We Improvised Voices for Your Cartoon Characters

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hallelu lelu ear ear ear I can test I can tell us oh excuse me how many beans can you fit your eyes the government is a lie the government is alive deceptive BOTS roll in thanks gang I feel confident that I'm gonna do really good hmm Gucci hello my friend owes it's your Smosh friend owes and family coming at you from the comfort of our own homes and today we're gonna be foray into the world of voiceover because if there's anything we've been taught by this industry it's that if you have done well in any other part of the industry well now you're a leading voice over Hector so here we go no I mean we got some cool suggestions for characters that were going to be voicing that we've never seen before you guys thank you very much submitted photos and drawings that you made of characters you want us to boys how you doing Shane what do you think and hate-filled um well so I've talked to Damien about this a lot Damien knows I tried my hand at voice-over for a long time forever ago and I failed so miserably so I don't think I'm necessarily good at voiceover but I'm gonna try here today to to see what I got I think the only thing holding you back was your equipment setup and you've got the chops son so I believe in you [Music] oh my gosh okay so at chin chilling 101 what in the heck is the only presentable thing I can draw you're welcome it's a volcano with ears it looks like a volcano mouse he can't move anywhere he just has to be there and so he's always trying to get people's attention cuz he wants to talk to people but they're scared come with me get me a moon cheese what does he say on the days of the year most days of the year when he's not about to explode there's no one around it's just him in the trees could it be dormant oh I think this is to be the UH McCauley book volcana McCool ek no volcano Culkin yeah volcano Culkin I love it I like to think that he the reason he explodes is because he gets too excited yeah yeah that's why people don't like to hang out them he's so excited to have friends and people talking to him but he's just for this island Christmas is a horrible tragedy every year [Music] for Shane here's um here's this okay so this is clearly a a baby even though it's a stick little stick poop baby I'm a stick little teardrop stick baby this reminds me of literally like YouTube back in 2006 this is like this comes from like so cartoon that I guarantee you is the most messed up thing you will ever watch they wouldn't be pretending that it's a baby voicing it it would sound like an adult man trying to be a baby yes I'd be like like wow so today I think I'm gonna go hang out hey my name is Erik and I'm a baby ten packs a day ten facts it's actually not too tough to keep it going can he even walk know these legs they're not even legs they're just lines drawn near my tear drop body [Music] okay so this is from at Zarin got to r0 gasps ooh that was you at Summer Games that's literally me she's cool like she's she so she became a super mutant but because she mixed too many different drugs at a rave and became snow now she's a super power it's like there's a plague but the drugs she had in her body like counteracted it I love her grades she just floats and kicks the [ __ ] out of people she's like hey get back here I'm gonna kick your ass she's like have you guys seen a Frick what's a what's a BM man have you guys seen dead mouths they're coming on at 3:15 why am i sounding good I like that that works for her she's got fried eggs in her hair hey Courtney that voice just kind of reminds me of something do you mind just saying beware the clamps beware the craft what is that that's Futurama one of my favorite characters [Music] oh my it's the bee with teeth back when we used to do facebook streams oh my gosh Quinn drew this beauty okay so to make it fair since I Sam I know the backstory of what had happened before this is totally different now we've we've got to be he's a bee but he's got the vocal capabilities of a male and he works Vegas he is a Vegas performer he is sort of like an Elvis impersonator but he's not so like he's always singing about his accomplishments that like to a human is not that impressive but to like a bee it's just like top tier where he's just like add a little ooh and I just learned how to count I said one two three and seven eight nine and that's all the numbers on it showing you to do that voice but showing your teeth a lot hey there everybody I want to thank you very much for coming up I could bite anything you want as long as it's smaller than a bees mouth that's right if you want Damien Damien now he got wrapped up in some some bad mafia and now he's being interrogated and they're asking where the money is whoa hey gentlemen uh I think we can work something out enough one two three four five six and then a pretty impressive amount of numbers that I know huh no don't take my teeth is hey where's the money don't take my teeth it's all I've got fricking money you've you frigging wait a minute I've got you bro and right back oh my god this is called B with teeth rising it's his origin story oh my god I love it [Music] bugs God in the deck he likes to stick his tongue out a lot so he's like me Billy go over like this or something I think his name is straight-up sick like his name is sick and I punched God in the dick like dude this it comes from cat world dude we're fricking only cats exists well cats other animals exist but only cats are allowed to skateboard that is the rule of the world and sick is definitely the king of ironically called dog town but still it's only cats who skateboard know what happened so he's like obviously like the leader of like a super dope skate posse posse obvious yeah obviously like it's his speech like when when a new skater tries to come up and join their their crew what does he know alright alright cats let's spit this fall let's frickin let's freakin bend over and freakin lick our own crotches because right now we're about to shred the [ __ ] out of this pool all right God in the dick once again okay the last time I punched God in the dick all humans went extinct cats became coherent and learned how to skateboard it's freaking the best [Music] Oh incredible that's really cool dude all these submissions are amazing this is Klaus von Goethe ah yeah this is submitted buddy at Carlos and papa and Carlos and let's see thank you very much Carlos in pocket because this is dope let's see his name is Klaus but I want him to have less of a German last name so he's ambiguous oh he's a tall boy so he is a composer but he only has holes in the side of his head like all Gators do which is tricky and I also want to point out good job on making this a Gator and not a crocodile that is the right kind of snout you drew the right kind of snout yeah very um so I think any a lizard man has sort of a voice like this so he's not able to sing but he is able to talk to you a bit about what he's thinking but I want to do less s's because that's a very like snaky thing he's not a snake what does he do what he do guys alligators do hiss but he is very serious about his art he so he composes music he doesn't even necessarily play any instrument he just knows all the notes and tells other people what to play oh okay okay so he's like Amadeus Salieri never heard of them they're not even good at what they do if I'd heard of them of course tell you what I'm gonna play a bunch of sixteenth notes and then I'm gonna get them to a thirty-second note and then a 64th and then you'll be impressed at how fast I'm playing these notes they're not even middle melodic but they're just so fast but if you were to tap along you would way are straight through the floor I don't know I don't know about I don't know about that voice what else could I do I think that's exactly who he'd be though it sounds more sinister I feel like he's an artistic poetic he could be like a surprisingly poetic romantic like I feel like he's a very proper German man and he's like hello meine Damen and Herren welcome today does no songs that I'd like to present to you it's called waiting until the thing gets close enough to the river and then striking and now for our next peace party in the USA by Hannah Montana ma I was gonna say that I feel like going back to that previous voice and adding a little nasal maybe would be nasal to the so like yeah but then it's me no no a little more like this upset I like I wanted to hear more high society vibes like yes I do invite you to have a seat where I will be playing for you today once I use lotion of course my hands very try you see I'm a gator joining us today is my best friend the little bird that sits on my nose and helps me clean ladies and gentlemen baby Bob supreme [Music] Wow another teeth Ling y'all like your teeth links yeah they do at just misty submitted this one I just love Cowboys so here's my team I D&D cowboy that's so cute okay so he maybe got a little Twain so yeah definitely a little twang Gunther Gunther is the type that like he has no business surviving out in the the fantasy Wild West mm-hmm but somehow does I'm gonna I'm gonna need to fine-tune my day yeah I think he definitely has like a yes like a little bit of a squeak tool no I think it's I like it a little more stable country a little more youthful that but like a little more youthful I think it's a little more simple country boy yeah I think it's a little more like well I sure do know about this world ah there's nothing better than cooking up a good can of beans over a hot fire and just staring up at the stars hey Gunther where did you get that belt buckle oh this belt buckle was handed down to me from my father and his father's father Gunther you the rest of your party is being attacked by wasteland beasts a little help over here oh don't worry about them they'll be just fine oh okay your face oh that's a bullet [Music] oh that's just a little pretty lady this is just a look okay but she she's a bad [ __ ] she dresses soft goth she's got the grandpa blazer on but she's like okay listen if we're gonna be robbing this Bank we need seven other women and there's gonna be a lot of plot twists and rihanna is gonna be there and Sandra Bullock and we're gonna get all the diamonds and somehow we're gonna sell them and launder the money and get away scot-free and we're gonna be fine do you like my moon necklace oh yeah I think that's exactly that is dead-on Courtney what does she sound like on a first date so what are you like we're two heists that's all she wants to talk about his height heists and she's like a little bit more like so I'm interested in what you're saying but like she doesn't really give a [ __ ] she's like so yeah I won't get the lasagna but like do you go to did you go to college Oh online we majored in psychology online that's weird oh thanks yeah I feel like you're just kind of roasting me right now I don't know it's all fun and games it's not you gotta you gotta be able to laugh at yourself I mean there's a lot to laugh at so right yeah I guess same for you I mean you just openly talking about robbing banks I feel like that's a bad move as a banker but like there's gonna be a lot of plot twists and I'm gonna get away with it so I can talk about it however I want it okay so do you want to buy me a martini martini but it's just like 30 olives in there we're at a coffee bean they have olives here her name is um Beverly they forgot to put the R in Beverly so she's just Beverly Beverly take out the trash Beverly Beverly she's like I will heist this trash to the curb [Music] oh my gosh I love it that revealed those short legs I like to think that his legs are actually normal and he's just wearing really sagged pants and a long line T that's also fair so he is a college student and he's going to be a tech and like engineer like he's obviously gonna go to Silicon Valley he's he's destined for greatness he's just got to learn to speak up for himself he's like ooh so uh you know I was wondering if you wanted to check out this app I'm launching its called caviar programs don't know why I named it that I'm you guys are criminals oh no it's so good it's so good found these glasses at sunglass hut they were just the samples I never got my prescription put in them but I found them on the sample bar and these are now my glasses and they somehow make me see better that's cool man what's up with your torso I have a normal torso I don't know what's wrong with your torso I just swing low Sweet Chariot questions so this guy is now um in like Silicon Valley he finally got his big meeting to pitch his stuff Wow us Wow us so they have uber they have overeats they have uber dogs I'm about to bring you Boober this ass okay we've been trying to regulate prostitute [Music] what do you think you thought what do you think you thought that's what I thought it's a burger - yeah I'm not a happy boy I am stuffed into his stinky shoe all damn day I can barely breathe in there did you know this man has six toes six toes they barely fit inside my little mouth I like to think that he came up with this character when he was seven and now he appears still but he just kind of drives him nuts and just like he'll just be like on a date and all sudden this this character up here is right next to him in his mind it's just like I just like this is literally saying BBB BBB BBB views it's just a duck inside of that so yeah duck trying to rob you it literally it's a bank robber dad was literally gonna be look at that I was gonna make him in on stage I think he's like oh I'm sorry you thought it was a shark I'm an ostrich sir thank you very much please and thank you I mean ostrich I may have lipstick on my top lip which makes me look like a sock but I'm not a sock [Music] whoa whoa yeah let's get this one yo this is dope this is sick okay so Olivia van Kley possibly armed these are dope looks like somebody needs a haircut oh that's awful but somebody needs a haircut Oh terrifying oh that one's incredible man that is literally the burger man of the burger man I do not copy write poetry that I made up and then I kill you hey we've got an order here two bodies no cheese time to flip I wish that burger guy could just have like a farty voice just like like yours get kitten you just get me here with flecks of beef no no it's just it's just saw but it's just worse just like you know I'm having a jolly good time what's inside so he's like ice cream robot ice cream cone but uh the hot Sun of that down under and I mean he'll has completely melted me revealing my robotic insides can I take a crack at this boy too I think of him as like a higher pitch like almost Joker e-type where he's like hey kids what's the problem wanna add a cherry on top excuse me excuse me but I ordered sourdough and you gave me whole wheat I have a problem with a donut ordered this morning because that's more are you the chef of the restaurant the burger man on the chef at any restaurant I so choose like that we both went I went Australian too it's just there just this our depiction of Australians yeah yeah you know do the Grand Slam come with hot links or chicken sausage excuse me you can have chicken sausage next to my ass and you get a beef sausage either and no bread breakfast is cancelled you guys are so talented at drawing thinking yeah I can't I really want to do this again I definately for our first crack at it it was a grand ol time this is sort of similar to what I do pretty much on the Bailey where I will get like auditions for voiceover stuff they'll send you a character and a few lines and you have to sort of figure out what it sounds like the most difficult thing though is like figuring out the vibe of the show because there's a very big difference between like an adventure time and a spongebob but they don't show you what the show is and sometimes you don't even get a photo it's really cool you can kind of like look at a character and just like get a feel for like what they would sound like cuz I mean sometimes you just look at a person who you can tell what they might have than what they might sound totally I like seeing a horror depiction of the burger man like I like seeing the bizarro world version of him yeah I'd love to see like more oh these people are so talented I'd love to see them draw like the characters that we've made on try not to laugh and stuff and making them kind of scary Olivia van Kley I would like to see her take on my old wizard who exists in this world and boneless they both exist in this world for sure this was so funny guys thanks for doing this Hey we are Smosh and we are still gonna keep making content even though the world is in a crazy place right now so um you don't want to miss it go ahead and make sure you subscribe if you want to see what other kind of videos we do who I don't you click over here to see something that we did or if you want to see something that YouTube did you can click over here and do that over there too because those are both good content a plus content we did it but thank you guys for coming here again and supporting us and it was lovely - that was actually my favorite yes
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 415,495
Rating: 4.9661107 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, We Improvised Voices for Your Cartoon Characters, voicing characters, voice over, cartoons, damien haas, shayne topp, courtney miller
Id: 33vNchMWmQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 13sec (1393 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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