we Gave every Minecraft mob their own Rare totem drop (Part 2)

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so we decided to add in rare mob totems for every single mob in game 60 of them to be exact and they all come with their own unique abilities a few days ago we covered all of the hostile mobs in game and the amazing powers that those come with and today we're checking out neutrals and passives the best part this is available for download right now if you're a log.zig member you get this as a free download and if you're not a member come on back in a week it'll be here let's check this out we kick things off today with the totem of the parrot but real quick how this all works first killing a mob is a chance for them to drop their respective totem looting increases this chance the drop chance is based on the ease of farming them so with the parrot here they drop them fairly often because parrots are harder to farm than most other types of mobs now that in mind mobs don't drop totems unless they are killed by a player so these guys will not drop any totems because i did no damage to them now that's out of the way the parrot of the totem allows you to do a double jump you can see we floated right floated flew right at the top of this area you can also use it to cancel and or reduce fall damage just like that the totem of the ocelot will allow you to scare creepers away nearby creepers will get as far away as possible if you right-click this near them just like that that creeper did not want anything to do with me they literally kind of like eat themselves away see that's the sign says so that's why i repeated it stay away look at he really wants to be a part of the video it's not gonna happen now one thing or another it should be worth noting works on some other mobs too not all of them but some other hostiles indeed indeed indeed such as this cow doesn't work but this creeper certainly does oh gosh next is the totem of the spider this guy will let you shoot cobwebs you can launch them by right-clicking wherever you look and down they fall until bam just like that whatever direction you look that is where the cobweb will end up landing sorry betsy you stuck with me baby well travel to slow r can be placed wherever it lands if it hits a mob it will place cobweb right at their feet betsy um [Music] and it can travel through non-solid blocks so signs won't get in the way of your ability to place any cobwebs nearby unless you accidentally right click on the slides instead leave me alone the totem of the bat lets you hang from the ceiling all you need is a block right above your head and then right click and you will begin to hang from the ceilings yes literally hanging upside down beautiful oh and you can only go up one block if you try this more than one block you'll actually end up failing see this is a two block high difference didn't work but hey finally with this you can hang out with your friends awful the tone of the panda allows you to get slime that's because the sickly panda variant you can find in game are able to sneeze which drops line balls from time to time so this totem gives you that same ability while a little gross this could serve as an alternate source of an otherwise somewhat annoying drop to get while this totem might not seem too useful it's nothing to sneeze at filthy up next the totem of the squid which lets you shoot blinding ink yes that's right beautiful look at this line and not only will it blind but it will slow nearby mobs as well so to use this all we got to do is right click you've been blinded and slowed he doesn't seem to care or wait uh chi yeah let's spawn in a derp and see what the oh hi you're blinded you're slowed you're bad mate also happens to work under water look at that the tone of the sheep allows wool from shore and sheep to be regrown instantly yes hey check it out up to five nearby sheep can have their wool instantly re-shorn someone stole my shears my money's on caleb it's all right check it out check it out y'all's naked now but only for a brief amount of time as we right click and instantly get all of this wool back right away so that we can just keep ruining these poor sheep's day plus colored sheep will actually keep their appropriate wool color as well but again only the five nearest sheep will have their shears or wool what day is it the tone of the fox allows you to do a jump attack this will hurt mobs that you happen to land on like this one i suck that's kind of mean but it's not all that great versus hostile mobs as you'll get hit when you land on them i mean that's kind of the whole idea i'm gonna summon in this bad sheep so yes you can use it but it's more fun to use on you know innocent creatures instead hungry whoa and you can kind of double jump with it too look at this baby baby baby ah and you won't take any fall damage on landing either plus look least least of suspecting of you ha he sucks they said that anyways still hungry anyways up next we've got number nine which is the totem of the puffer fish this one allows you to poison nearby mobs just like a regular puffer push wood in game now nearby mobs that are quite close can be poisoned for a bit of time such as this one hi you got poisoned stupid animal fairly effective about cows not so great on undead cows undead cow that's not yeah he's always playing these tricks on me man get away so bad okay but what about what does it say here this one's quite a bit powerful but only versus specific mobs and quite a few hostile mobs are undead it does work on creepers though oh gosh if we could right right right right maybe i should get my hands on one of these creeper totems for my time i remember this one from last video which means if you didn't see the first 30 totems well you're gonna want to see those otherwise betsy's gonna get it i just kidding she's gonna get it anyways next is the totem of the pig this will give mounted pigs super speed making them viable transportation but this can only be used when actively riding a pig so we've got a pig right here and it looks like caleb stole my saddle you're lucky ah just kidding i got creative mode you're unlucky you're gonna be my little experiment for today talking about the pig oh boy so much faster should i probably give myself a you know carrot on a stick first there we go so check this out totem of the pig very very fast uh love so much love yo what happened to my carrot on a stick did you eat it whoa guilty once mounted right click to get super speed for just a little bit of time it might even be as fast as a horse i mean it's got it's got it's he's got some pretty decent kick up i mean look there's dust behind us or sand the same thing oh there's two of them okay play these games okay win these prizes oh i won a surprise i got a saddle don't look around for your friend he's gone 10 down 20 to go and a friendly reminder that this is available for free download so you can check out the description below if you're a member to get it right now or you can check back in about a week if you're not a member and you can grab it then but you know guys show the love to those members never love is the cat told them the cat to be specific if you time using this correctly you will negate all fall damage from any level of height but the effect only lasts for two seconds so you do need some skill in using it shouldn't be a problem right tyler what are you trying to imply here man where is that wandering oh boy i'm gonna have to deal with him a little bit later he literally has a totem as well okay we have a long fall and just like that no fall damage to the timing we might need cat like reflexes this one take me after that i told you he was literally coming up the totem of the wandering traitor wandering traders can sometimes be useful but they rarely show up conveniently with this totem you can now summon them at will what up dude hey where's your llamas rip off anyways speaking of ripoffs let's see what these trades are hey not bad but if you don't like these traits not a big deal you can summon another one and you can get completely new trades for your time this one is actually not that bad as you can see using this totem uses up quite a bit of durability so you'll want to make sure that you've got a bunch of these handy if you're planning on spamming these throughout your day oh yeah he's a big man huh get out of my ways this one's the turtle of the totem or what huh anyways the totem of the turtle lets you get the turtle master potion effect instantly on right click which is slowness six and resistance four sure to keep you safe from any nearby mobs the moment you have that effect on hand but it only lasts for a handful of seconds and it doesn't make you invincible though it certainly makes you way more impervious to damage than you normally stopped might be able to be hey i like potatoes the totem of the polar bear that's what's next wilson water you can right click with the totem of the polar bear to go fishing and catch some fish we just got our hands on some raw cod now you'll be able to get cod as well as salmon and some other types of fish from time to time but worth noting you will not be able to get treasure using this totem so don't even think about trying to get your hands on some mending books on some saddles you're stuck to fish baby but hey it's good protein totem of the snow golem this will allow you to shoot snowballs check it out snowballs hey hey well he's got a diamond block there nice okay if you could just easy does it easy does it easy does it easy does it i'm dropping my snowballs all over the place okay they're moving so fast that you can't even see them half the time i love that by the way love really sneaky snowballs really sneaky get away gosh let me use my sword on you caleb however worth noting they can deal damage to blazes so you know that's pretty sweet i got you know i gotta say oh gosh speaking of wanting to deal damage looks like he's got a bone to pit with me the totem of the horse yes this is a horse channel your inner equestrian on right click you get a major speed boost as well as an insane jump boost but it only lasts for five seconds however that means it's perfect for any getaways that you need to handle look at this mobs almost had a chance now where's my sugar cubes totem of the wolf keeps skeletons at bay as in at bay's house the wolf will send them all to bay's house anyways it might be a little less useful because skeletons can't shoot you but if you do right-click this it will cause them to at least spread pretty far away top of that it even works on skeleton zombies man caleb you keep messing with me dude come on stop and get away leave a comment below if you think caleb is funny i bet no one leaves a comment mean to say speaking of the worst we've got a totem of the villager the totem of the villager makes you a hero hero of the village to be exact for 10 seconds time of course you can get the totem you need to kill a bunch of villagers so you know maybe you aren't the hero because the only way to get him is by you know sheer murder but hey check it out regular trades rip off right tobin of the villager loves me what a discount 10 emeralds off 25 discount right here i get behind that all day yeah see we got a whole bunch here but i don't want to buy anything from you guys so slaughter enough innocent villagers and you'll be able to get a sweet discount the totem of the iron golem iron golems have an awesome attack that will send mobs flying well so will your totem of the iron golem mobs send fly all mobs not just the one in front of you yeah yeah you're not dead yet can you just thank you it's not quite as powerful as the hogland totem we did in our other video so again if you haven't seen that you should check it out the totem of the chicken similar to the cat totem and negating fall damage you can teleport with this thing and fly and you'll get some slow falling effect on your way down it doesn't last for too long you only get about two seconds of slow falling so and timed appropriately you can use that accordingly alternatively you can use it to extend the rate of your jump clearing some serious parkour only 10 more mobs of totems to go hit that subscribe button if you haven't already oh and the bell tell them with the mushroom that's what's up next mobile food storage much right click with this thing to fill up any bowls you have in your inventory with mushroom stew just like that yo we ready to eat baby love it i mean it's you know it's mushroom stew but it can't be picky next is the totem of the strider this one gives you brief amounts of fire resistance look at that you get about 10 seconds of fire resistance every single time you right click it but you can right click it way before that timer runs out still probably wise to have water handy just in case because you will stay on fire after the fact whether it's damaging you or not totem of the llama please be spitting please be spitting please be spitting yes it's spinning while it doesn't have too much range you do get to spit on mobs and it does deal damage to them a pretty decent amount no less did y'all see that spawning a zombie oh a llama you'll spit all over it okay okay yeah yeah well you don't deal as much damage that time around if you could just easy does it i'm running out of saliva quickly it also deals nausea so this is what you would experience if you got spat on by yours truly logged on zip what an honor that would be stop oh gosh that's decapitated i come back for seconds huh the totem of the fish gives you gills for 10 seconds time this is dropped by both cod and salmon and it will give you 10 seconds of water breathing underwater the moment you right click with it as you can see here we've got that effect nice and active so you can keep your air bubbles nice and handy you can right-click it again to refresh that timer really is a breath of fresh air pollinate crops with the totem of the bee i'll avoid all bee puns because they are too easy to use simply stand on a crop and right click crop will and the ones three by three around it will grow faster bam just like that ooh could not be easier oops i just did it anyways this totem is sweet as honey see that wasn't a pun i was just making a reference it's a big difference though you wouldn't believe it oops the totem of the dog buffs your pups hi oh best friend i love him buff strong boy now ooh strength boost defensive boost the whole works chew toy get him yeah love violence it's my favorite you're gonna okay let's make him smarter just makes him stronger responding to hostile chew toy instead so you can come on come on get him get him get him oh run out so go ahead and give him another buff and boom can hold his own nice oh he got a little treat for it too the totem of the piglen has gold vision namely all mobs not wearing gold around you will glow such as this such as this cow awkward it's like he's like very nervous that he don't have gold on it anymore but if they do have on gold armor they won't glow so we're spawning this golden zombie not glowing wolf glowing this guy not glowing also dead spawn golden zombie two ooh i love the sequel it is so good okay so check this out oh well he's burning but he's also not glowing get away gosh wow he dropped the whole mess of like everything right there that was nice now if we had any players in the game as well you'd notice that and they were glowing too unless they had on armor in which case they wouldn't be glowing are you guys paying attention come on don't you get it it's going to work with me next is the totem of the cave spider you can only cure poison but it's still fairly useful i mean that's super useful you run into a witch nearby exactly it makes them far less potent hey witch hey attack me hit me you missed what are you dumb stupid night okay heard me okay so now we've been poisoned you can die now that's fine oh wow i got the witch's potion right click poison's nice and cured also one of my favorite totems is the totem of the witch lets you just throw potions just go ham on them yes don't mind if i do sick love it anyways the spider eyes are now a viable food source because hey who stole my spiders caleb so from time to time you get spiderizers to drop from spiders well guess what now you can eat them you can quickly cure yourself of that poison guess what eat another another quick curing of the poison now you've got extra food coming in they're not that great but they're not as bad as before so you know i'm gonna count that as a win to be perfectly honest next is the totem of the dolphin this one will give you dolphins grace for a very short period of time which if you didn't know makes traveling underwater like the sickest thing ever we're going to see in a second this makes you swim very very quickly the desert might not be the best place to show this off though by itself this is quite useful but when mixed with a speed potion it can allow for some see love okay anyways check it out in water boom use dolphins grace yo you moving baby nice you get 10 seconds of it too and you get some serious momentum build up right here's how we're moving right now at this speed let me get my fish totem so i can breathe underwater for longer beautiful okay this is without movement now let's drink a potion of swiftness as well as the toad with the fish and then finally tone of the dolphin and we are just moving at an insane speed right now underwater imagine if you had some death strider up in here too in fact you don't have to i got some right here okay y'all's ready check this out look how fast we start moving here tomorrow the dolphin yes too good yes oh wow so fast so good favorite not really it's okay and believe it or not last the totem of the zombified piglet become angry boosting speed and damage yes you use this you get a speed boost and a serious strength boost but makes you mad in a good way if that exists somehow now it doesn't last that long but you can use it to deal some extra damage like to cows that does totally deserve it get see hate so bad i don't even like beef now one thing worth noting you cannot use this totem when you are wearing any sort of armor but as you can see here if we were to put on this iron helmet and then try and use this does nothing we can't use it's so sad so you do have to put yourself at risk if you want that speed and strength boost you're going to be equally as vulnerable now's your chance guys add all 60 of these amazingly rare and powerful totems to your minecraft world for free you can check out the download below in order to add all of these totems now again logged in zip members are gonna get access to this data pack a week early so if it's not currently available to you because you're not a member well you could probably join probably do me a good favor help support the channel or you can come on back and grab it anyways in about a week a special shout out to storm draco for all of these awesome textures and of course my boy caleb for making the data pack in question we'll see you later
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 648,192
Rating: 4.9156728 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, totem of undying minecraft, totem of undying, new totems minecraft should add, new totems in minecraft, new totem, creeper, spider, husk, new minecraft totems, new weapons in minecraft, new powers, witch, minecraft 1.16, 1.17, new minecraft update, pillager, villager, totems, minecraft totems, totems in minecraft, piglin, ender dragon, minecraft mobs, new minecraft mobs, new, parrot, squid, cow, sheep, fox, dog, cat, pufferfish, pig, wandering trader, dolphin, turtle, panda
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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