We PORTED Minecraft Dungeons to Minecraft Java

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big news guys we completely ported over minecraft dungeons into minecraft with brand-new items defensive capabilities weapons food armor and a whole lot more we've even got a couple new mobs to show off - including this Parker and after we quickly go over all of the things we added to this version of dungeons you'll be treated to watching me and one of my teammates take on one of the dungeons we made in-game finally for anyone looking for official minecraft dungeons beta gameplay check out our brand new channel dungeon crawlers linked in the description below and find out more at the end of todays video for now let's check out how we've revamped dungeons for Minecraft first of all one giant heart right in the center of my hotbar that's the new health system if I were to take any damage you'd see that that health bar slightly and slowly decreases until we're left with almost no help at all and in the event that that happens well we die we're left on the ground in need of revival from any of our teammates in-game oh I didn't mention we're gonna be releasing this for download so you can play dungeons in Minecraft job edition now out of the mobs we've got three brand new moms one of which is the key golem which comes in three different forms the item form which you'll get upon defeating one of the key golems okay punching it the sleeping form when it's sleeping and nowhere near you and when you wake it up it will begin to run away now attacking the key golem as you see here it gets you the key golem item which believe it or not hangs out on your back similar to how it shows up in actual Minecraft dungeons footage next we've got the piggy bank this is a pig that has a chest spawned on top of it filled with goodies if you happen to see one of these in-game and you've got a key in your inventory bring the key nearby the pig will unlock a chest on top of it that will contain some epic loot such as this awesome site but more on the weapons very very soon the redstone monstrosity is one of the boss mobs you will presumably encounter when playing Minecraft dungeons and you can confirm that like I said by checking out our dungeon crawl chant but later on in this video you'll see us battle this redstone monstrosity as well a lot of health sounds like an iron golem don't question here's some of the new items that you could find in game one of which is the corrupted beacon so if you have any experience you can use the corrupted beacon by right-clicking to fire a beam at any nearby mobs which believe it or not can instantly take out any mobs that you happen to have in front of you major damage looks really sweet - shadow brews are a new type of potion founded dungeons that will work similarly to invisibility potions namely you'll go invisible but you can still see where you are at in game by looking at the particle effects that way your teammates can see where you are as well tasty bones can be found in dungeons and upon right-clicking will summon in a pet wolf to aid you in battle or in loving high totems of shielding will keep any nearby projectiles at bay if we were to spawn in a pillager right here you would note that he would not be able to get his arrows through this shield forcefield so he could try I would try again next time leaving the barrier though obviously you'll run into some problems then in the event you take some damage you can use one of these totems of healing to actually allow for region within a certain radius of the totem in place as you can see here not only is it keeping us somewhat safe from this arrow but we are slowly healing over time as well and of course we've got TNT which works a little bit differently throwing TNT on the ground will place it and instantly begin lighting it so that you can take on mobs instantly and if you didn't notice here mobs have been changed to drop more than just their normal drops now you can get special weapons TNT potions and etc what's more every single type of weapon you can get in-game now comes with its own unique abilities such as this wooden sword which you can see here comes with chains sharpness and another chains effect which you can use the powers of by sneaking to activate them but you will need adequate experience to use them let's show you some of those weapons first we have the katana which will give you a speed boost when held in hand as you can see here we've got speed to when holding this guy in our inventory yes very nice the great hammer is slow but strong as you can see here it's cut high-tech damage low attack speed and when held you'll be given slowness too as well as strength too so I would recommend using this if you're trying to land one nasty punch on any nearby mobs the scythe is strong and fast with a serious attack speed I mean look at this thing yah-yah-yah instantaneous essentially you're also giving a strength boost with sight in hand look at this so fast so fast that you can't even see it when it's in your hand because it moves fast not because there's a good Trinity leave me alone the pole blade aka the ninja nada gives you a nice jump boost upon holding this one in your hands so check this one out boom boom boom extra jump for your time still use it as a weapon too now let's show you some of the unique weapons that you can get from the different chests and bosses katana great hammer a scythe ninja nada rapid-fire crossbow and Hawk brand y'all ready for these first of all katana gives you a speed to boost that you can use on any nearby creatures we also have the great hammer which gives you a slowness boost but has insane strengths abilities capable of dealing way more damage than you'd normally be able to with a regular old weapon we also have the scythe which not only look sweet but gives you a light speed boost but more importantly is capable of dealing mad damage extremely quickly if it has almost no attack cooldown at all and we're slowly starting to crack our redstone monstrosity here we also have the ninja nada aka the pole arm which gives you a jump boost upon using it and has a decent attack speed as well speaking of decent attack speed check out this rapid-fire crossbow capable of constantly shooting arrows at a moment's notice ban test and lastly for unique weapons we've got Hawk brand which will give you an insane slowness boost but strength the three two-handed weapon that you're gonna want on you look how fast it goes though you move slowly the weapon itself moves quite quickly and this redstone monstrosity is almost completely taken out and you'll want to take out the redstone monstrosity when you find it in-game because it will drop some very unique items sorry buddy your time is now picking this guy on will not only drop some randomized loot but you'll also have a chance at getting some redstone monstrosity armor wearing the monstrosity armor will allow you to activate nearby redstone just by being next to it so this is a redstone makers dream and allows for easy automation in the event that's what you're looking for finally before we enter the dungeon you may have noticed earlier that when I held at one of these plain old swords you saw that my inventory showed some powers that I had such as this sword with fire aspect thundering and weakening we're gonna go over all of the different effects you can get by using them on this monstrosity one at a time and we start with sharpness the sharpness and champ increases strength the fire aspect enchantment will burn entities rampaging will increase your attack speed weakening gives weakness to hit enemies poison clouds will summon a cloud of poison on hit shockwaves push back entities after hit fire trails will ignite the ground below you thundering summons lightning on hit entities chains will tie three entities together multi-shot will give you two extra damaging projectiles and the whirlwind shop will have the arrow continue until it hits something now that you know everything about these weapons tools and armor you can see us take on a dungeon all right James you ready to take on this dungeon I'm ready to do this let's go into the depths we appear so right off the bat we've got some torches might want to use those get them handy yeah this looks a little bit more legit with the darkness James I'm scared I don't know I want to see anything okay so right off the bat we've got one of our key golem friends oh you woke him up James rode with arch what do you see that trapped villager can you help me someone lock me up and threw away the well actually the key ran away but anyways help James get the key kill him or you got him awesome okay so grab that and then you put it in this item frame right here and then you freed the village yeah good stuff alright you're free to go one out of six saved okay we've got to save five more of these villagers right now but hey not before we get our hands on some loot Jamie you can grab that sword I've got a stone one mmm tell me about the powers you got on that thing let's see let's see woo I got oh it's triple fire aspect oh wow you got a lucky okay I'm gonna place thundering on mine for my power so I don't have enough experience for it but I have a feeling we're gonna run into some mobs real soon look at the piggy oh my gosh the cutest look guy oh he's got a chest woo we're gonna need another key to open this thing let's see ooh hello nurse we got a whole mess of goodies right here you can take the health potion I already have plenty of those now look we've got plenty of experience y'all ready check this out it's time thundering oh I mean thundering oh God Oh buddy we should probably just let him go for the time being let's see there might be another key golem down here well they're definitely more zombies in the meanwhile gonna have to slowly oh I'm almost dead okay James we need to stay vigilant there's zombies all over the place I'm gonna drink one of these potions for now what got away James government oh oh gosh oh you got a TNT for that nice job okay get rid of the glass bottles you got more they're everywhere use your power you can sneak to use some of your fire aspect oh no James they're coming all over the place grab some experience have a grand old time I'm gonna heal up right now my heart's are dangerously low okay I think there's more problems down here that to take care of well there's more piggy banks as well all right James you stay you stay vigilant I found a key key Gollum you're mine so if I'm not mistaken yeah we just unlocked the key the chest on this guy I just got a shadow brew ooh and a golden sword whoa what's on the golden sword let's see chains sharpness and chains Wow two chains you might say Wow very fancy favorite rapper by the way okay let's see so did you just knock the change James okay we need to get another key for this guy I'm down Tyler help what Oh James sleeping on the job don't worry I'm on my way I'm sorry uh the things I have to do your scaring the pig all right we fixed everything this game and I've also got a bow with whirlwind shot so I want to see what this is all about hold on there Zambian here we can use mm not as target practice okay so we got another villager here I'm glad you saved me I mean five of the villagers were captured in prison you already saved one her a plea saved me too well there's nothing to this oh gosh okay well one shot yay okay so he's been whirl winded okay Wow so I don't know what the whirlwind shot does but hey maybe I don't need to James thanks for the backup my gosh buddy I got you so fire trail let's try this about oh gosh they're everywhere this time did you hit me as well careful James we're on the same team all right here's a zombie here by our trail get it yes now watch out oh the piggies are on fire that's not what I meant to do James you with me you might Oh like that okay I'm gonna keep going through the dungeon we need to find another golem somewhere Oh in here yes speak of the devil your fire trail well that's something a personal problem to me yes yes I get it the village they all want to be saved it's not a problem I would round down again your fire truck I always have to take care of all the problems okay I'm coming to heal you nice and easy and you're breaking stuff put item frames all over the place okay so I'm healing you and when we heal each other I'm dead again the worst all right key golem in hand no literally it not in hand on my back there you go place you in another villager nice and saved and you get a regular old bow for our trouble come on you must be joking with multi-shot though okay what yeah check this out multi shot boom boom it's multi sure I'm working on it oh yeah James you're useless all right James please it's a bow that's why it wasn't working look he's still going for you stop squirming around okay I've covered don't worry I'm gonna save Oh James I found the mother lode there's four key golems down there don't push me down James you pushed me down why would you do such a thing and you put yourself down to no less and take out all these golems and don't die oh why would you put the TT down I'm dead jackpot so many keys right now okay I'm gonna put you right there now we got to go ahead and place this item frame back on so that we can save mr. villager here placed item frame added save alright we've saved half the villagers and I just got the nicest sword upgrade I have ever seen with a whole mess of thundering on it - all right James be careful I hear zombies all over the place look friends melons and pumpkins so I'm gonna open up one of these piggy banks oh we got both the two-for-one special I've got a crossbow for this and it comes with a whole plethora of things chains fire aspect well I got a rapid-fire crossbow yes this is good what is tasty boom can I eat oh I got a little Ally look friend he's my friend this is perfect okay well now I'm ready for battle there should be a zombie somewhere in here ooh a kegel nice okay rapid fire good um there's so many keys over here whoa nice wow jackpot look at this James you see all these keys what yeah just got my hands on four of them that should be enough to unlock the rest of the villagers James be careful throw it at TNT down oh thank you coming no here take another one of those yeah carnage and one for the road there you go he's hanging out is it know what's coming hey stupid so satisfying now we got rapid fire let's find out where these other villagers are hanging out okay there's one of them James I need you back here I'm getting ambushed alright another villager that's four out of six do you want a crossbow James I would love a crossbow yes that would be very useful they have ammo I have 13 arrows nice that's good okay I'm gonna do thundering as my extra power and I think that we just found another area whoa what is this hold on I think we just hit like the boss room or something I don't know if we're ready for this we should probably save the rest of the villages first Tyler forget about the villagers I hit it Tyler what what did you eat with the switch no look at the monstrosity look he's looking around what did you do you activated this thing yeah okay well how do we take him on he seemed real friendly I knew Fred what a team team I don't want to hit him with a TNT but Oh God he's attacking me James be careful oh and get a lot of damage to him excellent work okay well you can go ahead and damage them like that I'm gonna start putting keys in here apparently we can use water on them to wash away the Redstone let me see get it oh that did major damage to him James you keep working on the defense I'm gonna start taking out all these little keys this might be the key I'm using I'm using my weakening arrows whoa wow that's good I'm gonna use thundering and we're gonna thunder on him yeah get it there we go he's been thundered yo he's got a bunch of health all right James stay vigilant it's another water bucket ready to be handled James keep him maintain a safe distance okay I think he's stuck perfect yes what I'm almost dead how's your health look in fact I'm looking good I'm looking good excellent okay yeah do you have any more tea I have zero TMT okay I have one tea and tea and it's all for him oh no he moved right as I dropped it okay good it didn't activate excellent James please keep him away from me here we go with any luck oh yeah all right he's on his final stretch I'm just gonna go to town look he's taking a whole bunch of damage do you see the arrows Tyler you're out of arrows I hate when that happens it's okay I got plenty yes goodbye monstrosity handle we did it yay James whoa what did he drop did you see that what you get a redstone monstrosity chestplate whoa did I go yeah let me hear what whoa look at us whoa we look hot so that was our take on what dungeons might look like in the Java versions of Minecraft we're gonna offer this as a download for you guys to check out on your side of things but look out for the actual Minecraft dungeons game coming out very very soon and if you want to check out some actual footage of Minecraft dungeons then you can go ahead and click dungeon crawlers channel on your screen right now where you can see a first look of this awesome new game see you later
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 2,768,133
Rating: 4.846693 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, Minecraft Dungeons, Dungeons, Minecraft Dungeon, Minecraft Dungeons Java, Minecraft Dungeons Mobs, New Minecraft Dungeons, New Minecraft Game, snapshot, 1.16, new mob, minecraft 1.16, minecraft snapshot, 1.16 snapshot, nether update, logdotzip, gaming, minecraft news, changed update, new snapshot, new blocks, netherite, new minecraft weapons, minecraft dungeons weapons, minecraft dungeons boss, key, minecraft dungeons loot, treasure, minecraft dungeons boss battle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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