what if Minecraft mobs had Rare BOSS variants? ...now they do

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today we'll be taking on and defeating boss versions of various minecraft mobs and you'll be able to take them on too if this video gets 20 000 likes will include a data pack installation that you can add to your worlds are you ready for the challenge our first rare boss variant is the affected witch the switch boss will rarely spawn in in place of a normal witch for now and for the rest of today's video we've got things like buttons to spawn them in a little bit easier now this witch can throw all sorts of different potion effects as well as lingering effects which normal witches are not capable of doing so check this out it's got its own boss bar and again it's like a regular mob in some sense if you spam it enough times well it's not going to be a big problem because it will continue to try and heal itself on death it will drop something very nice a whole mess of dragon's breath which you can use to make your own lingering potions as well so if you happen to see one of these things stumbling around your world i recommend you kill him or her if timed properly which is in general don't put up much of a fight because they're more concerned about healing themselves usually than they are about dealing you but that is going to be different for our other bosses which we are going to show you one of right now which is number two the aghast ghast this mob spawns in in the very dry and barren nether biome and is very scared of the player so much so that they can go invisible in order to not be seen by you as you attempt to take them out they will still attempt to kill you with their fireballs but you also saw right there that it neutralized its own fireball oh i don't know if it was like impervious to its own fireballs but i wanted to show you a special effect that you can actually take advantage of and by taking advantage of i mean that it takes advantage of it from time to time the gas gas will literally go invisible it will still be firing off at you so i highly recommend you pay attention to the direction these fireballs are coming from because if you don't you will quickly lose sight of where this a gas gas is shooting its balls at you from now we actually picked up one of the drops and we'll get to that in just a second i kind of want to kill this guy first he's got some serious health on him to be perfectly honest you can't still deal damage to this gas despite it being invisible and with one well-placed fireball well you can kill it in one go but as you can see there it drops something which we actually have in our hands it's the levitation orb and it's got some pretty unique abilities nonetheless okay so check this one out you can actually use it ready to make you levitate lovely now you'll want to use this very carefully as you can see just from our current use of it you can actually take a decent amount of fall damage if you don't time this levitation or properly what you could do is press it again when you're near the bottom there and then use that in some form to oh i don't know land in some conveniently placed water which is in the nether stop you violated the law for some reason but hey what's more though you can also enchant this levitation orb with both unbreaking up to three and mending as well so that you get a ton of additional use out of this levitation orb which you can continuously spam if you even so pleased to get to the higher most regions of your minecraft world this is particularly useful but make sure you land on something nice and you know soft otherwise you will die i'm gonna hold on to this thing just in case we need it for a future boss i have a feeling we might maybe for number three the blazing bee okay for all you be haters out there this one is gonna be nasty because it will spawn in if you kill five bees in a one minute time frame so be very careful okay because upon doing so an extra bee nearby will become quite angry at you and you will not want to be around when this thing becomes angry okay i can stop if you guys want okay they're all after me and what happens is when we kill one of them oh boy oh boy one of these will eventually be the fifth bee oh there we go and there's the blazing bee right there now the blazing bee has infinite stings and will continue to come at you regardless look at him he's still got his stinger on and he's still a little angry with us i think what are you distracted hey stupid can't talk to you oh gosh yo literally still oh wow setting things on fire as well is he legit trying to he's literally just attacking me with his behind okay you got to die you got a lot of health on you homeboy huh i have a feeling this is not going to be easy i'll stop at some point guys seriously i need to heal oh run oh gosh be gentle please okay we can actually take him out he's not too difficult none of these bosses were intended to be terribly difficult because if you happen to come across one of these things in normal playthrough we didn't want it to ruin your game now this is not going to ruin your game it's another take on a pun item we recently covered on our comments to crafting channel which if you haven't seen yet has a whole bunch of dad joke related crafting recipes that you know if dads are in charge of minecraft would probably look something like this but anyways in that video there was a beacon well in this video we also have a beacon except this one does something quite unique well it will allow you to make your crops grow by extremely quickly placing this thing down will instantly accelerate the growth rate of any nearby crops and you can see right here and you can hear right here that it is very very useful and you'll be eating on that bread in no time flat this is sweet [Music] oh yeah you should check out the dad jokes video after this one by the way moving on we've got another boss mob to show off to y'all and this one gets really nasty it's known as the infesting silverfish infesting silverfish cannot spawn from a spawner so don't bother hitting the strongholds for it but it can spawn from infested blocks so you should definitely bother going to the strongholds for it because there's usually festive blocks around there anyways when they walk over an infestable block such as stone well it becomes infested so allow me to show you this nearby area with seemingly no infested blocks hint there are no infested blocks yet but check this thing out we're going to spawn in this little puppy right here and the infesting silverfish will infest any block that is walked over instantly turning into a silverfish style block which means that if you accidentally misstep when you're trying to fight any of these silver fish you're gonna have a really bad time to be perfectly honest with you guys because they all become infested blocks essentially instantly and what's worse is you're going to want to make sure you take out this infested silverfish as soon as humanly possible because if you have a chance at accidentally hitting one of the blocks that the infested silverfish infested and spawning in you all ready check it out another infested silverfish which we just did i wasn't even trying to that time i was originally going to but yes a simple misclick could cause all of your problems to start over entirely now in terms of what this thing drops i don't know i'm kind of focused on like living right now so i'll get back to you in a second okay good i didn't drop anything it's the worst they won't all drop anything anyways we didn't design all of these mobs to get you something special while most do these are literally just designed to have an additional challenge add to your minecraft worlds such as this next boss we're going to be covering right here who's already alive it's the possessed iron golem okay so check this out golems that spawn in pillager outpost it's just the one we see right here have a chance at having a golem that has been possessed by the illager's magic they will drop iron as well as emeralds and you can technically clear out the outpost and make a farm for these guys right here maybe in your interests instead we're gonna bust him out so that we can kill him but i do want to have a fair fight here so we could in theory you know just attack him like this and he wouldn't be able to escape but that's just not as fun so i'm gonna go ahead and have a nice little fair fight here see if you stand a chance buddy hey you want some beef what no well i got beef with you oh gosh okay well oh i forgot to set my spawn there's literally a bed right behind me that i could have used instantly all right sucker i'm gonna try like this hey levitate on up there what you gonna do now i'm done with fair fights by the way this guy sucks hey stupid what are you the worst can i actually can i how far down can i get and can i can i reach yeah yo you're dumb not even good at anything you try worst guy now you actually have a good reason to kill these guys outside of the iron they drop as discussed just a second ago they also drop emeralds decent amount too you get six emeralds for killing one possessed golem so worth farming i guess we could find out in theory you can technically clear out the outpost in order to make a farm of your own but i'll leave you guys to do that if you decide to install this in your world for now our next boss this one is the enraged evoker common sense would indicate to us that evokers will get very mad if you break their totem in front of them i mean it makes sense they've got this toy you usually kill them for it and then you go and break it right in front of them okay well let's go ahead and test that practice using this total from dying has caused this evoker to become massively angry so you can tell by his eyebrows we're gonna go ahead and kill this guy and get an even better totem for our trouble but not without a fight first he's got some interesting attacks evolved from the normal evoker form now let's have his regular gator attack but he could spawn in some enraged vexes i think they're called something different what are they vicious vexes vexed vexes oh that's i get it that's funny are you sure about that now they're actually a lot stronger than a regular vexes i'm not even gonna bother focusing on them right now because if i'm not mistaken they're just gonna continue to spawn in if i don't kill this guy first he doesn't have a terrible amount of health so he's fairly easy to kill and on death will drop a new type of totem as well the empowered totem guys could you take it easy please i'm trying to like talk about something here now the empowered totem is a very very useful totem of undying it literally has three uses on it so where we died last time we used that totem this one can be used three total times so check that out one and naturally a three and then it breaks so that's how many licks it takes to get to the center of it that's for the parents i'm gonna keep the spare one on me if you haven't hit like on today's video yet it'd be much appreciated if you did next boss ravenous rabbit yes a rabbit this deadly rabbit will spawn in when you kill five rabbits in one single minute you monster no i get it they can be annoying sometimes especially when they're constantly running from you but it has a chance at dropping a very lucky foot which can be right-clicked for luck so with any luck we'll be able to spawn in one of these things nearby i'm going to spawn in the extra one and then i'm going to start going to town on these rabbits right as they spawn in sorry guys it's nothing personal i just i just don't like you now one of these will turn into that ravenous rabbit and here he shows up right now with any luck we can get our lucky foot but be careful he does some serious damage if you happen to be around when he sinks his fangs into you ah monty python anybody although that one i think was an all-white rabbit man he's going nuts stop stop stop get get get oh we weren't even lucky it's right right here has got the actual item we need so not a big deal the very lucky foot can be right click to be given luck effect which you can see we've got luck three right now as a result now the luck effect in game will improve your chances at getting better loot when you happen across them in mine shafts desert temples and city dungeons things of that nature so keep one of these things on you when you are doing your rage you got a chance at getting even more awesome loot our next boss is the stout slime which is just a very large slime but it does have a very cool drop if you manage to kill it you'll need to sacrifice another star in order to make that happen though but not just any nether star in any old slime it's this nether star and a giant slime it will only work on the giant slime which conveniently was the first one we got right here now spaced appropriately this guy is in theory killable fairly easily due to his sheer size he can't get around too many things but you will be left to deal with well the leftovers once this guy is dead now if i were to go ahead and be more reasonable about this and actually try and run you'd see that i'd have a heck of a bad time trying to escape this guy could literally cover so much ground oh my gosh easy easy oh my word okay he's stuck on the ground right there he literally can't reach me look at the size of this thing so good imagine accidentally spawning in one of these well i guess that'd be like the most expensive mistake you could ever make but check it out killed him dropped a special item but now you got two of these big boys to worry about and when you kill these guys you're gonna have another set of problems namely as expected they turned into four slimes and the other one turned into four slimes and now you get stout slimes all over the place so i'm gonna go ahead and clean house on these suckers and we'll be back to show you that drop well right now i suppose this is the slime beacon which is similar to the beacon except not at all it does act as an actual working beacon if you right-click you can set down your various different types of primary and secondary powers but more importantly here's the exciting thing with the slime beacon nearby you'll also be given a slow falling effect that will keep you from taking any fall damage when you happen to be nearby this thing so check it out boom perfect landing 10 out of 10. yeah someone signed up for the olympics seriously tired of playing video games all day i'm just kidding it's funny even with the slow falling not immediately active like this you will still drift gracefully back down to the bottom next up is the giant phantom this thing will spawn in rarely when regular old phantoms spawn in as well and you're not going to be able to miss it it is literally enormous and will from time to time spawn in its little minion phantoms as backup as well so keep your eyes nice and peeled because eventually you'll start to have to deal with a handful of these things all at once you're going to want to make sure you do it with a bow and arrow now this guy is going to be extraordinarily difficult to miss so it should not take too much as i keep missing it's not gonna take too much effort to take on one of these things but you're not gonna need to worry about the giant phantom you're gonna need to worry about all the backup that continues to try and attack you as this guy continues to spawn in all sorts of phantoms nearby like i'm getting walloped right now from behind and i nothing can be done about it can you get down here so i can like kill you guys maybe that would be super useful thank you get it get it okay i would kill him it gets pretty nasty there's like a billion phantoms that have all spawned in since this guy has spawned in as well so you'll really want to be very careful about that actually i could use that's it i'm gonna use my levitation orb and just go nuts on the sucker yo yo what up son i'm coming to you oh i died so on death the giant phantom will drop i mean nothing remarkable to be honest it just drops a whole bunch of phantom membranes which could be useful but the next boss the pillager engineers drop is way more useful if you ask me now the pillager engineer will occasionally spawn in rarely alongside other pillagers again here's a button to do it but notice something he's got a crossbow that fires extraordinary fast and you're going to want to grab this thing if you're lucky enough from his grasps which we happen to be so check this out the semi automatic crossbow look at the load time on this thing oh it's done literally the best we're just going nuts on it yes it is an instant auto fire we're gonna keep this thing real close well that's the last time i try and set my spawn with a bed in the end because that's where our next boss is our next rare boss mob is the rainbow shulker these guys will sometimes spawn in in the end cities check out what they look like rainbowy lovely and their shulker bullets also have rainbow effects on them as well this guy is awesome and every time you deal damage to him his health goes down other than that though it's pretty much the same type of shulker it's just got a lot more health on it in terms of levitation it's all the same these will rarely spawn in within the end cities as you are navigating throughout this dimension and oh my gosh i don't think i'm gonna make it if you're fortunate enough to kill one of these guys you'll be treated to a special drop a whole shulker box instead of getting shulker shells so you know that's pretty cool it's time for lightning round where we blaze through the rest of these boss mobs because the video's kind of getting long and we start with the elder elder guardian this is just a powerful version of the elder guardian and can spawn in randomly throughout your worlds this is what it looks like nasty guy ain't you so now oh that's beef so i'm gonna kill you as normal in fact i've also given myself strength too so you have an appropriate gauge of how much health these guys have if you happen to cross them in your worlds killing this guy will drop a whole mess of sponge for in fact you get a total of 12 sponge from that pretty good unlucky number 13 is the spooky squid which will only spawn in in oceans below y equals 30 which is very rare for ocean spawns but when it's near the player it will blind and cause weather effect to them which you can see from time to time as we operate nearby so check it out out of nowhere we're gonna get hit with the nasty ah blindness and ooh weather so scary now get back here oh he's literally running come on play these games with me okay i got a crossbow oh i don't work too well under yeah well this is what the creative mode was for yeah get him got him upon killing it you'll get a new type of totem the spooky totem which you can use to also blind and wither nearby mobs two more to go down into the depths of the nether again and i ain't falling for that one second to last is the wither skeleton warrior these guys will spawn in from time to time when you wear a skull of some sort a skeleton skull or wither skeleton skull but be careful because they are quite deadly being equipped with two iron swords they also happen to be extremely fast but you will have a much greater chance of getting eye of getting skulls when you kill it see he dropped one boom that's it got our last boss caleb it's the space cow of course it is drinking up to nine buckets of milk nearby a cow will cause the cow to be upset that you are copiously absorbing its bodily fluids and will cause for backup to appear nearby you ready in the form of yes a space cow the space cow is one we're gonna have to deal with together guys it will fire off laser beams at you which can deal massive amounts of damage so we're going to go ahead and you can die you is it going to kill me it's going to kill me nah plane created mode it's not going to happen this way i'm sorry space betsy now when you happen to kill a space cow you'll get something fantastic for your trouble i like that nice touch it's got slow falling on it too you'll get a special item known as the cattle rod which provides the same effect as drinking milk with a simple right click instead and has 100 uses so download this for your world it's available at 20 000 likes and if you want to see some different mob variants you can check out some of the videos listed in the description as well as that dad jokes videos telling you about it's pretty funny funny sorry
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,476,847
Rating: 4.9326072 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft boss, minecraft boss mobs, minecraft bosses, witch, ghast, bee, bees, silverfish, iron golem, golem, evoker, rabbit, ravager, slime, phantom, new mobs, mob varients, guardian, squid, skeleton, new boss in minecraft, cow, boss fight, download, free download, datapack, mod, minecraft mod, new mob, boss mob, boss in minecraft, caves and cliffs, new minecraft update, minecraft mobs, rare mobs, secret mobs, rare mobs in minecraft, new mob varients, rare drops, varients, 1.17
Id: 3lqU1t39XKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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