MATCHMAKING OSANA WITH HOTBOD TODD - Yandere Simulator Official Demo

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[Music] hey what up my scripts welcome back to another episode of yandere simulator you know i tell you about what happened in last episode the last elimination method we did but you know what someone could explain it a lot better than i could so in last episode osana makes senpai look at pineapple pizza dunks his holy bible that contains the rules for his christian minecraft server and makes him listen to the whap makes him bald and overall makes him wait to watch frozen three the unholy minecraft server takes over tm and rybrew yes it's spelled like that just watch lol so if that sounds good you might want to check out last episode because we did all of that it was crazy now i would say the majority of you guys asked me to do the matchmaking one so yeah you guys think that i'm an awful person you think that yeah because like we made senpai reject osana you think i don't care about her love life okay and i do and we're gonna prove it because we're gonna help her get with another boy just not our senpai you know because that's a no-no i'm not a bad person well don't pay attention to osana laying on the floor over there yeah see look at her she's always talking crap about senpai you don't even really like him let's just break this up right now we'll find you someone real good osana you don't need this man right brew is like i swear like if if there's not an ending now they need an ending where they should be together this girl follows her to the shower rooms you tell me there's no feelings there not even a little bit all right let's take a look what do we need to do for this scheme even though i'm pretty sure i do remember how to do this it's been but when we did it last time it was with coconut chin you know coco coca-cola this scheme will teach you how to set up your rival with another boy all right so the first thing we need to do is learn osana's likes and dislikes and what she's attracted to there are two methods you show up on osana's monday morning conversation or pay info chat using the services menu well okay in the first episode we pretty much i i knew that that was what we did we we followed her you get you get to follow her throughout the whole school and she'll say like this the clubs and stuff that she does like i think we'll just pay for info chance services because that's like so much more faster let's go to provide rivals likes and dislikes right now you got to be dumb as a sack of bricks if you don't know whose osana suitor is it's chris mckenzie over here this constantly when did i get these glasses this guy is clearly clearly in love with osana all right yeah i know your secret today's your lucky day you're uh qg he's seriously so creepy he always walks like close to where it turns around i think we completed step two identify osana suiter he sometimes follows her around school complete his task oh crap i forgot he had a task okay do you think i'm doing something weird yes i swear it's not what it looks like don't jump to conclusions i can explain whoops already did there's this girl sometimes we're in the same place at the same time we've never done this before sometimes i look in her general direction but i'm not stalking her or anything like that i'm honest the lie detector test determined that was a lie yes you are oh am i kidding no matter how you look at it i totally seem like a crazy self-aware please don't tell anyone about this i'm not a bad guy i'm just i'm just not good at talking to girls hey i feel that i feel that man you know i feel a little bit of sympathy for you okay kyouji has a crush on sonic but doesn't know how to talk to her use the drops menu to purchase an item that will help him wait really you think she and i would make a cute couple oh yeah you want oh yeah help me talk to her he's like he's gonna pull wow you're a godsend let me know when you're ready to put the plan into action all right i'm gonna go buy you a body pillow that's what he needs it's basically like that but just with osana no that'll actually just make him look more creepy info chan give me a headset pleasure now we need to remember what osana is into i think they talk about it right here on monday don't they tell me more about the boy you like there we go for him it's funny actually he's not my type at all i just really developed feelings for him over time i didn't even realize it was happening so what is your type then you mentioned that you like guys with tans but what else do you like to see in a guy i got eagle eyes okay well i think it's kind of hot when a guy has a ponytail i think boys and glasses are super cute oh i got you covered i just melt oh i got pierced you just can't see me don't get me wrong looks aren't everything for example i can't get along with someone if they're dumb as a rock okay really the most important thing is intelligence oh and he has to love cats if he's a dog person we're completely incompatible all right well uh dude um i just learned something new um you're gonna have to change basically everything about yourself for love okay what is he doing what is that okay all right that's it we're gonna have to go full mulan on this guy okay let's get down to business to get to get the huns the huns get it because like that's the clothes i come up with look it i'm not a writer all right we could replace it and say get the buns because that's kind of his goal too think about it you got it you got to stop that dude you can't you can't do it it's so obvious everyone knows everyone look at man you're not a bad looking dude you just gotta stop being a creep i'll teach you the ways let me get this straight you want me to put this thing into my ear so you can tell me what to say when i'm talking to her that's just crazy enough to work okay let's do it make friends with her and arrange a meeting oh and if you find out what kind of guy she's into please let me know oh i know basically anyone that's not a little b you like dogs you better start hating them now you love cats now don't you say it say it i love cats oh yeah you better get into cardi b that's osana didn't say it but i know that that's what she's really into oh and don't forget about that twilight fan fiction yeah that's right come to come with me come with me we go we go learn oh he has a love thing uh appearance oh we can change his appearance right now okay so let's do that so we need a ponytail with a piercing doesn't matter where it is apparently she didn't specify so it would be on your toe for all i care uh bandan i don't think so glasses i don't remember no oh my god no she didn't say tan or shades right she just said that's it it wasn't it just ponytail piercings and you need to like cats right no and then he needs to be smart this is what she's attracted to ah so i see i mean this is just a not a good long term plan if you really think about it this is like fake it till you make it but that doesn't work in relationships all right whatever this is it's not in the demo what is it going to be iridocyclitis hey now follow me follow me so we got to take him to the library i really hope the school library has a great fan fiction section because we're going to need it all right we're going to check out book is that it i don't think that's it we need to study right we go over here now right there we go there we go sorry i have somewhere to be no you don't dude do you even wonder do you even want her i gotta slap you across your face all right boost pseudo intelligence there we go like i still have my glasses i'm a girl on a mission over here yandere chan helps the boy study his intelligent stance increases he needs help okay so now we need to complete osana's task use the love menu to send her to the matchmaking area okay so i want to read a thing here a student who was popular and sociable until a few weeks ago when he suddenly became very withdrawn and distant he doesn't seem to be willing to discuss his feelings with anyone prefers to be alone with his thoughts all right so i think we need to we just need to make sure he's smart but how do we do that again oh no i think he did it because like it says books it says he loves the books we just have to repeat the steps daily until sonic confesses to the suitor okay the next day oh there he is look at him look at my dude over here he took a stop by a hot topic before he came to school okay i gotta be honest with you guys i was this close to getting a lip ring lippering like years ago my life would have been totally different see the ponytail was easy for him because all he had to do was just he had long hair ready so it really worked out for him so not too bad but now he's listening to that my chemical romance ooh it's time okay we gotta talk about love osana go court go to court someone wants to beat you by the east fountain okay i'll go there right now all right maggot okay now's the time now is the time cardi b okay get it got it good all right i'll head over there right away then god it has been years it has i feel like it's been years since we've done this at all do i still have to get a rose from the bush of course rybaroo would be there she truly is the third will oh no i guess we don't have to do the rose anymore oh just uh conveniently walking by don't mind me okay all right there we go there we go all right oh the dating game um hi did you want to talk to me about something show off wait crap i don't think she likes that does she didn't say manly no no no i don't remember okay give a gift ah god uh positive remark about cats yes oh my missing two things oh no a negative remark about she doesn't like oh god she doesn't like that cult club yeah yeah yeah compliment your friend is cute i can't think of one universe what universe would that be a good compliment those twin tails really suit you oh wow i get pretty self-conscious about my hair because it's so long and it gets caught in fans all right show off um wisdom right that's what we want to do oh she likes that she likes the big brains give a gift we don't have a gift i thought you can get a rose but i i don't know why i didn't see it i think i need to go steady again i had to reload the game so all right well that's all we can do today all right so what we can do now is go to the store and purchase all kinds of gifts oh wait do i have money oh no i probably don't we can get a cat hair clip oh my god i'm broke i don't have money a cat bracelet that would work get her a classical music cd oh she would hate that oh son i got you a bonsai tree all right since that's all i can afford let's get our cat bracelet all right it's gonna have to do ah no one cares listen senpai she's found herself a new man she don't need you plain looking oh look at me i'm senpai i like classical music i have taste senpai's white bread the other guy because i don't know his name he's like he's whole wheat okay i kind of like white bread so all right go to court oh no i forgot to make him study i should have did that first oh no wait what is happening why is he over there that was a problem okay you know we'll make this work negative remarks about dogs i brought you a gift yes oh that is kind of cute though that's kind of cute all right she hates science positive loves cooking and already did that loves music compliments two hours later there we go my boy hit the tanning salon is that a there's that's a thing right he got a spray tan real quick real quick he did that was the last thing i was missing okay i did everything okay it is finally friday it took me a while but i finally did it my boy's tan he's got everything going for him now i believe they should just confess right man you've changed imagine changing yourself this much my god he's like what i still stay true to myself here comes the bride [Music] now she's all blushing i don't i don't what is the game doing i can't i can't play it god look it i can't look at osana is there a reason run my boy although we train forward this is your moment go man do it oh here he goes he looks so ridiculous osana meets kyuji under the sakura tree osana confesses that she has developed feelings for him deep feelings for him yuji tells osana that he knows the same way about her osana and kyuji share a tender kiss as sakura blossoms fall around them oh rival eliminated all right it's no cutscene i mean it's kind of is but it is it [Music] oh that's adorable i now pronounce you man and wife or whatever this guy is now i don't know he's not even human anymore i take credit for this oyana no longer has to worry about competing with osana for senpai's love she considers confessing her love to senpai but she can't build the courage of course not [Music] osana doesn't like me because i'm not tan and i don't pierce my lips i don't know what i don't know what he's going to say sana parsified oh no cupcakes i'm sorry that's strange that i approached my childhood friend osana for a long time but i was afraid of ruining our friendship so i kept my feelings a secret now she has a boyfriend oh like a dagger i wish i had said something today's scope of the day goes to [Music] all right guys we gotta go okay i think we know what to do what if i'm your friend beat your mind i hate you also i don't like green burn merry christmas my cool thank you it's your time to die what can i do
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 323,199
Rating: 4.961184 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, yandere simulator, osana yandere simulator, osana release gameplay, Yandere simulator demo, osana is complete, bijuu mike osana, bijuu mike yandere simulator, yandere simulator osana is out, osana is here, osana najimi yandere simulator, yandere dev, yandere sim, yandere, sim, osana gameplay, osana, osana befriend betray, osanas cat, cat yandere simulator, yandere simulator update, senpai, senpai yandere simulator, osana matchmaking, osana matchmaking demo
Id: b9SRQnlDgpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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