank you guys for watching this 100 days if you enjoyed this hit that like button let me know down below and do you want to see 200 days of this thank you for watching you
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 4,985,356
Rating: 4.9046021 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, ryannotbrian, 100 days, 100 days hardcore, hardcore minecraft survival, Surviving 100 Nights on a Minecraft Murder Island
Id: e8BxMGd905c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 18sec (2358 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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